List nieformalny Odmowa zaproszenia na wyjazd do kolegi USA

2. IL – odmowa zaproszenia na wyjazd do kolegi USA.

Dear Tomek

Hallo. Thanks for inviting me to visit your home in the USA, next month. Bat I’m afraid I can’t come. I would like to explain my situation in few words.

Firstly, I have too little time to apply for a visa. Unfortunately, Poles still have to ask for permission to enter the United States.

Secondly, my Polish Military Department will not cover the costs of travel and subsistence. You know, I bought a new car a month ago, and I don’t have enough money at this time.

Finally, my superiors don’t give me permit to go to the USA. They informed me that I have other tasks and duties arranged for next month, and they haven’t got anybody, who could take over my duties. However, I often explained to my superiors, that I’m going to military exercises and learning to the US Army. All for nothing. I think, the invitation was sent too late and I had little time.

I hope we can get together some other time. Maybe at the next international exercises in Hungary early next year. I’m sending warm greeting to your family.




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