An auditing demonstration given on 25 April 1962
All right. And I've got five people to straighten out line plots for. I'm going to work on this. And we're going to have a sort out to find out what we do to make the biggest possible gain on these cases. And that's the whole extent of what we're doing here. Okay?
LRH: All right. Have a seat over here, son. A little further up. That-a-boy. Grab the cans. E-Meter might even work. All right. That's good enough. All right. And here we go. Okay here. Now you-uns—you had some of this, huh?
PC Uh—some of what?
LRH: What do you mean from some goal?
PC: Well, it was obviously from some goal, but I m not quite sure which one it was.
LRH: All right. Well, here's what I m going to do with you, Jack. I'm going to try to track this back and see what we run into here and get the best method of straightening out this thing that we can tackle the mostest and best here, okay?
PC: Very good.
LRH: I understand you've already listed something here.
PC: Mm-hm. "Who or what would fail to endure?" or "had failed."
LRH: All right. And you found "a loser» here.
PC: Uh-huh.
LRH: All right. When was that done?
PC: Last week.
LRH: Done last week. All right. Be all right if I do this rundown on you?
PC: oh, I'd be very pleased.
LRH: All right. I don't guarantee any results, particularly. Somebody walks up to you and says what goal . . . ?
PC: I have a vague idea what it was but I . . .
LRH: Well, what's the vague idea?
PC: oh, it was a sort of a double thing. One of it was to be your right-hand man . . .
LRH: Right.
PC: . . . and the other was to be a good administrator or something like that.
LRH: I Bee.
PC: And it sort of fitted in together.
LRH: All right. Now, how many goals are on that list?
PC: Um—I don't know for sure. Uh—couple of hundred maybe.
LRH: Something like that? You know where the goals list might be now?
PC: Uh—Cape Town. It should be. LRH: In Cape Town.
PC: Um-hm.
LRH: Did you have any hard time going over that goals list?
PC: Huh-uh.
LRH: I mean, go over it many times or . . .
PC: No, we did it all in a day and a half.
LRH: . . . did the whole lot.
PC: Mm.
LRH: In a day and a half.
PC: Mm.
LRH: Well, it was kind of a double thing.
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Mm. A TA action on the goals list, discussion of.
PC: oh, I'd better cable for it, hadn't I?
LRH: Hm?
PC: I'd better cable for it.
LRH: Hm. I don't think that'd be necessary.
PC: All right.
LRH: All right. First thing we're going to do is finish your goals list. Just for the hell of it. Mean of me, isn't it? It's still charged.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Still charged here on a goals list. And it's heavily charged. I'm swinging here two and three divisions.
PC: What?
LRH: on the . . .
PC: oh, on the needle.
LRH: Four or five divisions. That was a body motion. It's swinging enough on this to be interesting Just a discussion of the goals list. And this terminal is a "3" terminal, Routine 3 terminal. That's a
"dynamic genius" is a Routine 3 terminal. And it doesn't look very promising.
PC: No, I didn't have much faith in it myself.
LRH: Hm. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. Have you invalidated this terminal? Yeah.
PC: Yeah. I didn't . . .
LRH: All right. What's your first invalidation of it?
PC: Well, I thought it was a bit strange because Allison's was found at the same time, and hers was a "dynamic visionary," so I thought it was a bit weird that I should even have the same word in mine, you know.
LRH: oh, I see. All right. Any other invalidations on this?
PC: I just don't care for it very much.
LRH: oh, all right. When did you first think that?
PC: oh, about ten minutes after it was found.
LRH: All right. Okay. On these goals—this goals list—on listing those goals, were there any more goals you should have put on that list?
PC: oh, I don't know. I don't think so. It seemed complete to me.
LRH: It seemed complete to you at the time, huh?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Well, what are we doing with all this reaction? Well, this terminal—we're not going to worry about this terminal. We're going to scrub that.
PC: Good.
LRH: I'll say it just for formality here. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. That was sporadic.
PC: Mm-mm. LRH: It indicates that the list from which it came is very heavily charged. And that is all it indicates because it's got a sweep and a swing and a dive, and it hasn't much to do with my saying it.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Okay?
PC: Fair enough.
LRH: It addresses the subject.
PC: Mm.
LRH: For your information, when you see one of these things, when you say an item to somebody and it goes off on dyn and amic and genius and then after you've said it, it—it didn't instantly react, but you got a lat—latent reaction, and then you come back to the subject, and you say it again just for your information, a kick of that particular character is definitely a charged list. But this is not the item from it . . .
PC: Mm.
LRH: ... from that list. This isn't the item. It's—I'll say it again here. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. A dynamic genius. Also, the reading is occasional. We're getting it about two out of three.
PC: Mmm.
LRH: But it's—it fires on both sides of the read. And it fires tick, and it fires a dial—a division. And it fires a tick of— at two. There's no . . .
PC: Yeah. He turned it up as a genius first. I remember it now. It was just a plain genius first. Just a—just genius.
LRH: Who added the "dynamic"?
PC: Well, he wasn't satisfied with the read he was getting on that, so he asked me to scout around and when I got that one, he got a five-division drop.
LRH: Okay.
PC: So...
LRH: Yeah. All right. A genius. A genius. A genius. A genius. A genius. A genius. A genius. That's very funny, you see. It's sporadic. Now, it's late, it's early. It—well, it's just charged. It's charged. It's got a firecracker worth of charge on it. But that's list charge coming up underneath the item. All right. Now, these goals. What did you say those goals amounted to? What was the goal?
PC: Well, basically, I think, to be a good administrator.
LRH: Was that the goal that was found?
PC: Mm. Basically.
LRH: Basically.
PC: I don't—I can't—I can't remember the wording of it.
LRH: To be a good administrator.
PC: Mm.
LRH: To be a good administrator. To be a good administrator. To be a good administrator. Oh, "to be a good administrator" was part of the list because it's bumping and diving.
PC: Mm-hm. Oh, it was definitely part of the list, but I'm not quite sure where we ended up.
LRH: Mm-mm. To be a good administrator. To be a good administrator. To be a good administrator. The thing goes tick, then it goes fall. All right. Now, I'm going to make a test on this just to be sure, see. I1D eat pudding. To eat pudding To eat pudding To eat pudding To eat pudding To eat pudding. Well, did you have such a goal on the list?
PC: No, I didn't.
LRH: You didn't, huh?
PC: No.
LRH: You didn't, huh? All right. All right. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. And we stopped the response to my voice. PC: Mm?
LRH: It's on any goal.
PC: oh.
LRH: so your most charged item, son, is a goal.
PC: It could be. Very well could be.
LRH: Yes. So number one, this is a survey of the line plot on 25th April and number one, we're just going to complete the goals list, whether we have it or not. We're just going to run . . .
PC: There should be a goals list in that file from last year. There's one there, too.
LRH: Got one there, too? All right. You had one last year?
PC: Mm.
LRH: You didn't take that one down there?
PC: Mm-mm.
LRH: He was already doing an extended goals list then. And you've still got one here.
