Keeper of the Stars

Keeper of the Stars

By Kimmie

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Beginning, Section II

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Chapter 1

Posted on Friday, 19 May 2000

Sing us a song, you're the piano man

Spring, 1993

"Lizzy, that's no song! It doesn't even have a harmony!"

"Well, I can't help it if I'm not as naturally talented as you are!" Elizabeth saucily replied back as she stuck out her tongue at her best friend. As soon as she made sure her friend got the point, she turned back to her big-note piano music to concentrate on learning it.

Eight-year-old Elizabeth Gardiner made an interesting sight at the piano. With brown hair cut in a bob, and big brown eyes, Elizabeth could twist anyone around her finger if she wished. With her lively disposition, people often could not picture her concentrating as she was at this moment. Eyes fixed on her music, biting her lower lip, sometimes sticking her tongue out a little (a habit she possessed when concentrating), and with legs barely touching the piano pedals, Lizzy was intent on learning her new music.

It was the first "real" song Elizabeth was learning. Prior to this, her teacher taught the theory and easy songs out of lesson books meant for little children. When Mrs. Brandon, her piano teacher handed Elizabeth the big-note piano music to "Keeper of the Stars" her expressive eyes lit up at the thought of finally learning something out of the lesson books. For the second day practicing it, she thought she was doing rather well at learning it, but her friend did not.

"Come on! Get off the bench! I'll show you a better version." Elizabeth finally consented because whenever William Darcy took the bench at the piano, he could mesmerize his audience. Already at age ten, William had an incredible gift; and he had no scruples about showing it. His talent is what made Elizabeth beg for piano lessons from her parents four months ago, and indeed, she showed a talent as well, as she quickly learned the notes and techniques.

This time, when William started playing, was no different from the rest. His hands played both the melody and harmony naturally, and as the music enveloped her, Elizabeth stood up next to her friend and sang in her young soprano voice:

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew.

The duet brought Elizabeth's mother into the living room, where the piano was situated. Leaning against the doorway, dishtowel in hand, Mrs. Gardiner stood smiling at her daughter and friend. At the conclusion of the song, Elizabeth's mother clapped enthusiastically, drawing the attention of the two performers. Playing the part, Elizabeth and William stood side by side, next to piano and bowed to the one-person audience.

Mrs. Gardiner smiled, "Come on, you two! Lunch is served."

All thoughts of piano were forgotten as the two ran towards the kitchen for their macaroni and cheese.

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No one was really sure how Elizabeth and William became such good friends. They each had their own group of friends, of course, made up of entirely all girls on Elizabeth's side and all boys on William's side, but somehow Lizzy and Will, as they were known to each other, got drawn together, and they have been inseparable ever since.

William Darcy was the son of a very wealthy couple, Ann and George Darcy. He was rather tall for his age, and showed promise of good looks later on in his life with his brown curls and brown eyes. Unlike most children at that age, William was reserved. Shy around strangers, and only opening up when with his family and friends, he wasn't as popular as Elizabeth was in their fourth grade class. But since the day they became friends, Lizzy's and Will's personalities only seemed to compliment each other.

They first met each other in third grade. Elizabeth moved to the small town in Connecticut when she was in kindergarten, but she skipped second grade; thus the age difference. When discovered that they were in the same religious-ed classes at their church, George Darcy and Edward Gardiner also discovered that they went to high school together. A friendship began amongst their parents, and William and Lizzy were forced into each other's company. Before anyone knew it, they didn't actually have to be forced to do anything together; they wanted to naturally.

And now they were inseparable.

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Baby Mine

"Remember Lizzy," Mrs. Gardiner reminded her daughter as they walked up the path to the Darcys' home, "she's only a baby. She won't like noise and she'll be very fragile. And I doubt Mrs. Darcy will let you hold her," she said, quieting the unasked question coming to Lizzy's lips.

"Oh, I know! But I'm glad that Will has a new baby sister. Now we'll have somebody else to play with!" Elizabeth's eyes lit up at the idea, but Mrs. Gardiner chuckled.

"She won't be big enough to actually play for a many months yet, Lizzy. You'll have to be patient."

A small, disappointed "oh!" escaped Lizzy's mouth, but Mrs. Gardiner just smiled at her daughter's youthful innocence. Suddenly, they were at the door of the huge house and were ushered in by Mr. Darcy.

"Come on in! Anne and Georgiana are right upstairs in the nursery." Mr. Darcy eyes smiled down to Elizabeth, "And Will is waiting there with them, Lizzy. He can't wait to show you his new sister."

When Elizabeth and her mother entered the nursery, they encountered Mrs. Darcy sitting in a rocking chair, holding they tiny newborn with William leaned over his mother's shoulder at the tiny face.

The son and mother were happy to see their friends, and there were many congratulations done on Mrs. Gardiner's part while Will lead Lizzy to where he was standing, observing his sister.

Mrs. Darcy, seeing the way her son's friend was looking at the baby spoke up. "Lizzy, would you like to hold Georgiana?"

At this, Elizabeth's head popped up with a smile. "Can I really?"

A doubtful grin appeared on Mrs. Gardiner's face. "I don't know, Anne. Isn't she a bit young?"

"Don't worry, Maddy! William held her, and he was fine. Besides, she'll just be sitting on the rocking chair, and I'll be right there, near her."

Mrs. Gardiner stood there for a moment, with her hand upon her chin, thinking. However, seeing her daughter's puppy-dog eyes, she finally consented. The only thing keeping Elizabeth from cheering was remember that babies don't like noise.

As Elizabeth sat down in the rocking chair, and as Mrs. Darcy set the little baby in her arms, her eyes were wide. Never before did she ever hold a baby, and the young girl was all curiosity.

"She has blue eyes just like you, Mrs. Darcy."

"For now, Liz. They may turn darker as she grows older. Even William had blue eyes."

"And so did you, Lizzy," Maddy Gardiner included, "and now look how dark your eyes are."

"I still think she's going to have blue eyes. Look at her blonde hair." Elizabeth smiled down at Georgiana, and she thought she smiled back. "Look! Georgy smiled!"

The two women laughed at the nickname Elizabeth seemed to have given the baby and her statement. Mrs. Darcy thought it was necessary to correct the girl. "No, Elizabeth. She can't smile yet. She's too young."

Elizabeth didn't say anything at this. But she felt that Georgiana did smile at her.

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Georgy, as she was known, grew and grew until finally William and Elizabeth found her old enough to play with. Not like their other friends, but they still found it enjoyable to watch her grow and learn.

William took to being the older brother rather well. He absolutely adored his younger sister, and took it upon himself to become the protective older brother. Throughout the first few years of Georgiana's life, there was only one major showing of any jealousy at the attention that Georgy received.

As her hair grew, it grew in golden ringlets. Whenever she was seen by anyone, they always exclaimed about her beautiful curls.

William slowly started to get jealous at this. What he didn't realize was he got the same attentions for his curls, but they died down as he grew older.

Finally getting tired of no longer getting attention from his relatives, he went on a crusade to convince his parents to take his younger sibling for a haircut. When they consented, he was relieved and thought his problems were over. Unfortunately, the curls came back, along with all the attentions. Once again, after a while, William decided to convince his parents to take Georgy for a trim again. But once again, the curls came back.

By this time, the novelty of the baby with curls wore off for all the relatives, and William finally could live with the fact that Georgy's curls were permanent. And so ended the jealousy.

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Through the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school, William and Elizabeth remained very close and best friends. But only friends. Their classmates always expected for them to "go out" as only middle schoolers can "go out." Nothing ever came out of it though, and they were just friends.

Out of their friendship also came out a friendly rivalry with the piano and grades. Elizabeth proved to be a tough competitor in both fields. She proved to have a wonderful talent for piano, and she quickly outplayed all the lesson books. At recitals, William and Lizzy delighted the audience with piano duets and their own solos.

In school, Elizabeth remained the at the top of their class, despite her being a year younger than everybody else, with William just behind. Never could he ever "beat" Elizabeth with his grades, but he never resented that. Never did the competition turn hostile, for they were best friends.

And so they were inseparable through fifth and sixth grades. And then tragedy struck.

* "Keeper of the Stars" by Tracy Byrd

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Chapter 2

Posted on Saturday, 20 May 2000

How do I live without you?

Early in the summer of 1995, Elizabeth was sitting in her room reading a book, when the phone rang. Picking it up, she wasn't surprised to find that it was William.

"Lizzy, do you think you can come over now?"

Elizabeth could sense a tone of sadness in William's voice, and couldn't figure out what could be wrong. "Why, what happened?"

"I can't tell you now. Can you get a ride?"

"I don't know. Let me go check." Covering the phone receiver, Elizabeth yelled for her mother. "Mommy!!!"

Mrs. Gardiner, who was just down the hall, walked to her daughter's bedroom with a frown. "Elizabeth Lynn Gardiner! How many times have I told you not to scream?" Seeing her daughter's worried countenance, however, caused Mrs. Gardiner's face to soften. "What's wrong?"

"William has something to tell me, and he needs me to come over. Can you take me?"

"Yes, I can. Just give me a minute to finish what I was doing."

Within ten minutes, Elizabeth and her mother were in the car going to the Darcy's house. Inside the car, it was quiet and tense while Mrs. Gardiner drove with a frown. Earlier that day, Mrs. Darcy told her the news, and Mrs. Gardiner wasn't sure how Elizabeth was going to take it. She was afraid that if she said something, the news would come out before William had a chance to tell his friend himself.

Arriving at the house, Mrs. Gardiner made her way to Mrs. Darcy's office where she was already making plans to travel to the Midwest while Elizabeth made her way to William's "play" room, which really turned into his computer room and video game room. Entering the room, she saw Will playing with little Georgy. Seeing Elizabeth, Georgiana ran towards her with her blonde curls bouncing and her arms out. Scooping Georgy up, Elizabeth hugged her little friend as the two-year-old squealed in delight.

Standing across from Elizabeth with his hands in his pockets, William murmured, "I was going to put her down for a nap, but she somehow found out you were coming over and refused to sleep until she saw you."

Elizabeth smiled at this and replied, "I'll put her to sleep if you would like." William just nodded, and Elizabeth left for Georgiana's room.

Returning to the playroom, she saw William standing, looking out the window. When he heard Elizabeth coming into the room, he talked without turning around. "Lizzy, my grandfather died."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, William...but why couldn't you tell me this over the phone?" Elizabeth's face scrunched up in confusion.

Still without turning around, William replied, "He left the company to my father."

Starting to realize what was happening, Elizabeth sat down. "Yeah?"

"The company's based in Columbus, Ohio, Lizzy."

Tears coming to her eyes, all that Elizabeth could say quietly was "Yeah?"

Turning around, also with tears in his eyes, William finally said what he was meaning to say. "We're moving."

The tears were now freely running down Elizabeth's cheeks as she realized her best friend was moving six hundred miles away from her.

"Lizzy, don't cry." William took a seat next to Elizabeth and hugged her.

"How can I not? You're moving! How will I live without my best friend?" Elizabeth cried into William's shoulder.

"We'll see each other again, and we can always call."

"It's not the same."

"I know it's not, Lizzy. I know it's not." William finally let the tears fall on his best friend's hair.

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After William, his mother, and Georgiana returned in a week from William's grandfather's funeral, William and Elizabeth spent as much time together as they could. Since Mr. Darcy had to stay in Ohio for the company, the Gardiners were helping Mrs. Darcy get ready to move, giving Elizabeth and William an excuse to be together a lot.

But neither one of them wanted to realize how fast the moving day was approaching.

The day before the Darcys moved, the two families went to see the movie, "Pocahontas" together. The ending of the movie only seemed to worsen the pain of the impending separation between the children, and they both grew quieter as the day flew by.

The family was to spend the night at the Gardiner's since everything from the Darcy mansion was packed and in the moving trucks. Neither William nor Elizabeth wanted to go to sleep that night; they knew that when they woke up William would be leaving and most likely, it would be a long time before they saw each other again. Most of the night, they sat in the living room watching movie after movie, but towards dawn they both fell asleep.

As the Darcys got ready to leave, not much was said. In turn, Elizabeth said good bye to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Darcy were grave and silent, and Georgiana was as happy as ever because she didn't realize what was happening.

When Elizabeth got to William, at first they both just stood looking at each other. Then Elizabeth reached out and hugged William around the neck. Their parents let them stand there for a few minutes, not saying a word, with tears running down their cheeks. Finally the pulled apart, and without a word, William got into the family car.

As the car drove away, William turned around and sadly waved back to Elizabeth.

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In the beginning, there were constant phone calls between Elizabeth and William. At least once a week one of them would call the other up and they would talk for at least an hour. About a month after the move, Elizabeth received a cassette in the mail. Playing it in her room, she realized it was a recording of William playing the song, "If I Never Knew You" from "Pocahontas" on the piano. She just lied there and cried.

The constant phone calls, however, did not last. As the months rolled by, William became more and more distant during the calls they had, and by Christmas they stopped all together. Elizabeth was afraid to call; afraid that when she called, he would be as distant as ever.

She missed him. She missed mocking the snobs of their town as they always did, or seeing movies together, or just sitting in a room talking. And when, shortly after Christmas, her parents announced that she was to be an older sister, she missed the chance of sharing her happiness with William as he did when Mrs. Darcy became pregnant. She missed him when, early in September of the next year, her baby sister Lydia Ann Gardiner was born. But by then, there all communications with her old friend was cut.

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June 30 , 1997

The sun seemed to mock Elizabeth this day as she stood by the double grave holding her now orphaned sister. The past three days seemed like a blur to Elizabeth. The phone call, the arrival of her aunt and uncle, the sympathies.

June 26th was a day that Elizabeth wanted to forget, but she knew she never would. That night, her parents went out to a party, and she baby-sat little Lydia. At ten o'clock, Elizabeth went to sleep. She didn't hear the rain start to fall, she didn't hear the sound of metal and glass smashing, and she didn't hear the sirens. It wasn't until past midnight that she got the call. It wasn't until past midnight that she learned her parents died instantly when a drunk driver sped around the curve on the wrong side of the road and hit her parents' car head-on just a half mile down the road.

The next night, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, her aunt and uncle from Ohio, arrived to take care of Elizabeth, the funeral arrangements, and other things before they took their niece back to their home with them.

Elaine Bennet was the sister to Edward Gardiner. At the age of 45, she still maintained an air of youth and intelligence. She originally was an elementary school teacher, but decided to quit after the birth of her second daughter.

Steve Bennet was a sensible man of the same age as his wife who was a manager in the Nationwide Insurance headquarters in downtown Columbus. He was known for his wit and dry sense of humor.

When they heard of the death of her brother and his wife, they wanted to have the same reaction as Elizabeth; to close up and not talk, to look passive, to look as if nothing could hurt them. For that is what Elizabeth did. She set her jaw, raised her chin, and went through the day nodding to anyone who gave their sympathies in person, and only talking when need be. But when her aunt and uncle went by her room at night, they heard her weeping. They knew they had to be strong for her, to let her know that it was okay to let her emotions show, but even at the funeral as they stood behind her, they could see that she still would not let her tears go.

At the end of the service, Elizabeth went around thanking everyone for coming and their support. She went to all her friends and said good bye, and not one tear was shed. She went to all her parents' friends and all her relatives, distant and close, and still not one tear was shed. Lastly she went to John.

John was the organist at her church, the piano teacher to William and herself, and a close friend.

"Lizzy, they're in a better place now."

Elizabeth lowered her head. "I know."

"And moving to Ohio will be a good change for you. It will get you away from here. Maybe you'll end up seeing William there, too."

At this, a tear finally escaped Elizabeth's eye. "It doesn't matter. He doesn't care."

"Of course he does! He's your friend!"

"No, he doesn't. I called them and left a message because they weren't there. Mr. and Mrs. Darcy called, but said that William wasn't there at the moment, but they would tell him I called. He never called back."

At this, John didn't know what to say. As long as he knew William, the boy was always kind and always showed an affection for Lizzy. John couldn't even imagine him being anything but this.

At this point, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet motioned at their niece that it was time to go.

"Well, I guess this is good bye, John. I'm going to miss you."

"Take care, Lizzy. And remember, you'll only get better if you practice."

"I know John. Good bye." Elizabeth and her piano teacher shook hands and she headed towards another chapter of her life.

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On the plane to Columbus, Elizabeth finally broke down and cried, even though she wasn't alone. The only person that she would've cried and shared her feelings with was William, and he wasn't there to comfort her.

As she stared out the airplane window, weeping, all that she thought was William. I need William.

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Chapter 3

Posted on Sunday, 21 May 2000

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

It was late at night by time the plane landed in Columbus. Since Port Columbus wasn't a very big airport, the Bennets and Elizabeth had to get a connection at Chicago. Unfortunately, the weather was bad and the already 1 hour layover turned out to be 3 hours. So at ten o'clock on the night of the funeral, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth dragged themselves off the plane, got their luggage, and made their way to the long-term parking lot.

The ride back home was made in silence. Elizabeth just stared out of the window, Mrs. Bennet slept, Lydia slept in her car seat, and Mr. Bennet drove the half hour ride to the suburb where they lived.

When viewing the downtown area, Elizabeth's attention was held. She never lived in a city where there had a "real" downtown area with tall buildings and such. In Connecticut there was only Hartford and New Haven, and those cities, well, really didn't impress her with their atmosphere. So Elizabeth took in the sites of the tall skyscrapers until she wondered which building was William's father's and she quickly looked away.

Driving North on Route 33, Elizabeth looked out the window again. Right away, she noticed that Ohio was different than Connecticut. Ohio was like a line of never-ending businesses and overlapping cities/suburbs. They encountered no "middle of nowhere" yet. As they drove along the road, they came upon a river to the left-hand side of them and the businesses became more scarce. There were more and more trees with houses off the side of the road. Across the river, Elizabeth saw lights of mansions and the lights at the end of the houses' docks for their private boats.

Geez. And I thought Connecticut was the rich place and this place was full of hicks.

Eventually, Mr. Bennet pulled onto a road going into a subdivision. The houses here weren't big, but they weren't small, either. There were middle class homes arranged neatly with well-trimmed landscaping, identical mailboxes, and trees lining the streets. After driving about a mile into the development, the car finally turned onto a dead-end street and then into a driveway.

The house looked very neat from the outside: cut lawn, trimmed bushes, trees, and flowers along the walkway. The house itself wasn't of typical style; it was obvious from the windows that the second floor didn't extend over the whole house, thus showing that the master bedroom was most likely downstairs.

Upon entering the house, Elizabeth was relieved to see that it wasn't too clean; it wasn't messy, yet it looked comfortably lived in. The walls were light, and the wooden parts of the house were made of cherry wood.

"Mom? Dad? Elizabeth?" Elizabeth turned around to see one of her cousins walking down the stairs. She was of medium height (about an inch taller than Elizabeth), with shoulder length blonde hair, and hazel eyes. In short, she looked exactly like her mother.

"Yes, honey. Come say hello to Liz and meet your new cousin." Jane came down the stairs the rest of the way and hugged her cousin.

"Liz, I'm so sorry. I loved Aunt Maddy and Uncle Edward too."

"I know Jane, I know." Elizabeth had to shut her eyes to keep the tears from coming. Although the cousins couldn't see each other that much, they were good friends. They exchanged letters through the years, and when they did see each other, they were like the best of sisters.

When they parted, Jane looked at her new cousin who was sleeping in Mrs. Bennet's arms. For the past couple of days, Lydia cried with the unfamiliarity of her aunt and uncle and the loneliness from her parents, exhausting herself. During the whole traveling ordeal, Lydia slept, much to the relief of her aunt and sister.

"Mom, do you want me to put her to sleep? I set up a crib in your room, next to the bed."

"Yes, if you could, that would help." Jane took Lydia and disappeared down the hall.

"Elizabeth, do you remember where Jane's room is?" Elizabeth nodded. "Since we don't have enough rooms, you will share with her. Mary's is right next door, and little Catherine's is straight ahead from the stairs. You look exhausted, why don't you go to sleep?"

"Okay Aunt Elaine. I am tired. Good night." Elizabeth kissed her aunt and uncle on the cheek, quickly got ready for bed, and was asleep before Jane even went upstairs to go to bed herself.

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The summer of '97 actually went by pretty fast for Elizabeth. With time, the pain of losing her parents dulled. Her aunt and uncle and cousins helped as much as they could to help her deal with her pain by making her feel as part of the family. They gave her chores to do, they gave her piano lessons where Jane and Mary took theirs, they provided her with everything she needed; they treated her as their own. They even gave her violin lessons for a while since there was no school orchestra, but they didn't last very long. Elizabeth never had as much interest in the violin as the piano, and the only thing that kept her going with that instrument in Connecticut was the school orchestra.

Once in a while, Elizabeth would wake up from a nightmare where she would relive the phone call of her parents' death. In her nightmare, she would cry and scream for her parents, and Jane had to wake her up out of the dream. As the summer wore on though, the nightmares became less frequent and the nights began to become more relaxing for her.

In the family, Elizabeth felt secure. For most of her life, she was the only child, and now she had four 'sisters'.

Jane was one year older than her, so therefore in the same grade. Elizabeth was grateful that when she entered high school in the fall, she wouldn't be alone in her experience. Jane was always kind; she never wanted to think anything bad about anybody. She was also very quiet unless she was with her family or friends.

Jane also played the piano and the clarinet in the school marching and symphonic bands. With her practicing, she was more diligent than Elizabeth due to her patience. Elizabeth, on the other hand, could never sit for more than an hour practicing even though everybody could see that she was happiest while playing.

Mary was ten years old, and to tell the truth, rather cranky. She was only happy if she was reading books that weren't even literature; history books and medical books and other reference books. Nobody could ever understand where her interest came from. She also played piano, but not as well as her cousin or sister.

Catherine, or Cathy for short, was four years old and a rather pleasant child unless she didn't get what she wanted. Spoiled, due to being the youngest child of the Bennets, she had to adjust to not being the youngest after Lydia came in.

Lydia. Being less than a year old, Lydia adjusted rather well to her new "parents." It didn't take her very long at all to forget Mrs. and Mr. Gardiner, but as she grew to learn how to talk about a year and a half later, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet made sure she knew who her real parents were with pictures of them.

Early in August, Jane had to go up to Ohio Northern University for marching band camp, so the whole Bennet clan packed the car and took her up to Ado, Ohio to drop her off for a hot and humid six days without air conditioning. Just as the Bennets, minus Jane, were about to leave, Elizabeth thought she saw William walking into the dorm carrying what looked like a trumpet case.

Shaking her head, Elizabeth dismissed the thought. I'm just wishing it was him. What's the chance that I moved to the same school district that he moved to? For the rest of the two hour ride home, Elizabeth didn't think about him.

At least she wouldn't admit it.

After Jane's return, the Bennets celebrated her fourteenth birthday since it really occurred during band camp. Soon after that, Elizabeth went to her new school (where she wondered why in the world it had a green roof) and decided her new schedule and to take a tour. And soon after that, she entered school in a new district with new people with no idea what it would be like.

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The first day of school approached quickly for Elizabeth. Even though she never had trouble meeting new people before, she was worried now. Worried because she knew she changed. No longer was she lively; in the last two years of middle school, she became withdrawn and when her parents died, she completely closed up unless she was with her new family. If ever one of Jane's friends came over, Elizabeth wouldn't open up because she was afraid of losing another good friend. She only trusted Jane as a friend, because Jane could never leave her; she was in her family for good.

Knowing that she didn't have any of the same classes as Jane's, except Spanish class, didn't improve matters much. At least if she had some classes with her cousin, then she could hide behind her, but they didn't even have lunch together, and Elizabeth had to face the day alone.

Getting off the school bus, Jane immediately left to relieve her instrument in the band room, while Elizabeth made her way to the Commons, or the cafeteria. Seeing all the unfamiliar faces unnerved her and she immediately took out a book to read until the bell rang. When the bell finally rang, she mechanically made her way to her locker and then to her first class, Honors Physical Science. Nothing, however, could prepare her for what, or who, she encountered when entering the science room.

There, in the center of the room, surrounded by friends sat William Darcy talking and laughing. Elizabeth was surprised at how much he changed. He grew taller and his masculine features were becoming more defined. His voice was even deeper than Elizabeth remembered it to be.

She was about to greet him when his facial expressions stopped her. He looked up, met her eyes, and a flash or recognition flashed across his face. But a second after, his eyes turned cold, he nodded, and then turned his attention towards his friends again.

Elizabeth felt tears rise up in her eyes, but they weren't tears of sadness as she thought they would be; they were angry tears. Angry that he didn't even have the decency to greet her in a more polite way. Angry that he forgot their friendship. Angry at herself. Angry that she expected their friendship to be like it always was in that first second of recognition.

Elizabeth quickly calmed herself, stuck her head up, and preceded to another table where she sat down in the back and began reading again.

The morning passed without Elizabeth meeting anyone knew; she just passed the morning by reading whenever she was by herself. At lunch, she sat by herself, but after a couple of minutes, two girls came and introduced themselves.

"Hey, can we sit here?" The girl with dark blonde, curly hair asked.


"I'm Susan, and this is Christie." The other girl, who was tall and had bleach-blonde hair smiled and greeted Elizabeth.

"I'm Elizabeth. Are you two freshmen?"

"Yes, we are," Susan replied. "You're in my first period science class, aren't you? Are you Jane Bennet's cousin who moved from Connecticut?"

When Elizabeth looked more closely at Susan, she recognized her as sitting two rows in front of her in first period. "Yes, I believe we are in the same class, and yes, I am Jane's cousin."

Christie looked at Elizabeth with sympathy, "We heard about why you moved here. We're sorry about your parents."

Elizabeth smiled sadly at her two new friends, "Thank you." Then her smile turned mischievous. "Wow, things get around fast here."

Susan laughed, "Yep. Nothing ever stays a secret here."

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The first week at OHS turned out to be a good week for Elizabeth. Every day at lunch, she ate with Susan and Christie. In English class, she met three new friends: Elizabeth, or Liz, as she was called, Mary, and Sharon. The girl who had the locker next to Elizabeth's, Katie, also became a good friend as they saw each other in the mornings and throughout the days.

And through the first nine weeks of school, Elizabeth became happier and more and more like her old self. She learned how to ignore William, who she learned was the most popular guy in her grade, just like he ignored her, and it didn't even bother her. She took pride in her schoolwork again, and she quickly climbed to the top of her class (with William right behind her in science). She grew up in those nine weeks, and her friends and family saw it.

