Coincidence And Common Sense

Coincidence And Common Sense ~ Section I

By Bexx

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Section I, Next Section

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Posted on Wednesday, 13 March 2002

It is a truth universally acknowledged.... that if Jane Austen were ever to catch wind of what a slap-jab-job I've done to her famous work, she'd be after me in a second with a potato gun and maybe a legion of stormtroopers.... but thank god she never will.

oh! yeah, the story...... and things universally acknowledged...

its a fact.. pretty well accepted that Fitzwilliam Darcy slights Elizabeth at first sight, that Caroline Bingley fawns over to no avail, that the Chimney piece in Lady Catherine's sitting room cost 800 pounds alone, (that William Collins has it on good authority), that Colonel Fitzwilliam is an all around nice guy, and that some couples are just made for each other. so of course my story wont be much different.

This time its a college scene. Chaz Bingley has just transferred to De Bourg University in southern California to study medicine to become a Pediatrician, bringing along with him, of course, his best friend Will Darcy (actually Fitzwilliam, but don't call him that unless you want three fists down your throat!) who is studying law and his two annoying sisters, one of whom will live with him and one of whom is married. Why they all moved to California just because Charles did remains a mystery, but some things are better to be left alone.

Elizabeth and Jane Bennet have lived in Orange County all their lives, (well until recently of course, because now they live in LA, of course, attending college) Jane grew up doing extreme baby-sitting, Lizzy grew up doing extreme sports. Your all around sweet and caring girl, Jane wants to be a kindergarten teacher. However, her killjoy mother blew up at that thought and insisted she take on something more.... economic. So Jane is (surprise, surprise) studying medicine to become a pediatrician. Elizabeth wants to be a judge (so that she can, hehe, ruthlessly judge people, however, knowing ALL the facts..) so, of course, she is at De Bourg University studying law. coincidence? i think so. Elizabeth also has an wild side that many years of her mothers reprimands hasn't been unable to curb. She enjoys surfing and rock climbing, and is your all around boys best friend.

Liz and Jane have three annoying sisters whom I will try my best to keep out of this story.

Charlotte Lucas is a girl Liz met during Freshman orientation, who now is a roommate of the Bennett girls in their 3 bedroom apartment and is also a law student. Charlie is a quiet and practical girl who, someday, wants to live the more modern American Dream. (She works and comes home to her whipped little husband with dinner on the table and 1.5 kids.) Suffice to say, Charlotte is a feminist. She wants to be an all-work, no-play, top-firm partner, and a female activist. How she and Lizzy hit it off, we'll never know; but they're great together.

William (Bill) Collins is a brown-noser techie. That's all you need to know.

Caroline Bingley lives with her brother in their passable apartment and lives off the interest from her inheritance, plus mooching off her brother. Being that she graduated high school in the lower 5% of her class.. she does not attend college. Instead, she gets her hair and nails done, shops, and talks trash with her sister Luisa. Its the 21st century, she's just moved to California, naturally, she is a bleach blonde and it looks.... terrible.

Luisa is a soap opera fanatic and lives with her husband, a bartender, Gerald Hurst. They got married when they were 18 because she thought she was going to have his baby. Actually, she read the pregnancy test box wrong, and is now reaping the precessions. She doesn't work or go to school either, and she and Hurst live off his income (which isn't so bad seeing how the tips are awesome) and her inheritance.

Will Darcy has big plans for being the most successful guy that ever lived. He is filthy rich and has a good-sized penthouse apartment on the beach with a housekeeper. He has a sister whom he adores, who goes to a private girls school in New England. Why HE doesn't go to Harvard or some other Ivy League... i don't know, but it wouldn't fit with my story so he doesn't. He thinks of himself as the cream of the crop... or so it seems...

Now that we have our chessboard set.... lets start playing.....

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"Oh My God, They're Gorgeous!"

somewhere on campus, around lunch time, sometime during the top half of 1st semester...

"Hey Will, over here!"

Will shook his head, wishing that his friend Chaz wasn't quite so clamorous... it was Will's best kept secret that he had acute social anxiety disorder and hated, HATED drawing attention. He closed his eyes and sighed as his friend approached. "Geez Will, you all right?" (not pausing for an answer) "Hey, I was thinking we could grab some lunch.." (they did everyday) "..yeah, I'm pretty hungry.. want to?"

Will nodded his assent and they started on their daily trek across campus to the parking lot.

It wasn't unusual that Chaz did all the talking, but somehow, the two were always comfortable with it.

"I was thinking we could go to that pizza joint on..."

(Will raises eyebrows questioningly as Chaz contemplates the location)

"..on, you know... -that street? I hope my sisters aren't there again.."

(Will just nods, he knows that means Longbourn Ave.)

"..yeah, cause I'm kinda craving some cheese and mushroom.... yeah, i haven't had any in a while. Last time you made us get pepperoni--you remember that?-" (nod) "-but today I think I'll get---OH MY GOD, its her Will!"

Chaz almost dropped his books for pointing. This startled Will and he and looked around nervously hoping that nobody was looking at them.

"That's that girl in my bio class, you know, the one I told you about. She's an angel, Will! Isn't she gorgeous? And I saw her helping some other guy in our lab, she's so nice, Will.... I really like her. Her name is Jane, and--oh, do you think I should try and talk to her?"

Will was calming down by now. He'd heard Chaz talk about this 'Jane' before, and as he regarded her, he had to admit she was very pretty. Not his type, no, but she was all right. Chaz didn't do too bad this time.

Then Chaz was leading him in the general direction of this girl, babbling about how he HAD to meet her, and Will was beginning to panic again..

To the casual observer, of course he appeared disgusted with everything in the immediate vicinity.

Chaz and the reluctant Will approached Jane, who was strolling along with her sister Liz and their roommate. They were planning on grabbing a bit to eat before resuming with their respective schedules for the day. Seeing the approachers, she leaned into her sister and whispered, "Lizzy! OH MY GOD... you know that guy I told you about in my bio class? That Chaz guy? He's coming this way!!!" She grinned.

Lizzy raised a questioning eyebrow, and Charlotte threw a knowing smile.

Charles approached Jane, a silly grin on his face. Not a shy one, Chaz got right to the point.

"Hi! Aren't you in my Bio class?! Your name is Jane, right???

Jane smiled serenely, "Yes, my name is Jane Bennet.." a shy grin "..and you are Chaz...?"

"That's right! My names Charles Bingley! But most everybody calls me Chaz. I am so pleased that you remembered!"

The two were caught in a little world of their own for a moment, and then Jane blushed and looked down. Remembering her friends, she motioned to them.

"This is my sister Elizabeth and our friend Charlotte, are you at all acquainted with either of them?"

Chaz, just then noticing that she WASN'T the only person in the world, turned to her companions, the silly grin never once leaving his face.

"No! No, I don't, but I would be happy.. very happy to know them-and you-more." He would have been lost again if Elizabeth had not stepped forward and extended her hand.

"It is very nice to meet you Chaz."

Charlotte was doing some quick thinking "We were just going to grab some lunch, would you care to join us?"

It was at this point that Charles remembered that he too had a friend present, although said friend was at this moment not paying any attention to anything except his shoes. Bennet, he was thinking, where have I seen that name...

"Oh forgive me! This is my friend Will Darcy. We were just going to grab a bite to eat as well... I would love to join you.. that is if...?" He looked at Will questioningly.

Understanding that Chaz was hoping to join this 'angel' for lunch, he just nodded. Charles knew this to be all the authorization he needed, "We would love to join you. "

"Great!-" Jane caught herself, she didn't mean to sound so eager, "-did you have any place in mind? We were thinking pizza..."

"What a coincidence! So was I! there's this place that has GREAT cheese and mushroom pizza really close by. you know that place on.... oh.. what's that street..." He snapped his fingers quickly hoping it would come to him.

"Oh! I think I know which you mean, its on...... " Jane wrinkled her brow and glanced at Elizabeth expectantly.

"Longbourn Ave," Lizzy and Will said simultaneously. (Lizzy with a roll of the eyes, Will in a bored tone)

William continued to examine the ground, he couldn't believe Chaz had just got them into lunch... with strangers. Charles knew that he did not enjoy tagging along on all his little pursuits. I'll bet he tries to pair me off with one of these misfits...he always does...

As the group was just about to head off in the general direction of the pizzeria, Charlotte was accosted by a female student reminding her of some organization she was interested in joining. The girl waved a flyer in her face, "Charlie! FLO is starting their meetings today, you promised to go with me!" she pleaded.

Charlotte halted.

"Oh.... OH! the Female Leaders Org.... " whipping out an organizer, "Yes, I did have that planned for this afternoon. I am sorry Maria, it totally slipped my mind." She turned to Elizabeth and Jane, "I am sorry, but I'll have to skip out on lunch today, you understand." (she was very businesslike about it)

Her friends assured her that they would be quite fine and that her company would be missed, and then continued with their new acquaintances (or perhaps their new acquaintance and his silent counterpart) on their trek to the pizzeria. Liz, Chaz and Jane chatted amiably, the latter two extremely eager to become acquainted. William lagged slightly behind, picking up bits and pieces of the conversation but never actually joining it.

"So, what field of medicine do you hope to go into Jane? I understand you are studying medicine..?" Chaz still couldn't wipe the silly grin off of his face.

"Well, i hope to someday become a Pediatrician; I love working with children"

"Really! Well isn't that something! I am studying to be a pediatrician as well!

What a coincidence!"

They went on in this way for some time, both astonished to have so much in common, and Jane went on to tell about her minor in education and how she had originally planned to become a kindergarten teacher.

Chaz remembered that Jane wasn't the only person present and tried to include her friend in conversation as well.

"I understand you are sisters?," he asked.

Lizzy, thankful for being addressed, answered, "Yes, we are. Jane is a year my senior, and we are the eldest of five sisters."

"Five! Oh, my! I have two myself, and I can barely handle them! Are any of your other sisters studying at DBU?"

They answered that they were the only Bennet girls there presently but that Mary would join them in a year.

"Ah... and are you... a year apart..?" Chaz looked confused, for both appeared to be college freshmen.

"Yes," Jane said," but Lizzy was advanced a year in middle school, so we graduated in the same class."

"Well! And what is your Major, Elizabeth?"

"I am studying Law"

Will, who hadn't been paying any attention whatsoever thus far, sparked at hearing these last words. Who was studying Law? They had just mentioned that somebody was studying law, but he didn't quite catch who... it couldn't be either of these girls. Jane was into medicine and her sister....(oh, he couldn't remember her name..) well lets just say her sister was obviously not of the erudite breed. Whilst the trio was chatting, William had been trying to discern the sisters. They certainly did not look like they were related. Jane seemed to be of the pretty-preppy type. She had a neat and sleek appearance; her blonde hair falling evenly down her back, fitted navy capris with a white cardigan, serene smile... she would do very good for Charles and he approved of her thus far. Her 'sister' however was another story. She was wearing baggy gym pants and a zip-up hoody over what appeared to be a wife-beater tank top. Her dark curls were in a disheveled pony tail, and she had papers sticking up out of the corner of her messenger bag. He didn't take a second glance at her face, but only noticed that she wore glasses.... black framed ones. She was definitely majoring in physical education... so who was studying law? Maybe that friend they had with them earlier... Feminist-Girl...

