ćwiczenia pomocne dyslektykom i nie tylko

Ćwiczenia przygotowane są dla uczniów na poziomie podstawowym (6 klasa). Materiał oparty jest o podręcznik New Friends 3. Ćwiczenia pomagają przygotować się do sprawdzianu z rozdziałów 9-12.

EX. 1.

Students' task is to put one letter in each gap to complete the words. There has to be a different letter in every line.

a) je__els __itness W

b) s__ars pain__ing T

c) mount__ins ste__l A

d) fur__iture ra__ge N

e) ca__ital __ony P

f) __aluable in__estigation V

g) Eq__ator b__rglar U

h) No__th dee__ R

EX. 2.

2 a ) Students get a handout with words divided into syllables. Their task is to join the syllables to make adjectives and nouns. Students draw yellow lines between the adjectives and green lines between the nouns. Not to discourage students from the task, the teacher gives the polish equivalents of the words:

detektyw, drogi, kolorowy, odciski palców, policjant, włamanie

0x08 graphic

2 b ) Then students have to write the words alphabetically (according to the English alphabet).







2 c ) The last step for students is to illustrate some of the words and translate the others into Polish.

EX. 3.

Each student gets one red card and one green card. The teacher starts giving examples of the comparative and superlative of different adjectives. When the teacher gives right (gramatically correct) example students raise the green card. When s/he gives wrong example students raise the red card. Then, the teacher asks students to correct the wrong example and gives pluses (points) for the right answers. The student with the biggest numbers of points can get a mark at the end of the lesson. This exercise can be used with the whole class not only with the student who has problems with dyslexia and surely the whole class will benefit from it.

EX. 4.

Students' task is to distinguish between a short and long vowel. The teacher starts calling one-syllable adjectives. When the vowel is short students make a small step. When the vowel is long students make a big step. When there is a small number of students in the class, students can make real steps. When the class is large, students pretend that their two fingers are their feet and they make the steps on their desks. The examples of adjectives are: deep, clean, big, thin, thick, tall, small, fast, soft etc.





















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