And so did William.

At the beginning of the second nine weeks, Mr. Smith, the physical science teacher, changed everybody's seats around so that William and Elizabeth sat next to each other and were lab partners.

At first, they didn't say anything to each other unless they were forced to because of school work, but one week into the new seating arrangement, William said something voluntarily.

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents."

Without looking up from her worksheet she was doing, Elizabeth coldly replied, "Yeah, well, it's a little too late for that."

"What? I told you I'm sorry to hear about it!"

"You knew the day after it happened, and you never called. You had a chance the first day I walked into this class room, and now you waited ten weeks to say it, and it's not too late?"

"You're being incredibly stubborn."

Elizabeth finally looked up with her fiery eyes. "Who is it for you to judge, Will? You're the one who stopped calling. What's happened to you?"

"What's happened to me? Nothing happened to me. We grew apart, and that's that."

The teacher, who was calling the class to order, stopped the argument from going any farther. For the rest of the year, William and Elizabeth talked only when they had to, but that little argument was enough to fuel rumors about any relationship William and Elizabeth ever had.

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Ever since William saw Elizabeth walk through the classroom door, he was amazed at her appearance. She grew taller, and looked older than the girl he left two years ago. No longer did she have a baby face, but it thinned out and her wavy hair grew out to just below her shoulders.

She looked confident; she held her head high and dared anyone to think what they wanted to about her. And the day of their argument, he realized that she had her own mind, and wasn't ready to fawn over him because of his popularity status. He also noticed she had the most expressive eyes.

But they were worlds apart. He was a popular athlete; soccer in the fall, and track in the spring, and she wasn't popular at all. He was rich, living in a huge mansion and she was an orphan living in just a modest house.

Besides, what would his friends say if he all of a sudden started spending all his time with her again?

No, the friendship was over, and they just had to deal with that.

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Chapter 4

Posted on Tuesday, 23 May 2000

Make new friends, and keep the old

Elizabeth was pleased to find out that all her new friends were more or less friends with each other. That is except for Christie and Mary. Apparently they had a fight a couple of years ago and they haven't talked since. She also became better friends with Laura, who moved from Michigan prior to freshman year. Laura was in her science class and geometry class, where they constantly made fun of the teacher who was too happy and never stopped smiling.

Elizabeth was content with her new life. She missed her parents very much, but she had the support of all her new friends and family. She could honestly say she didn't care about William's friendship anymore; she didn't like how he changed, and if he didn't value the friendship, then he wasn't worth it. She could always remember the good times they had when he was the William she loved.

Nobody knew about her prior relationship with William, besides Jane. If one of her friends confronted her about one of the several rumors that went around about Elizabeth and William, she would just say it was an argument about some lab they had, and that somebody misconstrued it. Elizabeth had yet to find a real close friend in school that she could trust. Most people at this school were all superficial; they may seem nice to you at first, but in the end, they just wanted popularity. There were a few, Elizabeth had to admit, who were truly nice to everyone, but they weren't people that she could become friends with.

The first day of the second semester brought about a change. Instead of Health class, for example, Elizabeth was thrust into another class of physical education where, in fact, the only thing accomplished during the eighteen weeks was the competition between the (mostly) idiotic guys for who has the biggest ego. This was a class where Elizabeth would only do as much as need to get the "A" (as to not upset her grade point average) and have social time with her friends.

Luckily, Jane and Sharon were in her gym class to make the latter part of the syllabus for the semester an easy goal to reach. The three were sitting on the bleachers the first day of the class waiting for the gym teacher to make everyone be quiet (a difficult talent to master seeing that part of the competition between the guys was to see who could either talk or burp the loudest), when Elizabeth noticed a quiet girl sitting just in front of them. The girl had shoulder length red hair, blue eyes, and it seemed as if she was around Elizabeth's height.

Wondering if the girl was new herself, Elizabeth decided to introduce herself. "Hi! Are you new?"

Realizing that someone was speaking to her, the girl turned around and smiled. "Yes! I just moved here from Kentucky."

"Well, I'm Elizabeth, and this is Jane, my cousin, and Sharon. I moved here just at the beginning of this year."

"I'm Charlotte Lucas."

"How do you like it here so far?" asked Jane.

"Well, erm, it's different, I suppose."

"Why'd you move to Ohio of all places??" Sharon asked next.

Charlotte laughed. "Actually, my father is a captain in the Navy. And they moved him here."

"Umm...Charlotte? Where exactly does the Navy have a base around here? We're in the middle of nowhere." Elizabeth questioned.

Everybody laughed as the thought about the legitimacy of the question. "Well, he's actually working at Ohio State. He teaches R.O.T.C. there."

"Ahh! I gotcha!" Elizabeth happily laughed.

Sharon and Jane observed Elizabeth laughing in relief. Sharon, who only knew Elizabeth for that one semester, could even see that she improved. Jane was happy to see that the sparkle finally returned to Elizabeth's eye; but she was saddened to see it disappear a moment later.

"What about you, Elizabeth? Where did you move from, and why?" Charlotte innocently wondered.

At the question, Elizabeth's smile left her face and she looked down towards her hands. "I moved from Connecticut because my parents died. I'm living with Jane and her family now."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I didn't know."

"That's okay, Charlotte. There was no way that you could know. I'm learning how to deal with it, though." Elizabeth looked up again and smiled at Charlotte. When Charlotte smiled kindly and sympathetically back, Elizabeth knew she could trust her.

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Summer 1998 - Summer 1999
(Sophomore Year)

Life continued to improve for Elizabeth. She had no more arguments with William; just by unspoken agreement, they didn't talk of the past, or at all for that matter.

Elizabeth's friends proved to be what she needed to completely heal. They never intentionally reminded her of Connecticut or her parents by asking questions, and they were constantly together in large groups as they went shopping or saw movies together. Lizzy found especially good friendships with Jane and Charlotte; with them she could completely trust, and even eventually told Charlotte about William. And even though Jane and Elizabeth had a different circle of friends, Jane, Elizabeth, and Charlotte would often be a little clique by themselves.

Through Sophomore year, Elizabeth changed, both physically and mentally. She grew taller and thinner (yet not as sickly thin as the bleached-blonde anorexic freshmen girls) and her hair grew longer (after a phase where she had it chin length). She also became more confident in herself and anything she did. She didn't worry about what others thought of her, she did what mad her happy. (Including becoming the top student in every class. And that includes beating William in Spanish!)

All in all, it was a very good year for Elizabeth, and she didn't even complain when the first day of the next school year began to draw near late in August.

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I want it that way.

Climbing up the stairs with the bag of school supplies, Elizabeth groaned as she heard the chorus to a Backstreet Boys' song blaring out of the room that she shared with Jane.

(Tell me Why)
Ain't nothin' but a heartache.
(Tell me Why)
Ain't nothin' but a mistake.
(Tell me Why)
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way.

"Jane!" What am I thinking? She'll never hear me through that noise. Dropping the bags, Elizabeth positioned herself near the partly opened bedroom door. Acting as if she was choking herself, Elizabeth fell backwards into the room croaking, "The music! The music!" After a few seconds of melodramatics, Elizabeth finally fell on the floor, pretending to be dead, but after getting hit with a pillow a few times, she decided to get up.

"Can't we listen to some better music?" Elizabeth complained.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. The Phantom of the Opera. Pearl Jam. Ani Difranco. Celine Dion. Anything but Backstreet Boys!" Although Elizabeth really did dislike the boy groups, she laughed while making the suggestions. She really could stand their c.d.'s; she just learned the beautiful art of tuning things out.

Jane just smiled and went back to sorting out her school supplies. Going back out into the hall, Elizabeth picked up the bags she dropped and dragged them inside the room. "Can you believe we're already juniors?"

"Well, maybe you can't, since you're still a baby, but I can."

"Yes, I still am a baby aren't I? I'm not even old enough to get my temps."

"But come November, I can get my license! And then we won't have to rely on my mom on getting us around."

Elizabeth smiled, "And at least we have lunch and Spanish class together this year. Who else has second lunch? Charlotte nor anybody else has the same lunch."

"A lot of band people. You should have fun."

"Oh yeah. That's what I want to do. Hang out with band people," Elizabeth teased.

"Lizzy!" Jane laughed and threw a pillow at her cousin.

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Elizabeth walked into A.P. Chemistry the first day of school in a state of grogginess. How I am ever going to survive the year with Chemistry first thing in the morning is a mystery. Elizabeth greeted her friends from last year's Honors Chemistry class and went to take her seat in the back of the room.

Elizabeth always felt out of place in the chemistry classroom. To start off, she was a year younger than everybody in her own grade, and since she was taking chemistry a year earlier than the people in her grade, she was two years younger than everybody in her chemistry class. There were other sophomores in her class last year, but she didn't know if she was going to be only junior this year.

She received her answer soon enough when she heard somebody take the seat behind her and greet her coldly, "Hello Lizzy."

Elizabeth's eyes popped open from her five-minute nap at that voice. No other male in school ever called her Lizzy; the only people at her school who did were a handful of friends, and that was it. Turning around, Elizabeth faced the speaker.

Almost seventeen, any high school girl besides Lizzy would describe William as 'hot.' Tall, lean but muscular, and dark, William could break many hearts. His curly hair was always disheveled, he was tan and healthy, and his dimples were known throughout the female population at the school.

"Hello Will," Elizabeth responded just as coldly. "I did not know that you took chemistry last year."

"Yeah. I'm still trying to beat you in school."

"You haven't yet, so why are you still trying?" Elizabeth asked archly.

"To knock you down a peg or two."

"Like you should talk."

The two just sat there; William smirking and Elizabeth glaring. "Why'd you even bother sitting here? We're just going to end up arguing."

William just shrugged and looked away, indicating that conversation came to a close. The truth was that William actually did want to sit near her; he missed her, but his ego wouldn't let him admit it. Popular guys like him didn't hang out with girls like her. Even if most people in their grade did like her, she would never be part of them.

But she didn't care.

And that's what intrigued him so much.

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The rest of the day passed slowly for Elizabeth. All the teachers ever did on the first day of school was talk about the class, thus giving the students a good opportunity to sleep. Let's just say that the student population of Olentangy High School never had so many hours of sleep in one day.

William turned out to be in many of Elizabeth's classes, including Pre-Calculus, A.P. American History, English, and Spanish. Of course, they ignored each other through all of them, but Elizabeth kept noticing that every time she looked towards Will, he would be looking at her.

No doubt criticizing the way I changed, Elizabeth muttered as she met Jane underneath the flagpole in front of the school.

"Hey Lizzy!" Jane smiled as Elizabeth walked towards her cousin. "How was the first day of school for you?" Elizabeth just made a face and walked past Jane to sit on the ledge to wait for her aunt.

"Could've been better. How was yours?"

"It was okay. I just don't feel like getting back into schoolwork. It's still too nice outside to be cooped up." Jane shielded her eyes from the sun as she gazed over to the student parking lot, where, as usual, the students for some odd reason were honking their horns like it would make the traffic move any faster. "What was wrong with yours?"

"Nothing, really. Except that William's basically in all of my classes."

Jane laughed, "I thought you didn't care about him anymore!"

"I didn't...when he was only in one of my classes. Now I'm forced to actually interact with him almost every day, most likely. And you know what he told me?"


"That he was trying to get better grades to 'knock me down a peg or two.' And he was practically staring at me in every class."

"Maybe he likes you," Jane teased.

"Ha ha ha. He made it perfectly clear that he doesn't even like me as a friend."

"Awe. Well forget about him. What else is wrong with school?"

"Hmm. Well, I practically don't have any fun classes, so I'll have no life for the rest of the year. And oh! Guess who's in Choraliers again, ready to take it over?"


"Caroline Bingley. She's the second cousin, or some other distant relative to the new teacher, Mrs. Hurst. And what's worst is that you can actually hear the sucking sound as Caroline makes sure she becomes teacher's pet."

"Lizzy! That's mean!"

Elizabeth laughed and replied, "Hey! I'm not the only one that noticed it. You could see everybody laughing at her."

Jane just shook her head and directed Elizabeth's attention to one of the boy's teams. Whether it was soccer or cross-country, they did not know, but it made no difference as the entire team had their shirts off while running. Author's note: Girls will be girls. ;)

Neither cousin saw where the other's gaze was pointed at, though. Elizabeth didn't see Jane look after Charles Bingley, and Jane didn't see Lizzy look towards William Darcy; both running side by side.

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Chapter 5

Posted on Wednesday, 24 May 2000

I used to be a Superhero.

Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Jane were walking down a hall one day after school when they passed the weight room. Peeking in while the other two girls walked on ahead, Jane sighed, "He's so cute!"

Their attentions caught, the other two girls turned around and looked through the window, trying to see who Jane was looking at. "Who's cute?" Charlotte asked.

"Charles Bingley," Jane replied. Charles Bingley was a popular boy at school, being blessed with good looks and a good personality. Over six feet tall, Charles's straight blonde hair, parted down the middle, and blue eyes drove girls to distraction.

"Ooo. He is a cutie. Do you know him?" Elizabeth questioned.

"Er...umm...well, not exactly. But he's in band with me."

"Hmm," was the only reply as the girls looked in to the room again. "Let's go in!" Elizabeth suggested, starting to walk into the room.

"Lizzy! No! What will they think of us?"

"Jane, the room is for our use, too!"

"But we don't even look like we're ready to work out! We're wearing our school clothes!"

Elizabeth frowned, "I feel like they're in a cage in a zoo, and we're here to watch them. Come on!" Elizabeth was just about in the room when Charles went over to change the radio station. "Eww. Forget it; he just put on some 'N Sync song." Elizabeth turned around to face Jane. "I can't believe you're in love with 'N Sync boy."

" 'N Sync boy?" Charlotte laughed.

"Yes. Obviously he likes them since he's not changing the station. Let's go!"

The three girls giggled down the hall as Charlotte pondered, "Hmm. Guys working out in a cage in a zoo. I don't think it's a bad idea!"

Elizabeth giggled, "Nor do I!"

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Home alone one day early in November, Elizabeth was sitting in her room doing homework. Well, at least trying to do homework. She had a c.d. blasting in her stereo and she kept thinking about William.

Since their argument, William has been acting weird. One day, he would be polite and actually friendly to Elizabeth, but other times, he would act cold and aloof; staring at her from across the room.

Elizabeth was about to focus again on her homework, when the next song on the c.d. caught her attention.

sleep walking through the all-night drug store
baptized in fluorescent light
i found religion in the greeting card aisle
now i know hallmark was right
and every pop song on the radio
is suddenly speaking to me
art may imitate life
but life imitates t.v.
'cuz you've been gone exactly two weeks
two weeks and three days
and let's just say that
things look different now
different in so many ways

i used to be a superhero
no one could touch me
not even myself
you are like a phone booth
that i somehow stumbled into
and now look at me
i am just like everybody else

Ha! Elizabeth thought. Being in classes with William again has done the same thing to me. I don't know what to think with him, and usually I can judge people's characters pretty quickly. He makes it so difficult, though!

if i was dressed in my best defenses
would you agree to meet me for coffee
if i did my tricks with smoke and mirrors
would you still know which one was me
if i was naked and screaming
on your front lawn
would you turn on the light and come down
screaming, there's the $%^hole
who did this to me
stripped me of my power
stripped me down

i used to be a superhero
no one could hurt me
not even myself
you are like a phone booth
that i somehow stumbled into
and now look at me
i am just like everybody else

Elizabeth got up and walked to the window and looked out the window where the little kids of the neighborhood were out playing. I wish I was a child again, then William wouldn't have changed, I wouldn't have changed, and things would be the same.

yeah you've been gone exactly two weeks
two weeks and three days
and now I'm a different person
different in so many ways
tell me what did you like about me
and don't say my strength and daring
'cuz now i think I'm at your mercy
and it's my first time for this kind of thing

They were both different than what they were while children; nobody expected them to stay the same. Yet, the times that William actually spoke politely to her gave her hope that maybe there was some friendship left to save. They could never be as close as they were; it was too late for that.

i used to be a superhero
i would swoop down and save me
from myself
but you are like a phone booth
that i somehow stumbled into
and now look at me
i am just like everybody else

Yes. Elizabeth was going to talk to him. Just as soon as she got the courage.

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The next Saturday

William stood at one of the end looking at Elizabeth laughing with some of her friends. They were at the Solo and Ensemble Contest; he for the trumpet and piano, and she for singing and accompanying a friend on the piano.

He decided to talk to her about their silence to each other. After seeing his friends interact with her, he decided that they wouldn't care if he was friends with her again or not. One of his friends, Brad, sat next to her in Spanish class, and he could see that they talked quite a bit. Mike and Broderick asked for her help in Pre-Calculus class, too, so they must trust her.

Yes, he was finally going to heal the breech between them, but she was never going to find out what persuaded his decision. He knew her well enough to know that she would never forgive him for letting others decide for him; she had too much pride for that.

Seeing Elizabeth's friends leaving, William started walking towards his old friend.

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"Taylor, you did great! Don't worry about it!" Elizabeth reassured her friend as they stood around in the halls. Elizabeth accompanied Taylor on the flute, but she had to wait another two hours until her ensemble sang, so she was waiting with her until Taylor's parents came.

"I know I did well, but I'm still nervous."

"Don't be!"

"Well, here are my parents. Thanks again, Lizzy. I'll see you in school on Monday."

"See you." Elizabeth was about to turn around and leave, when she heard her name called. Smiling at Jane and the other friends she did an ensemble with, Elizabeth greeted, "Hey, you guys! How'd you do?"

Rachel made a face at the question. "I don't think we did too well. We fell apart in places."

"Oh well. At least it doesn't count towards your grade in school."

"Did you sing yet, Lizzy" her cousin asked.

"No! I still have two more hours."

"Did you eat?"

"No, but I'm not hungry. I'll eat later."

"Okay. We're going to eat. Then we have to go work in the office. See you later."

"Bye," Elizabeth smiled to all her friends.

She was walking away again when she heard her name called again, this time by a male. Turning around, she saw William walking towards her.


"Will." Elizabeth didn't know how to react. She didn't want to smile in fear he was going to be rude again, but she didn't frown, neither.

"Lizzy, I wanted to talk to you about us. I don't like us not talking, and I was wondering if you wanted to try to be friends again."

"I would like that, Will. It was uncomfortable not being able to talk to you anymore."

"Friends?" Will stuck out his hand.

"Friends," Elizabeth smiled an took his hand.

As they shook hands to close the 'deal' their eyes met and they both smiled. Suddenly, William forgot what made him change his mind about Elizabeth, and he just remembered how he always missed her. He suddenly wanted to hug her like he used to, but he knew that he couldn't. They grew too much apart, and he didn't know how she would react.

"William!" The two dropped each other's hand as William turned around to see who was calling him. Caroline Bingley, his best friend's sister, was walking up to him. She came right up to William and took his arm. "Hello Elizabeth," Caroline greeted Elizabeth not as warmly as William, but not coldly either.

Caroline Bingley was taller than Elizabeth with blonde curly hair and blue eyes. She was in the show choir and Elizabeth's choir, Choraliers. She actually had a beautiful voice and was expected to play the lead in the school's next musical.

Unfortunately, she chose to flaunt that voice and act as if she was the best in the world, which didn't go over with the student body that well. Not many people liked her very much because of this; if she was to act normal for once, then she probably would be well liked.

To Elizabeth, however, she was rather polite. Elizabeth minded her business while in choir class, so Caroline treated her kindly, unlike the seniors and most of the sophomores in that class. Still, Elizabeth could see through her phony lines and charades, and tried to avoid her where she could. Unfortunately, Caroline was in Elizabeth's ensemble.

And unfortunately for William, Caroline seemed to take an attachment to him, even though he was a year younger than her. "William! Do you know how you did on your solo yet?"

"Not yet, Caroline. Did you do yours yet?"

"No. It's in a half-hour. Speaking of which, will you watch?"

"I don't know if I can." Elizabeth could see William was getting tense, and she had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide the smile. "Did you warm up yet, Caroline?"

"No, I didn't."

"Don't you think you should?"

"Yes, probably. Thank you, William, you're so considerate!" Caroline was about to walk away when she turned around and addressed Elizabeth, "Remember, Liz that we have to meet in the art room fifteen minutes before we perform."

"Yes, Caroline. I know. Thank you." When Caroline finally left down the hall, Elizabeth turned to William again. "I think I'm going to go find some of my friends now. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Lizzy."


"Superhero" by Ani DiFranco

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Chapter 6

Posted on Thursday, 25 May 2000

Sheep go to Heaven, Goats go to Hell*

"What do you mean you're making me go to prom?" Elizabeth asked Charlotte while in English class.

"It'll be fun! Why should we miss our Junior Prom? Besides it'll be fun going in a big group of friends!"

"Charlotte, you know I'm not the partying type! I don't even like to dance!" Elizabeth whined. When Charlotte huffed in agitation, Elizabeth added, "All right. I'll go. Who else is going?"

"Hmm...I think Lynn's going, and so is Michelle. Also Christie's going, without her boyfriend, and I'm pretty sure the twins are going, too."

As the teacher, "Mr. I'm always Right" called the class to order, Elizabeth mumbled to Charlotte, "I can't you believe you talked me into this."

Charlotte just smiled triumphantly as the girls turned their attention the teacher. Not that they would learn anything.

Elizabeth hated the class due to the people in her class. Most days, the class was really funny with a combination of the teacher and the class clowns, but most people in her particular class didn't care about school, and it showed. Half of them never did their homework and they always managed to get Mr. Right off of the subject; often to subjects not even appropriate for the classroom. Elizabeth snickered when remembering the different times that the class managed to mention s-x in the lecture.

Elizabeth managed to get on the good side of Mr. Right, though. She did sometimes manage to annoy him at the same time, though, by doing any extra credit offered and arguing for points that she lost on homework. He'd always say some sarcastic remark and she'd just give him an impertinent smile.

However, English class gave Elizabeth a chance to see where William got his cockiness from. With William in the class with his athletic friends, she saw a transformation in him that she didn't like. He turned cocky and arrogant like he was before they became friends again, but as soon as he was away from them, he became like the 'old' William.

Nick Collins was the worst part of the class. Big, sweaty, and annoying, he didn't make many friends. He had such a pompous air to him, and he acted as if he was smarter than everyone else; even the teachers. Many times in course of the class, Elizabeth saw Mr. Right's jaw tense up as he said some sarcastic remark about Nick, in which Nick would never understand that he was being mocked.

But Elizabeth managed to sit back, do her work, and hope beyond hope that one day, her classmates would get a bit of intelligence.

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"Are you going to prom, Lizzy?" William asked, turning around in his seat to talk to her.

"Yeah. With a bunch of friends. Are you?"

"Yes. Unfortunately."

"Unfortunately?" Elizabeth snickered.

"Yeah. Caroline Bingley asked me in a hurry, and I had to say yes."

"Why'd you have to?"

"Because it's impolite to say 'no.' Besides, it's her Senior prom, and I might as well spend an evening with her if it makes her happy. It's not the end of the world."

Elizabeth just laughed as she shook her head and returned to her work.

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Friday before the Prom

Elizabeth and Broderick were in the computer room during their study hall when her companion mentioned something. "I never knew that you and William were such good friends."

Elizabeth's face scrunched up as she continued looking at the computer screen. "We aren't as good of friends as we were when we were younger. The first two years of high school started out roughly for us."

"Yeah, I know. William didn't know whether to make up with you or not, so he asked me and a couple of his other friends. I guess we all approved, or you wouldn't be talking to him again," Broderick laughed. However, when seeing Elizabeth's face and hearing her tone of voice, the smile left his face.

"Are you serious?"

Broderick hesitated, not knowing what to say. Obviously Elizabeth didn't take it too lightly that William had to consult his friends before making a new friend. Seeing that it was already out, he didn't see any reason to lie. "Yes, I'm serious. But it's not a big deal! Guys do it all the time!"

"And I suppose you asked your friends whether it was okay or not to date Rebecca?"

"" Broderick hesitated. "Why are you so mad?"

"Because, apparently, William is such a good friend, that he couldn't trust his own opinion of whether I was good enough to be his friend. He's weak." Elizabeth turned her face towards the computer and set her jaw. Obviously the conversation was over.

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In English and Spanish, Elizabeth managed to evade William by talking to her other friends. She wasn't ready to talk to William because she need to cool down first. She didn't understand why he had to get permission to become friends with her again; why he couldn't decide for himself that he wanted to be friends again.

Probably wanted to make sure I was good enough for him, Elizabeth thought as she lay in bed that night. But as she thought more and more, she became sadder and sadder. Sad that he wasn't as good of a friend as he thought; that he didn't want her enough to trust his own opinion. To trust his own instincts.

That night, Elizabeth fell asleep with tears on her face.

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Elizabeth stepped into the hall where prom was being held with excitement. Behind her stepped Charlotte, Christie, Michelle, and one of the twins, Melissa. The other identical twin, Kaitlyn, decided at the last minute to buy tickets to not go. Jane went with her own group of friends from band.

Seeing the size of the hall, Elizabeth was surprised. The location of the prom had to be changed from Ohio Wesleyen University because the hall was getting to small. The present hall wasn't that big, making Elizabeth and her friends wonder how small the hall at the university was.

Not that many people were at the hall yet, so the friends had their pick of tables. Sitting down, they talked until Michelle suggested they go outside where other tables were set up.

Michelle sighed, "Isn't it pretty?"

Elizabeth looked around outside and laughed, "Yeah. If you didn't see the warehouse over there," she pointed, "and the highway over there, it would be very pretty."

"You have a point there."

"Come on. It's cold outside, let's go back inside."

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As the prom started, Elizabeth's friends managed to get her out on the dance floor and dancing. After a while, Elizabeth was starting to have fun. By time the prom was half over, Elizabeth would be the one making her friends go back out on the dance floor and dance. The only time she got upset was when the d.j. decided to play 'N Sync's "Bye Bye Bye" for the third time in the evening.

The dance floor was jam-packed; there was hardly any room to move. Everybody was bumping into each other, but no one complained. The seniors even started saying that this prom was better than last year's prom.

Later in the evening, Elizabeth was resting her feet at the table when William walked over to the table and sat down, still not knowing that anything was wrong.

"Hello Lizzy."


"Are you having fun?"


"Is there something wrong?"

"No. Nothing at all."

Not getting anywhere with his friend, William just sat there quietly, searching her face to see what was wrong. He was surprised when she talked voluntarily.

