islcollective worksheets beginner prea1 elementary school spelling writing school worksh worksheet 72294e337222603fa3 95632607

  1. Complete and colour.

0x08 graphic
This P __ __ __ I __ is yellow 0x01 graphic
This R __ __ E __ is pink

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

This __ __ N is red This R __ __ B __ R is blue

  1. 0x08 graphic
    What can you see? Write

One Ruler

0x08 graphic

__________________ __________________



One pen

  1. 0x08 graphic
    Say CORRECT/ INCORRECT _________________

a- TWO RULERS ____



d- ONE BOOK ____


f- ONE GLUE ____


  1. Read and draw

  1. Three rulers

  2. One school bag

  3. Two pencil cases

  4. Four rubbers

  5. Two scissors


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