Your teacher is going to give you some Christmas card templates. Decorate three cards and color them. Then write a short letter inside the cards. Here is a list of things you can say in your cards. Try to think of another example for each one. |
You can say `thank you': Thanks for helping me. Thanks for teaching me. Thanks for being there for me. ____________________________________
You can show appreciation: I appreciate your hard work. I appreciate your I appreciate what you've done for me. ____________________________________
You can say sorry: I'm sorry that I can't be with you. I'm sorry that I didn't call you as often as I should. I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble. ____________________________________
You can express some good hopes for the New Year: I hope you are healthy in the New Year. I hope you are happy in the New Year. I hope we can spend a lot of time together in the New Year.
You can say why you are glad: I'm glad that we could be spend time together. I'm glad that I met you. I'm glad that we kept in touch. ____________________________________
You can wish them well: Have a merry Christmas. Have a happy New Year. Have a safe journey home. ____________________________________
You can recognize their good qualities: You are always kind to me. You always help me when I'm in trouble. You are always there for me. ____________________________________
You can say how lucky you are to know them: I am lucky to have a friend like you. I am lucky to have parents like you. I am lucky to have a teacher like you. ____________________________________
You can express some good wishes: I wish we could be together. I wish you well in the New Year. I wish you the best of luck in the New Year. ____________________________________
You can make a promise: I promise to work harder. I promise to be a better friend. I promise to call you often in the New Year.. ____________________________________ |