ściąga angielski

Czy kobiety powinny być kierowcami
The answer to the question of whether women should drive is very simple. Yes. The answer to why should they drive is also very simple. Safety. They are safer drivers, have fewer accidents and a much lower death rate than men from accidents they are involved in. Automibiles were built not only for men but for women as well. There is no place on earth where women are forbidden to drive except Saudi Arabia. But of course it happens that some women should never drive the car but some men should not get a driving license because they are a threat to the lives of others people and for themselves. Driving a car is something ordinary for some people, a challenge for others, so everyone should just consider whether it should be a driver?

Czy lepiej być czy omijać zajęcia
Everyone has different needs with the knowledge and question whether it is better to ignore or walk to class is an individual feeling. Of course, I prefer to attend classes but I found out the hard way that sometimes it is better to skip,
because they do not bring in anything new in my life or later the effects are inadequate for the work they had done. That is why it is better or worse depends on the subjective feelings, which should be followed.
That is why it is better or worse depends on the subjective feelings, which should be followed. Stay in the class boring or not anything new applicants miss the point.

Jak najlepiej uczyć się języka
There is no “best” way to learn a language, because everyone learns slightly differently. However, some methods appear to be more effective than others, and placing a heavier weight on them in an educational program may help a student to succeed. The desire to learn a language is quite admirable, and fortunately many support systems to teach
languages to new learners exist around the world. The most important thing to remember is that learning a language can be frustrating at first, but it is worth the effort. Many language teachers agree that immersion is an excellent way to learn a language. Immersion programs in the country where the language is spoken are especially valuable, as students must use the language outside of class as well as in it. In addition, students will learn more about the culture in which the language is spoken, which will give them context for their vocabulary. Some students benefit from taking a brief intensive in their native country before traveling to an immersion program or language school in a foreign country. The intensive establishes a foundation for the student to build upon as he or she learnsSłuchaj

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