Human rights and their importance


Human rights and their Importance

1. In this presentation I would like to answer the following questions:

  1. What are human rights?

  1. Where do human rights come from?

  1. Are there different types of human rights?

  1. What are the human rights `standards' ?

  1. Who has responsibility to protect human rights?

  1. Why are human rights important?

Vii. Can my human rights be taken away from me?

2. Necessary vocabulary :

1. harassment /ˈhɛrəsmənt/ Rzecz. ; nękanie , napastowanie [rasowe, seksualne]

In the legal sense, it is behaviour which is found threatening or disturbing.

Synonyms : molestation, torment

2. sovereignty / sŏv'ər-ĭn-tē/ Rzecz. ; suwerenność , niepodległość

Sovereignty is the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a territory.

Synonyms : autonomy, supremacy, ascendancy , independence, dominance, prerogative

3. trade off /'treidof/ Rzecz; równowaga

The exchange of one thing for another of more or less equal value, esp. to effect a compromise.

4. misuse / mɪsˈyus/ Rzecz. ; nadużywanie

It means bad or abusive treatment / To use incorrectly.

Synonym: abuse

5. infringe / in-'frinj/ Czas. ; naruszać

To transgress or exceed the limits of sth; violate.

Synonym: break, disobey

6. tremendous /trĭ-měn'dəs) Przym. ; potężny

Extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensit.

Synonym: enormous

7. indivisible /ĭn'də-vĭz'ə-bəl/ Przym. ; niepodzielny

Not divisible; not separable into parts; incapable of being divided.

8. /straɪv/ Strive /straɪv/ Czas. , starać się , zmagać , usiłować ,

It means : to make strenuous efforts toward any goal f.e. to strive for success.

Synonyms: try, assay

9. fraternity /frəˈtɜr0x01 graphic
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ti/ , Rzecz. ; braterstwo

The quality of being brotherly; brotherhood.

10. atrocity /əˈtrɒs0x01 graphic
ɪ0x01 graphic
ti/ , Rzecz. ; okropność

It means: The quality or state of being atrocious. / Synonyms: inhumanity, barbarity, horror

3. During my presentation please do this task .

Complete the following sentences by adding the words below.

Civil and political rights / international law/ individual rights / moral rights / collective rights / fraternity / economic, social and cultural rights / basic rights / harassment /

1. Human rights are concerned with equality and fairness. They are about living a life free from fear, ___________ or discrimination.

2. There are a number of _____________that people from around the world have agreed on, such as the right to life, free speech and freedom of religion.

3. In many situations rights exist but are not covered by law. These rights are often called ____________ and are based on people's sense of what is fair or just.

4.Some rights apply to individuals,such as the right to a fair trial: these are called ________ .

5. Human rights cover virtually every area of human life and activity. They include__________________, such as the rights to health and education.

6. __________________attempt to protect the individual from the misuse of political power and recognise a person's right to participate in their country's political process.

7. Some rights apply to groups of people, such as women and children: these are called ______________.

8. _________________ has developed to protect people from racial discrimination and recognise the rights of specific groups of people, such as women, children and people with a disability.

9. The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789) challenged the sovereignty of the aristocracy and recognised the `liberty, equality and ____________' of individuals.

4. After my presentation, please do this task.

Match the sentences halves.

1. Human rights are concerned with a) every area of human activity.

2. If you have a legal right to something, b) people's sense of what is fair or just.

3. Human rights cannot c) and duties toward other people and

4. Moral rights are based on the community.

5. Human rights involve responsibility d) exist in isolation.

6. Rights are related to the e) you may be able to defend it in court.

7. Human rights cover virtually f) equality and fairness.

g) values that societies live by.

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Thank you for your attention!



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