Pride and Justice

Pride and Justice ~ Section I

By Charlie

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Section I, Next Section

Chapter One

Posted on Sunday, 11 April 2004

A flash of a rich, red swaggered robe and the entire room stands to attention. Judge William Darcy stands stock still as the room bows to the ancient coat of arms on the wall behind his head. It is as it always happens. Nothing is new, nothing has changed. It is part of a daily routine, a daily routine of daily importance, for Judge Darcy is a creature of habit, and so long as everything fits a certain pattern then to him, the world is as it should be. Monday nights are when he has drinks in the bar with his fellow high court judges, members of lower judicial benches, selected court officials and even one or two up and coming barristers - William, like his father before him, but to a much lesser extent, upholds the tradition of the old boys club. Wednesday evenings he indulges in a Chinese takeaway for one to be eaten in the lounge, but always served on fine bone china. Finally, on Fridays he meets his best friend Bingley down at their local for a pint or two. So it is, and so it has been for as long as he or anyone else who knows him can remember.

Today, however, is a special day, a Friday which is not to end with a friend, a pub and a pint, but rather instead a journey to that friend's new home, to make the acquaintance of his new fiancée. It is also the beginning of the first holiday William Darcy has taken from work in the past five years.

But, the working day is not yet over, and our Judge still sits in his seat, presiding over a case whilst our thoughts have strayed shamelessly, not to worry though, his thoughts aren't on the present either. He's wondering what time he can feasibly adjourn this pretty much textbook case, so that he can leave earlier and miss the rush hour on the motorway. He's also thinking of the long distance he has to travel before he reaches Charles' and his distaste of driving in the dark.

Suddenly shameful, the realization of where he is hits William forcefully, and he shakes his head almost imperceptibly to rid himself of those unforgivable thoughts. Berating himself silently, he reminds himself of the responsibility which has been bestowed upon him, and how it is his duty to carry out all the entailed tasks to the best of his ability and with the utmost care and attention to detail. After all a heavy weight is upon his shoulders - to dole out and uphold justice to these fair British Isles, with their historically legendary and respected legal systems.

Pretentious and serious thoughts for one who has just turned thirty-five, and who only allowed his thoughts to drift for a moment, but as you can see, William Darcy takes his prestigious appointment (and at that aforementioned 35 he is one of the youngest people ever to have been elected to the judicial bench) very seriously. So, whilst he cannot forgive himself, we can forgive him, for we can see what he cannot - that William is only human.

Meanwhile, in an office not too far away, in actual fact, in the same building, sits a young and successful barrister. Her desk light is on, in a vain attempt to combat the grey winter-y twilight that is setting in earlier and earlier as autumn draws to a close, so that even now, at barely five in the evening, it is nearly dark. Her soft curls, a mixture of auburn and chestnut are twisted and held up haphazardly by a pencil, whilst her shoes lie upturned under her desk, exactly where she kicked them off. Her pen travels quickly across her page, as she tries in vain to lessen the huge pile of paperwork in her in-tray. Elizabeth Bennet, for that is this woman's name, has often marveled at the deterioration of her handwriting in recent years, for in her constant haste, previously well and elegantly formed letters have turned into illegible scrawls, and now she can only pity those clerks and underlings whose job it was to make sense of her squiggles. Tonight she is a particular hurry to finish - she is spending a long weekend with her sister Jane and her fiancé in their new home, Netherfield.

Besides the fact that this woman is called Elizabeth Bennet and has a sister called Jane, what else is there to know? Well in true legal style, here follows the low-down on Miss Bennet:

At twenty eight years of age, Elizabeth is not only fully-trained, but has recently been made a silk, and therefore is the proud owner of a QC after her name, and is one of the most sought after barristers in her field. She's petite, with a slender, but curvy figure which the tailored suits she wears daily suit to a tee. For the past five years she has shared a top-floor apartment with her elder sister Jane in the high-rent section of town. Aside from Jane, she has three younger sisters, making her one of five. Her father, Thomas, is a retired law professor, and her mother continues to make gossip trading look like a day-to-day profession. Finally, Elizabeth's favourite ice cream flavour is raspberry ripple, and her eyes are a rather vibrant and unusual shade of green.

By now, William has judged it an appropriate time to adjourn, and Elizabeth's packing all of the necessary papers up into the brown soft leather briefcase she has used since her father bought it for her before she went away to university.

As Elizabeth attempted to pull her Saab 93 metallic grey convertible out of her customary parking space, a huge and in her opinion ostentatious black Mercedes cut her off, and caused her to brake hard. After muttering obscenities under her breath, she made a second, successful attempt and was on her way to Netherfield. It wasn't until about forty five minutes after she had left work that Elizabeth realized she and the Mercedes driver continued to take the same turnings. It amused and diverted her on the relatively boring drive, and she wondering how long it would last until she took her eyes off the road to change the CD in the player, and when she looked up, a queue of traffic was between her and the mystery driver, and their car was no longer in her sight.

Elsewhere, in the black Mercedes, William Darcy is using his hands free kit to make a phone call to his much younger sister, Georgiana, who, at only just eighteen is in her final year of a private girls' sixth form college.

“Hey Georgie, how's Richard treating you?” William asked, a rare smile audible in his voice.

“I'm fine Will, and you. Oh, Richard told me to say that he heard that and he's very hurt at your lack of trust.”

William laughed at their cousin's antics. Despite being thirty seven, it was William's firm opinion that Richard Fitzwilliam had never outgrown his teenage years, thus making him the ideal companion for Georgiana on the adventure week she had been dying to go on this October half-term.

“So what've you been doing?” William asked cautiously, expecting a bombardment of information he was to receive.

A deep intake of breath, and Georgiana began; “Well, we had this really boring induction talk thing, but according to Richard it was necessary for health and safety,” she said putting on a rather sarcastic voice, and Richard was heard to be objecting vaguely in the back that he had been `spending too much time with William evidently.'

“…but then we all went abseiling, and Richard got his foot stuck and nearly fell, and well,” she sputtered, barely able to articulate the words for laughter, “aaahhh, he's trying to hit me, but anyway, he nearly - he nearly - fell off the cliff! It was brilliant Will; I wish you'd been there! We went gorge walking as well, and the water was freezing! But now it's raining, so I don't think we're going to be able to go rock climbing tomorrow.”

Finally, William was able to speak; “Well, I hope it clears up for you. It seems as though you and Rich are having great time anyway, tell him I'm glad he's making an arse out of himself rather than me for once. Take care of yourself, and, of course, him. Love you George, I'll see you when I get back.”

“Oh, yeah! You're taking the week off too aren't you, to go see Charles?! Say hi to him for me. Take some time to yourself Will, you deserve it, relax. I love you too. Bye, Richard says so too.” Georgiana gushed.

“See you, sweet pea.”

When Elizabeth finally pulled into the long, winding and wooded driveway that led up to Jane and Charles' house she was exhausted, the drive had completely taken it out of her and now, in true Friday night, beginning of the weekend style, all she wanted was a cup of hot tea and a sit down. When she finally reached the house, she parked next to what she assumed was Charles' car, it was only after she got her overnight bag out of her boot that she realized that it was the black Mercedes that she had followed half of the way there. Ordinarily she would have been highly bemused, but now she was just confused - Janey and Charlie hadn't said anything about someone else being there.

Confusion aside, she knocked on the door, and waited for it to be answered. When it eventually opened though, only Jane was there to greet her.

After hugging her sister tightly, Elizabeth came through the porch and dumped her back by the coat stand. “Janey, it's so good to see you! I've missed you so much! Where's Charles? Couldn't he be bothered to come and greet his future lil sister?” Elizabeth pouted cheekily.

“Oh, Lizzy! You're terrible, but I've missed you too, so much! But Charles is busy in his study. His friend William's come up to stay with us for the week and so they're just catching up.”

“I didn't know anything about you having someone else staying Jane, if you'd have told me, I would've postponed. I don't want to be too much trouble,” Elizabeth felt a little guilty.

“Oh don't be silly Lizzy! Have you seen the size of this place? It's huge! I love it though, don't you,” Jane said with a huge grin.

“I almost forgot it was new. It has a nice homely feel to it doesn't it? The front's absolutely gorgeous and the driveway -”

“I knew you'd love that bit,” Jane interrupted. “Wait until it's light and you'll be able to see the gardens, they're lovely but a little messed up at the moment. Oh, and the woods. I just know you'll want to lose yourself in those as soon as you see them.”

“You know me so well!” Elizabeth laughed.

“So well that I have a pot of tea ready and waiting for you in the kitchen,” Jane smiled smugly.

“Oh Jane, have I told you recently how much I love you?”

As the women reconvened to the warm kitchen, Darcy and Charles sat drinking something a lot stronger than tea.

“Go on, Darce, what do think of my Jane?” Charles asked cautiously. Darcy was his oldest friend, and his good opinion meant a lot to him.

“She seems nice, friendly, a little quiet I suppose, but then I was expecting someone as exuberant as you,” William quipped.

“She's is most sweet tempered person you could ever hope to meet. She's my angel. Jane's just a little shy, my perfect match, she helps tone down my so-called exuberance,” Charles ended sarcastically.

“You are absolutely sickening, you know that Bingley?” William commented.

“You're just jealous Will, and you know it!” Charles countered.

“Jealous? I think not,” Will frowned. “Not that she isn't lovely of course -”

“Oh, Darce, it's alright, I know you weren't slighting my Jane. What I meant was that you're jealous that I'm in love, and you haven't been on one single date for the past - HOW long has it been? Over a year at least.” Charles sunk back into his chair, and took a sip of his drink contentedly.

“I don't know where you get these insane ideas. I am nothing but happy for you, and have no desire whatsoever to date anyone at this present moment in time.”

“Really?” Charles jumped forward to ask.

There was a hint of something in the way this question was asked that made Darcy a little suspicious - disappointment perhaps?

“Why do you ask?” William responded with lowered eyebrows.

“No reason, no reason at all.” Bingley did his best to look nonchalant. The truth was he had had this slight inkling that maybe Jane's sister Elizabeth, who he'd known for quite sometime, and his friend would be well suited. Both were extremely work-orientated and not seeing anyone at the moment as far as he was aware, to say the least of what he saw as endless compatible traits.

“I don't believe you. How long have we known each other Bingley? Long enough for me to know that your ears go red when you're lying.”

Charles hands flew up to his ears, which were indeed pinker than normal, and thus confirming Darcy's suspicions.

“Oh, very well, you win,” Charles surrendered. “I had an idea that perhaps you might - be well, suited, to a woman I know. But that's all,” he added hurriedly, seeing his friend's frustration.

“Charles, I don't know how many times I'm going have to tell you, but I'm just not interested in being part of your matchmaking escapades.”

The dubious look in Charles' eyes seemed a little to close to pity for William's liking. Yes he had overwhelming feelings of loneliness at times, especially since his father had died, and Georgie had chosen to go away for college, but surely everyone felt like that at times. Plus, he felt obligated to put all of his time and effort into his work, surely a serious relationship would prove be a distraction, and the thought of casual ones offended his sense of morality. No, he didn't want anyone feeling sorry for him, especially when he didn't feel the same thing for himself.

“Really Charles, leave it. I'm satisfied with my life as it is, and content with the people who are in it.” William made sure that his tone asserted that there was absolutely no room for discussion.

Charles by no means missed the heavy handed hint. “Very well, Will. I understand and I promise not to interfere - any more that is. I'd just thought that you and Elizabeth would have been a good match. You both work in the same field for starters.” When he'd finished speaking Charles stood to refill his, by now, empty glass, waiting for the inevitable question, that he knew William's curiosity would make him ask.

“Elizabeth?” William said thoughtfully. “You've spoken about her before. Isn't she - Charles!” William's voice rose, “Isn't she Jane's sister?”

Charles just nodded, waiting for the penny to drop. He knew it would without any assistance from him. After all, his friend was a very intelligent man.

