Charles Darwin and Imperialism


Charles Darwin and Imperialism

        England went through dramatic changes in the 19th century.  
English culture, socio-economic structure and politics where largely 
influenced by the principles of science.  Many social expressions 
occurred due to these changes.  Transformations which categorized this 
time period could be observed in social institutions; for instance: the 
switch from popular Evangelicalism to atheism, emergence of feminism and 
the creation of new political ideologies (Liberalism, Conservatism and 
Radicalism).  These are just a few of the changes that took place. All 
of this social alteration can be attributed to the importance of 
science.  The English people began to trust more in empiricism and 
logical thought than in faith and glory of the empire .  One who 
contributed greatly to this transformation was Charles Darwin. In his 
two most famous works, The Origin of Species and The Decent of Man, 
Darwin introduces the concept of "the survival of the fittest" and 
"natural selection". 
        The Darwinian ideas introduced into English society justified a 
great number of political policies and social movements.  England at the 
turn of the century was still a largest power in the international 
system.  The English  perceived, through the justification of Darwinism, 
they were fit to be the imperial hegemon in the world.  The issue this 
essay will deal with is Imperialism and how Darwinism justified its 
practice. Darwin argued in his work, The Decent of Man, "When civilised 
nations come into contact with barbarians the struggle is short except 
where a deadly climate gives its aid to the native race. . . the grade 
of civilisation seems to be a most important element in success in 
competing nations."(Darwin, Decent of Man, p. 297).
        In this observation, Darwin connotated superiority to civilized 
nations.  In this same work, he referred to the indigenous people as 
"savages, barbarians and tribal men".  This immediately transfers a 
condescending attitude toward the "uncivilised people".  Darwin 
classified them as tribes while the English and other Aryan cultures 
were a race.  
        These claims of basic inequality gave the English the 
"jurisdiction" philosophically, to exploit the colonies to a greater 
level than previously attained.  The drive to "Christianize" the 
colonies was abandoned, politically.  The view shifted from "owing the 
primitive world" education and Christianity, to a more self-interested 
"we English are naturally better".  Therefore, the we  should be 
exploiting you, because, that is why you are here.
        Charles Darwin had a tremendous amount of influence on the 
scientific community and the English population. It can be seen that 
Darwinism played a large part in justifying  the imperial behavior of 
England.  Darwin's studies on nature and the behavior of animals had 
unlocked "Pandora's Box" in a manner of speaking.  He studies reveal how 
close to nature humanity really is.  The English empire quickly saw 
themselves as a dominant predatorial species of the world.  
        In conclusion, the English empire used Darwinian concept to 
justify the on-going process of imperialism.  Charles Darwin's ideas 
elevated the ego's of the English people to over-estimate themselves 
socially and globally.  The affects of Darwinism can be seen throughout 
the spectrum of social interaction both in the animal kingdom and human 


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