Test 15 and Test 16

Test 15

1. Greater omentum (Omentum majus)

A) extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the porta hepatis.

B) consists of the hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments.

C) covers anteriorly the supracolic compartment of the abdominal cavity.

D) forms the dorsal wall of the omental bursa.

E) no statement is correct.

2.The facial artery arises from the:

A) axillary artery (a.axillaris)

B) external carotid artery (a.carotis externa)

C) common carotid artery (a.carotis communis)

D) subclavian artery (a.subclavia)

E) maxillary artery (a.maxillaris)

3. One statement is false:

A) Left principal bronchus (bronchus principalis sinister) is longer than the right one.

B) Right principal bronchus (bronchus principalis dexter) is broader than the left one.

C) Right principal bronchus (bronchus principalis dexter) is more vertical than the left one.

D) Lobar bronchi (bronchi lobares) are divided into terminal bronchioles.

E) All statements are correct.

4. Lymph from the teeth does not drain to:

A) Superficial cervical lymph nodes

B) Deep cervical lymph nodes.

C) Submandibular lymph nodes.

D) Submental lymph nodes.

E) All above- mentioned lymph nodes receive lymph from the teeth.

5. Which one is not a masticatory muscle?

A) temporal m.

B) medial pterygoid m.

C) lateral pterygoid m.

D) masseter m.

E) orbicularis oris

6. Portal veins tributaries involve:

A) superior mesenteric v.

B) right gastric v.

C) left gastic v.

D) splenic v.

E) no answer is correct.

7. Left coronary artery:

A) supplies only the left half of the heart.

B) is a branch of the arch of aorta (arcus aortae)

C) arises from the left aortic sinus

D) is a branch of the coronary sinus

E) no statement is correct

8. The point of intersection indicates: (midclavicular line at 9th costal cartilage)

A)Mc Burney’s point

B) Lanz’s point

C) Desjardin’s pancreatic point

D) Point for the gallbladder

E) Ureteric point

9.The external acoustic meatus:

A) its lateral part is cartilaginous

B) the ceruminous glands produce the waxy exudate called cerumen

C) is lined by the skin containing glands and hair follicles

D) extends medially to the tympanic membrane

E) all statements are correct

10. Peritoneal reflections in the female pelvis:

A) Peritoneum reflects from the urinary bladder roof onto the rectum forming the vesicorectal pouch

B) Peritoneum covers the body and fundus of the uterus and the posterior fornix of vagina

C) Mesosalpinx is a part of the peritoneum connecting ovary to the lateral pelvic wall

D) Rectouterine pouch extends laterally and anteriorly to form parauterine fossae on each side of uterus

E) no statement is correct

11. The shoulder joint (articulatio humeri)

A) is a hinge type of synovial joint

B) humeral head articulates with shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula

C) glenohumeral ligamente is external ligament at the posterior side of the joint

D) fibrous layer of the capsule encloses the proximal attachment of the short head of the biceps to the supraglenoid tubercle of scapula within the joint

E) no statement is correct

12. The inferior alveolar artery is a branch of:

A) Superior part of Maxillary a.

B) Middle part of Maxillary a.

C) Inferior part of Maxillary a.

D) Facial a.

E) Mandibular a.

13. External obturator

14. Functions of the skin

Test 16

1. Correct statement is:

A) the linea aspera is located at the ventral side of the femur.

B) the linea aspera is located at the dorsal side of the tibia.

C) the linea aspera includes the intercondylar eminence (eminentia intercondylaris)

D) medial lip (labium medialis) of the linea aspera has attached some adductor muscles.

E) no statement is correct.

2. The right kidney:

A) touches the stomach.

B) touches the pancreas.

C) is located intraperitoneally.

D) is located about 2 cm superior than left one.

E) no statement is correct.

3. Base cordix is located:

A) cranially, in the right side and ventrally.

B) cranially, in the left side and ventrally.

C) cranially, in the right side and dorsally.

D) cranially, in the left side and dorsally.

E) no statement is correct.

4. Which artery gives rise to the branch of the parotid gland:

A) Lingual a.

B) Internal carotid a.

C) Fascial a.

D) Superficial temporal a.

E) no statement is correct.

5. Sulcus hypothalamicus:

A) ...

B) Separates alar part from basal part.

C) ...

D) Divides the thalamus from the hypothalamus.

E) All statements are correct.

6. The external acoustic meatus

A) its lateral part is cartilaginous

B) the ceruminous glands produce the waxy exudate called cerumen

C) is lined by the skin containing glands and hair follicles

D) extends medially to the tympanic membrane

E) all statements are correct

7. The knee joint (articulatio genus):

A) ...

B) three bones articulate in this joint: femur, tibia and fibula

C) the colateral ligaments are ...

D) the lateral collateral ligament is attached to the head of fibula.

E) all statements are correct

8. The cremaster muscle is a derivative of:

A) the superficial abdominal fascia

B) the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle

C) the fascia of the internal oblique abdominal muscle

D) the posterior wall of abdomen.

E) no statement is correct

9. Which region is represented in the picture:

A) hypochondriac

B) epigastric

C) mesogastrium

D) none of the statements

E) all the statements

10. The small saphenous vein (vena saphena parva)

A) is one of deep veins of the lower limb

B) enters the popliteal vein

C) passes through the saphenous opening (hiatus saphenus)

D) ascends in the subcutaneous tissue of the thigh

E) no statement is correct

11. Obturator internus:

A) arises from the inner surface of the obturator membrane

B) attaches to the intertrochanteric line

C) is innervated from the sciatic nerve (n. ischiadicus)

D) medially rotates the thigh

E) all statements are correct

12. The nail (Unguis):

A) the matrix unguis is the subcutaneous tissue underneath the nail
B) the nail body lies in nail bed called lectulus unguis.

C) the hyponychium is the thin margin of the skin that covers the root of the nail
D) the eponychium is the thin margin of the skin that covers the lateral margins of the nail
E) all statements are correct

13. At the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage is attached:
A) cricothyroideus muscle
B) aryepiglotticus muscle
C) thyroarytaenoideus muscle
D) cricoarythnoids posterior
E) no statement is correct

14. Thymus: All the statements are correct.

15. Hepatocolic ligament: Part of greater omentum.


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