tekst piosenki Call My Name

Call My Name - Omd

You see the new sensation,
I heard it call your name.
You're running 'round in circles,
You're making right again.
(The) telephone keeps ringing,
Your head is in the sand,
(The) future is unfolding,
But it's not what you had planned.

No matter what you do,
There's no escape for you.
You say they've gone too far,
(You) said I'd take my car. (** Anyone want to explain that one?? **)
So it always ends the same,
And there's no one else to blame...
But I'd die
If you would call my name.

Caught between two evils,
I should've stayed at home.
To wish upon, and hold the phone,
When in love you want... (** Eh? **)

No matter…..

Oh yes, I'd die,
If you would call my name.


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