king of records

King of record breakers

Ashrita Furman is 49 years old and lives in New York. In lots of ways he is very normal: he is 175 cm tall, he weighs about 75 kilos, and he works in a health food shop, where he is the manager. In other ways Ashrita is not normal. He has travelled to every continent in the world, where he has done some unusual and incredible things. For example, he has walked 130 kilometres /kilomijtəz/ with a bottle of milk on his head (the longest distance); and he has juggled with three balls underwater for 48 minutes and 36 seconds (the longest time). Currently he is in The Guinness Book of Records, with more than 20 different records. Why does he do these things? Firstly, Ashrita practises the Eastern art of meditation and he believes that this training can give people the ability to do incredible things. He also wants to make people laugh with the things he does. At the moment he’s training to push an orange with his nose for one mile in the fastest time ever! In his life Ashrita has broken more than 80 records.

in lots of wayspod wieloma względami

incredibledifficult to believe

currentlyat the moment

ability – zdolność

make people ... – sprawić, że ludzie

push - pchać

BREAK / SET / HOLD a record

TASK 1: My personal records

Q: What's the ...-est .... you've ever .... ?

Q: Have you ever swum more than 100 m?

The longest distance I’ve walked was ...

The longest journey I’ve made took ...

A holiday place I’ve visited most often is ...

The highest place I’ve been to is ...

The longest time I’ve been away from home was ...

The fastest I’ve travelled in a car was ...

The longest distance I’ve swum was ...

The most expensive thing I've bought is ...

One of the best films I have seen is ...

The most delicious dish I've eaten was ...

The best present I've received was ...

TASK 2: What's best for you?


place for holidays:

birthday present:

way of relaxing:

TV programme:

(Polish) actor / actress:


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