future simple cwiczenia

FUTURE TENSE- ćwiczenia

I.Uzupełnij luki:

1. I....................................to you tomorrow.(come)

2. She.........................................the exam. (pass)

3. The children..................................... to bed early. (go)

4. We ....................................care of it. (take)

5. I promise I .............................. you tomorrow morning. (ring)

6. She is in Warsaw now but tomorrow she .................................... in Berlin. (be)

7. I think it ......................... in the evening so we’d better take our umbrellas.(rain)

8. Kate is sure she ........................ her geography exam. (fail)

9. Take that book. You...................... it sooner than me. (read)

10. Would you like tea or coffee? I...................... coffee, please. (have)

II. Z podanych słów ułóż pytania:

  1. With/me/will/she/help/my/homework ?

  2. Pass/all/exams/you/will/your?

  3. John/tomorrow/will/call/boss/my?

  4. A/job/find/me/they/will/try/to?

  5. The/moment/phone/in/a/answer/will/Julie?

  6. Will/in/the/morning/be/back/he?

  7. Dublin/for/a/while/I/stay/will/in?

  8. Tomorrow/the/match/will/win/you?

III. Z podanych słów ułóż zdania twierdzące w czasie Future Simple:

  1. Susan/start/will/new/job/soon/her

  2. Will/have/a/the/children/Coke

  3. Jum/will/not/argue/to/try/with/him

  4. She/go/to/will/bed/tonight/eary

  5. Your/behaviour/about/her/I/will

  6. Help/Tom/will/you/with/luggage/the

  7. A/new/bicycle/month/next/think/I/buy/will/I

  8. Hopes/still/will/find/true/he/love/he/his

IV. Zbuduj przeczenia do podanych zdań:

  1. Mary will be in Manchester next week.

  2. All right, we will go out tonight.

  3. He will be angry at me.

  4. Sue will like her new cat.

  5. I'll be tired after work tomorrow.

  6. Jack will fall in love with her soon.

  7. I'll be home all day tomorrow.

  8. I'm sure we will lose the game.

  9. They'll look after our baby next week.

  10. You'll sleep well tonight.

V. Ułóż pytania do podanych zdań:

1. She will sing in an opera one day.

2. My brothers will start taking private lessons in English next Saturday.

3. Their grandchildren will study law in the USA.

4. My aunt will make a speech at the conference in California.

5. I will take a nap.

6. He will give his sister a lift to work.

7. We will take a photograph of you and Mark!

8. My neighbours will make noise at the party.

VI. Wybierz właściwy element w czasie Future Simple:

  1. I will give/give/am giving a party next week.

  2. I'm sure my students will win/win/are winning the first prize.

  3. Eva and Gio will get married/get married/are getting married next June.

  4. The cake will be/is/is going ready in 20 minutes.

  5. When I am old I will travel/travel/am travelling around the world.

  6. The dog will play/play/is playing with you whenever you show it a ball.


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