Father and son start Gold Rush

abdomen - the part of your body between your chest and legs

backer - someone who supports a plan by providing money

boarder - a student who is studying at a boarding school

cautiously - carefully

chamber music - music written for a small group of instruments

conducting - leading the orchestra

course - one of the secret part of a meal

enticing - interesting or attractive

flexibility - the ability to bend

intense - very serious involving a lot of effort

jolly - very pleasant and enjoyable

muscle tear - damage to a muscle or ligaments

outstanding - extremely good, great

posture - the way you position your body when sitting or standing

practicable - possible in a particular situation

prospector - someone who looks for gold, minerals or oil

provision for - when you provide sth that someone needs now or in the future

reservation - feeling of doubt

ridge - a long area of high land especially in the mountains

rounded - having a wide range of qualities

sagging - hanging or bending down

sample - a small amount of sth to be examined

shaft - a passage going down into the ground

sound - sensible and likely to produce the right results

superb - extremely good, excellent

sympathetic - providing the right conditions to someone

thigh - the top part of your legs between knees and hips

to accompany - to come with

to alter - to change

to be instrumental in (doing) sth - to be important in making sth happen

to clarify - to make sth clearer, easy to understand

to fade away - to gradually disappear

to groan - to make a long, deep sound because you are in pain

to hack (away) - to cut sth roughly or violently

to relieve - to reduce someone's pain or unpleasant feelings

to slouch - to stand or walk with your shoulders bent forwards

undergrowth - bushes and plants that grow around or under trees

vein - a thin layer of a valuable metal or mineral which is contained in rock


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