I. Wstaw w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy z nawiasów.

1. Tim ………….. some new clothes yesterday- two shirts a jacket and a pullover. (buy)

2. It ……… (be) very warm in the room, so I …………. a window. (open)

3. The accident ……………last Saturday afternoon. (happen)

4. He ……… at the picture. (look)

5. They ………… all the juice. (drink)

6. We ……….. a terrible noise. (hear)

7. She ……….. the car. (sell)

8. Jack ……….. about his birthday. (think)

9. Mum and dad ………. to the swimming pool. (go)

10. The police …………….. the thief. (catch) ............ / 11

II. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie.

Last Saturday Lisa ………….. (fly) from London to Madrid. She ………. (get) up at six o'clock in the morning and ……….. (have) a cup of coffe. At 6.30 she ………… (leave) home and ……...

(go) to the airport. When she ……….. (arrive), she ………. (park) the car and then ………… (go) to the airport cafe where she ………. (have) breakfast. Then she ……… (go) through passport control and ….…… (wait) for the flight. The plane ………… (start) on time and …………. (arrive) in Madrid two hours later. Finally she …….. (take) a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.

………. / 14

III. Zapisz podane wyrazy po angielsku, a następnie utwórz od nich formę w past simple.

kupować -

łapać -

wybierać -

pić -

spać -

wiać -

karmić -

zaczynać -

zapominać -

kłaść -

płacić -

wiedzieć -

robić -

dostawać -

dawać -

……… / 15


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