My best childhood memory

My best childhood memory

Seven years ago, when I was ten, me and my friends had a funny accident. It was hot, lazy day. We were sitting in front of the house not knowing what with oneself to do. You know how it’s like when children are bored – then different, strange ideas are coming to the head.

We decided to play hide and seek. You will say that is normal play, but not when you have such crazy friends as me. After the argument over that who would deduct in first, we started the play. Czarek was first. He counted and counted meanwhile we were searching for the best hiding place for oneself. I disappeared on the tree between thick leaves, but unfortunately he quickly found me. I wasn’t upset by it. There was lot of laugh when he was trying to take me down from this tree! Then we started searching for the rest of friends together. It wasn’t as easy as we thought, but fortunately we found Adrian in a shed. He was all in webs! After some time we realized that we hadn’t found Kamil. He won of course, but still didn't leave his hiding place. We searched everywhere, we called him and there were no results… I started worring, ‘perhaps something wrong happened for him’ - I thought. While boys were still looking for him I helplessy sat down. Suddenly my dog Mikuś ran up and started barking. He walked around me as if he wanted something. ‘What do you mean?’ – I said and Mikuś at once run up to his kennel. I went behind the dog, I dropped in to the kennel and what I saw? You won’t believe, but there slept Kamil! Just like a small child he fell asleep while we were looking for him.

Only the dog got angry, that somebody had settled in his house. I swear I thought that I would die laughing! Poor Kamil so far we are mocking him when we recall old times. I will never forget it, because this is my best and the funniest childhood memory.

Angelika Grzyb


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