Jest formą której używa się do wyrażania zwyczajów, nawyków lub stanów z przeszłości, wyraża czynność kiedyś często wykonywaną, która nie jest obecnie wykonywana. Dosłownie znaczy ona "zwykłem, zwykł, zwykła, etc."

Poprzez użycie formy "used to" słuchacz zakłada, że nawyk, o którym mówimy już nie istnieje.

Zaprzeczeniem "used to" jest "didn't use to" lub "didn't used to"

(Obie formy są poprawne).

I didn't use to read a lot when I was your age, but now I'm like a bookworm spending most of my time in the library.(Nie czytałem dużo kiedy byłem w Twoim wieku, ale teraz jestem jak mol książkowy spędzając większość czasu w bibliotece.)


Podmiot (subject) + used to + czasownik w bezokoliczniku bez to (infinitive without to) + reszta zdania


"Used" jest także przymiotnikiem oznaczającym "przyzwyczajony, przyzwyczajona, etc". Być przyzwyczajonym do czegoś to "be used to something". Przymiotnik ten wymaga przyimka "to" po którym używa się czasownika z końcówką "-ing”.


Podmiot (subject) + be used to + rzeczownik/czasownik + reszta zdania

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of be used to

  1. She … ………………………...playing tennis. She has played it since she was a child.

  2. My parents ……………………. computers. They completely don't know what to do when they sit in front of one.

  3. When I lived in Spain I ………………………... heat at first. It was very tiring for me.

  4. The government …………………………….. hearing the voice of the women who used to sit quietly in the past.

  5. My mother …………………………….… sitting with small children. She brought up five of her own.

  6. The problem with my American friend is that he …………………………….… Polish culture and he makes gaffes all the time.

  7. What made me mad about my last stay in Brazil was that I ……………….… Brazilian active life. I didn't have a good sleep at least once.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of used to .

  1. When I was a child I ………………………….… drink a lot of milk, but now I hate it.

  2. When (you)………………………………………………….… attend a dancing class?

  3.  When my brother was studying he …………………………...  come home very often; we …………………………………….… see him once or twice a year.

  4. In my previous job I ………………………………… do all the hard work but now I'm a manager and it's me who give commands.

  5. When my daughter was a newborn, she ……………………………………. cry a lot. People say that she is still very calm child.

  6. When I came to England for the first time, I ……………………………..… drive right side although everyone told me it had been wrong.

  7. When my brother was a child he ………………………………………….… eat a lot of junk food but now he is a vegetarian and he leads a healthy life.

1)   Wskaz poprawne zdanie?

0x01 graphic
 a)   She is used to work
0x01 graphic
 b)   She used to working
0x01 graphic
 c)   She was used to work
0x01 graphic
 d)   She is used to working

2)   Zdanie: "Tomek przyzwyczaił sie do wstawania o 7"?

0x01 graphic
 a)   Tom got used to getting up at 7
0x01 graphic
 b)   Tom was used to getting up at 7
0x01 graphic
 c)   Tom got used to get up at 7
0x01 graphic
 d)   Tom used to get up at 7

3)   Które zdanie jest bledne?

0x01 graphic
 a)   She used to play tennis...
0x01 graphic
 b)   She is used to playing tennis...
0x01 graphic
 c)   She used to playing tennis...
0x01 graphic
 d)   She was used to playing tennis...
4)   Kate quickly got used to ... her boss?

0x01 graphic
 a)   being obeyed
0x01 graphic
 b)   obeys
0x01 graphic
 c)   obeying
0x01 graphic
 d)   be obeyedexpl


5)   'Do you like your new boss?' 'Yes, but I'm not used to ... what to do.'?

0x01 graphic
 a)   being told
0x01 graphic
 b)   be told
0x01 graphic
 c)   telling
0x01 graphic
 d)   tell

6)   When I was young I .... long hair?

0x01 graphic
 a)   used to having
0x01 graphic
 b)   used to have
0x01 graphic
 c)   was used to have
0x01 graphic
 d)   used have

7)   This building .... a cinema, now I don't even know what it is?

0x01 graphic
 a)   used to be
0x01 graphic
 b)   use to be
0x01 graphic
 c)   is used to being
0x01 graphic
 d)   was used to be


8)   Did you ... as a child?

0x01 graphic
 a)   use to playing basketball
0x01 graphic
 b)   used play basketball
0x01 graphic
 c)   used to playing basketball
0x01 graphic
 d)   use to play basketball

9)   I have started drinking beer recently. I never ... it before.?

0x01 graphic
 a)   use drinking
0x01 graphic
 b)   used to drinking
0x01 graphic
 c)   was used to drinking
0x01 graphic
 d)   used to drink

10)   Tom lives alone and doesn't mind this because he has lived alone for 5 years. He ...?

0x01 graphic
 a)   is used to it
0x01 graphic
 b)   used to it
0x01 graphic
 c)   use to it
0x01 graphic
 d)   used it


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