GPE Listening C VII

GPE VII Final Exam: Part I Listening: CNJO/ORSE SGH group C (T1)

The Name of the Student: …………………………………………………………… The Student ID Number: ………………

Total Score:

Task no

Ideal Score

Points Scored











Part 1: You will hear four different extracts. For questions 1 – 8, choose the answer (A, B, or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. The score: 4 points.

Extract 1

You hear an expert describing how he helped to convict a criminal.

  1. What is his area of expertise?

  1. analysis of fibers in textiles,

  2. chemical components of dyes,

  3. patterns of wear in cloth.

  1. How does he make a positive identification?

  1. matching individual characteristics,

  2. referring to computer records,

  3. conducting chemical tests.

Extract 2

You hear a radio interview with a teacher who accompanies students on school trips.

  1. What effect have school trips had on the teacher?

  1. They have enriched her professionally,

  2. She has become a more understanding parent.

  3. They have increased her school responsibilities.

  1. She retains her teacher’s role when on trips in order to

  1. reassure students,

  2. encourage learning,

  3. maintain discipline.

Extract 3

You hear a playwright being interviewed on the radio about the arts in Britain.

  1. What is the playwright’s view of the government’s role in the arts?

  1. to support the traditional arts,

  2. to further its own aims,

  3. to ensure an even distribution of resources.

  1. According to the playwri9ght, the success of big musicals in the 1980s led to

  1. a serious decline in the fine arts,

  2. the virtual collapse of the radical theater,

  3. a dialogue between classical and popular music.

Extract 4

You hear twin sisters from an Asian background discussing a British television program about twins.

  1. What did the first twin dislike about the program?

  1. It spent too much time on the scientific aspects,

  2. It was over-complex for the average viewer,

  3. It focused on the negative aspects of being a twin.

  1. The second twin believes that people in western cultures

  1. overvalue individuality,

  2. expect twins to look identical,

  3. assume twins have similar traits.

Part 2: You will hear a talk given by a naturalist who is interested in a type of insect called the damselfly. For questions 9 – 17, complete the sentences with a word or a short phrase. The score: 9 points.

There is a lack of information about both the number and 9. ………………………………………….. of damselflies across different locations in Britain. The damselfly has been badly affected by recent changes in the countryside, for example, 10. ………………………………………….. and the filling-in of ponds. An observer can identify an damselfly by the position of its 11. ………………………………………….. while it’s resting. Because of their colors, some damselflies are described as resembling types of 12. ………………………………………….. . The commonest species of damselfly in the speaker’s area is called the 13. ………………………………………….. . The most endangered species of damselfly in the speaker’s area is called the 14. ………………………………………….. . The best place to find damselflies is near water which is 15. ………………………………………….., and which supports plant life. Damselflies are easiest to see in the hours immediately following 16. ………………………………………….. . The Conservation Trust would like to make a 17. ………………………………………….. of places where damselflies can still be found.

Part 3: You will hear a radio interview with the artist, Madeline Knowles. For questions 18 – 22, choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which fits best according to what you hear. The score: 5 points.

18. What motivates Madeline in her choice of subject?

a. a desire to produce beautiful paintings,

b. a rejection of the unpleasantness of life,

c. an appreciation of essential qualities,

d. a search for her own inner peace.

19. What, in Madeline’s view, is the relationship between artists and the world they live in?

a. They want to reveal the patterns in life.

b. They value the supernatural element in art.

c. They have to provide what people want.

d. They have difficulty in communicating with people.

20. Why did Madeline first take up painting?

a. It had been a secret ambition of hers to paint.

b. A change of focus was required in her teaching.

c. Her students requested help with their painting.
d. She saw it was a fulfilling way of expressing herself.

21. How was the rock star influenced by seeing Madeline’s painting of a path?

a. He was inspired to paint his first picture.

b. He commissioned her to paint a picture of his house.

c. He wanted to introduce a similar feature into his garden.

d. He became interested in a new style of painting.

22. How does Madeline help the rock star with his painting?

a. by providing him with technical tips,

b. by discussing his involvement with the subject,

c. by suggesting suitable subjects to paint,

d. by offering advice on painting the countryside.

Part 4: You will hear a discussion on the radio on the subject of rock festivals. For questions 23 – 28, decide whether the options are expressed by only one of the speakers, or whether the speakers agree. Write T for Tim, M for Maria, and B for both, where they agree. The score: 3 points.

23. Too many people travel to rock festivals by car. _____

24. Rock festivals in cities cause more problems than those in the countryside. _____

25. The problem at the Tandem Festival could have been anticipated. _____

26. There are sometimes ugly structures left after festivals have taken place. _____

27. At Greenwood, there is now a greater concern about removing waste. _____

28. Festivals are held in order to make a profit for the organizers. _____

Exam compiled and adjusted by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A.


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