PC: Well, as far as I was aware of the goals that I put on the one here were a repeat of what were—of the other one.
LRH: Well, we'll just go and complete that anyhow, huh?
PC: Right.
LRH: Going to bleed that down and just to give us a little more clue of how we would go about that. Are there any secret goals that didn't appear on that list? Secret goals that you didn't bother to impart?
PC: Mm-hm. There was one embarrassing one that sticks with me a bit, but it was on the list.
LRH: It was.
PC: Mm.
LRH: All right. Is there any antisocial goad?
PC: No.
LRH: Antisocial goals? Antisocial goals? Antisocial goals?
PC: Got one vague sort of thing, but it wasn't ever a goal. LRS: All right. Okay. We get a nice tickety-tick on that.
PC: Okay. Well, it was to murder somebody without being found out.
LRH: All right. That's good. All right. All right. Any time you care to, in your own time, to just go start writing a goals list, not trying to remember what you writ. But just start writing a goals list, why, that would be perfectly admissible. Okay?
PC: Yes, surely.
LRH: All right. Now . . . And then we're going to find the modifier for that goal.
PC: Mm-hmm.
LRH: Good. And we're not going to let the auditor take all year doing that either, you know. We're going to find the modifier for it, and then we're going to find the terminal or the G plus M, for the goal plus modifier.
PC: Mm-hmm.
LRH: And that's how we're going to start you as you were started in that direction. And that's still charged.
PC: Ready to go. LRB: All right. So that's what we're going to do. Now, as far as this one you found, you could actually call this, you know, a Routine 3A Criss Cross. Would be technically correct, wouldn't it? All right. Now, look-a-here, Jack. You found this "failed endure," and you got "a loser."
PC: Mm-hmm. That's right.
LRH: All right. Now, we're going to check out this 'loser." Okay?
PC: Good.
LRH: oh, you got a nice packet of goals on here.
PC: 146.
LRH: All right. We're not going on with this "loser," you understand. This time we're going to do this one first.
PC: Mm.
LRH: Just to keep your line plot straight, all right, we're gonna scrub that one. 145?
PC: I think so.
LRH: That's right. 145. Nulled not too badly. In fact, it wasn't gone over many times. It was gone over a totality of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times.
PC: Yeah, well, most of that was on the last six.
LRH: I know. For the final items.
PC: Mm.
LRH: And just let me check these final items, huh?
PC: Mm-hm. Sure.
LRH: All right, we will . . .
PC: The only thing that disturbs me about that was uh—um—in your talk last night you said the preclear doesn't know, and I . . . that's the one I thought it was a couple of days before we got it.
LRH: Well, we won't hang you for knowing about it. But that probably isn't it. It's a good thing you're not in-session, you know. I invalidated that.
PC: oh, that's all right.
LRH: We're going to check this goal now. see if we can find something else to check it against here.
PC: "An unsuccessful person" stayed in until the last. And "an angry man."
LRH: Yeah, that's what I was looking at over here. "An angry person" was staying in like mad. All right, let's check out this 3D Criss Cross terminal. Okay. Have you invalidated this?
PC: Not much, I don't think. LREI: All right. Is there any . . . There's a little slow up there. You invalidated that? When did you invalidate it maybe? There's a tick on that.
PC: Uh . . . I'm not sure. Thinking of it as an oppterm maybe? Does that invalidate it? I don't really think so.
LRH: That falls.
PC: oh, well, that's what I thought of it. And it gives me a sensation.
LRH: All right. Is there anything that should be found out about this? No. All right. Okay. Any other invalidations on this? Yeah. There's another invalidation on this.
PC: Mm. Well, it's something I'd hate to be.
LRH: All right. All right. When did you decide that?
PC: Uh—well, when we were listing it and I found out what the hell it was before this new one, I thought, "Gosh, no." LR]I: All right.
PC: Can't have that as a goal for life.
LRH: Okay. All right. Good enough. Any other invalidations on this? Ah, that's looking a little bit . . . There's just a tiny halt now. Very tiny. Doesn't amount to anything. My invalidation of it?
PC: Not really, no.
LRH: All right. Any other invalidation of it?
PC: No, there hasn't been. Not that I m aware o f
LRH: All right. Let me check the question again.
PC: Sure.
LRH: Have you invalidated this? Have you invalidated . . . Hey, wait a minute. The word invalidated. Invalidated. Invalidated. Invalidated. Invalidated. I have an instant read on invalidated.
PC: Well, stick it down on the line plot. LRH: All right. Let me wear it out. May I?
PC: Mm-hmm.
LRH: Invalidated. Invalidated. Invalidated. Invalidated. Invalidated. All right. That's cooling it. Now, let's see what we've got here. Have you invalidated this terminal? There's a tick.
PC: oh, yes. Yes. I don't know quite how I do it, but I seem to scrunch it down somehow.
LRH: Ah! Oh, yeah. All right. When did you do that?
PC: oh, I was doing it all the time while it was being checked out and while we were . . .
LRH: oh, all right. All right. All right. Okay. All right. Now, let me ask you again. Have you invalidated this terminal? Good. Latent now. So that will check if it ever checks. It will check now. Okay?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. A loser. And the list is incomplete. Okay. Therefore complete line B list "failed endure." Okay?
PC: Very good.
LRH: All right. It's probably not very incomplete. Probably. Every time you get two or three hang up, you know, at the end, you know, and you're having an awful time tangling it apart, skip it. The list is not complete. I just am scouting through something It's very interesting. Apparently, if you got three items left, why, you may have two—you may have three masses, but you certainly got also an incomplete list, and you could complete it to a single one with far greater profit. Interesting, huh? Well, all right, Jack. Now, I'm very happy about this because I think this will go very nicely, and . . .
PC: I'll do the goals list tonight.
LRH: Hm?
PC: I'll do the goals list tonight.
LRH: Go ahead. Go ahead, because you didn't get much TA action.
PC: No, I haven't.
LRH: Where our TA action I think is held up very well may be there. I'll just take a guess, but that's probably held up on your goals because the second I start mentioning goals here, why, you get lots of stuff, and you've sunk away here to 1.75 and—which is probably very unusual.
PC: It is. Doesn't usually go below 2.0.
LRH: Yeah.
PC: In fast, I don't think it ever has been below 2.0. Oh, yes, it has, couple of times.
LRH: Yeah. Find out what this is all about, shall we?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Squeeze the cans. All right. Hold them up there, now. Good enough. Squeeze the cans. That's better. Once more. Squeeze the cans. Squeeze the cans. Now, what—you're relaxing them first and then squeezing them, that's what this is all about.
PC: All right. Let me get ready. Right.
LRH: All right. Now squeeze the cans. That isn't bad. Third-of-a-dial drop. At zero. Your havingness seems to be all right. All right. Now, has anything happened during this little check-over here that's upset you?
PC: No. I learned a lot.
LRH: No. Clean as a wolf's tooth. All right, Jack. Thank you very, very much. That's the end of this checkout.