"I'm surprised Caroline's not clinging to you like she was earlier."

William made a face as he replied, "I think she's in the bathroom fixing her make-up or something."


The current song ended, and another song started playing; a slow song. Recognizing the song immediately, since he still played it on the piano, William asked Elizabeth to dance. Looking up hesitantly at his offered hand, Elizabeth accepted.

At the dance floor, they hesitantly put their arms around each other as the introduction ended and the words began, Elizabeth suddenly remembered the song. The first song she played on the piano; William's teasing at the song's simplicity, and later, how William would sit with her patiently teaching her his version of the song.

Slowly, William started to bring Elizabeth closer to him, and she surprisingly let him. Halfway through the song, William whispered in her ear, "What's wrong? I know you, and I can tell something's bothering you."

Immediately, he felt her back stiffen as she pulled away slightly. Looking into her eyes, he saw the anger flash through them. Uh oh.

"Obviously, I don't know you as you claim to know me."

"What are you talking about?"

"About you getting permission to become friends with me again."

"Who told you that?"

"What does it matter? Why would you need their permission to make up with me when it's you, William Jeffrey Darcy, that would be friends with me, not them?"

"I don't know! At the time, I thought I did."

"That's a poor excuse. Did you want to make sure that I was good enough for you?" This time, Elizabeth started to cry as the anger faded and the disappointment set in.

William's heart broke as he saw tears falling down his friend's cheeks. Reaching up with his hands, he wiped a tear away. "I have to be honest with you."

"Why bother?" Elizabeth muttered, but didn't say anything else when William's look asked her not to say anything.

"At the beginning, that's what I was doing. I wanted to make sure that my friends approved of you." When Elizabeth opened her mouth to speak, he put a hand over it to stop her. "But I realize now that I don't care." Seeing Elizabeth's eyes soften, he took his hand down and continued on, "You're my childhood friend, and you're still my friend, I hope. I don't care whether everybody likes you or not. I like you, and no matter how much I wanted to deny it, I always did miss you, and care for you, and I always will." William pulled her close again. "Please say you forgive me, and you'll be my friend again." William smiled as he felt her nod against his shoulder.

Through the rest of the song, the two friends quietly danced.

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

*this line is from a song by the group, Cake. this deserves an explanation of why i chose that line. usually, i choose a line of lyrics that fits the chapter. well, while writing this one, i couldn't think of a song that fit. so, since i couldn't think of one, i chose "sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell" for one simple reason: i like the song :)

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Chapter 7

Posted on Saturday, 27 May 2000

Let's hear it for the boy!

The next couple of weeks passed by quickly for Elizabeth. The A.P. tests were quickly coming up, making the days seem shorter and as if there was not enough time to prepare for the exams. During some of this time, rumors flew about Elizabeth and William and the status of their relationship, but they didn't pay attention, and fortunately for them, they either never got to Caroline Bingley, or she didn't believe them. Everyone in the school, at one time or another, had rumors floating about them, including both Elizabeth and William, but they learned how to ignore the remarks.

Around this time, the choral department was getting ready for its spring concert, which is known for its lighthearted songs, complete with dancing on the risers. Unfortunately, the choreographer for choraliers was Caroline.

The singers supposed that it wouldn't be as bad if Caroline didn't always have her own way, didn't change all the things, and wasn't a cheerleader. With the first dance move to "Let's Hear it for the Boy!", Elizabeth knew it was going to be trouble. The girls were to turn their backs to the audience, with their hands on their wastes and shake their hips.

"What's up with this?" one girl remarked. "We're showing our butts to the audience."

As more of the dance was learned, the moves felt like it belonged more in a cheerleader's routine, not a dance for an eighties song.

"I'm starting to feel like a cheerleader," Elizabeth murmured to her friend, Natalie, who snickered.

Still, that was not the worst. It wasn't until the second day when Caroline decided to change moves each time they went through the song. That's when everybody started complaining and arguments arose. The teacher, Mrs. Hurst actually had to tear her attention away from the computer solitaire game to settle the argument.

For a second.

Because a second later, although there weren't arguments, there were many questions. Questions that Caroline had no patience to answer. At one point, Caroline was yelling at the choir to let her work, but a voice arose from the girls. Anne Elliot.

"Caroline! We're trying to figure out what you're making us do! We're not trying to change the dance, but to ask questions to clarify what we're doing."

This calmed down the Caroline and the choir for the remainder of the class, and they actually learned some of the dance, but the next day was just as difficult as before. This time, however, Anne helped out more. An experienced dancer, she was able to ask questions when Caroline was trying to remember how she even planned the dance. When going through the dance, Anne would be in the front of the room along with Caroline, so when Caroline forgot what she did, Anne was there to remind her and the choir.

These classes, although loud and annoying, made Elizabeth forget about the A.P. exams for the time being, but as the time drew nearer, she got more and more stressed out. Jane, Charlotte, and William had to calm her down as she got nervous.

"Lizzy! You'll do fine, you always do fine!" Charlotte exclaimed while waiting for the school traffic to clear so Charlotte and Jane could get out of school easier.

"I've known you practically your whole life, Lizzy, and I never saw you get so upset. Besides, these tests barely count. If you don't want a college to see it, than they don't have to see it," William tried to persuade.

"I know! But I feel as if I'll disappoint my teachers if I do bad."

"You won't disappoint them, I promise. You've never disappointed anybody in your life." William looked at his watch. "I have to go now, or else I'll be late for practice. See you guys later."

"He's right, Lizzy," Jane added after he was gone. "There's no use to get all worked up over these tests. Now let's go; the traffic's cleared."

The day of the first exam, American History, soon approached. In the large study hall, Elizabeth sat with Charlotte in front and her other friends in back. Next to Elizabeth sat William, with his friends on the other side of him. It was those friends that Elizabeth didn't particular like; the friends that brought out his ego. But as long as she was there, he stayed the way he was always was Elizabeth; like a good friend.

Through the test, Elizabeth calmed down. It was hard, but not as hard as she was expecting it to be; she just wished there weren't so many questions about the post-WWII era.

After it was finished, the test takers went outside where they had a pizza party. Sitting with Charlotte and another group of friends, Elizabeth felt William sit beside her and put his arm around her and pull her closer where she put her head on his shoulder.

"See, it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, was it?" William asked.

"No, it wasn't, but I'm tired," Elizabeth replied as she pulled away from him and got another piece of pizza. "And I'm just glad one of the exams are done."

"Right. Only one more to go."

"That's right," Charlotte said. "You two have Chemistry to take still, don't you."

"Unfortunately, yes." Elizabeth said with a impertinent smile. Everybody was relieved to see that she wasn't stressed out anymore.

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The chemistry exam was hard; everybody agreed to that statement. But when it was done, and Elizabeth put the pencil down a final time, a sigh of satisfaction came to her lips. William turned around in his seat and raised his eyebrows at her sound, but she only laughed, and a smile broke out on his lips.

The next week brought them to Cedar Point Theme Park for a pre-calculus field trip. It was the first time Elizabeth went up to Sandusky where the amusement park was, and she was looking forward to riding the roller coasters, but she wasn't looking forward to the two-hour ride up to northern Ohio, so she brought The Great Gatsby to read.

Sitting quietly next to one of her friends, Elizabeth read. But once in a while, she would look up and glance out the window. One time she looked up and was shocked.

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed.

"What?" Emily looked up from her book and questioned.

Elizabeth laughed and said, "Now that," pointing out the window, "is what you picture in your mind when you think Ohio."

It seemed like the bus was in the middle of nowhere. Around it, in all directions, stretched miles and miles of corn fields with farm houses and barns scattered here and there.

"Yeah. Didn't you know that?"

"I've never been up this far! I've always stayed in the suburban areas."

Laughing, Emily went back to her book, and Elizabeth just stared out the window for a while longer.

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Despite all the excitement, the trip to Cedar Point turned out to be miserable. The students got there, and immediately had to work on packets of problems. It was fine for a while, until it started raining, making the paper and calculators started to get all wet.

There was no way the students had time to do all of the problems. With so many calculations and several parts per problems, the students could only get two or three full problems done. Luckily, the teacher understood and told them that they were to finish them up in class.

Then, the students finally had free time to ride the rides. Unfortunately, they didn't have much time to ride many rides. Soon after, the skies opened up and started pouring, and the park had to close most of its rides. Everybody was soaked, and everybody was cold.

By time it was time to go to the buses, everybody was happy to go home. But then another problem arose. One boy was lost; they didn't know where he was, so the teachers had to go back in the park and search him out. By time the bus finally reached school, it was nine o'clock at night, and nobody expected to be mentally in school the next day.

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"Time for the annual popularity contest," said Elizabeth as she walked into the auditorium with Charlotte for the Junior Class meeting. Towards the back of the auditorium, Elizabeth and Charlotte quickly found their friends, sat down, and discussed who they were going to vote for.

It was the time of year that the class voted for their class officers after listening to their speeches. In reality, the truth was that nobody really paid attention to what the candidates said, and that everybody basically knew who they were going to vote for before stepping into the auditorium.

This year was no different; the current president said her speech about the past year, and then the candidates gave their speeches. All of them were of the same quality, except one.

When Nick Collins stepped up to the podium, the students prepared to be amused. Nobody, however, expected Nick's speech. After beginning the speech extremely seriously, like it was in a national campaign, Nick used the strategy of putting down his opponents, which none of the other candidates did. He claimed that last year, the other opponents had to be asked to run because they wouldn't do it voluntarily.

The statement was met with loud "boos" from the students, but yet Nick still went on. By the end of his speech, the juniors could not believe that he was so rude. Elizabeth was amused to see, that after voting, Nick was getting a mouth full from the other opponents and the class advisor, Mrs. White.

Throughout the day, Elizabeth heard of stories where students told him off after he pompously asked if they voted for him. Some things never change, thought Elizabeth.

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The year ended nice and peacefully, without much stress. The spring choral concert went on fine, no matter how many fights the singers had with Caroline. Anne Elliot seemed to be the saving grace that saved the girls from hating each other. Also, exams weren't too difficult, and they were over without too much pain.

During the summer, Elizabeth got her driver's license, and was thankful that she didn't have to depend on her aunt and uncle or Jane to get her around where she needed to go. Unfortunately, during the summer, Elizabeth and William never saw much of each other. When school started again, they weren't in any of each other's classes, causing them to become distant again. If they ever saw each other in the halls, they would stop and talk a little, but that was not often. The school was getting so big and crowded, that one may never see some person they had in all their classes in the previous year, the next year.

By time they spent any time together, it was for the publicity for the Valedictorian and the Salutatorian; Elizabeth and William. The last time was at graduation.

Chapter 8

Posted on Sunday, 28 May 2000

You'll be in my heart.

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always

Why can't they understand
the way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
deep inside us
We're not that different at all

And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know

Elizabeth felt tears well up in her eyes as the choir finished singing the graduation song. Her speech already given, her diploma already received, Elizabeth had time to reflect on her four years at high school. Some times were sad, and some times were happy, but Elizabeth knew she was going to miss all her friends. Realistically, she knew that most likely she won't see most of her friends again until high school reunions.

This was a turning point in the road; at the end of the summer, Elizabeth was to enter life on her own without her aunt and uncle supporting her with everything. She and Charlotte were off to Miami University, both to earn degrees in History, while Jane was off to Bowling Green University to become a music teacher.

The whole graduation ceremony was a blur to her, along with all the congratulations, hugs, kisses, 'good-lucks', and 'good-byes' that came afterwards. Elizabeth was just beginning to walk towards the car with her aunt, uncle, cousins, and sister, when she heard her name being called.

Turning around, she saw William hurrying towards her. Stopping just in front of her, the two didn't say anything for some time; they didn't know what to say. They knew this was 'good-bye,' but they didn't want to admit it. The year went by too quickly for them, with not much time together, and suddenly they were going to be separated again.

Finally, William broke down and hugged Elizabeth whispering, "I'm going to miss you."

Squeezing her eyes shut so the tears wouldn't spill out, Elizabeth returned, "I'm going to miss you, too." They stood there for a moment, hugging each other, until Elizabeth pulled back.

"Where are your parents?"

"They're inside talking to some of my friends' parents."

"Do you realize that since we got reunited, I haven't met your parents or Georgiana since?"

"Do you want me to go get them?"

"No, that's all right." Elizabeth looked back at her family. "We were just about to go now, anyway."

"Oh. Okay," William said dejectedly. "Well..."

"I guess this is good-bye."

"Yeah..." William looked at his shoes. "Keep in touch. 'You'll be in my heart,' " he said as he pulled Elizabeth for a hug again.

Elizabeth smiled at his quote. "I will," she whispered. But she didn't believe they would. They grew too apart in that one year without seeing each other. This time it was good-bye for good.

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Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married.

March 2011

Bring! Bring! Elizabeth groaned as she was the farthest away from the phone as she could be in the apartment that she shared with Jane.

Almost 27, Elizabeth was already a successful lawyer. After majoring in History, surviving through law school, and passing the bar on her first try, Elizabeth found a job in a law firm right in Columbus as a corporate lawyer.

"Hello?" Elizabeth answered the phone.

"Lizzy! This is your Aunt Elaine." Elizabeth cringed at her aunt's voice. Once well educated and calm, Elaine Bennet turned 'nervous' as her daughter and niece became closer and closer to age thirty. She had this fear that they would never get married, or that they would, but the man wouldn't have money.

"Yes, Aunt, I know what your voice sounds like by now."

"Has anything happened lately?"

"You mean, did I meet any nice, rich men yet," Elizabeth smirked into the phone.

"Well, that would qualify as something happening."

"Well, I haven't. Unless you count one of the sixty year old partners of the firm I work for."

"They're not young enough." There was silence over the phone for a few moments. "Well, is Jane there?"

"No, she's not. She's out getting some groceries." Come on, Aunt. I was actually doing something before you called.

"Why do you make her go out? She's a busy music teacher, you know."

"I know, Aunt. But we take turns grocery shopping. This week was her week. Besides, she may find some wealthy, young, divorcee while shopping."

"Ooh! You do have a point there. Well, tell her to give me a call when she gets in."

"Okay. Bye, Aunt."

"Bye, Lizzy."

It wasn't as if Elizabeth didn't like her aunt; she loved her and would be forever grateful to her aunt and uncle for taking her in after her parents' deaths. However, she began to get annoyed by her aunt when she took it upon her to find a husband for Elizabeth. And Elizabeth wasn't even sure if she would ever get married; she never found one man that complimented her personality and that she could love.

Furthermore, her aunt caught Elizabeth during a bad day. It was cloudy, it was rainy, it was chilly, and she had the busiest day at work ever. It wouldn't have been as bad if the winter wasn't so long in Ohio.

But Elizabeth just sighed and went back to doing the laundry.

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"Lizzy!' It was an hour later when Elizabeth heard her cousin walk through the apartment's door. Jane found Elizabeth in her room, folding some clothes. "Lizzy, we have something here from Charlotte. It looks like some kind of fancy invitation. Here. Open it."

Elizabeth took the invitation and read it while Jane looked through the other mail. "Bills, bills, and more bills."

"Oh my gosh!"

"Geez, Lizzy. You know we always had bills, why would it be a surprise?" Jane teased.

"Not the bills! Charlotte's getting married!"

"What!?" Jane asked dropping the other mail.

"She's marrying Joseph Fitzwilliam, a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy. Isn't that the man she has been talking about for the past year?"

"I think so. I can't believe she's tying the knot."

"Me neither. I'll have to call her later."

"And find out everything you can."

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"Charlotte! Why didn't you tell me?" Elizabeth didn't even greet her friend properly once she answered the phone.

"Hello to you, too, Lizzy," Charlotte laughed.

"I'm sorry! But you didn't even tell me you were engaged. I had to wait until I got the invitation!"

"I didn't want to tell you! I wanted to surprise you with the invitation."

"Well, it was a big surprise! But I'm happy for you! I remember thinking, after the first time you mentioned Joseph Fitzwilliam's name, that you were going to marry him. I just thought I would get a warning. Isn't he the one you met on base?" While the girls were in college, Captain Lucas was promoted to Admiral Lucas and was now based in Newport, Rhode Island.

"Yes, he is."

Tired of listening to one end of the conversation, Jane turned on the speaker phone.

"Hello Charlotte."

"Hi, Jane!"

"So what's all this talk about you getting married?"

Charlotte giggled, "Lizzy has to tell you all about it. Joseph's coming to pick me up in a few minutes. But I want you to come to a party my father's throwing us at the end of June. The 29th, I believe, and I want you to come and spend a week or two up here."

"We'll definitely be there, Char," Elizabeth replied. "We'll let you go now. Have fun!"

"Bye Lizzy. Bye Jane."

The cousins heard the click on the other line and hung up. Turning to each other, they both grinned, "Road trip!"

* "You'll be in my heart" by Phil Collins. (from "Tarzan")

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Chapter 9

Posted on Tuesday, 30 May 2000

All I'm ready to do is have some fun.

June 25

It was six o'clock in the morning when Jane and Elizabeth started for Rhode Island in Elizabeth's old Honda Accord. Her friends always wondered why she never bought a new car because she made enough money to, but Elizabeth was a type of person who didn't buy a new version of something unless her old one completely broke.

Elizabeth thought that the car still got her places, so she kept using it.

So Elizabeth and Jane were driving on the highway with the windows wide open, because the air conditioner was broken, singing on the top of their lungs to the radio.

Ready, ready, ready, ready, ready to run,
All I'm ready to do is have some fun.
What's all this talk about love?

Listening and singing to the Dixie Chicks, Elizabeth noticed a BMW passing her up with the driver giving her a weird look. I wonder what he's staring at. I think I know him from somewhere. Oh well. Elizabeth didn't try to catch up again to see who it was; the car was running out of gas desperately, and she wasn't about to risk missing the next exit.

Later on that day, Elizabeth noticed that she caught up to the same BMW. Turning up the radio, Elizabeth passed the car, singing,

I don't care what my teachers say
I want to be a supermodel.
And everyone will wanna dress like me
Just wait and see
When I'm a supermodel.

Elizabeth winked at the driver as she passed him and saw him smile and shake his head.

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It was eight o'clock that night when Jane and Elizabeth finally made it to the Lucas's house. Switching on and off throughout the day, going as fast as they can without speeding, and stopping minimally, the girls were able to make it to Rhode Island in good time.

Parking on the street in front of the house, Elizabeth got out of the car and looked at the house. "Wow. What a beautiful house."

The Admiral's house was a beautiful house. Situated on a hill, the big, white, colonial style house was a sight to behold. The house had a porch with a swing sitting on the left side, and from the outside, one can tell it was a big house. Standing on the bottom of the hill, Elizabeth could hear the ocean and smell the salt air, so she knew that the house was right on the ocean.

"It is," Jane agreed, stepping out of the car. "It's making me think about marrying a Navy officer that has the potential of becoming an Admiral, if I get to live in a house like that."

"I know what you mean." Elizabeth looked at the house for a moment longer before turning to Jane. "Come on. Let's get these suitcases out of the car."

Before they could even open the trunk, however, the front door to the house flung open and Charlotte stepped out. "Lizzy! Jane!"

Charlotte ran down the hill where she hugged Elizabeth first, and then Jane. Elizabeth smiled at her friend's apparent happiness.

"Apparently being engaged is good for your happiness, Char." Charlotte smiled at her friend's comment. "One can only hope that marriage doesn't ruin it," Elizabeth teased.

"I doubt marriage to Joseph can do anything but make me happier," Charlotte grinned while Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the 'mushy' statement.

"When do we get to meet this Joseph?" Jane inquired.

"Tomorrow, if it's nice, he's coming and we're going to spend the day at the beach. He's bringing his cousin and another friend, too."

By this time, Charlotte's father and brother made their way to where the girls were standing. Mr. Lucas greeted both girls with a friendly smiled and turned to his daughter.

"Daddy, Jonathon, can you bring their suitcases in?"

"Sure, honey. Whatever your highness wants," Mr. Lucas teased.

"Char!" Jonathan whined. "Why do I have to do it?" Even at twenty-four years of age, Charlotte's younger brother still liked to put up a fight to anything his older sister said.

"Just do it!"

"I don't want to!"

"Jonathan," Mr. Lucas warned. "If you don't do what your sister says, I'll make sure you don't see the light of day until you go back to school." Jonathan was currently working on his masters in music.

"I'm over twenty-one, you can't make me!" Elizabeth smirked at the scene Charlotte's brother was making, while the sister was hiding her eyes in embarrassment.

This time, Mr. Lucas became angry. But he didn't yell like others did; his voice became like steel that could make anyone afraid of him. If Elizabeth and Jane never saw Jonathan making trouble ever, they would've tried to leave, but being used to seeing Jonathan getting yelled at, they stuck around for the show. "As long as you're under my roof, provided by the very country that protects you, I recommend obeying my rules. Or else you can find somewhere else to live with your own money and your own responsibilities."

Finally, Jonathan gave in under the fear of having to use his little money he had left over from paying college loans and his father, and grabbed two suitcases. Upon entering the house, Jonathan dropped the suitcases, turned to Elizabeth and exclaimed, "How many things do you need for a few weeks?"

Elizabeth only smiled and said, "Hey! We're females. You have a sister and a mother; you should know that women don't travel light," before turning to Mrs. Lucas and greeting her.

The Lucas family gave Jane and Elizabeth some dinner before Charlotte showed the cousins up to their rooms. Upon looking out the window, Elizabeth fell in love with the sight of the ocean, and to the right, the Newport bridge. I don't think any room has a sight like this in Ohio.

Settling into bed, Elizabeth fell asleep thinking that this was the place to be for a relaxing vacation.

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"Lizzy!" Elizabeth looked up from her book to see her friend walking towards her on the beach. "Joseph is here, and I would like you to meet him."

At this, Elizabeth got up off her towel and brushed the sand off her. I don't even know why I bother tanning. My skin is so light, that I either get a sunburn or a very light tan. Shielding her eyes against the high noon sun, Elizabeth watched as a well built man made his way through the sand.

He was taller than six foot, that was obvious from where he walked next to his fiancée. He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes that squinted into the sun. His skin was tan, a result of spending much time outside.

"Joseph, I would like you to meet my oldest friend, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, this is Joseph Fitzwilliam." The two newly introduced people shook hands and greeted each other.

"Isn't there a title that goes along with that name?"

"Yeah. I got promoted to Lieutenant Commander earlier this year." Joseph Fitzwilliam was thirty years old and graduated from the United States Naval Academy in the class of 2003. Due to excellence in his field, he was promoted rather quickly to the O-4 standing. When Elizabeth looked at Charlotte, she could tell her friend was proud of her future husband.

"Charlotte, I always knew you were going to marry a Navy man, even if you did complain of moving too much."

Her friend teased back, "I think we long established that you're always right, Lizzy."

The sound of two male voices caught the attention of the two women and the man. Even though they were still too far away to make out, Joseph knew who they were. "That's my cousin and friend. About time they made it."

From a distance, Elizabeth could see two men; one was a bit taller than the other with more of a muscular build. As they walked closer, she could tell that the taller one had a mop of dark curls on his head and was dressed rather stiffly for a day at the beach in a pair of khaki slacks and a polo. The shorter man had straight, blonde hair, and was dressed more casually in a pair of shorts and T-shirt.

As they got closer still, Elizabeth swore she knew both of them from somewhere, but could not put her finger on where she did know him from. It wasn't until one of them spoke that she realized who they were. "Joe! There you are! We stopped in the house but Mrs. Lucas told us you were out here."

That voice. She knew it anywhere. Even if it did deepen after ten years of not hearing it. But Elizabeth decided not to say anything until he noticed himself.

"William! Charles! I believe that you did say, William, that you knew my fiancée from high school."

"Yes, I did." William stretched out his hand and formally spoke, "I was happy to hear of your engagement, Charlotte."

"Thank you," she replied.

Joseph introduced Charles to Charlotte, but still, William did not notice Elizabeth who was standing off to the side.

Finally, Joseph turned to his cousin and friend, and introduced. "William, Charles, I believe you don't know Charlotte's friend, Elizabeth."

Charles greeted Elizabeth in his friendly, open way. After greeting Charles, Elizabeth turned to William and met his eyes. What she found there was only cold formality.

"Actually, we do know each other, Joseph," William said to his cousin. "Elizabeth. We haven't spoken in a while." His voice was businesslike; not like the friendly tone he had as a youth.

Elizabeth quickly changed herself to meet her old friend's tone, and replied, "No, indeed. It must be ten years, at least."

William only nodded and turned his attention back to Charles, while Elizabeth stood fuming at his back. What happened? Can ten years really change somebody so much?

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At dinner that night, Elizabeth sat between William and Charlotte, while across from Jane. But, even though she was so close to her friends, she didn't get any conversation out of them. Charlotte was engrossed in a conversation between her father and fiancée, while Jane was intently talking to Charles who sat next to her. So, for the first half of dinner, Elizabeth barely had any conversation. Finally, getting tired of the silence between her and William, she spoke up.

"How's Georgiana?"

"Fine. She just graduated high school."

"And where is she going to college?"


"Really? I almost went there, but decided to stay in the state."

"Where'd you go again?"

"Miami University."

"I went to Harvard."

Elizabeth's eyebrows went up at this. She thought she was supposed to be impressed by this. "Really. And how'd you like the teacher's assistants' ways of teaching?"

William gave her a look, and said, "Not too bad, really. Why'd you go to Miami? You could've picked any school in the country."

"Because my aunt and uncle still had to put three other children in school. They insisted on paying for at least part of my college education, and I didn't have a lot of money, either. Miami had a very good education for the price. I wouldn't complain."

"Hmm...I guess money does have its advantages."

Elizabeth had nothing to say at this, and so she went back to eating her dinner. Fine, if you want to play proud rich snob, I really don't care.

Unlike other nights in high school, Elizabeth still slept soundly that night. At her age, she learned to deal with people like William and learned to ignore them. And after that night, she didn't care if she ever saw him again.

songs: "Ready to Run" by the Dixie Chicks and "Supermodel" by Jill Sobule

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Chapter 10

Posted on Thursday, 1 June 2000

Lost as can be.

For the next two days, Elizabeth didn't see William at all, although both Joseph and Charles visited often. So on the day of the engagement party, Elizabeth didn't know what to expect. She was determined, however, not to let him get in the way of her having a good time.

