Mini-lesson (10-15 min) 15.01.2013
Paulina Majka year 2 group B
The Audio-Lingual Method
Audio-Lingual Method is an oral-based approach.
It drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.
A dialog from the text:
Sally : Good morning, Bill.
Bill: Good morning, Sally.
Sally: How are you?
Bill: Fine, Thanks, And you?
Sally: Fine. What are you doing?
Bill: I’m going to the post office.
Sally: I am too. Shall we go together?
Sure. Let’s go.
1. introduces a new dialog
2. uses a backward build-up drill
3. uses a repetition drill (group)
4. initiates a chain drill (individual)
5. leads a single-slot substitution drill (replaces a word or phrase = cue) (shows pictures)