"Oh really! Well isn't that something! Will here wants to be a lawyer, too!"

"Oh, she doesn't want to be a lawyer," said Jane, grinning as well, "She wants to be a Judge."

Who wants to be a judge? thought William....

They did not elaborate on the subject, though, for some rowdy-looking guys approaching from the opposite direction began to address Jane and Elizabeth, and so Chaz moved to see what his friend thought of 'the angel'.

"Isn't Jane great, Will? I can't believe she's into pediatrics, too... sin's she an angel!??"

"She's studying pediatrics?" Will hadn't been listening to anything.

"Yeah--oh, you weren't listening? Oh, well. So...what do you think of her sister, huh?"

NOT Gym-Teacher-Girl. William scowled, "Charles, I cannot believe that you actually going to try that again. Just because you like a girl does NOT think you are going to pair me off with her... less than desirable sister. Look at her-she could hardly attract ANY guy... especially not me."

Chaz shrugged, "Looks like she's doing ok to me..." William looked towards where Charles' gaze was directed.

Within the group of guys that sisters were chatting with, the attention was obviously directed towards Lizzy. They were all teasing and smiling with her.

She glanced in Will's direction and said something in a low voice, and they all threw their heads back and laughed. What did she just say! he thought. She didn't overhear us...

Jane gave Liz an uneasy glance, and then mentioned that they should be going. They re-joined Will and Chaz, but not before Liz could shout a farewell to her cluster of guys, who gazed back at her affectionately.

"Who were they?" Charles asked her, once they resumed walking.

Liz looked up and grinned, "Oh, those are just some of my buddies, I usually surf with them when I have freetime on the weekends."

Chaz looked surprised. "You surf in November? Isn't it getting a little cold for that?"

Will, who hadn't opened his mouth much at all, astonished them all by answering before Lizzy could, "Not in a wetsuit," he said quickly; and then resumed his agitated 'staring at the ground' routine.

The four walked in an awkward silence for a moment after that, but were relieved from it by their arrival at the Pizzeria... which was found to be, in fact, on Longbourn Ave, and called 'Longbourn Ave. Pizzeria'.

A little bell rang as they entered the shop, and Italian guy from behind the counter addressed Lizzy, "Ciao la Principessa! (Hello Princess!)" She gave a bright grin and called back, "Ciao Mossimo! Come sta lei? Gli affari Č oggi buoni? (Hello Mossimo! How are you? Is business good today?)" Mossimo threw a dough in the air and replied, "ma certo! Non ho aperto su una destra di affari molto prossimo un'universitŕ di universitŕ per niente. (but of course, i didn't open up right down the street from a college campus for nothing!)" They both laughed.

Meanwhile, the Chaz, Jane and Will had entered the establishment, and were about to seat themselves in a booth when a shrill voice the far corner drawled, "Will! Charles! How nice to encounter you here!" Caroline Bingley was already next to them. She took in Jane, "who is this little friend of yours?" Charles looked warily from his sister to Jane, "Oh. Hello Caroline" (nod) "Luisa. This is Jane Bennet, and over there is her sister L--" He was cut off by Caroline's driveling.

"What are those people saying Charles? Why are they speaking Spanish when this is clearly an American-speaking country? Oh, well; I suppose that is the disadvantage of living in southern California."

Everyone just looked at her. Will rolled his eyes, sat down, and picked up a menu. Maybe the Bennets are Italian... Jane doesn't look Italian.. (again, he was in a world of his own.)

Elizabeth, who couldn't help but overhear the comment, for you cant really help but hear Caroline, burst out laughing with her Italian friend.

"non un amico di vostro, spero, la principessa (Not a friend of YOURS, I hope, princess?)"

"Me? Gli amici con una bottiglia bionda? Non mai! (ME? friends with a bottle-blonde? never!)"

Liz, Mossimo, AND Will burst out laughing.

Chaz &co. deciphered from this that he understood whatever it was that Liz had said, and looked at him funny.

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"An Important Working Girl"

When Jane, Chaz, Will and Liz finally joined the Bingley sisters in their booth, they were interrupted yet, again, by Lizzy's beeper. In reading the message she frowned, and then glanced up at Jane, "Its Alli, she probably wants me to come in.... " (fishing a cellphone out of her messenger bag) "If you'll excuse me, I have to make a call."

Liz quitted the table and hit speed-dial.

Jane explained to the group, "She doesn't have an afternoon lecture on Wednesdays, so her boss usually tried to get her to come in to work."

"Oh... are they short where she works?" Charles asked.

Jane grinned, "No.... I'd say its more that she brings in a lot of business."

"High demand then, eh?"


Again, Jane and Chaz were lost in a little world of their own, but are interrupted by Lizzy's return to the table.

She looked annoyed. "Well, I've got to go, Alli wants me to come in; I should have given her my course schedule... It was very nice to meet you all."

Chaz looked concerned, "Don't you need to have lunch?"

"If I get hungry I'll grab something at work," she smiled. "Jane-Pick me up at 10?" And with that she was off.

Caroline decided that to further recommend herself to Will, it would be good to point out that she didn't need a job. "Oh! She has a food-job, does she? How odious I should think it would be to have to work; but I suppose she has to do something to pay for her tuition."

Jane explained that Liz was on full scholarship, but that both of them had small jobs to help pay for their apartment rent and extra things that they might need, "but I suppose that if my parents weren't footing for my tuition, I would be working extra hard to pay it off. A lot of kids have to do that."

Caroline looked smug, "I don't have to work for anything."

Chaz looked patiently at his sister, "Yes Caroline; but then you don't go to school, and you don't live alone. Jane and her sister are independent."

Luisa and Caroline went off about how they were just as self reliant, Chaz gave up trying to quiet them and instead gazed at Jane, who in return suggested they order a cheese and mushroom pizza, and Will sat quietly, trying to retain bits and pieces of the conversation he had just heard. I didn't know they gave scholarships for Physical Education.. why did she know Italian? He didn't have much time in meditation, however, as Caroline soon saw fit to try and pull him into conversation.

"So Will, I had no idea that you knew Spanish!"

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"Being Second Stinks"

Posted on Wednesday, 13 March 2002

Over the next week, Will saw less of Chaz, because he, in turn, was seeing more of Jane. Though he had found P.E. Teacher-Girl (Jane's sister.. he still hadn't caught her name.) to be a rugged sort of girl, he had admitted to himself that she had been most interesting to observe in the Pizzeria, and there was something vaguely familiar about her.

After calculating that he could not have known her from anywhere (for he steered clear of the Physical Education and Gym area's) he dismissed entirely that he could have ever seen her before, and went about his business.

Then on a Tuesday in the bottom half of November, his trivial question was answered.

While checking the list of names posted for the latest test in Professor Davis's class, he swore gently. Why was he ALWAYS second. He wanted to be best, not SECOND best. Since the beginning of the semester, there was always one person who's name came before his on the list... he glanced up again and read the name. It was always the same: Bennet, E.A. No he thought Its SUPPOSED to be Darcy, F.A. Who is this jerk.... If there is one thing Will Darcy hated (well, besides large crowds of people) it was being SECOND best. He stared at his shoes. I will just have to study harder... I'll have to.. his thoughts were broken by a squeal of delight and a "Yes!" Startled he looked up at the list and saw a finger pointing to Bennet, E.A. He traced down the arm and looked into the face of... P.E. Teacher-Girl? Jane's sister. Jane Bennet. E.A. Bennet. "What!?" He didn't mean to say it out loud.

She had been talking to her friend Charlotte who looked a little down. "Aw, don't give me that look Charlie, your 11th out of 100-odd students."

But both girls looked up at him when he spoke.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" P.E. Teacher-Girl, now E.A. Bennet, asked innocently.

But he was still incredulous, "You- your student...?"

Her eyebrow shot up humorously, "Is that allowed?"

"I didn't realize.. I mean, I-I hadn't seen you.." Will was still stammering.

He was interrupted by a male voice from behind, "How could you miss her! She's the annoying little twerp asking all the questions during lectures!"

Lizzy grinned sheepishly as a group of her male friends, who had overheard, surrounded and began to tease her.

"Yes! Isn't that right Little Miss Bennet?" a guy to his left piped up.

One to his right addressed Will saying, "Must not be paying very close attention if you haven't noticed this one.."

Lizzy was blushing wildly. "Boys! I will not help you study anymore if you keep up this incorrigible behavior!" she teased.

"Aww! We wouldn't want that!" they whined.

"Hey Princess, you coming rock climbing with us Friday?" Lefty asked.

By now they had all forgotten about Will and his ridiculous 'your a law student!??' remark, and were talking about weekend plans. He was, however, still standing there shocked.

"Nope, I've gotta work." (groans and whines) "But.... if I am very lucky," she said, putting her arms around two of the broad necks and steering the group down the hallway, "I may be able to pursued Alli next week to give me a few hours off to humor my annoying big brothers...." she kept talking and her voice trailed down the hall.

Will didn't know what to think.

So he chose to forget, and go study.

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"Is what I am feeling Normal?"

Chaz continued to see Jane. He didn't usually maintain interest in one girl for an extended period.. but he was becoming very attached to his 'angel'.

Will was chagrined to noticed that E.A. Bennet was enrolled in almost all of his courses, and that she was at the top of all of them. He really couldn't believe he hadn't noticed her before, because she really was very effusive and inquisitive. If i didn't recognise her as being in any of my classes... i must really not have been paying attention.. The truth was that Will listened to the lecturing and the voices, but never looked up. He just mechanically took his notes. He was kind of the class enigma. While everybody else had broken off into study groups, helped each other out, made friends, etc.; nobody knew Will. He just kept to himself. He seemed to be in his own little world, really. A lot of people perceived this as that he thought himself too good for their company, which was a dreadful discovery for most of the female students, for he was terribly good looking and would be quite a catch if he wasn't so stuck up.

One Friday afternoon, when Charles wasn't with Jane, (she was meeting with some friends to compare notes) Will asked Chaz as they sat down to lunch, why they never mentioned that Jane's sister (god damn what was her name??) was a law student. Charles wrinkled his brow and put down his sandwich. "I figured you knew, she is in most of your classes... plus everyone knows her anyway; you'd kind of have to deaf and blind not to." He looked at Will, "She's really brilliant, you know, i always thought that was something you noticed... besides, you didn't seem to like her much on first meeting, so i didn't want to mention it much."

Will could kick himself. Yeah, he didn't like her-he still didn't-but did his Chaz HAVE to point out his lack of observant capabilities?

"Well no. I did not notice her in any of my classes until now." he said tightly.

Chaz looked at Will earnestly, "But maybe you should think about that Will. You never hear anything or notice anything outside your little sphere. Maybe its time you.. I don't know.. open up a little."