PC: Thank you, Ron.
LRH: You can turn that into your Instructors and you can go downstairs now.
PC: Thanks. LRH: Thank you.
LRH: Good enough. Charles, come over here and take the hot seat. Okay. Now, we're—all I'm going to do here is check out your line plot, find out what the score is with regard to that. Okay?
PC: Right.
LRH: All right. Now, you've been audited at some time or another, assessed at some time or another back here, and he found a couple of goals and items on you, huh?
PC: Yes. After a fashion.
LRH: After a fashion. All right. And you've already had "disregarded when you're getting something done"—you've already had that line pulled out here. Well, you seem to be making progress. Well, you won't be losing any ground. You won't be losing ground here simply because of the—of a cross-check. I'm not trying to take anything away from you.
PC: Right.
LRH: But let's see if we can salvage any part of these early goals, shall we?
PC: Good. I'd like to.
LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if I do this little check-over on you?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. That's fine. Whoever is auditing you is getting your rudiments in.
PC: Peter.
LRH: All right. Okay. He'll probably charge you for that commercial. You'll probably be asking him. Let's see. Your goal was "wanting to control things" is that what this goal was all about? All right.
PC: Well, I couldn't remember the first one for sure whether it came off of "wanting to control things." I think that was the Prehav level. I thought about it since that was found and I think it's the second one about wanting to be more creative, get more done. Ah, get more done. It was only about a goal list of about eighteen. We did this in about twenty minutes, the whole Goals Assessment. And oh . . .
LRH: I'm looking at the meter. It says it's live.
PC: ... and oh . . . the whole thing was done very quickly. And then later on, last November, he did another one—and that's what you see on line B—much more carefully.
LRH: All right. All right. It's still a charged subject.
PC: Well, as far as item concerned, the goal list was never really finished.
LRH: Mm.
PC: Although the goal did seem to read on line B rather—rather well.
LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Any invalidations on this first terminal, "commander"? Any invalidations on a commander? Yes.
PC: Um, well, the Prehav level livened up after that and so I figured it was wrong.
LRH: That's a very good reason. Very good. Mind if I check this?
PC: No.
LRH: I'm just going to check it without monkeying with it too much, you know.
PC: Sure.
LRH: Because it looks like one. A commander. A commander. A commander. A commander. A commander. A commander. A commander. A commander. Well, it's falling a little bit early and a little bit late, and so forth. And the list it came off of is hotter than a pistol.
PC: Mm. I'm sure the list is.
LRH: But it isn't giving a nice, orderly read.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. All right. Well, I'm not going to do anything with line A. We've got it marked here. Not going to do a thing here. We got line A, and we are going to scrub the lot because it's an incomplete goals list and the item here is not a good item—it isn't bang-bang-bang. You know, a good item just goes bang-bang-bang, regular as a clock.
PC: Right.
LRH: Looks charged. But he had a second item here. I might as well check, which is line—now line A. And that second item was "to have"—the goal was "to have my body feel good all the time." That was the goal he found on that. All right. Any invalidations on that particular goal?
PC: No. I don't think of some on that one. Uh . . .
LRH: Well, there was one on something
PC: Well, the—well, the item that was found off of it didn't prove out, so that might be—reflect back as a invalidation of that goal.
LRH: All right.
PC: Now that I think about it.
LRH: Okay. All right. Any invalidations on this goal? That sprung up. Any invalidations on this goal?
PC: I don't think of any.
LRH: Let me get the word goal cleaned up here. Shall we? Goal. Goal. Goal. Goal. Goal. Goal. Goal. That is reading hotter than a pistol.
PC: Mm.
LRH: "Goal" is reading. Doesn't mean anything particularly, but anybody trying to check this, of course, the last word in any sentence . . . Just for your information, if you've got the last word in any sentence hot, it'll look like the item is hot.
PC: Right.
LRH: To have my body feel good all the time. To have my body feel good all the time. To have my body feel good all the time. To have my body feel good all the time. It doesn't read too badly. To have my body feel good all the time. To have my body feel good all the time. To have my body feel good all the time. Well, if it weren't banging on its parts, it's banging on good. See, good.
PC: Well, I think it—it's a goal plus modifier. I don't know whether that would change the read, "all the time." I—I think, this is my idea, is the modifier.
LRH: Could be. To have my body feel good all the time. To have my body feel good all the time. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Ceiling Ceiling. Ceiling. Ceiling. Ceiling. Ceiling. Ceiling. Getting a certain amount of needle response here regardless. This goals list was never finished, was it?
PC: Probably not. It ran about 120 or something.
LRH: Mm-hm. When did this dirty needle turn on? Just now?
PC: Perhaps. I don't know.
LRH: Talking about goals?
PC: Well, I think there was the subject of goals when you were repeating it.
LRH: Mm.
PC: And I couldn't make out oh—what about goals? And I began to think about it.
LRH: Yeah. Well, all right. Yeah, we get a response. It's the same response I was getting. Goals. Goals. Goals. Goals. Goals. Goals. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Ceiling Ceiling Pencil. Pencil. Pencil. Goals. Goals. Goals. Goals. Goals. Ceiling. Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling Well, they're getting different responses.
PC: Just don't say wall.
LRH: All right.
PC: That's one of the found items. LRH: Ah, this is—this is just kind of rough here. People been missing withholds on you?
PC: Mm. Not so much in session.
LRH: Latent read.
PC: Out of session. LR]I: Out of session they've been missing withholds on you?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: How can anybody miss a withhold on you out of session?
PC: You certainly can on this course.
LRH: Huh?
PC: on the course a little bit.
LRH: Yeah?
PC: Not too much.
LRH: Yeah. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Have I missed a withhold on you? Well, I don't get anything about that. A little bit latent read. Something there.
PC: Yeah, something there to talk about.
LRH: Yeah, but I don't see anything very serious here. Have I missed a withhold on you? Mm-mm. Have I missed a withhold on you? We could develop one.
PC: Yeah, I could—I could start thinking about it and get one.
LRH: Mm. Mm. It was latent. I can get it more instant. What did I fail to find out that I should have? That doesn't register very much.
PC: Well, I thought it was a good Zero Question.
LRH: Huh?
PC: I thought it was a good Zero Question.
LRH: oh, yeah. All right. Okay. We're not going to bother with that right now.
PC: No, I don't feel upset with you, and any missed withholds are minor.
LRH: Mm. Yeah, there doesn't seem to be—there doesn't seem to be too much of anything.
PC: I don't think that's the problem. LR]I: Anyhow, I'm just curious here. who just did this item on you?
PC: oh, the item was found by Reg. Here. As far as I can tell, it belongs to the goals found on my—the other line. But I've been on Prepchecking this week. But before that, last week, Reg was . . . LRAI: This was last week?
PC: A couple of weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago, Reg was auditing me on 3D Criss Cross. And uh . . .
LRH: This is what I'm looking for. Reg ran you last week on 3D Criss Cross.
PC: Couple of weeks ago. Couple of weeks ago.
