Fox, Jaide The Sky Fox



Jaide Fox

(c) copyright April 2003, Jaide Fox

Cover art (c) copyright April 2003, Eliza Black

New Concepts Publishing

4729 Humphreys Rd.

Lake Park, GA 31636

Other Titles by Jaide Fox:

UNTAMED, a Shadowmere tale (Erotic Fantasy Romance)

WINTER THAW (Erotic Historical Romance)

For my mom, who squirms at every naughty word I write, and is shocked at her daughter's vivid imaginings. I love you, mom.

Chapter One

Windaria - world of the eternal sky


Shouts calling men to arms on the fat merchant ship were snatched away by the wind raging around them. Belatedly, skylors scrambled to protect their vessel and cargo as the pirate ship bore down on them, the shadow of its hull blocking the blinding rays of the sun leaking through the clouds.

Lexi Foxfire laughed derisively from her perch on the prow of The Vixen, her hands on her hips, her hair whipping wildly around her shoulders as she watched the skylors try desperately to trim their sales vertical to escape her encroaching ship. Their watch had been lax, and they'd been unable to see her ship advancing on them--their sails having blocked the view up above. Now it was too late to flee. The fat lady would never be able to out fly her sleek ship.

"Take The Vixen down, Argus," Lexi shouted over her shoulder at her windmaster where he stood at the helm. The ship leaned forward at her command, it's sharp nose slicing through the sails like paper, shredding, until the hull of The Vixen rested on the merchant's main mast. The ship shuddered beneath them, her momentum stilled without the guidance of the wind caught in her sails. Tatters of cloth and rope hung from the masts, fluttering in the gusts created by The Vixen's immense wings. Wood groaned with pressure under the impact, threatening to snap. The Vixen's wings hummed above the keening wind, keeping them balanced as they hovered over the doomed lady.

Her men, waiting at the ready, scaled the ropes they threw over the sides, descending with practiced speed into the chaos below, brandishing their clubs as they met the skylors defending the merchant ship. Lexi never allowed bloodshed, but bruised heads and empty pockets had never hurt anyone as far as she was concerned.

Meaty thuds and shouts rose from the melee below. It was music to her ears. Her blood thrilled, surging through her veins in anticipation. As many years as she'd been pirating, there was no greater thrill in the world than taking down a ship as far as Lexi was concerned. The chase, or merely outwitting her prey by subterfuge, the danger that always lay in wait for the unskilled, or unwary, made her feel alive as nothing else. To her mind, whatever booty they gained in the process was their reward for their prowess as thieves, not the goal. "If there's trouble, you know what to do," she shouted at Argus, who nodded in understanding and held the wheel locked in place.

Lexi swung her leg over the railing, but stopped as a falcon flitted between the mess of sails and rigging before disappearing into the clouds beyond. She contemplated sending Sparky after the bird but quickly disregarded it. Even if it was going for help, she and her crew would be long gone before anyone could arrive.

Gripping her knife between her teeth, Lexi slid down the rope with ease, the calluses on her palms proof against the harsh, tearing fibers. Quick as her namesake, she landed light-footed on the wooden decking, surveying her surroundings. The fighting had moved toward the stern, away from her position, and skylors lay in heaps, some groaning, some unconscious as her men moved among them, binding them.

Lexi sauntered toward the ongoing battle and, in a clear voice, yelled, "Lay down your arms, or we will crush your ship." Instantly the men stopped and looked at her as a crack like thunder snapped through the main mast, impacting her words as the ship groaned in pain. Slowly, reluctantly, they dropped their weapons and surrendered. At once, her men rounded them up in a tight circle and began tying them together with heavy rope.

Satisfied with the ease of her victory, Lexi nodded and turned to the stairwell that descended into the belly of the ship. "Bailey, you and Kilor grab some men. It's time to collect our reward." The grizzled men grinned and followed her down with six others, all eager to collect their prize and be on their way before their luck had a chance to run out.

Light protruded only a short distance into the passageway. Beyond was darkness, interrupted by small patches of light cast by lonely, glowing sconces. Treading cautiously, expecting attack, Lexi moved inside, Bailey and Kilor at her back. She held her knife at the ready should anyone rush her. Doors and passages branched off, and she gestured men to explore in groups of two while she continued on with Bailey and Kilor down the central corridor. A heavy door stood at the end, a solitary light revealing intricate carving--expensive. Obviously, it was the captain's quarters. She tried the handle but found that the door was locked.

"Break it open," she said and moved out of the way while Kilor picked the lock. Someone was probably inside, waiting to ambush them--there were limited reasons why the captain's door would be locked. They'd found only low ranking officers up above, which meant the captain had to be in his cabin---fearful and cowering---or ready to defend to the death his greatest prize.

Lexi shifted impatiently, eager to be done with this.

Kilor sensed her unease. "It would help if I had more light," he whispered, then grunted in satisfaction as the lock clicked open.

Clubs held at the ready, Lexi and her men rushed inside, ready to smash anyone in their path. The room was empty, Lexi saw on quick examination. Satisfied the room held no threat, Lexi's gaze was immediately drawn to an onyx stone that sat atop the great table that encompassed a good portion of the room. Maps and charts littered the table beneath the stone, but the stone was of a certainty not there merely as a paper weight. A rare find, the stone was huge, its sides perfectly round as though it were an overturned bowl. It appeared larger than the span of her hands forming a circle.

Lexi frowned. Enormous as the stone was, it was nothing more than onyx, certainly not a precious stone of great valueof worth, yes, but nothing extraordinary. Surely this could not be the great prize the skylors had been defending? Why the locked door? Surely, if it had been worth defending, and being locked away, it would also have warranted hiding? And why had no one been left to guard the locked door?

It was a puzzle.

Lexi didn't like puzzlesnot when it came to booty. In her experience, anything curious or out of place was usually dangerous.

She was tempted to ignore the stone and trust her instinctsthat this was something she wanted no part of. On the other hand, she had no desire to try to explain her 'bad vibes' to crewmen who might wonder why she'd simply decided to leave a stone that was certainly worth taking.

"Take that," she said, nodding at Bailey. Before he could reach it, he was pushed back violently, as if he'd struck a field of energy.

"We're under attack!" Kilor yelled as he was picked up and thrown across the room. Lexi screamed for more men. Dashing toward Bailey and Kilor, intending to help, she ran up against a solid, invisible wallthat had the distinct feeling of human flesh.

Relief flooded her. Magic it might be, but a man wielded it, and a man could be taken.

"It's a man," she shouted and was pushed back as the man turned. Lexi slashed at the invisible force that shoved her. Something ripped away, sliced by the blade of her knife, and a man's arm came into view, seemingly suspended in the air. Certain now she faced a man of flesh and blood--one that could be beaten--she growled and ducked, grabbing at the force until she had two handfuls of the cloak of invisibility and flung it aside to reveal more of the man beneath.

Bailey ran from behind and wrapped his arms seemingly around air, pulling the man back. The sound of ripping cloth rent the air, and Bailey fell. A man appeared before them, kneeling on the floor, chest heaving, black hair falling wildly around his shoulders. He looked like a caged beast, ready to strike at any moment should they provoke him.

Three more men rushed inside the cramped quarters, surrounding the man. The fight had lasted mere seconds, but it had felt like much longer when she'd thought they would be beaten. "We heard your shouts," one of the men said behind her. Breathing harshly, Lexi ignored them, her focus on the man as he slowly drew himself to standing. He towered above her, above them all, huge--muscles evident by the breadth of his chest, and the thickness of his arms. Very obviously, he was a warrior of some kind.

What the hell was a man like that doing on a merchant ship? And why had he attacked them this way? When she'd boarded the merchant vessel, she'd expected something direct, not subterfuge.

Everyone was calming down now, their breathing returning to normal in the aftermath. When the warrior made no move to strike, Lexi gained confidence. He'd be a fool to take them all on now. The cloak couldn't protect him anymore, and she wondered why he'd struck at all. The man watched her steadily, glaring as she walked around him toward the desk. He'd been protecting something. It occurred to her that he hadn't attacked until they'd tried to take the onyx stone. There was no place inside the quarters to hide something of its size, and the captain's cabin was usually the only one to have a lock.

It explained his presence here, confirmed the value of the stone---It did not explain his presence on the ship or the absence of a captain.

"I'll die before that stone leaves my possession," he said as she reached to take it.

Her hand stopped before touching it, and she regarded him with a cool expression. "Everything on this ship is now mine for the taking." How could he be so defiant, when he was clearly out-manned? Pig-headed warrior, she thought with disgust. They were all the same.

Lexi rubbed her jaw thoughtfully, eyeing him like a prized stud at a fair. "You have a vanishing cloak. Only royals and their ... pets are allowed to wear them." His hands clenched into tight fists, and she laughed with sudden dawning. "I think we may have landed a far greater prize than any of us could have realized. Take him down, men."

"Five against one? That's hardly fair odds," he said coolly, his voice a deep rumble in his chest. Her men closed around him, clubs held threateningly.

"And it was fair when you used your cloak against us?"

He shrugged, remaining watchful. "I did what I had to."

"As do I. I'm a pirate, what can I say?" Lexi watched as he tensed, ready to spring into action. She hefted the stone, barely. No wonder he hadn't hidden it beneath his cloak. He couldn't have fought them off and carried it too. Looking it over, she saw the mark of a hand was carved into the top of the globe, almost as if its impression had been seared into it. How strange. Lexi approached the open porthole, rubbing the onyx's glassy surface lovingly, effectively capturing the man's attention and halting his advance. "You come peacefully, and I won't pitch this over the side."

"I'd flail you if you did," he growled. Despite his threat however, he was outnumbered and his prize held hostage. Grudgingly, he ceded to her men, given no choice but to surrender.

"Promise?" Lexi said with an arch look and a short, barking laugh. She grinned at the dark, thunderous look he gifted her. "How does it feel to be captured by a woman, I wonder?" She paused a moment, eyeing him thoughtfully. "And I know just where to put you."

Chapter Two

Lexi was back on the ship first. Sparky, her fairy dragon, flew from his perch on Argus' shoulder to her own, curling his tail through her hair and rubbing his soft scaly head against her cheek. "Worried I wouldn't make it back, scamp?" She scratched behind his horns affectionately and watched the men start pulling the cargo aboard ... as well as her reluctant new guest.

"Lash him to the bed. I'll be down to inspect him after we've finished loading the take." Kilor and Bailey looked as surprised as the man at her words, but they prodded him forward and disappeared down below.

Lexi didn't give it another thought. She was too busy making sure they had enough room and wouldn't be loaded down if they needed to take off in a hurry. A short time later, the ship was loaded, and they pushed off from the floundering vessel to soar up into the clouds. They'd left a few skylors untied, but the craft was severely crippled and would take some time to repair--they'd not be able to give chase any time soon.

Bailey came up from below as they set sail, shaking his head, running a hand through his thinning hair. Most of the men on The Vixen were old enough to be her father--and in some cases, grandfather. She had her brother to thank for that. He hadn't wanted young men around his baby sister, not that she could blame him--pirates tended to be a randy bunch. It must be all those weeks at sky.

In any case, she was entirely satisfied with her crew. She had proven herself, and they had no problem taking orders from her---whereas a crew of young men might.

"Kilor's still down there with him--didn't trust that he wouldn't break his bonds," Bailey said as he approached her where she stood at the helm with Argus. "That one's damned mean, Fox. I'm not sure of you should be keepin' him in yer cabin."

"I think I can handle one man bound to my bunk--even if he is a hulking monster." Lexi chuckled and tied her billowing hair back with a scarf--almost tempted to chop the blowing tendrils off, they aggravated her so. Unsettled by her movements, Sparky shifted irritably on her shoulder before settling down again.

Bailey's eyes narrowed. "I know what yer about. You shouldn't tease a man, Fox. 'Tis a dangerous game you play."

Despite her best efforts, a faint blush crept into her cheeks. Irritated as much with her heightened color--an indication of how close Argus had struck to the truth--as she was with Bailey for his attempt at interference, Lexi shrugged with feigned nonchalance and turned back to directing Argus. Pirating was one thing--men were quite another. She had always been able to wrap any man around her finger when she found it necessary. She didn't need Bailey's advice to tell her take heed ... but she was looking forward to some well earned recreation. Bailey could keep his opinions to himself.

Laden with plunder, they set sail for the isle of Aeros, where she'd catch a pretty coin for their take.

"Argus, how long by your reckoning till we reach Aeros?"

"A full day as the dragon flies. Depending on the wind---two, mayhap three fer us."

Lexi nodded. That would put them there mid-morning, early afternoon at the latest, two days hence, perhaps earlier if they could catch a fast breeze. She refused even to consider the worst case scenariothat it might take longer. She had never liked keeping her hull full for too long--complacency drew danger like flies to honey. They were just as likely to be raided themselves if they strayed from their destination, or took too long to reach it and unload.

However, there was no sense in working herself up over maybes. She shrugged mentally. Reasonably satisfied that all was right with her world, for the moment at least, Lexi left Argus and Bailey to go down to her cabin as dusk began to set. Kilor stood in the door, arms crossed, a scowl spread across his face as he watched his charge. He needn't have worried. She trusted that they'd bound the man soundly.

"I'll leave him to you," Kilor said at her nod and was gone.

Lexi walked into her cabin and glanced at the bed. "Still here?" she said and laughed when he glared at her. She removed her gloves and threw them on the dresser. "I thought you'd have figured some way to escape by now." She shut the door and leaned against it, surveying the man lying spread-eagled on her bed, his arms and legs bound to the posts. The wood was nailed to the floor so it wouldn't shift. He wouldn't be able to move unless she allowed it. It amused her seeing such a powerful warrior felled so effectively. His dark hair spread out across her pillow, contrasting sharply with the white cloth.

He sent her a black glare that would've killed a lesser man. But she wasn't a man--had spent her life around harder sorts than he--so she wasn't one to quake in her boots at the first sign of his displeasure.

