Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power

The pace of life has exceeded our imagination. The things we found impossible yesterday are common and ordinary today. The advancement in science and technology has an enormous effect on our lifestyle. Everything is changing; faster and faster!

Where is the place of the man in all these upheavals, transformations and changes?

People accustomed to their old, sometimes even archaic, methods cannot adjust to the new demands of the market and to the challenges of the global economy. They are embittered by frustration, desperately looking for something or someone to help them out.

What is the remedy for their frustration? What should be done to suppress disappointment and to overcome the nasty feeling of helplessness?

Knowledge is the answer here. Books, magazines, CD-ROMs, the Internet and many other sources of information are available to almost everyone willing to

learn new things. If you are always at school on time; if you regularly do your homework, and never fail your examinations, that's OK. Don't take it for granted, however that such orderliness itself will ensure an attractive job/ high salary and holidays on the Canary Islands. There is one thing you must not forget: "Useless knowledge is a devastating plague." It means that you have to be focused on what you love and what you dream of. You have to do a lot of work on your own. You have to acquaint yourself with new methods; you have to be always up-to-date.

Your certificate of secondary education, or even a university degree will not guarantee a good job with unlimited prospects for the future, unless you yourself get fully engaged in the process of attaining knowledge. This process must not stop the moment you leave school or graduate from university. If you are eager to succeed you cannot waste a single minute of your life. Each of them may be crucial for your development.

You have to set yourself ambitious goals; you have to make the necessary resolutions and commitments. If you stick it out despite the odds you will say: "Perhaps I'm not perfect and my skills need continuous improvement, but I know I deserve the reward: the fulfilment of my dreams, happiness, and success."


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