“Charles,” William's voice was by now quite dangerously low, “Elizabeth's the sister you mentioned would be staying here the same as I was, isn't she?”

“She might be, yes,” Charles teased.

“And I heard Jane answer the door a minute ago, which means, I take it, that is, in fact, staying this weekend?”

“Well, what a charming coincidence,” was Charles sarcastic reply, as well as a very smug grin.

“You better not have mentioned this to her Charles,” William growled.

“To Elizabeth? No! I haven't even mentioned it to Jane actually, it was an entertaining inkling I kept to myself.”

“Good, because……”

“Do you think Charles and, erm - William was it? - would like a cup of tea as well while we're making one?” Elizabeth asked considerately.

Jane nodded slowly. “You never know, they might. Although I did see Charles breaking out a new bottle of brandy this morning in preparation - you sit here, I'll go check!” She finished brightly.

Elizabeth stood in order to stop her sister. “No, it's alright Janey. I think I'd like the chance to explore this mansion of yours a little more, oh, and of course, to greet your darling fiancé!”

Jane smiled. “The study the second door on you left as soon as you leave the kitchen.”

“I'm sure I'll find it,” Lizzy reassured. “There's bound to lots of manly bantering and chortling going on - I'll just follow my ear!”

“I'll the tea things into the lounge shall I, while you're gone? It's the door pretty much opposite the study, but if you got lost, just ask Charlie,” Jane finished fondly.

Elizabeth left the warm kitchen to the tinkling sounds of china being placed on a tray. The study was as Jane had said, very close to the kitchen, and easy to find as well. Elizabeth was about to knock on the door when she heard Charles' voice mention her name, followed by Jane's. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but when a deeper voice, she took to be the elusive William's, responded, her curiosity won over, and she listened carefully to what was being said, she assumed, about herself.

“Good, because I wouldn't want some glorified legal secretary, or anyone else for that matter, thinking that I came here to play love interest to them - especially when they probably couldn't find one on their own.”

Elizabeth had to put her hand over her mouth to prevent her gasp from being audible. The self-righteous arrogance of hereto forth unknown William was completely shocking to her. That such a man could be a close friend of the amiable Charles she knew and loved was even more shocking. Even Jane had hinted that she'd like the man, but she'd heard his obnoxious pride with her own ears. And what pride it was!

Determined to not let the likes of an ignorant snob get her down, Lizzy pulled her shoulders back, held her head up high and knocked. What she couldn't know was that inside the room, Charles looked aghast at the thought that his friend's uncharacteristic outburst might have been overheard, and even William was seen to experience a flash of panic, but brought an end to that by reasoning that he had said what he felt and nothing more.

“Come in,” Charles managed to choke out. His fears were confirmed when Elizabeth walked in looking more unapproachable than he had ever seen her.

He needn't have worried; however, towards him she was as warm as ever.

“It's good to see you again Charlie,” she said as she leaned down to kiss his cheek affectionately.

He kissed hers too, in return. “It's been too long Lizzy, you should visit more often.”

“But you live so far away. The least you could do in return for stealing my best friend and big sister from me is come to visit me once in a while,” her bright smile belied the dead pan of her comment.

Charles laughed softly before remembering that he hadn't introduced Elizabeth to his friend, who he was now effectively ignoring - all in all, forgetting his role as host.

He shook his head, “Forgive me. I'm being very rude. Elizabeth this is my oldest friend, William Darcy. Will, this is Elizabeth Bennet, Jane's younger sister.”

Elizabeth touched Charles arm in a motherly way, “Your manners are perfectly fine Charles,” she reassured with particular emphasis. Finally noting that William had extended his hand to shake hers, Elizabeth did the same and they shook hands both coolly and quickly. She very much doubted he had wanted to; No doubt it was a reflex reaction, she thought, because God forbid he makes physical contact with the likes of me - I could be contagious. Elizabeth knew this was childish, but she also knew that this line of sarcastic thought gave her confidence and an odd sort of pleasure she wasn't prepared to relinquish just yet.

“It's -” she searched desperately for an adjective, “well, I'm pleased to meet you Mr. Darcy.” It wasn't necessarily a lie, and Lizzy was an honest person, she was pleased that she could put a name to a face.

Such a shame, she thought, that such a pretty face had to be wasted on such a bad example of a nice human being.

“And I you, Ms. Bennet,” William replied with no real warm or sincerity, further confirming Elizabeth's recent assumptions about his character.

Elizabeth turned her back to William practically as soon as he had got the words out of his mouth, effectively snubbing him, and spoke to Charles about having tea in the lounge.

William though wasn't really listening, he was rather distracted. He was almost certain that Elizabeth had heard his ill-timed comment from her cool reception of him, but she wasn't acting as he would have expected. At first, when she hadn't appeared distressed or upset, he thought that maybe they'd got lucky and she hadn't heard a word. But then when he'd witnessed the contrast between the greeting she offered Charles and the one she'd offered him, he put that thought aside. However cold she'd been toward him, there had been a glint of amusement in her eye, and even a suppressed smile, or worse a smirk. Darcy hated the thought that she might be laughing at him - the thought of anyone laughing at him.

Women never acted like this around him, they usually fawned over him. He wasn't vain but he knew that he was rich and good looking, and he never had to work to get the attention of the opposite sex, and that this woman, of no particular extraordinary beauty or worth should be so indifferent towards him, bewildered him.

Having zoned out for much of his two companions conversation, he was caught unawares by Charles question:

“What d'you say Darcy, shall we join the ladies?”

“Erm, yes. Yes of course,” was William's stammered and awkward reply.

“You needn't have come for us especially Lizzy; we were quite alright in here, if you and Janey still want some time to talk?” Charles said politely.

“Oh, but I wanted to catch up with the two of you - hear about your plans for this place, and the wedding of course,” here Charles groaned comically, and Elizabeth went to hit him, playfully, but he moved just in time. “Besides this whole separation of the sexes seems so archaic, wouldn't you say Mr. Darcy?” William's head snapped up as he was addressed directly, but he stayed silent. Holding the eye of her intended audience captive, Elizabeth continued, hitting home her point; “Almost like the discrimination of people because of race, or professional and social status say.”

William inclined his head almost imperceptibly. Feeling rather smug, but guilty all at once, Elizabeth gave a quick smile and was out the door with a flash of her hair, and a click of her shoes on the hard wood floor, without looking back.

Once he safely heard the lounge door open and then shut again, Charles turned back to William. “So, do you think she -?”

“Definitely Charles. Most definitely.”

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Chapter Two

The evening passed uneventfully after that. Elizabeth claimed to be tired after her journey, and went to bed early - no one questioned her decision and were, however secretly, pleased that she had chose to do so as it put an end to the icy chill in the air.

Jane followed hot on the heels of her sister, wishing the two men goodnight and extracting a promise from Charles that he would be up soon.

When the latter was alone with William, he did not hesitate to pick up the subject that had been bothering him.

“Will, I don't pretend to understand why you are so cynical and critical of everything and everyone, but - well, the damage's been done now, but you could at least apologise to her. Lizzy is very important to Jane, and if you offend Lizzy, I'm afraid you'll offend her as well - and it's my dearest wish that the two of you get along. You're both very important to me,” Charles ended seriously, but with feeling.

William was rather touched by the sentiment, and although he truly believed that whether he and Elizabeth got along was unimportant, he agreed to say sorry at the earliest opportunity.

Jane hadn't gone upstairs to sleep, as she knew that her sister hadn't. As soon as she reached the first floor landing, she knocked quietly on Elizabeth's door.

“Lizzy!” she whispered, “Can I come in?”

The door was opened quickly, “I thought you'd be up soon,” Elizabeth said with a knowing grin.

“Can I come in?”

Elizabeth opened the door further, and allowed Jane to slip in.

Elizabeth sat down on her bed, and patted a space next to her dramatically. “I've missed these bedtime chats so much,” she giggled excitedly.

“I know me too,” Jane smiled back and held out her hand, which Elizabeth took and squeezed. “But Lizzy, we both know why I'm here. What happened between you and William? I can't guess when, but the tension was - very uncomfortable.”

“Oh Jane, be honest, it was unbearable! It was all him though, I might have forgiven him had he apologized right away, but now?”

Jane frowned gently, “Apologized for what Lizzy?”

“It all happened when I went to ask if they wanted a cup of tea with us.” Jane nodded encouragingly. “I was about to knock on the door, when I heard my name mentioned, and I know I shouldn't have listened, but well, anyway, I'm glad I did but I learnt what kind of a man your William Darcy is.”

“How Lizzy?” Jane enquired again, patiently.

“I'm not sure how it came about, but I think that Charles must have been describing me or something, suggesting that him and I would be a well-suited, I'm not really sure. But then he called me, completely unnecessarily, a `glorified legal secretary' and accused me, without ever having seen me,” Elizabeth voice went higher in her anger, “never mind met me, of not being able to find a man to date on my own. If that doesn't show that he's arrogant and presumptuous - I don't know what does!” She ended decisively.

“Oh, Lizzy, that's unpardonable! It seems so unlike William. I mean yes he is shy, and perhaps a little unapproachable but I've never known him to be, nor has Charlie ever mentioned that he has been, so offensive. He must have been provoked Lizzy, I'm sure of it,” Jane looked distracted and thoughtful.

“Janey, you think too well of people - you always have. But I don't see how he could have been provoked. You'll find it very difficult to convince me otherwise.”

Years of living with her sister, told Elizabeth that she was trying to hide her worries, and so she attempted to sooth them; “I promise to be civil to him Jane, if only for you and Charles, but that's all, no more than civil.”

Jane hugged her. “Thank you Lizzy. I'm going to go; Charles said he wouldn't be long.” Jane kissed her sister on the cheek, and said goodnight.

She was almost out of the door when Elizabeth whispered to her, “You're going to ask Charles what went on aren't you?”

Jane smiled slyly, “Of course! You don't mind do you?” she added out of concern.

“No! Will you -” Elizabeth began.

“Tell you what I find out?” Both laughed. “Of course I will! Night Lizzy.”

“Goodnight Jane,” Elizabeth said, and quickly blew her sister a kiss before the door was shut.

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Chapter Two continued

Posted on Thursday, 22 April 2004

Saturday morning rose, and it was everything anyone could have hoped for. Elizabeth, never one to sleep in, was up and about early, making a trip to her en-suite before heading downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast in her pajamas.

She tiptoed down the carpeted stairs as quietly as she could, endeavouring not to disturb her sister and Charles if it could be helped. Finding the actual kitchen proved more difficult, but after a paused moment to orientate herself once more, Elizabeth was pretty sure that the door directly to her left was the one she wanted.

Pushing the door open slowly, Elizabeth, did indeed find herself in the kitchen. It wasn't as deserted as she had expected it to be; on the breakfast bar was a pot of tea, but after seeing the steam emanating from it, Elizabeth knew it wasn't the same one from last night. On closer inspection, she also found that somebody was making toast - the smell made her stomach rumble. But otherwise the kitchen was empty.

Elizabeth, baffled, sat down on one of the stools, and leaned in to check how much tea was left in the teapot. Enough, she found, for both her and whomever the mystery breakfast maker was. When she was getting out two cups from the cupboard and pouring milk into a mini china milk jug, Elizabeth smiled at her own over-active imagination. The mystery breakfast maker? As if! It was Jane, undoubtedly, making Charlie breakfast in bed, and having disappeared to check what she wanted.

The thought of Jane and her fiancé's nearly perfect relationship left her with a wide smile upon her face. Even a year down the line they were still acting the part of new lovers. She may pretend that the sickly sweetness disgusted her at times, but really Elizabeth found it quite touching.

Dropping a teaspoon on the floor, Elizabeth cursed softly, and with her back to the door, bent down to pick it up. As she did so, she heard the door open, and so she called out quietly;

“Good morning Janey, I hope you don't mind but I helped myself to a cup of tea, and I put out some fresh milk for you too.”

