Directions & Traffic Signs

Directions and Traffic Signs: Conversation

Read and Listen

Man: You look lost. Can I help you?

Visitor: Yes! Please! Which bus goes to the museum?

Man: Hmm. It’s 12:15. You just missed it. You can take the subway around the corner. Get off at 5th Avenue.

Visitor: 5th Avenue. OK. Then what?

Man: Go north on 5th for two blocks. You’ll see a railroad crossing. Cross the tracks, turn left, and the museum is straight ahead.

Visitor: OK. Let me make sure I understand: up 5th, over the railroad crossing, turn left. Thanks a lot!

Man: You’re welcome. Enjoy the museum!

Choose the Word

lost subway

turn left straight ahead

up blocks

north corner

bus railroad crossing

Man: You look ___________. Can I help you?

Visitor: Yes! Please! Which ___________ goes to the museum?

Man: Hmm. It’s 12:15. You just missed it. You can take the ___________ around the ___________. Get off at 5th Avenue.

Visitor: 5th Avenue. OK. Then what?

Man: Go ___________ on 5th for two ___________. You’ll see a railroad crossing. Cross the tracks, ___________, and the museum is ___________.

Visitor: OK. Let me make sure I understand: ___________ 5th, over the ___________ , turn left. Thanks a lot!

Man: You’re welcome. Enjoy the museum!

Play a Role

Man: You look lost. Can I help you?

YOU: Yes! Please! Which bus goes to the museum?

Man: Hmm. It’s 12:15. You just missed it. You can take the subway around the corner. Get off at 5th Avenue.

YOU: 5th Avenue. OK. Then what?

Man: Go north on 5th for two blocks. You’ll see a railroad crossing. Cross the tracks, turn left, and the museum is straight ahead.

YOU: OK. Let me make sure I understand: up 5th, over the railroad crossing, turn left. Thanks a lot!

© 2000 Oxford University Press


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