You can play with or without cards depending on the level of your students.
If you play without using the cards, just ask them: How do you go to school? every time they land on a square and they will answer according to the picture on it.
If you play using the cards, pick up a card every time they land on a square and ask them according to the picture on the card. For instance if the card is:
you would ask them: How do you go to school? Do you go to school by bus? and then according to the picture of the square they have landed on, they will answer: “yes, we do” or “no, we don t. We go to school by / on...(whatever is the picture on the square)”
You can give them a token for every correct answer they say and also take them off a token for every wrong answer they say so that the one with more tokens at the end of the game will be the winner.
Following “marion g”