Fight for power between Horus and Seth

I want tell you my favorite myth about fight for power between Horus and Seth.

Everybody knows story about Osiris’s death. Seth was very jealous, so he made first sarcophagus, organized big feast and craftily killed Osiris and quartered his body. Osiris’s wife – Isis founded scattered parts his body, put it together, created the first mummy and restored Osiris life, and they have a baby – Horus. Unfortunately Osiris have to stay in underground, because he became king of afterlife. Egyptian throne became empty.
But little people knows story about gods
fight for control of the world of the living.

There were two candidates to take the power: Horus – Osiris’s son, and Seth – Osiris’s brother. When Horus grown up, he claimed to power over Egypt, so he go to the Gods Court of the most important gods who presided Re, god of the sun from Heliopolis. Re don’t want give crown, despite others gods opinion, because he prefer Seth. Gods are trying convince Re, but that actions only upset god of the sun.

Set decide use difficult situation and proposing that he and Horus should leave the court to resolve problem in direct combat. God Tot tried to explain that is not necessary, because Horus as son former king should take the crown, but Re clearly took the side of Seth - "Great Force".

The Gods can’t solve this problem for 80 years.

In the end, trying to break the impasse, the gods agreed to send a letter to Neit, the great creator, and asked her for advice. Neit answer was short and impatient. Horus should have the power. If this is not, the "heavens will break" because this will be insult to justice.

The gods take the advice, unfortunately, Re rejected it, believing this is not acceptable and start insulting Horus. He accused him of being a weakling and said Horus had a stale breath.

For this behavior, the court responded bitterly, and minor god named Babi said to Re: "Your chapel is empty" which was a big dishonor for Re. He leave the court and rally sad go to his pavilion. Goddess Hathor, his daughter are trying save the situation, so she go to Re’s pavilion and strip for him. Her behavior provoked Re to smiling . He get up and go back to the courtroom to Horus and Seth recommending to re-present their case.

Set and Horus start arguing, but Isis try help her son and win the favor of the tribunal. Set become angry and he threatened to kill one god every day with his scepter, and he said he wouldn’t recognize any sentence if Isis take part in it.

In this case gods moved to the island, ordering the carrier Nemti to not carrying any woman. But Isis bribe Nemti, (give her ring) and when the gods have a break, she turn into a beautiful young woman. Seth see her, and fell desire. Goddess present herself as the widow. She complain to him that her son inherits after dad, but his uncle want to take this. She begged him to help her and her son. Upset such obvious injustice Set don’t notice that the story is similar to the dispute over the throne. He gave verdict convicted himself, and everybody hear that.

Set can’t stand shame and weep (cry), he are complaining to Re that Isis tricked him. But his tears don’t touch Re and god of the Sun told him that Set showed his stupidity by sentencing himself. The Gods’ Court give the throne of Egypt for Horus. But Set call to resolve conflict with Horus in a battle.

He suggested that they both turned into hippos and stay under water for three months. Who first emerge on the surface before end, lose his right to the throne. Horus agree with him, and they both go down into the water. But Isis don’t trust Seth and decided to help her son. She made harpoon and throw to the water. Her first sight was very unhappy, because she hit Horus. Goddess remove spear and throw again. Harpoon stuck in Seth’s body. Seth start begging for removal the spear, because Isis is his blood sister. When Horus hear that cut off his mother's head.

Re ordered them to stop the conflict, because everybody are really tired this situation. Seth seemingly accept gods’s decision, and want invite Horus for a feast to celebrate Horus victory. Then Horus gets drunk and Seth raped him, because impure person can’t be a king. When Horus realized what had happened, with the help of Isis has removed semen from his body, and throw it to the river. Next Isis take Horus semen and add it to favorite Seth’s vegetables – lettuce. Unconscious Set eat lettuce, next day go to the Gods Court and said he raped Horus, so he can’t be king.

Gods are disgusted, but Horus don’t give up. He laughed in their faces and accused Seth of lying. Horus propose ask that semen where it was. Tot called Seth’s semen. Everybody was surprised when semen response from river. When Seth called Horus’s semen it response from inside of Seth.

Despite shame Seth still want fight. In next competition Seth and Horus must make boat from stone
to race each other. Horus built ship with pine wood, and cover it with limestone to look like a stone. When Seth saw this trick, he cut the top of Horus’s boat. Seth’s boat begin to sink, so Seth turned into a hippo and break Horus’s boat. Angry Horus take their weapons to kill the enemy. Fortunately, before he did that other gods stop him.

Meanwhile Tot suggested Re to write a letter to Osiris and send it to Underground. Osiris’s answer are determined. He said about his important role as a perpetrator of the gods. They have power, because they eat his wheat (bread), so they shouldn’t take power his son Horus.

Upset Re start arguing with Osiris, but answer from underground are simple: if Hours don’t take a crown, Osiris will sent his emissaries who won’t fell afraid of gods. He also threatens the stars in the sky, gods and all people will drop to the kingdom of Osiris.

After a quiet
consideration of facts, the Gods’s Court agreed with Osiris and restore Horus his father's throne.


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