"It's rather difficult to break one's chains under guard." He shifted so he could look at her better, saw her hands were empty. "Where's the stone?" he demanded.

She shrugged, ignoring his question. "What do they call you?" she asked, walking into the room and settling into her chair. She leaned back in it, propping her legs on the foot board. Sparky hopped off her shoulder into her lap, and she petted him absentmindedly--her attention focused on the bed's occupant.

"I am known as Riker," he said, voice terse, arms straining against the heavy rope binding him. His shirt had been torn in the fight, and glimpses of bronzed flesh peeped enticingly from the rents, fascinating her. She'd been far too long without a man, that looking at a stranger made her mouth want to water in anticipation.

Lexi shook her head of fog, determined not to let a pretty face and delectable body undermine her authority. "Good. You know how this works then. You remain amicable and this will go easy for you. Now, why is this stone so important to you?"

His jaw set stubbornly at her question, and Lexi blew out an exasperated breath. She should have known that, as a man, he would make this difficult. They neglected to see that she would eventually get her way.

When he failed to answer, she said, "I have ways of making men talk, Riker." Leaning forward, she started peeling her thigh high boots down her legs. He watched, interested, though she could tell he resented it by the ticking muscle on one side of his clenched jaw. She kicked the boots off and they landed with a dull thud on the floor. She propped her legs back on the bed and wiggled her toes, enjoying freedom. Confident she had his undivided attention, she slowly stretched her arms above her head, arching her back like a cat. The shirt tied loosely beneath her breasts rose, hovering close to exposure. Air tickled the soft undercurve of her breasts, cooling her heated flesh. She could feel his eyes like a brand, riveted to the spot.

"Where is it?" he asked again, obviously eager to take his mind off her bared legs and the shirt riding up her body.

Lexi grinned and settled down again, running a hand down the line of her stomach, pleased to see his eyes follow her path. Men were so easy to read. "You really do have a one track mind. Don't worry. It's in a snug spot, which is more than I can say for you." She stroked her hand down past her navel, over her short breeches, across one taut thigh. "Have you no thought to your own safety, that one stone means more than your life? I am a pirate after all. I could have any number of tortures done to you and wouldn't blink an eye at giving the order."

"I know who you are. These petty games will not loosen my tongue."

"Care to make a wager on the strength of your tongue?" He said nothing, and she smiled knowingly. "I thought not. I know much about you, as well. But not your reasoning. I warn you, I'll not rest until I'm ... satisfied." Sparky hopped off Lexi's lap and flew to the bedpost as she stood and approached the bed. She leaned over her prisoner, and his gaze flew to her amply displayed cleavage. He looked away, as if the momentary weakness shamed him.

At his continued silence, Lexi slowly picked at the lacing holding the remnants of his shirt closed, until his chest lay bared before her greedy eyes. She pushed it fully open with her hands, gliding her palms across his skin and the brisk, dark hair matting his chest. He was as hard as he looked. His muscles rippled with oaken strength. She teased her nails through the hair, flicking them over his small nipples until they hardened.

His arms strained with the effort to fight her, but it was for naught--his resistance less than futile. She could do anything she wanted and he was helpless against her. It gave her an immense feeling of power to be dominant over the warrior--something that could quickly go to her head if she allowed it. She'd really only wanted information, and it had begun that way, but now she was curious where the path would lead and how long he could hold out.

"Why is the stone so important to you?" she asked again, her fingers easing down his hair covered chest, over his stomach to the waistband of his breeches. He said nothing, closed his eyes as if pained. "This will be easier if you just give in. Think of it as a truth serum. If you don't give me the information I seek, it will be worse."

"'Tis folly to taunt a man in this manner," he gritted out as she slipped a finger under his waistband. Moving with agonizing slowness, she loosed the flap of his breeches and pushed them down his hips. A pulse throbbed between her legs at her bold move, dampness growing in her sex.

"Not if I get what I want." She grinned as she unveiled his immense shaft, nestled in a bed of dark hair. "Oh my. What a big boy you are. Does that beast in your breeches trip you when walking?"

He growled at her and bucked his hips to avoid her questing hand.

"He's being terribly rude. He's not even told me good day." Splaying her fingers through his thick hair, she slipped over his sensitive, wanting skin until she wrapped her hand around his shaft, gratified to feel blood pulse in its length as it hardened in her palm. Watching her with intense eyes, he stilled instantly. In nervousness? Pleasure? One could be as good as the other.

"That's better." She rubbed her thumb tauntingly over the head, smoothing the bead of moisture from the tip over the satiny flesh. He groaned and jerked in her hand, if anything his erection growing in length, becoming harder. The veins swelled under her touch, his flesh near scorching as she stroked him.

"Will you give me what I want?" He remained silent, a look of intense anger in his dark eyes.

She squeezed his member, slowly pumping him, reaching with her free hand to cup the firm sack at the base of his shaft. He groaned again and threw his head back. "You have not asked me to stop. Could it be the proud warrior enjoys this? The touch of a pirate's hand on his intimate flesh? I could give you more if you but answer my question ... but if you do not, I will stop."

He breathed raggedly, clenching his hands in an effort to control himself, to keep from giving up his secret. She could see that he wouldn't be so easily bent to her way of thinking--not at the present. Ordinarily she would feel guilty over her actions, but Riker was an enigma to her, and she was determined to figure him out. It didn't help that looking on him made that secret place between her legs throb painfully, that holding him in her hand made her want to do things she hadn't considered doing for years. She ached to strip away her breeches and straddle him, ride him until they were both exhausted by pleasure.

Irritated, she moved away from him, determined to push the unwelcome feeling into her subconscious before she could endanger herself. It would not do to grow soft. She would never control her men that way.

He cried out as she released him, a hoarse, ragged groan. But whether it was in relief or want of her stay, she could not know ... and knew he would not tell her. Let him suffer a bit. Regardless of his strength of will, a man could only take so much. It occurred to her that she very much wanted him to resist--that it would allow her to continue as she had begun and take her pleasure from him. Perhaps it was not so unfortunate after all.

"Come, Sparky."

Sparky ignored her outstretched arm. Instead, he flew from the bedpost and landed in the middle of Riker's chest, bent, and nipped his shoulder. Riker grunted, nearly a yelp, and jerked his shoulder, attempting to shake the creature off. Sparky sneezed with Riker's shaking, and a small spark of flame erupted from his mouth and singed a patch of chest hair. A curl of smoke twisted into the air.


Lexi burst out laughing at the absurd sight, eliciting another of his angry looks, but his attention remained focused on Sparky and defending himself.

"What the hell is this thing? It burned me!" he shouted, fighting against the sharp nipping teeth as Sparky hopped around his chest. "It is not funny," he roared as she continued laughing.

She managed to catch her breath after a minute, sighing, most of her tension gone. She wiped tears from her eyes and looked at him, nearly breaking out in uncontrollable laughter again. "He's a fairy dragon. Have you not seen one before? Doesn't take too well to a new male in my bed I see." A very wicked idea took root in her mind. "I'll leave you two alone to get better acquainted." Lexi turned her back on the nearly nude man, but his angry voice stopped her before she could leave.

"Wait! Are you just going to leave me like this? What if he ... bites my...?"

"You should have thought of that beforeI don't suppose you'd care to talk?"

He glared at her.

Lexi shrugged, looking at the proud little dragon perched on his bare chest, his tiny wings fanning as he balanced on the bucking man, and she smirked. "I think perhaps Sparky will make you more conducive to cooperation. Mayhap I should leave you this way." The idea had some merit. Perhaps Sparky would succeed where she'd failed?

"Perhaps I'll see you on the morrow," she called, waving good-bye. His growls and shouts hit her retreating back as she left the cabin and went topside to allow the fresh air clear her head. She felt fairly confident that Riker would come to see things her way after a few hours spent in Sparky's company.

* * * *

After she'd gone, Riker Darkwin shifted in the pirate's bunk and checked his bindings. He'd learned a trick or two over the years--among them, a way to keep his arms bulked so when relaxed, the ropes would loosen. Fortunately, it had worked quite well this time. The ropes were just loose enough that, with a little work, he could escape once an opportunity presented itself. And when he was loose, he'd throttle the little dragon tormenting him ... as well as its master.

He wasn't certain what had infuriated him morethe power she'd held over himor the fact that he'd begun to enjoy her domination over himthe most shameful part of it all. He was shaken, as well. He'd never lost his control, never even come close, for he was not only exceptionally well trained, he had accumulated a great deal of experience over the years. And yet, he couldn't deny, to himself at least, that the tempting wench had threatened to push him over the edge with little more than a look and a casual touch.

At any other time, he might have welcomed the challenge Lexi Foxfire represented, but he could not afford the distraction now. His mission was far too vital to everyone on Windaria. He prayed the falcon had managed to slip away in the confusion of the battle. There was little point in tipping his hand and slipping his bonds if he could not also escape The Vixen with the stone.

Riker smiled grimly. One way or another, he would accomplish his mission, and once he had Lexi Foxfire, the sky fox as he'd known her from command, would pay dearly for the humiliation she'd forced him to endure.

Chapter Three

Lexi went back to her cabin after dark had settled over the ship. Bailey had gone down in the passing hours to assist Riker with necessities, as well as feeding him, so his mood should have improved. She opened the door slowly and saw that Sparky lay curled in a ball on Riker's stomach. Giggling, she slipped inside. "Miss me?" she asked, smiling sweetly as she sauntered to the bed.

"This damned thing has been taking chunks out of my hide since you left."

"He's just jealous. Would you like me to make it better?" she said in a sing song voice.

"Get it off me," he gritted out, struggling anew, alarmed at the suggestion that she might begin to 'torture' him again when he'd only begun to regain control over his body's urges.

"Maybe if you hadn't hurt his feelings he'd be nicer. Off him, Sparky. You know better." Sparky flew out the open porthole. Lexi couldn't help but notice Riker's sigh of relief as she closed it behind him. She stifled another chuckle. He did not seem to be taking her amusement in good part and that boded ill for her plan to wheedle information out of him.

"What are you doing back? I thought you wouldn't be here till the morning," he said in a growling voice that made it clear he didn't welcome her return, be he ever so grateful to be rid of his tiny tormentor.

"I sleep here. Are you going to behave if I crawl in bed with you?"

He swallowed audibly but kept his expression carefully neutral. "Do I have a choice?"

"No." She studied him a moment, waiting to see if he would put up an argument. Not that she had any intention of allowing any argument he might make to sway her. Her crew might be old, and they might be respectful, almost fatherly toward her, but she made it a policy not to push their self-control too far either. It was far better, for everyone, if she made it a habit to sleep in her quarters, behind a locked door.

Besides, she saw no reason to give up the comfort of sleeping in her own bed only because the man feared she was trying to seduce information out of himwhich of course she was.

She was vaguely disappointed when he said nothing more. Either he had decided he was 'proof' against her wiles, or he had begun to welcome her idea of torture.

Neither possibility particularly pleased her, the first for obvious reasons, the last because she had rather enjoyed herself earlier and was looking forward to many more hours of entertainment before she had to release him.

Which, of course, she would whether she got the information or not. In point of fact, she'd lost interest in prying the information out of him. The stone was obviously of more value to him than it was to her and therefore of little importance. She'd found she was far more interested in the entertainment he represented than any information he might provide. From the start, it had been more curiosityto see if she could break down his resistance, than anything else.

It was far too dangerous to keep him, although she admitted to herself that the idea of keeping him indefinitely for her pleasure was extremely tempting.

It would not be nearly as tempting if he yieldedpresenting no challenge, and certainly not if he found her completely resistible.

After a moment, she shrugged mentally. She was disappointed, but all good things must come to an end. Perhaps it was better, for her, that he not tempt her into playing her games. She was far too attracted to him. This could be the one game that backfired on her with disastrous consequences.

Still, she couldn't resist prodding him for a reaction.

"I usually sleep in the nude, but for you I'll make an exception, just so I won't offend your delicate sensibilities." She chuckled at the glare he gave her and untied her shirt. It fell down just past the bottom curve of her buttocks. She removed the scarf taming her hair and shook it out, combing her fingers through the mass to subdue it, then removed her breeches--aware the whole time of his attention on her.

"I've been thinking ... are you on the run?" she asked as she moved to stand beside the bed. "Did you steal the stone and cloak from some royal? Is that why you fear to tell me the truth? 'Pon my word, I'll not turn you in to the skyfleet." She laughed and crossed her heart.

"I have never stolen anything."

"Sir Riker, you lie. You've already stolen my heart." At his look of horror, she chuckled and turned from the bunk, moving across the cabin to the bowl of water that had been left for her on the chest across from the bed.

Taking up the cloth beside the bowl, she dipped it in the cool water, then wrung the excess water out before bathing her face. It was as she dipped the cloth again that she noticed Riker's reflection in her mirror. Apparently unaware that she could see him because of the angle, he had turned his head to watch her, his expression for once completely unguarded.

The desire in his eyes was almost palpable.

His desire sent a corresponding flood of desire through her, making Lexi's knees go weak. She felt the blood surge in her chest, pounding in her ears. It took an effort to force herself to behave as if she continued to be completely unaware of his attention, but her hand shook ever so slightly as she dipped the cloth once more and her mind was far removed from the bath she'd begun.

Her body was entirely attuned to the man tied to her bed, and the fantasies her body produced in her mind warred with the pirate's mind that wondered how, and if, she might turn this to her advantage.

With a strenuous effort of will, she wrung the cloth once more and bathed her throat and neck while she struggled to infuse logic into a brain that had suddenly become reluctant to entertain anything other than thoughts of carnal delights.

It occurred to her, finally, that her desires merged on this matter.

She wanted information. She also wanted to indulge her desires. Indulging the

desires seemed the most likely manner of eliciting the information she sought.

Opening the neck of her shirt almost to her waist, she bathed her chest and then her breasts. She was annoyed to see that, in her nervousness she'd soaked her shirt until she realized that Riker's attention was focused upon the wet material where it clung to her breasts.

