Słówka z Angielskiego(2)

westrzeSłówka z Angielskiego - Prezentacje - C1


Untapped resources - niewykorzystane zasoby

to scramble - ubiegać się, rozchwytywać

to protract - przedłużać, przeciąga

ridge - grzbiet, grań

barrel - baryłka

Gas field - złoże gazu

Oil deposit - złoże roponośne

Maritime law - prawo morskie

bore - odwiert

Oil - rig - platforma wiertnicza

Prolix - rozwlekły

To resurrect - ożywiać, wskrzeszać

An amendment - poprawka

A pail - kubełek, wiaderko

A cot - łóżko dziecięce

A mail merge - korespondencja seryjna

Germane - właściwy, odpowiadający

Recodify - dekodować…

Creole - an American or Caribbean language, which is a combination of a European language and another language and which is a main language In parts of the southern US and In the Caribbean 2) someone who is related to the first Europeans who came back to the Caribbean or the southern US

Lingua franca - language which is used for communication between groups of people who speak different languages but which is not used between members of the same group

Pidgin - a language which has developed from a mixture of two languages, it is used as a way of communicating by people who do not speak each other's languages

Cashew (nut) - a small nut from a tropical American tree which can be eaten - nerkowiec

Fully - fledged - adj completely developed or trained

Sizeable - adj large

Nigger - an extremely offensive word for a black person

Loanword - a word taken from one language and used in another

Derivative - a form of something, such as a word, made or developed from another word


Separation of power - podział władz(y)

Branches - gałęzie

To enforce - egzekwować

To prohibit - zabraniać


To restrain - powstrzymywać

Entities - podmioty

Principal -główny

Interdependent - wpółzależny

Prevalent race - rasa rządząca

Acts of genocide - akty ludobójstwa

Inprecedent cruelty - niespotykane okrucieństwo

Weapon stock - skład broni

Humanitarny treatment of captivates - humanitarne traktowanie jeńców

To adjudicate about crimes - orzekać o zbrodniach

To nourish - kultywować

Pre - Rapaelite

N a painter or writer belonging to or infuenced by the Per-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a society fouded in England in 1848 to advance the style and spirit of Italian painting before Raphael

Adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of the Pre-Raphaelites


Adj. 1. giving care or attention; watchful; attentive to detail

2. marked by or offering devoted and assiduous attention to the pleasure or comfort of others

3. expressing affectionate interest though close observation and gallant gestures; he played the attentive suitor, complete with roses and bonbons


N 1. the spirit or activities characteristic of religious revivals

2. a desire or inclination to revive what belongs to an earlier time


N systematic mistreatment of an individual/group by another group. The most common forms are religious persecution, ethnic persecution, and political persecution, though there is naturally some overlap between these terms. The act of killing an offender of the law.


N an euphemism for someone with Down syndrome or motor skills disorder


Encyclic - encyklika

Dogma - dogmat

Interdicted - zakazany

Lay- brother - laik

Avow - uznawać

Inculate - wpajać

Cosmic rays - promieniowanie kosmiczne

Outer space - przestrzeń kosmiczna

Particie - cząstki

Proton - proton

Elektron - elektron

Nuclei - jądro

Aurora - zorza

Woodwind instruments - wind instruments Rother than brass instruments forming a section o fan orchestra, including flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons (instrumenty dęte drewniane)

Molecules - a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction (molekuła)

Frequency - the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second (częstotliwość)

Note - a single tone of definite pitch made by a musicial instrument or the human voice (dźwięk)

Reeds - a piece of thin cane or metal, sometimes doubled, that vibrates an a current of air to produce the sound of various musical instruments, as in the mouthpiece of a clarinet or oboe, at the base of some organ pipes, and as part of a set in the accordion and harmonica (stroik)

Harmonics - a component frequency of an oscillation or wave (harmoniczna)

Sound pressure - the difference between the instantaneous pressure at a point in the presence of a sound wave and the static pressure of the medium

Pitch - the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a ton

Standing wave - a vibration of a system in which some particular points remain fixed while others between them vibrate with the maximum amplitude (fala stojąca)

Node - a point at which the amplitude of vibration in a standing wave system is zero (węzeł)

Fingering - play (a passage) with a particular sequence of positions of the fingers (palcowanie)



enlargement - making sth bigger

enter into -  to start to think or talk about sth

suspend - to stop or delay sth for a time

revive - to begin to do or use sth again

affiliate -  to accept as a member

rejection - refusal


słówka Eweliny:

autumn of nations

round table talks

Polish United Worker's Party - PZPR

Democratic Party - SD

United Peasant's Party - ZSL

Confederation for an Independent Polsnd - KPN

voters disillusioned - voters whose are free from deprove of illusion

withdrawal of Russian forces - retreat of Russian forces

chancellor - prime minister in Germany

sovereignty - independence

People's Republic of Poland - PRL


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