Odpowiedzi do testu nr 1 typ B


  1. never < rarely < sometimes < often < usually < always

  2. a) I go to church often. / I often go to church./. b) Peter and Kate work in an office.

c) We work at school every morning. d) She goes to cinema rarely. / She rarely goes to cinema./.

e) Bill goes to school every day. / Bill everyday go to school./.

  1. John /He/ lives with his (younger) sister (Mary) and his parents.

He is /He's/ fifteen (years old).

Mary /She/ goes to school at 8 o'clock.

John's /His/ father name is /name's/ Peter.

Susan /She/ works in a library.

Their grandmother /She/ cooks dinners for them, because she lives next their house.

(Every Saturday) Mary / She/ goes to the cinema (every Saturday).

  1. teaches, flies, looks, listens, goes, works, has, studies, is, takes.

  2. a) She bought an car yesterday She bought a car yesterday.

b) Peter rarely go to cinema. Peter rarely goes to cinema.

  1. happy, beautiful, successful, famous, romantic, funny, excellent, silent /quiet/

  2. fast - car, boring - book, pretty - woman, old - man, tasty - meal, happy - day

  3. sister, husband, mother, father, brother, brother, son, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, father, aunt, uncle, wife, cousin, sister.

  4. I worked in India in 1989. I stayed in a small village for six months and taught in primary school. I got up at 6 o'clock and I worked from seven to five o'clock. In the evening I worked in the garden. Once day, I went to a shop to look for some new yeans. I tried on three pairs and I bought a pair of black jeans. Then, I came back to Poland.

  5. like - liked - liked

become - became - became

be - was/were - been

give - gave - given

know - knew - known

teach - taught - taught

take - took - taken

understand - understood - understood

send - sent - sent

put - put - put

recognize - recognized - recognized

run - ran - run

look - looked - looked

find - found - found

love - loved - loved

borrow - borrowed - borrowed

enjoy - enjoyed - enjoyed

have - had - had

  1. big - bigger - the biggest

excellent - more excellent - the most excellent

popular - more popular - the most popular

good - better - the best

funny - funnier - the funniest

bad - worse - the worst

fat - fatter - the fattest

intelligent - more intelligent - the most intelligent

long - longer - the longest

lazy - lazier - the laziest

sad - sadder - the saddest

shy - shier - the shiest

happy - happier - the happiest

fit - fitter - the fittest

  1. When did you go to Greece?

Who did James Bond /he/ kill?

Where did Sherlock Holmes /he/ live?

Where is Kate /she/ from?

What does Teresa /she/ like?

  1. Kate is watching TV at the moment.

Is she swimming in the sea now?

Is he going to work in London?

My parents are going to buy a new car.

My sister won't come to Poland.

Peter will study at university.

My son has tried a new game.

Have you ever climbed in the mountains?

Students have to go to school.

Children can't smoke cigarettes.

  1. travel /trip/, adventure, weather, cabbage, sausage, pasta /noodles/ , bread, vegetables, use, think, castle, well, dress, come, worse, understand, dark, young, older, younger.


  3. fourteen, nineteen, twenty six, thirty nine, fifty one, seventy three, eighty six, ninety three, ninety five, ninety eight, (one) hundred and two, two hundred and thirty.

  4. This is my younger brother. I was not at the cinema yesterday. I meet my friends every Sunday.

She often plays the piano. /She plays the piano often./. We bought a car last summer.

  1. small /little/, hate, father, daughter, moon, hard-working, night, light, white, aunt, short, young.

  2. It's eight o'clock.

It's half past nine. /It's half to ten. / It's thirty past nine. / It's thirty to ten./.

It's twenty five past eleven. /It's thirty five to twelve./.

It's twenty to two. /It's forty past one./.

It's ten to four. /It's fifty past three./.

It's five to seven. /It's fifty five past six./.

  1. Hello, from, Really, pictures, play, rock, take, your, don't, you.

  2. birth, childhood, youth, wedding, retirement, death, funeral.


0 - 40 - niedostateczny

41 - 80 - dopuszczający

81 - 120 - dostateczny

131 - 170 - dobry

171 - 190 - bardzo dobry

191 - 200 - celujący


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