Specificity of the work in the profession of the vanity case

Specificity of the work in the profession of the beautician

The work of the beautician has individual and independent character in choice about ways and methods of performing treatments. It takes place on the basis of their own knowledge, skills and practical experience. Each client needs an individual approach. During work time , the beautician is in constant contact with people, by her behavior and work and appearance she creates the image of the company, she launches new products and equipment.

In order to get the latest news in cosmetology beautician should still improve her skills, being involved in cosmetological conferences, congresses of aesthetics, on which she is also expanding the knowledge in psychology and marketing. It is not enough to be in this profession a good specialist, you must also have the ability to sell their knowledge and maintain loyal customers. Contacts with people are necessary in the profession of the beautician and unusually intense, occurrences of greater conflicts are bringing the little risk. They are usually moderated by the same beautician. The work of the beautician is very calm and is requiring concentration so that all treatments were done correctly and reached the desired effect. Resulting nuisances from pursuing this profession can result out of necessity from longer staying in the determined place standing or in a sitting position, in the uncomfortable position, perhaps be connected these are with the risk appearances of distortions of the spine and illnesses associated with it. An also increased risk of the appearance of allergies to chemical substances included in liquids antiseptic, i.e. making barren, or cosmetologies exists in the profession of the beautician. People with tendencies to allergies and skin diseases should so avoid this profession . In order to begin the work of the beautician, person should be healthy, free from all infectious diseases and invading. However a possibility of picking up from the ill customer always exists. This way we can rank skin diseases among occupational diseases of the beautician. The beautician is working from 3 up to 6 hours per day. These hours aren't permanent and depend on current needs. The work takes place in the morning or in the afternoon, also in days universally off. The work takes place on the area of a beauty parlour, equipped with the essential equipment. Sometimes the work of the beautician demands departures for trainings organised in other cities. The beautician, as the showpiece of the company, must care about the appropriate dress which the elegant but modest costume or the apron are most often, must stand out with the impeccable appearance of dress, hairstyle and make-up. She can pull the customer to the company, in which she is working or discourage them. Customers often based on her appearance decide on advising at her or the surrender for treatment. Functions and organizational relations in this profession are connected with a size of the company: in the large firm the beautician can perform the role of the superior or the subordinate. And if the beautician is self-employed, is working without organizational relations. On account of the main purpose of the work of the beautician a care of the health and the beauty of other people is which, interpersonal skills are the feature necessary in this profession: Kindliness which beautician must give all customers, so that they associate the time of the stay in the study with the convivial atmosphere and the full relaxation. An ability of dealing with people and an ability to convince them for possible changes of current habits is important. An accuracy and a scrupulosity are features which a beautician should have, because every mistake about the assortment of method of the work or preparation can cause irreparable effects. For the same reasons the beautician should have an appreciation of responsibility for the health and the beauty of its customers.

The beautician should be a cheerful person about the gentle temperament so that soothingly influence customers, and don't annoy them with one's appearance, well-known misbehaviour or dissatisfaction. Undoubtedly at the work of this type a distinct memory which will enable to remember customers, their kinds of leather and problems, with which customers are reporting into the study is needed (remembering a lot of details in the course of conducted detailed interviews). A patience and an ability of performing treatments often repeating itself should stamp the beautician, without loss of the ability to notice essential details: of distinguishing the type of whether the kind of leather or symptoms of skin diseases. The beautician should be a talkative person also, is inadvisable performance of work in silence. On account of the main purpose of the work of the beautician a care of the health and the beauty of other people is which, in this profession interpersonal skills are an essential feature. A kindliness shown everyone for customers, causing constitutes the useful feature that for the time of the stay in a beauty parlour they consider themselves to be an important persons and willingly visit a study for the second time. Important it to turn out perhaps moreover the ability of dealing with people and the ability to convince them for changes of their habits. An accuracy and a scrupulosity are essential characteristics of every good beautician, because every mistake about the selection of methods of the work, whether in using preparations can also cause irreparable effects. The beautician should be a cheerful person, about the gentle temperament, in order soothingly to influence customers, rather than put of them with one's appearance, loud, with misbehaviour, or shown dissatisfaction. Hence helpful there are a smile and a positive attitude at her work to people. Undoubtedly at the work of this type a distinct memory, enabling from one side is needed what is welcome, remembering surnames and the face of customers and their problems, whereas on the other remembering a lot of details get in the course of conducted interviews. A patience and an ability of the concentration should stamp the beautician while performing activities often repeating itself. Moreover a good vanity case is as a rule a talkative person, because informing customers precisely about what in the given moment he is doing, what treatment he performs is one of her basic tasks which is taking preparations, from what apparatuses and to what purpose is using, etc. The self-reliance and decision-making skills it two from the most of desired features in the profession of thebeautician. For her because they enable the professional and caring attempt at every of customers. In this profession a high manual dexterity is significant. The sleight of hand and fingers are constituting the basis of the good performance of tasks and the activity. A good coordination is also of help visually - motor, that is cooperation of the sight organ and the move, allowing for precise being a servant oneself with different devices. Moreover permanent training is included in duties of the beautician oneself and getting the new knowledge in cosmetology, therefore she should participate in cosmetological conferences and congresses of aesthetics, on which to obtain the latest news in psychology and marketing perhaps. Because in this profession high qualifications won't suffice, it is necessary also to possess a skill of selling them and supporting regular customers. Tasks and working activities. An improvement in the appearance and frame of minds of customers using services of a beauty parlour are a purpose of the work of the vanity case. The beautician is carrying out the sequence of treatments in nursing, healing and conservative cosmetology. In case of observing dermatological trouble at customers, directing such a person suitable for the doctor is a duty of the beautician specialities.

The beautician often gives customers advice in the skincare, is helping with the selection of appropriate cosmetics as well as is giving the hints concerning the way of performing the making up.

Organising a workstation for oneself and taking care for his aesthetics, in addition for her are one of main tasks of the beautician retaining the sterile fairness is an essential duty.



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