Will was angry. He did not need advice from Chaz. He was fine, thank you. AND he was even beginning to pay attention to the PEOPLE in class, so that was definite progress--not that he needed progressing!

And then, speak of the devil, Elizabeth (E.A. Bennet) sauntered towards them at that moment. She was in her usual attire-sweats and Nikes, glasses perched on her nose, smile perched on face. "Hey Chaz!" and then she noticed Will and frowned, "Oh, Hi," and then looked back to Chaz, "um, hey-your seeing Jane later, right?" he nodded with a blissful look, "yeah, well-Its Thursday and I have to go to an afternoon lecture, but I haven't had the chance to tell her that I have to work tonight--could you tell her for me? I need her to pick me up at 10.." Chaz, of course, consented, and Liz scampered off in a direction from which could then be heard many exclamations of "Princess!"

"Why does everyone have pet names for her? She isn't even pretty..."

Dammit-did I say that out loud?

Chaz grinned, "I promise, you are the only person who thinks that"

Will stood up, grabbed his things and raked a hand through his hair, "Yeah, well, I have got to go too.. I have.. the same lecture to go to.."

He bolted off in the same direction as Liz. Sometimes, Chaz didn't know WHAT to make of his friend.

During Proffesor Montero's Lecture that day, Lizzy noticed some strange behavior coming from Will Darcy. Was it just her imagination, or was he throwing her dirty looks? He never looked up! Why should he withdraw from his orderly routine just to glare at her? What on earth she had done to offend his majesty, she did not know, nor care to contemplate. She was determined not to let anyone interfere with her routine.

Will, on the other hand, was aghast. How had he missed it-watching her in class was really almost amazing. She was definitely born to debate. Will was sure that if it ever came up, E.A. Bennet could make a bank robber look like an accidental cause. He could hear it now.."He just tripped into the vault, when he got up, some money must have fallen into his pockets." Chaz was right he thought grimly, she really is brilliant.. To this concept he shook his head. I wish she weren't.

After his day on campus was finished, Will got in his car and went home. His apartment was large and, since his housekeeper was gone for the weekend, seriously empty. He decided to go to his study, which overlooked the beach, and try and analyze some cases.

After about an hour and a half, he stood up and stretched, then moved to look out the window onto the beach. The waves were so calming to listen to, and he enjoyed watching them crash steadily on the beach... they never got tired. They never got worn out.. they kept going, no matter what trouble or trials permeated the waters. I've got to be like the waves.... he thought.

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"Me, Me, Me"

A while later he got bored called Chaz, who was trying to escape his irritating sisters undetected. They were BOTH there, and had been trying to get him to take them out for over and hour. Not only that, but Alfonzo or Dominique or someone else with a freaky name was just killed off The Young & The Restless and the show just couldnt go on without them..... go figure.

When William pulled into the parking lot, he witnessed Chaz exiting his own apartment and walking quickly towards the car. But before he could get in, or Will could ask what he was doing, Caroline bolted after him, followed closely by Luisa and, of course, fumes compliments of Clinique and this months scent.

"Oh Charles, you mustn't walk so fast, its bad for my health.. Oh Will! You're already here..." (Here Chaz threw Will a weary look) "...Charles said that you were going to get some dinner with Jane, and I'm figured nobody would mind if Luisa and I joined you.. after all, we're practically family.." She emitted rancorous little laugh and pushed past Chaz to get into the front seat of William's black BMW. Nobody else moved. Caroline sighed impatiently, "Well what are you waiting for Charles, lets get a move on! I'm simply famished!"

Will threw Chaz a weary look, which was met with one equally defeated.

And the car ride would be no different. Caroline chatted away; trying to pull Will into conversation, but mostly just turned around in her seat talking to Luisa. She admired the leather upholstery, "Oh Will, this car is marvelous... I think I'll get one just like it...."

Will had to suppress the urge to tell her how abominable it would look in orange.

Chaz wasn't so restrained. "Yes, Caroline, but you have to have a license to be allowed to drive. The 21/alcohol rule doesn't work for driving."

She was silent for a moment before trying another subject. "So Charles, where are we going? You mentioned something about Jane's sister, did you not?"

"Yes," Chaz answered tightly, "I planned on meeting Jane at "Alli's" tonight before her sister gets off work." he paused, "by the way, do you know where that is, Will?"

Will replied that he did not, and Charles quickly supplied him with directions; which he made sure to look as if he were concentrating on very hard, as to avoid having to answer all of Caroline's incessant questions. "So what sort of place is this... "Alli's"?"

Luisa provided her answer this time, "Oh, I think I remember Gerald saying something about it... one of those bar & grill sort of places... you know; and the girls wear skimpy little outfits like at... "Hooters.""

Shocked, "No!"

Gravely, "Yes."

"Well then Jane's sister must be a hostess! Because you know, they don't have to be that pretty..."

The sister's burst into a disgusting fit of giggles.

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Posted on Thursday, 14 March 2002

Unfortunately, Will's opinion at this point wasn't much different. He really didn't see how anyone could find sweats and glasses attractive. An IQ higher than his wasn't doing much either.

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"An Ambiguous Case"

They pulled into the parking lot about a minute after Jane had, and together, the five entered the establishment behind a rowdy looking group of guys. A hostess (low and behold, not that attractive!) met the rambunctious group and enquired how many would be in their party. The tallest guy quickly counted heads, "Seven," he answered, "And are there any tables in Liz's section available?"

"Nope, I'm sorry, she's workin' the bar with Jay and Alli tonight," this was met by several wails of protest. "But," she added quickly, "If you want to see her you could order a drink and request she deliver it." She led them off towards a table.

Another hostess popped up out of nowhere (I'll be nice this time-she wasn't ugly) and asked how many were in their party. "Five," Jane answered.

"Oh Hi Jane! I didn't see you--your sister's pretty busy tonight! And I'm afraid I'll have to put you in Rachel's section."

Jane, ever the sweet one, smiled assuringly, "Oh, that's fine Rena! I see her everyday anyways."

Rena lead them into a generous dining room with an large ovular bar dominating the center, and tables spinning out from it. She ushered them to tall table with stool chairs that was near the bar, and then left to resume her post near the foyer.

The waitress's ensembles were not as bad as Caroline made them out to be-in fact, they weren't really all that revealing at all compared to the little getup she herself was wearing. (Orange mini-mini-skirt with some bad excuse for a tank-top that was mostly orange strings. And of course she took her orange jacket off as soon as they were within doors...) The Girls were wearing a mixture of burgundy or white Tee's and tanks with either runner-shorts or tennis skirts. The name "Alli's" was sprawled over everything, graffiti-style.

Pretty soon they got a close up look, as one waitress made her way towards their table and presented herself as so. "Hi, My name's Rachel and I'll be serving you tonight!" She gave Will a wink as she passed him a menu, but he was offended rather than flattered. "Our Friday night specials are......." She droned on but Will wasn't paying attention. Some ruckus coming from the direction of the bar caught his notice.

A bar-girl was standing on a chair and leaning over the bar, propped up on her elbow, with a liquor bottle in one and her chin in the other, pouring shots for the boisterous group in front of her. She appeared to be telling jokes or something, as they were all laughing to tears. "Oh Liz, your the best!" one shouted.

The girl nonchalantly waved a hand and commented again, and threw all the boys double over with laugher. She then turned and hopped down from her chair behind the bar to grab some bottles and began mixing a drink.

He couldn't see her face from this position, so Will appraised her body... Her hair was half up in a little bun, but a mass of curls tumbled freely down her back and surrounded her shoulders like a waterfall. She was wearing little shorts and a tight fitting tank top hugged her torso, revealing voluptuous curves that were screaming to be explored. She didn't have 'legs up the chandelier' but they were tanned and toned and perfectly shaped. Her arms were..... "Will, what was it you wanted to drink?" Damn Caroline. She and Rachel were looking at him expectantly.

"Oh, uh... I'll have a Heinekin."

Rachel inquired if there was anything else that she could give him, but of course he told her he was just fine.

He wanted to turn his attention back to this 'Liz' who was enchanting half the male population in the establishment at this moment, but Caroline and Luisa demanded his attention asking insipid questions on just what it was like studying law. He answered all of their queries civilly and then was saved by none other than 'Liz' herself strolling towards his table. Will couldn't believe his luck. She rested the tray of drinks she was holding on the edge of the table and 'eh-hem'ed to get Jane's attention. "Lizzy! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there! I thought you were busy tonight!"

"Yes, I am, but as soon as Rachel told me you guys were here, I had to come over and visit my dear sister.." she grinned mischievously.

Will was stunned. Liz Bennet? Smart as he was, he could not make the connection... she didn't look anything like E.A. Bennet.... but then again, maybe he had never really looked...

So he did so now. She was... beautiful. To say the least. Her hair was pulled back from her face, but defiant ringlets fell into her face. Her lips were pouty and luscious... her eyes.. he could be lost in them forever, but he noticed that he was staring tore his gaze away and shook his head slightly as if trying to clear it.

She was speaking to Jane again, "I'll be off soon-at nine. I begged for an early release since I have studying to do." She noticed the rest of the group, "Oh, its nice to see you again Chaz!" a pause "Luisa, Caroline, Will." She nodded a greeting to them each respectively. She knows me? Then it must be the same Bennet after all.. Oh My God. Will suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

Chaz regarded his friend who looked a mixture of shocked and mesmerized and wouldn't tear his eyes from Liz, who was asking who ordered the Hiene'. It was Will's, why wasn't he answering? Chaz decided he had to do something. "Um, that's Will's, Elizabeth." he paused, waiting for his friend to confirm this, and then tried a bit louder, "Right Will?"

Will just nodded and squinted at the girl. Oh My God. Elizabeth. E.A. Bennet.. It IS her... How did I miss eyes like THAT?

"So Lizzy, looks like your killin'em tonight," Jane was saying.

"Yes," Elizabeth grinned wickedly, "Pretty good for a gal like me who, you know, could hardly attract any" She said this with a smirk towards Will and handed Chaz his hard lemonade and sauntered off back towards the bar.

As soon as she was out of sight Will began to rake his hand through his hair. Liz was E.A. Bennet, Jane's sister, P.E. Teacher-Girl.. he shuddered. I cannot believe I said she was ugly.. He wondered that he had not recognised her-again-and then affirmed it with himself that she did hide herself pretty well under those gym clothes and those glasses. He studied her again. She was not standing behind the bar spinning bottles and mixing drinks and grinning. She leaned over and mouthed something to a guy that Will recognised to be one of her 'big brothers' and then they both glanced in his direction, eyes brimming with laughter. That mocking laughter-he'd seen it before. WHY did she have to overhear me that day-why did I have to say it. This is so humiliating... And then he was broken again from his reverie by Caroline, who had been at his elbow all night. "I bet I know what you're thinking," she whispered. Her attempt at a seductive manner disgusting Will. "You're thinking about how boring it would be to spend many evenings in an establishment like this-in company with so many boorish people."

"I assure you, my mind was otherwise occupied."

