giving directions2

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Where is the School? It is across from the Library.

Where is the church? It is across from the Fire Station. / It is near the School.

Where is the City Park? It is behind the Library. / It is across from the Pharmacy.

Where is the Toy Shop? It is on the corner of Second Avenue and Mallory Street.

Where is the City Hospital? It is in front of the Pharmacy. / It is across from the supermarket.

Student: Date:

/ /

Julio is very happy today

because it's his first day at

work. He is a deliver boy.

He doesn't know the city

very well, but he is sure he

can ask for directions.

Julio: Excurse me sir.

Where is Mallory Street?

Man: It isn't far from here.

Go ahead this street for

two blocks and turn left.

Clint: Thank you sir.

Man: You're welcome.

Julio: Excurse me, officer.

I think I'm lost.

Officer: Where are you going?

Julio: I'm going to Mallory


Officer: You're not far. Turn left

at the corner and ride for

one block.

Julio: Thanks a lot!

Julio: Can you help me?

Woman: What the matter?

Julio: Where is Mallory Street?

Woman: It is too easy.

Go ahead this street and …

Julio: Wait a minute, please. I'm going to write down. I'm a little


Julio: Are you Mrs. Taylor.

Mrs. Taylor: Yes, I am.

Julio: I am the deliver boy.

Mrs. Taylor: Where is my


Julio: Your pizza?

Oh my God!!!!!

This text was inspired in

AMOS, Eduardo. Et al. Our Way1-São

Paulo: Moderna, 2005.72p.


1. What is Julio going to deliver?

A( ) A letter

B( ) A newspaper

C( ) A magazine

D( ) A pizza

02. Who Julio asked for direction at first?

A( ) An officer

B( ) A woman

C( ) A man

D( ) Mrs. Taylor

03. He said that Mallory Street was …. from there.

A( ) far

B( ) not far

C( ) across from

D( ) behind

04. An officer asked him to…at

The corner and ride for one block.

A( ) turn left

B( ) turn right

C( ) Go down

D( ) Stop

05. Julio asked the first woman to wait a minute. Why?

A( )To make a call

B( )To eat pizza

C( )To write down

06.What happened

to the package?


A( ) disappeared

B( ) was forgotten

C( ) was eaten

Julio is very happy today

because it's his first day at

work. He is a deliver boy.

He doesn't know the city

very well, but he is sure he

can ask for directions.

Julio: Excurse me sir.

Where is Mallory Street?

Man: It isn't far from here.

Go ahead this street for

two blocks and turn left.

Clint: Thank you sir.

Man: You're welcome.

Julio: Excurse me, officer.

I think I'm lost.

Officer: Where are you going?

Julio: I'm going to Mallory


Officer: You're not far. Turn left

at the corner and ride for

one block.

Julio: Thanks a lot!

Julio: Can you help me?

Woman: What the matter?

Julio: Where is Mallory Street?

Woman: It is too easy.

Go ahead this street and …

Julio: Wait a minute, please. I'm going to write down. I'm a little


Julio: Are you Mrs. Taylor.

Mrs. Taylor: Yes, I am.

Julio: I am the deliver boy.

Mrs. Taylor: Where is my


Julio: Your pizza?

Oh my God!!!!!

This text was inspired in

AMOS, Eduardo. Et al. Our Way1-São

Paulo: Moderna, 2005.72p.


0x01 graphic


You are in front of the Toy Store.


a) Walk until the corner and turn left. Go along Mallory for one block and stop at middle of it. The …is on your left.

A( ) Church

B( ) Fire station

C( ) School

D( ) Library

b) Go along Mallory for two blocks and stop at middle of the second. The …is on your right.

A( ) City Park

B( ) Pharmacy

C( ) City Hospital

D( ) Supermarket

-------------- x --------------


Where is the School?

Where is the church?

Where is the City Park?

Where is the Toy Shop?

Where is the City Hospital?


1. What is Julio going to deliver?

A( ) A letter

B( ) A newspaper

C( ) A magazine

D( ) A pizza

02. Who Julio asked for direction at first?

A( ) An officer

B( ) A woman

C( ) A man

D( ) Mrs. Taylor

03. He said that Mallory Street was …. from there.

A( ) far

B( ) not far

C( ) across from

D( ) behind

04. An officer asked him to…at

The corner and ride for one block.

A( ) turn left

B( ) turn right

C( ) Go down

D( ) Stop

05. Julio asked the first woman to wait a minute. Why?

A( )To make a call

B( )To eat pizza

C( )To write down

06.What happened

to the package?


A( ) disappeared

B( ) was forgotten

C( ) was eaten


0x01 graphic


You are in front of the Toy Store.


a) Walk until the corner and turn left. Go along Mallory for one block and stop at middle of it. The …is on your left.

A( ) Church

B( ) Fire station

C( ) School

D( ) Library

b) Go along Second Avenue for two blocks and stop at middle of the second. The…is on your right.

A( ) City Park

B( ) Pharmacy

C( ) City Hospital

D( ) Supermarket

-------------- x --------------


Where is the School?

Where is the church?

Where is the City Park?

Where is the Toy Shop?

Where is the City Hospital?


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