Resisting the urge to smile in triumph, she lifted the hem of the shirt and bathed her belly and the curling thatch of hair at the apex of her thighsslowly, thoroughly, dipping the cloth in the bowl of water over and over, wringing the cloth, sliding the cloth over her body in a manner that she thought landed nicely between the 'mundane' and the 'seductive'.

She didn't want to make it obvious that her goal was to seduce him.

And each time she returned the cloth to the bowl, she allowed herself a peek at the man behind her, realizing in supreme satisfaction that he was so thoroughly mesmerized by her bathing that he had not tumbled to the fact that what had begun in true innocence had become a show entirely for his benefit.

She dipped the cloth again, turned slightly and lifted her leg to prop her foot on the stool that stood beside the chest. Bending forward until she felt a faint breeze waft

across her bottom, she slid the cloth slowly up her calf, then along her thigh. From the corner of her eye, she watched in satisfaction as Riker continued to follow her every movement. When she was done, she lifted her other leg and bathed it with equal concentration.

When she'd finished, could think of nothing more to torment him with, she slowly rinsed the cloth once more, thinking.

She turned toward him finally, allowing herself a faint smile. "Would you care for a sponge bath? Ordinarily I wouldn't offer, but I couldn't help but notice you seemed interested and, unfortunately, I simply can't allow you loose to perform your own."

The look he gave her was a disturbing cross between rage and animal lust. It occurred to Lexi that she might have teased just a little more than she should, that if he had been able to free himself she would almost certainly have found herself flat on her back being ravishednot that he could rape a willing soul, for she was dangerously close to succumbing to her own seduction.

"NO! thank you," he gritted out in a hoarse croak.

With an effort, Lexi shrugged and turned away. She could not pretend to be unmoved however if she simply stood there, shaking, could not allow herself time to recover. Instead, she lifted the bowl and concentrated on that as she moved across the cabin to the port hole. Bending, she set the bowl on the deck while she opened the port hole, then bent over to retrieve it and toss the water outside.

She'd forgotten she'd removed her britches. She honestly had.

"Damn it, woman!" Riker roared angrily, causing Lexi to jerk and splash water down the front of her shirt.

Angry herself now, Lexi tossed what was left of the water out the window, closed the port hole and set the bowl on the floor once more before she turned on her prisoner, brushing at the dripping shirt which now clung to her every curve. "What?" she demanded.

He swallowed audibly, his eyes glued to her wet shirt.

Lexi looked down at herself and saw that her shirt was now virtually transparent. She looked up again, a blush starting at her neck and traveling upward. Turning away in the hope that he hadn't noticed her blush, or that, perhaps, if she was lucky, he would merely interpret it as an angry flush, she snatched the washbowl up and stalked across the room with it, plunking it down on the chest once more.

She doused the light then, leaving the room in virtual darkness.

For several moments she remained where she was, trying to decide how to proceed. Finally, she removed the shirt and flung it to the floor. Returning to the bunk, she stood looking down at him for several moments, her hands on her hips, her legs splayed for balance on the rocking ship.

Her eyes had adjusted to the dark while she stood in indecision. Faint light filtered through the porthole as well, allowing her to distinguish his form on the bed, although she could not read his expression.

Not that she cared what his expression might be.

So she had teased him! He was her prisoner. She could've done far worse than tease him.

After a moment, she placed a knee on the bed.

Her intention, she was certain, had merely been to climb over him so that she could sleep next to the bulkhead, where she was unlikely to fall off the crowded bunk. But, as she straddled him and felt his shaft harden beneath her, everything left her mind but her own frustrated desires.

Desire shot through her veins like fire as he nudged her clit with his powerful erection. Dimly, she was aware that he made a sound as close to agony as pleasure, but she was far more attuned to her own needs and too angry with him for startling her to care about his problems.

Experimentally, she rubbed against him and felt another shaft of pleasure reward her. Placing her knees on each side of his hips, she hesitated for a moment, then moved against him again. Another explosion of pleasure rocketed through her.

She leaned forward, allowing her hands to glide along his chest, feeling her pleasure build.

She could hear him grinding his teeth, but she closed her mind to it, exploring him with her hands and fingertips, rocking back and forth against his erection.

She was temptedoh so temptedto yield to the urge to take him inside of her, but aroused as she was she had no protection and it was no part of her plan to risk impregnating herself by taking his seed into her.

In her current state of arousal and anger, it was also no part of her plan to give him pleasure when he had made it abundantly clear that he wanted no part of her.

She resisted the urge, therefore, merely moving against him, feeling her desire escalate as she sought and found a rhythm that evoked wave upon wave of mounting desire in her belly, sending out tiny shock waves than returned harder.

She wanted to kiss him. His mouth had drawn her from the first, had made her long to taste him, merge mouths and souls, but she didn't quite dare try it. He might kiss her back, and he might not. Instead, she contented herself with tasting the salty flesh of his chest, leaning forward until she could take love bites, soothing them with her tongue.

His movements beneath her sent her soaring higher and higher until at last her climax took her up and over the edge. She cried out then, collapsing against him bonelessly.

Slowly, her senses returned, her awareness of her surroundings. She thought she might have dozed for a short time, for her brain felt amazingly sluggish.

With an effort, she rolled off of him and settled beside him on the bunk, draping one arm across his chest, one leg across his nearest leg, brushing his painfully hard erection in the process.

Shame and remorse filled her. She had taken her pleasure and left him in need.

Resolutely, she brushed both aside. Had their roles been reversed, he would have quite willingly taken his pleasure without any thought to her needs. She saw no reason to despise herself for treating him to some of his own medicine. When she released him, he would certainly take care of his needs and, in the meanwhile, it was no more than a slight discomfort for him to endurewhich he was surely man enough to handle.

"Down boy," Lexi muttered sleepily, patting his stomach.

He took up most of the bed, but she found she didn't mind. It was rather nice having a man to snuggle on a cool spring night. It mattered not that he was her prisoner. He wasn't fighting her now, and she could pretend for a little that he truly wanted her touch---that he cared for her. She was more relaxed than she'd been in months she realized as she drifted off into a sound sleep.

* * * *

Riker felt the first touch of the calling on his mind, like a prickling of unease crawling down the back of his neck. The time he'd awaited had come. By the even sound of her breathing, Riker knew Lexi was deeply asleep.

Working slowly, he freed one arm and then the other. After a few minutes, he managed to loose one leg, but the other was trapped beneath her. When he reached to pull her off him so he could untie it, she jerked awake at the first touch of his hands. She sucked in a breath to scream and he clamped a hand over her mouth. Instantly, she began fighting him as the last vestiges of sleep wore off. He grunted as she pummeled him with her fists, and he twisted, trapping her underneath him with the weight of his body. He caught her wrists with one hand and pinned her to the bed before she could do him more harm.

He could feel bruises forming already from her strikes. Damned woman. She was not so little that her fists did not hurt.

"How does it feel to be captured by a man?" he whispered close to her face, and she growled beneath the gag of his hand, her body tensing as she attempted to buck him off, though she couldn't shake his greater weight.

Despite his anger with her, he was all too aware of the body beneath him. He could feel her nudity melding to his own with a heat that near made him groan, felt the soft hair of her womanhood pressed intimately against his hip, her breasts crushed against his chest, taut stomach smoothed against his own rigid muscles. His shaft hardened with a sharp painfulness at the proximity of her womanhood, so close he could impale her with a single shift of his hips. It was an agony not to take her there, to press his advantage.

He sensed the very moment she felt the hardness of his erection digging into the base of her stomach, for she struggled anew, flaming his intense need to bury himself inside her. He groaned and pushed against her, unconsciously drawing closer to her sex. She stilled instantly, trembling beneath him. He shook his head, as much to shake off the red haze of intense need as to remind himself that now was not the time to indulge his personal needs.

Nevertheless, and as much as he hated to admit it, he wanted her as he'd never wanted another woman. Beyond the physical desire, there was a vulnerability about her, carefully hidden beneath her plucky exterior, that strangely made him want to protect her ... even as he'd had to curb his desire to throttle her for placing him in this situation in the first place.

He had not missed the blushes she'd tried so hard to hide, the shyness she'd tried to conceal with her bold behavior. She was both temptress and seductress, but she was not practiced in either, not hardened and callused as he had expected to find her.

She was everything he had fantasized about herand more. It was small wonder he'd found himself so enthralled, unable to resist her overtures. He would have his work cut out for him in trying to shake his fascination with hermay the gods help him!

The ship shuddered violently as something struck it. Riker drew his head up sharply as muffled shouts filtered through the walls.

"Promise not to yell?" She nodded at his question, as much as he could allow, and he released her mouth.

"What the hell was that? I need to get up there. My men need me. Release me at once."

He chuckled. "I think not. First, I'm going to untie my ankle." He reached down and untangled the knots. "Then, you'll be coming with me. Your men have no chance against that which struck your ship."

Riker backed off her enough to fasten his breeches, then pulled her to her feet as he left the bed. He retrieved her shirt from the floor and tossed it to her but allowed her no opportunity to get dressed--or arm herself. "We'll get my stone first, however." When she'd slipped her arms into the shirt and managed to button several of the buttons, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, hugging her back to his chest and forcing her to lead him to her hiding place for the stone. She hefted the stone into her arms at his command and they continued through the passageways outside and up onto the deck.

"Fox! Fox, we're under attack!" Kilor yelled when he spotted her, his club in his hand, much good that it would do him.

In the glowing starlight, hovering just beyond the railing, was a dragon. He was nearly half the bulk of The Vixen. The span of his wings, gently flapping and stirring the air with an unnatural breeze, reached beyond the length of her ship, fading into the blackness of night. It was the most beautiful, horrible thing she'd ever seen in her life, a nightmare she'd hoped never to face. The ship shuddered again as his massive, long tail whipped out and struck the hull. Her men were helpless against it--thrown clubs bounced off its hide, as harmful as a sparrow attack to a hawk. How could they hope to fight a dragon?

Lexi froze at the sight, her feet refusing to move despite Riker's insistence behind her. She wasn't going one damned step closer to that thing. He would have to carry her if he wanted her to go any further.

"Come, my ride awaits."

Lexi whirled to look at him, her eyes wide as the knowledge finally dawned on her. "My god! Only members of the skyfleet can ride dragons.... You ... you're ... oh no." She swallowed audibly. His name had meant nothing to her before. She cursed herself for a thousand kinds of fool. "Riker. Riker Darkwin? The captain of the royal skyfleet?" She looked at him in growing horror, every little torment she'd induced on him playing through her mind with awful clarity.

"That would be me, Sky Fox. And I've just captured one of our most sought after criminals," he replied, smiling grimly.

"You're not off the ship yet," she said and jerked her arm from his grasp. She did not get far, however. He caught the billowing fabric of her shirt, halting her flight.

"You run, and I'll let Storm tear your precious ship apart. Come peacefully, and all will be well. You know how this game is played, don't you?"

His words chilled her to the bone--she knew by the tone of his voice he wouldn't hesitate to destroy her livelihood. Nor could she risk the harm to her men. Much as she wanted to believe he wouldn't murder them, he was the enemy. And the enemy couldn't be trusted.

Lexi nodded in defeat and allowed him to prod her toward the dragon. Her heart jumped to her throat as she neared it, choking the breath from her lungs. Her legs grew wooden, and it took an effort to fight back the panic threatening to overwhelm her.

The dragon grasped the ship's railing with huge talons and lowered his head, the flapping of his wings keeping his weight off the vessel so that it wouldn't roll.

Riker took the stone from her briefly so she could get settled on the dragon's saddle which was protected by oncoming wind behind a tall, transparent shield that would cover her and Riker both. Once she had settled herself as comfortably as possible, he handed the stone to her. "Don't even think about dropping it. You forfeit your life ... and everyone else's on this ship should it fall."

Lexi nodded jerkily and clutched the stone tightly, too intimidated by the dragon she sat upon to even consider putting on a bold front for the sake of her pride.

"Before we go, where's that damned lizard of yours? My dragon is likely hungry from his flight."

Alarm filled Lexi. "No! You wouldn't dare!"

Riker laughed and climbed atop Storm, taking the stone from her and slipping it into a saddle pack. He shook out a cloak and wrapped it around both of them, enclosing her in his warmth, his arms hugging her tight midriff.

It didn't even occur to Lexi to object. She was far too terrified of the dragon to be anything but grateful for the added security, or at least the sense of it, that his arms gave her.

She screamed at Argus as she caught sight of him at the helm, the wheel held in a lax grip as he stood by helplessly and watched her capture. "Go on to to the destination we agreed upon. Send word to Talon."

"Yes, send word to Talon. You have my blessing. I'll kill two birds with one stone," Riker said with grim satisfaction that sent a shiver down Lexi's spine and made her long to recall her words.

In truth, however, it would have made no difference. Without her command, Argus would almost certainly have followed the same course.

"Are you going to kill me?" she asked, unable to hide the worry in her voice, shifting uncomfortably in her seat in an effort to look at him. His arms tightened, preventing her movement.

"I have something much better in mind." He laughed darkly, then shouted to the dragon, "Fly Storm."

The dragon lifted off from The Vixen into the night sky with a rush of wings and a roar that shook her to the core. Despite the shield, cool air stung her cheeks and chilled her blood. She was grateful for Riker's heat at her back--even though she knew it was best not to get too comfortable with his arms wrapped so tightly around her. She didn't know what he planned, but his words did not bode well for her. Lexi knew without being told where they were headed---a place no sensible, self respecting pirate or enemy of the crown would dare go---where all pirates captured by the skyfleet met their demise--Wind Valley.

Chapter Four

"Hold, woman. My dragon might take it into his head to eat you if you're not still."

Lexi froze as the dragon's throat rumbled with a low growl, giving weight to Riker's words. "Perhaps if you'd not hold me so close, I would not move so much," she gritted out, her hands clasping the saddle horn in a death grip. He'd wrapped a cloak around them both for protection from the cold, but it could do nothing to protect her should he decide she'd outlived her usefulness. It was foolish to goad him, but she couldn't help herself. He rubbed her the wrong way.