"Oh? Well, then.. we must have been thinking along the same lines-I find the waitresses attire as nauseating as you do...I cannot believe that Jane's sister could be so.. vulgar."

Will's patience with Caroline could never stretch far before cracking; and as he was already extremely stressed and agitated from another quarter, his resolve on being civil to Charles' sisters was broken. "Yes Caroline. It covers much more than what you are wearing, so theoretically that would make you the more repulsive, and I suppose that that makes it correct." He gestured at her attire and then whispered menacingly, "But that was not what I was thinking about, for I find Elizabeth Bennet to be far from repulsive or nauseating."

Caroline was silent for a moment, and then turned to Luisa and excused herself to the ladies room for a moment. As girls just cannot go to the restroom alone, Luisa accompanied her. When they returned, both sisters carefully avoided upsetting Will and dropped into conversation about those cute little annoying dogs with the little ponytails. Jane and Charles were engrossed with each other, and that left Will to sit back, sip his beverage, and observe the ambiguous Miss Bennet in peace.

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"A Fruitless Resolve"

About a week later, Elizabeth admitted to herself that she was becoming uncomfortable under the constant stare of one Will Darcy. At first she was determined not to let him get to her; but her armor had now worn thin and she was afraid that his eyes might really start burning holes into her if she did not do something about it. She decided to consult Charlotte.

"Charlie," she whispered to her friend during a class, "can you tell me why Will Darcy keeps glaring at me?"

Charlotte smirked inwardly. Yes, she had noticed; but if that was a glare then she would like to see his actual look of admiration. "I'm sorry Lizzy, but that is a question that only Will Darcy himself can answer."

"Well its making me squirm! And if he doesn't stop I am going to have to give him a piece of my mind!"

"Hush Lizzy-I'm trying to listen to the Professor!"

Elizabeth mouthed a 'sorry' and then went back to paying attention to the lecture herself-but not before throwing a threatening look in William's direction.

Will was, indeed, staring at her. (For the benefit of Will-whom I have already terribly degraded-I will now mention that every time he noticed that he was staring, he would quickly look away.. but as it was, his eyes were just sort of naturally drawn to her.) He really didn't mean to stare.. 'she just seemed very different, and he couldn't make her out'; or that was his excuse anyway. In the days that had followed his dreadful discovery of her person, he had resolved that he hated with venom whomever invented sweats, and even more the doctor who had told Elizabeth that she needed to wear glasses. Her choice of attire might be convenient and comfortable to her, but it was killing Will to know what was hidden beneath. Why she didn't wear her glasses to work was beyond him; but then again, it was probably for the best that Elizabeth did not appear in his classes everyday like she did when he saw her at "Alli's", because he would most definitely go mad if she did.

Everyday he became more and more drawn to her. Even though he never talked to her himself, he took pleasure from listening into her conversations with others, and found her to be extremely lively and witty. It was all very strange to Will, as he had never been in this position before. He himself had always felt a target of pursuit, but never had he pursued.. and I am not doing so now! he quickly reminded himself.

But at every turn he found himself unexpectedly drawn to this girl that he barely even knew. What he did know, he found to be ruinous: she was the rare combination of beauty, intelligence and spirit which was a deadly mixture.

With a great body.. Will shook his head and tried to clear it once more. He hadn't heard a word of Professor Davis's lecture, and he didn't know why he had allowed his mind to ramble back to Elizabeth Bennet when he had tried again and again to settle on thinking of her no more. And then she began to fix her ponytail and he was lost again...

The next day he headed to class with a similar resolve. I, Will, will not allow Elizabeth Bennet to trample out any rational thoughts today. But it was too late, because on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, he had observed her exit the room after class, and each day she quickly turned a certain corner.. and even though he was positive that he wouldn't do anything with this knowledge, he could not be sure...

During the lecture he did not do a good job, and when he bolted out of the classroom after it was over, Will almost managed to convince himself that he was not headed around that corner but, alas; he found himself there, prepared to play 'wall.'

What the heck am I doing.. but before he could think about it....well, it was too late.

Elizabeth exited the room in a hurried manner. She clutched her stack of books, shoved her glasses into her bag, and braved the crowded hallway with zeal. Continuing her usual routine, she rounded a corner and ran straight into... a wall?

No, not wall. Walls do not have chests like... whoa, like this. Are those my books on the floor?

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she sputtered, and bent down to collect her fallen books, avoiding eye contact with whomever it was she had just run into. But Will wouldn't have that, he swooped down to gather her books as well, muttering, "No, no, its my fault..." That's when Liz glanced up and upon realized whom it was snapped back up, causing them to collide heads. "Ow!" he cried. What had ever motivated him to do this? This was turning out far worse than expected. He too straightened up and they both stood silently, each avoiding the others eyes and trying to assess the situation. Will plays wall. Liz crashes into wall. Wall is Will. Liz drops books. Liz and Will get books. Liz knocks heads with Will... books are still on floor..

The traffic in the hallway was thinning out now. Will looked at Elizabeth. She was standing in an agitated state with her eyes tightly closed and a finger massaging her temple. Then she sighed, opened her eyes and forced a smile. She was surprised with the intensity in which she met in his gaze, but tried to brush it off. "I.. um-" he interrupted her. " books are still on the floor."

He raked a hand through his hair. Gosh this was awkward.

"Yes.. I suppose I should pick them up."

"No, that's not necessary, I'll get them." He began to bend over, but she had the same idea.

"No, its ok, really...ow!"

Now the hall was near deserted. Liz had no problem collapsing on the floor with her books. One look at the quizzical expression on Wills face and she could not contain her laughter. This was almost stupid. No, this was stupid. It was ridiculous. Here she was, she had run into this guy, who not to mention couldn't stand her, knocked him in the head not once, but twice..... she really didn't know what to make of it all (and neither do I really, because it is just a shameful situation to be caught in....)

Will was confused as well. He shouldn't be, considering he put himself in this situation, but he was. What was his next cue? She was sitting on the floor in a laughing fit, what was he supposed to do? He'd planned to run into her, but he hadn't really planned anything after that... in retrospect, it really was pretty humorous, and in a moment he found himself chuckling at the situation, and not knowing anything else to do, sat down on the floor with her. He really liked her laugh... She had a great laugh...

Liz finally calmed her laughing and regarded the scene before her. Was this the Will Darcy that glared at her all day? Why was he on sitting on the floor laughing with her? I suppose anybody would have to find humor in a situation as this one.. he should really smile more often...

"Well, now. Lets get this straight. Who will pick up my books?" She grinned.

She was grinning. At him. Will tried to act as controlled and comfortable as possible, but really, he wasn't used to sticky situations.. or... any situations..

"Um..." he started. "I suppose I will pick up your books-but no whacking me in the head this time." Yes! I teased.. Will Darcy has a sense of humor, too!

Elizabeth cocked her head. Did he just tease me? Hmm... Will Darcy has a sense of humor after all.. "You have my word," she giggled.

He collected the long neglected books and they both stood. "Here you are. My deepest apologies for.. er..jolting you in the hallway.. among other things.."

He sheepishly presented Liz her books. She wasn't quite sure what to make of his 'among other things', but she would have if she had caught the earnest look in his eyes that told all.

"Thank you." she said quickly.

And then he turned and exited the scene, walking as quickly as humanly possible.

Elizabeth really didn't know what to make of it. She just shook her head and continued-somewhat late-in her routine.

Will stalked through the empty corridors of DBU, raking nervously through his hair. He didn't really mean to run away from her like that, but his anxiety was at a fever pitch and he just.. well, he didn't know what else to do.

He decided the best thing to do right now was to go home and try to calm his nerves somehow... problem was, he didn't really feel up to driving; so Will sat in his car for a half an hour.

Neither Party felt the need to share the details of their little tęte-ŕ-tęte in the hallway with anyone. Will, because he was too private and apprehensive to possible talk to anyone about anything; Elizabeth, because in her opinion there wasn't much to tell, really, that she remembered. And what she did remember she did not want to tell. She did not feel the need to spread the word that she had strewn her books all over the hallway, and she would rather keep the knowledge of Will Darcy's charming dimples too herself. After all, if she did tell someone that he had a great smile, they would only assume that she liked him or something, and that was not something that she wanted anyone to think. His dislike of her he had made clear in the first ten minutes of their meeting, and rumor had it that he didn't like girls anyway. Plus, although it was a well known fact that Elizabeth Bennet was a 'guys-best-friend', it was also less openly acknowledged that she herself was an untouchable.

The next day was a Friday, and it went off without any great debacle but for one: One of Jane's 10 million goldfish, died; and Charlotte flushed it down the toilet. Jane was very distraught that she could not give it a proper burial, but then Elizabeth pointed out that the three of them didn't have a yard, so it wouldn't be possible to 'bury' the goldfish anyway. Liz volunteered to construct a tiny stone pyramid next time one of the fish died, and Charlotte promised to compose a ceremony. But Jane assured them both that 'it was a kind offer but would not be necessary as she didn't expect that there would be anymore losses anytime soon.'

Later that day on campus, after classes were over, Will met up with Chaz, who was soon joined by Jane. She related the unhappy event, and Charles comforted her by attempting to catch her a butterfly; but was she was obliged to be contented with only a wild flower-as the butterfly was too quick.

Will, not wanting to blatantly ask Jane what her sister was doing, (not that he really cared anyways, he was just, you know... curious..) inquired as to if either of them had any plans for that evening.

Jane replied that her sister was working, and her other roommate was at the library, but that she herself wanted to get out. Charles desperately wanted to avoid his sisters, and on Will harmonizing that he had nothing to do either, suggested that the three of them find something to do together.

Will didn't really mind Jane. She wasn't tedious to be around like lots of other girls that he knew, (*cough* Caroline & Luisa *cough*) was able to hold intelligent conversation, and seemed to be agreeable with any situation. She was very well suited for Charles. Though Will didn't necessarily like the idea of having to share his best friend, it was better to have to be with the two of them than no one at all. Besides... Jane had a feature that was particularly pleasing to Will: her sister Elizabeth.

They decided that they would meet up in a few hours in front of a bowling alley they all knew and then improvise.

Jane, always the prepared, arrived in front of the building 10 minutes early and sat on the bench in front of it. As she lived but a block or two from the place, she had walked; and though it was the beginning of December, she only wore a light sweater in the case that an evening breeze should pass by.

Will, always the punctual, pulled into the busy parking lot at (Jane checked her watch) exactly 6:00; and Charles, always running late for anything and everything, didn't arrived at the scene until quarter after six. Jane and Will didn't mind too much-Will was used to it, and all of Chaz's eccentric habits were rather charming too Jane. When Will arrived, he had seated himself on the bench next to her, and they conversed lightly for the 15 minutes that they had to wait. Jane asked Will how he liked Southern California.

"Its very nice weather-I grew up in Seattle, Washington. I have never had the privilege to wear a T-shirt in December." He was making an effort to become as comfortable as possible around her, for it seemed like Jane might be becoming at least a semi-permanent fix in his friends life, and he didn't want her to think he was weird and reclusive.. and he didn't want her telling her sister that he was weird and reclusive..

