What are Men to Rocks and Mountains

What are Men to Rocks and Mountains

By Caroline R.

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Author Note: The Alpine Club is an exclusive society to which only the best mountaineers belong.


Posted on Saturday, 2 July 2005

“I can't wait to see Charlotte again”, said Lizzy Bennet.

“Me too,” replied her best friend Jane Waters “I can't believe we haven't seen her for almost a year. We all had such fun together at our mountaineering course last summer.”

“I wonder if she's still with that William Collins. Do you remember him? Always carrying around a heap of reference books everywhere. I suppose he wouldn't even cut the rope without consulting the appropriate book first.”

Jane grinned but said: “I think you should give him a bit more credit. I remember he was always very alert on safety, and that can only be a good thing.”

“Not to the point of wearing a helmet in the supermarket, which I don't doubt he would propose if he got the chance.” Lizzy took the list of participants in their advanced course and studied it. “Well, he's coming again this year, so I suppose that means he and Charlotte are still together. So that's William, Charlotte, Lydia…oh my god, we won't be dull with Lydia around. I hope she won't pull off too many death defying tricks this time.”

“She may be a little over-enthusiastic every now and then, but I think it only shows a real passion for climbing.”

“Which almost equals her passion for climbers. Mark my words, one day she is going to get herself killed, or worse, pregnant.”

“And who else is coming?” Jane asked, desirous of changing the subject.

Lizzy returned to the list: “Nobody we know: Mary Bishop, Caroline Finney, and to up the boy ratio we have a Richard Colonel. Judging from their birth dates I expect we'll have a pretty homogenous group though. Oh, and this guide is not too old either: Charles Bingley.” Elizabeth smiled at Jane “The other one, Fitzwilliam Darcy, is the owner of the guide bureau by the way.”

“How do you know that?”

“From aunt Sophia.” Elizabeth replied “You've met the Gardiners, right? I can never thank them enough for taking me to the mountains when I was little. Anyway, when I asked if they knew our guides, Aunt Sophy said she remembered his father George Darcy who managed a bureau back then. He was a very well respected mountain guide apparently, but he died during an expedition in the Karakoram five years ago.”

“What a terrible thing for Fitzwilliam! And for his mother too.”

“Not really, she was already dead by then. More than ten years ago she fell off the kitchen steps, when statistically you'd expect a more exciting finale from a member of the Alpine Club.”

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Chapter 1

“Hurry up, Lizzy, we don't want to be late.”

“We've still got plenty of time” Lizzy stuffed a fleece jumper in her bulging rucksack, then tried to close it. “Oh, no! Have you seen my ice axes?”

“Behind you.”

Lizzy sighed in relief and attached them to her pack. “I'm ready, let's go.”

Not surprisingly Lizzy and Jane were the first to arrive at the meeting point. They took a sip of water and waited for the others. Soon they distinguished a blurb of orange coming their way.

“That must be either Mary or Caroline. At the risk of sounding shallow, what a hideous jacket she's wearing!”

“She might have chosen it for other qualities than aesthetic value.” Jane soothed.

“Or perhaps she's counting on a helicopter rescue and wants to be clearly visible in a snow storm.”

“Over here!” Jane waved to the stranger, who approached them and inquired: “Advanced with Darcy and Bingley?”

Lizzy replied: “Yes, and nice to meet you, too. I'm Elizabeth Bennet.”

“Caroline Finney.”

“I'm Jane Waters, how do you do?”

They never found out, because her answer was drowned in the screams of a Charlotte Lucas who professed great joy in beholding her friends. She was followed by William Collins who was struggling with a huge backpack.

During the obligatory exchange of raptures Jane thought that the new kid looked a little forlorn on her own, and good-naturedly engaged her in conversation. She soon found that Caroline thought very highly of her shiny new equipment and superb climbing skills, up to a point where it left Jane a little mystified as to why she would need to follow a course at all.

Soon they were inundated with eager participants and were very busy getting acquainted with Mary, who seemed a little stiff, and Richard who appeared to be a very nice guy. Lydia was loudly welcomed in as befits an old friend, and she immediately began recounting her numerous adventures, of different kinds, to anyone who would hear. “This one time, at base camp…”

The last to arrive were their two guides, eerily punctual. After the introductions Charles Bingley chatted with as many of them as he could, and he seemed eager to get to know his students. Fitzwilliam Darcy was occupied programming his GPS, a very worthy pursuit of course which Caroline observed with interest. When he was finished he declared they ought to start their ascent to the hut, and so they went on their way.

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They hiked through a dense pine forest and the wide track allowed them to catch up on a lot of gossip. When the trees became scarce they suddenly felt the heat of the sun which was out in full force. After another hour they were all getting hungry and thirsty and began looking for a good place to have lunch. They found a nice spot beside a brook where large rocks afforded shelter from the blazing sun.

At the end of the lunch break Lizzy went to refill her water bottle in the stream. She couldn't help but overhear the guides who were sitting a little away from the rest.

“…such a nice group of enthusiastic climbers!” Sounded like Charles Bingley.

“Just your average ignorant, loud, obnoxious amateurs if you ask me.” Unmistakably Darcy, she thought.

“Surely not all of them. Take Jane Waters for example, I talked to her on the way and she is very knowledgeable.” (And pretty, but he wasn't going to admit that.)

“She might be. It would be a miracle indeed.”

“And her friend Elizabeth seems just as talented.”

“She looked like a dense cow to me.”

Elizabeth fought the urge to Moooo! loudly.

“If it wasn't for the fact that I have to evaluate you,” Darcy continued “I wouldn't even be on this course. I can't wait to get back to training guides and leading expeditions.”

Lizzy thought: “Well, well, Mr High and Mighty scorns the hand that feeds him!”

When Jane heard the story she wouldn't believe it at first. “A cow? He really said that? You must have heard wrong, Lizzy.”

“It would hardly be better if he had called me a tense crow, would it?”

“I still don't believe he meant it that way.”

“Yes who knows, maybe he likes cows, then it's a real compliment.”

The others thought it was hilarious, and took to Mooooo!ing as close to Darcy as they dared for the rest of the day. He looked rather disturbed by it after a while, and Lizzy doubted it would improve his opinion of the group, though she cared very little.

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Right after Mary had a little breakdown and Jane coached her up again, they finally caught sight of the hut with its bright red shutters, and that boosted morale enormously. Lizzy, Richard, William and Charlotte made a run for it and immediately claimed the best places in the dormitory.

When everybody else was settled in they drank a cold beer and took in the breathtaking view. The hut was next to a small crystal-clear lake and surrounded by magnificent peaks.

During their first dinner William bored everyone with tales of the wonderful Catherine de Bourgh. “I have known her all my life, and she has taught me everything I know about climbing.”

“In a spare minute,” murmured Lydia under her breath.

William continued: “She is a most distinguished member of the Alpine Club.”

“Order of Merlin, First Class.” Charlotte added. It was a safe way to express her true feelings about her boyfriend's beloved mentor since she was sure William wouldn't get the joke. Indeed he observed the hilarity that ensued with a puzzled look.

Charlotte explained: “I was just stressing how well regarded she is amongst her equals.”

He looked somewhat relieved but not totally without the suspicion of something fishy going on. He desperately sought to impress them and said: “In 1987 Catherine de Bourgh climbed Mount Everest without oxygen.”

Lizzy thought about it and said: “Maybe she breathes nitrogen. Some lower organisms do, you know.”

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The next day everybody would have woken up with real excitement if it hadn't been four o'clock in the morning.

“Whose bright idea was this again?”


“Remind me to push him off a ridge today.”

Still they managed to get dressed, sort their gear out (which they should've done last night of course) and stuff some breakfast in at a very decent rate. The only person who acted cheerful was Charles so everyone, with the possible exception of Jane, hated him.

They set off rather grumpy “I think I will be needing my eyes today, Lydia, so could you try not to poke them out with your axe?” but melted a bit when they watched the sun rise from behind the ridge.

After they had crossed the glacier they stopped to take the crampons off their boots. Lizzy noticed that Jane fumbled with her laces and was looking a bit pale.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“I just feel a bit sick,” she said “it must be from the early breakfast.”

“Do you have a headache too?

“Yes, because I didn't sleep very well” Jane responded.

“I think you need to go down, Jane. You have too many symptoms of altitude sickness.”

“Oh, no, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.”

“I'm going to talk to Charles.”

He came immediately, looked at Jane and asked her some more questions. He looked concerned and pulled out his first aid kit to give her a painkiller.

Lizzy said: “I think Jane and I should go back to the hut.”

“I'm coming with you. It's my responsibility.”

“You don't have to, I think we can manage.”

“Three is safer on the glacier.” And Lizzy knew he was right. If she fell into a crevasse, how was Jane going to get her out in her condition?

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They said goodbye to the rest of the group and got back on the rope. With every meter they descended Jane was getting better. When they arrived in the hut she went right to bed, and Lizzy and Charles sat by her side until she fell asleep. They checked on her occasionally, and when she woke up she was feeling so well that she got out of bed and sat with them in the sun.

She apologized profusely for making them turn back and miss a day of climbing, but Charles quickly set her at ease. “There's no need to feel guilty, it can happen to anyone. Just give yourself some time to adjust to the altitude, and hopefully you'll be fine tomorrow.”

He then complimented Lizzy on her discernment and quick logic in making the diagnosis. Maybe I'm not so dense after all, she thought with a wry smile.

Charles proposed they make the most of their time by studying the map and planning a few tours. Lizzy and Jane showed a great deal of experience in their approach and they only needed an occasional hint from Charles to work out some fine rock and snow tours. They had just decided which one they were going to propose for tomorrow when the rest of the group returned.

“You guys are pretty early. Did you summit?” Lizzy asked Lydia.