Little by little, the guests started arriving to the house. A beautiful night in June, most people stayed outdoors on the back porch and walked onto the beach. As Elizabeth mingled with the guests, she met new acquaintances, including Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam and Joseph's older brother, Mark. When William arrived, Elizabeth was surprised to see who was with him.

Mrs. Darcy, now fifty-three years old, but still looking in her early forties, and Georgiana, who just turned eighteen walked onto the porch just before William. It was obvious to anyone that the two were mother and daughter. Both had curly blonde hair and blue eyes, and were about the same height.

Elizabeth watched as the two went over to greet Charlotte and Joseph, and wondered where William disappeared to. A few moments later, she saw who she thought to be her old friend until she saw the gray streaks in his hair. Apparently the elder Mr. Darcy arrived, too. Elizabeth would usually go and greet them, but she doubted if they even remembered her. She was also partly afraid that they turned just like their son, and she couldn't bear it if they did.

As the evening wore on, people started dancing on the patio. While walking around, she was happy to see Charles and Jane dancing and talking, enjoying themselves. Not really acquainted with anyone, Elizabeth didn't dance much, not that she minded. Never was she one for much dancing, and sometimes, she was so set against it, her friends had to force her to go on the dance floor.

During one particular song, when she was tired of 'mingling,' Elizabeth stood against the house in the shadows where she wouldn't be noticed. Soon after situating herself there, she noticed William standing not ten feet in front of her. She was about to make leave her spot when she noticed Charles Bingley leave her cousin and talk to his friend.

"William why are you standing here not doing anything? People will think you're a terrible snob."

Ha! Too late for that!

"I don't feel like socializing tonight, Charles. Why don't you go back to Jane?"

Yeah. Go back to Jane and leave the old crab alone.

"I'm not going until you agree to ask someone to dance."

"Forget it. I don't feel like it. There are only a few reasonable aged women here, and out of them, there are only two who I would consider pretty. Currently, one is engaged to my cousin, and the other has taken up all your attentions."

At least he didn't insult my friends.

"What about Elizabeth?" Elizabeth's back went stiff at the mention of her name. "She's Jane's cousin, isn't she? I remember in high school, you were actually good friends with her, and she's not that bad looking either."

"Forget it, Charles. First of all, we were only friends for a couple of months. Second, she's not nearly good enough looking for me. And lastly, she really hasn't been asked to dance by many men which must mean something."

"Fine, William. Have it your way. I'm going back to Jane."

Elizabeth knew she was supposed to be furious with William for saying those things, but she couldn't find any anger. Just amusement. Actually, she felt like laughing at his absurd comments. Walking out of the shadows, she went to stand beside him.

Sensing somebody was there, William turned to look down at her. Looking straight into his eyes, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Really, William! A couple of months? Not good looking enough for you? Strangely, I'm amused by you, and you never amused me before. Things have changed, huh?" Giving him an impertinent smile, she walked away before gauging his reaction.

Walking back onto the porch to find something to drink, she heard a voice calling, almost questioning, her name.

"Lizzy Gardiner?"

Elizabeth turned around to see Mrs. Darcy walking up to her. Brightly smiling, Elizabeth greeted, "Mrs. Darcy! It's been a long time!"

"Indeed it has! My son informed me that you were here, and I've been looking for you all evening, but I could never catch you at the right time. I can't believe how you've grown. You look just like your mother."

At the sight of Elizabeth's fallen eyes, Mrs. Darcy embraced who was once like her own daughter. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean..."

Elizabeth pulled back and reassured her, "No, it's okay. I just sometimes get like that when somebody mentions my parents."

Seeing her husband walk towards her, Mrs. Darcy waved him over to where she was. Trailing behind him was Georgiana. "George, darling, look who it is."

Mr. Darcy immediately smiled and greeted Elizabeth and asked her how she was. "William told me that you're a lawyer now."

"Yes. I work for a corporate law firm." I didn't even know that William knew I was a lawyer. Hmm...

The three stood talking to each other for a few minutes, until Mrs. Darcy soon noticed that her daughter was still hidden behind her husband's back. "Georgiana, come meet Elizabeth again."

Georgiana shyly stepped out from behind her father. Although graduated from high school, she could still pass for a freshman or sophomore. Her shy poise, and her youthful looking face with her hair kept up in a ponytail made her look younger than what she was. "Elizabeth, you remember Georgiana, surely. Although she was a toddler when we moved."

"Georgiana, I doubt if you remember Lizzy, but she held you as a baby."

Elizabeth gave a friendly smile at her old friend and greeted her. It took a while to get Georgiana to start talking, but as she grew more comfortable with Elizabeth and her friendly manner, Georgie started opening up and talking more.

Soon after, however, guests began to leave, and Mr. Darcy declared that he was tired and that it was time for them to leave. The good-byes were made, and soon, the house was empty and the Lucas's, along with Jane and Elizabeth, were sleeping soundly in their beds.

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Earlier, at the party

Standing aloof on the edge of the crowd at the party, William was not having a good time. Always a reserved man, William never liked parties, whether they be of the higher class society parties, or parties like the one he was attending at the moment. And barely knowing anyone at this party made it worse than others he attended. His outward appearance usually dissuaded anyone from voluntarily introducing himself, unless it was a woman who was after his looks or money, and he didn't have the personality to introduce himself.

Standing off to the side, William noticed Elizabeth. Lizzy. Although Elizabeth couldn't be called beautiful, she wasn't ugly either. This night, she was wearing a long, black skirt, and a fitted pink blouse. The outfit was completed with a pair of black flip-flops. Her wavy, light brown hair that just reached her shoulders was let down, and she didn't wear any visible make-up, giving her the appearance that she cared about what she looked like, but not enough to spend too much time getting ready.

No, society wouldn't call her beautiful, but William would.

Ever since graduating college, William was discontent with his life. It seemed that every day was just routine for him with no change. Day in from day out, William felt as if his life was a machine. And he was lonely. The only person he was ever able to really talk to was Elizabeth, but he didn't see her since graduation. He had Charles, but it wasn't the same kind of friendship.

The trouble is, though, that William wouldn't admit that he missed Elizabeth. And when he saw Elizabeth at the beach, he was, in fact, very happy. But like any other feeling, he covered it up with the stoicism he learned while working with his father, and persuaded himself that he didn't care about seeing her again, causing him to close up.

William groaned as he heard a Celine Dion song come on the stereo. Probably the result of Elizabeth, he smiled softly. She always had an unnatural liking to her Celine Dion c.d.'s.

Laugh and cry, live and die
Live is a dream we are dreaming
Day by day I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

The lyrics to the song suddenly caught William's attention, and he started looking through the crowd for Elizabeth. He finally found her talking to a man, and suddenly felt jealous. Why should I feel jealous? I lived without her all these years, and it's not as if I can freely associate with her. I will eventually own a pharmaceutical company, and she'll just still be a lawyer.

People run, sun to sun,
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun, life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going

William smirked at the verse. For once she's right. Live goes on, and we just have to go along with it. Whether we're happy with it or not.

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

Glancing at Elizabeth again, he saw her look over at him and then quickly look away, but William kept looking at her, pleading with his eyes to turn her head around again. Observing that Elizabeth wasn't going to look back at him, he felt disappointed, but wouldn't admit it.

And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes from you

Love? No, it wasn't love. William didn't give his heart away that easily, even to a girl he knew all his life. But his heart knew that he needed Elizabeth like his other half, as a friend at least, while his brain said that it was no use; she was below him, and he was probably never to see her again after his cousin's wedding.

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Later that night, William couldn't fall asleep as he kept tossing and turning in his bed. Pondering on the last half of the party.

When William refused to dance with Elizabeth, he had no idea she could hear him. And when he realized she overheard the conversation between himself and Charles, he was almost sorry. Almost. Until he saw she was laughing at him. At him! Nobody laughed at him!

The feelings he had earlier, of loneliness without her, quickly dissolved in anger at her ridicule.

And yet when he saw the familiarity between her and his parents, and the way she brought out his sister, the anger was almost forgotten.

In the end, William did not know what to think. About her, about him, or about the desire to see her again.

The sun was just about to rise over the ocean by time William fell asleep.

* "Then you look at me" Music by James Horner and Will Jennings (yes, the "Titanic" guys) Performed by Celine Dion

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Chapter 11

Posted on Friday, 2 June 2000

Girls just wanna have fun.

"Hi Lizzy." Elizabeth opened her eyes and sat up to see Georgiana sit down beside her.

"Hi Georgie!"

"I hope I'm not disturbing you." Georgiana almost looked scared of offending Elizabeth.

"Not at all! You're always welcome."

"I saw you here, so I thought I would come by you. My parents went into the house to talk to Charlotte's parents, and I noticed that Charlotte and Joseph, and Jane and Charles are walking on the beach.

Elizabeth smiled at the couples who were farther down the beach, each having their own conversation. "Yes, I haven't seen much of my friends these past few days. The gentlemen keep stealing them away from me." The comment sounded serious to Georgiana, but when she saw Elizabeth's smile, she knew she was only teasing. "How are you today, Georgie?"

"Good, thank you. I'm looking forward to this day at the beach. I haven't seen the ocean in at least a year!"

"I know what you mean, except I haven't seen the ocean in four years! But I drove up and saw Lake Erie last year; does that count?"

Georgiana laughed, "Not quite!" The teenager paused for a moment. "Did you really hold me as a baby?"

Elizabeth looked over to her and replied, "Yes. I was only eight when you were born, and I remember my mother being paranoid about holding you, but your mother put Mom at ease."

"I'm sorry I don't remember much of you..." Georgie began.

"You were only two when you moved! How are you to remember me?"

"Were you and my brother close?"

"We were, but time separated us."


Before either girl could say anything more, a deep voice was heard calling Georgiana. When they turned around, they saw William walking towards them wearing swimming trunks, a T-shirt, and sandals. "Speak of the devil," Elizabeth murmured.

When he reached them, he bent down and kissed his sister on the head and nodded to Elizabeth, "Hello Lizzy."

Elizabeth nodded back, "Will," and then turned her eyes towards the ocean.

"Georgie, aren't you going for a swim?"

"No, William, not right now. I saw Elizabeth and I wanted to talk to her."

"Okay, then." To be polite, William also asked Elizabeth if she wanted to go swimming.

"No, thanks. I'm afraid of jellyfish," Elizabeth teased looking straight into William's eyes. She knew that the ocean was too cold for the jellyfish to be there yet, but she wanted to see William's reaction.

Looking into Elizabeth's laughing eyes, William almost smiled, but held back and just raised his eyebrows in amusement. After holding her gaze for a moment, William looked away, took off his sandals, his shirt, and then headed towards the ocean.

At the sight of William's bare torso, Elizabeth's mouth went dry. My God! I thought businessmen like him didn't have time to work out. And I think I have been just proven wrong. Elizabeth's eyes unconsciously followed William as he made his way towards the water, but was woken up out of her trance with Georgiana's voice.

"Lizzy!" Elizabeth turned to see Georgie laughing at her. When Georgie got her older friend's attention she asked, "Do you find my older brother attractive?"

Elizabeth didn't know what to say. "Umm... I don' yeah?"

Georgiana only laughed harder at her friend, but soon took pity as Elizabeth's face soon turned pink in embarrassment. "So, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty-seven. Oh! And happy belated birthday to you!"

"You still remember my birthday?"

Elizabeth grinned, "Yep! The twenty-first of June."

"And you're a lawyer?"

"Yeah. What are you going to study in college?"

"I would like to be a doctor, so I think I may major in Biology."

"Eww. Never liked Biology. Too much memorization and not enough work."

"I thought you majored in History!"

"I did, but it interests me, so it stays in my mind easier." Elizabeth paused and then asked, "Do you still live around Columbus?"

"Yeah, we still live in Olentangy School District."

"I still live in what used to be that district. Now it's divided, and I live in the Powell City Schools district. What side of the district do you live in?"

"Near you, actually. We live on the western side of the Olentangy River, but we're considered Delaware. Our house is in one of the subdivisions off of 315."

"We should get together then, sometime in the summer before you go off to college." Elizabeth scrunched her nose as she thought of what she said. "To college. Now I'm feeling old. My little baby friend is all grown up."

Georgiana laughed at this and teased, "You're not old yet! You still have three more years before you reach that point!"

The statement only made Elizabeth groan loudly, but soon she joined Georgiana who was laughing at Elizabeth's expression. When William walked up to them a few minutes later, their laughs were toned down a bit, but they were still giggling.

"What's so funny?"

Elizabeth looked up to him and whined, "I'm old!"

"Why is that funny?" William asked with a confused look. But Georgiana only started laughing again. William looked at his younger sister and wondered at the change in her. Usually she was quiet and shy, but Elizabeth brought her out. And he felt somewhat grateful for Elizabeth for that.

Suddenly Elizabeth got up and wiped the sand off of her. "I have to go before I look like a burnt lobster. I'll see you guys later." Elizabeth turned to William and said, "Bye Will." And turning to Georgiana, she laughed, "Bye Georgie!"

"Bye Lizzy," Georgiana waved.

But William just stared after Elizabeth as she walked leisurely away.

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Fourth of July

Elizabeth looked outside the window as she slipped on her sandals. On the bottom of the hill, people were already gathering for the annual Fourth of July celebration. Everybody in the Lucas household was already down there, but earlier, Elizabeth by accidentally fell asleep, and woke up late. Fortunately, it wasn't too late when she woke up, and she managed to get ready in record time. She managed to slip on a sundress, twist her hair up, and put some make-up on before the part really got started.

When she arrived at the bottom of the hill, she immediately found Georgiana standing with her parents and went over to greet them. Pretty soon, Georgiana and Elizabeth were having their own conversation, so Mr. and Mrs. Darcy left them to go greet other people.

A little while later, an officer came up to Georgiana and asked her to dance. Retreating into her shy self again, Georgiana looked to her friend with frightened eyes. Elizabeth only silently said, "Go!" and lightly pushed Georgiana away from her towards the officer.

Georgiana hesitantly took the man's hand and allowed him to lead her to dance floor. Elizabeth smiled at her success in bringing Georgiana out at least a little bit as she watched her talk with her partner.

One the other side of the party, however, somebody frowned. When William, who was watching Elizabeth, saw his 'baby' sister get taken to the dance floor by an older man by Elizabeth's persuasion, a frown immediately came to his face. He didn't like that his sister was dancing with a man at least in his mid-twenties. Quickly, he made his way over to the other side where Elizabeth was standing.

"What do you think you were doing?"

Elizabeth looked over to William, raised one eyebrow, and then looked to where Georgiana was still dancing. "Talking to your sister?"

"I don't mean that! Persuading her to dance with that officer!"

"What's so wrong about that?" Elizabeth questioned, turning her attention to William.

"He's probably much older than her!"

"I doubt older than thirty..." Elizabeth trailed off as she observed Georgiana's partner, trying to determine his age.

"That's too old for her!"

"Will! It's not like they're having an affair! It's only a dance for goodness sake!"

"But I don't like it!" The two stood glaring at each other, neither one willing to back down.

Soon, the current dance ended, and the arrival of Georgiana transferred the attention from their argument to the younger woman. "What's wrong?"

William looked at his sister and then back at Elizabeth and snapped, "Nothing." William then stalked away.

Georgiana turned to Elizabeth with a question in her eyes.

Guessing what the question was, Elizabeth sighed, "Your brother is just being the typical overprotective older brother. Don't worry about him. He'll get over it."

"Do you think I shouldn't dance the rest of the night if he doesn't like it?"

"No! Don't deny yourself fun because he's trying to protect you. He's probably just scared because you're growing up."

"All right, then..." Georgiana trailed off.

"Believe me, Georgie," Elizabeth smiled. "He won't hate you because of it."

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The rest of the evening, Georgiana was asked to dance many times, and she accepted them all. Little by little, she became more comfortable around strangers and she had a lot of fun.

Elizabeth even danced a lot as men asked her to all evening. The evening went by quickly as she had fun meeting new people. The only thing that disconcerted her was that when she looked towards William, he was always staring at her, although she couldn't understand why.

When the last song of the evening was announced, Elizabeth was standing off to the side. As the introduction played, she suddenly recognized the song and sighed.

Twenty feet away, William also recognized the song and looked over to Elizabeth where he saw her sigh. What the hell.

Elizabeth started as she noticed William walk towards her. He didn't even have to ask her; all he had to do was hold out his hand as they both could sometimes still read each other's thoughts.

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"Don't they make the cutest couple?" Mrs. Darcy sighed to her husband.


"When they were young, I always believed that they could marry."


"And now they've met each other again. It must be fate."

"If that is so, then just leave it to fate," Mr. Darcy warned. "You can't force two people together."

"No, you can't," his wife admitted. "But you can nudge them a bit."

Mr. Darcy only sighed and shook his head in resignation.

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On the dance floor, William held Elizabeth close to him, resting his chin on her head. For that song, they both forgot anything that happened between them. Elizabeth felt that she belonged in William's arms, and he felt as if he found his other half.

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

As the song ended, fireworks started flying into the sky. William and Elizabeth separated and stood next to each other watching the display. Turning towards her, William saw Elizabeth's chin raised and a slight smile quivering on her lips. Afraid of what he was feeling, William quietly left her side without her noticing.

When the fireworks finale ended, Elizabeth turned to where she thought William was standing.

But he was gone.

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Chapter 12

Posted on Wednesday, 7 June 2000

Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango!

Two days later saw the departure of Elizabeth and Jane. They were packing Elizabeth's car when the same silver BMW that Elizabeth passed on the way to the East coast pulled up to the house. Elizabeth laughed when she saw that it was William who was driving it. I thought the driver looked familiar when I passed him.

Elizabeth, Jane, and Charlotte were amused at how many people came out of the car. William and his father were in the front seat, and Georgiana, Mrs. Darcy, and Charles Bingley came out of the back.

"I hope you're not planning to drive all the way to Ohio with everybody in the car," Elizabeth commented to William with one eyebrow raised.

William smiled to her and replied, "No. I'm on my way to drop off my parents and sister at the airport then Charles and I are driving back."

At the mentioning of the airport, Georgiana's face went white with fear. Noticing this, Elizabeth asked if anything was wrong.

Georgiana swallowed and answered, "No, nothing." William and Elizabeth could tell that she was lying though.

"What's wrong, sis? You're not afraid of flying, are you?'

Mrs. Darcy replied for her daughter, "She got sick on the way here. I don't know what was wrong with her. She never had trouble flying before."

"You can come with Charles and I, Georgie," William offered. "But I don't know how you'll stand in being in a car with two men for ten hours."

Georgiana stood up straight and courageously put her brother at ease. "I'll be fine, William. It's only while it's taking off."

Feeling sorry for her friend, Elizabeth offered, "Why don't you come with us, Georgie. Jane and I would love to have you with us to keep us company."

Georgiana smiled with relief and was about to accept when her overprotective brother jumped in. "Is your car even safe?" he asked incredulously. "It's so old!"

Stepping forward with her eyes flashing and her hands on her hips, Elizabeth defended her car, "There's nothing wrong with it, sir." William flinched at being addressed so formally. "It may not be a brand new BMW, but it runs, and it's not going to break down. The only thing that's really wrong with it is that the air conditioning is broken. This may be too much stress for your rich self to handle, but as long as Georgiana doesn't object to that, I don't know why it should be a problem."

Elizabeth saw Mrs. Darcy put her hand to her mouth to stifle the laugh that was to escape as her son put his hands up in defeat. Turning to Georgiana, he said, "It's your decision."

"Yes! Thank you, Lizzy." Georgiana ran up and hugged Elizabeth before removing her suitcase from the trunk of her brother's car.

Looking at his watch, William declared that they had to go as to get his parents to the airport on time. The Darcys and Charles said their good-byes to the Lucas' and the two cousins before leaving in their car. Five minutes afterwards, Elizabeth, Jane, and Georgiana set off for Columbus.

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The three girls were about an hour away from Columbus when Elizabeth, who was driving, sighed. "We need a c.d. in. I'm sick of the radio. Jane, can you look through my c.d.'s and see if I put the Queen c.d. in there?"

Picking up the big binder full of c.d.'s, Jane complained, "By time I find it, we'll be back already."

Elizabeth looked sideways at her cousin and laughed, "Jane. Think about it. I always alphabetize my things. It won't take that long. Trust me!"

Jane laughed as she flipped to the "q" section of the binder and found the Queen c.d.'s. "Which one do you want me to put in?"

"Volume I of the greatest hits. The only good song on Volume II is Bohemian Rhapsody; we'll listen to that one later."

"Who's Queen?" Georgiana's tiny voice asked from the back.

Elizabeth almost slammed on her brakes in surprise. "Are you kidding me? You probably would recognize their songs, though. Queen rocks!"

Jane laughed and turned around and explained, "Don't mind her! Elizabeth belongs in the previous generation. Look at these c.d.'s! Frank Sinatra, Chicago, Simon and Garfunkel. Paul Simon?" Jane asked her cousin with a weird look on her face.

"Hey! Paul Simon rocks, too! I always loved him when I was younger, and I still love him now!" Georgiana and Jane laughed at the defensive tone in Elizabeth's voice.

The three drove on in silence through the c.d. Jane and Georgiana both had to admit that the c.d. was excellent and Georgiana recognized some songs, too. ("See! I told you!" Elizabeth replied to her when she admitted she knew some songs.)

As the c.d. ended, Elizabeth suggested, "Let's stop in Max and Erma's to eat. I'm famished!" As the others agreed, Elizabeth also suggested, "Jane, put in the second c.d. I want to listen to Bohemian Rhapsody."

As the song started, Elizabeth sang along with the serious beginning verses while the other two just listened to it. Suddenly Georgie exclaimed, "I know this song! Caroline and I actually walked in on Charles, William, and other friends watching a movie during the part where the guys were in the car and listening to the song. Caroline took me out of the room, though. She said it wasn't a good movie."

"You're kidding me?! 'Wayne's World' is one of the best movies of all time! Do you remember the words they were singing while in the car?" Georgiana nodded. "What do you say we do the same thing?" Elizabeth was in a weird mood from driving all day. Not seeing anything wrong with it, the other girls agreed. After the guitar break and the verse that deviated from the previous tone of the song came on, the girls started singing along with it.

I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-

While Jane and Georgiana sang, Elizabeth noticed that William and Charles caught up with them, where they were stopped at a light at the exit to Polaris Parkway. "Ooo," Elizabeth commented. "This will make it much better," she laughed, "for them to observe us."

Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo Galileo
Galileo figaro-Magnifico-
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
He's just a poor boy from a poor family-
Spare him his life from this monstrosity-

As Elizabeth and her friends sang, she noticed that indeed, William and Charles were looking at them, laughing. Not a mean laugh, but like they were laughing with them. Elizabeth winked at them as the last part of the verse came on.

Easy come easy go-will you let me go-
Bismillah! No-, we will not let you go-let him go-
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go let me go
No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go-
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me-
Any way the wind blows...

At the cue, all three girls started head-banging. It didn't last very long, as the girls couldn't stop laughing. When the light turned green, Elizabeth sped around the corner and then into the restaurant's parking lot. A second after she parked, the silver BMW pulled into the spot next to her.

As the occupants of the cars climbed out, Elizabeth inquired to the men, "You're eating here, too?"

Charles only replied, "Yeah," as he quickly made his way to Jane's side, but William gave a longer answer.

"We were hungry and saw you pull in here, so we decided to eat here, too."

Elizabeth nodded as the group made their way to the doors of the restaurant. Once seated, she commented, "You two made it here awfully quickly."

"No, Elizabeth," Jane teased. "We made it here awfully slowly. We would've made it much quicker if you didn't drink so much coffee!"

Elizabeth huffed, "I can't help it! I doubt you would've wanted me to drive if I didn't have something to wake me up. Besides, the rest room breaks didn't take so long!"

Georgiana smiled, "No, they didn't. But there were so many of them!"

"Haha," Elizabeth replied sarcastically as she looked down at her menu and nervously tapped her fingers in front of her.

Feeling somebody's hand over her nervous one, she looked up to see William grinning at her amusedly. "You always had a nervous habit of tapping your fingers when you're embarrassed or stressed."

Elizabeth smiled in return, "At least I don't bite my nails! My nails always looked presentable!"

William defended himself, "I don't do that anymore!"

"Of course you don't!" Elizabeth sarcastically teased as she looked back down at her menu as William looked at his.

It wasn't until the waiter came with the drinks that William realized his hand was still on Elizabeth's. Without saying anything, he withdrew his hand, but he could see a faint blush on Elizabeth's cheeks as she realized that they were practically holding hands across the table for a couple of minutes.

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The rest of the dinner passed pleasantly as the five young men and women talked. When dinner was over, Georgiana switched her suitcase to her brother's car and went home with him, while Elizabeth and Jane drove away.

After dropping Charles off, he and Georgiana drove home to find their parents already asleep. Saying goodnight to his sister, William went back to his old room where he found it just the same as it was in high school. William had his own apartment, but was too tired to drive there. Figuring that his parents wouldn't care, William fell asleep where he slept as a teenager.

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When Elizabeth and Jane reached their apartment, they were met with many messages from Mrs. Bennet. Obviously she wanted to make sure she called her when they got back since every message hinted that she wanted to hear from them.

"Ha!" Elizabeth said. "She just wants to know if we met any eligible men in Rhode Island."

"I'm sure she just wants to make sure we got back safely."

Heading towards her own room, Elizabeth looked back at her cousin with her eyebrows raised. "When was the last time that she was worried about us taking a road trip. Believe me. At our next family get-together, she'll want a description of every man we met."

*Part of "Bohemian Rhapsody": words and music by Freddie Mercury

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Chapter 13

Posted on Saturday, 10 June 2000

I want to be a supermodel.

Two days later, Elizabeth and Jane were walking up the driveway to the Bennets' house. "Well, Jane. Are you ready to be thrown to the dogs?"

Jane laughed, "Are you?"

"Hey! I'm not the one who hooked up with a rich, handsome man! You'll have more questions to answer."

"What about William? You two seemed pretty cozy at dinner," Jane looked sideways at her cousin.

Elizabeth blushed, "I don't know what to think about him. One day he's rude, the next he's sweet. So, he's not an available topic until I find out what's up with him."

The two girls walked through the front door where they immediately smelled onions frying in the kitchen, and meat cooking on the grill out back. "Hello?" Jane called through the house.

Mrs. Bennet peeked out of the kitchen. "Hi girls! How was your trip? I have to hear everything about it at dinner!"