Elizabeth began to right herself when a deep voice - definitely not that of her sister's - spoke, and sent unexpected shivers down her spine.

“No, I don't mind at all, thank you, but I'm not Jane.”

Surprised by the subtle humour, Elizabeth half expected, half wanted it to be Charlie, but she knew in her heart of hearts that it wasn't him. Turning around tensely, Elizabeth saw who she knew it must be - William.

“I can see that,” she responded coldly and automatically. Just then, rather inappropriately, her eyes began to function, and her “Good morning” became strained. With a mind of their own they, trying to be surreptitious about it but failing, looked the up and down the full length of William's body. And what an impressive body it was! In dark running shorts and a light grey t-shirt, his muscular arms and legs were almost fully revealed. It was obviously from the colour in his face and the damp, tousled - ness of his hair that William had already been out exercising that morning. Elizabeth thoughts were something along the line of: manly, powerful, virile, until coherency came back and with it a tell-tale blush.

William, far from being offended by her open admiration, had taken the opportunity of her distraction, to do some of his own. He had been greeted, rather pleasantly, by the sight of Elizabeth bent over as he had entered the kitchen. When she'd turned round, the sight had been equally pleasing. In traditional cotton pajama pants, and a matching camisole, Elizabeth was, to him, one of the most beguiling things he had seen in a long time. The plunging - v of her neckline gave ever so slight a hint of her cleavage, whilst displaying what were, in his opinion, her fully rounded and pert breasts to best advantage. In short, his thoughts, which left his mouth oddly dry, were all that were inappropriate as well, but luckily, he gained control of himself around the same time as she and embarrassed, felt the need to explain himself.

“I'm sorry, I've just been running. I came back, started to make my breakfast, and then decided to go wash quickly. I'm sorry if I startled you,” William offered. His tone was neither conciliatory nor overly apologetic, but rather monotone, and Elizabeth had no idea what to make of it.

“It's fine, really. I didn't think anyone would be around so - what I trying to do is apologise for my state of undress,” she finished quickly.

“Perfectly understandable.” A pause. “Would you care to join me? There's more than enough.”

Elizabeth was confused by the sudden change in William. He still, definitely was not one would call approachable, and yet at the same time, he seemed to have warmed up a notch or two towards. Elizabeth was about to say yes, but, somewhere, deep in the recesses of her mind, an echo-y memory sounded:

Glorified legal secretary…

And before she knew it, she heard words leaving her mouth she hadn't planned on saying; “No, thank you. I need to take a shower, but, I might just take some up with me - is that alright?”

Elizabeth's rejection had unexpectedly wounded him, and so his face was down-turned to hide his emotions, and he spoke, he spoke with practiced indifference.

“That's no problem at all. Good morning.” Looking at the floor, William missed Elizabeth's somewhat puzzled expression. Had she been disposed to be understanding, Elizabeth might have labeled him an enigma, but the change to her, at that moment in time, indicated more of a return to form.

Elizabeth did, indeed take a shower, and had just finished dressing, about to start on her hair, when she heard a rather excitable knock on the door.

She smiled to herself, “Come in Jane!”

A rather confused looking sister poked her head around the door. “How did you know it was me?”

“I lived with you nearly all of my life; I think I recognize your urgent knock!”

Jane laughed in response. “I suppose you do. But, as you said it was an urgent knock - I have news.”

“From Charles?” Elizabeth asked, excited also by then.

“Yes, and now I know exactly why William said what he did,” Jane paused, teasingly and began to nonchalantly inspect her cuticles.

“Jane, for goodness sake! Just tell me!”

“Patience is a virtue Elizabeth,” Jane teased, but seeing Elizabeth's exasperation, decided to elaborate further.

“Basically, Charles was teasing William, Lizzy. He takes full responsibility, says it was all his fault. He was taunting him apparently, mentioning some idea of his to do with you and William being well-suited -”

Elizabeth interrupted. “Wait just one second, let me - let me just check I heard right. Charles thinks that me and William `the world revolves around me' Darcy would be a good match? What the hell have I done to offend him?”

“Lizzy stop it!” Jane reprimanded lightly. “If anything it's a compliment to you, Charles thinks very highly of William, they're almost like brothers.”

Elizabeth softly placed a placating hand on her sister's arm. “I'm sorry Jane, I promised not to put you in an awkward position, and I'll really hard to keep it.”

“Thank you Lizzy, it does mean a lot to me, and I'd hard Charles to be upset by it. But as I was saying, he was taunting him, he implied that he was thinking about setting William up, knowing that he hates that kind of interference - finds it officious. So there you are Lizzy, you can acquit William of any blame, it's all - Charles willingly accepts it!” Jane ended cheerily.

“So that's it then is it?” Elizabeth asked harshly, and Jane's smile faltered. “Charles acts like the nice, considerate man he is and accepts the blame, but it won't cut the mustard Janey, you two can cover up for him as much as you want, but you won't ever change my opinion of him. I'm sure, no I'm not, but there must be something that makes Charlie and you like him; I however just can't see it. I'm sorry.”

Elizabeth shook her head despairingly, “He hasn't even had the decency to apologise!”

“Now Lizzy,” Jane said softly, “be reasonable. You didn't give to say it last night and I'm sure now with this attitude you've developed toward him you must seem very - inapproachable. Wouldn't you say?”

“Perhaps you're right Jane. We'll just have to wait and see shall. Whatever happens though, I will not make be the first to extend the hand of friendship.”

Shaking her head amusedly at her sister's stubborn nature, Jane leant down and gave Elizabeth a short hug.

“Charlie and I are going grocery shopping later so you'll have to amuse yourself for a while - it looks like a nice enough day, you could go for that walk? And then we've been invited to the Lucas' 30th wedding anniversary party this evening if you're up for it? I think Charles wants to go, and Charlotte said she's definitely going to be there.”

The Lucases were old family friends of the Bennet's - the children of the two families had grown up together, and were practically as close as siblings. Charlotte was the eldest Lucas child, 34 and single, she was probably closer to Jane in age, but was actually closer to Elizabeth. Charlotte's characteristic practicality and grounded nature made her Elizabeth opposite, yet in being so they perfectly complimented each other. Whilst Elizabeth was still a dreamer - and always would be - despite her dash of cynicism, Charlotte possessed nothing of the kind. Instead she had something more of an objective view of the world which brought on very few expectations - in short, she had the sort of wisdom that could only be obtained through experience and maturity. And her dry, sarcastic humour had a bite that could kill.

“Well, in that case, I think I might just tag along as well. On second thoughts, is that horrid William fellow going?” Elizabeth paused dramatically.

Jane was about to exclaim when she saw that teasing glint in Elizabeth's eye - one she had come to love and hate simultaneously over the years. “You,” she replied accusatorily, “my dear sister, are incorrigible.”

Elizabeth smiled brightly, and cheekily blew Jane a kiss as she left the room. Turning to the mirror, Elizabeth completed all of those things she deemed necessary before she felt up to greeting the world properly. And every so often, her betraying thoughts slid to the image of certain man with tousled hair and bare legs - more than once did she smudge her mascara as she shook her head violently to dispel them.

Elizabeth took Jane's advice and went for a walk through the woods, which did indeed appeal very much to her, and she envied Jane and Charles the ability to go there as often as they chose.

William, meanwhile, had also showered and dressed, and being informed by Charles of the couple's imminent departure for the day, had installed himself in the study. He didn't have any work to do, he'd promised himself - and Charles - that this would be a holiday in the truest sense of the word, but he simply couldn't stand having nothing to do, it wasn't in his nature. The study was the perfect place then, a warm, secluded atmosphere and a decent selection of reading material, not superb, but not deficient.

He was flicking idly through a large, soft leather-bound copy of the complete works of Blake, when he heard the tell-tale rumble of thunder. Turning to look out of the window in surprise - the weather had been quite alright when he had gone for his run earlier that morning - William did indeed see a gathering of storm clouds, casting a dull air about the place. And as he thought about the unlikely change, it began to rain - heavily.

Green and pleasant lands, indeed, he thought. *

Thanking his lucky stars that he hadn't decided to postpone his run until after breakfast, William was about to turn back to his book, when he saw an unusual blur caught his attention. He turned once more to face the window full on, leaning forward and squinting, he tried to distinguish what that blur was.

William sat back suddenly when he realized not what, but who it was.

*An impromptu reference to Blake's 'Jerusalem'.

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Chapter Three

Posted on Friday, 21 May 2004

William sat back suddenly when he realized not what, but who it was.

For as clear as day, William could see Elizabeth running quickly across the lawn, in a vain attempt to escape the sudden downpour, and then, without thinking, without any kind of hesitation, he too was on the move. Within seconds, he was in the kitchen and at the backdoor, holding it open for her to enter.

An extremely wet Elizabeth looked up and met his eyes with surprise momentarily, before carrying on, walking past him.

“Miss Bennet,” William called softly, stopping her mid-stride.

For his part, William had been scarcely less surprised than Elizabeth when reason had kicked in and he had found himself awaiting her entrance with a sense of - worry? He had no time to think on that puzzle at the moment though, Elizabeth stood staring expectantly and dripping somewhat comically onto the tiled kitchen floor.

“You - you must be quite cold,” he began hesitantly. She regarded him with one eyebrow raised and a look of incredulousness.

“What an astute man you are Mr. Darcy!” she quipped sarcastically. “Now if you don't mind,” Elizabeth gestured to the door emphatically with her head.

William was put quite on the spot. What was to have been an act of kindness on his part, had once more been misconstrued due to her apparent low opinion of him - which he knew was caused entirely by himself.

“What I meant Miss Bennet was that, perhaps, if you were to - dry yourself off, you might let me - make you a cup of tea? To warm you up.” He ended softly.

Elizabeth's eyes flashed with amusement as she looked at William. The once proud Darcy seemed to her to know be acting like an awkward school boy, but however much she was enjoying watching his discomfort, Elizabeth couldn't help but be touched by his gesture.

“That would be very nice, thank you.” She smiled briefly and then turned to leave. Only then did Darcy notice the revealing and slightly teasing way in which her soaking clothes hung to every nuance and curve of her body. His mouth went dry at the thought but his mind was as active as ever - perhaps now might be the time to busy myself, he thought, as he became preoccupied with the kettle.

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Elizabeth had a quick, hot shower upstairs. My second one of the day, she thought ruefully. I'm hardly doing my bit for the environment now am I? Once she had finished, Elizabeth dressed warmly in an oversized rugby shirt, some shorts and bed socks. She tucked her wet curls roughly behind her ears and headed downstairs. When she caught a glance of the picture she presented in the mirror on her way out, she had a fleeting thought that perhaps she should make more of an effort, but then another voice reminded her that it was, after all, only Darcy.

William, when he saw her, thought she had never looked more attractive.

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“There you are,” William indicated a cup of steaming tea on the side. “I added milk but no sugar, that's the way you took it this morning wasn't it?”

His keen observation did not go unnoticed by Elizabeth, but either she was unwilling or unable to see another implication behind it, and was therefore unaffected.

“Yes it is,” her smile though was the warmest one, William was pleased to note, that she had offered him yet.

She sat down on one of the high stools around the breakfast bar, opposite him, and pulled her knees up so that she could've rested her chin on them, instead she wrapped her free arm around them, and blew impatiently on her tea.

“Are you still cold?” William asked with a little concern.

“Not all. Why?” Elizabeth's brow crinkled.

He looked a little bashful. “It's just that you're all - huddled up, I thought perhaps - ”

“Oh no!” she grinned. “It's just a childish habit of mine. I'm sorry.”

“Don't be,” William replied lightly.

There was a reasonably comfortable silence for perhaps a minute, but then William spoke.

“Jane and Charles rang while you were in the shower.”

“Oh?” Elizabeth looked up with interest.