"I fear if I release you, you would allow yourself to fall, just to avoid my touch ... and captivity. I wouldn't want you to escape justice so easily."

She couldn't fault his reasoning there. Despite her terror at the thought, it occurred to her that it would be far better to fall endlessly than face uncertain tortures at the hands of the skyfleet. Perhaps eventually she'd sprout wings as she'd heard some creatures had--those at the highest altitudes.

Somehow she doubted it.

The painful truth was that anyway she looked at it, her future looked dismal, but if she remained where she was she at least had some hope that her brother would rescue her. Any hope, however forlorn, was better than certain death.

"Since I'm now under your domain, care to tell me why you were traveling on a merchant ship? I've never known members of skyfleet to deign to ride on such common steerage."

"My ship was lost once I'd located the stone. I was forced to secure transport on the merchant ship. They'd lost their captain to a fever and I assumed command temporarily until a replacement could be had at Wind Valley."

Apparently, being in control had loosened his tongue. He was far too confident of his abilities. "What is that stone?"

He was silent for so long that she thought he wouldn't answer. "The joining stone," he replied finally.

Lexi gasped. "Of the prophecy?" she asked, stunned, disbelieving.

"That is what I've been led to believe. Such preciousness cannot be boughtor sold," he said grimly.

Lexi was silent, ignoring his jab. She had never, truly, intended to sell it, not that she bothered to tell him since she was quite sure he wouldn't believe her any way.

She had heard the legend, of course. Who on Windaria had not grown up with it? But it was legenda fairytale, nothing more. There was nothing to prove otherwiseexcept the stone.

Not that that was proof in her book. It was true, now that she thought about it, that the stone looked as the tales had foretold, but she had certainly noticed nothing magical about itand it would take some very potent magic indeed to heal the planet of Windaria, which had been shattered long before the memory of anyone living today.

Even if there was some truth to it, legend held that the time of the joining was something she was unlikely to see in her lifetime. Legend spoke of some far distant time, when the planets of their system all came into perfect alignment.

"But its time is not for many years, why take it now?"

Thoughtfully, Riker studied the curve of her cheek, which was all that he could see of her face, but finally decided to keep his own council. She was wrongthe time was nearly upon thembut it was unlikely that she would believe him if he told her. And, if she did believewell it would be best for the world at large to remain in ignorance of the great transformation. "Suffice to say, it will be safe now from thieves' hands. Still your tongue and sleep, I grow weary of your ceaseless questions."

Apparently, she had reached his limit. His answers only made her burn to ask more, but she knew she'd get no more from him. Damn her insatiable curiosity.

A prisoner herself now, she could do nothing but what he commanded. Leaning back against him, she closed her eyes and willed herself to be comfortable. She discovered very quickly that it was no use. She wasn't accustomed to riding an animal. She was used to standing on her own feet at the helm of a ship. Sleeping on the back of a dragon held no appeal to her, for the danger of falling was great--she'd give herself nightmares if she dwelled overlong on her situation.

Lexi squirmed, her buttocks tingling from the harsh firmness of the saddle, and she could feel an immediate hardness press into the cleft of her buttocks at her movement. Instantly, she knew what it was--and why he'd demanded she not move so much. She wiggled to avoid his erection, but her struggles only made it grow harder, longer, until she half wondered if he would take her right there. She wore nothing but her shirt, and it would be little barrier to him should he decide on that course. In point of fact, none, for she was completely bare beneath. Ceasing her fight, she held her breath in expectation, but he did nothing, merely held her and let her feel the press of his arousal.

"Rutting pig," she muttered under her breath.

He'd heard her. "I thought you enjoyed being greeted by a man." He pushed against her, and she nearly gasped.

"Not ... by ... you," she gritted out. "And if you continue, you'll draw back a nub."

"Have you some secret weapon down there I should know about? Should I search you for arms?" He slipped his hand down her stomach and cupped her sex through the thin linen. She did gasp then, in outrage, and shamefully, pleasure. He massaged her, pressing the barrier of her shirt to the nub nestled in her sex as his fingers probed her. Lexi bit her lip at the sharp pleasure that jolted her. It was too much. She couldn't allow this to happen here. She dug her nails into his wrist to pull him away and he stopped.

"Careful, it is a delicate balance we maintain." He fluttered his fingers, teasing her intimately. Lexi shuddered, could feel her body fighting her mind, feel her sex grow damp with wanting his continued exploration.

"I ought to shove you off the back."

"You would miss me ere I go."

"I would ... not."

When she remained perfectly still, her stance tense, he withdrew. But she could still feel his erection against her buttocks, as though it had found a warm spot and was reluctant to withdraw. He was enjoying her discomfort, the fact that he had rattled her, caused her body to respond to him. How dare he find enjoyment at her expense? Let him suffer a lack of fulfillment. She'd do far, far worse when she was back on stable ground once more.

* * * *

They reached the castle at dawn, the sky filling with light as the sun eclipsed the mountainous clouds that had hidden it from view. Fingers of pink and gold wound through the pale blue eternal, licking the clouds in softest amber. The castle's spires pierced the clouds, twisting high through wisps of fog, dragons perched on their ramparts like strange aeries. The fortress commanded one end of Wind Valley, the cleft of the mountains spread before it as the sheer rock protected its flanks and rear.

The island itself looked much the same as the other isles of Windaria. Huge chunks of earth ripped from the ground, their roots exposed like pulled teeth, sent into orbit by the forces that had created their world two millenia ago.

Lexi had slept fitfully through the night, but now she was instantly alert despite the little sleep she'd gotten. She felt a sense of awe looking at the command post for the royal skyfleet. Had she not been a prisoner, she could have appreciated the sight more. As it was, a feeling of dread permeated her mind the nearer they drew to the fortress.

As they neared, she spied a flight of dragons and their riders training in the sky, wheeling through their exercises in the early sun, the warrior's lances flashing as light glanced off the precious metal.

Riker ignored them, heading straight into the valley's maw. Storm landed in the courtyard, scales shining in a myriad of blues with the light of day. The dragon dipped his shoulder, and Riker dropped down and helped her off. As they turned, they were greeted by two uniformed soldiers, the black and blue standard of the skyfleet marked on their vests. Riker returned their salutes and pulled them aside to speak in privacy.

Lexi could do nothing but stare after them, and shiver uncomfortably in the midst of the courtyard. Storm had flown away for grooming, and she was alone--except for the hundred pairs of eyes she could feel scrutinizing her every inch. Never before had she been aware of her femininity, her vulnerability. On her ship, she was in command of every situation--here, she was powerless. Did they still hang pirates? She wondered, trying desperately to hide her sheer terror at the possibility.

A moment later, Riker returned and the soldiers took her by the arms and began leading her away. She struggled against them, certain justice would soon be dealt, but Riker's words blew the fire out of her. "It is time I return your hospitality, Lexi Foxfire. I hope you enjoy your stay here ... as long as it lasts."

* * * *

She'd been weaned on horror stories by her brother--to never, ever let the skyfleet catch her. And now here she was. Shame washed over her in a red tide. Regardless, it was done, and she couldn't rely on her brother to get her out of this mess, much as she wanted to collapse on the floor in terror and await his arrival.

The soldiers ushered her through the immense doors barring entrance to the keep, keeping firm control of her movement. A great hall opened up before them. As they entered, Lexi saw that the ceiling soared above them, at least twenty feet. Along the walls of the great room were hundreds of weapons covering every inch of reachable space.

Lexi had expected to be led to a dungeon of some sort ... but she soon discovered she'd been wrong in her assumption. Instead of taking a stairwell down into the depths of the castle, the soldiers guided her across the hall to a winding staircase that led upward, ending at last at a wide, torch lit corridor. Lexi noticed as they traversed it that a number of passageways branched off, but they maintained a center course to a room that stood at the far end.

Once inside, she saw it was a sparsely furnished bedroom. There were no adornments on the walls and very little furniture, just a bed in one corner, a chair, and a chest.

She didn't fight them as the men forced her down onto the bed. She had better sense than to think she could win against two men. She wasn't that tough. And she didn't want to risk injury to herself not now, when any injury would minimize her chances of a clean escape.

They tied her arms and legs to the bed posts with silken cords, tight enough she could move somewhat, but not loose enough she could escape, and propped pillows under her elbows so her arms wouldn't tire too quickly. They left once they'd completed their task--one that he had apparently given them with relish.

Though she'd done much the same thing, she still wanted to strangle him for this humiliation. She shifted to get comfortable and her shirt rode up her legs, threatening to expose her. No doubt he'd enjoy the sight. Damn him. Each small movement brought it higher, and she was finally forced to lay perfectly still to preserve what little modestly she had left to her.

She could do nothing now but wait with a mixture of dread, anger andoddly enoughanticipation.

Chapter Five

Having been trained as a warrior for most of his life, Riker entered the room with the silence of a wraith. Lexi had not heard his approach. Leaning against the door, he smiled in satisfaction to see her in his bed--even if it was against her will. Damn, but she was tempting. Her eyes were closed as though she rested, but she was too tense to be asleep. Her auburn hair tangled over her shoulders and face in curling tendrils, begging his hands to plunge into their depths. The golden, taut skin of her thighs captivated his attention, and his groin hardened at the sight of her bared legs, spread so invitingly open to him. "Still here?" he said casually, throwing her words back at her.

She whirled her head around to give him a look that should have singed his brows. "You bastard."

He felt a wolfish grin spreading across his face despite his best efforts, felt his desire for her grow. That fire could be a man's undoing. He tsked. "Foul words ... from such a lovely mouth." Slowly, he moved away from the door and crossed the room, his gait easy with his confidence. Stopping beside the bed, he ran his gaze leisurely over her, lingering on her breasts and then at the apex of her thighs, just barely hidden from his view.

"Stop looking at me that way, you bastard. You've kept me in here with nary a chance for relief. I could hardly eat posed as I am."

He bent and grasped her shoulders before silencing her with his mouth. She bit his bottom lip as he crushed his mouth to hers, but it affected him naught. He nipped her lips with his teeth, and she gasped. The barrier broken, he plunged his tongue inside, tasting her dark, sweet crevices. She moaned into his mouth, her shoulders straining under his grasp, but she did not attack him again. When Riker broke away from her, she was gasping for breath. He smiled lazily at the flush spreading across her skin.

Her eyes narrowed as her harsh breathing subsided. "If you mean to subdue me, you are wrong. I'll not give in so easily."

"I think you might. You want this as much as I do. Fight it, but the outcome will be the same."

She shook her head violently, and he knelt beside the bed. Resting a hand beneath the soft curve of one breast, he nuzzled the other, until the nipple hardened visibly under the thin linen. He dragged his teeth over the hard nipple, satisfied to hear her small throat noises as he clamped his mouth over the bud, clasping her other breast in a firm hand. He massaged her breast, sucking the nipple hard against the shield of fabric, rubbing his tongue roughly against her. Lexi arched her back. He sensed her struggle to deny the pleasure she felt at his touch and enjoyed it.

Riker released her and she sank into the bed, her fine, dark brows drawn down in anger, as though she'd never expected retribution for her actions of before. Foxfire was a fitting name for her, for she drew him inexorably into her fire.

"I remember something you told me once ... your preferred method of sleeping." She looked at him, her confusion apparent as he stood and grasped her thin shirt in his hands and ripped the fragile fabric. She screamed in outrage, struggling to hide herself from his view.

"How dare you! You bastar--"

"Do you care for a repeat of what happened the last time you resorted to name calling?" He looked at her, anticipating tasting her once again, to feel her soft lips welcoming his kisses.

Lexi clamped her mouth shut in response and glared daggers at him.

She was every bit as exquisite as he'd imagined. His palms itched to round her curves, caress her skin and test if it was as silky as he'd imagined. Her skin was golden, bronzed by the sun from the scant clothing she usually wore. Her flesh was toned, tight with lean muscles. His groin pounded in his breeches, demanding to be loose to feel her most intimate of curves. He clenched his fists, controlling his urges. Innuendo aside, he had never forced a woman, and he would not do so now if she told him no--no matter how much she tempted him to break his most sacred rule. But he was well aware that he could only push her so far without the risk of losing his hard won control.

"I don't care for your impertinence, Riker," she gritted out, squirming under his unceasing stare.

"I thought you enjoyed sleeping nude, Lexi? You taunted me with the knowledge. I want you to feel as if you were home, aboard your ship."

"You know damned good and well I wouldn't want this--you looking at me this way."

"Well, 'tis too late now." He held up the remnants of her shirt for her examination.

She growled at him and struggled against her bonds, her breasts swaying with the movement, capturing his gaze. Her skin pinkened under his scrutiny. "You could at least spare me a coverlet for warmth from night's chill."

"I will be all the heat you shall need tonight." He stretched, grinning. "It is time we slept."

"You can't mean to sleep here?" Shock etched itself on her face.

"I do. And Lexi." He pulled his shirt off and dropped it to the floor. "I also sleep in the nude."

"If you think the sight of your naked body will ... will ... drive me over the edge, you are sadly mistaken." She sucked in a sharp breath as his pants followed the shirt, his erection jutting forth, obscenely huge, and she closed her eyes immediately against the sight. "There's not enough room for you. We can't possibly both fit."

"I'll manage. I'd not intended to sleep on one side of the bed. Perhaps nestled between your thighs, we would ... fit."

* * * *

Lexi gasped in outrage, but she might as well have saved her breath for all the good her arguments did her. He would do what he wanted, and she was powerless to stop him. He was turning everything around, throwing her taunts and her teasing in her face. She steadfastly ignored the irksome thrill that coursed through her at his domination. How unusual not to be the one in control, of making every decision--if it had been another man, she might have been relieved. But Riker Darkwin was her enemy, more than that, he was her prison guard. She could not know his motives for bringing her here. She could not trust him, but neither could she afford to show too much rebellion. She had to bide her time until she could escape. She could not afford to make him overly suspicious either by yielding too easily to his attempts at seduction, or by fighting too much.

Which was just as well, because she was well aware that she had little resistance where Riker Darkwin was concerned.