"Oh Seattle? I have been there-its beautiful in the summertime. Why did you decide to move here?"

"Um... a few reason's, really. The only really apparent one is probably that Chaz was going to DBU, but also, I have connections... sort of close by here." He said this last part rather hesitantly. It looked as if there was something uncomfortable about this topic. Jane picked up on it.

"Oh.. well, if its something that you don't want to talk about, that's OK with me." She smiled reassuringly and patted his arm like he was a child. The ideal kindergarten teacher. Somehow, Will wasn't offended.

"No, its ok," he tried to look optimistic, "Its just that my aunt is.. well, she's Catherine De Bourg."

"THE Catherine De Bourg? Our Dean of Admissions??"

"Um... yeah. That was another reason for coming here." He said quickly, "But I have other family too, sort of. Well, I will really soon anyways. My cousin Richard is in the Coast Gaurd and is being stationed here in a few weeks actually."

"That's great! Are you and your cousin close?"

"We are I suppose. For growing up on opposite sides of the country. He is from the outer banks, but our families always got together as often as possible."

"Well, that's good then, I suppose." There was a small lapse in conversation here, as Jane was trying to find safe topics to discuss. At length she said, "So, Caroline informs be that you have a beautiful house on the beach-it must be great to have the ocean in your backyard... I know that my sister Liz would envy such a convenient location-she hates having to truck her board across town." Jane smiled with encouragement.

"Yes.. well its not a house, its an apartment; but I am afraid I have not had the privilege of taking much advantage of the location. I rarely venture on the beach as it is."

"Oh.. Well that's too bad."

Another silence ensued, this time Will felt that he should be the one to speak. Not wanting to directly seek information on her sister Liz, he thought maybe if he brought up subjects that he knew were related to her, Jane would speak about her. Will had already observed that she like to talk about her family a great deal.

"So... do all of your sisters enjoy watersports?"

Jane looked pensive for a moment, "Well... my two youngest sisters have given it a try, but merely to be around guys, you know. Mary-she's in the middle-hates anything related to physical exertion, while Liz thrives on it. She tried to teach me how once or twice, but I never really caught on. What about you?"

"I used to. But I haven't been out in... oh, a few years now."

"Busy with school?" Jane just sort of naturally coaxed things out of people. She didn't really mean too, but she loved to ask questions.

Will didn't really know how to respond to this one. Yes, he had been busy with school, but also the past two years had held considerable trials for his family... or lack thereof. His father had died, leaving Will to take care of his now 16 year old sister, and in the midst of that he had to complete pre-grad schooling before he headed off to a the university... Jane was of such a sweet disposition-just like Chaz-that he just couldn't bring himself to become upset. "Among other things," was his only reply.


(Long Pause.)

(Will checks watch.)

(Watch reads 10 after.)

(Jane sighs) "Hmm.. I wonder where Chaz could be."

Will smirked inwardly. Most likely fighting off Caroline.

"Could I see your watch?"

Will held up his watch for Jane to examine, but she squinted at it.

"I'm sorry, its a little dark... what does it read?"

"It is ten past six." he answered, "Do you wear reading glasses, too?"

Jane cocked her head and looked confused..."Too? -oh you must mean Liz! Yes! Oh I mean no. I probably need glasses, but no, I don't wear any. Sort of Ironic, huh?"

It was Will's turn to be perplexed. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure I catch the irony."

Jane broke into a small smile, "Lizzy doesn't need glasses at all. She just wears them anyway. I do need them, and I don't wear any at all."

He was baffled, "She doesn't need glasses? Why on earth does she wear them, then?" Is she hiding deliberately!??

Jane laughed lightly, (and serenely-for everything she did was sort of... serene.)

"When she was 13, Liz failed a test; and a kid in her class told her that she wasn't smart because she didn't wear glasses-which is totally not true, but Liz is a little superstitious sometimes, so she went home that day and found a pair of nanny's old glasses and poked out the lenses out of them to wear. I guess it worked because she waived out of 7th grade that year. She still wears fake glasses whenever she is in school... I suppose it is a bit odd, but she is incredibly bright, and I guess she doesn't want to press her luck."

Will looked befuddled, and was about to comment on this narrative-or try to at least-when they noticed Charles' car pulling into the other end of the parking lot. Will squinted and then panicked. "Oh no... Caroline and Luisa have come with him..." Without warning, he jumped from the bench and swiftly entered the bowling alley's antechamber. At first Jane didn't know what to think, but she forgot about it when she saw Charles smile wearily at her. She smiled back. He was so cute. His smile faded as he pulled the car up next to the building. He was saying something to Caroline, and she was ordering something back. Chaz opened the door and exited, and Luisa from the back seat moved to the driver's. "No, Caroline, I would like to have a night alone with Jane," he was saying.

"Oh Charles, come now we wouldn't be in anybody's way.."

"Caroline, I would not like to have my sister's tag along on my date, all right? You and Luisa do what you already had planned-I'll get a ride home from Jane."

"But Charles-"

"No But's Caroline." He fished a wad of cash out of his wallet and tossed it at her.

"Here, now just go."

Caroline 'Hmph!'ed and Luisa sped off.

Chaz turned to Jane. "Sorry I'm late... my sister..." he trailed off.

Jane walked up and pecked him on the lips. "Its OK."

"Will here?"

"Yep. He's inside."

"He made you wait outside alone?"

Jane laughed (serenely of course.) "No.. he just dashed in for a minute when he saw that you weren't alone."

"Ah..." His sisters. Good lord.

Will was, at that time, pondering why in the world Elizabeth Bennet covered up her beautiful eyes. Nevermind, Jane just told him, but it still puzzled him nonetheless.

He heard Caroline's lamenting from outside and rolled his eyes. Good thing he had hidden inside-he hoped that she didn't spot his car in the parking lot. Poor Charles, to have such a sister. At least Georgie is quiet..

"Don't worry, Will, they're gone." Chaz held the door for Jane to enter. William exhaled in relief.

"So, did you guys have any idea's on what to do tonight?" Jane looked at them enthusiastically.

Chaz grinned. "Well, they've got billiard tables here, I believe. And I have a friend who owes me a game..."

"I don't know why you enjoy being slaughtered in pool Charles, I really don't." Will said haughtily, but it appeared he was being humorous.

Chaz's friend doesn't seem as unpleasant as Lizzy characterized.. Jane thought, Perhaps he is just shy...

She never really thought he was so bad to begin with, for really, she couldn't think ill of anybody. But she decided that it would be a good idea to catalog his virtuous qualities, so that she could validly account to her sister that this guy wasn't all bad. After all. Liz was her sister and Will was Charles' best friend. There must be harmony with them.

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Posted on Friday, 29 March 2002

After a few hours of various billiard games (In which Charles was more than happy to show Jane just how to hold the pool stick-and of course helping her out with her posture...) Jane announced that she would have to be going, as she had to pick up Elizabeth from work at 9:30 and would need some time to walk home and get the car, etc.

Chaz looked dejected, because he had hoped to spend yet some more time with Jane, and would have offered to go along with her, but he himself was without a vehicle for the night.

Will, seizing the opportunity to see Liz, immediately offered that he could drive everyone, and it was decided that if they left now, they could get a drink before Liz got off work.

"Whims and Inconsistencies"

"Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can." -P&P

Friday night at Alli's again. Upon entering the establishment, they found that Liz was working at the bar again that night, and as there were only three in their party, they decided to sit at the bar.

Will was seated next to Charles, and again observed his surroundings. Inwardly, he was excited to get a closer look at what Elizabeth was doing, but on the outside, of course, he was his regular rigid self. At the moment, she was mixing some sort of drink for somebody, and chatting with a few guys she was friends with. This time, Will could actually hear what it was that she was saying, and was somewhat surprised but also amused. Apparently, she had her own little stand-up comedy act going on, her primary source of raillery being unaware customers..

Right now, the victim of this mockery was a couple who was just far away enough to hear, but not to hear Elizabeth. They were currently in the state of breaking up.

"Isabella, we've been together a long time."

The girl smiled and said, "Yes, we have. And I have enjoyed every minute of it." He looked agitated at this, and before he could continue, Elizabeth said in a low voice to her listeners at the bar, "See that look-right there! Yep, he's gonna break up with her." she giggled, and they all listened as the guy continued.

"I just think that, well, its been fun, but maybe its time that we both get.. you know.. more serious."

"Yes, James, I totally agree. And I am ready for a serious relationship, believe me."

Elizabeth's aside: "Uh-oh, she thinks its a proposal." (small bursts of laughter) "I mean, seriously, who proposes at a bar?"(more stunted chuckles) "The thing is, Bella... I just don't think you're ready too."

She didn't get it, and looked at James expectantly. "What do you mean."

"I mean.. " ("Here it comes!") "That we should see other people."

Isabella looked stricken and began taking sharp breathes, as if she were on the verge of tears, "But I thought..... " Here the tears began to roll and she made pathetic little hiccup-sniff noises that sounded like a recording of Caroline. "But I *hic-sniff* thought you wanted to *hic-sniff* get married.. and *hic-sniff*...."

"Oh, Bella, its not that I don't love you, its just that I cant marry someone like.. well, like you!"


(Now people at bar were chuckling)

"Well, hon, your just not marriage material. I mean, I want to be successful, and I want someone who can.. well, be successful with me. Someone who actually, you know, does something."

"I do something! And I am very successful at it!"

Liz: "Yeah, I bet she's a real successful receptionist at daddy's company."

"Bella, answering the phone at your Dad's company isn't a real job."

Isabella glowered. Lord, did she reminded Will of Caroline Bingley! Only in a 'hot pink' motif instead of 'migraine orange.'

"I'm sorry Bella....." James was saying.

"If you had any sense you wouldn't let me go!"

Liz: "Wait guys-not he's gonna say she's a ditz..."

"Men of sense, whatever you may choose, do not want silly wives!"

Here came another howling from the bar, but Will had missed Lizzy's comment. "I can't believe you, James!"

"Isabella, please calm down! You're making a spectacle of yourself..."

Charles and Jane seemed to finally take notice, and Chaz leaned over to Will, "Geez- looks like the poor guy had a case of Caroline in the 'hot pink' option," he chuckled.

Will smirked, but turned his attention back to the pair, and their gorgeous mocker behind the bar.

"But I won't be able to live without you!"

"I think you'll get on fine-who's that military guy you always flirt with? I'm sure he will be more than happy to comfort you in your current state of distress!" James spat angrily. He'd had enough. Threw some cash on the table and strode out. Isabella sat there and hic-sniffed pathetically, then adjusted her skimpy hot pink tubetop, stood up dramatically and huffed out of the place.

Elizabeth waved her hand and made another comment that was obviously funny, but again Will couldn't hear her. It suddenly struck him that last time he had been to Alli's, he had been the subject of such ridicule. Again he mentally berated himself for that fatefully comment he had made...