“Their car's broken down.” Upon seeing Elizabeth's worried expression, William elaborated quickly. “Oh, Jane assured me everything was fine, they're both OK, just that they broke down on the way back from shopping. Charles tried to look under the bonnet, but in all the rain he couldn't see anything - they're just waiting for the mechanics to come and either tow them or try to repair what's wrong.”

Elizabeth seemed placated by this, and turned to look out of the window introspectively. Suddenly her head snapped back to face William.

“But it's windy outside as well, won't they be cold? Especially if Charles got wet - can't we do something?”

William chuckled softly. “Jane told me you'd be concerned about that and made me promise to reinforce the fact that they have travel blankets in the back, and that Charles had a coat on.”

Elizabeth sighed quietly with relief, and then laughed a little herself. “Jane knows me so well!”

“You seem to be very close,” William ventured.

“We are,” Elizabeth murmured nostalgically, “I suppose she's my best friend as well as my big sister.”

“You must be sad to be losing her,” William questioned gently.

“I am,” Elizabeth answered with feeling. Then was shocked at herself, and added, “No, I didn't mean that! I'm happy for Jane, she deserves this more than anyone - I sound so selfish and jealous!”

“Not at all!” William said with reassurance. “I can't pretend to understand fully what you're going through but, I will say that there are times when I've contemplated the thought of losing my sister - ” here Elizabeth noted that his voice seemed to take on an inexplicable ragged, emotional tone, “and I too have been quite shocked at the sense of loss I experienced. And that was only an imaginary situation!” he added lightly, and they both laughed. “You could say it is a testimony to the depth of your love for your sister that you feel even the smallest loss so strongly.”

“Thank you, but I think you make it far too noble. Deep down I think I'm just a selfish girl who wants to keep her all to myself! But tell me more about this sister I didn't know you had,” Elizabeth paused. “If I'm being too nosey you only have to say the word - it's a terrible habit I seem to have.”

Darcy was beginning to think that no habit of this woman's could be terrible but the mortification he would feel if he confessed this would beyond all comprehension, and so he stuck to the safe and impartial subject of Georgie.

“Oh no, it's perfectly alright. Her name's Georgiana, but everyone calls her George or Georgie. She's just turned eighteen and goes to a girls' boarding school in Derbyshire.”

“Derbyshire?” Elizabeth asked confusedly. “Why so far from home?”

William also frowned from confusion but then remembered that Elizabeth could have no reason to know anything about him, unlike many of the women who he seemed to talk to these days - they seemed to know enough about him to publish some sort of biography.

“Derbyshire is my home, Miss Bennet,” he said patiently. “We have a family home there, and I spend much of my time there. We do own a house in London as well - Georgie's planning on moving there when she goes to university next year actually.”

“She wants to go to university in London then?” Elizabeth asked.

“She's set upon the idea! And as I do spend sometime there myself, and she'd be living in a secure house in a nice neighbourhood, I'm quite alright with the scheme.”

“It would have been nice to have rent-free accommodation at university; I'm quite envious of her!” Elizabeth joked. “You said you were happy with Georgiana's plans, but what about your parents?”

Darcy looked down at his feet, and spoke slowly, quietly. “Both of my parents - passed on - during, well, because of a car accident whilst they were skiing in Austria about ten years ago.”

William heard Elizabeth's sharp intake of breath, but he didn't want to look up and meet her eyes. He didn't want to see the pity that invariably appeared there.

“I'm so sorry, it must have been so difficult for you. I didn't mean to bring up a painful subject, it was insensitive of me.”

“You weren't to know Miss Bennet,” he replied, still looking down.

“I did tell you I had that terrible habit didn't I?” her attempt to lighten the conversation made him look up abruptly, out of shock but not anger, and when he met her eyes, he was not prepared for what he saw.

Yes there was sympathy there, it was easily detectable to him by now, some compassion too, but there was something else altogether - an admiration of sorts perhaps.

Apologize, William thought in a flash, do it now or never! The thought of damaging their new, tenuous rapport was slightly worrying but he decided the bite the proverbial bullet and do it anyway.

“Miss Bennet, I need to say that I'm sorry, for what I said before I'd even met you yesterday. It was bang out of order, and I can't offer any justified excuse, but I beg you to forgive me. I was angry at Bingley for trying to interfere and just lashed out without thinking - ”

Elizabeth interrupted. “I thought you said you could offer no excuse?” she deadpanned, and William felt a rush of panic that she could never forgive his slip when she suddenly broke out into a tell-tale grin. “I believe I might be able to forgive you now, but just this once. You had better mind your step from now on Mr. Darcy!”

William's smile of pure relief was wider than any others she had seen come from him before, revealing, she was surprised and pleased in equal parts to see, a pair of adorable and shockingly sexy dimples.

“Oh believe me Miss Bennet, I intend to!” They both laughed again, and Elizabeth marveled silently at the sudden change in the man before her, and her relationship with him.

Perhaps Jane was right, and I have misjudged him?!

The ringing of the phone interrupted anything more that either might have wanted to say. Elizabeth made to get up, but William with a silent gesture, assured her he would get it.

Elizabeth leaned back in the stool and watched his tall, well-built figure walk towards the terminal where the mobile house phone was kept, thinking about how very attractive her was, and how she hadn't noticed it before. In fact, she mused, he reminds me very much of someone she'd seen before, at work perhaps? But who though?

And then, all at once, everything clicked into place for Elizabeth, as these things often do. Mr. Darcy she called him, but Jane called him William - Charles had introduced him as such. Thinking she'd seen him at work, and Charles thinking they were well suited because they were in the same of work perhaps? This was just a William Darcy - this was the William Darcy. The one that anyone who was anyone in the legal world knew about, talked about, worshipped. How stupid must she look? She thought, and slapped her forehead for emphasis.

By this time, William had obviously finished with the phone call, and was looking at her curiously.

“That was Jane again to tell us that the mechanic couldn't fix the problem at the road side, but said that it'd be simple enough once he took them to the garage where he had the part, and the equipment, so they got towed there instead of home.”

William paused, and Elizabeth nodded her understanding automatically, but she really couldn't comprehend anything further than her own idiocy.

“So, Jane suggested that perhaps we might go on ahead to the Lucas' if they aren't back in time. Is that OK?” William asked, slightly worried at this point from the way that Elizabeth was gaping at him.

“You're William Darcy!” she exclaimed, then put her hand over her mouth in a typical show of the mortification she was feeling.

William laughed a little, and nervously. “Er, yes. It's a little late for introductions don't you think?”

Elizabeth closed her eyes and slowly opened them. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. It's just, you're THE William Darcy, it's only just clicked. You've, this is rather embarrassing to admit, but I've admired you professionally for quite sometime. What's you achieved is - impressive doesn't even begin to describe.” She blushed at her own incoherency.

William too was a little uncomfortable under the spotlight. He was used to it of course, but there was something different about the way Elizabeth made him feel - as though she wasn't admiring him to gain something, just admiring him for admiration's sake, because she truly recognized what he had accomplished. And, William knew, he had accomplished a lot.

“Thank you,” he answered, but his eyes didn't meet hers.

“I'm sorry, I've made you feel awkward, I didn't mean to.” She apologised.

“Not at all, it's just, well I didn't expect - ”

Elizabeth butted in, “A glorified legal secretary to know all about you?”

William blushed deeply, and was about to start another long winded apology when, once more, a light in her eye, awakened him to the fact that he was being teased.

“I didn't know you when I said that, and I take it back wholeheartedly now that I do.”

Elizabeth smiled and asked cheekily, “How do you know to take it back?”

“Well, Charles had a word with me this morning before he left, and decided to tell me again how wrong I'd been about you - he was right, I concede. Congratulations on becoming a silk last year by the way.” William smiled, displaying those knee-weakening dimples.

Elizabeth took a moment to reply. She was too busy contemplating the meaning behind William's words. He was right - I concede. Did he mean that Charles had been right about her professional standing, or that Charles had been right about thinking they were well suited? If it was the former she was gratified, if it was the latter, she didn't think she could compute the thought without exploding - from confusion, from lust, from everything.

“It's nothing compared to you, I mean- ”

“Don't undermine your own accomplishment Miss Bennet,” he smiled kindly. There eyes met, and both felt a little vulnerable, and more than a little awkward. Elizabeth blushed for what felt like the umpteenth time that day and looked down at her feet before speaking.

“It's getting on, I think we'd both best get ready if we want to get to the Lucas' on time.”

“Yes,” William replied as he stood up, “you're probably right. Oh and Miss Bennet?” Elizabeth looked up. “Do you want to take my car or yours?”

“Yours definitely.” His eyes must have widened a little with surprise at her sudden decisiveness because she elaborated. “Lets arrive in a little style shall we?”

William chuckled - a deep, throaty sound. “Indeed.”

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William was ready first, dressed in a simple slightly open white shirt and navy blue suit of the highest quality silk weave, and stood in the entrance way, awaiting Elizabeth.

And was it ever worth the wait, William thought to himself as she descended the stairs dressed in figure hugging jeans and a little matching two piece - a camisole and a light cardigan - in charcoal chiffon and silk complete with beading. A pair of matching heels finished the ensemble, yet even in those, when William stood behind her to help her put on her coat, the top of Elizabeth's head didn't even reach his chin.

Elizabeth indicated that she was ready to go, and William held the front door open for her. “May I say you look lovely this evening, Miss Bennet.”

“Thank you. You look quite nice yourself,” she teased. Darcy watched her walk ahead of him for a brief moment, but then she turned back and with a saucy glint in her eye said, “Oh and William,” he was visibly surprised, “do call me Elizabeth.”

Perhaps this evening isn't going to be as bad as I had expected, William thought to himself as he watched Elizabeth's slightly sashaying hips make their way to the passenger side of his car.

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Chapter Four

Posted on Wednesday, 2 June 2004

William and Elizabeth sat in companionable silence on the short car journey over to the Lucas' house, both listening to the music provided by William's in-car CD player, but both thoroughly consumed by their thoughts.

Elizabeth was confused, plain and simple. This man was one word - enigmatic, and whilst she had accepted his apology and truce offer eagerly and truly believed he was sincere, her inner cynic was still doubtful. Was such a transformation really possible? Which of the two men she had met was the true William?

William on the other hand, not being partial to his companion's thoughts, was thanking his lucky stars. He could barely contain a grin, and his cheek muscles twitched from the effort to do so.

A new song came on -`Romeo and Juliet' by Dire Straits to be precise. William's hand quickly jumped to the skip button and a light embarrassed flush overspread his cheeks.

“Don't!” exclaimed Elizabeth hurriedly.

William's hand stopped mid-air, then he replaced in on the wheel before he turned to look at her questioningly. “You like Dire Straits?”

Elizabeth laughed a little. “Yes, I do - this song in particular. I can't believe you like Dire Straits!”

“I don't know whether to be offended by that or not,” William smiled, showing he was joking. “Of course I like them. Especially this song, it's a classic.”

“I had you pegged as more of a classic-AL man myself. I know what you mean about this song thought, it's one of my favourites,” she ended softly.

They both listened more closely to the lyrics than they had previously and read into them very differently.

`You can fall for chains of silver,
You can fall for chains of gold.
You can fall for pretty strangers
And the promises they hold.'

Lizzy, admiring his almost stern profile thought to herself that he was indeed `pretty' and that this new William certainly was promising. She laughed at the sappiness of her own wordplay, and William's gaze snapped round to take her in.

Her musical laughter caught him off guard; he had been stuck knee deep in the mire, as it were, in the negativity of his own thoughts. The idea of any one falling for materialistic things always put him on his guard - in today's society, social climbers and gold diggers were rife and aplenty and he always had to be overly cautious - especially since he had Georgie to consider too. He prayed to whichever deities might be listening to him at that time that the woman sat next to him was nothing like that.

`Why?' was a thought that popped into his head. William didn't know why. He looked at the beautiful and energetic woman next to him, staring absently out of the window at the falling rain and realized that he'd allowed her to have too profound an effect upon him in all too short a time.