Elizabeth looked at her cousin with an 'I told you so' look before greeting her aunt. "Hello, Aunt Elaine. What's for dinner?"

"Just burgers and macaroni salad. Although goodness knows you two don't need any more fat."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I know. Never mind that pants won't fit me any better since my hips won't shrink no matter how much I try to shrink them. And don't forget that we have to keep Jane at a size negative two." Ever since Jane was a teenager, she had been trying to gain weight. She was one of those people who could eat and eat and eat and never gain an ounce. Elizabeth thought it was sickening.

"Yes we do!" Mrs. Bennet replied, not getting the sarcastic tone of her niece's reply.

When Mrs. Bennet turned around to go back to cooking, Elizabeth walked across the house to the back door. Through the house, she heard Mary practicing the piano, Cathy typing on the computer, and Lydia talking really loudly on the phone. Elizabeth sighed as she pushed open the screen door and found her uncle at the grill, flipping the hamburgers.

Walking up to him, Elizabeth kissed him on the cheek. "Hello Uncle Steve."

"Hello, Lizzy. I missed you." Mr. Bennet paused to look into the house again. "Has my wife started questioning you two yet?"

"She only told us that we had to discuss the trip over dinner, although she may be already questioning Jane as we speak since I left Jane at the kitchen."

"Well, do you have anything to say that would excite your aunt?"

Elizabeth smiled mischievously, "I don't, but Jane does."

"Oh, really?" Mr. Bennet laughed, but didn't ask anymore about the subject. "Can you tell your aunt and the rest of the family that the burgers are done?"

"Sure," Elizabeth agreed. Elizabeth opened the door and yelled inside, "People! Food's ready!"

"Do you have to scream so?" Mrs. Bennet complained. "You always could never talk in a civilized voice."

Elizabeth feigned being offended and whined, "I thought that's what you liked about me!"

"No. That's what they like about me. With you, it's just annoying." Lydia replied pushing past her older sister as Elizabeth scowled.

As Mary went past her, she greeted her cousin with a nod and went back to her book, and when her other cousin passed, Cathy kissed her cheek in greeting. Turning around, Elizabeth sighed at the family. Both Mary and Cathy looked like Jane and their mother with their tall height, and blonde hair. With Jane's help, Cathy was able to put her looks to good use, but somehow Mary got left behind. Where Mary could've used a little make-up to enhance her face by covering up the under-eye circles caused by reading late at night, or at least use a brush to pull her hair back, she chose not to.

Then there was Lydia. Lydia looked almost exactly like her elder sister, with light brown hair and rosy skin, but she, unlike Elizabeth, chose to wear revealing clothing and bright make-up. The two sisters didn't look anything like their cousins. They took mostly after their mother without much visible physical attributes of Mr. Gardiner. Elizabeth, however, had the personality of her late father while Lydia took much more after her aunt.

Walking to her seat at the table, Elizabeth pulled Lydia's headphones off and then pulled Mary's book out of her hands. At their objections, Elizabeth scolded, "It's not respectable to read, nor listen to a walk man at the dinner table. You'll thank me later for learning some manners."

"Where do manners get you?" Lydia returned. "Look at you and your perfect manners. They never got you a boyfriend through high school and you still don't have a man now. Then look at me. I already had five boyfriends this year. At the same time, too! And neither of them found out," Lydia praised herself.

"Wow. That's something to be proud of," her sister sarcastically remarked. Elizabeth sighed and put her head in her hands. I give up. I just give up. She didn't have as close as a relationship as she would've liked with her sister. She felt as if she was a failure at not getting a hold on her younger sister before her aunt did. Once a well mannered, educated lady, Elaine Bennet suddenly allowed free-reign on her younger daughters and Lydia. Thankfully, Cathy was at least saved by her elder sister's and cousin's influence, but Lydia would have none of it. She wanted to be independent, and neither Mr. nor Mrs. Bennet did anything about it.

"So, girls," Mrs. Bennet began once everybody was seated and dinner was served. "Let's hear about your trip to Rhode Island!"

"Jane met a man," Elizabeth said bluntly while her cousin blushed. However, Jane didn't mind talking about Charles Bingley and his good looks and charming personality. And Mrs. Bennet definitely didn't mind hearing about him.

Since most of the conversation was centered on Jane's new, wealthy boyfriend, Elizabeth phased out and didn't even follow the conversation until she could tell Jane was actually starting to get annoyed. When Jane started getting red out of anger instead of enthusiasm, Elizabeth conveniently made a comment about a new clothing store opening at a mall. Always one for new fashions for her darling younger niece, the conversation turned to mostly between Lydia and Mrs. Bennet about the new store.

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"Thank goodness that's over," Elizabeth remarked as she and Jane waved to their family while pulling away.

"It wasn't too bad until Mom started to ask too many questions about Charles. I don't think she knows when to stop."

"I doubt she does either," Elizabeth responded. "Oh well. We just have to make the best of things. Just be thankful we don't have to spend every evening with them."

"Yes, we do have that to be thankful for."

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"AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!" At the sound of her cousin's frustrated scream, Elizabeth suddenly stopped what she was doing and went to Jane's room.

What Elizabeth found there caused her to burst out laughing. It seemed like Jane's whole closet full of clothes was scattered all over her room in different piles. Leaning against the doorway, Elizabeth smirked, "Tornado season already?"

Jane looked up from where she sat in the middle of the mess. "I'm going out with Charles tonight and I can't find anything to wear!"

"How can't you? I think you just about bought out Gap last month!"

"But nothing seems right to wear!" Jane whined.

Uh oh. Jane's whining; this must be really bad. "I'll tell you what. I need a new pair of slacks and jeans anyway, so let's go to the mall."

Jane sniffed and looked up to her cousin with a baby look on her face. "Really?"

"Really. And let's invite your sisters, my sister, and Georgiana. We can all help you decide."

"My sisters? Your sister? I mean, Cathy's all right, but Mary and Lydia?"

"I know. But if we invite Cathy, we have to invite the other two."

"Yeah, you're right. Oh well. Hopefully they can't come."

"Jane, you're so mean!"

"I know! But I need the outfit to be perfect!"

Elizabeth laughed and went to call the girls. Lydia didn't want to be associated with people who dressed so conservatively, besides, she was going out with a 'really hot guy'; Mary was too busy reading her latest book, and Cathy already had plans, but Georgiana was eager to go out.

When the girls picked up their young friend, Jane was fascinated by the huge house, but Elizabeth didn't blink an eye. She still had the memories of being a young girl and knowing every step of the huge house in Connecticut.

"Hello!" Elizabeth could tell Georgiana was excited to go out. She figured that her shyness held her back from doing much outside of school.

Soon, the girls were happily walking in the mall. It didn't take as long as they thought it would to find an outfit for Jane. She found a dark blue, ankle length skirt with a slip up the side and a fitted white blouse. She didn't need shoes because she had a pair of white strappy sandals at home.

Once the outfit was purchased, the girls set out to find some pants for Elizabeth. After the fifth pair she tried on, Elizabeth was mad. Stepping out of the dressing room and going to the mirror, Georgiana and Jane just amusedly looked on at their friend's tirade.

Elizabeth hated going clothes shopping, especially for pants or dresses. Average in height, barely five foot four, and not small in stature, she could never find pants or dresses that fit her right. Her torso was long and thin, making it hard to find dresses that stayed comfortably on her shoulders, while her hips were curvy and her legs were short, causing her to have trouble finding pants that fit her thin waist, 'big' hips, and short legs.

Finally, she found a pair of khakis that fit her right, and Georgiana even found a shirt that she wanted and soon the girls were on their way back again. At the apartment, Georgiana and Elizabeth helped Jane get ready for her date, and when she was, it was a job well done. When Charles came to pick her up with flowers in his hands the girls could see the look of appreciation on his face as he drove away with Jane in the car.

When they were gone, Georgiana turned to Elizabeth and offered, "Since you're alone this evening, why don't you come over my house and have dinner with us. My family would love to have you."

Elizabeth smiled and replied, "I would love to. Thank you. Just let me change from these clothes. I've been in them all day."

After she changed into a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved cardigan set, the girls drove back to Georgiana's house with a stop at a store. "I feel bad," Elizabeth explained to her friend, "I'm coming over without anything. I'll just buy a case of wine coolers."

When they arrived at the Darcy's house, Elizabeth went in with Georgiana and greeted Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, who, of course, seconded their daughter's invitation. It wasn't until they offered Elizabeth a drink that she remembered she remembered the case of wine coolers in her car.

After reaching into the back seat of the car for the case, Elizabeth turned around to come in contact with somebody. Caught off guard, Elizabeth let a small scream escaped her mouth until she realized it was William.

"Will! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, Lizzy! I saw you, and I just came go greet you."

"I was invited by Georgiana to eat with your family, and I forgot this in the car. I just came out to get it."

William reached out his hand and offered, "Let me take it for you."

"I didn't expect you to be here. Don't you have some beautiful girl to take out?" Elizabeth teased.

William blush, but also made a grimace, "No. What's the use? All women want is money."


William offered his arm, "Shall we?"

"Thank you," Elizabeth smiled as she took his arm and they made their way to the house.

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Chapter 14

Posted on Sunday, 11 June 2000

It's all coming back to me now.

When William walked into the house, they found his parents and sister in deep conversation, but they stopped suddenly when seeing the two.

"There you two are," Mrs. Darcy greeted. "Dinner's almost ready. The cheese is just melting on the ziti."

That's what Elizabeth liked the Darcys. They may have enough money to afford several cooks, but they acted just like a regular family; one of the members of the family usually always cooked for the others.

The dinner passed pleasantly, with lively conversation on all sides. But Elizabeth was still confused. She couldn't understand why William kept changing personalities. Maybe he's more comfortable at home. Before, he was around other people.

William, on the other hand, was fighting with his feelings. Earlier, he decided that for a friend, it didn't matter how rich Elizabeth was, or what she did for a living.

The problem was that he knew he had feelings other than friendship for her, and that made him uncomfortable. What if he were to fall in love with her? That would be insupportable! I would never be able to marry her! She wouldn't know how to act among the higher classes.

But as he watched her laughing with his sister as he walked behind them to the living room, he forgot all those thoughts. He suddenly wanted to walk next to her, but he also didn't want to break up the conversation that his sister was having with Elizabeth.

Before he knew it, they were in the music room and his sister was asking Elizabeth to play something, causing Elizabeth to blush at the choice. And when William recognized it as another Celine Dion song, he blushed at his sister's supposedly 'horrid' taste in music.

But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me

Suddenly, he realized what his sister was doing and gave her an angry look at her attempt at matchmaking. Georgiana only smirked at her elder brother and signaled for him to listen to Elizabeth.

When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
(It's all coming back, it's all coming
back to me now)

When William did turn his attention back to his friend, he was drawn to her performance. She still had a beautiful voice (Even better than Caroline Bingley, he thought with a grimace at the thought of that woman) and she still played the piano flawlessly with expression. He was drawn back to high school when he did like her more than a friend, but never got the nerve up to ask her out for a date. And he was drawn to the memory of the first year of college, and how he regretted never asking her.

But now she was in his life again. And he was happy.

But he wouldn't admit that it was because of her; not even to himself.

(It's all coming back to me now)
And when you kiss me like this
(It's all coming back to me now)
And when I touch you like that
(It's all coming back to me now)
If you do it like this
(It's all coming back to me now)
And if we...

When Elizabeth concluded the song, she was relieved. She realized what Georgiana was trying to do, but she was embarrassed that the song implied that she and William had a different kind of relationship. But when she turned towards William, she saw him looking intently at her and applauding. Catching his eyes, the two locked eyes while they smiled at each other. An action that did not go unnoticed by the other occupants of the room.

Breaking the gaze, Elizabeth turned towards the piano. "This is a beautiful piano. A Steinway. I could only wish with all my might for an instrument like this."

Georgiana smiled, "My parents bought it for me for my eighteenth birthday. They bought one for William, too, for his last birthday. But that's at his apartment." Thinking of a good idea, Georgie turned to her brother and asked, "William, why don't you and Elizabeth do a duet together? You could play, and Elizabeth could sing."

Both parties involved objected, but Mr. and Mrs. Darcy quickly agreed with their daughter. So, there was no way to get out of it.

William walked over to the piano and sat down on the bench. Looking to Elizabeth, they both knew which song to sing. Soon, Elizabeth's soprano voice was singing along with William's arrangement for the first time since they were children.

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

Their duet was met with eager applause by the audience while William and Elizabeth smiled at each other. Suddenly, William took Elizabeth's hand and kissed it. Caught off guard, Elizabeth was in shock at first, but regained her teasing nature quickly and playfully slapped him on the head while he laughed.

Looking at her watch, Elizabeth suddenly declared, "I need to get going. It's getting late."

"Can't you stay over here?" Georgiana asked. "It's Sunday tomorrow, so you don't have to go to work, and I have two beds in my room. It's too late to drive home."

"I really can't impose on you. Jane would be worried if I wasn't home."

"You could always call your apartment and leave a message, and it really wouldn't be any trouble."

"Indeed, it wouldn't," Mrs. Darcy added. "We would love to have you."

"Pretty, pretty please," Georgiana begged. "I would like to have company. It gets boring being the only child living at home."

Elizabeth smiled, "Fine, you talked me into it. I'll be happy to stay over."

Mrs. Darcy looked at her son. "And you, William? Are you going to stay here tonight? I would be awfully nervous if you were to drive back at this time of night."

At his wife's declaration, Mr. Darcy cleared his throat and gave his wife a look, which she immediately ignored.

"Nah," William answered. "I might as well stay here."

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"Lizzy, get up." Elizabeth faintly heard William's voice through her sleep. But instead of waking up, she only mumbled something, rolled over, and pulled the covers over head.


"Go away."

"I made breakfast and I thought you would like some."

"I don't care. Where's Georgiana?" she asked with one eye open.

"She's up already. She always was an early riser."

"Oh. Now you can go away," Elizabeth replied as she closed her eyes again.

"No, I'm not, and you're getting up," he teased. "Besides, I know where you're ticklish." As he was saying this, his fingers reached towards the back of her neck and proceeded to tickle her.

"Ahhh!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she started to laugh uncontrollably. But she wasn't allowed to let that go. Through the covers, she kicked William in the stomach before jumping out of bed.

"Ouch! Why'd you do that for?"

"You deserved it!" Elizabeth stated in a matter-of-fact manner. "You knew I used to do Karate," she included while stepping into sparring position. "Wanna go at it?" she asked with laughter in her eyes.

"No thanks," William laughed. "I'm not in the mood to get beat-up by a girl this morning. Now go get ready; I made you your favorite."

"How do you know it's still my favorite?"

"Scrambled eggs with ketchup, bacon, and toast?"

"Mmm. I'll be down in a minute."

William laughed as he walked out of the room.

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Stepping inside the apartment, she found Jane waiting for her.

"Well, how was your date with Charles?"

Jane sighed happily. "He was the perfect gentleman, and we have so much in common. First, he took me out to dinner, and then we saw the movie. Afterwards, we went to a coffee shop where we talked for a couple of hours." Jane finished her summary with a dramatic swooning scene as Elizabeth laughed.

"I'm glad you finally found somebody worthy of you, as it seems. Are you going to see him again?"

"Of course! We're going out later this week. Oh! And he's having a party next month, and he invited you to it, too. You'll go, right?"

"I don't know. I don't know if I'll know anybody there."

"The Darcys would probably be there. Speaking of them, how was your evening?"

"It was fun. It felt nice to be involved in a nice, peaceful, family dinner. Afterwards, Georgiana forced me to play piano, and, this morning, I managed to beat William up."


"I kicked him when he tried to force me to get up before eleven o'clock in the morning on a weekend."

"How dare he!" Jane mocked.

"Oh, I know! So I kicked him!"

"What do you think about him now?"

"I think I'm willing to be friends with him again. He seemed like his old-self; nothing like he was in Rhode Island. I'm thinking that he just acts differently in public."

"Probably. Anyway, I'm glad you're willing to be friends with him again."

Little did William and Elizabeth know that so many of their friends and family were determined for them to not only be friends, but eventually man and wife.

Chapter 15

Posted on Monday, 12 June 2000

You're the inspiration.

"Woo hoo! Party!" Elizabeth exclaimed after she got out of the car at Charles's mansion.

"Elizabeth!" Jane laughed.

"What? Parties are fun! I love observing everybody. Who else is going to be there?" she questioned as they walked to the door.

"Well, I know his sister, Caroline is going to be there. And also a second cousin, Mrs. Hurst."

Elizabeth made a face. "They're still around? Does Mrs. Hurst still teach music?"

"I don't know."

"For the kids' sake, I hope not."

Jane was spared from responding when the reached the door and walked in as Charles told them to do. The two cousins immediately went to find their host who was talking to his sister and William.

"Elizabeth, do you know my sister, Caroline?"

"I haven't met her since high school, but yeah, I do." Elizabeth turned to Caroline and stuck out her hand. "Nice to see you again."

Caroline hesitatingly took her hand and shook it once. "Same here, I guess."

Turning away from her newly made acquaintance, Elizabeth raised her eyebrows towards William who made a face that said, "That's how she is."

Charles asked Jane to dance, so William and Caroline and Elizabeth stood in silence until Mrs. Hurst came to join the conversation, barely even greeting Elizabeth, just like her cousin.

"Caroline," Elizabeth began, "I thought you would be on Broadway now."

Caroline sniffed, "They don't need my type right now. So I'm on a break."

"Oh, really? I thought it was usually the teenagers that weren't needed. Once you got in your twenties, I thought there were parts everywhere."

"I thought you would've been on Broadway," Mrs. Hurst put in. "Doesn't look like you made it."

"I never intended to try. I always wanted to be a lawyer."

"Oh," Mrs. Hurst turned to her cousin. "Come on, Caroline. Let's mingle."

As soon as they were gone, William and Elizabeth started laughing.

"Is this the first time you've seen them, William?"

"No! I'm always stuck with them, and Caroline has taken it upon herself to cling to me."

"You poor thing!"

"No kidding. She's like a leech!"

The two just stood for a moment in comfortable silence. "Is Georgiana coming?"

"Nope. She was afraid of not knowing anyone, except Caroline. And she didn't want to have to depend on her."

"Do you know many people here?"

"Not really. You?"

"No. But Jane wanted me to come, so I was forced to come. Next time, I'll have to make sure Georgiana's coming. Why'd you come?"

"Charles forced me. And aren't I good enough company for you?" William teased.

Elizabeth laughed, "Of course! We'll just have to amuse ourselves."

"And how'd you suggest we do that?" William asked with one of his eyebrows raised.

"I don't..." Elizabeth started until a new song came on. Grabbing his hand and pulling him to where everybody was dancing, she said, "Come on! I love this song! Let's dance!"

You know our love was meant to be
The kind of love that lasts forever
And I want you here with me
From tonight until the end of time

Laughing, William allowed Elizabeth to drag him to the dance floor where he pulled her close to him. "I thought you don't like to dance!"

"I don't like to dance to fast songs or crappy songs. This is a good song."

You should know, everywhere I go
Always on my mind, in my heart
In my soul, baby

"Oh, I see," William replied as he twirled Elizabeth around.

"Ahh! What are you doing?"

"Amusing myself," William laughed.

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me saying
No one needs you more than I need you

Suddenly William dipped Elizabeth low to the ground as she laughed. "How is this amusing you?"

"I like making you blush."

"Oh. And you know I blush very easily."

"Yes, I do."

And I know, yes I know that it's plain to see
We're so in love when we're together
Now I know that I need you here with me
From tonight until the end of time

"What's up with you and old music?"

"I don't know. I just grew to love it after I moved. I took my parents old c.d.'s and I would always listen to them, and I just grew to like all the old bands."

"Yeah, I have to agree that this is good music. At least better than all those boy bands that became popular during high school."

Elizabeth scrunched up her face in disgust. "Yes, and unfortunately Jane was right there liking the Backstreet Boys along with them. And I had to share the room with her!"

"Poor baby. I had to survive it, too, when Georgiana went through that phase."

You should know, everywhere I go
Always on my mind, in my heart
In my soul

Suddenly William pulled Elizabeth close to him and rested his chin on her head.

Raising her chin, Elizabeth asked with a sparkle in her eye, "What are you doing? I thought you wanted to amuse yourself?"

"Shhh." William said into her hair. "Let's just dance."

Confused at his sudden actions, Elizabeth just became quiet and swayed to the beat of the song.

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me saying
No one needs you more than I need you

Elizabeth sighed in his embrace. She enjoyed being there. Better than any other man she ever danced with.

Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me saying
No one needs you more than I need you
You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me saying
No one needs you more than I need you

William didn't want the song to end. At first, he wanted to just have a fun time dancing with her, but something in the lyrics made him just want to hold her close.

When you love somebody
(Always on my mind)
When you love somebody
(Till the end time)
No one needs you more than I

At the conclusion of the song, Elizabeth tried to hide her red cheeks by drawing attention away from the dance. "I didn't realize how hungry I am."

"Why don't you go get some drinks, while I go find us some food."

"Okey dokey." William laughed at her old saying before going to find the food table.

Reaching the table where all the drinks were, Elizabeth was surprised to see Caroline come up next to her. "William and you seemed awfully close out there."

"We are. We're good friends."

"You seemed more than that out on the dance floor." When Elizabeth didn't respond, she continued, "I think I'll ask him to dance."

"Go right ahead. If you can make William happy, then I wish you all the luck in the world."

Disappointed at not getting a rise out of her new rival, Caroline left the table to go find Mrs. Hurst, who was currently trying to stop her husband from drinking himself into a stupor.

Walking over to Elizabeth, William handed her a plate and asked, "What was that all about?"

"Hmm? Oh, Caroline. She seems to think we're more than friends and wants to make sure I know she's a rival, I guess. She plans on asking you to dance."

"Thanks for the warning. I guess I'll have to hide."

"Why don't we sit over there?" Elizabeth offered pointing to two seats hidden by houseplants. "We can hide from her, and still observe the rest of the party."

Walking over to the seats, William questioned, "Did you tell her that we were only friends?"

"Yeah, why shouldn't I?" Pausing for a moment to think, Elizabeth continued, "Maybe I shouldn't have. That way she would've left us alone."

"I doubt it. She would probably bother me more trying to win my attention."

"Hmm. One of those women out to get your money?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. Why can't women be more like you? More honest."

"Haha. Because I'm special." William smiled. "Besides, you wouldn't want me for your girlfriend. I'm better as your friend," Elizabeth said as she went on observing the party.

"Yes, you are." But are you really better as a friend? William thought, looking at her profile. I'm starting to think that you aren't.

* "you're the inspiration" by Chicago

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Chapter 16

Posted on Tuesday, 13 June 2000

It's a feeling like this

The rest of the month passed smoothly by with Elizabeth and William spending more time with each other. Each time, William kept falling in love with her more, and Elizabeth felt more and more comfortable in William's presence. As the weeks wore on, Elizabeth started that it wasn't just friendship she was feeling for her old friend, anymore.

She was afraid though.

Afraid that if he had no other feelings, it would ruin any friendship they had if she said anything. So she kept quiet and behaved as the friendship was the same as it has always been.

Soon, the time came to take the ride back to Rhode Island. Meeting at William's apartment, William, Georgiana, Charles, Jane, Elizabeth, and Caroline decided who went in whose car. Georgiana wanted to go with Elizabeth and Jane again, but Caroline didn't want to step foot in the car with no air conditioning. Besides, she was looking forward to being in a confined space with William for ten hours to try to make him love her. He was spending too much time with Elizabeth for comfort, and she hated those secret smiles they had.

So, originally supposed to fly, she chose instead to drive. And when she announced she was driving with William, she noticed one of those annoying looks Elizabeth gave William that looked like she was laughing. Fortunately for Caroline, she didn't see the grimace William made in turn.

Arriving in Rhode Island, they didn't see each other before sleeping, but the next morning, the Bingleys and William arrived at the Lucas's house. The men had to meet with Joseph to find tuxedoes, while the women were to go with Charlotte for bride's maids dresses. Caroline ended up being a bridesmaid also because Charlotte didn't want to leave her out if she was to arrive in Rhode Island with Elizabeth, Jane, and Georgiana.

Stepping outside, Elizabeth sighed while wiping off her damp forehead. "It's so hot! I thought the ocean breeze was supposed to cool things off!" Noticing that everybody was agreeing, she suggested, "Let's have a water gun fight!"

"Let's not," replied Caroline amongst the 'yes's.' "It'll ruin my curls. You know how long it takes to get my curls to look like this?"

Elizabeth eyed the blonde curls, "Umm...I don't know. And who cares? It's Summer, and nobody expects you to look perfect. Chill out for a while."

While Caroline looked offended, the others stifled their laughter. Elizabeth turned to Charlotte. "Do you have water guns?"

"Probably. Jonathan still loves things like that. I'll go check."

While the group waited for Charlotte to come back, Caroline started complaining. Sick of hearing her whiny voice, Elizabeth shot out, "Look, if you don't want to get a little H2O on you, like everybody else here wants to, stay in the house until we're done. Or else, STOP COMPLAINING!"

"Fine," Caroline huffed, and stormed back into the house. Once she was out of earshot, everybody burst out laughing, including her brother.

"I don't know what her problem is. She never like water fights because she thought it would mess up her hair. But she never had anybody put her in her place like you, Lizzy."

Elizabeth only smiled as she remembered Caroline's face. "She has to learn that not everybody has to do it her way."

"That she does," Charles agreed.

By this time, Charlotte came back with lots of water guns in her hand, including two super soakers. "All right, who gets the big ones?"

"I think Elizabeth should get one," Joseph declared, "After finally getting Caroline to stop complaining."

"William can get the other one!" Elizabeth included. Turning to him with a sparkle in her eye, "This means war!"

William laughed as he agreed, "Okay. But you're going down!"

"My dad's setting up a radio for us out back. That's where we'll have the war. Then, we have to get shopping!" Charlotte said.

Soon, the water fight started with Elizabeth and William getting everybody else, but mostly each other. William was disappointed that Elizabeth didn't wear a white shirt, but admired the way the tank top clung to her.

"Hey! Where'd William go?" Elizabeth asked as she didn't see him. Turning around, she saw him take off his soaking wet shirt and her throat suddenly went dry. Quickly turning around so he couldn't see her staring, she went after Joseph with her water gun.