LRH: A couple of weeks ago he ran you on 3D Criss Cross? Good. He ran you on 3D Criss Cross a couple of weeks ago.
PC: Mm-hm. I was taken off of it. LRSI: Was it an ARC break to come off of it?
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. Is that registering here? Is that what the registry might be?
PC: That's the only major ARC break I've got, about the course.
LRH: You have got that.
PC: Yeah, I thought it was a—was a misestimation.
LRH: Mm-mm.
PC: Maybe I wasn't getting a lot of tone arm action, but uh—uh—it was an ARC break about—uh . . .
LRH: Good!
PC: I had gotten tone arm action the last two sessions and a good deal of it once I got my teeth into that—that line. It was a pretty rough line.
LRH: Mm-mm.
PC: Once I ran it, it was going good, and then to be taken off of it was a—was different from what was real to me.
LRH: All right. This line's pretty hot. It's pretty hard to get.
PC: Yes.
LRH: Yeah.
PC: It was a rough go, but Reg did very nicely, I thought.
LRH: oh yeah. All right. Good. Good. Thank you. Yep. Now, let's see. Where's the first list out of which we got . . .
PC: Yeah, I think that's it.
LRH: ..."disregard." All right. Good enough. That's everything I need to know. All right. Well, think you made any progress with your 3D Criss Cross?
PC: Yes, I got a great reality on what differentiating items in the line would do.
LRH: oh, yeah.
PC: Tremendous, you know.
LRH: All right. We're going to complete your goals list because it's charged. We're going to find your modifier on top of that, and then we're going to find your G-plus-M terminal, and then we're going to complete the list for a goal, and we're going to discard "an orgiast" because that obviously is too . . .
PC: That's what the first item was, right?
LRH: Yeah. You probably came back and maybe you gave it again. It doesn't matter. I'm going to point out something to you, Charles, rather than leave you in the dark. Now, this is no discrediting of any auditor because what we're doing is we're pointing 3D Criss Cross goals, see. And as tough as it's been for people to have terminals, find goals, and that sort of thing, their ordinary difficulty in finding goals was incomplete lists or listing against ARC breaks. Listing with the rudiments out. You know, your standard flub methods of auditing And there isn't any particular reason why a perfectly smooth goals list can't come out. You've been started on a goals list. All right. Let's continue the thing, see. And then let's go ahead on this. I'm going to call off this terminal here, just for fun. Oh, I'm not going to pay much attention on this particular adjudication . . .
PC: Mm-mm.
LRH: ... because again, this terminal might come up on some other line. The Goals Problem Mass, of course, is what it is, and it's composed of what it's composed of.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: All right. A body electrifier. A body electrifier. A body electrifier. A body electrifier. A body electrifier. And it shows every symptom of being on a hot line, see. It's belonging someplace on a hot line, but it doesn't go bing-bing-bing, see.
PC: Mm.
LRH: so if we complete this thing, we've got then, we'll get that charge off there, see. And then one thing here is right there, make sure, and then we oppterm it. And then (5) that, now, if dirty needle continues, we complete the line B list, but only if dirty needle fails to fall out doing goals. See what I mean?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Now, what we've got here in essence is going to take a salvage here from the beginning of this thing. And you should have been feeling very heavily pressured. I imagine there's been quite a bit of body pressures and that sort of thing.
PC: Yes.
LRH: oh, yeah. PC: During this, a great deal. It turned on some of the same ones that were on these lines.
LRH: During this?
PC: Yes.
LRH: Yeah. Sure. All right.
PC: I was just wondering about those last two items.
LRH: What about them?
PC: Whether they were still reading or not.
LRH: oh, you want me to check them?
PC: Mm-mm.
LRH: I'll check it for you. Oh, it's probably reading. A wall. A wall. A wall. A wall. An orgiast. An orgiast. An orgiast. An orgiast. An orgiast. An orgiast. An orgiast. Oddly enough, an orgiast is reading less sporadically than a wall, but neither is reading like an item.
PC: Thank you.
LRH: Let's just get ourselves a good running jump at it, and you will find yourself fixed up. If you want to do some action of some kind or another, mental exercises, we don't care whether we've got your goals list or not, you can go ahead and write up half a thousand goals if you want to.
PC: All right.
LRH: Okay.
PC: I will.
LRH: Something's—the reason for this departure is just case speed-up. That's all. Make it easier on the case and run it faster. We'd eventually get the charge off of that. We can pull all the charge off of that simply by doing a list. It's charged, so there we go.
PC: of course.
LRH: All right. And the GPM will come apart faster. I'm trying to go in the direction of pulling the GPM apart now with less items found there.
PC: Do the job on some . . .
LRH: on less found, you know. That'd be two different ways to go about the same job.
PC: Right.
LRH: But sporadic reading is always caused by a charged list. And you have nothing there but sporadic reads. You want something that goes pop-pop-pop every time you say it, you know. you say it and you go pop-pop. And you say "cat," and it goes pop-pop-pop. And it always goes the same amount. It doesn't go fall. It doesn't go cat, cat, cat, cat, see. you don't get any of that kind of action. So you're all right. You're doing okay. Of course, any listing of Goals Problem Mass and so forth is beneficial of blowing something. I'll show you for your benefit—I started to show you this once, before I let you go here. I didn't complete it. You see this—the amount of strikes on this goals—on this terminal—this item list.
PC: Yes, some of—some of them are pretty long
LRH: See, there are a lot of strikes on that, you know. All right. Well, we can wear it down. We can oppterm it, and we can get something else, don't you see, and we can go on through, ant eventually by just sheer numbers, the theory is—and it works this way; it works out—you can fall down to the bottom, you can get a clean list because you've blown the charge and so forth. Sometimes it's quite hard on the pc, but it works. Now both of your item lists found here are like this.
PC: Yes, they are both similar.
LRH: That's right. So that is what we will do with you, Charles. We'll (1) complete goals list, (2) we'll find your modifier. And well find the G. plus M terminal, and well oppterm it, and then we'll complete the line B. list and find whatever terminal that is, and well just X these out, you know.
PC: Good.
LRH: And that will blow the maximum amount of charge off of your case in the minimum amount of time, the way you're going Understand these other terminals, they turn out eventually anyhow. I'm not trying—don't get the idea I'm invalidating everything you've got.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: But, you see, the auditing has been started. And we have an unflat process on a Routine 3.
PC: Yes. LREI: Caught a little "What goal have you had?" That's right. An interesting process, too, isn't it?
PC: Yes, it is. I'd like to finish it off
LRH: Mm.
PC: Uh—especially if that word "goal" keeps reading. And it means to me what goal have I got, you know. Goal. Goal.
LRH: And here we got it too . . . Goals true and goals, goals, man.
PC: Okay.
LRH: You know, actually, the goal you find is the thought pocket.
PC: in the uh—in the goal ?
LRH: Mm. In the mass.
PC: In the mass.
LRH: so you could try—you could find it first as a thought pocket, identify it as a goal, its intention and purpose.