“Take a left here,” Elizabeth said quietly, and he did. They had pulled up onto the Lucas' wide drive and there were already quite a few cars there. “I didn't think - ” she continued, “you won't be able to drink will you? We came in your car. I wouldn't have minded being the designated driver you know if you'd wanted to.”

He smiled a little. “You still can be!” They both shared a laugh at his slightly comic outburst.

“You'd let me drive your car?” Elizabeth asked, a little taken aback.

“Hypothetically, whilst I'm actually still not planning to drink any alcohol and anything I say will not be tested, sure! - why not?”

“That's a cop out and you know it!” Elizabeth grinned. “Shall we go in then?”

William nodded, “Let's.”

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Coats shed and umbrellas left to dry, Elizabeth and William were left to fend for themselves, endeavouring to find one single member of the hosting family amongst the crowds in the entrance hall and living room beyond - no doubt there were more guests elsewhere, but they were as yet not visible to the new arrivals.

Lizzy was about to suggest that they give up on the search and head toward the mahogany monstrosity of a bar which was the pride and joy of the patriarch of the Lucas family - Bill Lucas - in the next room to get drinks, when Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth's oldest friend approached them.



The two girls hugged each other, and William was left standing slightly to the side of them, feeling like a spare part. Elizabeth noticed this, and introduced him to her friend. Elizabeth had heard it said before that at certain times, certain individual's seemed to have an unreadable mask over their features, hiding their feelings from the world, but never did she think that anyone had ever come so close to physically gaining one, as William did when he walked through the front door. One minute they'd been sharing a joke in the driveway, the next it was as though there was an impenetrable field around him, shutters over his eyes. Elizabeth wondered why, was he shy? Was it possible for someone of his stature, intelligence and even appearance to have a confidence issue? She thought not.

“William, this is Charlotte Lucas, my oldest and dearest friend - despite the fact she's a dreary old accountant,” Elizabeth began, with a smile evident in her voice even as she dodged the playful slap Charlotte aimed at her.

“At least I have scruples unlike you, Bennet, you amoral lawyer!” Charlotte retaliated, using her and Lizzy's long-lived tradition of referring to each other by their surnames, it had all originated when they were in their tom-boy years, if boys could do it, why couldn't they?

William was amused by the affectionate and friendly banter between the two.

“And Lucas, this is William Darcy, Charles' best friend and future best man.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you,” William said as he extended his hand to shake Charlotte's.

“And you - I'm always glad to make the acquaintance of an attractive man. You've kept this one under wraps Lizzy!” Charlotte joked.

Elizabeth turned to look at the look of mortification on William's face and was forced to laugh out loud.

“I'm sorry!” she exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest as she calmed down. “But it was just the look on your face William. You'll have to get used to Charlotte I'm afraid, she has no idea how to behave in polite society!”

Charlotte made an exasperated noise, before laughing herself. “My father's in the dining room with your parents I believe if you want to say hello. Where're Jane and Charles?”

Elizabeth grimaced at the thought of her parents being in attendance - she should've expected it she supposed. The Lucas' and the Bennets had been on the closest terms for as long as anyone could remember. The children from both families had all grown up playing together, in fact Jane and particularly Elizabeth remained close to the eldest of the Lucas' children - Charlotte, to this day.

“They've had a bit of car trouble, but it's all being sorted out in the garage at the moment. They sent William and I along ahead of them along with their apologies for being late.” Charlotte nodded her understanding, and the small group began to maneuver their way through the other guests.

“My parents you say? Did they bring Kitty and Lydia along with them as well?” Elizabeth knew that the answer would almost definitely be in the affirmative.

“Yes, they're both here, in the garden I believe with the rest of the youngsters. How's Mary by the way? Is she enjoying it at Cambridge?”

William looked up, interest peaked. “Cambridge?”

Elizabeth smiled - the proud smile of an elder sister. “Yes, one of my sister's, Mary, is in her first year at Cambridge - she's studying maths. It's your neck of the wood isn't it?”

William was a little shocked that she'd know that he'd obtained his degree at Cambridge, but then, he rationalized, she had admitted that she'd admired him professionally for sometime. “Yes it is actually. Which university did you get your degree from?”

“Durham.” Elizabeth watched the slight wave of admiration wash over his face, and felt a glow of pride in the knowledge that she had managed to impress the legendary William Darcy with her credentials. “University College.”

“You didn't go the normal route though did you Lizzy? Couldn't be average now could you?” piped in Charlotte, who had given up any attempt of trying to steer her companions through the crowds when they were so evidently engrossed in conversation.

She instead contented herself with watching the obvious signs of attraction for her best friend which Darcy was unconsciously displaying. Lucky, lucky Lizzy, she mused.

“No?” William asked, eyebrows slightly raised in genuine interest.

“No,” Elizabeth began. “I, well most people don't understand why I'd want to do this when I tell them but, I did a philosophy degree to begin with and then did a law conversion course before starting bar school.”

William nodded. “That is an interesting path to take Elizabeth.” He relished the sound of her name as he spoke it aloud for the first time, and she herself felt a tingle run down her spine in response. At the risk of sounding cliché, Elizabeth thought that when he, and only he so far in her experience, spoke her name, it felt like the briefest of caresses. “Are you religious then?”

“No I'm not actually, that's what no one understands. Why I should want to do a subject like philosophy, indeed a joint honours degree with theology like I chose, without believing in a god. But there you are! You can't always choose where you passion lies can you?”

Too true, thought William, too true. But she had come too close to his current feelings of uncontrolled and what he deemed, inappropriate passion - she was after all practically a colleague, of lower standing yes, but colleague nevertheless and likely to appear before him in his judicial position at any time - and so he sought to change the subject.

He cleared his throat lightly. “Your sister Mary, do know which college she's in?”

Charlotte, by this time, had grown a little bored of spotting signs of attraction which were all too easy to see by now, and was beginning to consider humming a little ditty to gain some attention from the utterly absorbed pair.

Elizabeth paused for a moment frowning slightly. “Erm, no, I can't recall it right now. I'll ask my - ”

“LIZZY!” cried a reasonably high-pitched voice, the source of which remained invisible, and what Elizabeth might have been about to say remained lost in the moment. For here, approaching at the speed of light and unavoidable, she knew, was her mother.

She closed her eyes and slowly re-opened them, mentally preparing herself. She cast her eye over William and hoped he too was prepared - she doubted he would be.

Charlotte gave her a sympathetic smile.

And then it happened, the crowds parted and Mrs. Francis Bennet came into view.

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“Mum,” Elizabeth said in response, her voice a give a way diminuendo, fading away to almost nothing.

“You do look like pretty tonight, not as pretty as Jane does I'll wager, but still. Where is Jane? And dear Charles too? Isn't there new house just lovely?” Mrs. Bennet paused, but only momentarily. “And you're still living alone I suppose? Well, it's a good job you're looking well tonight, might catch yourself a man,” Mrs. Bennet ended in what was supposed to be a confidential whisper, but could in fact be heard by all people unfortunate enough to be standing in a five metre radius.

“I'm happy to see you, Mum,” Elizabeth muttered sarcastically. She then remembered that not only had Darcy been witness to her mother's entire tirade, but that now she was going to have to introduce them.

“Mum, this is William Darcy. He's a friend of Jane and Charles, and he's going to be Charles' best man at the wedding.” Elizabeth turned to William, and rolled her eyes at him, hoping to divert a possibly disastrous situation with humour. He stifled a laugh, and turned it into a cough - none too convincingly, causing Charlotte, the innocent onlooker, to do the same. “William, this is Mrs. Francis Bennet, my mother.”

“Pleased to meet you, madam,” William said politely and as his upbringing dictated, lightly shook her hand.

“Oh and me I'm sure,” Mrs. Bennet replied almost giddily. “But then I always am pleased to meet any friend of dear Charles.”

William might almost have found some humour in the way Mrs. Bennet continued to refer to his best friend as `dear Charles' yet he was finding it very difficult not to be shocked by the woman. True, he had laughed when Elizabeth had tried to make light of it all, but that had been to make her feel more at ease than himself for he had seen her discomfort.

The heart of the matter was, he was finding it very hard to believe that two such charming, elegant women as Jane and Elizabeth had Mrs. Bennet for a mother. She loud, unfeeling and bordering on obnoxious - those indeed were his thoughts in a nutshell, harsh but true.

“Are Kitty and Lydia around, Mum? I'd like to say hello. And Daddy too of course?” Elizabeth asked awkwardly, desperately seeking to bring her mother's attention back to herself.

“They're outside, having fun as young people are supposed to. Don't you go interfering and ruining it for them now Elizabeth!”

“And Daddy?”

“Right behind you, sweetheart,” said a wry, low voice.

William and Elizabeth turned around suddenly. Charlotte, had of course been aware of his approach and was, therefore, unsurprised.

“Daddy!” Elizabeth exclaimed and accepted his open armed offer of a hug.

“How've you been, sweetpea? Still leading that busy life of yours?” Her father released her, and looked down, a loving smile gracing his face. “Oh, and Fran,” he added, addressing his wife, “Barbara Long was looking for you in the kitchen when I passed through.”

“Ooh, Babs! I wonder what she could want?” she turned to William. “It was a pleasure to meet you, William. Charlotte,” she added curtly.

William nodded and Charlotte merely smiled in amusement - she'd had years of practice where coping with Elizabeth's mother was concerned.

Elizabeth looked back at her father. “It's fine Daddy, everything's just fine.”

“And you Charlotte? How is everything with you? Are they still keeping you busy at that firm of yours?”

“Of course they are Mr. B, of course they are! I'm getting pretty tired of it to be honest though, thinking of moving on.” Charlotte saw shock and concern mingled in Elizabeth's expression, and so continued. “I'll tell you about it later, Bennet. But right now, I best go find my mother, and see if she needs any help.”

“I'm counting on it,” Lizzy said sternly.

“And who's this young man?” Elizabeth's father asked after Charlotte had left them.

“Daddy, this is William Darcy - Charles' friend. William, my father, Tom Bennet.” The two men shook hands.

Elizabeth was stood next to her father, as William regarding the pair opposite him fondly. It was obvious they were very close, much like had been once upon a time with his father. Something in William was pleased that Elizabeth the influence and support of at least one stable and loving parent.

“Pleased to meet you Sir.”

“And you, Mr. Darcy.”

“Please,” William offered with a smile, “call me William.”

“If you call me Tom.” William nodded his acceptance hesitantly.

Elizabeth smiled inwardly that the two men were getting along. The reasons for this happiness were not inexplicable, but she just didn't to examine them at this point at time - for the time being she was glad, that was enough.

“Do you mind if I leave you in the capable hands of my father William, at least until Charles get here?” She looked briefly at her watch. “I didn't think they'd be this long actually. It's just that I want to catch Charlotte sooner rather than later.”

“Of course, I understand. I'm sure I'm being left in very capable hands,” he smiled an almost sly smile at Mr. Bennet, leaving the latter hoping that perhaps inside this seemingly serious young man lay a dry sense of humour, similar to his own.

“That you are, that you are,” Lizzy remarked before leaning up to kiss her father briefly on the cheek. “I'll catch you both later.”

As Elizabeth walked away she heard her father saying, “So tell me son, what do you do?” She smiled to herself - as a retired law professor, she knew her father was going to be extremely impressed by the response he was to receive.

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Chapter Four ~ continued...

Posted on Tuesday, 27 July 2004

“Charlotte, here you are!” exclaimed Elizabeth as she finally stumbled across here in the conservatory. “I've been looking for you for an age!”

“Why?” Charlotte asked, confused. Then realization dawned upon her features. “You wanted to ask me about the work situation - patience is a virtue you know!” she teased.

“You know it's not a virtue I possess, now please spill the beans and put me out of my misery.”

Charlotte was in half a mind to tease her friend mercilessly, however, she decided to take pity on her instead. “It's quite simple really - I'm unhappy there, well, it's infernally boring and I can't physically bear to work there anymore.”