Upon noticing that their party, Liz moved to Jane's end of the bar and smiled happily, "Jane! Chaz! Nice to see you-" she noticed their sinister friend- "oh... um, hi Will." She deviated her eyes from his intense gaze and looked down apprehensively at her feet, but recovered quickly. "So, what can I getcha?" She grinned good-naturedly again and slapped an Alli's napkin down in front of each of them.

Jane didn't miss anything-she noticed her sisters uneasiness on seeing will-and noted her shyness on addressing him. What was this? Liz--shy? She would have to pay a bit more attention to these two.. and less time getting lost in Charles baby blue eyes.... mmm.....

"Hmm..... I don't know, what are you getting Jane?" Chaz was asking. Jane was shaken from her woolgathering and looked up at him, "Oh... I'll have a pina-colada Liz--virgin--lots of whipcream and a big fat cherry for you!" Lizzy grinned. Jane always ordered that but hated the whipcream and cherry-Liz loved them.

"Ok, I'll just take a Guinness-if you've got them." Chaz said. As then he and Jane entered into a conversation on how much he admired that she didn't drink alcohol, Liz moved to Will.

Why does this guy make me so nervous? Ok, not nervous nervous, but somehow a bit of her usual extroverted self fled her whenever she had to interact with him. "And.. what can I get you?" she asked him, an involuntary smile pulling at her lips.

Will felt jumpy around her tonight. He didn't really know what to do, but unconsciously broke into a grin and gave her a conspititive look, "Well... what do you recommend?"

AHHH! Not the dimples! She quickly collected herself and answered, "Well, I'm a chocolate girl, and I usually prefer a virgin mudslide-but that's a bit too feminine seeming for you..." He was surprised but pleased to hear that she-like her sister-didn't drink. "..but we've got a some good brew's on the tap, and some pretty good imports." she finished, handing him a list.

The air passing between them seemed a bit more friendly now. He quickly made the same selection as Charles.

"All right, comin' right up," and with that she moved to another area of the bar and went to work on their orders.

Will watched her work, hair pulled into a neat ponytail, T-sleeves rolled up to reveal her tanned shoulders... a mental image of her spinning chocolate syrup into a glass made him very happy that he didn't order a mudslide...

He observed her creating Janes pinacolada while chatting with a guy friend of hers, wishing he could hear what they were saying...

Henry Tilney, like many of her 'big bro's' had known Liz ever since they had all went began their freshman year of pre-grad schooling at DBU. Some of them went back all the way to highschool-but they were all close to her just the same. Liz was like a little sister to them-they all felt the need to protect her from the knaves and rakes of their sex. They'de all probably liked her at one time or another, but as a girlfriend Lizzy was proclaimed as unaccesible, so they had taken her in as one of their own. You're typical guys-best-friend.

They liked to hang out with her at Alli's, and dote on her-a favorite nickname was 'princess.'

Henry watched with curiosity the interaction between Liz and this Will-fellow. As she was next to him fixing drinks, he breached the subject.

"Hey... isn't that that guy who called you ugly, Princess?" Liz glanced over at Will and then back to Henry and arched an eyebrow. "Yes." she said tightly, but couldn't resist grinning at Henry.

Will noticed that she had glanced in his direction and wondered what she was saying about him...his gaze intensified.

Henry raised an eyebrow at her as if daring her to continue, but she looked down distractedly and then back up, "Yeah he's... he's strange.." she said, and then tried to busy herself in working. Her friend was very intrigued-he had never heard Liz stutter before. Henry regarded this Will... he didn't seem to think that she was repulsive at all, in fact, if he read that look right, then it was exactly the opposite. Hmmm, the boy's will have to keep an eye on that one..

He decided to conduct an experiment.

"Well Liz, I wouldn't worry about that," he grinned and took her hand, "I think your gorgeous!" He gave her hand a smaking kiss, and then glanced at Will to catch the reaction. What he met was a dark and foreboding look.

"Aw, Henry, you're so sweet!" Liz played along, although she didn't know his real motive. She reached over the counter and pulled him over for a kiss on the cheek. Henry then threw Will a look of immense satisfaction. Will's eyes grew wild for a second, and his jaw was clenched. This was evidence enough for Henry. Homeboy liked Liz. Interesting news actually, because rumor had it that Will was harboring homosexual tendencies, and actually had a crush on his good friend Charles Bingley. Perhaps he's just smart enough to know that if he didn't ignore everyone, girls would fawn all over him.. It was good to know that he at least had good standards.

Liz moved to take the drinks over to Jane&co. and Henry noticed she was carrying Janes pinacolada. Oh no! he thought, not the whipcream and cherry... but it was too late.

Elizabeth waltzed up to where her sister was seated at the bar, and distributed the beverages. She noticed with a glance at Will that he was not in the amiable mood he had been in a few minutes ago. He was almost scowling at her! This guy is like a Rubik's cube! You think you've got one face figured out and then you notice that there's six more and all of the sudden everythings screwd up and your nowhere near solving it...

She decided just to totally disregard him for now, he was only making her goosey. Turning her attention to Jane, she presented her drink, "You're pinacolada ma'am-complete with cream and cherry!"

Jane grinned-she only ordered the extra stuff on top because she knew Lizzy loved it-it was an old tradition that Liz would eat the top and Jane would have the drink. She sighed in mock-irritation, "Go ahead Lizzy.."

Liz produced a spoon and scooped a bit of whipped-cream off of the top, she and Jane chatted as she continued in this action..

Will was gawking. Doesn't she know how bewitching that is!?? He watched as she suckled the spoon in her mouth, and then dipped it back into the cream, giggling at something that Jane had said. Back to the mouth. Ahh! This is torture...

Henry and his friends watched this event. "We should tell her not to do that anymore. Its not good for the general well-being of innocent male bystanders," One named Edward commented. "Yeah, check out that guy near her, he's absolutely enthralled!," said Knightly. Henry smirked.

"Lets see how he reacts to the cherry!"

Meanwhile Will was in agony.. watching her soft red lips devour bite after bite of delectable cream was almost too much for him. He had never in his life fantasized about being a piece of flatware, but women can do strange things to men. God, what is happening to me...

Will attempted to draw his gaze away from Liz, but his eyes dishonored his wishes and stayed locked on her.

And then she picked up the cherry.

He wasn't aware that he was gawking, nor that his mouth was watering, or that there was a group of amused-looking guys studying him from across the bar. Will held his breath as she held the cherry next to her mouth for a moment, as if teasing it, and then giggled and said something to Jane. She brought it back up and amorously drew it into her mouth and sucked the juice out of it. Liz wasn't aware that she was being widely observed, but then, she never was. She bit the fruit off of the stem and indulged in it. Mmm... she loved cherries!

She was talking to Jane and Chaz about what they had done that night.

"Yeah, I even almost beat Will in a game of 8-ball," Charles was saying, "isn't that right Will...Will?"

But he was gone.

As Liz was in the final stages of devouring her cherry, Will decided that he couldn't take it any longer. I've got to get out of here... He spotted the restrooms in one corner and bolted.

Once inside a stall he leaned heavily against the door, breathing raggedly. "What is she doing to me!??" He didn't mean to say it outloud, and he hoped that nobody was listening. He raked his hands through his hair and tried to collect himself.

Unfortunately, Henry had dispatched Knighley and Bert to follow him and audit the situation.

Meanwhile, an odious and disgusting techie, Bill Collins entered the bar. His object of prey? That darling Lizzy Bennet...

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Posted on Monday, 17 June 2002

Ewwwwww.... its Billy!

Meanwhile, Bill Collins entered the bar. His object of prey? That darling Lizzy Bennet...

He oiled his way to the bar, eyes lingering disgustingly on any female he passed. Bill was greasy, obese and totally revolting. He was a student at Hunsford Tech, and the son of Mrs. Bennet's best friend, Eunice Collins. Of course the two were always trying to get one of the Bennet girls to date him, marry him, and unite the families, and unfortunately, he had his eyes set on the two eldest.

Upon entering the vicinity of the sisters, however, Bill noticed that Jane was obviously with someone, thus his attentions were completely fixed on Liz. Liz spotted Bill before he came into earshot and let out a curse under her breath.

"Dammit Jane, Billy's here.."

Jane's look was nothing but concern, "Oh Liz, please try to be civil..."

And then he was upon them.

He oozed into the chair that Will had earlier occupied and leaned across the bar suggestively (if possible) towards Liz.

"Hello Jane, Lizzy.. my don't you look..." (shameless once over) "attractive tonight."

"Why Thanks Bill." Liz answered flatly. "Would you like anything?" (and then quickly added), "to drink?"

"Actually I came here especially to see you... but I'll have a wine cooler." (the trashiest thing I could think of.)

Jane introduced Chaz, and Liz brought him his drink.

"You know Liz... I saw your mother the other day.. she was at my mothers house, you know, as their the best of friends... and she wanted me to let you know that she isn't getting any younger for grandchildren..." this was followed by a suggestive wink wink.

Liz was sickened, and Will chose that moment to re-enter the scene, overhearing the last comment.

"Excuse me," Will boomed from behind. Bill turned to look up at William, who towered over him, "I believe you are in my seat."

Bill just stumbled over a profuse apology, and took the seat next to it.

Liz looked at Will gratefully, and by now he was able to give a smile and nod of acknowledgment.. if not a bit tight about it.

Bill, almost catching this exchange, wanted to claim his territory and put a hand over the one Liz had resting on the bar. Caught up searching Will's eyes, there was a delayed pause before she noticed this, and when she did she snatched her hand away quickly. "Wow! Look at the time, my shifts over." And with that she stalked off.

The ride home was not particularly eventful. Jane and Chaz sat in the back, whispering and giggling, secretly infuriating their front seat passengers. Both Liz and Will felt that they wanted to make conversation with each other, but were at a loss for what to say; and so they rode in silence for the whole of the journey to Jane and Lizzy's apartment.

"My God, Jane, I cannot believe the nerve of that.... that..thing," Elizabeth gushed as soon as they set foot through the door "... you can't really call him a man, and most monsters are at least a bit more pleasant..."

"Now, Lizzy, Will's not so very bad!"

"I was talking about Billy Collins you idiot!"

Charlotte, sitting on the sofa and witnessing this scene, tapped her pencil thoughtful on her chin. "Billy Collins.... I've heard that name before.."

The two sisters ignored her and continued on "Oh, Lizzy, come now, he's Eunice's son, we must be civil to him!"

"Well then! I will be civil to him and nothing more!"

Charlie threw her pencil down. "Ah-ha! Now I remember."

The sisters looked at her incredulously. "Remember what?"

"Where I've heard that name before-Billy Collins. I met this girl Annie at an FLO meeting-she's real cool-she was telling me about how that guy Billy follows her around like a puppy just because her last name is De Bourg and her mother or someone funded the program that paid his scholarship... or something.... I don't really know, I just knew I had heard that name before."

Jane looked thoughtful for a moment, "De Bourg... I wonder if she could be related to Will-his aunt it our Dean of Admissions you know."