PC: That's right. It would be a thought in one of the . . .
LRH: And then you identify the mass when you find the terminal.
PC: Right. LREI: That's the old kick around over there.
All right, Charles. Thank you very much. Anything you care to say before I end this coffee shop, here?
PC: No, just thank you very much, and uh—I'll be right at it.
LRH: All right. That's the end of check-out. Thank you.
PC: Thank you.
LRH: Okay. Pick up the cans, and . . . All right. See what you're reading here. Squeeze them. All right. You'll do. And is it all right if I do this?
PC: Yes, it is.
LRH: All right. Let's see what you've been up to here. you haven't had very much 3D Criss Cross, have you?
PC: Not a great deal.
LRH: What you been doing?
PC: I've been on CCHs.
LRH: Are they working
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. Anybody missing withholds on you on the CCHs?
PC: I don't think so.
LRH: Been missing withholds? Missing withholds? What gives with this word "missing withholds"? It was instant, and now it's momentary.
PC: oh, I guess I just feel a little guilty when somebody starts in—what's been missed.
LRH: Missing withholds?
PC: Yes.
LRH: oh, you had a lot of trouble finding them? Have I missed a withhold on you?
PC: Yeah.
LRH: Have I missed a withhold on you? You. Have I missed a withhold on you? Has your auditor missed a withhold on you? Well, what withhold have I missed on you, Ruth? Huh? There it is.
PC: Well, I've been busy copying the lists from my folder because I expect to go home next week.
LRH: All right.
PC: And uh—uh—so l have looked at a couple of the auditor report forms in my folder.
LRH: oh, a couple of the what?
PC: I have looked at the—some of the data in my folder.
LRH: oh? What's that? You mean some of the auditor—some of the supervisor comments?
PC: Occasionally. I get too busy to read much, but I was reading—read a couple.
LRH: All right. And what was that? I missed the fact that you had done this? Is that right?
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. And what should I have— what did I fail to find out about that? What exactly did I fail to find out?
PC: Well, I understand that pcs aren't supposed to look at their folders, see.
LRH: All right. You had a rough time here. All right. Did any of those rough you up? Did any of those comments?
PC: No.
LRH: Oooh. Oooh. What comment roughed you up?
PC: Well, rue had a rough time.
LRH: Mm?
PC: That I've had a rough time.
LRH: All right. What else? Anything?
PC: I don't think so.
LRH: All right. And you're going home next week.
PC: I hope so.
LRH: You hope so. So do I. We're going to look at these modifiers here. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Yeah. What was that one? It's cleaner now. All right. What other— what other withhold did I miss on you? There it is.
PC: Well, there's a—letter from—or part of a letter from a girl that audited me last summer in the back of the folder. And I read a paragraph or two in it, in this letter that she wrote. And it confirmed the suspicion that I had when she was auditing me.
LRH: Which is what?
PC: Well, that she was using somebody for a Director of Processing without my approval, and even having denied doing it.
LRH: Ah, I see. All right.
PC: It upset me a bit.
LRH: All right. Now, how did I miss that withhold?
PC: Well, I guess you—I thought you just should have known it.
LRH: All right. Okay. All right. Now, have I missed a withhold on you? That's getting better. That's just a little latent. But what was it?
PC: Well, I'm a little bit nervous sitting here. I don't know how that's a missed withhold, but it's all I think of
LRH: Okay, honey. Well, have I missed a withhold on you? That's getting minimal now. Let me ask this again. Have I missed a withhold on you? Yeah, we're getting a dirty needle sort of a characteristic here. It's starting to dance around now. Now, what have I failed to find out about you?
PC: Well, then, that there's been a dirty needle in the great majority of my auditing since I've been here.
LRH: There's been what?
PC: A—a scratchy needle.
LRH: oh, yeah, all right. Okay. Good enough. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right. What's that one?
PC: I don't know.
LRH: we just say, "missed withhold," and you take off. Now is it I who has missed the withhold? Is it I who has missed the withhold? I don't get any reaction on that. Who's missed the withhold? Well, now, what are we playing around here with? Have you missed a withhold on some pc or something
PC: Well, that's possible.
LRH: Yeah?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Yeah, very probable.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: on whom did you do this?
PC: on Doris.
LRH: Huh?
PC: on Doris. Doris.
LRH: Yeah? And what withhold did you miss on her?
PC: oh, I don't know. I have a lot of trouble with the meter going null.
LRH: oh, it's a failure to find the missed withhold. Is that what this is?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: Hm? All right. Now, let's get back to the original question. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right. That seems to be clear now. Null. All right, honey. Now, I see we've gotten here a whole bunch of modifiers. A terrific number of modifiers, and they're all very heavily charged. Right?
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: And we had a goal on you "to be different from other people." Right?
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. The original goal that was checked out. And I'm just going to check that goal if that's all right with you?
PC: Sure.
LRH: Okay. Okay. To be different from other people. Okay. To be different from other people. To be different from other people. To be -different from other people. Now, that's got a bit of a reaction on it. Have you invalidated that goal at any time?
PC: Well, uh—to a little extent when we couldn't get a modi—an oppterm to stay in.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: And uh—we went on and on and on with that.
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: And uh—I began to doubt it a little bit.
LRH: Mm-hm. To be different than other people. To be different than other people. All right. Have you invalidated this goal at any time? Yes. What? When? Crash! Find it. It falls off You know.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: When have you invalidated this?
PC: Well, what comes to mind is that um—the feeling sort of that we were abandoning it when um—I was put on Sec Checking full time instead of working on this package.
LRH: oh, I see. I see. And that was an invalidation of it.
PC: I felt a little.
LRH: All right. When did you invalidate it? When did you invalidate it. That's it. What you think of? That's it.
PC: oh, it was—uh—who was it?
LRH: There it is.
PC: Somebody asked—oh, I know. Uh—my auditor was asking me one day whether this would be "being different from Scientologists" or whether this was any different of—whether I meant being just different from everybody or different than special groups or different groups.
LRH: Mm-hm. All right. And what—what did you do then?
PC: Well, I sort of decided that I didn't want to be different from everybody, see.
LRH: oh, I see. I see. All right. That's what you did.
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. Okay. Let me ask some more here. Have you invalidated this goal? Have you invalidated this goal? Oh, I don't know. I got a sort of a dirty needle on this thing All right. Let me read it off to you here now. To be different from other people. To be different from other people. To be different from other people. To be different from other people. To be different from other people.
Did you have a Goals Assessment done before this one?
PC: No, I didn't.
LRH: All right. Did you have a terminal found in any way, shape or form before this one?
PC: Uh—I was run on the terminal a couple of years ago.
LRH: What was it?
PC: I believe it was "a man" or it was in this area. Um—yes, it was "a man.” And he was assessed on the Prehav Scale, and a level run. This was before Routine 3 came out—in that period right before that.
LRH: Mm-hm. That was "a man."
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. Let's take a look at this. All right. A man. A man. A man. A man. A man. Well, catfish. Catfish. Catfish. Catfish. A man. A man. A man. A man. A man.