“Yes we did. Thanks for leaving us alone with Darcy by the way,” she whispered “he's a real slavedriver.”

Charles turned to Fitzwilliam: “How was the snow on the glacier?”

“It was getting quite soft already. Another hour in the sun and some of the snowbridges would have become unstable.”

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During dinner Charles sat next to Jane and wanted to made sure she ate well. He even offered to get another dish from the kitchen for her, because he thought she didn't like the standard plate for that day.

In fact, nobody's appetite was very good because William entertained everyone by reading out loud the chapter on altitude sickness from a book called Rock Safe.

“Can I have a look at it later?” Mary asked when they had finished eating.

“I could not possibly part with this volume, for I had it personally autographed by my good friend the author, Catherine de Bourgh. I do have another copy with me that you may borrow.”

“Isn't that the book with all the gory pictures of climbing victims?” Lydia asked.

“Yes, it makes you want to stay at home and take up knitting.” Lizzy said.

“Or tennis.” And Caroline's look betrayed how she felt about people who played tennis.

After the table was cleaned they folded out the maps, and Jane and Lizzy presented their rock tour for tomorrow. Everyone agreed on their proposal, apart from Caroline who complained it wasn't difficult enough.

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Later that evening Jane, Lizzy and Charlotte took a little walk.

“Doesn't Catherine have any children of her own that she can project her obsessions on?” Lizzy asked.

“She has a daughter,” Charlotte responded, “but Anne never climbs because she is afraid of heights.”

“Poor girl.” Jane said.

“Yes, I feel sorry for her. When we go to the crag all she does is belay other people.” Charlotte continued “I think Catherine was a very good alpinist in her days, but after she witnessed her husband's fatal accident it seems she got obsessed with safety to the point of becoming a real control freak.”

“I can't imagine what it must be like to see the person you love die before your own eyes.” Jane said.

“I hope I never find out.” Lizzy stated.

“Then you shouldn't climb, or you shouldn't love.” Charlotte said and threw a pebble in the lake.

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Jane felt a lot better the next day and they reached the base of the rock without delay. Lizzy felt a rush of excitement and she couldn't wait to feel the rock under her hands. When finally it was her turn she climbed the first meters with intense focus and felt utter happiness. Then she looked around and took in the beautiful panorama.

“If only I could do nothing but climbing for the rest of my life.” she thought and started humming a tune. She climbed with ease and was surprised to see her belayer Charlotte appear smiling above her already.

She soon reached the narrow ledge and secured herself. She took over belaying from Charlotte and signaled down for the next climber to come.

They looked around and saw two people at another pitch. Jane was belaying Mary who was still only a few meters from the base, and Charles was watching Jane and talking to her.

“It seems to me Charles is showing a bit more than just concern for Jane.” Charlotte said.

“I don't know, it could be. They are just getting to know each other.” Lizzy replied.

“I say she'd better make a move on him before the end of the course.”

“Are you kidding me? When Jane doesn't even know how she feels about him, and besides how could you expect Charles to compromise his ethics as a guide?”

“He'd be the first to let that stop him.” Charlotte grinned “Just remember he probably has another course full of pretty girls after this one.”

Before Lizzy could answer they were interrupted by the arrival of William. Lizzy asked if she could climb lead next, and of course they made no objection.

While she was collecting carabiners from them she playfully said: “And I won't have you distracting Charlotte when she's belaying me, William.”

“Okay,” he said “then I'll just have to kiss her now.”

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They were the first to reach the top and Lizzy nibbled on a muesli bar watching the rest arrive. It soon got very crowded on the small space and they were eager to rappel. Lizzy efficiently fixed the ropes under the watchful eye of Darcy and then volunteered to go down first so she could get away from him.

When she came close to the end of the rope she was glad to find what seemed like a good bolt in the rock. She placed a piece of metal (called a nut) in a small crack and made sure it wouldn't come out under stress. Then she connected the metal string of the nut and the bolt to each other and attached herself to her new anchor. Now it was safe to disengage her harness from the rope, and she yelled up for the next person.

It turned out to be Darcy of course, coming to inspect her work. He pulled at the bolt and closely inspected the nut placement, but if she expected any verbal approval she was wrong. She would have to be content with the fact that he clicked in his carabiner, so apparently he found it worthy to trust his life with.

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That evening Richard taught Lizzy some chords on an old guitar he had found in a corner somewhere. Some of the others were playing a noisy game of blackjack, and Darcy was reading a back issue of a climbing magazine which are always lying around in a mountain hut. Caroline was looking over his shoulder and tried in vain to engage him in conversation. “The Himalayas! Oh I would love to go there!”

She tried again: “I'm sure you have been there, Fitzwilliam?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Did you climb Everest? I'm sure you did, how could one go to the Himalayas and not climb her!”

“In fact I didn't. I found it a bit too busy.”

“Surely you've climbed K2? Good old K2!”

“I have not had the pleasure.”

“But you must have climbed the Kangchenjunga then.” Not that Caroline was so very sure of that, but she couldn't resist the opportunity to drop a long and difficult name.

“It's Kachenjunga” Lydia interrupted.

“No, Kinchinjunga” Mary stated. “K-I-N-C…”

“I always thought it was Kangchanjanga.” Charlotte said.

“Perhaps there are different ways to spell it, and they are all correct.” But nobody heard Jane.

“According to Catherine de Bourgh it is `Kangchen Dzonga” William decreed and he considered that the end of the discussion.

Richard didn't think so, and added: “I heard it's Kangchanfanga.”

Lizzy looked up from the guitar. “Charles, help us out here. Surely you know which one it is?”

“Actually Jane was right.” he said and sent her a little smile “There are about twelve variations of the name for this mountain.”

“And we climbed all twelve of them.” Darcy added and went back to his reading.

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The next day Lizzy was partnered with Richard and she didn't mind that. At all. Because he was a really good climber, she told herself.

They made good progress together, and when they reached the third pitch there was time for a short break.

Lizzy took a deep breath and asked: “So, do you have a girlfriend?”

“No, because I'm attracted to men.”

“Eep!” Lizzy said “I should have known you were too good to be true.” and she smiled.

“Hey, don't worry, you're a really nice girl. You can have any man you want.”

“Well, on this holiday the eligible bachelor count just went down to zero.”

Richard was counting on his fingers: “William and Charlotte, Charles and Jane, Darcy's taken? Are you telling me little Caroline got lucky?”

Lizzy burst out laughing: “Hell, no! I wasn't even thinking about him. Why would I want such an arrogant bastard?”

“Because he's A: hot and B: a guide? Or maybe it's the other way around. If I didn't get sub zero on my gaydar I know I wouldn't mind a..”

“Stop it!” Lizzy cried, laughing.

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When they were about twenty metres from the top Darcy told everyone to turn back. They were extremely disappointed and stared at the clear sky looking for clues.

“Today the weather is fine, but when it goes bad it often takes more courage to go back than to continue.” Darcy stated “So you'll have to get used to the feeling that you can't always reach the summit.”

They looked at each other in amazement. Lydia muttered `sadist' under her breath and Charlotte whispered to Lizzy: “You know who he reminds me of? That guy from Seven Years in Tibet who walked through the sand painting.” And they both laughed.

Then they talked some more about Seven Years in Tibet, other people joined in, and soon everyone felt a bit better.

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When they arrived at the hut they quickly put their backpacks in the dormitory and freed their feet. Then they went to sit outside to enjoy the nice weather with a beer.

Charles was talking with Jane. “It was all Lizzy's fault, you know.” said she, and immediately caught Darcy's attention “Her aunt and uncle made her so enthusiastic about the mountains, and they advised her to do a youth course for beginners. But she didn't want to go to alone so she practically begged me to sign up too. I was a bit worried I would be scared, but it turned out to be very exciting and lots of fun. We've been climbing partners ever since and I have learned to love the mountains. They are so impressive and peaceful, don't you think?”

Caroline interrupted them: “I've only been climbing for a few years, and here I am in the advanced course already!”

“It's amazing how many young people become mountaineers these days” Charles said.

Darcy replied: “Amongst those who call themselves alpinists are many who have only paid a lot of money to be dragged up a famous peak. I do not know many people who really deserve the title.”

“Neither do I” said Caroline, looking disdainfully at Lizzy. She only smiled and said: “You must expect a lot from a real mountaineer then.”

“Of course” cried she “A true alpinist must not only greatly excel in rock and ice climbing, glacier tours and backcountry skiing, but must also posses superior knowledge of equipment, navigation, rescue techniques, first aid and meteorology.”

“Still these are only superficial skills, which must be embedded in years of experience” Darcy added.

Caroline was a little taken aback and reconsidered her earlier effusion. “When I said `a few years', I was only being modest of course.”

Lizzy quickly hid behind the map to look for the compass that was in her pocket.

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They all went back inside when dinner was ready, and after a hearty meal they took out the maps and Richard, Jane and Charlotte discussed some options with Charles. Darcy was observing an unsuspecting Lizzy, who was absorbed in a book. This irritated Caroline to no end, so she addressed her in a smug tone: “What are you reading, Elizabeth?”

“It is called `Tender Pursuit' I believe” replied she.

“But you can never be sure, since you violated the integrity of the novel by ripping off the covers. Wouldn't you agree, Fitzwilliam, is that not quite shocking?”

Before Darcy was enough recovered from his reverie to think of a suitable answer, Lizzy replied: “Actually it's Lydia's book and most likely she tore the covers off herself to save a few grams in her rucksack. Besides, I do not believe there is much integrity in Harlequin Romance novels one could compromise anyway.”

Darcy deigned to look mildly amused while Caroline prepared for a strategic retreat.

“I'll see that now” Richard said, grabbing the book from Lizzy's hands.