I don't want another heartbreak
I don't need another turn to cry
I don't wanna learn the hard way
Baby hello, oh no, good-bye
But you got me like a rocket
Shooting straight across the sky

Turning back to William, who was back in the game, she started squirting him again, as he did the same back to her. Running out of water, he threw the gun down and started chasing her.

"Aww, crap!" Elizabeth said as she started running away. Elizabeth knew that with his longer and more powerful legs, he could catch up with her quickly.

It's the way you love me
It's a feeling like this
It's centrifugal motion
It's perpetual bliss
It's that pivotal moment
It's (ah) impossible
This kiss, this kiss...unstoppable...

this kiss, this kiss

Catching up to her, he grabbed her around the waist and turned her around to face him as she laughed. Suddenly, his lips were upon hers.

In shock, Elizabeth didn't know what to do, but after a moment, she put her arms around his neck.

Cinderella said to Snow White
How does love get so off course
All I wanted was a white knight
With a good heart, soft touch, fast horse
Ride me off into the sunset
Baby, I'm forever yours

William and Elizabeth didn't notice when Georgiana went up to the rest of the group and smiled, "Mission accomplished," or all the whistles that Joseph and Charles were making.

Nor did they noticed when the women started dragging the men away so they wouldn't stare at the couple.

Nor did they notice when Caroline came out to see what all the noise was about with her hands on her hips.

It's the way you love me
It's a feeling like this
It's centrifugal motion
It's perpetual bliss
It's that pivotal moment
It's (ah) unthinkable
This kiss, this kiss...unsinkable...
this kiss. this kiss

Slowly, William broke away and kissed Elizabeth's nose. At first, the two just stood there smiling at each other, but suddenly, Elizabeth brought William's head down for another kiss.

You can kiss me in the moonlight
On the rooftop under the sky...(oh)
Kiss me with the windows open
While the rain comes pouring inside...(oh)
Kiss me in sweet slow motion...
let everything slide
You got me floating, you got me flying

Looking on, Caroline was peeved at what she saw. I better fix this, and soon. Thinking for a moment, she corrected herself, Maybe not so soon. I need to think of a plan that will definitely work. Turning around, Caroline went back into the house with a satisfied smirk on her face.

It's the way you love me
It's a feeling like this
It's centrifugal motion
It's perpetual bliss
It's that pivotal moment
It's (ah) subliminal
This kiss, this's criminal...
this kiss, this kiss

It's the way you love me baby,
It's the way you love me darlin'

Finally breaking apart, they both exclaimed, "Well!" at the same time, and then started laughing.

"So..." William began.

"So what?" Elizabeth laughed.

"So, I've wanted to do that for a long time."

"Really?" Elizabeth's eyes sparkled.

"Yeah, and I'm willing to try for something more than friendship, if you are."

"Is that a challenge, Will Darcy?"

"You bet it is."

"Then you're on," Elizabeth teased as she broke away from his embrace and ran towards the house with William right behind her.

* "This Kiss" by Faith Hill

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Chapter 17

Posted on Wednesday, 14 June 2000

God speed your love to me

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Charlotte yelled over the arguments. When she got the women's attentions, she continued, "Elizabeth is Maid of Honor, so she gets to pick the color."

"Pink!" Elizabeth exclaimed with a smile.

"Why pink? I would like orange." Jane, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Georgiana, and the assistant turned to look at Caroline with looks of horror on their faces.

"Orange? Orange doesn't look good on anybody!" Elizabeth retorted with a pointed look at Caroline's bright orange blouse. "Besides, pink looks good on me, and pink will look good on the rest of us, too. What do you think, Jane?"

"I would rather have blue, but I think pink will look nice, too."


"Pink's pretty," Georgiana answered quietly, fearing to offend anybody.

"And Charlotte? It's your wedding, do you mind if your bride's maids wear pink?"

"Not at all. Pink will be perfect."

"Then there you have it. Pink it is!" Elizabeth laughed. "Now let's find a style we all like."

Two hours later, the women finally chose on a style of dress. It was sleeveless, with a princess style bodice that flared out into a full skirt. The color was a very pale pink that looked good on all the bride's maids since they had fair skin with pink undertones.

Elizabeth, the last to have alterations made to her dress, stood in front of the mirror while the lady made measurements. Georgiana walked up beside Elizabeth and looked in the mirror with her.

"You're going to look beautiful, Lizzy. My brother won't be able to keep his eyes off of you."

Blushing, and at an unusual loss of words, Elizabeth looked down at her clasped hands.

"Yeah! What's going on between you and William?" Jane inquired.


"Don't tell me nothing, chica," Charlotte laughed at her friend. "We saw what happened out there."

Elizabeth looked up to see her friends smiling at her, and she had to smile, too. And the sparkle in her eyes told her friends that she was truly happy.

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The men didn't have as much trouble finding tuxedoes as the ladies did with their dresses. Charles soon picked out his tuxedo in a minimal amount of time, but William was starting to get picky.

"William! Come on! It's just a tuxedo!" Charles complained, impatient to see Jane again.

"I'm the best man; I have to look sharp."

"That tux is perfect. Besides," Joseph smirked, "Elizabeth will still love you even if you showed up to my wedding wearing nothing but a towel." At his cousin's smirk, he included, "I wouldn't though. You're not going to show up with a towel and ruin my wedding just to make the maid of honor blush."

"Now where'd you get an idea like that?" William replied sarcastically. But his smile returned as he thought of the maid of honor.

Joseph rolled his eyes at his cousin's look. "Come on! Just pick one!"

"Hey! Watch it! You don't have to go through the torture of picking one; you get to wear your uniform, and you know Charlotte loves you in it."

"Yep, that's right," Joseph smiled. "I don't have to worry about a thing. I can't wait until I see Charlotte in her gown though." This time it was Joseph with a dreamy smile on his face.

William rolled his eyes and threw his jacket over his cousin's head as he walked back to the dressing room. And he could've sworn it took his cousin a full five seconds before he realized something was on his head.

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The day of the wedding finally arrived, and as expected, the bride was a bundle of nerves. Through the morning, Elizabeth, Jane, and Georgiana kept trying to calm their friend down. It wasn't as if Charlotte was afraid of doing the right thing by marrying Joseph; she was afraid of something going wrong during the ceremony or afterwards. But by time the ceremony started, the girls got Charlotte under control and persuaded her that nothing could possibly happen.

Walking down the aisle, Elizabeth caught the sight of William in a tuxedo and sighed at how handsome he looked. Catching his eye, she winked at him as she took her place on the other side of the altar.

Throughout the ceremony, Elizabeth kept glancing at the bride and groom and sighed at the way they looked at each other. Once, she caught William gazing at her, so she turned and smiled at him. For a few moments, they just gazed at each other until Elizabeth felt someone staring. Turning around she saw Georgiana and Jane smiling broadly at her back.

After the ceremony, William and Elizabeth only saw each other briefly while taking the wedding pictures. A little incident stopped those pictures from going smoothly.

While Charlotte was taking a picture with her family, she suddenly felt something slimy on her shoulder. Looking down, she shrieked when noticing the green frog sitting there.

"You found Wibbat!" her brother exclaimed, running towards her. The sudden movement, only made the frog scared and it jumped off of Charlotte's shoulder to the grass. Instead of just letting it go, Jonathan had to chase the frog all over the church yard.

What made it interesting is that the frog seemed to have a mind of its own. When it got far away from Charlotte's brother it would just sit and wait until he caught up with it again. Then, it would go on its merry little way, hopping in between people.

Finally, Jonathan had to give up when it jumped into a pond near the church. All messed up, thanks to the 'insane' frog, as Elizabeth called it, Charlotte's younger brother wasn't allowed in any more pictures. The bride was just thankful that they already got a couple of shots with him in them.

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At the beginning of the reception, Elizabeth didn't even see William. Walking around the room, Elizabeth by accidentally bumped into somebody.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"That's okay. No harm done," a pretty young lady replied.

"I'm Elizabeth," she smiled while sticking out her hand.

Smiling, the lady introduced herself, "I'm Meghan. Nice to meet you."

"Same here."

"Aren't you the maid of honor?"

"Yep. Knew Char since high school."

"Ahh. My fiancée, Mike, went to the Naval Academy with Joseph."

Hearing his name mentioned, a young, handsome man turned around and smiled. "Elizabeth, this is my fiancée, Mike Austen."

The two greeted each other and the three fell into friendly conversation. Feeling a hand on her back, Elizabeth turned around to see William smiling at her. Feeling that introductions were in order, Elizabeth introduced William to her two new friends, but as it turned out, William and Mike knew each other a little through Joseph.

Just then, the wedding song was announced and the hall grew quiet as everybody turned to see the bride and groom dance their first dance as man and wife. Elizabeth smiled as she realized it was the song "Take My Breath Away" from "Top Gun."

"Fitting," she whispered to William. "A song from a movie about Navy pilots."

"No kidding," William leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I helped them pick it out."

Turning on her tip-toes, Elizabeth kissed William on the cheek and was awarded a kiss on the temple.

As the guests clapped at the end of the dance, the next song was announced. Walking to stand in front of Elizabeth, William took her hand and kissed it.

"I believe this is my dance, Miss Gardiner."

"What presumptuous behavior, Mr. Darcy," Elizabeth teased. "What makes you think that I will accept?"

"All apologies, madam," William replied, acting ashamed. "Will you do me the honor of dancing the next with me, Miss Gardiner?"

"I would love to."

Leading the maid of honor to the floor, the best man took her in the arms just as the song was starting.

Whoa, my love
My darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" William pulled out a little way to ask.

"No, you haven't," Elizabeth's eyes sparkled.

"Well, you look ravishing."

I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

"You don't look half bad yourself."

"Really?" William's eyebrows went up.

"In fact, I believe you are the handsomest man present."

"Even handsomer than all the men in uniform?"

"Much handsomer."

While William pulled her close again, Elizabeth giggled at the sensation of William laughing in her ear.

Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely rivers sigh
Wait for me, wait for me
I'll be coming home
Wait for me

The two danced there, in the middle of the floor, very close; neither willing to let go.

Whoa, my love
My darling
I've hungered, hungered for your touch
A long lonely time
And time goes by
So slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?

"I love you, my Lizzy."

Elizabeth looked up to him and whispered, "I love you, too, Will."

I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

Leaning down, William placed the gentlest of kisses on Elizabeth's lips.

*"The Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers"

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Chapter 18

Posted on Thursday, 15 June 2000

You'll never know the gift you've given me

The day after the wedding, everybody who lived in Ohio had to go back home. Georgiana had to leave soon for college, and William had to help her. Jane was a music teacher at an elementary school, and it was almost time for her to go back to work, and Elizabeth already was running dangerously close to taking too much time off of work. And Charles couldn't stand being away from Jane, so he wanted to go home, too.

Through the weeks, William and Elizabeth, and Charles and Jane would go out many times a week; sometimes together. Sometimes, William and Elizabeth would meet for lunch, but never did they meet at any of their workplaces; William still didn't know for which firm Elizabeth worked for.

Elizabeth was working in her office when her phone rang. "Hello?"

"Lizzy, can you make it to lunch today?" William's voice replied.

"Of course. But I don't have much time. Why don't you meet me here, and then we'll eat somewhere close."

"Okay. What's the address?"

Elizabeth told him, along with some directions so he wouldn't get lost in the city since William constantly got lost downtown.

"I'll be there at noon. Love you."

"Love you, too," Elizabeth smiled in the phone.

Five minutes before noon, William Darcy stepped off the elevator on the floor where Elizabeth's firm was located with a bouquet of daisies in his hands. He was about to ask the secretary the way to Elizabeth's when a booming voice surprised him.

"George Darcy! Fancy you even ever coming to this office." When William turned around, the man corrected himself, "Oh! It's not the elder Darcy, but the young one. How have you been?" The elder man held out his hand and William stepped forward to shake it.

"Mr. Wilson! I've been good, thank you. And you?"

"Good, good. What can I do for you today?"

"Actually, I came to pick up Elizabeth Gardiner."

"I'm right here, Will." Turning around, William saw Elizabeth standing there, smiling, and smiled himself.

"Elizabeth. You never told me you worked for this firm. Their the law firm that handles our company's cases."

"Hmm. Just never came up as a topic of discussion," she smiled. Looking at the bouquet of flowers she asked, "Are those for me?"

"Huh?" Then, remembering the flowers, he teased, "No. They're for Mr. Wilson."

"You tease," she replied, slapping his arm.

"Of course they're for you, Lizzy," he laughed, handing her the flowers.

Mr. Wilson laughed at the couple and offered Elizabeth, "Take as much time off for lunch as you want today. I'll let you off for once."

"Thank you, Mr. Wilson," Elizabeth responded with a wide smile.

"Yes, thank you," William agreed.

Walking hand-in-hand to William's car, he said, "Now I can take you where I wanted to in the first place."

"Really? Where?" Elizabeth inquired, smelling the flowers.

"You'll see," William replied ambiguously as he kissed the top of her head.

When William turned the car on, Elizabeth laughed when she realized what song was on.

"What's wrong?" William asked, smiling at Elizabeth's shining eyes.

"Don't you remember this song?"

William listened with a serious look on his face, and finally a look of recognition came upon his face.

You never know
What you've done for me
What your faith in me
Has done for my soul
And you'll never know
the gift you've given me
I'll carry it with me, yeah
Through all the days ahead
I think of days before
You made me hope for something better
and made me reach for something more

"Oh God. It's 'N Sync."

Elizabeth laughed at the funny expression on his face. "I remember singing this song for at the class of 2000's graduation."

"Me, too." William paused. "Unfortunately."

"Actually, I think it's a pretty good song." Softly, Elizabeth began to sing.

You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart
You opened my eyes
You opened the door
To something I've never known before
And your love
Is the music of my heart

As Elizabeth sang, and the car was stopped at one of the annoying long stoplights in Columbus, William watched Elizabeth's profile, and thought of how lucky he was. I don't realize how I wait for lunchtime now; how the morning seems so long. And then how, after I leave her again, I'm anxious for the next day. Listening to the lyrics to the song, William changed his opinion of the song. This song describes what Lizzy is to me exactly.

"I think so, too"

You were the one
Always on my side
Always standing by
Seeing me through
You were the song that always made me sing
I'm singing this for you
Everywhere I go
I think of where I've been
And of the one who knew me better
Than anyone ever will again

Elizabeth turned to look at William after he replied to her comment a few moments after she said it. At the sight of him gazing at her, her heart melted and she reached over to kiss him.

You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart
You opened my eyes
You opened the door
To something I've never known before
And your love
Is the music of my heart

Suddenly, the honking cars in back of them informed the two that the light finally turned green. Laughing, they finally parted and drove on.

What you taught me
Only your love could ever teach me
You got through when no one could reach me before
'Cus you always saw in me
All the best that I could be
It was you who set me free

"So, where are you taking me?"

"My lips are sealed," William replied.

"Hmm," Elizabeth pouted. William laughed and took a hold of her hand closest to him.

You taught me to run
You taught me to fly
Helped me to free the me inside
Helped me hear the music of my heart
Helped me hear the music of my heart
You opened my eyes
You opened the door
To something I've never known before
And your love
Is the music of my heart

Is the music of my heart *

After driving some minutes in comfortable silence, William pulled into a popular park that they and their friends would go to while in high school. Driving down the road, William finally pulled into a picnic ground near the river.

Getting out of the car, he went around to the trunk and pulled out a picnic basket.

"A picnic? I love picnics!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"I know." William held out his hand to her and she took it. "Let's go eat."

The two ate the sandwiches and homemade cookies, and drank their juice boxes. ("Juice boxes?" Elizabeth asked in surprise. "Yeah, the only thing in the house I could find that I could take," William replied laughing.)

When they were done eating, and sitting on the grass with Elizabeth leaning into William's embrace, the lady wondered, "Where would've you taken me if I had only a short lunch break?"

"Probably at the Santa Maria**, but I really wanted to take you here because I know you love this place."

"Mmm," Elizabeth only responded as she leaned back into William.

After kissing her lightly on the neck, he asked, "Want to take a walk down by the river?"

"No!" Elizabeth laughed. "I don't want to fall on my bottom again! Besides, I don't have time to change if I do!" Elizabeth remembered the last day of her Junior year in high school when a group of their friends had a party at the same park. The day ended when they took a walk near the river and Elizabeth, accidentally stepping in slippery mud, fell.

William laughed, "You had to admit, that was funny!"

"Not at the time! It wasn't. I have to get back, anyway, before Mr. Wilson counts this day as a vacation day."

On the ride home, it was settled that William was to accompany her to the weekly family dinner; he insisted upon it.

Please don't let my family make fools of themselves, Elizabeth thought as she walked towards her office.

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Elizabeth sighed as she sat down for dinner next to William. So far, so good. Her family members were behaving themselves: her aunt didn't ask anything about money, Mary kept quiet and didn't even bring a book to dinner or blurt out pointless facts she learned from her latest book, and although Lydia wore a rather skimpy outfit, she didn't say any embarrassing thing, neither.

It wasn't until desert that things started to go wrong. Handing William a bowl of ice cream, Mrs. Bennet asked, "So, you own a pharmaceutical company?"

"Not exactly; my father owns it."

"Is it very big?"

"We have plants around the country."

"And how much money does it bring in?"

"Aunt Elaine!" Elizabeth exclaimed seeing the growing tension on William's face. "I don't think that's any of your business."

"What's the harm in asking that?" Nobody answered Mrs. Bennet's embarrassing question. She was about to hand her niece a bowl of ice cream when she suddenly took it back and said, "Never mind. You don't need any; you look like you gained weight."

When Elizabeth's mouth dropped open, William exclaimed, "What? She's perfectly thin! Do you expect her to stop eating?"

At this, Lydia piped up, "I don't know what a hot guy like you sees in her when you could have someone like me. She's not even pretty."

At her sister's biting remark, Elizabeth suddenly stood up and walked out the front door. Jane and Charles started to get up after her, but William stopped them. Turning to Elizabeth's younger sister he quietly said, "She's beautiful."

Disgusted, William threw down his napkin on the table and went after Elizabeth. Walking through the front door, he saw her standing on the front yard, looking as if she was standing straight and proud, but as he walked closer to her he could see her trembling.

When he walked up to stand in front of her, he took her in his arms as she buried her face in his shoulder and cried, "Why does she hate me so? My own sister!"

"Shh..." William comforted while rubbing her back comfortingly. "She's just a teenager, she'll grow out of it."

"And my aunt! Asking you things like that!"

At this, William didn't have anything to say. He was shocked at the impropriety of the woman and couldn't believe questions like that could come out of anyone's mouth. And the comment she said about my Lizzy...

The two stood there on the front lawn until Elizabeth was calmed down. The ride home was made in uncomfortable silence, not like usual, when any silence was accompanied by no tension.

When they reached William's apartment, Lizzy quietly said, "Now you see why I didn't want you to come."

"I would have found out sooner or later, Elizabeth. It was just sooner. Good night, Lizzy."

* "Music of my Heart" ~ 'N Sync and Gloria Estefan
** Santa Maria is a scaled model of one of Christopher Columbus's ships docked in the river that runs through Columbus

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Chapter 19

Posted on Friday, 16 June 2000

And though I make mistakes, I'll never break your heart

The weeks passed by just like the others did. Elizabeth soon got over her family's humiliation of her, and William never mentioned it. They went out just like they always did, and for a while, they acted like they had forgotten the incident.

Soon, it was the middle of October and Charles planned a Halloween costume party, and of course, both William and Elizabeth were invited.

"What shall we dress as?" Elizabeth pondered as she and William were taking a walk in his parent's neighborhood one evening after having dinner at the Darcy's. It was a particularly warm night, and the two decided to take a walk to walk off the delicious dinner Mr. Darcy made.

"Hmm. I don't know, what do you think?" William looked down at Elizabeth.

"You need to wear something that makes you look good," Elizabeth said with a wicked smile. When she caught William's sideways glance, she included, "Not that you don't already."

"Sure, whatever." William rolled his eyes as he put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"I know! You can be a Greek god. That way, you can wear a toga!"

"Then you have to be a Greek goddess and wear a toga, too."

"Eww. Then forget it. I don't go for me freezing my butt off by wearing only a sheet."

"But you don't care if I'm cold?"

"Not at all; as long as you look good." William laughed and kissed the top of her head. "I know!"

"What now, Lizzy?" William teased.

"We can go as Tom Cruise's and Demi Moore's characters from 'A Few Good Men'."

"Whatever you say, Lizzy."

"You don't mind?"

"Nope. As long as I'm fully clothed and semi-comfortable, I'm a happy camper."

"Ooh goodie!"

The two continued walking with Elizabeth talking about plans for the costumes and William patiently listening to her.

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The evening of the Halloween party quickly approached. William and Elizabeth were able to procure uniforms, courtesy of Joseph Fitzwilliam and the Lucas'. Georgiana was even able to attend, being home for a vacation.

Soon the house was filled, making the room stuffy. Half way through the party, Elizabeth needed air. It was hot and stuffy, and she was tired from dancing. So both she and William made their way outside to the back where there was a walkway.

From where they stood, the couple could clearly hear the music from the party.

I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky
And I swear like the shadow that's by your side

"May I have this dance?" William asked.

"Yes, you may," Elizabeth's eyes sparkled.

Dancing close together, Elizabeth and William were the only couple out in the garden at the time.

I see the questions in your eyes
I know what's weighing on your mind
You can be sure I know my heart

"Marry me." The words were spoken so softly in her ears, that Elizabeth could hardly believe they were spoken. Lifting up her head, she looked at William to see if she was imagining the words. What she saw in his eyes was fear.

A sudden terror struck William. Afraid to be opening his heart to anybody, he thought it was best to explain himself. "When we first met again, I didn't think that you had enough class to ever be my wife, but I soon didn't care, and I wanted you as a friend." Unfortunately, William didn't feel Elizabeth's back stiffen at his words. "It would be a good alliance, also, because of you being a lawyer in the firm that my father and I use."

`Coz I'll stand beside you through the years
You'll only cry those happy tears
And though I make mistakes
I'll never break your heart

Elizabeth couldn't believe what she was hearing. Where is the sweet, caring Will? Elizabeth closed her eyes and tried to block out the music. Oh God. The words are just mocking me.

"...And of course after we are married, you wouldn't have to put up with your family anymore. Besides, I want you as my wife because I can trust that you're not just after my money."

Tears were now freely falling down Elizabeth's cheeks now. I have to stop him. Pulling away from William's arms, Elizabeth cried, "William..."

And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky
I'll be there
I swear like a shadow that's by your side
I'll be there

"Yes?" William mistook Elizabeth's tears for tears of happiness.

"Just stop. Stop." William's face went white, but Elizabeth continued, "Why?"

"Why? I just told you why."

"But you don't love me?"

For better or worse, till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear

"I never said that! You know I do!"

"No, I don't. Not once in your proposal did you say anything about wanting to marry me because you loved me. I suppose that wasn't meant to happen: you falling in love with me. You probably just did accidentally while trying to court me."

I'll give you every thing I can
I'll build your dreams with these two hands
We'll hang some memories on the walls

"So what exactly are you saying?"

"I can't marry you! I'm not exactly sure if you want to marry me!"

"Do you love me?" he desperately asked.

"It doesn't matter, even if I did, I can't say 'yes' to such a proposal. For goodness sake, it sounded more like a business proposition than a marriage proposal!" Elizabeth tearfully answered.

"But do you love me?"

And when just the two of us are there
You won't have to ask if I still care
`Coz as the time turns the page, my love won't age at all

Elizabeth looked up to meet William's gaze. "Yes."

"Then marry me!" Without warning, William grabbed her and kissed her hard.

And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky
I swear (and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there

Elizabeth was drawn into the kiss; she didn't want to, but she couldn't help it, but finally, she came back to reality and pulled away.

For better or worse, till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear

"William, no." The answer was spoken tearfully, but firmly.

I swear (I swear) by the moon and stars in the sky
I'll be there
I swear like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there

This time, William didn't fight it as Elizabeth walked away. When she turned and walked away, William finally allowed the tears to come.

When she was out of sight, William finally sunk to his knees out of weakness.

For better or worse, till death do us part
I'll love you with every (single) beat of my heart
I swear, I swear, oh... I... swear...

"Lizzy..." a soft cry escaped his lips.

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William soon left after Elizabeth did, but instead of going to his apartment, he made his way back to his parents' house. He felt as if he needed to be near his parents for comfort; he could always go there for comfort.

When he entered the house, he didn't go to his room. Instead he went to the library, somewhere where he could always think and be content. But there was no comfort there that night. He just sat in the room, thinking of what he did, silently crying. Lizzy, I didn't mean it that way. Lizzy, I love you. Lizzy, come back. These thoughts just ran through his head, never ending.

Two hours later, Georgiana came home to a silent house. When she was just about to climb the stairs to her room, she noticed a light on in the library. Wondering who it was that was in there, or if somebody just left the light on, Georgiana turned around and went to the library's door. When she received no answer after knocking, she assumed the light was on with nobody in there.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see her brother sitting in his favorite armchair. She was even more surprised when she saw tears glistening on his cheek. "William?"

Not answering, William just turned to see his sister and then turned his head back to where he was staring. Walking closer, Georgiana asked again, "William?" Still not receiving an answer, she kneeled down beside him and took his hand. "William, please," she pleaded. "Tell me what's wrong. I want to help. Does it have to do with Elizabeth?"

When William turned his head away from her, she got the answer. "William, please. It will feel better if you say something."

Turning his head back to his sister and seeing her caring face, William broke down and told all that happened.

"There has to be some mistake! Of course Elizabeth would want to marry you!"

"No, Georgie. Not after what I said to her. I never even told her that I loved her in the proposal. She was right! It sounded more like a business proposition."

"And you didn't stop her when she walked away?"

"No! I couldn't! She wouldn't have listened to me then, but now I have to talk to her."

"That won't fix anything, William. She'll still feel betrayed; she'll need time," Georgiana explained.

"I know, I know! But I just want to explain to her what happened and to tell her I do love her before I go."

"Before you go?" Georgiana asked, puzzled.

"I have to get away for awhile, Georgie. I can't stay here; I'll just ask Dad if there's anyplace that needs me," William sighed. "But I have to talk to Lizzy. Will you help me?"

"I'll try, William. I'll try," Georgiana promised. "Now, go to bed. You need sleep."

"Not right now. I want to stay here for a while longer."

"Okay, William. Good night," Georgiana kissed her brother on the cheek.

Before leaving the room, she turned back to see William staring into nothing again.