PC: I want to say something This wasn't assessed out on a list.
LRH: No, I know. I know. That's just a terminal. It doesn't have any value as far as that's concerned on your case. Don't worry about it. All right. Now, on the subject of goals, is that the first time you listed anything
PC: Yes, I started mating this list at home last summer.
LRH: Right.
PC: And—whenever I'd think of something else, I'd just add it to the list, and then I brought the whole list over here.
LRH: Mm-hm. Yeah, I got it. Good. What about this list? You got an incomplete goals list, honey.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: That's the earliest I can find that causes a needle reaction on Routine 3. I'm looking around here for this goals list.
PC: Ah...
LRH: Where is it?
PC: It's in there, I think underneath those papers. It's in all odd-shaped pages.
LRH: Well, had an awful time—transfer to this final goals list. Yeah, lookit, lady.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: See, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike.
PC: Story of my life.
LRH: Huh? Look at these Xs. Look at the tremendous numbers of strikes on this goals list. That was the trouble you've had, Ruthie. No, you're not going home, by the way.
PC: oh, I'm not?
LRH: No.
PC: Okay.
LRH: I'm not turning anybody out of here with a dirty needle.
All right. Now, I'm going to find the rest of this, going to check out the rest of this. Okay?
PC: Yes.
LRH: And we had a line here. We have several items so far. Let's see if any of them have any validity although at this stage of the game, I wouldn't X them or not X them. See? Because they've all been found quite independently of all this.
An insincere person. An insincere person. An insincere person. An insincere person. An insincere person. All right.
A race driver. A race driver. A race driver. A race driver. All right.
A failed opponent. A failed opponent. A failed opponent. A failed opponent.
And . . .
A wicked person. A wicked person. A wicked person. A wicked person. It's kicking it.
A vindictive winner. A vindictive winner. A vindictive winner. A vindictive winner.
Well, honey, we're going to see how all these look when you have had a goals completion.
All right. Who's auditing you just now on what?
PC: Um . . . Millie—she's auditing me on CCHs.
LRH: She is, huh? All right. How you feeling on these CCHs? They making any sense to you?
PC: Well, uh—the one that bit the most was CCH 3, and it's getting quite flat, I think.
LRH: It's what?
PC: It's getting quite flat, and oh— smoothing out.
LRH: All right. How you feeling about it?
PC: Fine.
LRH: Yeah. Is it making you feel any better?
PC: Yes, it has.
LRH: All right.
PC: It's helped my duplication on tests and things, too.
LRH: All right. But you basically had a lose here, didn't you, in failing to find a modifier or a terminal?
PC: Yes.
LRH: It's a big, big lose. All right, honey. All right. And we have 25 April 62, and number one, we're going to complete your goals list, huh?
PC: All right.
LRH: Until no charge is left on any item. And then we're going to find the modifier, and that's going to take somebody just about, I don't know how long, but it won't be very long And then we're going to find your G plus M terminal. And then we're going to oppterm it. And that's the least I'll settle for before you get out of here.
PC: Okay.
LRH: All right?
PC: Fine.
LRH: Okay. Now, then we're going to—(5) we will test 3DXX items found that are not reacting well. After above is done, we will complete the lists. Okay?
PC: Fine.
LRH: All right. How do you feel about all this, huh?
PC: I feel real good.
LRH: You feel pretty good about it, huh?
PC: Yes.
LRH: You'd like to get that goal.
PC: Yes, I sure would.
LRH: All right. Well, you're a pretty good auditor. You've learned lots about auditing here. And you're lucky well be able to straighten this out. But we'll probably come off of whatever we're on here. And you go ahead and . . . I don't know where your goals . . .
PC: It's in there. I—uh . . .
LRH: Auditor's form here, I don't see it.
PC: up in amongst some of those yellow sheets. The small sheets of paper.
LRH: Yeah. All right, honey. It's up in here someplace. Shades of—I guess this was Rae Thacker. Yeah, Rae Thacker. She said, "This is not checked again," something like that. This seems to be different from other people. So they're having trouble checking it, see. "This is not checked again although it gets the most reads most consistently. When I read it, her needle was loose and free and behaved beautifully, but by the time it was checked out, everything had tightened up again. Everything goes live after a while then. Should I bleed down for more again and so forth." Should she bleed down for more again. And her note—see Ruth, it says. So oppterm didn't check out. I don't know where the note is for that, but that's quite interesting. I see you were having trouble with the goals. What's historic here is they were—on 21.11.61, the 21st of December. They were having trouble with this goal. And then they got into tremendous amounts of trouble when they tried to find the modifier.
PC: I know they did.
LRH: And then they got into an awful lot of trouble when they found lots of . . . You get the multiplication of all that? Apparently, your needle was free when they were trying to do it. And your needle needs washing just now.
PC: I'U send it out to the laundry.
LRH: All right, honey. You know, we'll take that early correcting action. Okay?
PC: Fine.
LRH: And well finish that off and I think everything will be fine. Probably I will . . . You got your CCHs flat?
PC: It's getting very close to flat.
LRH: Very close to flat. Probably flatten that and flip you over onto the other at once. Okay. Put the cans down.
All right. Thank you very, very much.
PC: Thank you very much.
LRH: You betcha.
LRH: Okay. Sitzen Sie. I have to learn to speak German now, you know, because I've got a German E-boat. We just had a German E-boat inspected, and it's in beautiful condition, and of course you can't handle one unless you can speak German.
PC: of course not.
LRH: of course not. It's obvious, isn't it. All right, Ann. Now, we've been—we've had a resume here, and the goal assessed is "to see and have things as they really are." And the terminal was "a master craftsman." And the levels run were these, and so forth. Couldn't have been too far off.
PC: Uh—Mary Sue asked me just to point out that—uh—there's . . .
LRH: . . . "at level 'faith,' above, 'a pharaoh' and 'an electric shock machine' were also run on the level 'faith' before going on to 'prevent knowing' on a master craftsman. Then a 12-way bracket was run on 'shock on a body."' Why?
PC: Mm. I think that was after the first uh—Clear check when the um—shock treatment engram hadn't yet been run.
LRH: The what?
PC: The shock treatment engram hadn't yet been run.
LRH: Well, why would somebody do that? I know the fellow that did it is sitting amongst the students right now, but he has provoked my curiosity. Why would we do that? I mean where—who got these terminals? Where did they come from?
PC: Mary Sue just asked me that, and I don't actually recall where "pharaoh" and "the electric shock machine" came from except that I was running a lot on electric track stuff and we somehow got the electric shock machine.
LRH: Pick up the cans. All right. Are you protecting somebody on this?
PC: No.
LRH: You protecting somebody on this? Would it upset somebody if you said why or something?
PC: Uh—well, my main difficulty was that I couldn't remember where "pharaoh" and "electric shock machine" actually came from.
LRH: I'd say it was not an item. I wouldn't know where they came from. We found the goal, and we found the terminal. And all of a sudden here's two more terminals show up, and maybe they were assessed out. Were they assessed out or weren't they? Did you go down the list of new terminals or anything like that?
