Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty Unit 14 test

Imię, nazwisko, klasa __________________________________

Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty

Unit 14 Test A


1 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań z języka polskiego na angielski tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1 He told the security guard that he (właśnie widział) ____________________ a shoplifter.

2 After opening the door, she (usłyszała) ____________________ someone in the hall.

3 He was excited because he (nie jechał) _____________________ in a police car before.

4 (Czy zadzwoniłeś) ____________________ the police when you saw the criminal?




2 Uzupełnij brakujące litery wyrazów w poniższych zdaniach.

1 She was arrested for drug d_ _ _ _ _ _.

2 The k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s wanted a lot of money for to release the tourists they were holding.

3 The bus stop has been v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d again. There's broken glass everywhere.

4 A m _ _ _ _ _ attacked us when we were walking and took our credit cards and mobile phones.



3 Podkreśl właściwe określenie osoby, zgodne z treścią definicji.

1 A judge / lawyer defends people in court.

2 A police officer / forensic scientist can arrest people.

3 A detective / criminal investigates a crime.

4 A thief / witness is the person who gives evidence in court.



4 Dopasuj początki zdań 1-4 do ich zakończeń A-E. Jedno zakończenie zostało podane dodatkowo.

1 Poverty is a social problem, so employers _____

2 Rich people could donate _____

3 Schools should punish students _____

4 People could volunteer to work in _____

A money to help the homeless.

B organizations that help addicts stop taking drugs.

C should help people pay for food and homes.

D who bully others.

E who help people find work.



Funkcje językowe

5 Wstaw wyrazy z ramki w odpowiednie miejsca. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

because reason result so why

Our school didn't receive the funds that the local government had promised for Wi-Fi internet access. That's 1 __________ we organized a petition. We hoped they would change their decision as a 2 __________. However, they didn't listen to us and 3 __________ we have now decided to hold a demonstration. For that

4 __________ there will be no regular classes today!





Imię, nazwisko, klasa __________________________________

Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty

Unit 14 Test B


1 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań z języka polskiego na angielski tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1 When she got in her car, she (zorientowała się) ____________________ that her handbag wasn't there.

2 We said to the police officer that we (właśnie zobaczyliśmy) ____________________ a bank robbery.

3 He had a bad dream because he (oglądał) ____________________ a murder series on TV.

4 We didn't know about the kidnapping because we (nie czytaliśmy) ____________________ about it in the newspaper.




2 Uzupełnij brakujące litery wyrazów w poniższych zdaniach.

1 He was good at making false documents but he was finally arrested for f _ _ _ _ _ y.

2 P _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _s have become a real problem on public buses.

3 The illegal copying of music from the internet is often called

t _ _ _ t.

4 Their house was b _ _ _ _ _ d last night, but nothing valuable was stolen.



3 Podkreśl właściwe określenie osoby, zgodne z treścią definicji.

1 A criminal / lawyer is the person who commits a crime.

2 A police officer / judge can sentence somebody to imprisonment.

3 A witness / forensic scientist looks for evidence of a crime.

4 A detective / thief investigates a crime.



4 Dopasuj początki zdań 1-4 do ich zakończeń A-E. Jedno zakończenie zostało podane dodatkowo.

1 I think the government should _____

2 Politicians should end discrimination by making laws _____

3 If somebody is being bullied, _____

4 There could be more voluntary organizations _____

A help unemployed people find work.

B so that everyone is treated equally.

C that help people with a drug addiction.

D they could volunteer to work for the poor.

E they should tell their teacher.



Funkcje językowe

5 Wstaw wyrazy z ramki w odpowiednie miejsca. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

because reason result so why

Our local government spent too much money on a government building and 1 __________ of this, they didn't have enough to build the new school gym they had promised us. That's 2 __________ we organized a petition, but they didn't really listen. As a 3 __________ we are now planning a protest and 4 __________ we are looking for people to join us.





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