“What on earth are you doing?” she cried as she watched him dangle it in the air.

“I want to see on which page it falls open. It's always the smutty bits! See, I know you girls. Here we go…” Richard continued sotto voce: “Virginia's eyes were shining with lust as she dove into his ready arms. He devoured her mouth with his demanding tongue and pressed his muscled frame against Could someone please play the guitar, light some candles? her fragile body. She sighed: Oh Robert! We must not…

“have children” Lizzy interrupted.

“forget our therapy appointment” said Charlotte.

“leave the gas on” supplied Jane.

“be anatomically correct” Richard cut in.

“go mountaineering” Charles added. All hoped that indeed, they would not.

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Chapter 2

After they had toiled up the glacier for about an hour, Darcy pointed to a row of clouds on the horizon and said: “There's bad weather coming. We're going back to the hut.”

They were very quiet on the way down, and after they arrived at their refuge everyone sat around the table.

“Right,” Darcy said “apparently not one of you saw those clouds coming for a whole hour.”

Everyone looked ashamed under his stern gaze, there were a few whispers and Caroline looked like she wanted to hide under the table.

Lizzy was silent. She'd spotted the clouds as soon as they left the hut, but she wanted to climb so badly that she had wrapped her mind around thinking they were getting smaller and further away, when in fact they were growing closer.

“You should realize that climbing with a guide gives you a false sense of security.” Darcy continued “We have to teach you how to climb independently, so from now on I expect responsibility from everyone.”

Then he rubbed some more salt in. “If anyone had said something about those clouds when we left the hut, you could have all gone back to bed right then.”

That still sounded like an attractive option, but alas! they got a meteorology lecture until noon. When they dared to peek out of the window they saw the wind chasing snowflakes around the hut.

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At lunch everyone felt tired and bored, and Lydia kept whining about the morning's event.

“You thought that was bad?” Charles said “At guide training he dragged us out of bed in the middle of the night to practice a crevasse rescue.”

Darcy looked up. “It's in the training manual.” he said.

“The `101 Ways to Annoy the Hell out of People' training manual?” Lizzy asked, and realized she was pushing it.

Darcy grinned. “That would actually be a good subtitle.”

Then their attention was drawn by the entrance of four snowy figures, who turned out to be handsome young men once they had removed a layer of clothing.

“He's gorgeous, did you see his jacket?” Lydia said with awe.

Lots of winks and smiles flew to and from their table before the guys left to take their packs upstairs. They hurriedly finished their lunch and then rushed to follow them to the dormitory like bloodhounds on a trail.

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They found them busy getting settled and sorting out their climbing gear, and everyone was eager to get acquainted.

“I'm Carl Denny, how do you do?”

“Well, we were pretty miserable until you guys showed up!” Lizzy joked.

“George Wickham. I'm glad we braved that snowstorm so we could brighten your day then!”

“I'm Viktor Pratt.”

“Can I call you Vicky?” Lydia asked.

Another head came out of a backpack. “I'm Robert Chamberlayne, nice to meet you.”

“Robert?” They all collapsed into fits of laughter, and amongst the howling “Oh Robert! We must not…” was heard several times plus a lot of “bleep bleep bleep!” noises from Richard.

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Lizzy and George were soon chatting away like old friends, and when the others went back down they both invented a reason to stay behind in the dormitory.

“I have to check my rope.” Lizzy said and began to let fifty meters slide through her fingers in a slow and steady motion, looking for minor damage. Meanwhile George was pulling the laces out of his boots. The conversation had turned to their earliest climbing experiences and Lizzy told him about her aunt and uncle.

George said “I was taught to respect, fear and love the mountains from a very early age by my father.” and took a small tin of grease out of his backpack. “Unfortunately he died five years ago in the Karakoram.”

Lizzy gasped. “Just like Fitzwilliam Darcy's father! Did they know each other?” she asked “Was he on the same expedition?”

George looked surprised and seemed to freeze a bit. “I had no idea you were so well acquainted with the Darcys' family history. But yes, it was the same expedition.”

“I heard this from my aunt. Fitzwilliam has never spoken to us about it.” she said “But you don't know him?” she asked, because she could not remember they had acknowledged each other.

He looked doubtful. “I used to, but we are not on speaking terms anymore.”

“Well, I don't blame you. I know I wouldn't want to, but I have no choice but to tolerate his arrogant snubbing for a couple more days.”

George looked pensive and, smearing the grease, said: “My father was a guide, he worked for George Darcy's bureau many years and they were great friends. Fitzwilliam and I never got along, and after the funeral we each went our separate ways. My greatest ambition in life was to honour my father and become a guide, and I would have succeeded if Fitzwilliam had not crossed my path again and gotten me kicked out of guide training on some imaginary claim.”

“But how? and why?” Lizzy asked.

“His father was on the examination board, so he knows all its members well and they wouldn't mind doing him a favour. I think he has always been jealous of me, because I am the better climber.”

Lizzy was speechless with indignation and rage.

George continued “He sure knows how to pull the strings, and I would be surprised if he even had to take the exam himself.”

“I had no idea the system was so corrupt!” Lizzy exclaimed.

“Rotten to the core. His mother might as well have sewn the guide badge onto his baby clothes.”

Lizzy laughed at the image and asked “So did you decide to pursue another career?”

“I chose to become a goatherd. It may be humble work, but I find it satisfying in many ways.” He had finished rubbing the leather and he put the grease back. “I know I could not survive an office job, without my precious mountains surrounding me day and night, giving me strength and soothing my distress.”

Lizzy complimented him on his noble feelings, and wondered if she would ever find the courage to make the mountains her first priority in life.

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The next day thankfully the weather was fine again, and early in the morning they paused on the ridge to practice their map and compass skills in the field.

“Except the people with a GPS of course.” Caroline said and flashed hers around for everyone to see.

She was promptly serenaded with `Material Girl' and Charles kindly though firmly said: “I'd like you to pay attention anyway. While the batteries of a GPS may run out, a good compass will not fail you so easily.”

“Catherine de Bourgh strongly opposes to all newfangled digital equipment,” William said “so she advised me to use this altimeter.” and he pulled out a beautiful museum piece.

Mary took it one step further and renounced all materialism. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains, from whence cometh my help.

“It's not help, it's helicopter.” Lydia said.

“Is it?” Mary asked, and started to look it up.

Lizzy asked: “Would you turn to Luke 3:5 please? It's of great doctrinal importance.”

Mary was only too happy to oblige. “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low… What?! That's blasphemy!” And she was an atheist.

Lizzy turned back to Jane and they discussed possible routes to the top.

“That one looks good.” Jane said, pointing up “Following the crack.”

“I'd rather take the direct route.” Lizzy indicated a flat rock surface.

“You'll find that a little bit above your head.” Darcy interrupted.

“But I would like to try!” she said, afraid her fun was getting spoiled.

“Then you may.” he replied to her amazement.

“Well I guess he just wants to see me fail” she thought.

She turned to Jane. “If I lead, do you think you can handle it?”

Soon Lizzy was six inches deep in trouble. She desperately needed to place a nut, but that meant she would have to hang on one arm. Her muscles felt terribly sore and she was afraid they would not hold her much longer.

“You think I'm gonna give up? I will not give you that satisfaction.” And she found the willpower to give just that little bit more so she could place the nut.

“Climbing is a mind game.” she thought.

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“Well done, Lizzy!”

“That was a fabulous move you made at the ledge.”

“In Catherine de Bourgh's book…”

“Rock Face.”

“It's called Rock Safe, Elizabeth.”

“I meant it more as a warning.” Lizzy said, picking up a boulder and idly toying with it in her hands.

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They were sitting in the corner bench studying the maps when the four guys arrived back from their tour.

“Come and sit with us!” Lydia invited them, and said to the others “Move over, we'll fit.”

They all tried to squeeze in, and George didn't mind getting a little closer to Lizzy.

“God, you smell!” she exclaimed.

“You smell too.” George replied and that wasn't any less true.

“Everybody smells.” Richard said.

“After we get down to the valley, I'm going to treat myself to two shower coins.” Charlotte declared.

Lizzy was inspired. “Let's dip in the lake!” she proposed.

“You'll catch pneumonia.” Mary said.

“We're young and healthy, what could possibly happen to us?” George said with a lot of flair.

“So you're game.” Lizzy concluded.

George realised he was busted. At least he got to see Lizzy in her underwear, he thought.

“Yes, let's go!” and he tried to sound enthusiastic.

Then everybody declared they were going to jump in the lake. The closer they got however, the less eager they seemed. In the end most of them were only going to wash their feet and cheer on Lizzy, George and Caroline. But when the latter put her foot in the water she changed her mind and declared it was only for smelly people.

Lizzy and George were already up to their knees in the ice-cold water.

“Time to separate the boys from the men!” he spoke dramatically.

“Excuse me?” Lizzy said with mock disdain.

“And the women from the little girls.” he added and splashed Caroline.

“1-2-3!” And they dove in. Lizzy felt the cold water biting at her skin and she was gasping for air. She heard George yell “Aaagh! My (…) are freezing off!” And they were out again in a sec.

They were much applauded and cheered by their fan club, and Lizzy roughly wiped herself dry with a fleece jumper. Her skin was red and tingly, her blood was pumping like mad, but she felt fresh and invigorated.

When they came down from the dormitory to eat their dinner Charles was sitting alone at the table. He said: “Fitzwilliam will be here soon. He's swimming a few laps.”

And everybody ran to the window.

“What the (…)!”

“Holy (…)!”

Caroline smiled. “Hey George,” she said “Let's separate the boys from the men!”

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Lizzy was standing on the edge of a crevasse, and she looked down to admire the way the light played on the surface of the snow.


