Romeo & Juliet


Uproszczona wersja dramatu dla celów małego teatrzyku szkolnego

Jest to swobodna fantazja na temat dramatu Szekspira, w której hisoria miłosna kończy się happy-endem, a uśmierceni kochankowie budzą się na dźwięk słowa: gold. Całość trwa około pół godziny i nadaje się na popis uczniów przed rodzicami czy na zakończenie roku szkolnego. Sukces artystyczny murowany, ale inscenizacja wymaga kilku strojów z epoki, które mogą być trudne do zdobycia. Mają one jednak kapitalne znaczenie i znakomicie wzmacniają efekt. My jako szpad użyliśmy długich wskaźników do map. Zarówno aktorzy, jak i widzowie mieli dobrą zabawę, nieuknione potknięcia przeszły niezauważone. Miłej zabawy!


Friar Laurence
Mr & Mrs Capulet
Mr & Mrs Montague
Młoda dama




Rynek. Kupowanie, sprzedawanie. Nagle wrzask, czterech się bije.

Głosy: Down with the Capulets! Down with the Montagues!

BENVOLIO: Part, fools, put up your swords!
TYBALT: Turn here, Benvolio, look upon your death!
A CITIZEN: A plague on both your houses!

Wchodzą Capulet z żoną z jednej strony i Montague z żoną z drugiej.

CAPULET: Give me my long sword, ho!
LADY CAPULET: A crutch, a crutch! Why are you calling for a sword?
CAPULET: My sword, I say! Old Montague is coming!
MONTAGUE: You villain Capulet!

Lady Montague drags him back.
MONTAGUE: Don't hold me! Let me go!
LADY MONTAGUE: You old fool, won't you ever grow wise?
A CITIZEN: Give way! The prince is coming!

Wchodzi Prince.

PRINCE: Enemies to peace--will they not hear? What , ho, you men, you beasts! Throw your weapon to the ground! And hear the sentence of your prince. You have trice disturbed the quiet of our streets. If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
You, Capulet, shall go along with me, and Montague, you will come this afternoon, to know our farther pleasure in this case.

Odwraca się i wychodzi, za nim Capulets. Montagues sprzątają z Benvolio.

LADY MONTAGUE: Oh, where is Romeo? Have you seen him?
BENVOLIO: Madam, underneath the grove of sycamore did I see your son.He was crying. Do you know why?
LADY MONTAGUE: No, he won't tell me.
BENVOLIO: Here he comes! Leave me alone with him, please.

Romeo wchodzi.

BENVOLIO: Good morrow, cousin.
ROMEO: What, is it morning?
BENVOLIO: Just struck nine.
ROMEO: Oh, sad hours seem long.
BENVOLIO: Why are you so sad?

Romeo pokazuje napis: Rosalyne, z sercem i strzałą.

BENVOLIO: In love?
ROMEO: Out. Out of her favour.
BENVOLIO: Forget her!
ROMEO: How should I forget?

Młoda dama paraduje przed ich nosem.

BENVOLIO: Examine other beauties!

Wychodzą za damą, ale wpada Servant czytając pismo i obracając je na wszystkie strony.

SERVANT: I pray sir, can you read?
do Romea na stronie: It's Capulet's servant.
ROMEO: Yes, fellow, I can read.
Czyta: Signor Valentino and his wife and daughters; County Anselm and his beatiful sisters; the lady widow of Utruvio; Signor Placentio and his lovely nieces; my uncle Capulet, his wife and daughters; my fair niece Rosalyne...and Livia. A fair assembly. Where should they come?
SERVANT: My master is the great rich Capulet. If you are not a Montague, come and crush a cup of wine. Rest you merry, gentlemen.
ROMEO: A party at Capulet's! And Rosalyne will be there!

Koniec aktu 1.


Bal. Goście w maskach, przebrani. Benvolio i Romeo zakładają maski i wchodzą.

CAPULET: Welcome, gentlemen and ladies! Come, musicians, play! A hall, a hall, give room! And foot it, girls!
ROMEO: Who is this young lady without a mask?
BENVOLIO: I don't know.

Romeo daje kwiat Juliet.

NURSE: Madam, your mother wants a word with you.

Juliet wychodzi.