He blew out the lamp and the room flooded with darkness. She was blinded, and her remaining senses reached out to locate him in the room. Lexi jumped as the mattress sank with his weight, at the soft brush of hair roughened skin sliding against her. He settled beside her in the dark, his erection digging into the curve of her hip. He was hot, as if she lay too close to the fire.

Draping an arm across her middle, he snuggled close, breathing in the scent of her hair as he lightly nibbled the side of her neck. Shivers rode down her, emanating from the hot press of his mouth on her cool skin.

"Stop that."

"Why? Doesn't it feel good?" he murmured, his voice muffled against her neck.

"It ... doesn't." It had been so long since she'd felt a man's intimate touch in even the semblance of affection--she was starved for it. She swallowed hard, determined to remain aloof.

"Liar." He cupped her breast, his fingers teasing her nipple until it hardened. Pinching it, he plunged his tongue inside her ear. Lexi jumped in shock, trembling with sensation.

He sucked her lobe, releasing her breast to roam south, until he'd met the apex of her thighs. She could do nothing to avoid his questing hand, do nothing but gasp as his fingers parted her saturated folds, probing the swollen lips until he'd found her pleasurable nub. She arched her back as he found his prize, rolling it between his fingers. He rubbed her in tight circles, kissing the corner of her jaw, nibbling across her cheek until he captured her lips. She opened for him willingly, unable to fight so many sensations all at once. He thrust his tongue into her mouth in the instant his fingers delved into her tight passage.

Lexi groaned into his mouth, sucking his tongue mindlessly as he pumped his fingers in and out, curving them, stroking that one spot that threatened to sear her mind of all thought. It was so tight ... almost painful. It had been years since she'd allowed any man to touch her this way, years since she'd wanted a man.

In the dark, it did not seem so shameful to give in to him. She did not have to see his face, to see her own desires reflected back in his, condemning her enjoyment.

He broke away from her mouth, breathing hard, kissing the corners of her lips hungrily. "You don't ask me to stop?" He moved down the column of her throat, through the valley of her breast and the line of her stomach, edging nearer that place that she wanted him so badly.

She couldn't talk, couldn't resist now. He'd brought her to a precipice that she ached to cross over. All she could do was raise her hips to meet his hand.

"I think it is because you want me to continue." He stopped moving, awaiting her decision.

No! her mind screamed. She needed him. "Yes ... yes," she whispered, and he was satisfied with her answer. He dipped his tongue into her navel, moving farther down,

his hot kisses cooling in the night air, lifting goose bumps along her sensitive flesh. She felt his weight shift dramatically on the bed as he left it, withdrawing his fingers from her. A cry escaped her at his withdrawal, and then she felt the first nuzzling of his mouth on her nether region.

"What ... what are you doing?" she asked breathlessly, squirming as he parted her lips. The first liquid glide of his tongue across her center brought her up sharply.

He stroked her slowly, his thoroughness agonizing. "You taste so good, Lexi. I want to drink every drop you weep." He lapped at her juices, his tongue rough against her aching clit. Lexi bucked against his mouth. He cupped her buttocks, drawing her higher, plunging into her soaked depths. She screamed as the climax ripped through her with a suddenness that was frightening. He continued thrusting into her, again and again, until a second climax crashed over her, more intense than the first, leaving her weak, shaken and exhausted. She collapsed back against the bed, and he withdrew to join her.

She trembled as he pressed his body to hers, comforting her with his warmth. She didn't want to think about what had just happened. About what she'd allowed--no--welcomed with abandon.

He stroked her hair, smoothing it from her brow, tenderly kissing her temple, easing the disturbing thoughts raging through her mind.

Right now, she should be seeking to attain her freedom. And that was what frightened her. Because at the moment, she never wanted to leave.

Chapter Six

As had become his habit, Riker was gone when Lexi awoke on the morning of her third day of captivity. He'd spread a blanket over her as she slept, left her breakfast beside the bed on a chair as he had every day since her capture. Today, however, a small shirt lay folded at the foot of the bed and, most surprising of all, he'd untied her arms and legs. She stretched, working the blood through her stiff muscles, wondering about the purpose of his actions.

She'd been released several times a day since her arrival for short periods to attend her needs, to work the circulation back into her muscles, but never like thisuntied and left without supervision.

The days had passed with the agonizing slowness of boredom, the nights with the torture of pleasure without the fulfillment she'd come to want desperately.

Riker had kept his word that he would not culminate unless she asked him to, but he either enjoyed torturing them both almost beyond endurance, or he thought it worth the pain to himself if he could only break her willor he simply could not control the urge to touch her when he was so near.

Lexi wasn't certain what his game was, but she was certain that she would break down and beg him to take her if she stayed much longeror she would go mad with boredom, locked away in the tiny tower room with nothing to do but wonder what her fate was to be.

Not knowing how long her freedom would last, she slipped the shirt on and explored the room for a way to escape. The door was, unfortunately, locked. Not that she'd expected him to leave it open. He couldn't be that foolish.

No matter how hard she pulled on the door handle, she couldn't budge it, nor could she find the smallest sliver of metal to pick the lock. The chest at the foot of the bed held no weapons, nor anything that could be conceivably used as a weapon--only a few articles of clothing. There were no breeches, so her arse was still bare. No doubt he enjoyed catching glimpses of her nether region. Damn his hide.

A window set high in the wall was her only other option to flee. She moved the chest underneath and stood atop it to peer outside. It was too far to jump, too long to fall. Leaping would mean almost certain death, and the castle wall was sheer to the point of polished glass with no bumps or crevices she might use as hand and footholds. She opened the window and leaned out to look further, hoping she might have missed something, but she could not discern so much as a tiny crack to gain a handhold on. She might be bold, but she wasn't crazy. There was no way to scale the wall unless she decided death held more appeal than life.

Lexi dropped down and sat on the chest, kicking at the bed in frustration. After some moments of staring at the bed in frustration, it occurred to her that perhaps she did have a way out. Struck with determination, she tore the sheets from the bed, ripped them into narrow strips and tied them into a rope. When she was finished, she lowered it out the window, leaning out far enough to see where her makeshift rope ended. To her dismay, she saw it was still too short. Her hope faltered until she remembered the shirts he'd left inside the chest.

With a wicked, destructive glee, she ripped his shirts into strips and added the lengths to her rope. As near as she could judge from her position, it was still too short, but she thought perhaps she could make the jump without serious injury.

The question was, what would she do once she was outside?

She decided to cross that obstacle when she came to it.

It would've been better, of course, to escape when darkness had fallen, but she knew very well that Riker was bound to be back before bedtime. Moreover, there was absolutely no way to hide her rope and try for an escape once he slept always assuming he didn't decide to tie her again while he slept.

And then, of course, there was the fact that she'd have a hell of a time coming up with a convincing lie regarding the missing bedclothes.

She shrugged. As far as she could see it was now or never.

Securing the sheets to the bed, which she pushed against the wall for more leverage, she crawled out the window. As her head disappeared over the window sill, the door opened and Riker walked inside.

Equally stunned, they merely gaped at each other for several heartbeats.

Damn! What the hell was he doing back so early? She'd lost track of time tearing the room apart, looking for a way out, but she could see it wasn't even close to nightfall. She'd been certain he wouldn't return until nightfall. Had she lost her one chance for freedom?

Galvanized by the thought, Lexi scrambled down the rope, feeling a sense of panic as she heard his angry roar.

A hoarse shout at the window drew her attention, and Lexi paused in her desperate scramble, watched with horror as Riker grasped the rope and began hauling her up. Lexi started sliding down faster, but she soon discovered that he was pulling her up more quickly than she was making headway in climbing down. Nevertheless, she persevered until she was dangling at the end of her rope, far above the groundabout halfway between certain death and a frighteningly furious Riker at the top.

Lexi looked down, almost certain she'd prefer to risk injury than Riker in his present mood. But it didn't take a genius to realize that she would crush her legs if she tried jumping at this distance.

Recognizing defeat, she clung to the sheets until he'd pulled her to the top and wrestled her back inside.

"What the hell do you mean by this?" he roared. "You could have been killed!"

Lexi planted her hands on her hips, chin squared, facing his anger with her own. "Did you expect me to just lay here, awaiting your leisure?"

His hands, she saw, were shaking. Fury? But he was pale and that looked a lot more like fearfor her?

His jaw muscles worked, his eyes narrowing. "I expected some measure of trust."

Lexi laughed shakily, making him angrier. It was foolish, of course. Men were volatile creatures best never to gibe. She had no idea how he'd react to her taunting him, but she didn't care at this point. She just wanted to get out while she still had hope of recovering. "Trust? You'll never have that from me."

He growled, and she swallowed, wondering if she'd pushed him too far. When had her abilities of controlling men slipped away from her? He advanced on her like a thundercloud, and she backed away, watching him warily. Recognizing a predator when she saw one, she darted to the side to escape being cornered. He lunged for her with surprising speed, catching her arm as she rushed past him. He spun her around to face him.

She slapped at him with her free hand and he caught her other wrist. Shoving her against the wall, he pressed his body firmly against her own. Her curves molded to his rigid, steely muscles with aching clarity, her breasts crushed to his chest. The hardness of his arousal dug into her belly, and immediate moisture soaked her sex. How could she be aroused now, when it was so obviously wrong?

Dimly, she realized the struggle for dominance was at its core, each of them testing the other, vying for the win. Dear God. She wanted to moan. He felt so good. It felt so right to submit to him. The look in his eyes was haunting, a mirror of her own lust that threatened to overwhelm them both.

He pinned her arms above her head with one hand, manacling her wrists. She could get no leverage to fight him even if she'd wanted to. She growled in frustration, hating the way she responded to him, hating the dark fantasy that plagued her. She wanted him to take her there, and damn the consequences. Never had she felt this way, this incredible need to have him bury his shaft deep inside her, to shoot his seed into her womb, to ruin her for any other man.

"Let me go!" she gritted out, close to his face, and he stopped. Heavy lidded, he shook his head, as if waking from a dream.

"You would try to escape me again."

"Yes, I would."

His eyes darkened, his black brows drawn down as he frowned at her. His hair had come loose from its ribbon, and inky locks roamed wild around his shoulders and across his forehead. He did not look the proud warrior just now--more like a rogue bent on seducing her. No man had ever dared so much as he, had ever recognized her womanhood aching for completion.

"What would it take to gain your trust?" he asked softly, leaning close, his lips a hair's breadth away from her own. The heat of his breath scorched her, and she could feel herself begin to succumb to his magnetism. She was weary of fighting him, of fighting herself. Was their joining inevitable, destructive as it would be?

"How could I ever trust you, when you force me into this?" she whispered,

meeting the intensity of his eyes.

"Would you have stayed with me otherwise?" He watched her steadily, as though he already knew what she would say.

Lexi felt her heart skip a beat. Surely she had heard him wrong? Misinterpreted his meaning? Mentally, she shook the thoughts away, knowing it was the secret hope in her own heart that had tricked her into believing what he'd said amounted to a declaration of more than desire. She could not, would not answer his question, for fear of what she might lose if she said the wrong thing. Instead, to her dismay, she found herself asking for reassurance. "You can't just bed me and expect me to fall in love with you."

Something flickered in his eyes. The anger seemed to drain from him. He swallowed as if his throat had gone dry. "What would it take to win your heart?" he asked quietly.

Instead of triumph that his words told her she'd succeeded in wrapping him around her finger as she'd believed she could, Lexi felt a surge of fear. Now was the time to say something flippant, but to save her life she could not think of anything of that nature to say and she could not bring herself to risk the humiliation inherent in treating his words as if they'd been uttered in sincerity. "If I gave you my heart, you would only break it," she said finally, trying to utter the words lightly, as if the two of them were merely bandying jokes.

He did not smile. "On my word, I would cherish it."

Lexi felt, suddenly, as if she would burst into tears. She looked away. "Let me go."

"Is that what you really want?"

She hesitated too long, and he closed the finite distance separating them, searing her senses as he kissed her, near ravenous, consuming. He grabbed her thigh with his free hand, easing her shirt up, spreading her legs as he pushed between them to press his arousal against her bared sex. He thrust roughly against her moist cleft, grinding his hardness against her. Lexi moaned, arching against him, wanting more.

He broke away from her lips, breathing raggedly as he dragged his mouth down her throat. "Say you want me, Lexi. I can end this torment." When she didn't answer, he thrust against her again. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

"Trust yourself with me ... and I will release you. Your past will be wiped clean." He sucked her neck, branding her with the mark of his mouth.

Could she trade her body for her freedom? Her past? Was it worth that price? He was a man of honor, she knew instinctively, but she could not allow it. Not when pregnancy was a likely possibility. She could not relinquish her soul to him, could not carry a man's child until he could give himself completely to her. That would never happen between them.

She shook her head. "No. I cannot."

He sighed heavily, hotly, against her neck and released her hands, dropping her thigh from his hold until her feet rested firmly on the floor. "So be it." He moved away from her, as though her presence pained him, and collected her rope before walking out of the room.

She rushed to the door and found it locked. Frustrated tears sprang to her eyes as she leaned against the door and sank to the floor.

What would she do now?

* * * *

Riker stormed out of the room, ignoring the ache in his groin, his heart pounding in his chest as it did before a battle, when the sky was empty and enemies surrounded him.

He knew it was absurd, but felt as if it was exactly the same, as though he were under direct attack and facing an insurmountable opponent. Lexi Foxfire had laid siege to him from the very beginningeven before she'd ever met him.

He cursed and strode in anger to one of the great rooms, empty at this time of day while the men trained in the sky. He wanted to be alone--- to contemplate the position he'd placed himself inthe tempting vixen would be the death of him.

From the first moment he'd heard of the female pirate, he'd been fascinated by her boldness, her adventuresome spirit ... the beauty he'd heard rumored of in every tavern along the isles. She'd struck enemies of the crown more often than not, so she wasn't as high on his list as he'd claimed--not on any official list. Privately, he'd wanted to bring her down. If he could have thought of a way to go after her without the risk of bringing her back to uncertain justice, he would have sought her out long since, but he had wanted her too much on a personal level to allow himself to be drawn into a hunt that could have ended in her death or imprisonment.