Lizzy snorted and rolled her eyes. Of course he would be related to Catherine De Bourg... she's probably the only reason he gets the grades he does.

Charlie and Jane continued chatting, "Yeah, I know, Annie can't stand her mother. She doesn't go to DBU, she goes to that tech school with Billy. Wanted to piss off Mrs. De Bourg by picking a less traditional female occupation. I think that's also why she's a lesbian."

"She's a lesbian? Does Billy know that?"

"Nah, I would think not. Or else he wouldn't follow her around goading her to go out with him all the time."

Lizzy, listening on, looked bewildered, "I can't believe I never thought of that before! Jane-next time Billy hits on me, remind me to tell him I'm a lesbian."

"But he'll tell Mama!"

"Oh, hang Mama! I'm sick of that imbecile!"

Will defititely does not like Liz

In class the next day, William definitely did not watch her. He did not watch her when she entered the classroom, he did not watch as she warmly greeted her friends and not him, he did not watch as she cleverly argued law with the professor, and he certainly did not watch her when she lazily tapped her pencil to her lips. He didn't make sure that he walked to 'their corner' and he positively wasn't disappointed when instead of slamming into his manmade wall, she breezed passed him with no acknowledgment but instead waved and smiled to someone else down the hall. No, he didn't. Unquestionably.

"Who the hell am I trying to fool?"

"No one."

Will swirled around. Damn, he'd said it out loud. He hated when that happened, and so he acted as if he didn't know what was going on.

"Pardon me?"

Henry Tilney smiled and suppressed a smile. Poor guy! "I said No one. You aren't trying to fool anybody... at least you don't appear to be a wag..."

William recognised him-it was the guy who was flirting with Liz! His Liz! ok, so she's not MY Liz.. but still...he was flirting with her "Ahh.. no I'm not."

"Oh, and you also aren't trying to fool anyone that you're sweatin' Lizzy Bennet.

We'll, not anyone who's watching anyway..." He grinned devilishly and sauntered off leaving a stunned and sputtering Will in his wake.

At first he stood there. Its apparent? You can tell? What did he mean, 'someone who's watching?'--he's watching Liz? Why is he watching her. Why is he watching me? He can tell? Oh no... can SHE tell...? Without noticing, he began to follow Henry. He didn't say anything, he was still trying to think of just what to say. He hated having a social ailment...

Of course, Henry was a clever guy, and he not only did he know Will would follow him, but this was confirmed when he glanced at his reflection in a window. But he did not turn around for a while, he just kept on walking until they had almost reached the parking lot, and then he said, without turning around, "She doesn't know, if that's what your worried about."

They stopped. "She doesn't?"

Henry turned around. "No, she doesn't. She thinks you hate her and believes her to be ugly."


There was a short silence as Will studied his shoes and Henry tried to think of a way to make this poor guy just a little bit more comfortable. He knew that Will really didn't have any friends save that Chaz guy; and being the nice guy that he was, wanted to try and prod him to become a bit more social. At length he said, in softer tones,

"Look. The only reason I know is because I studied you the other night at Ally's. I can tell you're worried about this, but don't be. Its just Liz's our little sister and we antagonize any guy who... you know.. likes her."

"I don't like her!" Will spat defensively.

Henry raised a questioning eyebrow. "So you ARE gay...?"

"NO!" He ran his hands through his hair, as he was apt to do when stressed and confused. "People don't actually think that, do they?"

Henry just bit his lip and gave Will the 'oh, you know it!' look. Again, Will raked his hair.

"You know, your hairline's going to recede much faster if you keep doing that." Will shoved his hands in his pockets, "what?"

Henry shook his head, poor nervous wreck.. he thought. This guy was so uptight! Smiling to himself he plunged in. "You wanna hang out sometime?"

Will just sputtered, so Henry amiably continued, "You know, get some beer, watch football-you do that right? Or, you know, we could study-I know you don't have a study group... lord knows how you keep up those grades..."

"Why don't you just study with Liz," Will said under his breath.

But Henry was determined. He was going to loosen this guy up if it was the last thing he... ok, well maybe not the LAST thing he did-but he was resolute! And so he continued in his easy, laid back manner.

"Liz? No good to study with. You never get anywhere-she moves too fast and cant understand why everyone else doesn't have a photographic memory like she does.. Oh, and I don't like her by the way, in case you were wondering."

Will looked up with a puzzled expression, and was about to say something when a pleasant redhead ran-up and linked arms with Henry. He smiled down at her as if lost for a moment and then turned back to Will.

"Cathy, this is Will Darcy, he's a law student who knows Jane and Lizzy." She nodded sweetly .

"Will, this is Cathy Morland, my girlfriend. We're off to dinner, its our two year anniversary."

As the strolled away, Henry turned for a moment, "think about it."

And our William was left in his usual confused, and rather stunned state.

Will defititely does not like Liz

In class the next day, William definitely did not watch her. He did not watch her when she entered the classroom, he did not watch as she warmly greeted her friends and not him, he did not watch as she cleverly argued law with the professor, and he certainly did not watch her when she lazily tapped her pencil to her lips. He didn't make sure that he walked to 'their corner' and he positively wasn't disappointed when instead of slamming into his manmade wall, she breezed passed him with no acknowledgment but instead waved and smiled to someone else down the hall. No, he didn't. Unquestionably.

"Who the hell am I trying to fool?"

"No one." Will swirled around. Damn, he'd said it out loud. He hated when that happened, and so he acted as if he didn't know what was going on.

"Pardon me?" Henry Tilney smiled and suppressed a smile. Poor guy! "I said No one. You aren't trying to fool anybody... at least you don't appear to be a wag..."

William recognised him-it was the guy who was flirting with Liz! His Liz! ok, so she's not MY Liz.. but still...he was flirting with her "Ahh.. no I'm not."

"Oh, and you also aren't trying to fool anyone that you're sweatin' Lizzy Bennet.

We'll, not anyone who's watching anyway..." He grinned devilishly and sauntered off leaving a stunned and sputtering Will in his wake.

At first he stood there. Its apparent? You can tell? What did he mean, 'someone who's watching?'--he's watching Liz? Why is he watching her. Why is he watching me? He can tell? Oh no... can SHE tell...? Without noticing, he began to follow Henry. He didn't say anything, he was still trying to think of just what to say. He hated having a social ailment...

Of course, Henry was a clever guy, and he not only did he know Will would follow him, but this was confirmed when he glanced at his reflection in a window. But he did not turn around for a while, he just kept on walking until they had almost reached the parking lot, and then he said, without turning around, "She doesn't know, if that's what your worried about."

They stopped. "She doesn't?"

Henry turned around. "No, she doesn't. She thinks you hate her and believes her to be ugly."


There was a short silence as Will studied his shoes and Henry tried to think of a way to make this poor guy just a little bit more comfortable. He knew that Will really didn't have any friends save that Chaz guy; and being the nice guy that he was, wanted to try and prod him to become a bit more social. At length he said, in softer tones,

"Look. The only reason I know is because I studied you the other night at Ally's. I can tell you're worried about this, but don't be. Its just Liz's our little sister and we antagonize any guy who... you know.. likes her."

"I don't like her!" Will spat defensively.

Henry raised a questioning eyebrow. "So you ARE gay...?"

"NO!" He ran his hands through his hair, as he was apt to do when stressed and confused. "People don't actually think that, do they?"

Henry just bit his lip and gave Will the 'oh, you know it!' look. Again, Will raked his hair.

"You know, your hairline's going to recede much faster if you keep doing that."

Will shoved his hands in his pockets, "what?"

Henry shook his head, poor nervous wreck.. he thought. This guy was so uptight! Smiling to himself he plunged in. "You wanna hang out sometime?" Will just sputtered, so Henry amiably continued, "You know, get some beer, watch football-you do that right? Or, you know, we could study-I know you don't have a study group... lord knows how you keep up those grades..."

"Why don't you just study with Liz," Will said under his breath.

But Henry was determined. He was going to loosen this guy up if it was the last thing he... ok, well maybe not the LAST thing he did-but he was resolute! And so he continued in his easy, laid back manner.

"Liz? No good to study with. You never get anywhere-she moves too fast and cant understand why everyone else doesn't have a photographic memory like she does.. Oh, and I don't like her by the way, in case you were wondering."

Will looked up with a puzzled expression, and was about to say something when a pleasant redhead ran-up and linked arms with Henry. He smiled down at her as if lost for a moment and then turned back to Will.

"Cathy, this is Will Darcy, he's a law student who knows Jane and Lizzy." She nodded sweetly .

"Will, this is Cathy Morland, my girlfriend. We're off to dinner, its our two year anniversary."

As the strolled away, Henry turned for a moment, "think about it."

And our William was left in his usual confused, and rather stunned state.

When Will arrived at his apartment that evening, there was a message blinking on his answering machine from his cousin Richard Fitzwilliam--

"-Hey Will! Its Richard... I just wanted to let you know that I'll be coming into town this Thursday to find a place and put a few things into storage there. I'll be staying with you so I just wanted to remind you so you can let your dear housekeeper know that my favorite food is Italian, that my favorite ice-cream, I like pink fluffy towels laid out on my be-" ---BEEP!

Will rolled his eyes. Oh, Yes. Here comes Richard all right...

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Will wasn't quite sure what to make of the semi-offer Henry had made him.. he wasn't sure if he had meant it or not. It made little matter though, as Will didn't expect to approach Henry and ask about it, and he certainly didn't intend to make himself look approachable in any way. He always tried to evade any human contact with people outside his secluded sphere. He would have no such luck, however. He was about to be invaded.

Two days later, Chaz went off with Jane for lunch, and William was obligated as was happening a lot lately, to eat lunch alone in the DBU cafeteria. He was then assaulted by Henry & Co.

Well, he sort of deserved it, sitting alone at a six top table.

Will was very uncomfortable. He was in the sitting at a table with four guys that he didn't know, one of whom he was... well actually sort of scared of. Henry could nearly see him trembling, so he decided to break the ice a bit. Hey, Will needed to loosen up some if he ever wanted to work with Liz, right? Plus, the big bro's had to check him out first, to make sure he wasn't in some underground drug ring, or a porn addict or anything freaky like that.

"Hey, Will."

(A quiet, "Hey.." in response)

"I saw you were all alone, so I figured you wouldn't mind if we joined you, seeing how the cafeteria's rather crowded today."

Will grimaced, but remember that these were friends of Liz (and Jane) so they were probably not going to be too bad. He would stick it out.

"Um.. Its fine."

"Cool," Henry replied, then turned too the others, "Hey guys, this is Will Darcy, he's a friend of Jane and Lizzy's."

A universal 'hey' was resounded from the group, and then Henry went around the table introducing the other four guys individually.

"This is George Knightley-he's studying business; Edward Bertram-we call him Bert though, wants to be a writer;" Will nodded to each of them taking in their appearance. George Knightly was very well dressed and kept, and looked almost formal in demeanor, while Bert seemed a bit more laid back with tousled hair and a lopsided smile. They nodded hello. Henry continued, "This here's Rob Martin, he's in agriculture and pretty much all he does is obsess about that girl over there, Har--" here Henry was interrupted by a "shut up man!" and a nudge in the ribs, which emitted some chuckles from the group,"--hehe, ok, and this is Ed Farrers, our slacker Law student, you probably recognise him from a class.."