ROMEO: Who is her mother?
NURSE: Marry, bachelor, her mother is the lady of the house.
ROMEO: Is she a Capulet? Oh dear. My life is in my enemy's hands!

Romeo wychodzi. Juliet wraca.

JULIET: Come here, Nurse. Who is the one who is just going out of the door?
NURSE: I don't know. I will ask his name if you want.
Odchodzi i wraca.
NURSE: His name is Romeo, and a Montague, the only son of your great enemy.

Juliet rozpacza. Na balkonie.

JULIET: Oh Romeo, where are you? Deny your name and your family. I hate the name and I love you. The name is no part of you. I will call you love--take all myself.
ROMEO: I take you at your word! Nothing can stop me. Love has light wings.
JULIET: If they do see you, they will murder you.
ROMEO: My love is my weapon against hatred. You are more dangerous than their swords. When I look at you, I'm safe. Lady, by the moon I vow....
JULIET: Oh, don't swear by the moon, the changeable moon....
ROMEO: What shall I swear by?
JULIET: Don't swear at all. I love you. I have to go! Sweet, good night.
NURSE's voice: Madam!
ROMEO: Oh, will you leave me so unsatisfied?
JULIET: What satisfaction can you have tonight? I can hear some noise in the house. Dear love, bye.
ROMEO: Is this just a dream or is she for real?
JULIET: Three words, Romeo, and good night indeed. If you love me and want to marry me, send me your word tomorrow by my nurse.
ROMEO: How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night!
JULIET: What o'clock tomorrow shall I send to you?
ROMEO: By the hour of nine.
NURSE's voice: Madam!
JULIET: Coming, my good nurse! Good night, my love. Parting is such a sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Kurtyna. Koniec Aktu 2.


Morning. A busy street. Benvolio szuka Romeo, wołając jego imię: Romeo!

BENVOLIO: Where the devil should this Romeo be? Didn't he come home tonight? Oh here he comes.

Romeo wchodzi, rozmarzony.

ROMEO: Good morrow, my friend. Is it nine yet? If so, you will be the witness to my joy.

Ukazuje się NURSE.

ROMEO: Here is goodly gear! A sail, a sail!

Romeo i Benvolio obkręcają ją.

BENVOLIO: Two, two! A shirt and a smock!
NURSE: Out upon you! Gentlemen, can any of you tell me where I can find the young Romeo? If you be him, sir, I desire some confidence with you.
BENVOLIO: She will invite him to some supper.

Romeo odprawia go.

BENVOLIO: Farewell, ancient lady, farewell.
NURSE: Pray you, sir, a word--my young lady made me tell you........ But first let me tell you, sir, if you should lead her to a fool's paradise, as they say, beware! For the gentlewoman is young.
ROMEO: Nurse, commend me to your lady. Arrange for her to come to shrift this afternoon, to Friar's Laurence's cell. She will be shrived and married.
NURSE: Now God in heaven bless you. This afternoon, sir? Well. she shall be there.

Wychodzą. Juliet wchodzi, niecierpliwie czeka.

JULIET: The clock struck nine when I sent the nurse; she promised to return in half an hour. Old folks! They move as they were dead. I'm dying of impatience! Oh God, she comes! Oh honey nurse, what news? Have you met with him?
NURSE: Jesu, what haste. Can't you stay awhile? Don't you see I'm out of breath?
JULIET: You're not out of breath if you can say you're out of breath! Come on, is the news good or bad?
NURSE: Oh Lord, how my head aches.........
JULIET: What does he say of our marriage?
NURSE: Oh God's lady dear, are you so hot?
JULIET: Come, what does he say?
NURSE: Have you got the permission to go to shrift today?
JULIET: Yes, I have.
NURSE: Then go to Friar's Laurence's cell. There stays a husband to make you a wife.

Obejmują się. Wychodzą.


Cela pustelnika. Romeo i Juliet klęczą. Friar Laurence udziela ślubu.

FRIAR: And now I pronounce you husband and wife. Remember, son, these violent delights have violent ends. Be careful, Romeo.
ROMEO: I will.

Romeo i Juliet idą wolno. Wchodzi Tybalt. Juliet ucieka.

TYBALT: Here comes my man. Boy, turn and draw.
ROMEO: I do protest. I never injured you. I don't want to fight with you. Go your own way, man.

