islcollective worksheets elementary a1 preintermediate a2 elementary school re u 5 the usa test 218184e89cac483f561 75002309

1 Choose the correct answer:

1 The USA is the .....

a) first b) second c) fourth d)fifth largest country in the world.

2 There are ........

a) four b) five c) six d) seven time zones in the USA.

3 The population of the USA is ......

a) 30 b) 300 c) 3000 million people.

4 Los Angeles is.....

a) the largest b) second largest c) the third largest


5 Rhode Island and Delaware are ........

a) western b) southern c) eastern states.

6 Each state has its own .....

a) president and parliament b) government and capital city c) parliament and capital city.

7 The President of the USA lives in ....

a ) White House b) Pentagon c) World Trade Centre.

8 There are ....

a) thirteen b) fourteen c) fifteen stripes on the US flag.

9 The original states formed in....

a) 1874 b) 1756 c) 1776.

10) On the flag there is one.....

a) stripe b) star c) state for each of the fifty states.

2 Answer these questions:

1 What is the largest country in North America?


2 What is the third longest river in the world?


3 Why is the USA a rich country?


4 What is the largest city in the USA?


5 How many states are there in the United States?


6 What is the biggest eastern state in the USA?


7 Washington DC is ________________________________________________


8 What is the flag of the USA called?


9 Where did the first settlers come from?


10 What is the third largest city in the USA?



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