And she threw herself into the icy depths.

“Are you dead?” Charlotte yelled down.

“Absolutely!” Lizzy replied “Could you take this body to my parents, please?”

“Only if you lose a few pounds first!” was the answer.

Lizzy's unfortunate condition did not stop her from having a lively conversation with Richard, who was hanging next to her in the crevasse.

When Charlotte had constructed a pulley she began to haul her up, and Lizzy was able to help her a bit by scrambling up the ice wall. Still it was hard work for Charlotte and when she had dragged Lizzy over the edge she let out an exasperated “Phew!” and lay down in the snow.

“Hey, thanks for getting me out.” Lizzy said.

“I thought about leaving you there, but it's just not environmentally sound.” she replied.

A short distance away Darcy was watching Caroline convincingly bleed to death.

“Before I go…” she uttered with great difficulty.

“…I want you to know…”

Her face contorted with pain.

“…that I always…..”

And he walked away.

Lizzy had just started on her own pulley when she saw Darcy approach.

“Better get it done as quickly as possible then.” she thought and set to work with great concentration and amazing speed. Soon she had finished her pulley and began hauling up her victim, who was not co-operating very much.

She glanced at Darcy, but he was still there. Not wanting to show how much effort it cost her Lizzy hauled with a serene countenance and put in double strength despite earnest protestations from her muscles. She made it seem as if she were pulling up a bag of flour, instead of forty, and even tried to whistle a tune. Next to her Lydia hauled up the skinny figure of Mary, and was cursing and moaning for two.

Lizzy thought she did spot some amazement on Darcy's face when big and heavy William appeared on the edge. She felt exhausted, but somehow managed to greet her victim with a cheerful: “Hi there, I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long.”

Charlotte dramatically exclaimed: “Oh William! You're saved!” and overcome with emotion she threw herself into his strong arms and sobbed her little heart out.

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When Lizzy and Jane entered the dormitory they were surprised to find it had been turned into a massage parlour. William looked as if he didn't really like the way Charlotte was moaning under Richard's skilful hands.

In fact the whole place looked like a cross between a harem and a lunatic asylum, with people scattered around the dormitory in various states of undress, including Lydia “What! Are you leaving tomorrow, Carl? Ooooww! Yes right there!” and Robert Chamberlayne wearing a bra (probably hers).

“Here, fill `em up!” Lizzy said, and threw him a pair of smelly socks.

“Urgh!” he said and threw them back at her “You know, size isn't everything.”

Richard watched the exchange with interest. “Hey Lizzy,” he said “when I'm finished with Charlotte, can I persuade you?”

Her aching muscles screamed “Yes!” and she agreed after only slight deliberation.

Then George caught her eye. “Allow me.” he said with a twinkle.

Lizzy thought that wasn't such a bad idea either and proceeded towards… “Aaaagh!!! Lydia! Get your crampons out of the dormitory! You know it's dangerous!”

“Yeah, later.” she said lazily.

“Do it now or I'll throw them out of the window!”

“But I'm not dressed.”

“I'll take them down to the hallway,” Jane said “I was leaving anyway.”

After grumbling, cursing and foaming at the mouth Lizzy soon forgot about it with George's help. She soon forgot about pretty much everything except his slick touch.

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They were sitting around the table after dinner engaged in various forms of entertainment that had been popular before the television era, such as pleasant conversation.

“So our next expedition will be to the Cordillera Apolobamba.” Charles told Jane.

“Isn't that in the Andes?” she asked.

“Yes, it's a remote mountain range in Bolivia.” he replied “We'll try to do a first ascent and open some new routes.”

First ascent! The thought of climbing a mountain that nobody had ever stood on made Lizzy's heart skip a beat, and she dreamed of being immortalized in such a way.

William asked: “Charlotte, when was that again, when your father met Edmund Hillary?”

“A few years ago, at the 50th anniversary of the Everest ascent, William” Charlotte answered, looking a bit tired. She turned to the others and explained: “My father is a journalist and he got to interview him at the celebration.”

“And he received an signed copy of Edmund Hillary's autobiography!” William exclaimed “Do you have it with you, Charlotte?”

“Uhm, I'm afraid not.”

“Which is probably wise, for one would not like to see it tainted even in the slightest bit. Still I cannot help but feel that everyone here must be very disappointed.”

Lizzy turned to Jane and whispered: “Do you think he's only seeing her because her father met Hillary?” and they stifled a laugh.

She then decided to get her camera out of her backpack to make some group pictures, because who knows, one of them might be famous one day. When Lizzy went up to the dormitory nobody was there, but there was something. Something was different and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She stared at the rows of mattresses, the blankets, the scattered clothes and equipment, and then it dawned on her: George's backpack was now standing beside hers, when previously Robert had been sleeping next to her. When she followed the trail she found that Robert had changed with Carl, and Carl with George. It seemed a lot like a conspiracy.

Lizzy looked at the new sleeping arrangements and smiled. “I don't think so, George!” And she quickly swapped places with Jane.

When she walked back with her camera she passed Richard getting thoroughly snogged - “Oh Robert!” - in a corner of the hallway.

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The next morning Lizzy dreaded to see George again. But it seemed he was in a decent enough mood anyhow and when their eyes met there was a look of `no hard feelings' on both sides, and they parted as friends.

When Richard and Robert took their leave all the slashy girls went “Squee!”, William looked as if he saw pigs fly and Caroline turned green, which contrasted very nicely with her jacket.

Tomorrow they would descend to the valley again, so it was their last chance to do a really hard rock tour. Soon they were all climbing with great spirit and they did credit to their training by showing how much they had improved.

After the second pitch Jane and Lizzy were standing on the belay and talked about Jane's favourite subject.

“Charles is” she sighed “very nice.” and she looked dangerously in love. Quite dangerously in fact, because she slipped off the narrow ledge and hung in her harness to the anchor.

Lizzy pulled her back up. “He likes you, duh, it's pretty obvious!”

“Are you sure? Do you think he'll call me after we get back?”

“You know what they say about single guides in possession of a good phone….”

A couple of well-sized rocks flung past them, and one bounced off Lizzy's helmet.

“Lydia! Watch out for that loose debris!” she yelled up “Or should I call a helicopter for you right away?”

“Yes please!” was the answer “That would be utterly cool!”

“If you damage my rope I'll make sure you're out before it gets here!”

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During the tour planning everyone had claimed the lead on the most difficult pitch, but when they arrived there very different sounds were heard.


“This is tough.”

It was a flat stretch of wall with a long thin crack and an overhanging roof next, and Lizzy couldn't wait to get her hands on it.

Darcy was staring earnestly at the rock and she thought he was probably going to lead himself to save time, but he turned around to the group and said: “Elizabeth will lead. She is by far the best climber.”

Everyone was amazed at this unexpected compliment, the first in the whole course actually, and Caroline gripped her axe and looked ready to kill.

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It was the last night of their course, and tradition required that everyone got plastered. Even Charles loosened up after a while and felt that maybe he didn't have to evenly distribute his attention for this once. He went to sit next to Jane and told her a great many things that made her smile and blush.

The others were doing generally silly things, singing “Ain't no mountain high enough!” at the top of their longs, knocking over each other's beer, telling absurd stories (“Oh and this one time, at base camp…”) and Darcy was stoically watching it all.

After Mary had finished butchering Edelweiss he stood up and said: “Charles, we still have some paperwork to do.”

Charles reluctantly left his fair lady's side and followed him out. Lizzy watched him go with real pity. “Poor Charles is getting evaluated. Well, good luck mate.” she thought.

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“To keep me from youuuuuuuuuuuu!”

“Watch my beer, dude!”




“Hey Richard, can you do `Oh Robert!' again? Pu - lease?”

“Next year we're all gonna climb the Kansjenjunka together.”

“The Konchintanga!”


Lizzy went outside to catch some fresh air and then decided to sit down against a large rock to look at the stars for a while. “I'm going home, and I will miss the mountains,” she thought and stared into the void.

She was startled by a familiar voice. “No, I'm not saying you behaved inappropriately as a guide, but it should end here. Don't call her.”

Two dark silhouettes had passed her by.

Lizzy was so shocked she sat frozen to her spot until she saw them enter the hut. She had no doubt about who they were and whom they had been speaking of.

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“He told me about his family and his brothers and sisters and about where he lives and he asked if I had ever been there and when I said I hadn't he said he hoped I would go there one day and see how beautiful it is. Oh Lizzy!”

She was sitting in the deserted dormitory with Jane and felt extremely depressed. She wondered if she should tell her what she knew and crush all her hopes.

Her mind was spinning: “But what if Charles ignored Darcy and called her anyway?”

“Then he would probably lose his job.” she pondered.

“Maybe he wanted to work for a different bureau already, and this would be the last straw.” she thought hopefully.

“But what if Darcy had really convinced him that Jane wasn't good enough?”


“Or maybe?”

She would have to sleep on it.

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Chapter 3

On the first part of the descent the path admitted only one, and the group meekly walked down in single file with the pale and dazed look of a kindergarten class with a hangover.

Someone recognized the place of the lunch break on the first day, and they paused there for the sake of nostalgia. Lizzy was unhappily reminded of what she'd overheard Darcy say.

“Ignorant loud amateurs.” He regarded them all as such, and therefore Jane was not good enough for an excellent guide like Charles.

“I'd rather train guides and lead expeditions.” By all means, take your arrogant face out of here! Go irritate other people with your insufferable presence. Things would have been so much better without you on this course.

She smiled wryly and thought: “I might be a cow, but I don't believe you're human either.”

A little while after they had entered the pine woods Lizzy noticed she had a tiny stone in her left sock.

“I'd better not get a blister, even if this is the last day,” she thought and stopped to take her boot off. She told the rest to move on without her, but Darcy, who was covering the tail of the group, stopped by her side.

