The Ebola Virus

The Ebola Virus

Ebola is an infectious disease with high mortality rate ranks among the viral hemorrhagic fevers. This fevers are viral infections, including dengue hemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus disease, and yellow fever, that occur primarily in tropical climates, are usually transmitted to humans by arthropods or rodents, and are characterized by high fever, internal bleeding, hypotension, and shock. Ebola virus belongs to the Filoviridae family. There are four known biotypes of viruses that cause disease in humans. These are: Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan, Ebola-Ivory Coast, and Ebola-Reston. The latter does not cause infection in humans, but is pathogenic in monkeys. The first case of Ebola haemorrhagic fever occurred in 1976 in Zaire. The mortality rate was 88 percent. One of the last epidemic occurred in Uganda in 2007 The diagnosis is possible by detecting the virus in the blood in laboratory tests and by skin biopsy, detection of Ebola virus, and positive serological test. The primary prevention of infection with hemorrhagic fever is to avoid possible contamination, namely avoiding bites by mosquitoes or flies, or contact with animal waste and from an infected person.

Most cases of fatal bleeding. Natural reservoirs are rodents and monkeys are likely to Saba. Most likely to occur in tropical countries. Infection occurs after direct contact with the patient, although the disease can also spread by other routes. Period of illness lasts for about 2 weeks (the fastest case of death occurred after 4 days), the mortality rate ranges between 60 - 90%.The first symptoms of hemorrhagic fever similar to flu symptoms - high temperature, muscle aches, diarrhea. In order to keep the patient begins to vomit, abdominal pains, chest and head, the rash appears. At the peak of the disease can lead to profuse bleeding from body cavities and internal bleeding. Often the patient may even lose consciousness this time and contact with the environment and even to experience mental disorders. The Ebola virus affects the entire body by riddling all internal organs with microscopic hemorrhages. The only known strain that moves through the air - Ebola

Reston - is not harmful to humans. Causal treatment is not known. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive

measures, consisting in maintaining acid-base balance and fluid and electrolyte balance.

In the area of central Africa in probably six reported outbreaks caused by different strains, in which about 750 people died in 1000 infected. Causes of the epidemic lie mainly in the behavior of the population and very low standard of health in African countries - repeatedly used the same needles and syringes, there was a lack of basic medical resources and trained personnel. To large epidemic occurred in Zaire. 1/10 people survived. Virus spread very fast. The exact origin of the virus during this epidemic is unknown. The only advantage of this disease is that a sick person dies in a short time and do not plague many people.

Outbreak is a 1995 American disaster movie. The film focuses on an outbreak of a fictional Ebola-like virus called Motaba in Zaire and later in a small town in the United States. Its primary settings are government disease control centers USAMRIID and the CDC, and the fictional town of Cedar Creek, California. Outbreak shows how far the military and civilian agencies might go to contain the spread. As for the fiction in this film first, this disease mortality was one hundred percent of what is not true. In this movie the other people survive the disease through the discovery host. Second, changed the name from the Ebola to Motaba. In the movie virus survived for a long time in the air and spread like the flu. In fact the movie was that after contact with the blood of a sick person the other person get seck too. fact in the “Outbreak” were the symptoms: fever, proteinuria, malaise, red throat, redness, rash on the face, swelling, bruising on the skin. In the both films, the death occurred after several days.

I think that both films show the most important facts about Ebola. I Think also that the videos are very informative and everyone should watch them.

Sylwia Gaca 03/ 29/11


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