What You Will Need halloween

What You Will Need: Our Smiling Jack Pumpkin Game, tape and a blindfold (optional).

To set up: Create our Smiling Jack Pumpkin Game, and place a loop of tape on the back of each paper stem as you give it to a player.

To Play: Blindfold and spin a player and have him or her try to place the stem correctly on the pumpkin. The player who gets the stem closest wins the game. Allow smaller children to play without the blindfold.

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Pass the Pumpkin

What You Will Need: 1 small-medium sized pumpkin

To Set Up: Have the players sit in a circle and give the pumpkin to one of the players.

To Play: The players pass the pumpkin around the circle while the music plays and the person holding the pumpkin when the music stops is out.

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Witch, Witch, Goblin!

To Set Up: Have the players sit in a circle.

To Play: This game is played exactly like "Duck, Duck, Goose!" except the players use the words "Witch, Witch, Goblin!".

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 Halloween Toss  

What You Will Need: Candy (five pieces per player) and a plastic Jack O' Lantern bucket or a decorative Halloween bowl like one of the 3 Hand-Painted Ceramic Bowls from .

To set up: Make a line on the floor with masking tape.

To Play: Have one player at a time attempt to toss five pieces of candy into the Jack O' Lantern from behind the line on the floor. Each piece of candy that makes it into the bucket is worth 10 points. Add up the points. The player with the most points wins all the candy.

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Halloween Hunt  

What You Will Need: Halloween templates or cookie cutters (pumpkin, ghost, black cat, witch, etc.), orange, black, and white craft foam or construction paper, black magic marker and white laundry marker, and a timer.

To set up: Create Halloween cutouts by tracing around cookie cutters and cutting out the tracing or by placing the templates over the foam or construction paper and cutting out both the template and the foam/construction paper at the same time. Write points (5, 10 and 15) on the cutouts using the black marker on the white foam/construction paper and the white marker on the black foam/construction paper. Make a small amount of the 15 point figures, more of the 10 point figures and then a lot of the 5 point figures.

To Play: The Halloween Hunt is similar to an Easter Egg Hunt. Set a timer and have the players race to find the cutouts. When the time is up, add up the points. The player with the most points wins.

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 Halloween Musical Chairs 

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What You Will Need: Chairs (one chair less than the amount of players) and Halloween music like Monster Mash, Ghostbusters, Purple People Eater, Staying Alive, etc. (all these songs and more can be found on the Halloween Party Music CD).

To set up: Place chairs in a line alternating the directions so there are seats available on each side of the line.

To Play: Have the players walk around the line of chairs while the music plays. When the music stops the players have to sit in the chairs. The player left standing is out. Remove one chair and start the game again.  Repeat until there is one chair left. The player to get the last chair wins.

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1, 2, 3 Goblin  

What You Will Need: Masking Tape

To Set Up: Create a starting line with the masking tape. This game is played like 1, 2, 3 Red Light. Have the young host of the party start the game by playing the Goblin. Have the Goblin stand with his or her back to the other players. Have the other players form a straight line at least six feet from the Goblin.

To Play: The players try to advance on the Goblin while his or her back is turned. The person who is it counts "1, 2, 3 Goblin", and turns around to catch any of the players moving. The players who are caught moving are sent back to the starting line. The Goblin surprises the other players by changing the counting speed. The players can advance as slowly or as quickly as they wish while the Goblin is turned away. The first player to tag the Goblin wins the game and takes the Goblin's place in the next game.

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 Mummy Wrap

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What you will need: Enough toilet paper for every player who will be wrapping the Mummy.

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How to set up: Divide the party goers into two teams and give each player who will be wrapping a roll of toilet paper. Tip: If adults are attending the party, you can have the adults be the Mummies. At our sample party we had the Mommies play the Mummies. The kids had a great time being in control and wrapping up their Moms. For a party with younger children, you can also assign adult helpers to assist.

How to play: When told to go, each team will race to wrap their Mummy first. The team whose Mummy is most wrapped when time is called or the team who uses up their toilet paper first wins.

Note: You can also divide the players into twos. Have one person on each team be the wrapper and the other the Mummy. 

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