“You'd think I can't even walk through the forest without a guide!” she thought. “Maybe the stench from my sock will do the trick and scare him off.”

Though it was utterly distasteful to the point of revolting, Darcy stood his ground after she'd taken off her left boot. She had just seen the last person disappear around the corner when he addressed her in a serious tone.

“I have noticed that you are an extremely talented mountaineer.”

She was more than astonished and wondered if the sock odour had made her hallucinate.

He continued: “Your climbing shows great promise and the glacier experience you have displayed is extraordinary for a tourist. Your judgment in various difficult situations has been excellent and, taking into account that you are only an amateur, I believe you would greatly benefit from taking your mountaineering skills to the next level. In short I would like to invite you to join my expedition to the Cordillera Apolobamba.”

Lizzy couldn't have been more surprised if he had made her an offer of marriage. She had no intention of accepting either though.

She quickly finished lacing her boots, stood up and exclaimed angrily: “Why the hell do you think I'd want spend another day in your company!? Let alone go to the other end of the world with you? I can't wait to get away from you and hope I never see you again after today!”

And to make her point she briskly walked off, leaving Darcy looking quite astonished and hurt? I mean did he even have feelings? she wondered.

He quickly caught up with her and demanded in an urgent tone: “Would you mind explaining why you dislike me so much?”

Now Lizzy had been angry, but she was white hot and fuming when she heard that.

“Do you have to ask?! You think any sane person would actually enjoy getting insulted, belittled and humiliated by you? Or what kind of freak do you take me for? You've made it very plain that I am beneath you as a mere tourist and that you are doing me a great favour in making this offer, so I'm sure you won't have any difficulty in finding a professional to fill my place. There is no way I'd stoop so low as to follow you anywhere, especially after you forbade Charles to associate with my best friend! You've ruined her hopes and crushed a loving heart, though you might not know what that is!!!”

There must be steam coming out of my ears, she thought when she had to stop raging to catch her breath. Darcy said nothing and she continued.

“And if your arrogant and manipulative behaviour to us hadn't been enough to make me hate you, George Wickham told me how you sabotaged his attempts of becoming a guide!”

“What!?” he exclaimed.

“You never thought the dirty tale would get out, did you?”

They had almost reached the rest of the group and she lowered her voice. “He told me everything: how you used your influence with the examination board to kick him out of guide training, that you were jealous of his climbing talent and the fact that you got your badge through corruption and nepotism.”

She ran forward to attach herself to Jane and felt a wave of sadness wash over her.

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From: Fitzwilliam Darcy
Subject: Explanation

“How did you get my... oh the application form. Explanation? You're gonna explain why you're such an (...)ing (...)hole? Some whiny tale about finding your mother at the bottom of the kitchen steps?”


Elizabeth, after much deliberation I have decided that I cannot let your accusations go unanswered, and I hope you will do me the honour of reading my defense. Two cases you have laid at my feet, one far more grave than the other: The interruption of a holiday fling pales in comparison to allegedly wielding power and corruption in a respected institution.

I had noticed from early on that Charles was, let's say, enchanted by your friend Jane. I knew his head had turned at many a pretty face, but since he behaved in such a manner as I expect from a guide I thought nothing of it. Only the last night I noticed he let his guard down and allowed himself to be ensnared in her nets, so I decided to interfere. I warned him against blemishing his reputation as a guide, if he were to make a habit of entangling himself with his clients, and advised him against acting on his infatuation. Still, only when I pointed out to him that her feelings would be no more than admiration for his status did he take my advice. Even if you claim to know her differently at heart, I can say I have noticed nothing of it in her behaviour. Nor have I ever come across a case where such a relationship worked out in the long run. Have you?

Secondly, your accusation regarding George Wickham I have to say quite baffled me. I cannot imagine with what kind of story he has imposed on you, so I have decided to lay out everything I know about the situation. Since it involves my family in quite a painful manner I trust your discretion and confidence in this.

George Wickham is the son of a very well-respected guide who worked for many years for my father. They were the best of friends and went on many expeditions together, including one to the Karakoram five years ago that proved fatal for them both. Though I had great respect for his father, I have always known George to be a reckless climber and show-off and would not have much to do with him as a consequence.

However when he showed up at guide training after his father's death I sincerely hoped he had outgrown his wild years and was ready to learn the responsibilities of a mountain guide. I was spared the awkwardness of having to train him myself, since my sister Georgiana entered the same year. It is a circumstance I have since learned to regret.

As part of their training George was ice climbing with my sister, and he belayed her while she led. He wasn't paying attention when she made a sudden fall, he let the rope slip and she fell all the way to the ground. She was very fortunate to get away with two fractured legs and a broken wrist, and not sustain any spinal cord injury. According to the doctors, the accident might as well have left her paralyzed or dead.

Georgiana has made a full recovery after extensive surgery and rehabilitation, but it appears the psychological damage was equally great. She doesn't trust the rope and hasn't climbed ever since, and the fear of never becoming a guide adds to her distress. I further blame George for never apologizing to my sister; in fact he did not even send so much as a card all the time she was in hospital.

She decided not to press legal charges because she wanted to leave the events behind her as soon as possible. However the safety board investigated all witness accounts and compiled a full report, and George was banned from taking the guide exam as a consequence of the outcomes.

To confirm my story the report S7428 is available for your perusal.

If this information offends you because of an attachment to George Wickham, I can only say that I am sorry, but I hope you will give me the benefit of the doubt for your own safety at least.

Fitzwilliam Darcy

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Lizzy had half a mind to request the file from the safety board, but then thought that if he really had that much influence he could have put anything he wanted in it. But if that was true, why would he worry his sister couldn't become a guide?

Why would George lie to me? one voice asked. To get into your Mammut Chamonix pants perhaps? another voice said. Darcy implied he had noticed them flirting and thought they were seeing each other, and Lizzy believed she might have considered it if he hadn't pulled that trick on her, and had just asked for her number.

So why am I protecting him again? she thought and let her mind wander.

George, arriving in a snowstorm. That wasn't heroic, it was plain stupid.

“We're young and healthy, what could possibly happen to us.” What person in their right mind, let alone a serious mountaineer, would ever say such a thing? And if what happened to Georgiana was true, it was terribly cruel as well.

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Lizzy was cycling to Jane's place, thinking about remote mountain ranges.

“Right now I could have been in the Cordillera Apolobamba, maybe even doing a first ascent.”

But then she thought: “No, of course not. Darcy would certainly claim the glory for himself, or with Charles perhaps. I'd have to be glad to get more acknowledgement than a porter.”

When she arrived she thought Jane looked like she had been crying.

“What's wrong?” she asked, but could have guessed.

“I was looking at the holiday pictures,” Jane replied “and …Charles ... he still hasn't called me and now he must be in the Cordilleras and I worry about him! What if something terrible happens to him?”

Lizzy sadly wondered: Does he deserve being worried over by a loving woman he abandoned?

But surely he would have called her if it hadn't been for Darcy! she excused Charles and directed all her anger towards his employer.

She asked Jane: “Is there anything I can do?” Besides telling the truth, Lizzy thought, but that would hardly make her feel better.

Jane shook her head.

“How about Seven Years in Tibet?”

“I wanted to watch it,” Jane said “but I lent my copy to Erica!” and she burst into tears.

“Come here, it's gonna be okay.” Lizzy comforted her “I'll get my tape from home, buy Toblerone on the way and then we're going to watch Seven Years in Tibet together. And you can pause and rewind as often as you want.”

“At the tailor.” Jane sniffed, and she looked a bit happier already.

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After the movie *sigh* they fought over the last Toblerone and Jane asked: “Do you know if you want to go skiing with us yet? Charlotte, Mary, Lydia and Richard already said they were coming, only William isn't sure if he'll have time.”

“I think it's a brilliant plan, but I'm afraid I won't be able to come.” Lizzy replied “My aunt and uncle just invited me to go ski mountaineering with them and we're going to make a long tour from hut to hut.” and with a smile she added “Besides, I'd drive you all crazy wanting to go off-piste all the time.”

“It's just that I'm always afraid of avalanches.” Jane said.

“And so you should. Be very afraid. It's what keeps us alive.”

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Lizzy was walking up a steep slope on her alpine touring skis, and the climbing skins attached underneath them prevented her from sliding back down.

“On the other side of the pass is -- -- Valley.” aunt Sophy said.

“What Valley?” Lizzy asked, thinking she heard wrong.

“-- -- Valley. The white spot on the map.” And uncle Fred kindly pointed it out to her.

Soon they had reached the pass and Lizzy took in the magnificent panorama that unfolded before her. Imposing peaks and snowy ridges surrounded a picturesque village down below, and she thought it looked like a little piece of heaven.

“It's just like it was twenty years ago, isn't it, Fred?” aunt Sophia asked, taking off her skis.

“Yes, I'm glad no ugly flat buildings or ski slopes have ruined it.” he replied.

Lizzy thought: “I think I wouldn't mind living here!” and pulled a skin off the ski base.

“Oh Lizzy,” her aunt said “You know the Darcys are from -- -- Valley, right?”

The thought of meeting Darcy in the bakery dampened her enthusiasm to take up abode in the village quite a bit.

“I didn't know that. Do we have to go all the way down into the valley?” she inquired anxiously.

“No, the hut is open in winter.” and aunt Sophy pointed to a stone building perched on a protruding rock high on the snow covered west slope.

“Phew! because well uh we don't want to lose a lot of altitude meters.”

Shortly afterwards they had all removed the climbing skins and they started skiing the short descent to the hut.

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When they arrived there they were heartily welcomed by the hut guardian.

“Hello, I'm Mrs Reynolds, did you have a good day?”