It had seemed far too risky to go after her in an official capacity and no opportunity of a private nature had presented itself.

He had been stunned when she had dropped, almost literally, into his hands as neatly as if he'd laid the plans to trap her.

But now that he had her ... he was nearer to going insane than breaking through that thick barrier with which she surrounded herself.

Always one to be in control of every situation, she upset the balance he maintained so rigidly in his life. The need to punish her, to exact retribution, had changed, and he couldn't remember when it had happened.

The notion teased him that he had lied to himself, that his 'goals' had never been more than salve for his pride. He had simply wanted her.

He groaned and ran a hand angrily through his hair. His erection throbbed with need, driving him to distraction. He longed to pump his seed into her belly, take her until this maddening need had disappeared. He had come to realize, however, that she could not be so easily driven from his system, not when he'd fantasized about her longer than he cared to remember.

She was forcing him over the edge to possess her, brand her as his own so that no thought might ever again enter her head to accept another in his place. He realized he wanted to lay claim to more than her body-- lust was fleeting. Damned if she would allow it. It intrigued him more than anything else, this need to protect her heart, to keep all outsiders away from her secrets.

He'd begun to wonder where his loyalties lay. As the commander of the skyfleet he had the power to pardon her. But could he, as a man, trust her?

Chapter Seven

Night had enveloped the island with blue darkness when Riker returned to the room. Lexi heard him enter, but ignored him, staring out the window at the sky above. She longed to feel the wind in her hair, caressing her skin as The Vixen soared through the air. And she missed Sparky. She hoped Argus hadn't eaten him by now, or done something else unspeakable. Sparky seemed to grate on everyone's nerves but her own. Poor little scamp.

The scent of food drifted to her, teasing her nostrils. Her stomach grumbled in response.

"You're not thinking of jumping, are you?" he asked, his voice teasing light. "Come." He sat on the edge of the bed and patted the mattress. "I've brought a peace offering."

Too weary and hungry to fight him, Lexi dropped from the window and laid on the bed, propping on an elbow as she watched him.

He sandwiched a piece of meat between cheese and held it to her mouth. She took it, her lips grazing his fingers, and his eyes flashed. A rush of heat flooded her belly.

"Why do you do this? Pirating?" He offered her more cheese, and she took it, considering her answer as she chewed.

"It is all I know," she finally said. Her brother was the only family she could remember, and he'd taught her everything she knew about the family business. She'd never considered doing anything else, even though she'd begun to realize long ago that she didn't have the stomach for pirating as she once had. Considering her upbringing, she was lucky she had any sense of how women should be, how they behaved. Talon had protected her from the unsavory side of his life--as much as he could given what he was, but a woman's gentle influence in her life was lacking. She'd spent more time in brothels than she cared to remember.

It was not the sort of life she would trade her own for, but it didn't take a great deal of imagination to figure out that she had little hope of a livelihood other than captain of a pirate shipor whore in a brothel.

Looking at it that way, pirate queen was far preferable.

Riker was silent for a time, feeding her carefully, his eyes darkening as she licked his fingers with every morsel he gave her. She enjoyed this tender, easy side of him and wondered what had brought about the change. Perhaps he felt guilty for locking her up? But that was his job, what he was trained to do, so she doubted it. Lacking experience with men's sensitive side, she had no idea how to deal with him ... but she enjoyed it. Perhaps too much.

Turning serious, and distracting her from seductive thoughts, he asked, "Have you never thought of being a man's wife? A mother?"

The question shocked her with his directness. She dropped her gaze, unable to meet his own, reminded all over again of her roots, the mistakes she'd made in her life. And how much she wished it could change.

It wasn't as if she'd never thought of it. She might even have considered it as an alternative to her current lifestyle except for the very important fact that she had never met a man who had actually inspired her to seriously consider the possibility.

"Men do not marry women like me." The admission hurt more than she thought it would. When had she grown into such a traditionalist? She should not want such things--they were beyond her.

He studied her lingeringly. "They might ... if you let them."

Lexi didn't want to think about what he hinted of, couldn't bear his almost certain rejection if she allowed herself to believe he meant what she thought--which would eventually come in any case as it always would.

Still, for now, for the moment, he meant it. She knew he did, and that he was offering something she'd never dared to dream of. Would it be worth it to take a chance, just this once? For a memory to closet away and bring out in times of despair?

Men always assumed she had a heart of iron because she was a pirate, someone they could use and throw away when they'd had their fill, whose appetites for variety were as great as their own. They never realized how easily she bruised, how she longed to settle with one man.

There were times when she despised the weakness of being female, the urges for motherhood, family.

"Kiss me, Riker." She reached for his neck, wrapping her hand around the back to bring him down before she could change her mind. "I want to forget ... for just a moment, who I am...."

He kissed her gently, but she didn't want his tenderness just now, felt that it would send her over the brink and she would never return whole. She nipped his lip with her teeth and pushed her tongue into his mouth. He growled low in his throat, like a wolf, and crushed her into the mattress. His shaft was already hard as granite, trapped helpless against her midriff.

He sucked her tongue, playing his own against the length of hers, wedging his hands between them to cup her breasts. Heat suffused her limbs with life, and she clung to him, pulling him closer, craving his warmth. She ripped at his shirt, needing to touch his skin. He grunted and broke away long enough to fling the barrier aside. He was back in a moment, driving his knee between her thighs to ease her legs apart.

Lexi found, however, that no matter how hard she wanted to ignore reality and glory in the dream he had offered, she simply could not. His imminent possession brought it crashing down upon her like a flood of icy water.

She stiffened as he settled himself between her thighs and he pulled back to look at her, puzzled.

"No, please," she said breathlessly, her heart hammering in her chest. "I didn't intend for this to go so far." What insanity had possessed her? This was folly. He would think her a damned prick tease.

He offered her no condemnation. Instead, the look in his eyes seemed strangely hurt. "Is it me you fear?"

"I ... don't...."

A sharp rap on the door saved her from answering.

"Commander?" The voice was muffled through the door. Riker jumped out of bed and opened it. A soldier stepped in, saluted, and handed him a sealed parchment. "An urgent message has arrived for you. I apologize for this disturbance."

Riker nodded and read the note, growing angrier by the minute. "I will be there presently," he said and dismissed the soldier.

"What is it?" Lexi asked, almost fearful of the answer.

Jerkily, he slipped his shirt back on and tucked it into his breeches. "That damned brother of yours has taken Faya of Speira, my betrothed. He demands your return as ransom," Riker said grimly.

Lexi felt her heart jump to her throat, choking her. She couldn't breathe. Riker was going to be married?

But she could not, would not, allow herself to think of that now, not when her brother, Talon, had risked so much for her. He was going to get himself killed trying to save her. "What do you intend to do?"

"He'll hang when I catch hold of him," Riker gritted out.

"No!" Lexi felt the blood leave her body in a rush that almost made her faint. She leapt off the bed and caught his arm before he could leave. "Please ... promise me you will not kill him."

He shook her loose. "You care so much for him?"

Lexi had never seen him so cold, so unfeeling. Pain clutched her chest in a vice, as if her heart was breaking. He stood to lose the woman he loved because of her brother. He saw her as nothing but a criminal--she could read it in his eyes. Lexi swallowed with difficulty, nodded and whispered, "He is all the family I have left."

His jaw hardened. "Very well. But if he harms my men or my betrothed, he negates this promise." Riker left her without another word, slamming and locking the door behind him.

Lexi collapsed on the bed after he'd gone, heartsick. Pure luck had saved her from making an enormous mistake, but it didn't dull her pain. He'd bent himself to seduce her, merely as a plaything--and he'd nearly succeeded in his goal. How could she have been such a fool to trust a man again? Hadn't she seen, time and again they were all the same?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, until she was ready to claw the hide from his bones if ever she saw his face again. How dare he use her this way? Lexi jumped up from the bed and paced the narrow room, but it did naught to calm her nerves. She went to the window, hoping a cool breeze would quench the fire of her anger.

As she leaned out, a dark shape blotted out the stars, and the distant sound of neighing reached her ears. What the-- She craned her head, following the sound as it grew closer, becoming more familiar until she had no doubts of what it was.

"Here!" she called, waving her arms, hoping her shouts would not set off the alarm before she was found.

The dark shape swooped down from above, revealing itself--her brother's winged stallion, Midnight. On his back, sat Bailey, and she'd never felt so happy in all her life.

"Damn, Fox. I was thinking I might never find ya."

Lexi laughed, relieved beyond words to see her grizzled companion and his smiling face. "How is this possible?"

He grinned. "Talon's been keeping them occupied while I searched for you. Do I need to set a keg off in yer arse? We needs must hurry. The dragons were assembled in the courtyard when the alarm was raised, but they'll not be earth bound long, I'll warrant! Jump, I'll catch you."

With the perfect trust established over years of companionship, Lexi leapt from the window and caught Bailey's arms. He hauled her up and she settled behind him on Midnight. "I'll be damned glad to be off this beast and back onto the ship. We missed ya, Fox."

"I missed you all too. Argus didn't eat Sparky, did he?"

"No, but the damned creature has been setting fire to everyone's arses." Lexi chuckled, imagining the chaos her absence had caused.

At Bailey's signal, Midnight leapt into motion, flying like the wind into the night sky. The fortress fell away behind them into darkness.

Bailey fell silent as they disappeared into the cloud cover, leaving Lexi to her thoughts---thoughts of torturing a certain commanding officer. But the appeal was strangely lost, and she wondered just how much he had damaged her beyond repair.

And what he would do when he found her gone.

* * * *

Talon Ravenwing, Lexi's half brother, had eluded capture. The damned pirate knew the isles better than any living man. Even with a force of his dragonriders searching the area, they could find no trace he'd ever been anywhere close to Wind Valley. If Riker hadn't known better, he'd suspect the pirate a phantom, so easily had he avoided them. He began to think they'd been led on a wild goose chase.

When he entered his room and found it empty, the suspicion was confirmed.

It was as if someone had punched him hard in the gut, knocked all the breath from his lungs on sight of the lonely quarters. He searched the room, hoping against hope that she was hiding somewhere, anywhere, that his fears were for naught. He turned the bed over, checked the chest, looked out the window for signs of her passing, perhaps even her crushed and lifeless body lying broken on the ground. With relief, he saw nothing below--which meant she had escaped.

She had left him.

Riker slammed his fist into the wall, welcoming the sharp bite, bloodying his knuckles, wishing it would distract him from the gut wrenching pain consuming him, clouding his mind. He collapsed into the chair, clutching his head with his hands, trying to block out the silence reverberating in the room. When the anger blazing through his mind burned out, all he was left with were regrets, a hollow emptiness, an ache in his soul that he feared would never be soothed. Not now.

For the first time in his life, he regretted his actions. He was caught between two roads. Black and white had merged to gray, and he was unable to foresee the wisest course to follow.

He'd sent falcons off to check the validity of the parchment, but they would take hours to return, and the chances of finding Talon Ravenwing diminished with every minute. He had to wait for confirmation to see if Faya of Speira had indeed been kidnapped before proceeding. If she had been, he was honor bound to rescue her. But he could think of nothing but Lexi ... about getting her back no matter the cost.

He should never have taken Lexi, should never have given in to his desire to possess her. It had been folly and now he would suffer for his mistakeand perhaps Faya, as well.

His father had arranged his betrothal in good faith. All that remained for him to do was sign the marriage contract, and their betrothal would be official.

And yet, it had been weeks since the proposal was struck, and still he'd not gone to finalize it. Something had held him back. And now he'd threatened to throw his father's work away.

He should marry Faya. Despite the fact that the contract lacked the formality of his signature, he'd allowed the negotiations, he'd allowed the contract to be drawn up. He was obligated to honor the intent of the negotiations.

In truth, his heart had never been in it. He had merely conceded to his father's reasoning because he could not find the words to argue against the arrangement. It was long past time to choose a woman as his wife and he had not found one of his own choosing. It had seemed reasonable to allow his father to handle the matter. But, perhaps that was what had bothered him from the first, the reason he had not finalized the arrangements. Deep down he'd known he was meant for someone else.

Honor demanded he follow the choice made by his father, but it was little consolation.

Lexi had clouded his mind from the first moment he laid eyes on her. No, he could not blame this on her. He was at fault in every way. Pride had led him on his journey to begin with, to be the one to retrieve the fabled stone. Had he not done so, Lexi would have never crossed his path--and he would not be miserable now, in danger of wrecking everything.

Riker sighed heavily. Never before had he doubted his ability with a woman. She drove him to distraction, upset his carefully maintained world. He was feared throughout Windaria, had the respect of thousands of men, but when it came to her, he was powerless ... and hopelessly addicted. Riker could admit that to himself, could even embrace what many would see as weakness, but he felt only as pain.

He'd thought he could force her to accept him, but he'd been wrong and hadn't the first clue how to go about winning her. It seemed unlikely now that he would even have the chance.

No. He would find her. He smiled grimly, determined, even if it meant he would repeat his mistake. Straight thinking was not possible at the moment. He fantasized when he did catch her again, he would tie her to his bed personally. He would tease every part of her body until she begged him to take her again and again, until all thought of leaving him was banished from her mind forever.

Chapter Eight

Riker received confirmation that Talon Ravenwing had raided his betrothed's home and taken her captive, but no one knew of where he could possibly be hiding. Which meant the only way he would release her was if he heard from Lexi that she was free and safe.

Lexi had almost certainly gone to Aeros, where much illegally taken merchandise was fenced for the black market. Find Lexi, and he would likely find her brother, because if anyone knew where Talon was, it would be his sister.

Riker had rationalized the plan in his mind that way, but his own guilty conscience condemned him for, deep inside, he knew his only intentions of going to Aeros was to collect Lexi. Talon Ravenwing had never been known to harm women, and his betrothed was a warrior in her own right, could protect herself if need be. In point of fact, she had probably already been released, and he need only find Lexi to bring her back.

