islcollective worksheets elementary a1 preintermediate a2 elementary school writing for since american british engl 8a y 325615066becdcce238 06357242





  1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the suitable form are given in chart below.

observe - during - glad - whisper - robbery -valuable -aliens - lend - sour- prick up- rank -relief-ignore-improve-publish -borrow-trust-scenery-shine-proud

  1. You can't ………………………. the fact that many criminals never go to prison.

  2. Staff were ……………………..that the company was about to go out of business.

  3. I just don’t ……………………..him

  4. …………………. the summer she worked as a lifeguard.

  5. Many wines …………………… with age.

  6. I'm really ……………………….. I don't have to go back there again.

  7. The moon………………………. brightly in the sky last night.

  8. Rachel sampled the wine. It was …………………………….

  9. NASA claims that ………………………….appear on the west of the California.

  10. I felt a huge surge of ……………… and happiness.

  11. His ………………. parents watched the presentation.

  12. Today's match ……………. as one of the most exciting games that these two have ever played.

  13. He received a 10 year prison sentence for armed …………………

  14. Eve ……………………… her ears when she heard her name being mentioned.

  15. Their most ………………………. belongings were locked in a safe in the bedroom.

  16. The best part of the trip was the fantastic ………………………

  17. Orhan Pamuk ……………………………….. his last book “Masumiyet Müzesi” last year.

  18. Scientists have ……………………………..a drop in ozone levels over the Antarctic.

  19. They ………………………… heavily from the bank to start their new business.

  20. I ………………………………. my CD player to Dave and I haven't got it back yet.

  1. Fill in the blanks with “for” or “since”.

1.The kettle has been boiling . . . a quarter of an hour.

2.The central heating has been on . . . October
3.That trunk has been in the hall . . . a year.

4.I've been using this machine . . . twelve years.

5.We've been waiting . . . half an hour.

6. He hasn't spoken to me . . . the last committee meeting.

7.It has been very foggy . . . early morning.
8.They have been quarrelling ever . . . they got married.
9.That tree has been there . . . over 2,000 years.
10.Nobody has come to see us ………… we bought these bloodhounds.

C.Circle the correct one. 3. Lisa has been a Professional singer ____1980.

1. 1) Family members should cooperate in the family a) already b) for c)since d)just

2) Success have the same meaning for everyone

3) You musn’t work hard to reach your goal. 4. Resmi doğru anlatan ifadeyi bulun.

4) If you plan your errands you’ll have a lot of time a) I haven’t tidied my room yet.

b) I haven’t tidied my room just

a) 1- False 2- False 3- True 4- True c) I have tidied my room yet.

b) 1- True 2- False 3- False 4- True d) I have yet tidied my room have just

c) 1- False 2- True 3- False 4- True

d) 1- True 2- True 3- False 4- False 5. I .................( teach) English..................five years.

a) has taught /since c) have taught / for

2 . b) have taught / since d) has teached/since

I have just ……………………..

6 . A: Have you …………been to a foreign country?

a) paid the bills. B: No, I have …….…..been to a foreign country.

b) taken the dog for a walk.

c) done the housework. a) ever / never c) always / just

d) ironed the clothes. b) ever / lately d) never / ever

D) Write the words into the right circle .10 pts)

better- bed - breakfast - homework- late - anxious - cake - shopping - housework














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