nms progress test un07 b

Name: ___________________________________________


1 Complete the sentences. Use must, mustn't or needn't.

1 You __________ forget to switch the TV off when you go to bed!

2 We __________ get up early tomorrow. It's Saturday and we don't have school.

3 Jim and Mary __________ do some shopping today. The fridge is empty.

4 We __________ say anything to Maria about the party. It's a surprise!

5 You __________ put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.

6 Peter __________ work so much. He earns a lot of money already!

7 You __________ buy a ticket before you go into the cinema.

8 You __________ make noise after ten o'clock at night. Your neighbours will get angry.

9 You __________ do your homework tonight. The teacher wants it next week.

10 We're going to Monica's house for dinner. We __________ take some flowers or a cake.

Mark: ___ /10

2 Complete the first conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 If Janet _______________ (not study) hard, she _______________ (not pass) the test.

2 You _______________ (get) a better view if you _______________ (sit) over there.

3 If we _______________ (not find) our tickets, we _______________ (not get) on the plane.

4 If I _______________ (finish) school early, I _______________ (visit) the science museum.

5 Susan _______________ (miss) the film if she _______________ (not arrive) soon.

Mark: ___ /10


3 Choose the correct answers.

1 The headmaster ______ me on the back when he gave me the prize.

a hugged b shook c patted

2 I asked where the bus stop was, but the man just ______ his shoulders.

a shrugged b pointed c bowed

3 In France it's normal to ______ a friend on the cheek to say hello.

a kiss b wave c hug

4 He said, `It's a secret,' and ______ . I don't trust him.

a beckoned b winked c folded

5 When the President visits our school, I'm going to ______ his hand.

a cross b pat c shake

6 I asked him if he was OK, and he gave me the ______ up.

a hands b head c thumbs

7 If you meet the Queen, you should ______ to her.

a beckon b bow c wave

8 She ______ goodbye as the train left the station.

a waved b hugged c shook

Mark: ___ /8

4 Match the special occasions 1-6 with the dates a-h. There are two dates you do not need.

1 Valentine's Day a 31 December

2 Christmas Eve b 14 February

3 All Saints' Day c 6 December

4 Twelfth Night d 6 January

5 New Year's Eve e 31 October

6 Halloween f 1 November

g 24 December

h 15 June

Mark: ___ /6

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

annual calendar century date day decade midday month

1 We don't celebrate Easter on the same ____________ every year.

2 I'll meet you at ____________ by the clock in the town square.

3 Hanukkah is one of the most important festivals in the Jewish ____________.

4 There's a(n) _____________ carnival in my town at the beginning of summer.

5 He started writing the opera eleven years ago, so it has taken over a(n) __________ to complete.

6 I'm studying the history of China in the eighteenth ___________. It's fascinating!

Mark: ___ /6


6 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.

1 (Musisz zwiedzić galerię sztuki) ________________________ . It has some famous paintings.

2 You (nie musisz wysyłać prezentu) ________________________ . Just a card will be fine.

3 You (musisz przybyć punktualnie) ________________________ when you go to a job interview.

4 (Jeśli chcesz) ________________________ take the dog for a walk, (powinnaś pójść do parku) ________________________ .

5 (Musisz wstać) ________________________ and offer your seat to older people on the bus.

Grammar: _____/5 Vocabulary: _____/5

Mark: ___ /10


7 * Listen to the people talking about special occasions. Complete the sentences with the correct speaker, A, B, C, D or E. There is one extra sentence you do not need.

1 Speaker ______ doesn't think special dates are important.

2 Speaker ______ likes to buy gifts that show he/she cares.

3 Speaker ______ wishes his/her mother was more relaxed about a festival.

4 Speaker ______ is surprised by the behaviour of a family member.

5 Speaker ______ thinks it is important to spend a lot of money on presents.

6 Speaker ______ finds a special occasion can be disappointing.

Mark: ___ /5


8 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

The big day

A wedding is one of the biggest family celebrations. A traditional wedding in the UK is a formal event and there are lots of rules that go with it.

First, there is the dress code. Traditionally, men must wear suits and ties. They needn't wear hats, although at a very formal wedding the groom and his best man often wear top hats. Women wear dresses or suits and they must wear hats. You mustn't wear white (only the bride wears white) or black (it is too serious).

There are other traditions too. The bride's father makes a speech at the wedding. The bride's mother and the groom's parents needn't speak, but the groom's best friend, the best man, makes a speech too.

Traditionally, the bride's family pay for the wedding, but many modern couples now plan and pay for their special day themselves. The average wedding costs nearly £20,000, so many parents are happy about this change!

Weddings are an old tradition and there are a lot of superstitions about the wedding day and the ceremony. Here are a few of them:

1 You must make sure you wear the right clothes at a formal wedding. _____

2 Men mustn't wear hats. _____

3 Women never make speeches at a traditional wedding. _____

4 Not all modern parents pay for their daughter's wedding. _____

5 It is traditional for the groom to help the bride choose her dress. _____

Mark: ___ /5


9 Urządzasz przyjęcie urodzinowe, na które chcesz zaprosić kolegę ze Szkocji. Napisz zaproszenie, w którym: