The Easter WIELKANOC Krótki opis po angielsku

The Easter, the other name is Resurrection of the Lord. Is the oldest and the most important Christians festival connected with resurrection* of Jesus Christ.


The Easter begins on between 22 March and 25 March.  Easter is preceded byLent*. It lasts for 40 days. It begins with Ash Wednesday*. Lent is a period of piety*,good deeds*, and moderation*. Holy Week is the week immediately precedingEaster. It is a time of preparation for Christmas. Time orders, preparation of Easterfood, as well as time daily devotions*.

Holy Week consists of Palm Sunday*, Holy Wednesday*, Maundy Thursday*, Good Friday*, Holy Saturday*, Easter and Easter Monday*.

At this time, we preparespecial dishes - meat, meat, eggs and most of all.

In the Easter we are eating egg dishes, meats, sausages and traditional cakes like Easter shortcake*.


I really like Easter because it is already warm and very happily. In this time I can spend time with my family, and rest from school duties*.





* Lent - Wielki Post

* Ash Wednesday - Środa Popielcowa

* resurrection  - zmartwychwstanie

* piety - pobożność

*  good deeds - dobre uczynki

* moderation - umiarkowanie

* Holy Week - Wielki Tydzień

* devotion - nabożeństwo

* Palm Sunday - Niedziela Palmowa

* Holy Wednesday - Wielka Środa

* Maundy Thursday - Wielki Czwartek

* Good Friday - Wielki Piątek

* Holy Saturday - Wielka Sobota

* Easter Monday - Lany poniedziałek

* Easter shortcake - mazurek.

* duty - obowiązek


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