42 Dead or alive Sumerian Hurrian Urartean


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If there is a creature coming from the dead that is not just a god, that is an entire crop of gods springing out of nowhere, an entire language, and their people. That is the unprecedented story of Sumerian and its offspring in Mesopotamia.

Like a Frankenstein creature constructed in the laboratories of the Akkadian empire, Sumerian became a living language. I wonder why the linguists call Sumerian dead because the data shows that actually it became slowly but convincingly alive.

What happened to Sumerian is plainly speaking evolution that creates the diversity of advanced species from one primitive ancestor.

A similar story happened to computers, at the beginning they were bulky and slow but they got smaller and smarter. Computers use a logical language, similar to Sumerian where number 1/60 and 10 are the basic tools of creating the binary system identical with the digital language of zero and one. Semitic people invented software 6000 years ago and they kept it a secret.

First Emesal was born, the women's tongue, then Akkadian and other Semitic languages were shaped after Sumerian and finally Hurro-Urartean linguistic family was born out of the blue as the sacred languages of Indo European people. That is the most remarkable story in the whole universe, the story of a dead language, an artificial tongue produced in a laboratory which not only grew and evolved as a normal language but influenced and shaped the language that invented it in the first place.

I can tell you, that the same story is going to happen to us, humans. We will produce intelligent machines which in the end are going to engineer a more advanced species of humans. That is science fiction happening right in front of our faces, the story of a software language written on mud. Imagine what is going to happen when we apply the same concept to a perfect language written for computers.

And the unthinkable happened. Other people in Mesopotamia understood the importance of having a divine language and they decided to have their own Sumerian copies. Some ardent priests went so far as to create vernacular Sumerian dialects that evolved into Hurrian and Urartean. Both of these languages originated in Uruk the old city of Sumer and they inherited this sacred name. The Medes an Indo Iranian people decided to build their own Sumerian version called Hurrian and their Indo European cousins followed suit, the Hittites also developed their own Sumerian religion and Sumerian language. They also called this sacred tongue Hurrian. But the greatest surprise was Elamite, a Sumerian dialect that has not been deciphered yet. This was the Sumerian of the Persians, an Indo European stock. While the Armenians, another Indo European people also created Urartean.

The zeal of these people to have a sacred currency in their religion can be compared with the zeal of Anglo Saxons in North America. The new settlers aspired to create a holy land in the new world and call it the second Israel. This idea, of claiming a divine status among other people is not something new, it has haunted mankind from the moment the Semites decided to create an artificial language called Sumerian and from that point in time everybody else has been doing the same.

It is very difficult to understand and impossible to accept how a mathematical language became the software of a people and then evolved into a vernacular, full blown language with its own dialects.

Sumerian proved that mythology became reality, the dolls made of clay and blood began to speak and they used the words we created for them. Statues became alive. Invented gods began to breathe, wage war and earn their sacred status among humans.

Akkadian scribes tried to hide as long as possible the secret code of Sumerian but other Semitic people like intelligent predators smelled blood. They must have understood at some point in time that something was wrong with this divine language and when the scribes in Ugarit began chopping down Sumerian ideograms into trilateral ideograms which in fact represented Semitic and not Sumerian, then it became clear what a great fraud Sumerian was. Other kings in Mesopotamia demanded a sacred status for their throne and they decided to build their own version of Sumerian. Then all hell broke lose. From the Nile Delta to Euphrates, branching out into the Indus Valley, Asia Minor and Europe, the ashes of Sumerian spread and created wild fires, they changed the landscape of earth forever.


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