They told her where they had come from and talked about the weather, and then they went to find a place in the dormitory. After drinking a large mug of hot chocolate Lizzy remembered she wanted to adjust her ski bindings, and asked to borrow her uncle's multitool. When she had located her skis amongst many she turned around and stood face to face with Darcy.

She was shocked and he seemed equally surprised. She tried to think of something appropriate to say.


It was all she could think of.


She thought she must look pretty stupid with her skis and multitool in her hands, and he didn't look too comfortable either holding a bent ski pole.

He must think I'm chasing him or something, she thought and said: “I had no idea you lived here.”

He looked at her strangely. “Uhm actually I live in the village.”

“Oh well of course that's what I meant.” she rattled on. “I mean who lives in a hut? You'd have to be crazy. Not that Mrs Reynolds is crazy of course but”

“No, she's not crazy.” and he walked away.

Let's put this in the dictionary under `awkward', Lizzy thought. She quickly adjusted her bindings and went back to her uncle and aunt in great confusion.

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She tried to concentrate on the map but couldn't get her eyes to focus. Her thoughts wandered to Darcy and what he must think of her. But then she recalled that hadn't appeared his usual confident self, and he had seemed as embarrassed as she was. What could be the meaning of this?

“Lizzy, what do you think of this route?” he uncle asked, and she turned her attention to the map again.

“Elizabeth” she was startled and looked up to see Darcy standing by their table.

“You forgot your multitool.” and he handed her the gadget. She gratefully accepted it and felt her shame rise to an all time high.

“You're so distracted, Lizzy!” her uncle laughed “And thank you very much.” he addressed Darcy.

To her amazement he introduced himself to her aunt and uncle. He was surprised to hear that they had met his father when visiting -- -- Valley twenty years ago, and he was soon invited to sit at their table. If he had ever felt above any tourist Lizzy could discern nothing of it now. He was eager to get acquainted with them and they discussed the area and the weather. Lizzy said very little, but she was glad her uncle and aunt showed a great deal of experience and common sense.

As he rose to leave he invited them to eat dinner in the kitchen with Mrs Reynolds. Lizzy was speechless for a moment at the great honour bestowed upon them, and was glad her uncle accepted for them. Only guides and locals eat in the kitchen, she thought and added, and maybe people who are invited by someone who is both.

He turned to her. “I think Charles Bingley will be very happy to see you again, and I would like to introduce my sister Georgiana to you.”

She was pleased, surprised, and only then she noticed that he wasn't wearing his guide badge. Right, so he's not at work.

After Darcy had left she excused herself and lay down in the dormitory to think. She had insulted him, falsely accused him, not to mention scorned an incredible offer and still he was nice to her. And it seemed more than politeness, for he actively sought her company. She had no idea how she felt about that, but she knew it wasn't as repugnant a prospect as it had been to her once.

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After freshening up with cold water at the sink they solemnly proceeded towards the kitchen. Lizzy self-consciously stopped on the threshold and peeked into the inner sanctuary of the mountain hut. She was recognized by Charles, who loudly acknowledged her and welcomed them in. She introduced her aunt and uncle to him, and they seemed to get along very well.

Then Darcy and his sister came in, laughing and covered in snow, and Mrs Reynolds good naturedly scolded them for leaving a trail. After the introductions they sat around the kitchen table to chat over a beer, trying not to mess the maps. Lizzy talked with Georgiana about ski touring, and found that she was just as enthusiastic about it as herself.

Then she noticed Charles turning to her and taking a deep breath.

“And how are all your friends?” he inquired of her.

Before she could answer her aunt said: “Poor Jane! Is she still pining away over that guy she met on holidays?”

Darcy suddenly had an attack of GPS programming, and Charles stared at a peak called Jane on the map. Lizzy knew not what to say but: “uhm yes” and quickly changed the subject.

“Where are you heading tomorrow?” she asked, and it turned out they were going to take the same pass to the next valley.

“Why don't we team up then?” Georgiana eagerly exclaimed, and everybody thought that was an excellent plan.

“Better get those maps from the table.” Mrs Reynolds advised “Dinner will be ready in a minute.”

Soon they were busy inserting carbohydrates and Georgiana told Lizzy with her mouth full: “Fitzwilliam said you're one of the most promising mountaineers of this generation.”

For some reason that made her feel all warm and fluffy, and she stole a shy glance at him. She wanted to ask about the Cordillera Apolobamba, but it would just be too awkward. At least she knew they had come back alive.

Georgiana was relating the day's events. “...and then I fell on my ski pole and it was all bent!”

“It's straight again.” Darcy said and Georgiana thanked him heartily.

He is so nice to his sister, Lizzy pondered, and then she thought about the lazy brat that was her elder brother Kip. “Make sure you get yourself killed this time!” he always said when she went off to the mountains. Well, she thought, he was just jealous because she could beat him in arm wrestling. Somehow she had an idea that was not going to be so easy with Fitzwilliam. When had she started to call him that in her mind anyway?

*Bang!* Georgiana had put her foot on the table. She rolled up her pant leg and said: “And this is where my ice axe went in.” She was pointing to an ugly scar and they watched in morbid fascination.

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After dinner Lizzy and her uncle volunteered to help Mrs Reynolds with the pile of dishes, while the others did the tour planning. The hut guardian washed in a hurry and chatted away.

“We -- -- Valley people always stick together, and any friend of the Darcys is a friend of mine, you know.”

I'm his friend now? she thought.

“So when did you two meet?” she asked Lizzy.

“At an advanced course last summer.” thinking this revelation would probably affect her status in the eyes of Mrs Reynolds.

“Oh! You're such a lucky girl! Normally he doesn't have time to run courses himself. You were so fortunate to benefit from his vast experience as a guide!”

We didn't feel so very lucky with the arrangement at that time, she thought. But now she began to doubt those sentiments. Hadn't she learnt more in that one course than in all others before that combined?

“Because he's always so busy you know. Training guides, all those expeditions, and the work he does for the conservation of the valley,...”

Lizzy looked very surprised and Mrs Reynolds explained: “He's very actively involved in opposing development projects that would ruin the pristine nature, just like his father did for many years.” she continued “and he's very passionate about promoting eco-tourism in the region.”

Just the idea of Darcy being passionate about anything was new to her, but she felt that she began to see him in a whole different light. If I had all this important work, she thought, would teaching a course to a bunch of raving lunatics be on top of my agenda?

After the dishes were done Mrs Reynolds offered them all a round of spirits. And another one. Things got merry in the kitchen, and Lizzy couldn't help blushing under Darcy's gaze.

What on earth is happening to me? she thought.

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The next morning they left early and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful scenery, the good weather and each other's company. With all their experience and common sense, the Gardiners noticed something in the landscape that nobody else did: two people who desperately tried to deny falling in love. When they reached the pass they sat down for a break, and Lizzy heard her aunt and Darcy discuss the clouds on the horizon.

“I don't think they'll be here before nightfall.” she said.

He agreed and said: “We still have plenty of time to reach the hut safely.”

Lizzy smiled, and returned to fumbling with her mobile, because she wanted to talk to Jane. “It seems I don't have reception here either.”

“You can use mine if you want.” Darcy said and gallantly held it out to her.

A satellite phone! Wow! Phonetunately, no fortunately Lizzy could keep herself from drooling over it like Caroline would have done.

“Oh, no, it's not urgent.” she said quickly “I just wanted to know how Jane is doing.”

Oops. Too late. Charles had already burned himself with hot tea from his thermos flask.

Her aunt and uncle were talking with Georgiana over the map when Darcy approached them. “If you want to summit, go ahead.” he said, pointing to a rock peak on one side of the pass “Georgiana and I can stay here for a while.”

Georgiana looked up and quietly said “I think I'd like to try it.” to their amazement.

After several “Are you sure?” “Are you sure?” they prepared for the memorable climb. Darcy led and he took great care to take the easiest route for his sister to follow. When he had reached the top he anchored himself and prepared to belay her.

After a hug from Lizzy Georgiana tentatively started the first few meters. She moved slowly but deliberately and with a certain grace, and Lizzy thought she could see a great climber shining through her insecurity. Several times she started to tremble and tightly grabbed the rock, but she overcame her panic and courageously continued the ascent.

Finally she reached her brother on the summit and, overcome with joy and relief, she let out some monkey noises and Titanic quotes.

Lizzy climbed after aunt Sophia and when she arrived at the top she found her and Georgiana talking animatedly, and apparently the topic was still movies.

“Fitzwilliam got me a copy of Seven Years in Tibet when I was in hospital, and I watched it like a million times.” Georgiana said.

“Oh, I thought it was a nice film as well.” aunt Sophia said “The scenery was very beautiful, and of course it was better than Vertical Limit.”

Georgiana laughed. “What could be worse than Vertical Limit?”

“Guess what, I have reception here!” Lizzy exclaimed “And two text messages.”

“Cliffhanger? Hahaha!”

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Chapter 4

Posted on Sunday, 21 August 2005

The text messages were from Jane, asking Lizzy to call her, urgently.

“I'm sorry to be rude,” she said “but I really have to make a phone call.” It wasn't like there was somewhere else she could go either on the small summit.

“Hi Jane.” She had reached her immediately.

“What?!” Lizzy exclaimed.

“Have you called Mountain Rescue?”

Darcy looked up.

“Of course, I'll come as soon as possible.” She put the phone down and told her aunt and uncle, who had just appeared on the edge: “Lydia's gone missing. She went ice climbing with” - she remembered Georgiana just in time - “someone she knew and didn't tell anyone where they were going. Jane really wants me to come.”

“Of course we'll go too.” her aunt and uncle said simultaneously.

