eim1 13 worksheet

Unit 13 Grammar Practice
1 Right 3) or wrong 7)? Correct the 3 Make sentences. Use a word/phrase from
& &
sentences where must or mustn't are wrong. each column.
1 I don't know anything! I mustn't study for
my exams next week.
give up all our bad
2 In England you must drive on the left.
1 I
3 The doctor said I mustn't take the medicine
take Mike's little
2 Susan
to get better.
sister to the party.
3 It
4 It's a very important date. We mustn't be cook dinner for
4 They
Rebecca's family.
5 We is going to
clean his computer.
5 He has got a broken arm. He must play
6 You
write in my diary
7 Mike are going to
every day.
6 He mustn't go to university to be a vet.
visit your
7 You mustn't walk home on your own at John 'm going to
night. It is very dangerous.
8 Paul
every Sunday.
9 Sarah
8 You mustn't do your homework or the
take their dog for
teacher will be angry. and
a walk every
9 We must eat and drink to survive.
tidy her bedroom
2 Complete the sentences. Use be going to
every week.
with the verbs.
am going to drive
1 I ................................ drive) to France this
1 I'm going to write in my diary every day.
2 Pietro and David ................................
2 ...................................................................
wash) the car tomorrow.
3 ...................................................................
3 Jacinta ................................ give up)
4 ...................................................................
smoking in January.
5 ...................................................................
4 Susanna and Paulo ................................
take up) judo next year.
6 ...................................................................
5 When I'm ®fty, I ................................ a
7 ...................................................................
book. write)
8 ...................................................................
6 Simon ................................ throw away) all
9 ...................................................................
the rubbish on his desk.
7 I ................................ telephone) my
grandmother tomorrow.
8 ................................ you
................................ study) more English
next year?
9 When I'm older, I ................................
play) football for Liverpool Football club!
PHOTOCOPIABLE Cambridge University Press 2004 Level 1 Unit 13


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