Grammar Check 7B

Grammar Check A

Name: Class:

7.2 Present simple negative B

1 Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verbs.

0 I want a dog but my parents don’t want a dog.

1 Mandy and Carl do their homework in the afternoon but my brother and I                 our homework in the afternoon.

2 The lion runs fast but the tortoise                 fast.

3 I cook lunch at one o’clock but Joe                 lunch at one o’clock. He cooks it at two.

4 My cousin Beth likes music but I                 music.

5 You get up early on Saturdays but your sister                 up early on Saturdays.

/ 5

Name: Class:

7.3 Present simple questions and short answers B

2 Add do or does to make questions.

0 Do you like animals?

1              your dad tidy his room on Mondays?

2              her brother go to bed late?

3              Kit have lunch with Superdug?

4              those animals live in India?

5              Suzie and Pete often listen to music?

/ 5

3 Complete the dialogue with short answers.

Polly: Do you get up early?

Rob: 0 Yes, I do . I always get up early.

Polly: Does your dad have a shower in the morning?

Rob: 1                               . He always has a shower before breakfast.

Polly: Do your brothers walk to school?

Rob: 2                               . They ride their bikes.

Polly: Does your friend Tom go to your school?

Rob: 3                               . We go to school together.

Polly: Does your piano lesson start at four o’clock?

Rob: 4                               . It starts at three o’clock.

Polly: Do you and Tom do your homework?

Rob: 5                               . We always do it in the evening.

/ 5

Your total score: / 15

English Class A1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE


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