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Immediately after arriving at her apartment, Elizabeth changed into her pajamas and got into bed. But sleep wouldn't come. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the party. A part of her wished she accepted the proposal, but the other half knew what she did was right. There was no way I could have accepted. I'm not even sure if it was his heart proposing; it sounded more like his rational mind speaking.

For two hours, Elizabeth tossed and turned while crying. She heard Jane come through the apartment door, but didn't get up; she felt as if she didn't have the strength. But she didn't have to. A second later there was a knock at her door.

"Lizzy?" Jane's worried voice was heard through the door.

"Jane, come in."

"Lizzy, why are you home this early? I saw you leave two hours ago." It was at this point when Jane saw her cousin's face. "Oh, Lizzy. What's wrong?"

Elizabeth needed to tell someone, and Jane was the only one she could tell. Jane was the type of person who would just listen, not saying anything unless you asked for her opinion.

When Elizabeth was done telling her story, Jane went to her bed and put a comforting arm around her cousin. Not saying anything, Jane held Elizabeth as she cried until she fell into a restless sleep. Tucking her in, Jane left her room after looking back once at her sleeping cousin.

Oh William. What happened between you two?

* "I swear" ~ All 4 One

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Chapter 20

Posted on Sunday, 25 June 2000

'Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever.

The next morning, Saturday, Jane got up early to do the shopping for the apartment. When she left, Elizabeth managed to roll out of bed, put a sweat suit on, and pull her hair up out of her face. She was just about to put in a movie when the phone rang.

Not feeling like talking to anybody, Elizabeth let the answering machine pick up.

"Hey, Lizzy, pick up. It's Georgie." A pause. "I know you're there, Lizzy. Please pick up." Another pause. "I'm not hanging up, so you might as well pick up the phone!"

Sighing, Elizabeth got up and answered the phone. "Hi Georgie."

"Lizzy! Can you come over? I have to leave again tomorrow, and I thought we can veg out and watch some movies."

"I don't think so Georgie. I'd just rather stay here and do nothing. You can come over here, though."

"But we have so many movies to choose from! Besides, you have to get out of the house sometime today."

"If you want me to go over, you'll have to come over here and drag me out yourself," Elizabeth declared.

"Fine. I'll be right over," Georgiana said before hanging up the phone.

Elizabeth groaned and went to unlock the door, knowing that once Georgiana had her mind set on something, she was determined to get it done.

Fifteen minutes later, Georgiana walked into Elizabeth's apartment to see her curled up on the couch, remote control in hand, and looking depressed.

"Lizzy, come on! Get up!"




"Because you need to. And I won't stop whining until you do."

Giving up, Elizabeth reluctantly gave up and scowled at Georgiana's expression when she saw what Elizabeth was dressed like. "What now?"

"You're going out in public looking like that?"

"Georgie, once you get my age, you really don't care what you look like," Elizabeth said as she walked towards the bathroom. As soon as Elizabeth closed the door, she opened it again and peeked out. "Then again, maybe you will. Do you mind waiting a while I get showered and change?"

"Not at all," Georgiana replied with a triumphant smile. "I'll just wait here until you're done."

A half hour later, Elizabeth was ready to go, dressed in a jeans and a sweater, and wet hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"Okay, let's go."

"Great," Georgiana smiled.

Soon, the girls were at the Darcy house, and even Elizabeth was smiling after the lively conversation they had in the car.

That smile suddenly disappeared when she entered Georgiana's t.v. room.

Because there stood William looking just as depressed as Elizabeth looked earlier with his hands stuck in the pockets of his jeans and his sad eyes gazing at Elizabeth.

"Georgiana..." Elizabeth started slowly.

But before Elizabeth could continue any further, Georgiana whispered to her, "Listen to him. Please," and left the room.

The two remaining in the room stared at each other for a few moments before William finally spoke. "Lizzy, I'm sorry." When Elizabeth looked down at her feet and didn't say anything, William continued, "I just closed up. I was afraid that you would say 'no' and hurt me."

"And I did say 'no.' "

"And you did hurt me."

"You hurt me too," Elizabeth replied sadly.

"I know, I know." William exclaimed, starting to pace in front of her. "And when I hurt you, seeing you cry broke my heart," William said earnestly while looking at Elizabeth, now right in front of him, in the eye, "because I love you. I always will." William brushed his hand against Elizabeth's cheek to wipe away a tear.

"I love you, too," Elizabeth cried.

"Forgive me?"

Elizabeth sadly laughed, "You wouldn't even have to apologize, and I would always forgive you."

At this, William took her into a hug and cried into her hair, "I don't deserve you." Elizabeth just hugged William closer around his neck and cried into his shoulder.

The two stood like this for a while until William said softly into her hair, "I'm going to miss you."

Elizabeth pulled away, inquiring, "Where are you going?"

"To California for the company. I need to get away."

"Why?" Elizabeth started crying again.

"I need to think," William explained, taking Elizabeth's hands in his own.

"Oh," she said softly, looking down at their clasped hands. Although she didn't like it, Elizabeth knew it would be for the best that they separate for a while. What happened may be forgiven, but they still would feel the effects of it, and both needed time to themselves.

"Do you want to go get Georgiana now?" William asked. I think she was going to gather movies together."

"Are you going to watch them with us?"

William shuffled his feet and looked down. "I don't know, I wanted to see if you wanted me to."

"Yes, of course. But I guess we can't watch chick flicks now," Elizabeth teased.

William shrugged his shoulders, "It's okay. My dad and I watch enough of those because of Mom and Georgie."

"Then let's go find her," Elizabeth smiled.

William went to open the door to the hallway, but stopped short when he found Georgiana standing at the door - with no videos in her hand.

"Georgie, were you listening in on us?" her older brother inquired with one eyebrow raised.

"Maybe," Georgiana smirked. Turning to Elizabeth, she continued, "I thought we could all watch the movies in the family room; there are more seats there," she explained with a look towards her brother.

"Ha! I knew you were listening!" William exclaimed.

"Still can't prove anything! Come on! Let's go watch some movies."

For the rest of the afternoon, the three watched movies: Georgiana lying on the ground with William sitting on the couch and Elizabeth's head on his shoulder.

When it was time for Georgiana to take Elizabeth back home, there were held back tears as Elizabeth and William said 'good-bye', and on the ride back to the apartment, Georgiana kept compassionately silent as Elizabeth stared out the window.

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The next night, William was lying in his bed, thinking of Elizabeth. He had his c.d. player in his stereo set on random, but he wasn't listening to any of the songs.

He missed Elizabeth, but he needed this time away from her, and he knew that she needed her time away from him. He knew that she forgave him, but he didn't know if she would completely enter into the relationship with him again so soon.

To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

The song suddenly caught William's attention. His proposal taught him that he really didn't understand Elizabeth no matter how much he thought he did. He thought that even if he didn't mention love, Elizabeth would still accept him because of who he was.

But now he understood her and what it takes for her to accept a marriage proposal.

When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman?

And I didn't do that, did I? thought William. I should've said what was in my heart; not what was in my head.

To really love a woman
Let her hold you - til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Till you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman

William knew that he really did love Elizabeth, but he didn't let her know that, and know he was feeling the effects of it. He should've known that Elizabeth needed somebody to hold her and tell her that he loved her.

When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together.
So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...

Yes, William told her that they would be together always, but not in the right way. As William thought more and more, tears started falling down his cheeks as he fell into a restless sleep.

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman?

So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman?
So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman?*

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The month passed slowly for both Elizabeth and William. Everything they did seemed mechanical, without much thought. Both of them plunged into their work, not leaving time for anything else. They both would go into work early, and come home later. William didn't have anybody at his house in California to worry about him, but Jane constantly worried about Elizabeth. She would only go out with Charles once a week, but out of concern for Elizabeth and wish to see Jane, Charles would come over to their apartment some nights to keep them company.

One night, Jane went out with Charles because Elizabeth called to say she wasn't coming home until late. But that night, Elizabeth was home earlier than Jane, and when her cousin came home she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Jane! What happened to make you smile so much?"

"I got engaged!" Jane laughed.

Elizabeth brightened up at this; she was truly happy for her cousin and went to hug her. "Oh! Jane, I'm so happy! I knew you and Charles would get married eventually!"

The two talked for about an hour before Jane declared that she was sleepy and needed to go to sleep. Elizabeth smiled as she watched her cousin make her way to the bedroom, but couldn't help thinking about William.

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A week later, an invitation came to Elizabeth and Jane for a Christmas dinner at the Darcy's. The small party was to be held a week before Christmas and was only going to include some family and friends. At first, Elizabeth was reluctant to accept, but Jane and Charles managed to persuade her to think about it, and the news that Charlotte was to also be there finally made Elizabeth decided to go.

* "Have you ever really loved a woman?" by Bryan Addams

Chapter 21

Posted on Monday, 26 June 2000

Everything I do, I do it for you.

"Charlotte!" Elizabeth called as she found her friend sitting in the family room with the rest of the Darcy's guests.

"Lizzy!" Charlotte responded as she got up to receive Elizabeth's hug.

"It looks like marriage has done well for you, Char," Elizabeth smiled.

"I'm very happy, Lizzy."

When Charlotte's husband stood up to greet Elizabeth, she finally noticed him. "Hey! You're wearing civvies! What happened to your uniform?"

"Hello to you too, Liz," Joseph laughed as he kissed her on the cheek. "You know, sometimes we get sick of wearing our uniforms," Joseph explained.

"Aww, shucks," Elizabeth teased.

"Lizzy, are you feeling okay?" Elizabeth turned to Charlotte who was eyeing her closely. "You look thin and pale."

Elizabeth looked down at her feet and murmured, "I'm fine."

Charlotte knew enough of her friend not to force anything out of her, so Charlotte didn't say anything else.

Elizabeth soon recovered and greeted everyone else. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, Georgiana, Jane and Charles, and Charlotte and Joseph, there were Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam and their oldest son, Michael, and his wife, Emily. It wasn't a big party, and Elizabeth was glad that she knew everybody there.

Dinner passed with much lively conversation, and even Elizabeth could forget her troubles for the time being. While they were eating, a steady snow started to fall, but nobody was worried about it developing into anything much worse. After dinner, the small party gathered into the music room.

First Georgiana played and sang, but she soon got tired of it and asked Elizabeth to perform. She didn't know what to play, so she asked for any requests. Unknowing of Elizabeth's current feelings, Emily requested a song.

"Can you play 'Everything I do, I do it for you'?" Emily questioned after finding the music in a pile. "It was Michael's and my wedding song," she smiled at her husband.

Elizabeth reluctantly agreed. She and Emily got along nicely, and she didn't see anything wrong with the request other than how she would feel while playing it. I'll just have to ignore the words.

Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

But Elizabeth found it impossible to ignore the words. The words struck too close to home. Why hasn't he written me or called me? Elizabeth thought as she sang. It seems like he doesn't even want to try again.

Look into my heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

I would sacrifice anything to talk to him again. Elizabeth had to fight the tears from falling, but she kept on playing. I can't stop now and embarrass myself. They wouldn't understand anyway.

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

When William walked through the front door, he was met with the sound of Elizabeth's voice singing. Lizzy. William dropped his coat in the foyer, forgetting to even greet the housekeeper as he made his way to the music room door. Slowly, quietly, William opened the door and entered.

When he entered, only his parents, who were closest to the doors, noticed him and smiled at their son. But their son wasn't paying attention because his eyes were fixed on the performer who was singing with her heart.

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for you

A movement suddenly caught Elizabeth's eyes. Without stumbling, she moved her eyes to see William standing at the door, gazing at her. Experienced with noises and movements during performances, Elizabeth was able to keep going without any sign that she noticed anything out of place, but it wasn't easy.

Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

At the end of the song, everybody clapped warmly for the performance, but Elizabeth nor William noticed it. The two stood there staring at each other, not saying a word.

Not even noticing that William came in, Charles stood up, helped Jane up, and turned to Elizabeth, "Well, I better take these two ladies home before it gets too late."

His friend's voice finally caught his attention, and William turned to Charles. "I don't think so, Charles. The snow is getting bad out there, and I don't think it's safe to ride on them. I would wait until the morning to see how the roads are."

"William!" his friend exclaimed. "I didn't know you were coming back tonight!"

"We didn't know either," Mrs. Darcy added as she got up to giver her son a kiss on the cheek.

"I decided to come back earlier," William explained. "I didn't need to do anything more, and I definitely didn't want to spend Christmas where there are palm trees."

"Well, we're glad, son," Mr. Darcy stated as he patted his son on the back. "Now what do you all say we go get some hot chocolate. Since it looks like we're going to have three extra guests tonight, we might as well make them feel comfortable."

Everybody agreed and followed the Darcy's out except William and Elizabeth who were still gazing at each other.

The two stood there, believing that their eyes were deceiving themselves. The month away from each other seemed like an eternity and seeing each other felt like the first time they laid eyes on the other.

After a few minutes, William finally whispered, "Lizzy."

Without a word, Elizabeth ran towards him and flung her arms around his neck. Instinctively, William's arms went around her and he buried his head in her hair. "Why haven't you called?" Elizabeth cried into his shoulder.

"I was afraid."

"William Darcy, you have to stop being afraid," Elizabeth laughed while she pulled away. "We'll never get anywhere if you're afraid."

Relieved to see her laugh, William himself smiled and kissed the tip of Elizabeth's nose. "Forgive me?"

"Always," she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too." William paused for a moment to pull away and take Elizabeth's hand into his own. "Do you think we've had enough time away from each other to start again?"

"Yes! And don't you ever leave me for that long of time again!" Elizabeth declared while slapping him lightly on his arm.

"It was only a month!"

"A month that felt like twenty years!"

William laughed sadly as he took her in his arms again and kissed the crown of her head. "I know. Next time slap me if I ever mention being away for more than two weeks."

Elizabeth smiled cheekily up at William, "Don't worry. I'll make sure you remember this past month for the rest of your life."

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Later that night, everybody was resting in their beds. Everybody who knew of the situation between William and Elizabeth (everybody except Michael and Emily) were relieved to see the two smiling again.

When the two joined the party for some hot chocolate, Charlotte realized what was wrong with Elizabeth before. Once Elizabeth entered the room, Charlotte was relieved to see that the smile returned to her eyes and her cheeks looked brighter than before, and knew that William was the cause for the improvement.

The party talked merrily and drank their hot chocolate until one in the morning when the first yawns started to appear. First Georgiana, then Michael and Emily, and then Jane excused themselves to go to sleep. By time 1:30 rolled along, everybody was asleep in their beds, warm and cozy, while the snow fell outside.

Around 8:30 in the morning, Elizabeth slowly started to wake up. Light started pouring in the crack between the drapes, and she was never able to sleep late in the morning if the sun was showing in her eyes. Yawning, Elizabeth crawled out of bed and looked out the window.

The sight made her smile. The snow had stopped, and the sun was shining brightly, causing the snow all around to glisten. The depth of the snow surprised her too; usually central Ohio didn't get much snow: neither all at once, nor even through the whole winter.

Excited like a little girl at Christmas, she ran out her room and across the hall into William's room.

"William," she whispered as she crawled across the bed to him. "William!" Elizabeth tried to shake him awake.

Softly, she heard him groan and ask, "What time is it?"


"Go back to sleep."

"No!" Elizabeth sighed as his breathing became regular again, letting her know that he was asleep again. She started poking him in the ribs to wake him up. "Come on! The snow stopped falling and it's beautiful outside." Elizabeth smiled triumphantly as William's eyes started to flutter open, but her smile suddenly disappeared as she almost screamed in surprise as his arms reached around her and pulled her down.

Nestling his head at the back of her neck and kissing her shoulder, William murmured, "Go back to sleep."

Elizabeth giggled as she heard him start to softly snore. Turning around in his embrace, she kissed his cheek, whispering, "Good night." Nestling into him, she finally fell asleep again.

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That morning started a new, comfortable relationship for William and Elizabeth. They both learned not to take each other for granted. They learned from their mistakes, and were able to make a steadier relationship out of them.

The two were able to keep their promise of not being separated for a long time. Neither of them had to leave the state for any business trip, until early May.

"I thought we said we weren't going to be separated again!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"I know! But it will only be for a week. Two at the most," William explained.

"Why can't your father go?"

"He wants to retire soon, so he, and I, think that it's best that I start to slowly take over." William walked over and took Elizabeth in his arms. "I promise to bring you something back from Miami."

Elizabeth laughed and kissed William's chin. "Okay, I'll allow you to go," Elizabeth smiled. "As long as you bring me back something."

William softly laughed and promised to bring her home a T-shirt.

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The only person who had any problems with Elizabeth's and William's relationship was Caroline Bingley. Believing that the previous month separation would end the relationship for good, she only got disappointed again when he returned and their relationship grew stronger.

Since then, Caroline began thinking of a plan to separate the two. She soon thought of one, but she needed the right time to do it. And William's Miami trip provided that right time.

As soon as she heard of his trip, she went home and up to her room where she found her address book. Flipping through the pages, she finally found the number she was looking for. Excitedly, she dialed the phone and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello. Jenny Wickham please... Hi! Jenny! It's me, Caroline Bingley. I was calling for your help with a problem. It involves a friend of mine and an old flame of yours. Perhaps you remember him. William Darcy..."

*"Everything I do, (I do it for you)" by Bryan Adams

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Chapter 22

Posted on Tuesday, 27 June 2000

And I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever.

A week and a half after William left, Elizabeth was over at the Bingley's house with Jane after dinner. Elizabeth was in a particularly good mood because William called earlier to tell her that he was coming home the next day.

Not even Caroline's friend could bring Elizabeth down.

Jenny Wickham arrived earlier that day from Louisiana. She and Caroline were friends since high school, and Elizabeth quickly noticed that Jenny hadn't changed since graduation. She was still a snob who wouldn't smile unless around her friends, and would look down upon anyone who wasn't in her class.

Jenny was a beautiful woman. Tall and slim, topped off with long legs, bright blue eyes, and long, light brown hair that reached her waist, it was no wonder that she was a model. And it's no wonder why William was attracted to her, Elizabeth thought as she took a sip of water. Elizabeth knew that William went out with her through most of college, but broke up when they grew apart. They're too different in terms of the mind, though, Elizabeth concluded on further observation.

"Eliza," Caroline almost sneered to get Elizabeth's attention. When Elizabeth turned to face Caroline with an eyebrow raised in question, she continued, "You may not know, but Jenny and you have something in common. William and her went out for quite a while in college."

"I know," Elizabeth stated simply as she turned back to her dinner.

Caroline looked as if she swallowed a lemon. "You know?"

"Mmm," Elizabeth nodded her head. "William told me a long time ago."


The rest of dinner passed without any remark from either Jenny or Caroline to Elizabeth. After the small party was done eating, Jenny and Caroline left the table to talk until dessert was ready, while the remaining three, Charles, Jane, and Elizabeth, stayed at the table talking. When Charles and Jane declared they were ready for some dessert, Elizabeth volunteered to find the missing two people.

Walking through the halls, Elizabeth finally heard voices coming from the living room. She was about to knock on the door when the topic of their conversation caught her attention.

"...William was so happy to see me. We had a wonderful week together, and he didn't even work so we could spend time together," Elizabeth heard Jenny's voice say.

It's just a coincidence. It's probably just another William, Elizabeth thought. But even these thoughts couldn't stop her face from losing color.

"Did he mention anything about Elizabeth? Or what he was going to do about her?" Elizabeth thought she would collapse at Caroline's question.

"Oh, yes! Of course!" Jenny replied. "He said something about marrying her, but he would still have these quote-unquote 'business trips' to see me."

"Well! If you can't marry him, that's the next best thing, I suppose."

"Definitely," Jenny smiled.

When it became quiet in the room, and Elizabeth regained some of her strength, she quietly knocked on the door and opened it. "Charles and Jane wanted me to tell you that dessert is ready, and if you want to have some, it is being served in the dining room."

Caroline pasted a fake smile on her mouth and replied, "Thank you, Eliza. I think we shall. We will be right over."

As soon as Caroline and Jenny heard Elizabeth walking away, they both started snickering. "Did you see how pale she was?" Caroline smirked. "And we didn't have to do anything! We didn't even have to lure her away from Jane and Charles and pretend we were being her 'friends' by warning her what 'kind of man' William Darcy really is!"

"I know!" Jenny agreed. "Thank goodness she was wearing those loud flip-flops. We were able to hear her coming a mile a way." Ms. Wickham paused and then continued, "The expression on her face was almost worth not actually getting anywhere with William. What is it with her anyway that makes her so irresistible to him? I couldn't even convince him to take me out to dinner."

"I don't know, I don't know," Caroline sighed. "I've tried it many times before, but it never worked." The two women were quiet for a moment before Caroline continued, "Oh well. The look on her face was priceless. Now let's go congratulate ourselves with some dessert."

When they arrived at the dining room, they found only Charles sitting there, drinking some coffee and reading a book. "What happened to Jane and Eliza?" Caroline inquired.

Charles looked up at his sister and explained, "Lizzy was feeling sick, so Jane wanted to take her home."

When Charles looked down at his book again, the two women exchanged smiles of triumph.

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On the ride home, Jane and Elizabeth didn't talk at all. Jane knew Elizabeth enough to know she wasn't sick, but she also knew enough that if anyone pressured her to talk, she would close up even more.

The two ladies entered the apartment without talking and separated with goodnights and a compassionate hug from Jane.

Once Elizabeth changed into her pajamas, she crawled under the covers of her bed and put her radio on. Elizabeth just lied in bed, in shock, not even letting tears fall. How could he? It can't be true! It can't! He would never do anything like that!

Turning over to change the radio station on her clock, Elizabeth suddenly stopped when she heard a familiar song.

Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
and you're never coming round.
Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
of listening to the sound of my tears.
Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
that the best of all the years have gone by.
Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
and then I see the look in your eyes.

Elizabeth suddenly let the tears fall. She was lonely, and she needed William to tell her what she heard wasn't true.

Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and the I fall apart.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and the I fall apart.

Elizabeth did feel as if she was falling apart inside. She didn't know what to believe. At first she thought it was some evil plan of Caroline's. But no, they didn't know I was coming to get them. How would they know?

Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit restless
and I dream of something wild.
Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless
and I'm lying like a child in your arms.
Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit angry
and I know I've got to get out and cry.
Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
but then I see the look in your eyes.

And Elizabeth was terrified; terrified about the next day. She was afraid that when William came back, she wouldn't be able to see the softness or the love that she saw in them everyday.

Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and the I fall apart.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and the I fall apart.

And I need you now tonight
and I need you more than ever
and if you only hold me tight
we'll be holding on forever.
And we'll only be making it right
'cause we'll never be wrong.

Elizabeth wanted William around to hold her. She always felt safe and happy when his arms around her; like nothing could go wrong. Well, now something did go wrong.

Together we can take it to the end of the line.
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time.
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark.
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks.
I really need you tonight, forever's gonna start tonight,
forever's gonna start tonight.

Elizabeth believed that together, they could get through anything. And now look what happens when we're apart, Elizabeth thought cynically. My whole world could get shattered in one night.

Once upon a time I was falling in love
but now I'm only falling apart.
There's nothing I can do,
a total eclipse of the heart.

Sick of the emotions the song was making her feel, Elizabeth quickly turned off the radio, rolled over, and cried herself to sleep.

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The next morning, William was jolted awake by the screeching of his alarm clock, but as soon as he realized he was going home that day, he started smiling. It was a long week and a half that started out bad with a visit from Jenny Wickham.

I can't believe she had the nerve to come here and propose something like that. Even after what happened in college, William thought with a frown. Oh well. I worked as fast as I could, and now I'm going home to see my Lizzy.

He was already packed from the night before, so a half an hour later, William was ready to leave his mansion in Miami to catch his private jet back to Columbus when the phone rang. Glancing at his watch for the time, he impatiently answered the phone.


"William, darling! How are you?"

"Caroline," William replied through gritted teeth, "can you make this quick? I would like to get home sometime today."

"What's wrong?" Caroline purred. "You don't have time to talk to an old friend?"

"I'll be back later today! Can't this wait?"

"Fine, act that way!" Caroline pretended to be offended. "I just wanted to know if you needed to talk to a friend after what happened."

"What happened?"

"You mean you don't know about Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth? "Caroline, what happened?" William asked testily.

"I guess you don't!" A pause for dramatic effect. "It seems like an old boyfriend of hers, a Nick Collins, showed up looking dramatically different. Good looking and rich and all."

"Get to the point," William hissed.

"Well, I guess one look at each other and they realized they were in love and eloped to Las Vegas! Isn't that outrageous?" When Caroline was met with dead silence on the other end of the phone, she changed the subject, "So, what time should I meet you at the airport today?"

"There's been a change of plans," William quietly responded. "It looks as if I'll be staying here another couple of weeks. Good bye." Quietly, William hung up the phone and made his way back to his bedroom.

Silently, William kicked off his shoes, flicked on his radio and got back into bed, fully clothed.

Once upon a time there was light in my life
but now there's only love in the dark.
Nothing I can say,
a total eclipse of the heart.

It can't be true, it just can't. She would never do something like that. But would she? Maybe she's not the light in my life like I thought she was.

Turn around, bright eyes
Turn around, bright eyes

Turn around
Every now and then I know
you'll never be the boy you always wanted to be.
Turn around
But every now and then I know
you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am.
Turn around
Every now and then I know
there's no one in the universe as magical and wondrous as you.

No longer was William grinning like earlier that day. His good morning turned from good to bad in a matter of a phone call. Ha! Just change the 'boy' to a 'girl' and you have what my ideal Lizzy is. And I thought I had her, William cried.

Turn around
Every now and then I know
there's nothing any better,
there's nothing that I just wouldn't do.

Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart.
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then I fall apart.

Lying in the dim light of his master bedroom in his mansion near Miami Beach, William was falling apart inside at the thought of not having Elizabeth in his life anymore.

And I need you now tonight...
Once upon a time I was...
A total eclipse of the heart, a total eclipse of the heart.
Turn around, bright eyes,
Turn around, bright eyes, turn around.

In two different parts of the United States, two people in love were waiting for a phone call telling them that everything was to be all right; both of them unwilling to call themselves in fear that they would find out news they didn't want to know.

They both forgot the advice she once gave him: to not be afraid or they would never get anywhere, but this time it was more than their hearts on the line... it was their trust of each other.

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"Who was that, darling?" Mrs. Darcy asked her husband when he came back to the breakfast table.