PC: Yes, I seem to remember doing a list for "pharaoh."
LRH: Yeah? Oh, I'm not trying to invalidate anybody, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it. And what do you think it was? Do you think you made a list . . .
PC: I m not . . .
LRH: ... out of which we got pharaoh and electric shock?
PC: Um—well, if I made a list, it was in a session. I didn't go—go quietly off and make one on my own. And the main one was certainly "master craftsman."
LRH: All right. All right.
PC: The goals list. . .
LRH: Mm-hm. The goals list has been what?
PC: Sent back to Sydney.
LRH: Why?
PC: I don't know. I just heard it had recently arrived in Sydney.
LRH: Well, that's just where we need it. I doubt that. There are extra copies or something. These people downstairs are pretty hard to separate from paper. All right. I'll tell you what I'm going to do, Ann. I'm just going to check these things over here a little bit if that's all right with you. Is it all right if I do this?
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. You're sure it's all right if I do this?
PC: Yes.
LRH: oh, there's a tick on this that's answering up. Well, what would be wrong with my doing this?
PC: I don't think there'd be anything wrong In fast, I would like it very much because um—after one item, I had a lot of winds of space and deafness for about two and a half weeks. And if there is something there that needs sorting out I'd very much like it sorted out.
LRH: All right. Okay. And is there anything wrong with my finding this thing straight and so forth? All right. Good. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right. That's a bit latent. Can you think of anything offhand?
PC: No.
LRH: All right. You sure? Have I missed a withhold on you? That's reading everything. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Oh, I don't know. I'm getting a little halt and a fall here.
PC: Well, what I'm thinking of is the item ah—"psychiatrist" which I got, which is after that that I got lots of this um— winds of space. And uh—oh, to a degree I did invalidate myself on Criss Cross because I didn't feel that the oppterm we got to it seemed to be strong enough to take this—this feeling away.
LRH: Ah-ha.
PC: And I'd gotten a bit disturbed from that last week of processing
LRH: All right. And what should I have found out about that time?
PC: Um—well, when the item came up, I—I felt um—that I oughtn't to be auditing . . .
LRH: oh, I see.
PC: . . . an electric machine.
LRH: All right. All right. Okay. All right. Now, have I missed a withhold on you? All right. So just a little tickety-tick. What—what is that?
PC: Um—well, that time the thought was that I was—I was feeling better because we had started to run out um—my own auditing errors, not us getting on top of it today.
LRH: All right. All right. All right. Fine. Fine, fine. What are you on just now? Are you getting . . .
PC: Um—just started prepchecking.
LRH: Mm-mm.
PC: Yesterday and today. I was on CCHs. LRSI: All right. All right. Now just let me make sure this is clean. Have I missed a withhold on you? Um—I get a tiniest rock slam imaginable. What should I have found out? What did I fail to find out?
PC: Uh—all I'm getting is that there's a humming in the room that's like the devil. LR]I: All right. Okay. All right. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Yeah. Yeah. A little more, now. It's starting to prowl up. That's it. What was it?
PC: Um—not uh—doing well when I was on the CCHs this week. My control was well down.
LRH: Mm-mm. All right. All right. Okay. Now what have I failed to find out? All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? I'm not getting any reaction on this. I'm getting a dirty needle reaction. That's all right. You wouldn't have anything to do with it. This merely means that you've been—some list that you have done here recently was left incomplete, and that was about two and a half weeks ago. Which is why you are sitting there this minute. All right. Now let me check this out. Okay?
PC: Yes.
LRH: Floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor, floor. And we got a nice rock slam turned on here. Ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling Wall, wall, wall, wall, wall, wall, wall, floor, floor, floor. What gives with the floor? What's going on here? How come when I say these things, I develop a rock slam?
PC: Um—well, one hand's going like mad, and I'm just trying to—I was just trying to let it relax. I've had a lot of um—body shakes in the last days.
LRH: All right. Why don't you just sit back in the chair and relax? That's a girl. Floor, floor, floor. All right. You were doing something else while I was doing that.
PC: I was trying to . . .
LRH: No, no. I mean before. You're not now. Everything's fine now.
PC: oh, I was—I was a bit concentrating on the hand trying to stop it from going— shaking
LRH: You're a character. Okay. Now, put your paws in your laps and let the cans sit
there comfortably. All right. I'm going to see if I get a bang on this.
To see and have things as they really are. To see and have things as they really are. To see and have things as they really are. To see and have things as they really are. To see and have things as they really are. To see and have things as they really are. That's interesting It reacts—with a lag.
All right. To see and have things as they really are. That's interesting It's got a split-second latency on it. To see and have things as they really are. Well, it's late. All right. Doesn't matter. How many goals were listed here, honey?
PC: I would say over 200. Probably 250.
LRH: oh. All right. Well, we've got a bucketful of items here of one kind or another. Were these things found in sequence?
PC: Yes.
LRH: I'm not going to find any particular fault with your goal. We're not going to be terribly interested in this, but nobody has opptermed "a master craftsman."
A master craftsman. A master craftsman. A master craftsman. There's still a little boot left in this. Microscopic, but so on. It's reacting Did you get a good case gain when you ran that?
PC: Yes.
LRH: Did you? Did you feel much better after you ran that?
PC: Yes. I did on that.
LRH: A master craftsman. A master craftsman. A master craftsman. It reads. Marvelous. Gosh, whoever then started to run "a pharaoh" and "an electric shock machine," of course, needs training at Saint Hill. That's fine. Now, madame, mademoiselle, you got a nice terminal here called "a master craftsman."
PC: Yes.
LRH: Mm-hm. How did you feel about this terminal?
PC: How did I feel about it?
LRH: Mm-hm.
PC: Um—very real to me. I . . .
LRH: It was a very nice terminal?
PC: oh, well, well. Before I started to run it, you understand.
LRH: Yeah. Yeah.
PC: Yeah, it was very real to me. I mean on this particular life with all to do with it.
LRH: Mm-mm, mm-mm. Well, we're just going to oppterm that. And that is your next action. It stayed nice. It's a tiny, little tick. Pang-pang-pang, you know. Just as nice as you please. "25 April 62. (1) Oppterm line A. And make sure it's a full list. Maybe so—500 items?" All right. That's fine. I like that. That's good. We had your case in the bag All we had to do was oppterm line A, and it's sitting right here. And nobody has ever opptermed line A. People have gone on and opptermed nothing oh, well, they've opptermed line G. and line H. and line I. That's fine. I suppose that was by—by test, huh?
PC: Yes.
LRH: of course, we don't know that these were found in this sequence, but let's check these over. Shall we? A fanatic. A fanatic. A fanatic. And that's: "To see things as they really are." That's an oppterm to this goal. Oppterm to the goal? "To see things as they really are?"
PC: Um—well, I did Routine 3 on this one. And then later on, uh—I was told to do uh—I was doing Routine 3D in November. And we got a modifier to the goal, and uh—we came out with "a teacher" and "a fanatic."