That was the lie he told himself, but it did little to assuage his guilt.

What he would do when he had them both was a question he would deal with later. He only hoped he wouldn't be stuck between two fighting she-cats.

* * * *

"You been mopin' fer days, Fox. Are ya well? That damned soldier didn't do nothin' to you, did he?" Bailey asked her as she approached.

Lexi shook her head. Damn. She hadn't known it was so obvious how miserable she was. Being without him was like crashing off an addiction, and she despised the feeling. He didn't deserve so much from her. No man did. It was disgusting how far and how fast she'd fallen for a handsome face and sweet words--well, there'd been few enough of those. All things considered, it seemed a certainty that his 'sweet words' had not been genuine, however sincere he'd seemed at the time. Why would they be? Men only talked just enough to bed a woman.

Lexi kicked the railing in frustration, wondering if she should explain herself to Bailey, and then decided it wasn't any of his damned business, even if her well-being was at the center of his concern.

"Have you heard word from my brother? I thought by now he would have sent something by falcon. He knows what current we travel," Lexi said, ignoring Bailey's bald statement, watching as he and the other men adjusted the rigging on The Vixen. The sails drew down sharply as the sleek vessel increased speed, cutting a swath through the wispy clouds of morning.

He shrugged, finishing his task. "Nay, Fox, we've received nothing. 'Tis strange to me he's not met us yet."

"Yes, 'tis most strange," Lexi said, distracted as she walked away. The deck heaved as they crested the current that would guide them to Aeros. Lexi caught the railing for balance until it had steadied out. She was worried for her brother. It was unlike him to not contact her after such a stunt. Had Riker managed to catch Talon? She hoped not, for she didn't know how his promise would hold now that she had left him.

Just thinking his name caused a storm to rage once more in her mind, and she despaired of it ever lessening. His betrayal hurt like a fresh wound. Though she'd never asked him if there were other women in his life, he should not have seduced her if he'd been engaged. He'd lied to her by not coming forth with the truth, and that was something she could not handle.

She felt pity, too, for the girl, and hoped Talon had already released her. She would know nothing for sure until she managed to track her brother down, however. Even she didn't know where Riker's hideout was these days.

She'd set a course for Aeros, certain that was the most likely way to locate him. Even if he had not made for Aeros himself, she had some prayer of gaining news of him there.

In the interim, she hoped to forget Riker Darkwin had ever existed. And the best way to do that was to find a replacement.

* * * *

Northwind of them floated Aeros, the jewel of the pirate isles. Perfectly situated between the borders of rival kingdoms, it was a neutral ground where only the strongest, or wiliest, held power. Shows of force were not uncommon, but if everyone remained honest (or at least weren't caught in a lie), peace reigned--somewhat.

Aeros was as much a home as Lexi had ever had, and she was thrilled to be back after so many weeks abroad. They moored The Vixen at the dock and went into Pylon, the main city and entrance to the isle.

The streets were crowded with the bustle of a huge trade center. There were the usual sorts: spry thieves picking pockets; drunks laying sprawled and snoring on the sidewalks; whores strutting down the street or hanging at the entrances to brothels, enticing anyone who looked likely to have coin in their pocket to pay. Crates were unloaded on the docks and carted by wagon up to the main thoroughfare, which teemed with as many nobles as it did those who made up the underbelly of society. Rare perfumes scented the air with cloying fragrance, mixing with the acrid stench of ale, bourbon, and every other liquor known to man. Bright fabrics and tapestries tempted the eye, jewels sparkled and metals gleamed, taken from the massive lower isles--which were the only suppliers of such--all for the taking at bargain prices for those interested in avoiding the royal taxation authorities.

It was raunchy and rank, a cacophony of sights both appealing and abhorrent.

It was manna from heaven, as far as Lexi was concerned. These were her people. This was her home. How could she have forgotten how dearly familiar this all was and considered, even for a moment, changing the very fabric of her existence? Stick with what you know, and no trouble will befall you, she thought. How stupid to have forgotten her own motto.

Their own load had been taken care of when Argus had hit the isle days earlier in search of her brother, Talon, so she was free to wander the city as she chose, and seek information about her brother's whereabouts.

Her crew scattered, always eager to partake of the city's delights, which had been denied them when they'd been in such a rush to unload their cargo and return to rescue her. They were at sky much of the time, so an outing on land was always appreciated. Lexi roamed the streets alone, jostled by the crowd as she made her way to The Drunken Bride. The tavern was owned by a woman, unlike her counterparts--a favorite spot of Lexi's.

She pushed open the door. Dusk was crawling through the sky outside, and it was crowded in the bar. She elbowed her way through the masses until she found a spot to sit in the corner where she could watch the comings and goings and survey the crowd. It was always wise to watch one's back in these places, and Lexi never took chances.

She caught sight of Mama Bess tending the bar and motioned her over. Mama Bess was as wide as she was tall, had a heart of gold, and could wipe the floor with any man that stood in her way.

"Been a long time since I seen your scrawny ass this side of the island. Where you been hidin' yourself, Fox?" Mama Bess gave Lexi a bear hug and sat down beside her, beaming with happiness.

Lexi didn't want anyone to know about her humiliating capture and wondered how long it would be before everyone knew about it. "I've been ... tied up lately. Listen, have you heard from Talon?"

"He dropped by a few hours earlier. Didn't say where he was headed."

"Damn! Did he ... leave anyone, by chance?"

Mama Bess cocked her head to one side curiously. "Why would he do a thing like that?"

That answered that question. Talon knew she was free, but why hadn't he kept his part of the bargain, to let the girl go? Could be the fleet were in hot pursuit and he was using her as a bargaining chip. That made sense. She knew he wouldn't harm the woman, she just worried he'd take the game too far and get hurt. It was less than useless worrying about him though. He always did whatever he wanted--she'd never been able to curb his recklessness.

"Fox? You driftin' off, girl. I do have somethin' important to tell you."

"Sorry, Mama Bess. I've had a lot on my mind lately."

"Well, now's not the time for air in your head. Skyfleet's been seen in the area. Some say there's a price on that pretty head of yours. There's some unsavory types in this town wouldn't hesitate a minute to take you in. I think you should be movin' on ... if you take my meanin'."

Damn it all! Would she never get a moment's rest? Were these rumors true? Did it matter? If there were rumors of a reward, nobody would be questioning the truth of it. At any rate, Mama Bess had never played her falsethere was no question that she believed it was true and if she said get out of Pylon, she meant it. "Thanks, Mama. You take care of yourself." Lexi stood and hugged her friend good-bye.

"You too, Fox. I'll be seein' you."

Grimly, Lexi made her way through the crowded bar. Now she had the problem of rounding up her crew. She had no idea when skyfleet would be back, but they needed to get out now.

Before it was too late.

Chapter Nine

"You're a hard person to catch hold of, Sky Fox," a voice spoke from the shadows as Lexi left the tavern.

Lexi jumped in her skin and sucked in a sharp breath before whirling to face the speaker, drawing her knife from its scabbard. There was something about the voice that seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn't quite place him. Nor did she have the opportunity when she turned toward the sound of his voice, for he lurked in the shadows.

"I wouldn't do that, not if you value your life. My men have crossbows trained on your heart at this very moment."

Lexi dropped her arms to her sides, though her fingers were itching to call his bluff and slice him open. Self-preservation stilled her hand. She was in the light herself, an easy target. Fast she might be, but arrows were faster and hard to outrun. "I could scream. People would come running."

"You'd be on the ground before you finished. Throw the knife to the dirt. That's it, nice and easy."

She threw it, watched the knife vanish into darkness. What a shame to lose the blade--it was the first knife she'd ever owned and had saved her in many scrapes. She'd have to rely solely on her wits if she wanted to make it out of this one alive.

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back."

She did as she was told, thinking any minute someone would walk by and see, but no one did. Even if they had, in this town, they were just as likely to slit her throat as her captor. The man twisted a length of leather around her wrists, tight enough to cut off her circulation and any chance of working it loose.

He held her from behind, almost like a lover. "I've a knife to your heart, pretty fox. Don't do anything stupid."

"What do you want from me?" He prodded her forward with a sharp jab to her ribs from the hilt. She winced but ignored the pain. He'd made his point.

"Some important people are after you, Sky Fox. You've become quite ... valuable." He cupped one cheek of her buttocks, and she stiffened. "I find I'm looking forward to this."

"Take your hand off me," she ground out furiously. She was a little surprised when he complied, and infinitely relieved.

He chuckled. The sound held more menace than amusement and carved a shiver along her spine. "I admire a woman with spunk, Fox, just so you know."

"Well I'm all aquiver with excitement," Lexi said sarcastically, earning her another jab with the blade.

"Mind your manners. I'm short on a sense of humor."

Unnerved, Lexi said no more, instead concentrating her attention on a search for escape on anything or anyone she might use to turn the situation to her advantage.

She saw, however, that in the short time she'd been in the tavern, the streets had begun to empty. She could still hear sounds of merriment, but the party seemed to be moving away from herand, in any case, most of the revelers would be too drunk to be of any help, even if they were so inclined.

The street he took her down was empty save for several unconscious drunks and a couple rutting at the mouth of one of the alleys they passed. She stumbled over a protruding cobblestone, was jerked upright and felt the sharp point of the blade slicing into her ribs. Sticky liquid trickled down her back, tickling her skin with an unrelenting itch. The cut, though not deep, began to burn almost immediately as the salt of her perspiration leaked into the wound.

She realized fairly quickly that he was taking her toward the docks, recognizing the familiar path. A faint glimmer of hope sparked in her breast. There was a chance some of her men had returned and she could call for help.

It occurred to Lexi after some moments that she'd been so preoccupied she hadn't really assimilated the fact that there was no echo of footsteps around them, no sound at all to indicate the men he'd claimed to have with him.

"There are no other men, are there?" Lexi asked after they'd traversed several blocks and no one joined him to gloat over her capture. She expected some sort of signal to them, something to let them know she'd been taken. But there had been nothing, and she suspected she'd fallen for a nasty trick.

Sickness washed over her as she realized her deadly error. If she had not spent so many days bemoaning her broken heart, she would have been more alert not easy prey. She might have realized he was alone. She would almost certainly have risked a chance to battle her way free of capture rather than yielded like some whipped puppy.

And now she was bound and weaponless.

"How astute of you. I don't like sharing, Sky Fox."

They reached the docks, but they did not come close to her ship. He led her in the opposite direction of The Vixen. She might have called out anyway, on the chance that some of her crew had returned and might hear her, except that she wasn't certain that the reward for her capture had stipulated 'alive'. Or that the man holding her had the wit to know he had less chance of collecting the reward if she wasn't breathing when he delivered her.

A realist, Lexi had to admit things were beginning to look pretty dark indeed, but she wasn't ready to give up. There would be other opportunities to escape. She simply had to bide her time, keep her wits about her and she would still have a chance.

To her surprise, he led her to a skiff small enough a man with enough experience could fly it alone. It had triple sails for lift and short wings for guidance. It dawned on her then that her captor was undoubtedly a bounty hunter who earned his livelihood collecting people for the rewards offered--and most likely kidnapping and ransoming people, as well. The skiff was ideal for such an operation, easy to hide, quick, and there would be no need to bother with partners.

It wasn't much, but it offered the only advantage she'd seen so farthe fact that he was alone and would have, perforce, to focus his attention on his sailing.

He tied her to the main mast where he could keep an eye on her, and she gasped as she got her first good look at him by the light of the full moon. It was Braken Longshanks--there was no doubt in her mind. He stood nearly a half foot over six feet, his body obscenely muscled, and had a face angels would be envious of: blond hair, blue eyes, an easy smile with dimples. He was also very deador so everyone had been led to believe, killed by rebels infiltrating the borders.

He could have kidnapped a better prospect for riches than hershe might be a pirate, but she was hardly enough of a threat for the crown to have offered much of a reward for her capture. To what purpose he'd taken her, she didn't know. All she did know was that she had to find a way to escape, before he revealed any other ulterior motive. She sighed, shifting against the heavy ropes binding her as they lifted off into the air, wishing she knew the trick Riker had used to slip his bonds.

That would just be the cream on her wonderful day.

* * * *

Pylon spread before them like the whore she was, eager to take in the unwary. They found The Vixen moored at the docks, empty, but Lexi was no longer on the island.

Riker trusted Storm's senses implicitly.

Why would she leave her ship behind? Unless she'd gone on with her brother....

Storm caught the faint trail of Lexi's scent on the air currents, tinged with fear, leading away from Aeros on the northwind river.

Speaking with his mind, Riker bade the dragon follow the trace, wherever it might lead them. He hadn't foreseen she would be in any danger. Ahead, in the soft glow of the moon reflecting off the few clouds in their peripheral, a small boat stood in stark relief to the blue blackness of night, its sails shining in the light. Silently, they followed its movements through the clear air.

She is on the ship, Storm spoke in Riker's mind.

"You are certain?" he asked aloud.

As certain I am of the line of my fathers. She is there. Her blood scents the air.

White hot fury threatened to overwhelm Riker at that. His jaw hardened, his hands clenching around the reins, his knuckles whitening under the pressure. She was hurt. He would kill whoever had harmed her. With an effort, he reigned his anger in. He could do her no good blinded by rage. "Take me closer. I like not the look of this."

It was a mighty ship indeed that could out fly a dragon. As fast as the tiny skiff was, it was no exception. Storm surpassed it easily, coming down from above so as not to raise the alarm, his wings silent in the night.

She is not alone. There is one other.

Storm's senses were powerful, uncanny, and Riker trusted the dragon's accuracy. "There'll be one less when I am through. Take me down. It's time they had company."

Storm obliged, diving for the small vessel. He swooped to the side, hovering close.

Riker leapt off the dragon's back, using the sails to cushion his fall. Cloth ripped from his weighty descent, tattering in the blowing wind with a sharp crack. He hit the deck, rolling into a crouch as he withdrew his short sword from its sheath with a metallic hum.

