Curriculum Vitae
Personal informations
Dominika Machnik
Więcławice Dw. 17
Tel: 507 611 593, (o-12) 388 51 24
nationality: polish;
date of birth: 09.07.1987
gerade: woman
I am especially keen to work as bartender or waitress or recepcionist.
3. Emplyment history:
01-31.09.2006- Apprenticeship in Hotel Matejko in Cracow (gastronomy and hotel rooms)
01-26.02.2007- Apprenticeship in Hotel Justyna in Cracow
(reception and hotel rooms)
15.06-14.09.2007- Apprenticeship in Pizzeria alla Piazza in Beilngries in Germany (restaurant and kitchen)
4. Education:
01.10.2006 (continuous)- Maołpolska Szkoła Hotelarstwa i Turystyki
2000-2006- Secondary Schools
1994-2000- Elementary School
December 2006- 1st level course of waiter-bartender
5. Languages:
English- pre intermediate
German- elementary
6. References:
Note from hotel Matejko - 6
Note from hotel Justyna- 5