“If we move quickly you can still catch the train.” Darcy said and pointed to the tracks in -- -- Valley.

“Okay, let's go then.” Lizzy said.

Darcy told Charles they were going down, and he had finished building the rappel before Lizzy even thought of it. He let Georgiana down first with calm encouragement, and shortly afterwards she had reached the pass safely. Her aunt and uncle went next, and Lizzy and Darcy were left alone on the windy peak. He was silent, and Lizzy thought he must be remembering how silly and ignorant her friends were. When she prepared to rappel he suddenly looked her straight in the eye. “It was George Wickham, wasn't it?”

She only nodded, and with every meter she descended she felt she was getting further away from him, further away from his regard. Not only was he reminded of the idiots she called friends, now he must be remembering how she had shamelessly flirted with George in the hut.

When they reached the pass they quickly put their skis back on and put the ropes in their backpacks. They started skiing down with Darcy in front and Bingley closing the ranks. If there had not been an emergency, Lizzy would have enjoyed the exhilarating ride through pristine powder. They moved fast, and Darcy chose their route with care. She watched him intently and could not help feeling jealous: I wish I'd grown up in the mountains, she thought, then I could ski like that.

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When they arrived at the edge of the village Darcy looked at his watch and said: “I think you can still make it.” They quickly took off their skis and Darcy, Bingley and Georgiana left theirs against a fence. The latter said something to Darcy and ran away. Darcy and Bingley had picked up Lizzy's and her aunt and uncle's skis and poles, for which they were very grateful. Although she was a very good skier Lizzy's knees were weak from the wild descent.

They hurriedly walked a short distance through the village and arrived at the station. The train was waiting and so was Georgiana, who gave them their tickets and told them where to change trains.

“I'll pay you back!” Lizzy said through the window.

“Never mind!” Georgiana answered, and the train started moving.

Lizzy looked at Darcy, who was getting smaller and smaller until he disappeared around the corner. Her heart grew dark and cold as the train rode into the night, and into the storm.

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They had contacted Jane and she was waiting for them at the ski resort with no further news, good or bad. They decided to go up to the apartment first and when Lizzy walked in she said hello to everyone, but didn't receive any answer.

People have different ways of dealing with stress.

William was quoting everything he could find on snowstorms, ice climbing and avalanches from his favourite volume.

“Stop it! You're driving me crazy.”And Charlotte was trying to keep him from doing just that.

Mary was meditating on the balcony.

“She's a Buddhist now.” Jane explained.

Richard was listening to his discman while painting his toenails black.

For the funeral? Lizzy wondered.

They quickly put their things away and went to find a quiet place to talk.

“Please tell me everything that happened, Jane.” Lizzy implored.

“Well,” she said “we were all in this bar when suddenly the door flew open and George Wickham came in. We were very surprised, because he was dressed as a ski instructor. I thought you said he was a goatherd?”

“In winter goatherds shed their fur and become ski instructors.” Lizzy explained.

“Oh.” Jane replied. “Well, he came in and offered us a beer. He seemed to get along quite well with Lydia, and the next morning she was gone. She only left a note saying she was going ice climbing with George for three days, and we've heard nothing ever since.”

“When did you call Mountain Rescue?” her aunt inquired.

“They were supposed to return yesterday, and so I contacted them this morning. They searched until the bad weather came, but there was little chance of finding them when they don't know where to look.”

“Could George's colleagues know where he might have gone?” uncle Fred asked.

“They're not climbers so they said they had no idea. Actually they were rather angry at him for leaving abruptly without getting his classes covered.” She looked desperate and tired, and aunt Sophy gave her a hug. “I'm so glad you're here now.” Jane added.

“We'll do everything we can to help.” uncle Fred assured her.

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The next morning the storm had died down temporarily and as soon as it was light the helicopter took off. They hoped against hope that Lydia and George would be located before the storm started raging again.

Jane, Lizzy and her aunt and uncle sat in the Mountain Rescue ground control office drinking strong coffee and trying to decipher the radio messages. When they looked out of the window they saw the bad weather approaching fast.

“I'm afraid we'll have to abort the search very soon.” the operator informed them.

They felt their hopes sink and turned to each other with a defeated look. Lizzy prayed that Lydia and George had packed emergency rations, but considering the impulsive nature of both she doubted it.

Suddenly the operator turned to them. “They've been found!”

“Are they alright?!” Lizzy exclaimed, but she was quickly shushed by her uncle.

The operator turned back to his job and could soon inform them that Lydia and George appeared unharmed, but they would still be transported to the hospital for observation. They fell into each others' arms with relief.

It was then decided that Jane and aunt Sophia would inform the others and stay with them while Lizzy and uncle Fred went to the hospital in the valley.

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When Lizzy had found Lydia's room the doctor just came out.

“Is she alright?” Lizzy inquired anxiously.

“Yes, she's fine.” The doctor smiled at her. “I just did a complete check-up. Your friend was very lucky. I've..” Then she got paged and ran away.

When Lizzy entered the room Lydia gave her a conspiratorial look. “That doctor who was examining me, I swear she's a lesbian!”

“Oh, come on. Get over it.”

“What are you doing here anyway?” Lydia asked.

“Jane asked me to come because she was worried sick about you.”

“Oh, she really shouldn't have, I knew we would be okay. The route just took a bit longer than we thought and then all of a sudden we were in the middle of a snowstorm, but I was sure we would get rescued.”

“Lydia, listen to me!” Lizzy yelled “You didn't let anyone know where you were going, you overestimated your climbing skills and you didn't see a storm coming for half a day. In mountain law you deserved to die for your mistakes!”

“Yes, but we didn't, did we?” Lydia said carelessly “And now I have a really good story to tell. Although I was disappointed I couldn't look out of the window from the helicopter, and I said I wanted to change places with Darcy, but...”


“Yes, the same irritating guy, though I don't know what the hell he was doing there. Well, maybe he was just in the neighbourhood.”

No, he was in -- -- Valley, Lizzy thought.

“By the way,” Lydia continued “could you ask George if he has my red carabiner with the yellow blue markings?”

Lizzy realized she had completely forgotten about him.

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She went back to her uncle to tell him the good news and they drank a cup of tea. “I've still got something to do.” she said and went to inquire after George's room.

When she turned into the corridor she heard a piercing scream, and then saw the same doctor come out of the room, smiling innocently. She didn't notice Lizzy, as she walked away in the opposite direction.

Lizzy entered George's room and found him writhing in agony. “That doctor” he hissed “is a sadist.”

“I couldn't care less.” Lizzy replied. “I just came here to tell you that if you ever come near me or my friends again I'll (...) (...)! (...)! (...) and (...) (...)! (...) (...) Swiss Army Knife.” And she started to walk away.

Then suddenly she turned around and emptied George's backpack on the floor. Holy terror spread across his face. “I don't have one!” he lied.

But Lizzy was looking for something else shiny and red. She picked up the carabiner and left.

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Author Note: I don't know if you could call a beer commercial a cultural reference, but for non-Dutch people: goatherd/ski instructor Wickham was inspired by this Heineken ad:

Biertje? click on `Rudi' (Windows Media Player 1.1 MB) v. funny, IMO.

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Chapter 5

Posted on Sunday, 28 August 2005

Lizzy and Jane were browsing through their favourite mountaineering shop, their heart rate frequently heightening when looking at a piece of climbing equipment, and peaking from beholding the price tag. While normally Lizzy was as thoroughly fascinated as a kid in a candy store, today her mind was strangely absent from time to time.

Why had Fitzwilliam been on that rescue mission? she wondered. She had considered every kind of explanation, including alien abduction theories, but in the end her heart always steered to one conclusion.

“Look, these carabiners are on special.” Jane interrupted her musings.

“But they'll clash with my harness.” Lizzy replied earnestly.

“You're right, how silly of me. Some things are even more important than safety.”

“Yes, like colour coordination.” Lizzy agreed.

“Charles called me.” Jane said, trying to sound casual.

“Really? What did he say?”

“That he was going down to the crag with some friends this weekend.” Jane took a deep breath “And he asked if we wanted to come.”


“Yes, you too. Please come Lizzy, I don't think I can face this on my own. I don't know, what if he just meant friends...”

Lizzy had other thoughts. Friends, hein? What about employers?

“Please?” Jane looked at her imploringly.

“Okay.” she replied “My rope, your tent?”

“Sure.” Jane smiled “And thanks!”

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That Saturday they arrived at the crag before a brave little sun had managed to dry the early morning dew.

“This is Annie.” Georgiana said.

“I'm Lizzy. Nice to see you again.” she told the doctor, to everyone's astonishment.

“And this is Timmy.” Georgiana continued.

“Woof!” Timmy said in agreement, everyone laughed. “He's the smartest dog in the world.” his proud owner declared.

Somehow Jane and Charles had already sneaked off with a rope, and next thing she knew Georgiana and Annie walked away and she was left with Fitzwilliam.

Fate wills it so, Lizzy pondered philosophically as they walked to the base of the rock.

“You can lead if you want.” Fitzwilliam said and thought: I can admire your figure much better that way.

“No, you lead.” Lizzy replied. So I can stare at your arse, she thought.

“I lead often enough already, you go ahead.”

“I really insist...”

In the end Lizzy gave in, thinking that climbing might also be fun. Fitzwilliam watched her closely as she progressed, for safety of course.

When he reached the small belay she felt that his proximity was making her slightly delirious, and she anxiously searched for something sensible to say.

“Do you come here often?” And then she realized that besides a perfectly neutral question this was also a bad pickup line.

“Not as much as I wish.” he answered. “Work always seems to get in the way.”

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The crag was not very high, and they soon reached the top and enjoyed the view for a while. They watched Georgiana climb different routes at the bottom of the crag and Lizzy felt sorry for her belay slave.