LRH: Is this the G plus M terminal?
PC: No, it's the oppterm. LRH: I see. It's an oppterm to what? "A master craftsman"?
PC: Um—we got the goal plus modifier and came up with "a teacher." LR]I: G. plus M, we got a teacher.
PC: Yeah. And the thing that would oppterm a teacher was a fanatic.
LRH: All right. They're backwards. All right. A teacher. A teacher. A teacher. A teacher. A teacher. A teacher. A teacher. Who knows? Might be. Fanatic isn't. Scrub it. All right. "(2) Oppterm line C, 'a teacher,' this time with a complete list." All right. Because "a fanatic" is not thriving and is not correct. All right. "And when we have these done, thoroughly and well, we will check the remaining line plot." Okay?
PC: Mm.
LRH: Good enough. Well, that's pretty good. Whoever assessed your "master craftsman" did a very nice job. Don't know how he did it, but he did it. Nice job. It's evidently all right. Pretty plain tick. See?
PC: Mm.
LRH: Every time. Just right. And by leaving it nonopptermed at this time, you're heading up trouble so that as you do other oppterms . . . And about two-and-a-half weeks ago, somebody did an incomplete list on you.
PC: Yes.
LRH: So which, of course, has given you ear ring and that sort of thing, but "master craftsman" should straighten that out.
PC: Good.
LRH: Good. If it does, there'll be a small fee.
PC: Alrighty.
LRH: Okay, honey, that's all here. Go down now.
PC: Thank you.
LRH: Thank you very much. Good.
LRH: Okay? Have a seat, Jenny.
PC: Thank you.
LRH: we should dispose of you rather easily here. That sounds ominous, doesn't it?
All right. We've got a line plot here which is a real staggerer. Oh, I remember this—the horrors we had— trouble finding "a sphinx." And nobody let you have "a sphinx." And nobody wanted you to have "a sphinx." Right?
PC: That's right.
LRH: All right if I check all this over?
PC: Yes.
LRH: All right. And nobody let you have "a sphinx." "A sphinx." And we wrestled around most gorgeously on that. Now what was your early goal, "Not wanting to be found out"? That's right. And we got "a sphinx," right.
Now, we're going to examine that if that's all right. Pick up those cans. If it's all right with you, we're just going to examine this area of track, huh?
PC: Okay.
LRH: In this auditing All right. Here we go. What do you think about goals? What about goals?
PC: Well, I guess not wanting to be found out.
LRH: That's very interesting What about goals? That's fascinating. It's a charged subject.
PC: Hm.
LRH: All right. Now let's take a sphinx. Good. A sphinx. Good. A sphinx. Good. A sphinx. Good. A sphinx. Good. Sometimes it is here and sometimes it's not here. It gets a nice read.
PC: oh, yes, I'm sure it does.
LRH: It does. It gets a good read. But sometimes it's here and sometimes it's not here. A sphinx. Latent. A sphinx. That's right. It gets the same read latent. A sphinx. Now it gets a nice read. Not a steep read. Very interesting.
Your goals—goal's all charged up. Maybe never did do a complete goals list. I imagine it's in here someplace.
PC: Yes, we had a lot of this.
LRH: Where is this sort of thing
PC: "To make a perfect sound" was another goal we found.
LRH: Yeah, I know, honey. "To make a perfect sound."
PC: I didn't know whether that was the modifier or whether it's . . .
LRH: And then they got mad at you because they said obviously that that was Rae Thacker's goal and you were going up town on Saturday with her and therefore you had her goal.
PC: Ah.
LRH: Ah, now you find out. I don't have a withhold from you. Well, actually, this goals list sort of came out . . . Maybe this was back in the days when we weren't cutting the slash and slosh out of it.
PC: why I thought it was "a perfect sound" was that, you know, I—I had wanted to sing, but if you're going to sing you had to sing perfectly—one time.
LRH: Yeah, all right. Let's see what list we've got here. Oh, there's where I made probably a nasty remark to your auditor and then cut it off the sheet. Where is this? I don't find much of a goals list here, lady.
PC: It should be there.
LRH: oh, I found a piece of it.
PC: You make goals and goals and goals and goals.
LRH: Here's a Dynamic Assessment. Back here somewhere there's goals. What a messy list. That's some kind of a Sec Check. "Sphinx," ah. "Open umbrella." "False teeth." Your folder's gotten reversed. There is somebody sometime or other has gone that route. Well, I have found a piece of this, and I don't find much evidence to support the idea that your goals list is not complete. But our next action on you . . . Were you satisfied with these goals? Here's a goals list. I only find about 35. I only find about only 35 or 40 goals here.
PC: No, I think I made more than that. Because we had a lot of goals with difficulty going on. And that was where they came.
LRH: Now, you see this kind of thing That's too much. The terminals list is incomplete. We're going to complete your goals list, lady. All right?
PC: Yes.
LRH: Mm?
PC: Yes.
LRH: I'll look at this again here. Goals. Not wanting to be found out. Not wanting to be found out. Not wanting to be found out. Man, that reads now, and it doesn't read now, and so forth. It keeps reading, but there's no uniform read. "Not wanting to be found out." That's undoubtedly a goal. "Not wanting to be found out." See? It falls on "not," "not wanting to," "to be." Then doesn't fall.
PC: so it isn't my goal.
LRH: We're getting a nice, long, big charge on this.
PC: I see. Could it be the right goal with more goals to be done?
LRH: It's a nice charge.
PC: Mm.
LRH: There's a half-a-dial drop here on the subject. PC: The safest thing I've ever found out. "Not want to be found out." I'd never let that one go.
LRH: That would be very nice, wouldn't it?
PC: Mm.
LRH: Yeah. What makes you—would that make you feel happy?
PC: Mm.
LRH: Mm?
PC: Mm. It would . To really let it go. Yes.
LRH: Well, what we're going to do is we're going to complete that goals list on you just to get the charge off of it. Okay? And "(1) Complete goals list, and get all charge off of it by listing"
PC: Good.
LRH: See, we're doing—we can do something new now. you know, we can list the charge off of the things.
PC: I've seen it work. Gosh, i ve seen it work.
LRH: Marvelous, isn't it?
PC: Yes. LREI: All right. And then we're going to find the modifier.
PC: Mm-hm.
LRH: And then we're going to find the G plus M terminal, and then (4) we're going to oppterm it. Hm? Good. And when we've got all that done, we're going to then check the line chart.
PC: I m quite sick with relief.
LRH: You feel relieved? Oh, no. All right. Okay. All right. That's just a charge situation, I'm sure. All right, honey.
PC: I don't have to pretend anymore.
LRH: Hm?
PC: I just don't have to pretend anymore.
LRH: That's right. Put them up there. Put the cans up. Now, is there anything else you'd care to say?
PC: No, just thank you.
LRH: All right. Good enough. So here you go. And thank you very much.
PC: Thank you.
LRH: You bet. Okay. That is all.
Good night.