test z angielskiego po 5 klasie

Test sprawdza umiejętności posługiwania się j. angielskim przez uczniów kończących klasę piątą — szkoły podstawowej.


Maksymalna ilość punktów/ Ilość punktów zdobyta przez ucznia


1.Przeczytaj list. Jeśli zdania(1-8)  są prawdziwe — zaznacz (v) jeśli są fałszywe — zaznacz (x)?

Hello Kate,

My name’s Ben and I live in a small town near the river. I’ve got a hamster and he’s brown. My hamster’s name’s Pip and he’s six months old. Pip likes lots of different food. He eats apples and lettuce everyday. I never feed him chocolate. It’s not healthy for hamsters. He always has a bowl of water in his cage. Sometimes I feed him some milk because he likes it. He doesn’t drink fruit juice– he likes fruits, but not juice! Pip usually sleeps in the day and plays at night so I feed him before I go to bed. My hamster loves running in his jogging– ball. He does it everyday.


Przykład: Pip is Ben’s hamster.   V

1. The letter is from Betty. ____

2. Ben’s got a brown mouse. ____

3. Ben’s six months old. ____

4. Pip likes lettuce. ____

5. Ben doesn’t give Pip chocolate. ____

6. Pip never drinks milk. ____

7. Ben feeds Pip before school. ____

8. Pip doesn’t run everyday. ____

2. Uzupełnij  brakujące litery w wyrazie. Jedna kreska to jedna litera.

3. Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj wyrazów z ramki.


  whose          like        was        must       any        summer      


 how much             second              let’s            between  


1.There  ___________  a library in Hilltown in 1930.

2.____________  bike  is this? It’s Peter’s.

3.You  ____________  keep dogs on a lead.

4.The swimming pool’s  ______________  the bank and the library.

5. _____________ have a picnic!

6.February is the  _____________  month.

7.In  _____________ I swim in a lake.

8.Are there  _____________ chips ?

9. ______________ sugar do you want?

10. She doesn’t  ____________  cleaning  her  room.

4. Przeczytaj  i  uzupełnij dialog.  Użyj wyrazów z ramki.


thanks       eggs       help       kilo      any         much        many


Tom is shopping to make a cake…

MAN: Can I ____________ you?

TOM: Yes. Have you got  ______________ sugar, please?

MAN: Yes. How  ________________ do you want?

TOM: One  _____________, please.

MAN: Anything else?

TOM: Yes. Have you got any  _______________?

MAN: Yes. How  __________________ do you need?

TOM: Five, please.

MAN: Here you are. That’s Ł 5, please.

TOM: ______________. Goodbye!

5. Z podanych wyrazów ułóż poprawne zdania.

1. plays; she; football.; often


2. making; she; popcorn.; is


3. ?; dancing; you; do; like  


4. never; I; morning.; in; watch TV; the


5. don’t; up; they; wash.


6. is; park.; a; there


7. aren’t; Tessa; Sam; and; sleeping.


8. is; her; she; homework.; doing


9. didn’t; yesterday; tennis.; Tom; play 


6.  Napisz krótkie wypracowanie na jeden z poniższych tematów (5 zdań).

1. My favourite season     
2. My favourite day.       
3. My town.


I .Zaznacz słowo , które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

a) swim , play , skate , eat

b) Friday , January , Sunday , Monday

c) who , hill , where , when

d) bin , pen , rubber , schoolbag

e) his , you , they , we

f) prince , king , magician , doctor

g) chair , square , rectangle , circle

h) good , handsome , clever , silly

………./ 8 pkt

II. Przetłumacz polski wyraz w zdaniach.

  1. The cat is…………………(pod) the table.

  2. You are ………………..(obok) the blackboard.

  3. Is he ………………..(za) the door?

  4. The plate is …………………(na) the table.

  5. The apples are ………………..(w) the basket.


III. Połącz wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu.

a) long 1-straight

b) small 2-short

c) curly 3 clever

d) silly 4 cold

e) nice 5 big

f) hot 6 terrible

g) new 7 old









IV. Przekształć zdanie na pytanie , przeczenie lub twierdzenie.

  1. He has got a new CD player ( przeczenie)

  2. They don’t live in this house. ( twierdzenie)

  3. There are 3 posters in this room. (przeczenie)

  4. My father is at work now. (pytanie)

  5. Does he play football on Monday? ( twierdzenie)

  6. Can he play the guitar? ( przeczenie)

    ………./ 14pkt

V. Wstaw odpowiedni zaimek.

  1. ……….name is Susan, I Am from Warsaw.

  2. Are Anna and Tom your best friends? Yes, ……..are.

  3. This is Betty. ……….surname is Jones.

  4. We are Polish. ………hometown is Łódź.

  5. Here is the boy. Can you see……….?

  6. Stop the girl. Stop………


VI.Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

  1. ……..he from Poland?

I. is II.are III.has

2. My dog ……..very long legs.

I.is II.has III. Have

3.Does your mum like cooking? Yes, ……..

I. she doesn’t II. She is III. She does

4. We ……..to the same class 5b.

I. come II. Comes III. are

5. This is my………. Car.

I. uncle II. uncles’ III.uncle’s

6. It is my chocolate………..eat it!!

I. Don’t II. Not III.You

7. She …….like History.

I. isn’t II. Does III. Doesn’t


VII.Połącz pytania z odpowiedziami.

  1. How old is your dad? 1. Yes, there are two.

  2. Where are you from? 2. No, I can’t

  3. What is your favourite colour? 3. He is 43.

  4. What are they? 4. It is blue.

  5. Where is my pen? 5. No, never.

  6. Has he got a red ball? 6. Yes he has.

  7. Are there photos on the table? 7. I am from PARIS.

  8. Can you dance? 8. In your pencilcase.

  9. Does he often drink milk? 9.They are bones.


VIII.Uzupełnij dialog.

A: Hi! I am in your class. My name is Tim.

B: …………………………

A: I am from England. But my mum is from Poland.

B; …………………………………………..

A; Yes, I have one sister.

B: ……………………………………………….

A:Yes, she is very nice . I love her.

B: …………………………………………………………….

A:No, we haven’t got any pets. Our house is very small.


A: There are only two rooms, a kitchen and a bedroom.


Yes I like tennis , it is my favourite sport. Let’s go and play.


IX. Przeczytaj tekst a następnie napisz czy zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.

I live in my dream house. The house is near the forest , by the lake. It isn’t very big. There are four bedrooms upstairs. My bedroom has got two windows. I have a big desk next to the window. The walls of my room are yellow, so the room is sunny and bright. My sister’s room is opposite the bedroom. Her walls are blue because it is her favourite colour. She has got a lot of posters on the walls and a photo of her favourite group FEEL.

My parents’ bedroom is downstairs. There is also a living room and a kitchen. In the living room there is a green carpet, a table and six chairs..

a) The house is big. T / F

b)There are three bedrooms downstairs. T / F

c) The house isn’t next to the forest. T / F

d) There is one window in my room. T /F

e) My sister’s room is yellow. T / F

f) I haven’t got a sunny room. T / F

g) My sister likes blue. T / F

h)She likes FEEL. T / F

i) There is a living room downstairs. T / F

     j) There are seven chairs next to the table. T / F


X. Napisz kilka zdań o Tinie. Wykorzystaj podane informacje.

Tina – age 10- London- brother and a sister- pet dog- favourite sport tenis- class 6a………../12pkt


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