“Does Annie have an climbing injury?” she inquired.

“No, she's fine.” Fitzwilliam replied “She's just very afraid of heights.”

Aha. “She wouldn't happen to be Anne de Bourgh then, would she?” Lizzy inquired.

“Yes, that's her.”

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When they continued climbing Lizzy felt his eyes burn on her frame and as a result her concentration was sadly lacking. After another fall in a route she should be able to climb she gave up.

When she stood on the ground she felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. “I don't know what's wrong with me.” She sighed. “I guess it's just a high gravity day.”

“I've always thought you were a very good climber.” he said warmly.

But if he thought that was the way to her heart he was sadly mistaken. Lizzy was sick of hearing what a great mountaineer she was; all she wanted now was for him to acknowledge her as a woman. I wish I'd worn my turkey red dress, she thought wryly.

“You've always thought so?” she replied snappishly “I think you called me a dense cow once.”

“You heard that?” he looked very ashamed. “I'm really sorry I said that. You were pretty and blond so I...”

She didn't hear the rest because of all the `pretty! pretty! pretty!' chiming around in her head. He thinks I'm pretty!

“...and anyway I'll have you know I really like pretty Welsh cows.”

Lizzy thought she should be insulted, but it didn't feel that way.

Then he started laughing. “So that's what the mooing was all about?” He chuckled. “I thought you guys were on substances.”

“So you do have a sense of humour?!” Lizzy blurted out, and then wanted to kill herself.

“Yes.” He grinned. “But it's often mistaken for sadism.”

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After a few routes they decided to have lunch, and they rapelled down and took the food from their rucksacks. They waved to Charles and Jane, but went to sit somewhere else because the lovie-dovie stuff was making them lose their appetite.

Fitzwilliam then told her how wrong he had been to interfere in Charles' life, and how he felt very differently about these kind of relationships now, and he wondered if she got his point.

“Look.” he whispered suddenly, and she watched in the direction he pointed, expecting to see wildlife.

However what she witnessed was Annie, slowly and carefully climbing an easy route, gently coached by Georgiana. They watched in awe.

At last Fitzwilliam spoke. “She is very brave to be confronting her vertigo.”

“I don't think she's afraid of heights.” Lizzy replied “I believe she's afraid of disappointing her mother.”

He looked at her in amazement. “You could be right. I never thought about that.”

They turned their attention back to the miracle in progress. “I think Georgiana would make a wonderful guide.” Lizzy remarked.

He nodded. And so would you, he thought. But he didn't say so because it would sound very tacky, wouldn't it?

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They eagerly went back to climbing, and on the next belay Lizzy mustered enough courage to say what had been on her mind for a while. “I want to thank you for saving Lydia. I'm sure she did not express her gratitude like she ought to have done.”

“I was merely doing my job.” He replied modestly. “I had some idea of George's favourite haunts, so I decided to join the rescue mission.”

Lizzy marveled at this extraordinary sense of duty. She realized she had never before fully understood the most serious implications of his profession; and at that moment she felt, that to be a Mountain Guide might be something !

Fitzwilliam continued: “And I told George to stay away from you and your friends or I'd (...) (...)! (...)! (...) and (...) (...)! (...) (...) Swiss Army Knife.”

The violence of his affection taught her to hope, as she had scarcely ever allowed herself to hope before. She quickly composed herself and replied: “Really? You know, I told him that as well. Well, I said (...) instead of (...), but it comes down to the same thing.”

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After a long day of climbing, Georgiana and Annie said goodbye to the rest.

“Why are you leaving?” Lizzy asked.

“We're going to climb the Eiger North Face.” Georgiana said.

“What?!” her brother exclaimed “You're not...” and then he realized she was joking.

“We're going to visit my mother tomorrow.” Annie explained and she looked slightly nervous. Georgiana was staring at the ground.

Honestly, Lizzy thought, I don't know which one of the two would be more scary.

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After dinner Jane came up to her. “Lizzy, could I ask you something?”

“Charles already asked me to move out of your tent.”

“I know, thanks by the way, but it's not that. You see, our sleeping bags don't zip together. Could I borrow yours please?”

“First I have to sleep outside and now you want my down?!”

“Outside? Why aren't you going to sleep in Fitzwilliam's tent?”

“Aaaargh! No! Okay, you can have it. It's not that cold.”

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Lizzy was quite warm enough in Jane's sleeping bag, and she was lying on her back looking at the stars, the few that were there. “1-2-3-4-5.” she counted. Still a five star hotel. Not bad, she thought.

Then it started to drizzle.

Lizzy tried to look on the bright side; at least her expensive down sleeping bag wasn't getting wet. Still it was very annoying and she wondered how long it would take before she got soaked. Maybe she should go to Fitzwilliam's tent? but she quickly dismissed the thought and stubbornly endured the gentle torture.

Then the heavens broke and she made a dash for it.

It was a small handsome tent, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills; and in front a mud stream of some importance was swelling into greater.

“Fitzwilliam!” she yelled “Can I come in?” Without waiting for an answer she began stuffing the sleeping bag and mattress inside. A light switched on and he looked at her questioningly when she put her head inside the tent. She suddenly realized he had been asleep, and that she could have sneaked in and out of his tent without his notice if she hadn't started screaming like a banshee.

“I'm sorry I woke you up.” she said as she got in.

“Don't worry, I'm used to it.” He smiled at her. “How may I rescue you?”

She could think of a number of ways, but in the end settled for: “I just need a place to sleep. It's raining outside.”

He helped her rearrange the bed and soon she was comfortable again in the darkness.

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“You're on my half.”

“It's my tent.”

“What?! You're gonna take advantage of me just because it's pouring with rain?”

“No, because I love you.”

“Oh. Okay then.” And she leaned over and kissed him.

And it was terribly awkward, so they sat up and did it properly.

“Well,” said the author, excusing the lame dialogue “that's about as romantic as it gets with climbers."

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The next morning Lizzy woke first, and when she went out she found Jane already lighting the stove.

“Oh Lizzy!” she said “I'm so sorry about the rain!” as if she had caused it.

“Don't worry about it.” Lizzy said with a big grin.

“So you're not angry with me?”

“No.” Lizzy replied cheerfully “In fact I've never felt happier in my life.” and to prove her point, her smile was almost wider than her face.

“Oooh!” Jane got it. “Charles will be so happy!”

“And he'll be very happy to get some eggs.” Lizzy said as she cracked them in the frying pan.

Whether it was the smell of eggs or not, shortly afterwards the two men emerged from the tents.

“Good morning Charles.” Fitzwilliam said “You're looking very smug today.”

“You look pretty smug yourself!” Charles stopped in his tracks “Huh?” and looked very stupid.

Fitzwilliam went over to Lizzy and kissed her good morning. “Ha eggs! Let's make jokes about eggs.”

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“...and the temples on the Island of the Sun in the Titicaca Lake are...” Charles was relating the many wonders of Bolivia.

“So you speak Spanish? Jane asked.

“No.” Charles grinned. “But all you need is żCómo podemos arreglarlo?, which means `How can we arrange this?' and lots of dólares.”

Jane was shocked. “But isn't that like...corruption?”

Lizzy turned to Fitzwilliam. “So how did the expedition go?”

“It was a disaster.” he said “We didn't summit even once.”

“Maybe you should try again.” she suggested.

“With the right people I might.” He looked at her pointedly.

“I'm sure they'd be yours for the asking.”

“Would you, Elizabeth Bennet, go to the Cordillera Apolobamba with me?”

“Moo!” she sounded in approval.

“Okay then, I'll give you a ring.”

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Fitzwilliam Darcy, of -- -- Valley, was a man who, for his own amusement, never took up any other book but the Climbing Guide of Bolivia. As he turned over the almost endless peaks of the Cordilleras - and there, if every other leaf were powerless, he could read his own history with an interest which never failed - this was the page at which the favourite volume always opened:

Mount Illupacayo 5437m First Ascent: E. Bennet F. Darcy

He was pleasantly interrupted by the entrance of Georgiana and Lizzy.

“Hey guys!” he exclaimed, and inquired anxiously “How did it go?”

“Could you start that again with `Hey Guides!'?”

So Lizzy pursued her dream of living for the mountains, and Georgiana picked hers up where she left it. They had no trouble finding employment.

Of course Jane and Charles came over to celebrate.

When they found that he missed her too much while on the job, and she worried sick about him all the time, Charles quit guiding. They took over the hut in -- -- Valley and in addition to every other source of happiness, were only 1865 altitude meters away from Lizzy and Fitzwilliam.

“Hey Georgiana, where's the Mrs?” Charles asked.

“She had to work late at the hospital, but she should be here any minute.”

And the way it happens in dramatic narration, the door flew open that very moment.

“Georgie! You made it!”

“Annie! I love you!”

Theirs was the epic story of two wounded birds who learned to fly again. Catherine de Bourgh threw a right fit when they came out to her that fateful Sunday, but at the end of her homophobic tantrums she accepted her new daughter in law. Her mother had been in the Alpine Club, after all.

“I'd better finish packing for tomorrow.” Lizzy told Fitzwilliam after their guests had left “Oh, no! Have you seen my ice axes?”

“Behind you.” Suddenly the fear of losing her to the Himalayas hit him hard. “I don't want you to go.”

“What are you gonna do? Tie me up?”

He gave her a meaningful smile. “I'm actually quite good at that. I even do it for a living.”

Their relationship was much like the mountains they loved: full of ups and downs. There were breathtaking moments and terrifying falls, it was beautiful, dangerous and as unpredictable as the weather.

But after Lizzy threw his GPS in a crevasse things went a lot better.

And George Wickham? His (...) did freeze off, along with the rest of his body. It was a slow and lonely death.


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