“Oh, Char, I had no idea it was so bad!” Lizzy replied, sympathetically laying a hand on Charlotte's arm, but Charlotte shook her off with a smile.

“It's not like that Lizzy, really it's not. I'm glad I'm leaving, and besides, this little girly's been head-hunted!”

“Really?! Oh God, well done! I mean, who, where?” Elizabeth fired questions excitably.

“Calm down, Bennet,” Charlotte laughed. “I've been asked by a solicitors firm to head their accounts department and I've accepted. I can't wait Lizzy, and - no, I can't…” her voice trailed off.

“No, go on, I'm ALL ears,” Lizzy urged. “Tell me!”

“It's just the guy, Richard Fitzwilliam, who head hunted me, he's a partner there, and he may've played a role, a very unethical role, in my acceptance of the position,” Charlotte blushed brightly and hid her face in her hands. “God, I'm a teenager,” she muttered in mortification.

Elizabeth gasped and then smiled cheekily. “So tell me, is he very attractive?”

Charlotte sighed dramatically, “Oh, Lizzy, you have no idea. He's just - perfect. Much too good for little ole me!”

Lizzy smiled. “Oh Charlie.”

“But at least I'll have a little eye candy to get me through the day - where I work now there's only Crazy Bob three desks down from me!”

“Much better then!” Both women laughed.

“But speaking of work and eye candy - tell me more about this William Darcy then Lizzy!”

“I don't know if there's much to tell. He's quite - enigmatic really. When we first met he inadvertently insulted me, quite horribly. Then he was quiet, rude almost, definitely taciturn. But today! He was like a different person, he apologized, he helped me after I got caught in the rain.”

“You got caught in the rain?” Charlotte interrupted. “How romantically clichéd!”

“Shut up you cynic and hear me out! Then we came here, the car journey was just as the afternoon had been, he was friendly and - and, as soon as we walked over the threshold here he returned back to the way he was and - oh, Charlie, he's much too hard to think about.” Lizzy ended glumly.

“You always were an over-analyzer!” Charlotte muttered, purposely loud enough though for her friend to hear.

“And just what is that supposed to mean?!” Elizabeth asked with fake indignation.

“Don't THINK is what I mean. For once in your life Elizabeth, let go!”

Elizabeth suddenly became introspective, and Charlotte knew her point had had an impact, however small.

Elizabeth, with great difficulty was about to rouse herself enough to make a further comment when she saw, behind Charlotte, Jane and Charles heading their way. She instantly made to greet them.

“Janie, Charles! Thank goodness you're alright!”

Elizabeth hugged Jane tightly, and Jane laughed. “Goodness Lizzy! It's not as though anything dangerous happened to us. I asked William to reassure you, he did tell you didn't he?”

Elizabeth nodded, her relieved smile still present.

“Where is Will, Lizzy?” Charles asked jovially despite his slightly windswept appearance.

“I left him talking to my father, actually,” she replied.

“Perhaps I best go and rescue him,” Charles joked, and with a wink he was gone. Not before kissing Jane on the cheek of course and a quick greeting to Charlotte.

“How've you been Charlie?” Jane asked.

“Not so bad,” Charlotte replied. “And yourself?”

“Fine and dandy, thank you,” Jane beamed.

“You look more than fine to me. Is she always this happy, Lizzy?”

“More so usually!”

“Sickening!” Charlotte teased.

Jane blushed lightly. “Yes - well, anyway. How was you day with William, Lizzy?”

Charlotte's face suddenly donned a knowing look, and she turned to watch Elizabeth expectantly.

“It was nice actually. I got caught in the rain, he was helpful, we had a chat. Basically, all is forgiven.”

“But?” Jane asked suspiciously.

“But, oh I don't know! I was just saying to Charlie about how bloody enigmatic he is.” Elizabeth shook her head suddenly. “We'll talk about it later, I promise. Right now, let's get some drinks and enjoy the party!”

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Charles had spotted Mr. Bennet and William from across the room, and was both shocked and surprised to see that they appeared to be getting on famously. As he neared them, he caught strains of their conversation though the general hubbub of the room made it difficult to hear.

“…you asked a rather interesting question about the Human Embryology and Fertilization Act at that Human Rights lecture I gave I seem to remember?” Mr. Bennet asked with a smile, and a look of recognition.

“Yes, that's right!” William laughed. “That's was a very good lecture you know, now I think about it. You were just a guest speaker for the day, weren't you?”

“Yes, I was. And thank you for the compliment - not that you could say otherwise of course,” Mr. Bennet remarked with a sparkle in his eye, that was so reminiscent of his daughter, that William was quite taken aback.

“Are you still an active professor?” William had the presence of mind to courteously ask.

“Not anymore no. Still do the odd lecture of course, but no long term commitments.”

“You must let me know if you ever lecture in London or Derbyshire, I'd really like to come and sit in, if you don't mind of course?”

“Mind? No, not at all, I'd be glad to,” Mr. Bennet said with a warm, almost proud smile. “Oh look!” he exclaimed, his eyes suddenly fixed on a distant point. “Here comes my future son in law.”

William turned to see a bedraggled Bingley heading their way.

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When the four current Netherfield inhabitants finally got home very late that Saturday night, which after Charles and Jane's late arrival had been relatively uneventful, they, in a time honoured tradition, separated off the sexes. Jane and Elizabeth went to the kitchen to exchange gossip over cups of tea, whilst Charles and William took the more masculine option of `dissecting' the evening over a scotch in the study.

“You and Elizabeth seemed to have healed the breech somewhat. Dare I hope you've apologized for your abysmal behaviour last night?” Charles asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“Oh, ha ha,” mutter William wryly. “But, for your information I did apologize to her today.”

“You don't seem so happy about it?” observed Charles with a small frown. “You don't still believe what you said? About her being out for all she can get, or whatever if was you said do you, Will, `cause I can categorically state that it isn't true.”

“No, no, it's nothing like that,” William stated, avoiding Charles' eye.

“Then what is it? Judging by what I saw tonight you two were getting along quite well - did my attempt at matchmaking set some cogs rolling?”

“Charles,” William's voice was dangerously low, but Charles had been friends with the man sitting opposite him long enough to know that he still had quite a lot of room to maneuver before he pushed his luck too far.

“I've hit a nerve!” Bingley cried triumphantly. “You do like her don't you?!” He paused, placed a hand dramatically on his chest and looked to the ceilings, finally sighing; “My machinations have finally achieved success.”

“Don't flatter yourself Charles. Success hasn't been achieved quite yet,” William responded.

But Charles wasn't listening, he was too busy grinning inanely and thinking aloud. “Just wait until I tell Janie, I knew you two were well suited from the start!”

And just like that - Charles had gone too far.

“You will not tell Jane anything. I don't want anyone to know about my personal life - especially when what you'll tell her will be based on your assumptions and nothing more!”

Charles started at the harsh tone of William. “Calm down, Will, I was only joking!”

There was a moment of silence before Darcy replied.

“I know Charles, and I'm sorry,” William breathed in slowly. “It's just I hate people knowing about my private life - what I do in my own time is my own business.”

“Or who!” added Charles mischievously added, and the two men chuckled together.

“Indeed. I just don't want anything to get back to Elizabeth causing her to get her hopes up unnecessarily,” William said seriously.

“I don't think you give Elizabeth enough credit, Will. She's a very intelligent, rational woman. Besides, why shouldn't she get her hopes up if you are getting along so well?”

“Yes, Elizabeth may well be rational but who's to say how she'll behave once she realizes just how much sway I hold in the legal circuit, how much I could help her advance her career. Not to mention how much I'm worth,” he added in an undertone.

Charles looked at his friend in mild disbelief. “Elizabeth is the most independent person I know - I doubt she'll want your help. Plus, I really don't believe she needs it” Charles shook his head slowly. “Sometimes you're so unbelievably arrogant Will, it scares me.”

“Oh Charles,” William smiled ruefully. “All that aside I'm a judge! One of these days she's bound to appear before me in court and then what? If we have a budding relationship, it wouldn't be very professional now, would it?”

“For someone so bright Will, I swear that at times you are uncommonly dense. You wouldn't be the first judge this had happened to - what do you think other couples do? IF it happens, you just ask for the case to be TRANSFERRED! If you wanted to find a way around it you could,” Charles ended matter-of-factly.

William silently took a sip of his scotch. Charles took this as his cue to shut up - the ball was in William's court now. Charles knew what he'd said was true, if his friend wanted to find a way to have a relationship with Elizabeth he would, and, for now, it wasn't his place to meddle.

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“And so what are you trying to tell me Lizzy?” Jane asked perplexed as she gazed at her little sister over the rim of her cup. “That you're not sure if you like this incredibly hot - don't look at me like Lizzy, I still have eyes even if I do love Charles,” she added as Elizabeth pulled a shocked face. Jane shook her head slightly and continued. “This incredibly HOT, nice man, who gets on well with your family and friends because he seems to be a little apprehensive in social situations? That makes no sense!”

Elizabeth had shared her observations of William with Jane, as well as the story of their day together since they had returned from the party and had to admit, to herself, however grudgingly, that what Jane was saying seemed sensible.

“I hear and understand what you're saying, I really do. It's just that - oh, I don't know! Perhaps what I overheard him say to Charles has stuck with and made me biased, but I can't seem to rid myself of the idea that maybe he does see himself as superior not only to me, but to everyone I know.”

Jane knew that tone of Elizabeth's well, it was her thinking voice. The exasperation Lizzy was experiencing also spoke loud and clear to her sister - she could make no sense of those thoughts. Calmingly, Jane laid a hand on Elizabeth shoulder.

“I think you are subjective, Lizzy, and so am I too, but for very different reasons, but just let me repeat what I've said before. William is Charles' best friend, Charlie has known him for years and he has never mentioned to me any instance of cold-heartedness or anything like it. On top of that William has treated me as an equal, just think then, why should you be any different in his eyes than I am?”

Elizabeth rested her head on her hands briefly, and then looked up, ran her hands rapidly through her hair and shrugged.

“I shouldn't be, except, well if we really are as well suited as you and Charles say, and I must admit, perhaps even I'm starting to believe, then - ” Elizabeth stopped talking, suddenly completely absorbed.

“Then what Lizzy? Talk to me,” Jane quietly asked, squeezing her sister's hand gently.

“Nothing Jane!” she exclaimed after a moment with false cheer. “Nothing at all, let's see how it all goes shall we? I'm leaving tomorrow so there's no point in getting caught up in all of this is there?”

“If you're sure Lizzy.”

“I am.”

“Then I'll drop the whole subject, just remember that I'm here for you to talk to, should you need me.”

“I know Janey, and thank you.” Elizabeth pulled her sister into a grateful hug.

“Are you sure you have to go tomorrow?” Jane asked. “Can't you stay until Monday maybe?”

“Perhaps, I can, for you Janey. I have to pop into the office though on Monday so I'll only be able to stay `til early afternoon.”

“Thank you Lizzy, I really have missed you so much.”

Lizzy kissed Jane on the cheek, and gave her an extra squeeze.

“I'm going ot bed now Janey, sleep tight.”

“Don't let the bed bugs bite,” Jane called to her sister's retreating back.

In bed, Elizabeth thought about what she'd been about to say to her sister. What if anything ever did happen between herself and William? It couldn't end well - nothing ever ended well between rich, powerful men and normal women - did it?

Chapter Five

Posted on Wednesday, 11 August 2004

Sunday morning dawned with no sign of the rain that had caused so many problems the day before. Elizabeth crawled out of bed and was glad to see the shafts of sunlight shining through the slight gap between her bedroom curtains; and whilst brushing her teeth she impulsively ran from her en-suite to throw them open.