* * * *

Lexi startled as a dark, familiar shape landed mere inches from her outstretched feet, blocking her view of Longshanks. A sword flashed in the light as it was drawn.

"Riker! What the hell are you doing here?" she shouted, recognizing him instantly.

He didn't spare her a glance as he dropped a knife at her feet and faced his enemy. "I came to rescue you."

"You came to be killed. He's double your weight," she gritted out, working to get the knife higher so she could grab it. If she could twist enough, she could push it to her hips.... She couldn't see a damn thing around Riker, and it terrified her to think of what Longshanks could be doing. Riker could not take a man like Longshanks alone. He needed her help.

"A short sword against my meager daggers?" Braken called out clearly. "That's hardly fair, is it?"

"Your reach is twice mine. I'd say we're pretty much even," Riker responded grimly.

They circled each other on the small deck. Riker thrust at Braken, slicing his side but leaving himself exposed with the move. Braken's retaliation was swift, but Riker was faster, leaping away so that he received no more than a grazing slash across his ribs for his mistake.

Warily, Riker circled his opponent with a new respect, having his measure nowthe man was a killing machine, strong as a bull and swift as a gazellea lethal combination. So far as Riker could see, he had no flaws in either his skills, his size or his temperament.

They clashed in a flash of blades, battering at one another, neither giving an inch, but both had been blooded and the deck was rapidly becoming treacherously slick. Riker slipped, crashing to the deck. In the blink of an eye, Braken lunged for him. Riker rolled, barely clearing the blade Braken embedded in the deck where Riker's chest had been only moments before.

It took Braken several moments to pry his blade loose. The time allowed Riker the chance to regain his feet, but even as he swung at his opponent, Braken pulled his own blade free and parried the blow.

Lexi couldn't bear to look and couldn't bear to look away. Frantically, she shuffled around on the deck until she managed to maneuver the blade Riker had given her within reach of her hands. Grasping it at last with numbed fingers, she began to saw at her bindings as the battle waged around her, first Riker seizing the upper hand and then Braken.

By the time Lexi managed to pull free, they had moved toward the prow of the small boat, their blades locked as each struggled for dominance.

Apparently aware of her every move, Riker seized Braken's free hand. "Go, Lexi! Climb on Storm. He will take you to safety."

Lexi stared at him, torn between surprise and indignation. As if she would leave him to battle that giant of a man by himself!

But she said nothing, knowing any distraction could cost Riker his life. She merely stood watching, awaiting an opportunity to launch her own attack.

It came when Riker once again slipped in the blood beneath his feet, going down on his knees. Braken lunged for him, intent on the kill.

Lexi launched herself at the man. Grasping a trailing length of rope and swinging through the air, she caught Longshanks full force in the back. The blow rocked him forward. He lost his balance as he came up against Riker, who was still on his knees on the deck. A hoarse cry escaped him as he fell over Riker and went over the side of the boat, scrambling for a handhold on the mooring ropes even as he fell.

Lexi rushed over to Riker, falling on her knees beside him. "How badly are you hurt?"

Riker groaned, but managed a pained chuckle. "I think my pride is more wounded than my body."

Relief flooded Lexi. "Better your pride than your hide," she muttered irritably, but noticed that he was holding his head as he rose and renewed concern filled her. She wrapped her arms around him, steadying him as he wavered slightly. "You've hurt your head."

"I caught his knee when you shoved him over me. Really, Lexi, that was most dishonorable, even for a pirate wench."

Lexi was too shaken to appreciate his sense of humor. "There's no such thing as honor in a fight! There's livingand there's dying!"

"Speaking of which, what became of our friend?"

"He went over the side," Lexi said coolly as she led Riker back toward the side of the ship where Storm waited.


Lexi shrugged. "Somehow I doubt it. The man has more lives than a cat. Rumor had it he was killed several years ago. I thought I recognized his voice when he jumped me as I came out of the tavern, but I was certain I was wrong."

Riker frowned. "Storm told me you were injured."

"A scratch nothing more," Lexi said, dismissing it as she moved away to examine Riker's injuries in the pale moon light. "You've a nasty gash here, but there's not enough light to tell if it should be stitched."

"A scratch nothing more," Riker murmured, echoing her own words.

"But the deck is slippery with blood," Lexi objected, certain he was trying to spare her concern.

He shook his head. "Some of mine, perhaps, but mostly it was his and the irony is that it was nearly my undoing more than once."

Having satisfied herself that Riker was indeed telling the truth, Lexi looked up at him. "The irony is that his blood insured your victory. If you hadn't slipped in it so that he fell over you, I wouldn't have been able to launch him over the side."

Riker shook his head. "You're proud of that little trick, aren't you?"

Lexi gave him a look. "I did what I had to to."

His brows lifted. "Save me?"

Lexi looked away. "To save myself."

Riker caught her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. He studied her for a long moment, but didn't pursue the matter, for which Lexi was grateful. Finally, he turned from her. He said nothing, but in moments Storm had swooped to hover alongside the small vessel. Riker climbed up onto the side of the vessel and leapt into the saddle, then turned toward Lexi. She hesitated a moment and leapt into his waiting arms.

The boat lurched forward, sinking as Storm veered away.

As the dragon rose, gaining speed, Riker held her close, sharing his warmth, the comfort of his nearness. She didn't know why'd he'd come for her, alone, but she was glad he had.

He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, and whispered in her ear, "I'll take you wherever you want to go."

A shock wave of surprise went through her. Wherever she wanted to go...? He wasn't-- "You're not taking me in?"

He was silent a long moment. "No."

Lexi desperately wanted to ask him why he'd come for her if it wasn't to take her back as his prisoner, but found she feared his answer. If he gave her sweet promises she would accept them unquestioningly, even though he had betrayed her trust before, seduced her into believing she meant something to him.

She was almost sorry that he'd offered her a choice. "Take me to my ship then."

Chapter Ten

To Lexi's relief, she saw that her crew had not returned, for The Vixen lay as she'd left it. She would have no witnesses to see her pain when Riker left her.

Instead of leaving her as she had expected that he would, however, Riker joined her on the deck, abandoning Storm at the docks.

Lexi stared at him, dismayed. She had hoped she would be spared a painful parting scene. She felt like cryingshe who had not cried since she was a mere child. It made her angry.

"What are you still doing here?" Lexi snapped and turned her back on him to walk away.

He grasped her shoulders and made her face him. "I cannot do it. I'm not giving you up. If it means I can never take my eyes off you, so be it. We were meant to be together, Lexi. I mean to keep you with me always--until you realize it, as well."

Lexi felt his words like a physical blow. How could he torment her like this and profess to care for her? "You're insane. Have you forgotten your betrothed?"

"My father arranged the marriage I thought I was willing to go along with it, but I never signed the betrothal agreement. I couldn't because I felt nothing for her and knew I never would. You are the woman I love." He pulled her fully against him then, bent his head and kissed her until her toes curled and she was gasping for breath.

"Tell me now if you feel you can never give me your love in return, but I warn you, I will not give up easily. I knew the moment I saw you that no other woman could ever capture my heart."

It was what she'd longed to hear--what she'd foolishly given up thought of ever attaining. A man who could see her beyond the pirate's guise, who recognized her need for protection, saw her vulnerability. A man who would love her despite her faults. She grinned when he released her, cupped his cheek in her hand. "My heart belongs to you, Riker Darkwin. You captured it long ago."

He hugged her tightly. "I've longed to hear those words from your lips too long, my sweet vixen."

She smiled. "There is but one thing more. I'll stay with you on one condition. Sparky comes along too."

Riker pulled away, frowning in mock horror. "What? All right. As long as the damned lizard doesn't burn or mark me any more."

"I didn't see any lasting marks on you."

His brows lifted. "You were studying me?" He grinned devilishly, guiding her along the deck to the stairwell. She went willingly, too flustered to see his intent.

"Uh...." Just the way he said it made her blush to her hairline. It suddenly seemed so wicked.

"You were, weren't you?" he taunted, pushing open the door to her quarters and shutting it behind them.

Lexi shook her head, shrugging her shoulders. "Yes, satisfied? Of course I was looking at you," she said, exasperated. He prowled the room, backing her toward the bed. "And I plan to do much more, by the by."

He grinned and lunged for her, taking her down to the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. She struggled to right herself but he caged her with his body, suddenly looking at her in seriousness.

"I have fantasized about how long I would torment you, but now I find I cannot wait that long to sink into your body."

A rush of liquid heat flooded her sex at the look in his eyes, so intense, so hungry. He pinned her arms to the bed as he leaned forward to kiss the corners of her lips, tugging the bottom lip with his teeth.

He nibbled along her jaw, and she squirmed as his hands stroked down her arms to her chest. Rubbing his thumbs over her nipples, he dipped his tongue in the hollow of her throat before grasping her shirt and ripping it open.

Lexi gasped, arching her back as he massaged her bare breasts, teasing her nipples to torturously hard pebbles. "You owe me a new shirt, Sir," she said, breathless, running her hands over his strong back, down to his tight buttocks. He groaned as she squeezed them, pulling him closer.

"I like you better naked." He worked a knee between her thighs, spreading them wide apart. She opened willingly for him, and he thrust his hips against hers, grinding his erection into her soaked cleft. There was too much clothing in the way. Lexi growled in frustration.

She wanted him inside her--now. She'd had enough teasing to last her a lifetime. Pushing him up, she locked her hands on the open neck of his shirt and tore it open to reveal his chest before eagerly tugging at his breeches. "We're even now."

His erection strained the fabric, making it difficult to unfasten. He pushed her hands aside and freed his hard arousal. It stood up from his stomach, thick and huge, veins swollen along its proud length. He moved off her long enough to pull her own scanty breeches down her thighs, throwing the meager garments behind him before settling between her legs once more.

Lexi wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him hard as he plunged deep inside her tight passage. She screamed at the pleasure mingled with pain.

He froze, pulled away slightly, propping on his elbows. Shock etched on his face. "I thought you were no virgin," he said accusingly.

"I ... I'm not. It has been too long." She urged him with her heels, clutching his shoulders. It was all the encouragement he needed. He pulled out sharply before thrusting inside her again and again. He wedged a hand between their bodies, rubbing her clit, pushing her to the edge.

There were too many sensations, too fast. She couldn't take much more. She moaned, digging her nails into his shoulders, silently begging for more. He moved her hands from his shoulders, pinned them to each side of her head, grinding his hips against hers, slipping in her juices so deliciously she was mindless with the pleasure building inside her.

He buried his face against her neck, sucking hard behind her ear, sending her over the edge. The orgasm hit her, pulsing through her body like a lightning storm, tingling over skin like the wind. She screamed his name and he smothered her cries with his lips, finding his own release as his seed shot deep inside her womb.

He collapsed between her legs, spent as the orgasm caused her sex to clench him with ever lessening spasms. He rolled, carrying her with him until she lay atop him. Cupping her face in his hands, he pulled her down for a long, tender kiss.

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder as he stroked her hair and back.

"I just gave you a baby," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

She chuckled and looked up at him, loving the dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. "What makes you so certain?"

"Nothing so powerful can happen without creating a life in your belly. You'll have many sons."

"Oh, no. Daughters. I want them to be just like me."

He laughed. "And so they will. But no more pirates. You've enough in your family." He was silent for several moments and finally sighed. "We still have to find your brother. I can't just allow him to take Faya."

Lexi sat up and studied him, her hair falling around her shoulders. "You still want her?"

"Nay. I think I've enough wench in my bed." He growled and kissed her senseless.

It took a minute for her to catch her breath once he'd released her. "I'd not worry too much about Talon." She giggled. "I'm sure she's being well taken ... care of. We pirates know how to treat our captives."

"Saucy wench. I'll show you how it's done," he said, pulling her inexorably down.

Chapter Eleven

"I can grant you a full pardon for service to the crown, but you have to give up pirating. Agreed?" Riker said, the early morning sun shining on his dark hair.

He was too damned sexy for her own good. She'd never be able to get enough of him. And the things he could do with his tongue ... made her knees go weak just looking at his sinful mouth.

Her crew, readying the sails for departure, gaped at them in surprise, making little progress in their labors.

"Stop lollygagging around, boys. Snap to it," she yelled and they bustled around the ship.

Riker scaled down the gangway, dropping onto the dock. He watched her expectantly at the rail. "You still haven't answered me."

"What service?"

He grinned. "Saving the captain of the skyfleet and rescuing the joining stone from a foundering merchant ship."

Lexi's brows rose, but a smile curled her lips. "So, now I'm a hero?"

Riker tilted his head. "On the condition, of course, that you marry the captain of the skyfleet and give up pirating. Agreed?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good." He nodded, satisfied, then looked around in confusion. "Storm! Where's that damn dragon. We'll not make much progress without him."

A devilish idea took hold of her. She pulled the ladder up before he could stop her. "Take her away, boys," she called to her men. The ship started lifting slowly into the air.

Riker watched her, stunned. "Hey! I thought you were coming with me?"

Lexi laughed and planted her hands on her hips, looking down at him with a broad grin.

"Lexi," he growled warningly, "you irrepressible minx. What are you planning?"

"You'll just have to catch me to find out. I need a headstart, though, in all fairness. Won't the chase be so much sweeter?"

She blew him a kiss, wondering how long it would take him to track her down. The Vixen sailed off into the clouds, chasing the sun. Oh what fun they would have....

The End

Be sure to mark you calendars next month for Jaide Fox's newest erotic fantasy romance, a Shadowmere tale, SEDUCED BY DARKNESS:

Bewitched by a sorcerer's vicious spell, her lands stolen, Swan is forced to flee to Shadowmere for help--and her only salvation. What she encounters instead is a danger she'd never imagined possible.

Raphael, Lord of the Hunters, took her at the borderlands--mysterious, tempting ... and perilous to her very soul. For to give in to his dark seduction would be to consummate her curse ... and leave her forever the swan maiden ... and his prey.

THE SKY FOX Jaide Fox 1


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