practise about chinnese and english

Fashion Up! 时尚流行词

1. Muffin Top 松饼皮

Meaning: when a woman wears a pair of tight jeans that makes her flab[松弛的肌肉] spill out over the waistband[腰带]. This looks like the top of a muffin where the muffin meets the edge of the paper case.

     现代女性爱穿性感露腰装,如果露出小蛮腰还不错,可是腰间露出赘肉便挺尴尬的。由于muffin(松饼)的边缘与胖人腰部的一圈肚腩肉很形似,因而造就了muffin top(松饼皮)这个生动形象的口语词,用来形容肥胖的人穿着紧身裤或短裙所挤出来的腹部赘肉。

►Britney Spears is trying to look sexy with her muffin top pouring out of her skimpy[不足的] lingerie[女性贴身内衣].


2. Celebutante 公主帮

Meaning: a person of high society and wealth who is famous just for the fact of being rich and fabulous.

     全球最著名的celebutante(公主帮)代表非好莱坞的派对女王、希尔顿集团的女继承人Paris Hilton(帕里斯·希尔顿)莫属。这个词由celebrity(名人)debutante(社交活动)构成,意指那些每天打扮得漂漂亮亮的,出入各种社交场合并频频出现在媒体镜头之前的富家女。

►Paris Hilton is the world's most overexposed celebutante.


3. Size Zero 零号
Meaning: it is a concept within the fashion media relating to models with slender figures. The media have labeled the term with many celebrities, referring to any woman no matter what her size as long as she is skinny.

     在以瘦和骨感为时尚的今天,苗条而纤细的时装模特和明星是公众羡慕的对象。于是,size zero(零号)应运而生。这个词本意指尺码最小的服装,用以形容极瘦小的人。因为只有她们才能穿下size zero(零号)服装,size zero(零号)成为瘦模特们的专利。

►The fashion industry's obsession with size zero could be driving an even bigger increase in eating disorders among models than previously thought.


4. WAGs 太太女友团

Meaning: a collective acronym[首字母缩略词] used particularly by the British tabloid[小报] press to describe the Wives And Girlfriends of the England national football team.

     英语中的“WAGs”是英格兰国家足球员的“太太女友团”(wives and girlfriends)的首字母缩写。由于足球员爱出风头,陪他们到各地参加比赛的妻子和女友也成为媒体追逐的焦点。这群被人宠坏的WAGs(太太女友团)衣着时尚,消费奢侈。全世界的球迷不但领略到WAGs(太太女友团)所引领的时尚潮流,还见识了她们的坏脾气。

►Victoria Beckham and the rest of the WAGs probably had to hold their breath when Raica Oliveira recently strutted[昂首阔步] along the catwalk in football bikinis. Oliveira is the girlfriend of Brazil superstar Ronaldo.



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