Still perfunctorily moving her toothbrush she looked out across the expanse of lawn underneath her window. After hours of lying awake tossing and turning last night, kept from settling by the turn of her thoughts she had finally reached a decision - to do exactly what Charlotte had suggested; to stop trying to predict the future, and to live for the present - in short, to stop thinking. She would follow William's lead - that was all.

I mean, it's not as though I have soon kind of vested emotional interest in all of this - I've only known the man for just over a day!

Elizabeth returned to the bathroom and finished brushing her teeth. As she rinsed out her mouth, she looked up and chanced to see her reflection - and something else as well.

“Where the hell did that come from?” she cried aloud. Leaning closer to the mirror, she tried an almost comic sequence of smiles and frowns. It was confirmed - she had a new laughter line.

“You've got to stop being so happy. I mean do you have to smile at all those strangers?” she muttered to her reflection.

Some rebel synapses conjured up the questioning thought - would William notice?

Elizabeth sighed, laughed aloud at herself, and recalled something Charlotte had said last night as they spoke about her contact with the elusive Mr. Fitzwilliam, and if thus far anything positive, i.e. indicating their mutual attraction, could be construed.

Do you ever feel like you're too old to be playing these games?

The idea resonated around her head. Right now, Elizabeth felt as old as she ever had, and a part of her couldn't help thinking - didn't you think it'd all be over by now? That you'd have a husband and the perfect house, maybe even kids? Honestly, the old idealistic Elizabeth had. The old Elizabeth had a life plan. Career embarked upon at 24 - check; first child on the way by thirty? Outcome pending, it seemed.

She attempted to look at her reflection menacingly and growled. “If you even attempt to mention your biological clock, I'll hit you Bennet!” Elizabeth smiled at her own stupidity and then was forced to laugh.

“Damnit!” she exclaimed, as her hand jumped to her face to inspect the damage.

She shook her head despairingly and walked over to her overnight bag as she deliberated which outfit she'd look best in that day. Picked out a summer dress, flip-flops and a beaded necklace, she smiled to herself once more.

Hmmm, may the games begin!

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William was already having breakfast with Jane and Charles at the table in the kitchen when Elizabeth came down. He'd been having some problems with his appearances of his own after he had been for his morning run and showered. He simply couldn't for the life of him get his hair to hang right; unruly curls persisted in falling down on to his forehead. He had fiddled with them for almost fifteen minutes before he'd been forced to laugh at himself and his uncharacteristic behaviour. `It's Elizabeth,' he had thought. `No one else has ever made me feel so - insecure before.' Having given up, he'd eventually left his bedroom with the quiet confidence that no one had ever found him deficient in anyway before; and especially not physically.

“Good morning all!” Elizabeth greeted them cheerfully, with a bright smile.

Charles grinned broadly, and Jane gestured for her to take a seat. William, Elizabeth was pleased to note, nodded in reply and gave her a warm smile. After taking the proffered seat, the conversation around the table that had been interrupted by Elizabeth's arrival resumed, and as Lizzy listened she helped herself to some tea from the pot.

“So, what are your plans for today then?” Charles asked William jovially.

“I'm not sure. I might, perhaps, take a walk, become accustomed to the area. I couldn't yesterday, for obvious reasons,” the corner of his mouth turned up briefly as the memory of Elizabeth, wet from the downpour intruded, “and I don't fancy being cooped up all of today as well.”

“There are some nice paths through the woods,” Jane offered helpfully. “I told you about them on Friday didn't I, Lizzy? You got a chance to explore them didn't you?”

“Briefly, yes,” Elizabeth said, sheepishly. “From what I saw of them, before my vision was - impaired, shall we say? - by the torrential downpour, they seemed very pleasant.”

“That sounds like as good a place as any to begin. Can I persuade anyone to join me?” William's invitation was meant generally, but it was said as he looked specifically at Elizabeth. Jane and Charles saw it, and immediately understanding the underlying meaning behind it, shared a glance of their own; and cried off, using the necessity to prepare for Sunday dinner with the Bennet family as their excuse.

“What?!” Elizabeth blanched as she heard this. “The entire family is coming here for dinner?”

Jane smiled guiltily. “I had sort of hoped to spring it on you at the last minute, remove the `dread - phase,' but the damage is done now. It's sort of become a tradition - we alternate where we eat each week.”

“Tradition implies happy, warm family gatherings, Janey. I doubt very much that describes these dinners!”

Jane eyes widened almost imperceptibly, as she began to get a little fearful. “If you really want Lizzy, I could call Mum and cancel?”

“Janey, I'm kidding! Geez, when did you become so easy to goad? You clearly haven't been spending enough time around me. I won't say family dinners are my favourite things, but having not had one in quite sometime, I can honestly say; I'm rather looking forward to it.” Elizabeth smiled smugly as she reached for some toast, and was therefore caught unawares when her sister hit her playfully on the arm.

“Tease!” Jane muttered.

Charles smiled indulgently at the easy repartee between the sisters, and William looked on with a mixture of pleasure at witnessing such intimacy and a strange longing feeling; he wished, deep down, that he had this kind of relationship with Georgie. But ever since last summer she'd been so quiet and introspective which made such a goal even harder to achieve, especially on top of the seventeen-year age gap that existed between them.

Elizabeth, still pretending to scowl at Jane, turned and spoke to William. “Well, William, if I've not been beaten black and blue by my violent sister by the time you're ready to leave, I'd be happy to accompany you on your little adventure.”

William practically grinned, and Elizabeth even managed to extricate a laugh from him when she next looked at Charles and, in a dramatic stage whisper, said:

“I watch that one if I were you, Charlie. Such a vicious, unpredictable temper - you never know when she might next lash out!”

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“Did you enjoy talking to my father last night?” Elizabeth asked as she and William started out on a new path through the garden of Netherfield that led to the woods bordering it. The grass, still damp under their feet was the only remaining sign of yesterday's bad weather; but otherwise Elizabeth could not think of a better day for such a walk, or a better partner to walk with.

“I did. We had a lot in common, as I'm sure you well know,” William added with a smile. “Coincidentally though, as it turns out, I actually attended a lecture or two of his in my student days.”

“Really?” Elizabeth smiled. “What a small world! I've never attended one myself; I've read through some of his lecture notes though. Was he a good lecturer?” she asked impertinently.

“Yes, of course, rather wonderful if you ask me,” Darcy replied with mock gravity. “Quite simply,” he finished with a small smile, “the best lecturer I've ever had.”

Elizabeth laughed a little. “I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that.”

William regarded her, the small smile still playing on his lips. “You look very well to day, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth blushed lightly and looked down at her feet, as she murmured her thanks. Having grown up in the shadow of her elder sister, she'd rarely received compliments as a child; as a consequence had yet to learn how to react to compliments. The small amount of uneasiness she usually felt upon receiving one was tempered this time though by her companion's use of words.

“Thank you, I am feeling in the best of health,” she commented, purposely misunderstanding his comment, and attempting to hide her mirth, unsuccessfully with a shaking smile.

She had the pleasure of seeing Darcy flustered for a moment, as he floundered for words. “I - ah, that's not precisely what I - ” Elizabeth let of a burst of laughter, and he turned sharply to look at her. His flushed cheeks turned, if possible, an even deeper shade of red. “Oh, I see, you're teasing me.”

“I'm sorry,” she managed through her giggles. “I'm sometimes too light-hearted for my own good.”

“Then perhaps, sometimes I'm…too serious.” He finally lifted his eyes and glanced at Elizabeth; they shared an almost intimate look, until Darcy aware of his vulnerability, and a fear of being thought to be staring turned away.

There was a silence then, a horribly awkward one, where both knew that there was much that could be said, but neither knew precisely what they wished to say.

Elizabeth curled a lock of her hair around her finger, and William watched almost entranced by the repetitive almost hypnotic movements. Suddenly he felt the dire need to talk, create a diversion do anything to relieve the almost tangible tension of the moment.

“So…” he fished desperately. “Your, erm - friend Charlotte seemed very nice when - when we spoke last night.”

“Oh yes!” Elizabeth said, as she exhaled in relief. “Charlie's great. We've been friends for - well, forever it seems. Our families were very close.” She paused, thoughtfully. “I don't see as much of her as I'd like, since I moved to the city and all.”

“I know that feeling very well, what with sister choosing to go away for college, and my cousin, Richard - he's, err, one of my closest friends - lives and works in the city, but when I'm there I'm always working and have very little time for - ”

“And you don't make time for those closest to you?” Elizabeth asked with a questioning frown. It was hypocritical she knew, she herself was often so caught up with any number of cases, and sometimes went a fortnight or so without even talking to her family, never mind seeing them. But there was something about the ease with which he said it, the apparent lack of concern or good intention which startled her, made her question his priorities in life.

“It's very difficult sometimes; but yes, I do try to spend as much time as possible with them. Fitz is a partner in a solicitors' firm so, we usually spend a lot of time with each other in a professional capacity.”

Elizabeth was about to blurt out, `And that satisfies you does it?' but then she remembered her early morning resolution.

She went for the satisfaction of her curiosity angle and instead asked, “Fitz?”

“Oh, yes I'm sorry. Fitz, it's short for Fitzwilliam. Richard's surname,” William added after he saw that her look of confusion hadn't abated.

“Wait - a Richard Fitzwilliam who's a partner in a firm. You're cousin doesn't happen to be extraordinarily good looking does he?” Elizabeth asked hurriedly.

William's initial perplexed feelings were overridden by one's of irrational jealousy.

“How do you know my cousin?” he questioned cautiously.

“I don't. He's the new employer Charlotte was considering going to work for - as far as I'm aware, she will be working for him.”

He smiled a suspicious smile. “Why do I suspect from your initial description of him that there's something more to you and your friend's interest of him than simply in his role as employer?”

“You may choose to suspect, and I may choose to remain silent and not satisfy your curiosity with regard to your suspicions, Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth smiled coyly and walked further ahead, leaving her walking partner chuckling in her wake.

So the apparently sensible Charlotte is attracted to Fitz, eh? He thought as he began to move again, in order to catch up with her. “Good luck to her,” he mumbled quietly under his breath. If someone had the ability to make his cousin settle down, he highly doubted the mature and slightly reserved Charlotte would be the one to do it.

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Elizabeth and William returned from their walk to find Jane and Charles still in the kitchen - the perfect picture of domesticity. Charles was washing a cabbage in the sink as Jane seasoned a leg of lamb in the oven, complete with oven gloves, aprons and all.

“Hi there,” Lizzy called as she walked in, declaring their arrival and interrupting their quiet conversation. Charles and Jane both looked up and smiled, in a comically similar fashion - time and love had probably made them more similar than they were aware.

“Do you need any help there?” William asked Jane politely as he removed his jacket and hung it on the back off one of the kitchen chairs.

“No, I appear to have everything under control, but thank,” she waived off his kind offer.

“Really? Nothing I could chop, dice or boil?” he asked good-humouredly.

“Well, if you're so eager to rival Delia Smith, who am I to stand in your way?” Jane laughed. “There are a few carrots over here on the side that you can cut up for me.”

As William engaged in his task, Jane and he quickly slipped into polite small talk; with William asking about her job and she inquiring after the sister Charles had told her he had. Taking the opportunity of his fiancée's apparent distraction, Bingley caught Elizabeth attention by sneaking up to her, interrupting her self-delegated task of preparing tea for the group, and tapping her impatiently on the shoulder. He gestured to the breakfast bar on the other side of the room, furthest away from where Darcy and Jane were occupied.

“I need to talk to you about Jane's birthday,” Charles began in a low voice. Elizabeth nodded her understanding and waited for him to continue, which he promptly did. “I'm going to take her out for dinner, just the two of us - I hope you don't mind?”

Elizabeth shook her head slowly; of course she didn't mind that her sister's husband-to-be wished to occupy her time on her birthday, yet Lizzy herself felt a little disappointment at not being able to share such a special day with the most important person in her life. Unexpectedly, Charles went on.

“Then afterwards, I'm planning a larger get-together in a bar in the city and I was wondering if I could count on your help to invite all of your family and her friends and such along?”