Wbiega Benvolio.

BENVOLIO: I am here for you, Romeo! Your friend won't let your enemy hurt you! Defend yourself, Tybalt!
TYBALT: I am for you!

Tybalt i Benvolio walczą.

ROMEO: Gentlemen, for shame! Hold, Tybalt! Good Benvolio!

Tybalt zabija Benvolia.

BENVOLIO: I am hurt. A plague on both your houses. They have made worm's meat of me....

Benvolio dies. Romeo patrzy na niego, bierze jego miecz i zabija Tybalta.

ROMEO: What have I done? I am lost. I have to go away. The Prince will doom me to death. Oh Juliet, what will become of you?
Ucieka. Zabierają Tybalta i Benvolio.

Wchodzi giermek księcia. Czyta.

GIERMEK: Since our citizen Romeo Montague has killed our subject Tybalt --I pronounce him banished forever from my kingdom. He will not be allowed to come back to Verona and every man who will give him a hand will be banished forever, too. This is the Prince's will.

Wychodzi. Wchodzą Juliet and Romeo.

JULIET: Will you be gone? It's not yet a day, it was the nightingale and not the lark.
ROMEO: It was the lark, the herald of the morning. Look, love, I must be gone and live, or stay and die.
JULIET: Do you think we shall ever meet again?
ROMEO: Yes, for sure. Farewell, Juliet.

Romeo znika. Wchodzą Lady Capulet i Nurse.

LADY CAPULET: Why, how now, Juliet?
JULIET: Madam, I am not well.
LADY CAPULET: Still crying over your cousin's death? We want you to be happy, my child, your father has something important to tell you.

Wchodzi Capulet.

CAPULET: Marry, my child, early next Thursday the gallant, young and noble gentleman, the County Paris, at Saint Peter's church, will happily make you a joyful bride!
JULIET: What? You want me to marry? Never! I will rather die.
CAPULET: How? Does she not give us thanks? So I am swearing by my bones that you WILL marry him. Next Thursday, I said!

Wychodzi, za nim Lady Capulet.

JULIET: O, Nurse, comfort me, counsel me!
NURSE: I think the best thing you can do is to marry the County Paris. He is so handsome! He is better than Romeo! In fact , Romeo is a dishcloth to him.
JULIET: Well, how could you? You have comforted me nicely! Go and tell my mother I'm gone to Friar's Laurence's cell to make confession and be absolved.

Nurse wychodzi.

JULIET: If all else fails, I will myself have power to die. Marry the County! I am married already!


Friar Laurence, Juliet.

JULIET: They want me to marry the old County Paris. Help me, father!

FRIAR LAURENCE: Hold, daughter. I can see a kind of hope. Go home, be merry, give consent to marry Paris. Drink off this liquor. It will make you sleep as you were dead. When they come to take you away, you will be sleeping deeply. But after a while you will wake up and come to Romeo's arms.
Friar wychodzi.

JULIET: Sleeping liquor! That's a good idea!

Wypija i zasypia.Wchodzi Romeo.

ROMEO: They told Juliet was dead. I defy you, stars! I don't want to live without her! I will lie dead with her tonight. Here I have some poison. Oh, Juliet, you are dead, but you are still beautiful! Here's to my love!
Wypija i umiera.

Juliet budzi się.

JULIET: Where am I? Where is my lord? I remember I drank the sleeping liquor. Now I'm awake. But where is Romeo? (Widzi Romeo) What is here? Poison, I think, has ended his young life.(Podnosi butelkę) Drank all and left no drop to help me after? They are coming! I will be brief.

Przebija się mieczem Romea.

Wchodzą Prince, Capulets, Montagues i reszta.

PRINCE: Look what you have done! Hate killed your joys, old fools!
CAPULET: O brother Montague, give me your hand. Juliet would like me to make up.
MONTAGUE: O Verona, forgive me my foolish behaviour. I will raise her a statue in pure gold.
JULIET: Gold? Can you hear, Romeo? Gold!
ROMEO: OK, Juliet, let's stop fooling around. I hope they got their lesson.
ALL: They are alive?!

Klaszczą im.
Kłaniają się


Opracowanie: Hanna Lipka



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