Mr. Darcy looked worriedly at his wife. "William. He just told me that he won't be back for another couple of weeks."


"I don't know, but I only hear the tone he had in his voice once in my life. And that was when he was away in California for a month because of his argument with Lizzy."

"You think something happened between them?" Mrs. Darcy asked wearily.

"I do. But this time, I'm going to try to help."

"How?" his wife asked.

If one were to look through the dining room window at the moment, he or she would be able to see Mr. and Mrs. Darcy leaning into each other, whispering, almost as if they were discussing a plan.

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Somewhere in the middle of downtown Columbus, an answering machine picked up. "Hello. You have reached the voice mail of Mr. Wilson. I am either on the phone right now, or away from my office, but if you would be able to leave a short message including your name and number, I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you."

"Hi, George Darcy here. I was wondering if you would be able to help me out as not only an attorney, but a friend of the family's. My son's happiness is dependent on this.

"I believe you have a young lawyer under your employ there by the name of Elizabeth Bennet. If it is possible, would you be able to send this Ms. Bennet on a business trip to let's say... Miami Beach? And maybe have her stay in the vicinity of, oh, O------- Boulevard? I have this theory that it's a small world, and I would like to test that theory out. Thanks."

* "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler

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Chapter 23

Posted on Wednesday, 28 June 2000

But he loves me, loves me, loves me.

Elizabeth sighed. She didn't know why she was even in Miami. There were so many lawyers handling the case that she was basically useless. Tomorrow she was going home after a wasted week.

And on top of it all, she didn't like Miami that much. The atmosphere of the surroundings, yes, but not the hot, humid weather. Geez. It's not even summer and it's already hotter and more humid here then it ever gets in Ohio.

Elizabeth sighed again as she drove through the rain on O------- Boulevard. She hated rain, it just reminded her of her depression. I guess it was true. He didn't even come home or call. He must have had an extra good time that week. D--n it! Now what's wrong?

The way the car was rocking each time the right front tire went around let Elizabeth know that she was stuck with a flat tire. Still too far away from her hotel to make it back, she pulled off to the side, and found herself in the driveway of a huge mansion.

Critiquing the driveway, she was glad that the gate was open and it wasn't a very long run. I can make it, she thought as she prepared to jump out of the car.

Quickly, she took her briefcase and held it over her head as she ran from her car to the front door. Arriving at the front door underneath some shelter, she rang the doorbell and shook out her briefcase. When she heard the door open, she looked up to see an elderly lady looking questionably at her.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I just got a flat tire and you were the closest building I came to. I was just wondering if I could use the phone."

"Of course, child," the elderly lady smiled. "Come in, and I'll get you some towels to dry off and I'll inform my employer of your predicament."

Elizabeth smiled in relief, "Thank you!" and followed the housekeeper into the house and into a sitting room.

While waiting, Elizabeth looked around the room. It wasn't gaudy like some of the celebrities' homes like one could tell from the roads. It was elegant and tastefully decorated making it comfortable to be in.

Hearing somebody enter the room, Elizabeth turned around and gasped at who she saw standing there, towel in hand. "Will!"

"Lizzy?" William said incredulously with some warmth. But a moment later, he shielded his face and his back became stiff. "I heard you were having car trouble. I wonder why you didn't ask your husband for help," William snapped.

"My husband?" Elizabeth asked, confused.

"Yeah, your husband. Caroline told me all about it."

"Caroline?" Elizabeth's face told her confusion, but she soon straightened her back and replied in the same tone as William, "Why are you acting like that? It wasn't even me who did anything! What about your little quote-unquote 'business trip' with Jenny Wickham? I heard about that!"

"What do you mean? She asked me to start another relationship, but I refused! I wouldn't even take her out for dinner! And then I hurried up my work that week so I could come home to you!" William paused to calm himself and then continued, "The morning I was supposed to leave, I get a call from Caroline saying that you ran off with Nick Collins to Las Vegas!"

"What? I haven't seen Nick Collins since high school graduation."

"You haven't?" William asked with relief.

"No, I haven't," Elizabeth said softly. "And you didn't spend a week with Jenny like they were discussing?"

"No. When did you hear this?"

"At Charles's house, the night before you were supposed to come home. I went to get them for dessert and I overheard Jenny talking about the supposed week she spent with you."

William wiped his hand down his face. "Oh G-d. We screwed up again, didn't we?"

"Will, I'm so sorry. But this time I was afraid to call. And when you didn't come home or call, I thought that what she said was true, and that during that week, you changed your mind about me," Elizabeth cried.

William walked over to her, wrapped the towel around her shoulders and took her in his arms. "I'm sorry, too, Lizzy," William cried, rocking her back and forth. "I should've called, but I was angry and upset. I didn't want to believe that it was true, but I figured if it wasn't, you would've called to see why I didn't come home."

Elizabeth laughed into his shoulder, "Will, I think we acted like complete asses."

William kissed her temple as he laughed, "Yes, but at lease we learn from our mistakes."

"Yes, at least we can say that."

"And this time I'm going to act upon this lesson right away." William broke away from Elizabeth, knelt down on one knee, and took her hand. "Elizabeth, I know we have had our share of problems, but I don't care. I just want you near me always. Not because you work for the law firm that deals with my company, or because I could trust that you don't just want my money. But because I love you." By this time Elizabeth was laughing and crying at the same time. "Elizabeth, will you marry me?"

Elizabeth couldn't speak, but nodded her head as she got down on her knees herself. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Elizabeth only whispered, "I love you, William Jeffrey Darcy," as she leaned in to kiss him.

The two knelt there for a few minutes, ignoring the surroundings as they melted in the embrace and reveled in their happiness. Finally, they broke apart and leaning his forehead against hers, William teased, "Now what do we do about Caroline?"

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The next day, the two walked hand-in-hand off of the Darcy private jet, they were met with a pale and sputtering Caroline. "But... but... How?"

"Hello Caroline," William said calmly.

"Hi," Caroline squeaked.

"It was so kind for you to meet us here," Elizabeth said with fake sweetness. "However did you know we were coming back today?"

"I was at home when William called Charles informing him that he was coming home, and I thought I would come meet William. I told Mr. Darcy that and he allowed me use of the limousine."

William smiled and sighed, "Ahh. Just like my father to do something like that. Come on, Lizzy." William put his arm around Elizabeth's shoulders and she put her arm around his waist as they headed through the airport with Caroline fuming behind them.

The ride to the Bingley's house, where they were going to drop off Caroline, was ridden in silent. Caroline sat across from where William and Elizabeth sat with Elizabeth's head on his shoulder, staring out the window with her arms folded. When they arrived at her house, she only said a short, "Bye," and left the limo.

When the vehicle was on its way back to the Darcy house, the two remaining inside burst out laughing. "Did you see her face?" Elizabeth smiled. "That was almost worth the whole ordeal."

"Almost," William began seriously as he brushed hair away from her eyes, "But nothing could ever induce me to go through that ordeal again." William leaned down to kiss Elizabeth and continued, this time laughing, "What are we going to do about her, though?"

"I'm not sure," Elizabeth responded. "But no doubt an opportunity will arise sometime in the future. She's not worth wasting our time on her anyway." Elizabeth paused and asked, "I forgot to ask you. Is there something more to your prior relationship with Jenny Wickham that you're not telling me? I have a feeling there is."

William frowned at the memory. "Not really. Except... We really didn't break up because we grew apart. She left me for some man she thought was richer, but turns out he wasn't even wealthy."

"Who was it?"

"Nick Collins."

"Nick Collins?!" Elizabeth burst out laughing at this. "At that time did he improve in behavior or appearance since high school?"

A small smile started to appear on William's lips, "Not really, but she didn't care. She just wanted money."

"Obviously... But Nick Collins?" This time William laughed heartily along with his fiancée.

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That night, at dinner at the Darcy's house, William and Elizabeth announced their engagement to Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, Charles and Jane, and Caroline. Everybody, except Caroline, was glad that they were finally able to get engaged, and all evening, they exchanged knowing smiles that said, "I have known this was going to happen since the first time I saw the two together."

When the Bennets found out about the engagement, Mrs. Bennet went into hysterics, talking about how rich William was and what kind of house Elizabeth will live in. Mr. Bennet was truly happy about his niece's impending marriage and looked forward to the day where he could proudly walk her down the aisle to her groom.

Mary was indifferent, Cathy was happy for her cousin, and Lydia didn't understand how Elizabeth 'got such a hot, rich man.' She quickly tried to change her attitude, however, when Elizabeth asked Cathy to be her maid of honor instead of following the tradition of having a sister having the honor, but Elizabeth knew what her younger sister was doing. Elizabeth rather had a cousin who was happy for her be the maid of honor instead of a sister who was petty and spiteful.

The weeks until Jane and Charles's wedding passed quickly. Caroline got a slap in the face when Jane didn't ask her to be a bride's maid. Jane refused to ask her after she found out what Caroline did; she did not want somebody who tried to ruin the happiness of her cousin and best friend as a bride's maid.

Caroline was doing the same techniques as Elizabeth's younger sister was doing to become part of the wedding party, so when Charles and William came to Elizabeth and Jane's apartment to help sort things out before the first wedding, Caroline came along with them.

Charles was looking through the movies when he came across a home video that caught his attention. "Hey! Look! It's a video of one of the choir concerts from back in high school."

Elizabeth walked into the small living room to see which video it was. "I didn't even know we had that here. I thought Jane and I left all those kind of videos back with my aunt and uncle when we moved. It must have gotten mixed up."

William soon followed his fiancée into the room and suggested, "Let's watch it. We can laugh at what Elizabeth was like during high school."

"Hey!" Elizabeth laughed as she slapped William's arm. But she didn't have any objections so the five settled in to watch the tape.

As Elizabeth walked past William to sit next to him after putting the tape into the VCR, William pulled her down on his lap and whispered, "This should be interesting." Elizabeth smiled as she settled down comfortably to watch the video.

As it started, Caroline exclaimed, "Ooo! This is the concert that I choreographed. I was a Senior then."

William whispered again into Elizabeth's ear, "Yep. This certainly should be interesting."

The five watched the first two songs, neither one choreographed at all since the first was "Cold and Fugue Season," a humorous adaptation of Bach's "Tocatta and Fugue," and the second was a medley from the movie, "Runaway Bride," in which they didn't have enough time to learn a dance for.

The third song was a different story, however. "Let's Hear It For the Boy" was definitely not Elizabeth's favorite song since she felt like a cheerleader dancing to it all those years ago. And obviously she wasn't the only one who thought it reminded them of a cheer.

Charles laughed, "This definitely was during your cheerleading years, Caroline. It really doesn't look like a real dance at all."

My baby, he don't talk sweet,
he ain't got much to say.
But he loves me, loves me, loves me,
I know that he loves me anyway.

And maybe he don't dress fine,
but I don't really mind.
'Cuz every time he pulls me near,
I just wanna cheer

"Well, that verse definitely does not describe you, William," Elizabeth smiled at him. "Goodness knows that you never stop talking and you dress all right. Unless you get your sister and mother to help you," Elizabeth teased.

"Oh! Be quiet!" William laughed.

Let's hear it for the boy
let's give the boy a hand
Let's hear it for my baby
you know you gotta understand

Jane looked sideways at the TV. screen as the choir 'hopped' back and forth, clapping their hands. "Hmm. Well maybe the dance kind of fits the song, if you think about it. It is about cheering for somebody."

Oh, maybe he's no romeo,
but he's my lovin' one man show
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
Let's hear it for the boy!

"What's that Egyptian thing you're doing?" William asked. "It looks like it belongs in the video for 'Walk Like an Egyptian.'"

Caroline huffed at the criticism, "That was an eighties move, and this was an eighties song, so I think it fits the song quite well."

William only shrugged his shoulders and continued watching.

My baby may not be rich,
he's watching every dime.
But he loves me, loves me, loves me,
we always have a real good time.

"And that definitely does not describe me, either. I'm afraid, Lizzy, that we'll just have to consider another wedding song."

Elizabeth laughed at his comment, "Considering this for a wedding song, are you? Over my dead body will this even be played at the reception."

And maybe he sings off key,
but that's all right for me, yeah,
'Cuz what he does, he does so well,
makes me wanna yell

"What is your wedding song going to be, anyways?" Jane asked. "Did you put much thought into it yet?"

"No," Elizabeth said. "I guess we just haven't gotten around to it."

"Leave it to me," William responded. "And don't look at me like that! Trust me on this."

"Okay," Elizabeth said hesitantly. "But it better be good!"

"Don't worry, it will be," William smiled.

Let's hear it for the boy
let's give the boy a hand
Let's hear it for my baby
you know you gotta understand

Oh, maybe he's no romeo,
but he's my lovin' one man show
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Let's hear it for the boy!

"Speaking of wedding songs, Jane and I have the perfect song for the maid of honor and best man to dance to," Charles smiled.

By this time, Caroline was sitting in a corner, sulking at the conversation. She wasn't used to being ignored, and she didn't like all this talk about weddings. It made her feel like she was getting too old to get married. And now the one man she wanted to marry was engaged to someone else.

"What are you talking about?" William replied. "I think the best man will be dancing with the maid of honor all night."

Elizabeth smirked, "Not with the shoes I'm wearing, I'm not. Let's put three inch heels on you and see how you like it."

"Party pooper," William teased.

Let's hear it for the boy
Let's hear it for my man
Let's hear it for my baby
Let's hear it for my man
Let's hear it for the boy
Let's hear it for my man
Let's hear it for my baby
Let's hear it for my man

The foursome turned their attention back to the TV where the choir was striking silly poses at each line. "Yep. Definitely a cheer," Charles stated one final time.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
Let's hear it for the boy!

* Let's Hear It For The Boy" by Deniece Williams

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Chapter 24

Posted on Thursday, 29 June 2000

Every little thing that you do, Baby, I'm amazed by you.

"Another wedding," Elizabeth sighed as she twisted around to look in the mirror. "We're all getting married, and I'm feeling so old!"

"Maybe you are," Georgiana teased as she watched as Elizabeth adjusted the lavender dress, "but I still feel awfully young." Cathy nodded in consent, while Mary ignored the conversation with her nose stuck in a book.

"Well, at least I don't have the worst of the situations," Elizabeth looked sideways at Charlotte. "At least I'm only getting married in two months, not having a child in six."

Charlotte smiled and put her hand on her abdomen. "Just wait until you have a baby."

"Ha! I only want one at a time. And I won't have the next one until the other leaves for college," Elizabeth smirked.

"Why not, Lizzy?" Jane asked. "I thought you loved kids."

"Oh, I do," Elizabeth laughed. "Except I still have horrible memories from high school while baby-sitting. As soon as there were five or more in a group, they would beat me up!" Looking around the store, something caught Elizabeth's eye. "Oh! Look at that dress!" Picking up her skirt of the bride's maid's dress that she had on, she hopped off of the platform to look at a wedding dress. "I need to try this on!"

Elizabeth disappeared into the fitting room, and a couple of minutes later, she reappeared, dressed like a bride. The dress was pure white and all satin. The bodice was tight fitting, with spaghetti straps, that flared out into a full skirt.

Everybody agreed that the dress looked beautiful on Elizabeth, and when she saw herself in the mirror, she knew it was the one. After many days and shopping trips with many different dresses, Elizabeth finally found the one dress that she wanted, although this particular shopping trip wasn't meant to find her wedding dress.

"It only needs a little adjusting too, Ms. Gardiner," the sales lady said as she appeared at Elizabeth's side. "I believe you finally found your wedding gown."

Elizabeth smiled into the mirror at her reflection. Indeed, I have.

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"Charles! Will you stop pacing? There's nothing to worry about!" William laughed at his friend.

"How would you know? You're not the one getting married!" Charles replied, nervously.

"Yeah, but I will be in two months," William smiled. "What are you afraid of anyway? It's not like Jane will leave you at the altar."

"I know! But what if I say the wrong thing?"

William smiled at his friend's anxiety. "Listen to what the priest says, and you won't! Relax! Today is supposed to be the happiest day of your life!"

Charles stopped pacing for a moment and smiled wistfully. "It is, isn't it?" He paused for a moment to think and then continued, "Okay. I'm relaxed now. I'm perfectly calm."

William shook his head at his friend, and smiled. Nope. You're not anywhere near relaxed.

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"Jane! Charles is going to faint when he sees you!" Elizabeth smiled at her cousin. Turning around, Jane smiled nervously at Elizabeth. "What's wrong? Not having second thoughts, are you?" Elizabeth teased.

"No! But what happens if something goes wrong?" Jane asked anxiously.

"What can possibly go wrong? You love Charles, and he loves you. It's a match made in Heaven!"

"But what happens if I trip and fall down?"

"Jane! You're the most graceful person I know! You'll be fine!"

"I hope so."

"Trust me," Elizabeth grinned.

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Elizabeth smiled as she walked down the aisle. Catching the eye of William, she winked at him and saw him smile back.

Throughout the ceremony, the two would keep glancing at each other, smiling, both thinking of their own future wedding. At the end of the ceremony, after the husband and wife left the church, William offered Elizabeth his arm. Walking down the aisle arm and arm, William leaned down and whispered, "Just think. Only two more months."

Smiling up at his face, Elizabeth replied, "I know. That's what I was thinking through the whole ceremony."

Only two more months, William thought. Two more months.

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Elizabeth and William sat at the side of the dance floor, watching Jane and Charles dance to their song, "I Knew I Loved You" by Savage Garden. Sighing, Elizabeth took William's hand and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Do you want to tell me what our wedding song is going to be?"

"Nope," William smiled. "You won't find out until it actually gets played."

"You're so cruel," Elizabeth teased.

"I know. And that's what you love about me," William laughed as he kissed Elizabeth on the forehead.

"You got that right," Elizabeth grinned as she kissed him back.

The wedding song ended, and the next one began. Standing up, William offered his hand to Elizabeth. "I believe Miss Gardiner, this is our song to dance to."

"I believe so, too, Mr. Darcy."

As the two started dancing, Elizabeth smiled and sighed contentedly. The song was one of her favorites as a teenager. In fact, Jane introduced Elizabeth to the song to get her hooked on country music.

Every time our eyes meet
This feelin' inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby, when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

Elizabeth closed her eyes and rested her head on William's shoulder as he held her tightly. They knew that there was no chance of them becoming separated again, and they really did know each other as well as they only thought they did before.

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps gettin' better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side for ever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

"You know?" William began. "You do amaze me."

"Really?" Elizabeth asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. How we could go through all we did, with me acing like a jerk and all, and you can still love me."

Elizabeth laughed and laid her head down on his shoulder again. "I acted like a jerk too, at times. But I guess it's in my blood to love you."

"I guess so," William laughed.

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby, you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Though it feels like the first time, every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

Across the dance floor, Jane and Charles were dancing. "Do you think they'll make it through these two months without anything going wrong?" Charles asked Jane, laughing.

Jane grinned, "Yeah. They better! Besides, I don't think Caroline will try anything else, and I doubt that William and Lizzy will even separate for a day during those two months."

Charles laughed, "I think you may be right," while glancing at the topic of their conversation dancing closely.

"Of course I am," Jane smiled, lightly slapping Charles. "I'm always right."

Charles chuckled and pulled Jane closer.

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps gettin' better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side for ever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

"Who'd ever think my cousin would fall in love?" Joseph grinned at the side of the dance floor.

"Joseph!" Charlotte laughed.

"What? There was a time when we thought he was gay. He wouldn't go out with any women after he graduated from college. I guess no woman was good enough for him."

"Of course not," Charlotte grinned. "He was in love with Elizabeth all along. But do you realize we were the ones who brought the two together? If we didn't get married, who knows how long it would've taken them."

"You're right, Char," Joseph laughed, kissing his wife. "You always are."

I don't know how you do what you do
(Every little thing that you do)
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps gettin' better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side for ever and ever
Every little thing that you do
(Oh, every little thing that you do)
Baby, I'm amazed by you

* "Amazed" by LoneStar

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Chapter 25

Posted on Friday, 30 June 2000

I've got all I'll ever need, thanks to the keeper of the stars

"Lizzy, wake up!" Jane said, leaning over Elizabeth.

Rolling over and putting the pillow over her ears, Elizabeth murmured, "No. Sleep."

"If you don't wake up now, you'll be late for your own wedding," Jane warned.

"Mmm. Wedding," Elizabeth said sleepily. All of a sudden, Jane's statement hit her and Elizabeth sat straight up in bed. "My wedding!"

Jane laughed, "Yes! Your wedding! Now get up and get in the shower before we start running later than we already are!" Elizabeth scrambled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom.

Laughing, Jane made her way to the kitchen where Charlotte sat, watching the news program. "Is she up?" Charlotte smiled.

"Yes, but it took a moment to register in her mind that she's supposed to get married today."

"Just think. If we didn't spend this one night away from our husbands, imagine how late she would be," Charlotte laughed.

The two chatted while cooking breakfast until Elizabeth reappeared a half-hour later. "Here, Lizzy. We made you some breakfast," Charlotte greeted.

"I'm not hungry," Elizabeth replied.

"You have to eat. We can't have you fainting up there at the altar," Jane teased.

Elizabeth pouted and finally agreed to some breakfast.

Charlotte laughed, "Just don't drink any coffee. We don't want to have to stop the ceremony for a bathroom break."

Elizabeth scowled at her friend. "Ha. Ha. Ha. I think that would be better than me being cranky all day with a withdrawal headache."

"You got a point there," Charlotte smiled while pouring Elizabeth a cup of hot coffee.

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Charles Bingley yawned and wiped his eyes as he made his way downstairs in the Darcy mansion. I might as well get a pot of coffee started before I have to wake up William. Continuing on down the hall, he was surprised to see the door to the library slightly ajar. Peeking in, he thought, Too late.

For there was William Darcy, wide awake, pacing with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"William! Why are you up so early?"

Startled, William almost dropped the hot coffee. "Charles! You scared me!" William put his coffee down on a desk as he murmured, "I couldn't sleep."

"Why? Nervous or excited?" Charles grinned.

"Both, I think," William grimaced. "And don't laugh! I remember you were exactly like this before your wedding."

Charles laughed, "Yeah, I remember, too. And how you had to calm me down. Now come with me, and I'll get you some breakfast."

As the two were leaving the library, they nearly bumped into two other men. "Dad!" William exclaimed.

Mr. Darcy and Joseph both laughed at the nervous expression on William's face. "What's the matter, Son? Pre-wedding jitters?"

"Worse than that, I think," Joseph included. "He looks absolutely terrified."

William scowled at his cousin as his father replied, "I wouldn't tease, Joe. You looked like this, too, before yours, and I'm sure I did, too. Now let's go into the kitchen before we wake up the women."

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"Elizabeth! I don't know how you can stay so calm!" Jane declared while watching Elizabeth's hair get put up.

"Why shouldn't I be? I'm getting married to the man I love, and it's the happiest day of my life."

Charlotte smirked behind a magazine she was reading, "Don't worry. You'll be a nervous wreck in a few hours."

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Three hours later, at the church

"Elizabeth! Sit still!" Jane scolded while trying to fit the veil into Elizabeth's curls. "I won't be able to put this on if you don't calm down."

"I can't help it!" Elizabeth whined while wringing her hands. "I'm nervous!"

"Told you!" Charlotte grinned. "Well, seeing that the veil is going on, I suppose it's time for me to take my seat. Bye Lizzy, good luck," Charlotte smiled while blowing a kiss so she wouldn't mess up Elizabeth's make-up.

Elizabeth only whined as Charlotte left the room, laughing.

"Elizabeth!" Jane scolded again. "You need to calm down before the ceremony, and I need to get this veil on... So hold still!"

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Joseph laughed as he watched his cousin pace in front of him. "Cuz, as best man, I demand you to stand still."

"I can't," William replied. "I need to move." Seeing Charlotte heading towards them, however, caused him to stand still. William silently watched as she made her way towards her husband and whispered something in his ear and her husband chuckling in return.

When Joseph's wife left him, he told William, "Seems as if the bride is a nervous wreck, too. Besides, you don't have time to worry now; the wedding's about to start."

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"Well, Lizzy, are you ready?" Mr. Bennet kindly smiled at his niece as she took his arm.

Elizabeth let out a breath, "As ready as I'll ever be."

Soon, the music started and the flower girl, ring bearer, and all the bride's maids made their way down the aisle. Before she knew it, it was Elizabeth's turn to walk towards the altar besides her uncle. "You look beautiful," Mr. Bennet whispered before they started.

He was rewarded with a nervous smile from his niece. But all the nervousness disappeared as she saw her groom standing at the altar, gazing at her. The nervous smile disappeared into a happy one as everything around her disappeared except for William.

How handsome he looks! And soon he'll be my husband.

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As soon as he saw his bride, William forgot all his nervousness. Everything around him disappeared, even Joseph who was smiling at his back. All he could see was Elizabeth in her wedding gown.

How beautiful she looks! And soon she'll be my wife.

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"Meghan! How have you been?" Elizabeth exclaimed as she hugged her friend that she first met at Charlotte's wedding.

"Good! Congratulations on your marriage!"

"Thank you," Elizabeth smiled as she glanced towards her husband, who was talking to one of his friends. My husband.

"I wish to extend my congratulations, too," Meghan's fiancée, Mike, included.

This time, William turned around to accept the congratulations, flashing his pearly whites. "Thank you," he replied, glancing at his wife. My wife.

William and Elizabeth continued to accept all the congratulations with a smile, but laughed at Joseph's and Charlotte's way of putting it.

"You know, Lizzy, it was all Joe and me who got you two together," Charlotte grinned.

"Oh really," Elizabeth laughed.

"Yes," Joseph responded. "If we didn't get married, who knows how long you two would've taken. You did, as you remember, begin the relationship while in Rhode Island for our wedding."

"I still don't think you two got us together," William grinned.

"Oh yeah? Then who did?" Joseph teased.

William stopped to listen to the first strains of the wedding song that were coming out of the speakers. "The keeper of the stars," William smiled as he took Elizabeth's hand to lead her to the dance floor.

"See, I told you, you could trust me," William whispered in Elizabeth's ear as they began dancing.

"I should've known you were going to pick this song," Elizabeth replied while kissing William's cheek.

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew.

"I love you, Mr. Darcy," Elizabeth whispered as the song ended.

"I love you, too, Mrs. Darcy," William replied before leaning down for a kiss.

0x01 graphic


And they lived happily ever after.

Oh yeah... The ended up having four kids, after all. William won that argument. ;)

The End.


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