Elizabeth masked her wide smile behind a conspiratorial one. “Am I to take it then that this little `get-together' is a secret?”

“Not just a pretty face!” Charles jested.

“Most certainly not, Charlie!” Elizabeth exclaimed with fake affront.

Jane and William both looked up; this last, rather louder exchange had interrupted their quiet conversation.

“Harassing my sister, darling?” Jane called, with a joke frown and a sly smile.

“Me? Never!” Charles smiled innocently, and Elizabeth almost believed that butter really wouldn't melt in his mouth.

Jane walked over to the pair and kissed Charles soundly on the lips with a small, comic smack; he in turn wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Elizabeth caught William's eye and rolled her own, causing him to chuckle softly, taking this as encouragement enough she picked up her cup of tea, and together with his own, walked over to his side of the kitchen, leaving the love birds to their own contented embrace.

“It's enough to make a person wish they weren't single, isn't it?” she asked conversationally.

There was a pause of epic proportions, punctuated only by the regular chopping sound of the knife as Darcy cut vegetables.

“Quite,” he mumbled.

Elizabeth closed her eyes slowly, and in complete mortification. She hadn't meant it in the way she knew, instinctively, William had taken it. To back-pedal or not to back-pedal? Now that was the question.

Thankfully, she was saved the pain of further embarrassment as she heard the distinctive sounds of a car making it's way down the pebble-covered driveway.

“I think I best ask you to move over and allow me to give you a hand with those vegetables because - whether we're ready or not - my family have just landed,” Lizzy stated with a rueful smile, which thankfully, and to her utter relief, Darcy returned.

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Chapter Six

Posted on Friday, 27 August 2004

The instant Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters climbed Netherfield's front steps with her husband in tow, and forcefully pushed their way through the door which Jane had just been about to open, all peace was shattered. Mrs. Bennet, having not seen her two eldest daughters for over twelve hours, was brimming full of maternal advice and tips, which of course she was desperate to impart and her daughter's were only too glad to receive.

“Jaaane! There you are dear,” exclaimed Mrs. Bennet in the hall way, as Jane herself tried to rid her mother of her coat and scarf. “Didn't I always tell you pale blue was your colour? Doesn't she look lovely Charlie? Charlie?!?!” Mrs. Bennet looked rapidly from side to side, as though expecting her future son-in-law to suddenly materialize either side of her. “Where is that boy?!”

“Right here, Mrs. Bennet!” shouted Charles chirpily as he came out of the kitchen into the hallway, with a tea-towel tossed carelessly over his shoulder and arms outstretched.

Availing herself of the opened armed invitation for a hug, Mrs. Bennet light-heartedly chastised Bingley. “How many times do I have to tell you Charlie? It's Fran!”

“Right you are Fran!” Charles replied with an impossibly wide grin. “Why don't you all go on into the living room and I'll fix you a drink?”

William and Elizabeth, witnesses to the entire debacle, had shared a significant look when Charles had exited the kitchen looking exactly like one's stereotyped image of an eager and perfect teenage son from the 1950's, but after this latest development they were both hard pressed to contain their laughter; knowing they were both having equal difficulty stopping their mirth made it even harder to do just that.

The ever loud and boisterous matriarch of the Bennet family followed Charles and led her brood into the living room. Lydia, true to form, smiled flirtatiously at William as she passed; Kitty hung back and watched from her sister's shadow.

“Hi, my name's Lydia. And yours?” She pulled back her shoulders, effectively shoving her chest into Darcy's surprised and taken aback face. He was still trying to find his voice when Elizabeth stepped forwards.

“Lydia!” she said warningly, her voice dangerously lower than usual. “This is William Darcy, as I'm sure you already know.”

Lydia pouted, and her shoulders instantly sank as she turned back into the sulky teen she really was. “Lizzy! I was just trying to have a little fun, there's no need to get all territorial.”

“Wow Lyddy,” Elizabeth retorted sarcastically, “that word's got five syllables in it. You really are coming along in leaps and bounds. And don't pull that face at me young lady!” She added as Lydia slunk away, muttering angrily to Kitty.

“Nice to see you again my boy,” Mr. Bennet finally piped up as he shook his head ruefully at his daughters' antics.

“And you. How've you been?” William asked politely. Elizabeth, still slightly distracted by the behaviour of her youngest sister, simply smiled at the exchange.

“Is that a tactful way of asking if my girls have been giving me any more jip than usual?” Mr. Bennet asked, corners of his mouth and one eyebrow upturned.

“Not at all. I - errr- meant nothing of the kind…um - ” William stuttered.

“Not used to being teased this one is he, Lizzy?” Mr. Bennet chuckled.

William smiled. “I'm getting used to it with you and your daughter around sir, I can tell you.”

“Perhaps we'll find a sense of humour under there yet, eh?”

“I'm positive there's one already there, Dad - and you don't have to look too hard to find it either.” Elizabeth smiled lightly, and William, pleased by the compliment turned to her. The look they shared lasted some moments, and Mr. Bennet felt it prudent to clear his throat before they either forgot about him entirely or spent the entire afternoon stood by the front door.

“I'll go on ahead shall I?” Elizabeth's father asked, ever perceptive. Once the living room door shut behind her dad, Lizzy immediately started talking.

“I'm sorry about Lydia and her behaviour. I've come to expect it, as we all have, but you're still unaccustomed to it, so I thought I'd just make the apology now and get it over with so I don't have to keep doing it again later.”

“Elizabeth, please don't apologise - it's not you're fault, nor are you her parent,” William replied softly, reassuringly.

“I know that, but neither Mum nor Dad makes the effort to check her actions, so usually Jane or I end up doing it.”

Darcy didn't know what to say exactly, and so, instead, he reached out his hand and squeezed her arm gently. Elizabeth, eyes wide, was shocked by the intimacy; Darcy noticed and retracted the offending hand.

“Perhaps we should go in now?” he took a step back from her as he spoke, and indicated the room where everyone, bar Jane, now sat.

Elizabeth, ever conscious of her family's shocking effect upon newcomers and strangers, was loathe to tell him to go ahead without her whilst she helped her elder sister - but help Jane she must!

Besides, as shocking and boisterous as Mum and Lydia may be, there's no real harm it them…when they aren't attacking me at least!

“You go on in, I'm going to go and help Jane.”

William nodded slowly. “Yes, I'll go and see if Charles needs a hand sorting out those drinks.”

“You're a guest William, I'm sure there's no need.”

“So are you,” he reminded her.

She laughed lightly. “Right you are! People in glass houses and all that.”

William smiled, pleased that he had made her laugh that light, almost musical laugh which he had come to unexpectedly relish the sound of over the two short days he'd spent with her.

Less than an hour later, the whole noisy gathering was assembled around the long mahogany table in Netherfield's dining room. Elizabeth had managed to maneuver the seating arrangement so that she and Charles sat either side of William, her father opposite; Lydia and her mother were as far away as possible. She hated having to do it - she hated feeling ashamed of her own flesh and blood. In extreme times she even blamed her father for never taking the time or making the effort to punish or discipline his wild younger daughters; but now, as per usual, she saw her father as the man he was. The wry, educated, witty man who derived pleasure and amusement from watching the foibles and follies of his wife and children - and since his marriage had lacked a certain luster for many years, she could hardly begrudge him his favourite pastime now could she?

“And what about you Lizzy?” her mother screeched across the table.

“I'm sorry Mum, what did you say?” Elizabeth asked distractedly.

“Well, I was asking you if you'd taken on any of what I'd said last night - about getting a man” Mrs. Bennet attempted to whisper conspiratorially which, of course, meant that she spoke at least ten decibels above everyone else there. “But, you've answered my question already haven't you? Dilly-dallying and day-dreaming - no wonder you never get any dates! I take it, with your head in the clouds all the time, you didn't meet any eligible men?”

“No, mother, I didn't meet any one new.”

There was something in her tone which made William look at her, a hint that there was a hidden meaning to her words which he thought he grasped and understood. He looked intently at her, willing her to meet his eye to confirm his suspicions, but to no avail, Elizabeth wouldn't be persuaded to look up from her potatoes.

“More's the pity!” Mrs. Bennet sighed dramatically. “But did you hear Lyddy? She's got herself a new man - the captain of the first football team at school! His father owns his own accountancy firm as well - frightfully boring I dare say, but a very good income nevertheless.”

Elizabeth replied with an eyebrow raised sardonically. “The captain of the football team? Lydia, last time I checked, you went to the same girls' school as we all did.”

“Liiiiizzy,” Lydia whined. “There's a boys' division too you know! Well, perhaps you don't, you were such a big, bloody geek at school that I surprised you even knew of the existence of any person with a p-”

“LYDIA! Please!” Both Elizabeth and Jane exclaimed at the same time, both bearing identical faces of utter embarrassment and shock. William's eyes had widened - very perceptibly, and even Charles had choked on his mouthful of wine, Kitty sniggered; Mrs and Mr. Bennet alone seemingly remained unperturbed.

Silence reigned and the tension was more than palpable. Uncomfortable fidgeting and coughing only added to the awkward atmosphere.

“Has anyone heard from Mary recently?” Elizabeth finally asked in a shaky voice.

“Oh, no! That girl's far too absorbed with her studies to even give a toss about us - the people who raised her, the people who pay for her education. I keep telling her she'll never find a husband if she's always preoccupied, but does she listen -”

“And your art project, Kitty?” Jane interrupted her mother loudly. Lizzy smiled at her gratefully. It was like the old days, when they both lived at home and they'd had visitors or guests; Lizzy and Jane had had an unwritten rule that together, working as a team, they would try to quiet their mother, thus lessening their misery. Eventually, they had become quite the experts and had learnt to stop Mrs. Bennet from saying something even before she'd opened her mouth, but years of independence and time away from home had clearly affected their abilities.

With disastrous effects this time Elizabeth mused as she took in William's expression.

“Oh, I don't know - it takes so much time to do even one piece that I can't be bothered doing a whole project, especially since the last time I even attempted to do one I only got a C minus,” Kitty whined.

Elizabeth, surprised at her sister's lack of concern, arched an eyebrow and looked at her father inquiringly; he merely shrugged. “You aren't going to do anything about it Dad? You pay for her education and you're going to let her waste it all?” Her tone was neither accusatory nor indignant, simply questioning. Elizabeth was just asking what everyone was thinking - why was Mr. Bennet so unconcerned by his daughter's behaviour? And why wasn't he doing anything to turn the situation around?

“And you Kitty?” Lizzy turned her attention to her sister instead, after having made no progress with her father - the wry man she knew and loved seemed to have been momentarily replaced by the one that infuriated her. “Don't you even care that you're going to end up failing if you carry on like this? These are you're A-levels!”

“Lizzy,” Jane said soothingly.

“No, Jane! Why is no one going to say anything? We girls received, and are receiving still,” she said, with a significant glance in Kitty and Lydia's direction, “benefits which others have no chance of ever aspiring to, never mind getting them!”

“Chill out Liz, it's not like qualifications are the be all and end all,” Lydia smiled smugly.

“No, they aren't! Quite right Lyddy!” Mrs. Bennet piped in.

Elizabeth sighed heavily. “You know what, you're right! They're your lives, waste them if you will, but I just can't believe you want to, and I, for one don't want to stand around and watch you throw them down the plughole!” She ran her fingers angrily through her hair. “I'm sorry, maybe I'm over-reacting - I just care.”

Lydia rolled her eyes, but Kitty had the sense to look a little contrite.

“I'm going into the kitchen to get another drink, does anyone want anything?” Lizzy said, pushing back from the table suddenly. No body commented on the jug of water or bottle of wine already on the table, nor did they ask her to bring them anything in.

As she left Elizabeth saw the stare that Charles sent William's way, and the subtle inclination of his head toward her retreating figure, and though she told herself she didn't really expect William to follow her in, she was, nevertheless a little disappointed when he never came.


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