Will nodded and managed to squeak out a, "Yeah, yeah I do." Even though he didn't really recognise the guy very much at all.

Ed smiled amiably, somewhat reminding Will of the serene Jane Bennet, "I don't know why I'm still in Law, I probably should switch to something easier where I only have to write very short papers...." He grinned, "these thesis's are killers."

They seemed like a friendly enough bunch, and Will was just beginning to relax and try and enter the conversation when a boom! of books hit the table, a chair was pulled up and a loud, lanky body crashed into it. The guy yawned, "Hey guys."

Henry smiled inwardly seeing Will's reaction-John Yates was just the sort of person who would give someone like Will a conniption fit. "Oh, Will, this is--" "--John Yates! Actor!" Yates finished up with a flourish. He thrust his hand across the table and shook Will's roughly, "Well, soon to be actor anyway, and director, he grinned.

Though Will had been not a bit startled by this newcomer, he had to smile.

These guys weren't bad (I mean, Elizabeth was friends with them, wasn't she?) and the more he thought about it, the more the prospect of becoming better acquainted with these people warmed up to Will. Plus, Henry had made it clear that in order to get to Liz, you had to go through the Big Bro's first.... not that he was trying to get Liz, though!

Though his tough reserve was hard to crack, the six amiable fellows were quite successful in drawing Will into conversation, for being absolute new acquaintances. By the end of a half and hour, he was no longer stuttering quite so badly, or glancing around nervously quite so much.

When it was time to resume their respective schedules for the day, the group split up, each of them expressing their satisfaction to have met Will, and hopes that they would see him around soon. Henry had given everyone the 411 on Will ahead of time, and they knew that he was someone quite different than the average Lizzy follower... and by astute observation by Henry and others, they had perceived that Liz treated him quite differently than anyone else. He was the only person who had ever made her nervous, he might be the one who would finally crack her shell of 'unavailable'ness. But he had a lot to learn-and do-before that would ever come about.

And he needed the help of the bro's for that.

Being that Henry and Ed Farrars were both law students as well, they walked to the next lecture with Will, and afterwards, asked if he wanted to shoot pool that Thursday. Will, who loved a good game of billiards and was quite tired of playing Chaz, inwardly wanted to accept.... but he was also apprehensive about putting himself in a social situation that might become difficult for him.. as almost all social situations were. Luckily, Richard was coming into town on Thursday.

"Well then how about Friday? And if your cousin's still around he can come too," Ed persisted, "That would make an even number."

Will figured that since Richard would indeed still be in town on Friday night, and would be asking Will to take him out and do something anyways, that it would probably be a good idea. It might be easier for him to go somewhere if Richard was there as well.

"Yeah," he said, to Henry and Ed's surprise, "Ok, that would be cool."

The two friends filled him in on the location of their favorite billiard haunt and let him know what time they expected to show up.

Then Ed expressed that he was going to be late for his sister's wedding rehearsal, and Will also noticed the time and ran home to hear from his dear sister Georgiana, whom he was expecting a call from.

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Posted on Saturday, 14 December 2002

"An Unexpected Happening" (or, the unexpected story of Mary Bennet)

Will also noticed the time and ran home to hear from his dear sister Georgiana, whom he was expecting a call from.

The Bennet apartment was similarly hearing from a sister, though in a very unexpected and disturbing way. And not over the phone either.

Lizzy paused her typing for the third time and listened to the knocking. Then she signed, hit save, and quitted her little office to answer the summons at the door. Why couldn't Jane have answered it? Was Charlie home? On moving through the apartment towards the front door, she noted that Jane was in the shower and Charlotte was not home.

Never bothering to use the peephole, she turned the knob and opened the door and....gasp..... "Mary!"

Mary Bennet, who had patiently (as patience is a virtue!) been waiting on the other side of the door, was not the rebellious type. She always heeded her mothers words, no matter how ridiculous and always listened to her father, whenever he chose to speak to her. She might not like what she had to do, but she knew it was her duty as their daughter to do what they asked of her.

This time they had gone too far. Ok... perhaps they didn't go too far, but everything had been building up for so long that Mary had finally snapped. And being that her only sensible sister's went to college only a two and a half hour bus ride away, she ran to them.

She had waited, patiently but with much trepidation; hoping--praying--that Jane would answer the door. Not that Lizzy wasn't a warm and loving sister. But Jane was always warm and loving under any circumstances, and she didn't know what sort of reaction she would receive from Lizzy considering the state in which she has abruptly shown up--without calling... and with her bags and trunk. But it was Lizzy, and not Jane who had heard her knocking.

"Mary!" she had gasped. It took Liz a few moments to formulate what to say next, "What on earth is going on?!?"

Mary thanked her maker for what happened next. Jane appeared out of nowhere, drying her hair with a towel behind Liz, and at the sight of her dear sister, flew past Liz and welcomed Mary into her arms.

"Mary! Oh it is so good to see you! Come inside and sit down-we'll get your bags-you must be tired. Oh, this is so pleasantly unexpected!"

She ushered Mary into their living room and then ran out to get her luggage, and getting Liz's assistance with the trunk, they had it all inside in 10 seconds flat.

Liz was still a bit shocked, but Jane moved right over too Mary, who was attempting to stammer out an apology and explanation, "I'm so sorry to be so abrupt about this, but I really couldn't--"

"Oh, its fine! I do wish you had called though, but you know we love to have you stay with us. I dare say, I'm worried you're becoming like Lydia with the way you packed, though-" Jane rushed. But Mary interrupted her.

"Jane you're mistaken. I do not want to visit-I've left home. I can't stand it there anymore-putting up with Lydia and Kitty and Mom without the two of you there has been unendurable, and they have all gotten a lot worse..."

Elizabeth registered all of this and joined her sister's on the sofa, "Do Mom and Dad know that you left, Mary?" she asked softly.

"No," Mary looked down, "They don't. I skipped school, packed up and left while they were at work. Mom should be home by now, but I doubt she'll notice my absence... its 6:00, so Dad should be arrive home soon as well.. whether he will notice or not... I do not know..." She looked on the verge of tears in voicing aloud both of her parents apparent disinterest in her, but she went on, "I would have called, but I was afraid one of you would called them and they would be right on my tail coming to fetch me home.... I do not want to go home. Jane, Lizzy, please let me stay.."

Mary was crying now, and Jane drew her arms around her, while Lizzy stroked her back.

Jane looked nervously across Mary's drooped head to Lizzy, a questioning look on her face that mirrored Liz's own face. How could they say no right now? "Oh.. of course you can stay sweety... we'll get this all worked out," she assured her.

"Yes, Mary... we've got... plenty of room..." Liz added, mentally trying to figure where Mary could possibly stay and be comfortable. The apartment was large--they had gotten quite a deal on it--and thought there were only three bedrooms per say, they had an extremely spacious pantry/storage/walk in closet deal/type thing that they had transformed into an office by removing the shelves and installing a desk which housed a Jane and Lizzy's desktop computer and Charlie's Laptop, and all of their paperwork. If Mary were to move in, they could easily move the computers too the other bedrooms and make a sleeping area for her... but this was all if in Lizzy's mind.

Once Mary had calmed down and her crying has ceased, (which was a surprise in itself, for neither sister had every seen Mary really cry) she knew that she would have to tell Jane and Lizzy what was going on.

She told them how Mrs. Bennet had gotten worse since their departure from home, of Mr. Bennet's negligence of her overall person, and the adolescent Kitty and Lydia's abhorrent behavior.

Since they had left school a year earlier, Mary realized that she didn't really have any friends. She had never tried to socialize, always burying herself into her school work and studies, figuring that maybe she would get some sort of recognition from her parents that way. The only people she had ever talked too were seniors who knew Jane and Lizzy and since they had all graduated she was left feeling very alone. Mary was born almost exactly 10 months after Liz, making them barely a year apart, and both being the academic over-achievers, Mary had also skipped a grade, making this year her senior year. Kitty was two years behind her, and Lydia was born as closely behind Kitty as Mary was to Liz.

The year that Jane and Liz had graduated, Kitty was a freshman, and this year, Kitty and Lydia were freshmen. ('Freshmore,' Kitty would no doubt correct..) Together they made Mary's school-life miserable. They refused to be acknowledged as her sister, they would trip her in the hall way, they had spread rumors about her, taunted her... the works. They were like two little demons, and they had tons of friends who were just like them.

If Kitty or Lydia got in trouble at school, it was Mary's fault. If Kitty and Lydia had a party and trashed the house, it was Mary's fault. If Mary had been home all night and her two younger sister's came home trashed from an evening out, it was Mary's fault and Mrs. Bennet would punish her instead of them. Mr. Bennet had thrown himself into his work since his two eldest had left home, and never took any domestic responsibilities anymore.

Kitty and Lydia seemed to purposefully hit Mary where it hurt the most, too. Being a reclusive type, her solace had always been found in literature, and she had always loved to read and write. Mary related to her eldest sisters how not two days earlier, Lydia had accidentally opened a bottle of soda in front of her bookshelf and it sprayed all over the place, effectively ruining most of her most precious books; and Kitty deleted nearly all of the stories she had been writing off of the computer that they shared. "It was running out of memory," she had said, but Mary knew it wasn't.

She had gone to her room that night, locked the door and wept. She got out an iron, trying to rescue a few of her most precious books by drying the pages...and then giving up, she moved to the notes she had scribbled down in her notebook on character development and plot structure for her latest story--scribbling hastily and trying to salvage it... but then she broke down again. All of her stories were so sad... and everybody died. For once she wanted to have a happy ending.. a happy life.

The next evening was the clincher. Billy Collins was in town that night visiting his mother, and of course... Mrs. Bennet invited Eunice Collins and her son over for dinner.

Because Jane and Lizzy were away, and Kitty and Lydia had run off too the mall at the prospect of dinner with Billy, Mary was going to have to face the disgusting, greasy, pompous Bill Collins alone. And that meant Mrs. Bennet was going to throw him at her.

The dinner was disastrous to Mary, but she bore it like a saint. She forced a smile all through dinner, she acted like she was attending Billy in conversation, she courteously nodded as he spoke of his noble patroness Mrs. De Bourgh, she even played the piano at his request and her mother's persistence. However, she did so with the intention of sounding very bad, and therefore played, "Mary had a little lamb", and sang it off key.

She hated putting on a show just to please her mother, and the way Billy had ogled her disgusted her beyond words. That the only reason he paid attention to her at all was because she was the only of her sister's available also pained her, as she was acutely aware that her mother did not think her to be as pretty as any of her sisters.

Lying in bed that night, Mary decided that she had had enough. She thought about it long and hard, and made a pact with herself that she would never go through another night like that ever again. When she thought about attending school the next day, she decided that she had had enough of that, too. And so she left.


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