Lista znanych gatunków grzybów Psilocybe

Lista znanych gatunków grzybów Psilocybe

  1. Psilocybe acadiensis A.H. Sm. (1946); Strophariaceae

  2. Psilocybe acutipilea (Speg.) Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  3. Psilocybe acutissima R. Heim (1959); Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe yungensis)

  4. Psilocybe aequatoriae Singer (1977); Strophariaceae

  5. Psilocybe aerugineomaculans (Höhn.) Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe subaeruginascens)

  6. Psilocybe aeruginosa (Curtis) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia aeruginosa), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  7. Psilocybe agariella G.F. Atk.; Strophariaceae

  8. Psilocybe aggericola Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  9. Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel (1918); Strophariaceae

  10. Psilocybe agnata (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  11. Psilocybe agraria (Fr.) P. Karst. (1887); Strophariaceae

  12. Psilocybe agrariella G.F. Atk.; Strophariaceae

  13. Psilocybe agrariella var. agrariella G.F. Atk.; Strophariaceae

  14. Psilocybe agrariella var. vaccinii Charles (1931); Strophariaceae

  15. Psilocybe alachuana Murrill (1942); Strophariaceae

  16. Psilocybe albobrunnea Lutz{?} (1907); Strophariaceae

  17. Psilocybe albobrunnea Beeli (1938); Strophariaceae

  18. Psilocybe albofimbriata (Rick) Singer (1986); Strophariaceae

  19. Psilocybe albonitens (Fr.) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia albonitens), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  20. Psilocybe alboquadrata Berk.; Strophariaceae

  21. Psilocybe aleuriata R. Heim & L. Remy (1926); Strophariaceae

  22. Psilocybe allenii Borovička J., Rockefeller A., Werner P.G. (2012); Strophariaceae

  23. Psilocybe alnetorum (Singer) Singer (1960); Strophariaceae

  24. Psilocybe alpestris Singer (1989); Strophariaceae

  25. Psilocybe alpina Guzmán, Tapia & Nav.-Ros. (1999); Strophariaceae

  26. Psilocybe alutacea W. S. Chang and A. K. Mills.

  27. Psilocybe ammophila (Mont.) Gillet (1878), (= Psathyrella ammophila), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  28. Psilocybe ammophila var. ammophila (Mont.) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  29. Psilocybe ammophila var. ecaudata Maire; Strophariaceae

  30. Psilocybe andina Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  31. Psilocybe anellariiformis (Murrill) Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  32. Psilocybe angulata (Pers.) Singer (1961), (= Marasmiellus vaillantii), [RSD]; Marasmiaceae

  33. Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  34. Psilocybe angustispora A.H. Sm. (1946); Strophariaceae

  35. Psilocybe antillarum (Fr.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  36. Psilocybe antillarum var. antillarum (Fr.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  37. Psilocybe antillarum var. praelonga Fr. (1851); Strophariaceae

  38. Psilocybe antioquiensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez (1994); Strophariaceae

  39. Psilocybe apelliculosa P.D. Orton (1969), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  40. Psilocybe appendiculata Rick (1920); Strophariaceae

  41. Psilocybe aquamarina (Pegler) Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  42. Psilocybe araucana Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  43. Psilocybe arenulina Peck; Strophariaceae

  44. Psilocybe areolata (Klotzsch) Sacc. (1887), (= Lacrymaria lacrymabunda), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  45. Psilocybe argentina (Speg.) Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  46. Psilocybe argentipes K. Yokoy. (1976); Strophariaceae

  47. Psilocybe armandii Guzmán & S.H. Pollock (1979); Strophariaceae

  48. Psilocybe asperospora Cleland (1934); Strophariaceae

  49. Psilocybe atlantis Guzmán, Hanlin & C. White (2003); Strophariaceae

  50. Psilocybe atomatoides (Peck) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  51. Psilocybe atrobrunnea sensu Guzmán, (= Psilocybe turficola), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  52. Psilocybe atrobrunnea (Lasch) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  53. Psilocybe atrorufa sensu auct., (= Psilocybe montana), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  54. Psilocybe atrorufa (Schaeff.) Quél. (1872); Strophariaceae

  55. Psilocybe atrorufa f. atrorufa (Schaeff.) Quél. (1872); Strophariaceae

  56. Psilocybe atrorufa f. brevipes Kill. (1939); Strophariaceae

  57. Psilocybe atrorufa f. longipes Kill. (1939); Strophariaceae

  58. Psilocybe aucklandii Guzmán, C.C. King & Band.-Muñoz (1991); Strophariaceae

  59. Psilocybe aurantiaca (Cooke) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia aurantiaca), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  60. Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling (1978); Strophariaceae

  61. Psilocybe aztecorum R. Heim (1957), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  62. Psilocybe aztecorum var. aztecorum R. Heim (1957); Strophariaceae

  63. Psilocybe aztecorum var. bonetii (Guzmán) Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  64. Psilocybe azurescens Stamets & Gartz, [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  65. Psilocybe baeocystis Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  66. Psilocybe banderillensis Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  67. Psilocybe banderillensis var. banderillensis Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  68. Psilocybe banderillensis var. paulensis Guzmán & Bononi (1984); Strophariaceae

  69. Psilocybe barrerae Cifuentes & Guzmán (1981); Strophariaceae

  70. Psilocybe blattariopsis (Speg.) Singer (1951); Strophariaceae

  71. Psilocybe bohemica Šebek (1983), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  72. Psilocybe bolivarii Guzmán (1968); Strophariaceae

  73. Psilocybe bonetii Guzmán (1970); Strophariaceae

  74. Psilocybe borealis Guzmán (1977); Strophariaceae

  75. Psilocybe brasiliensis Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  76. Psilocybe brunneocystidiata Guzmán & E. Horak (1979); Strophariaceae

  77. Psilocybe bulbosa (Peck) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  78. Psilocybe bullacea sensu auct. mult., (= Psilocybe subviscida var. velata), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  79. Psilocybe bullacea (Bull.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae

  80. Psilocybe cabiensis Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill. (2004); Strophariaceae

  81. Psilocybe caerulea (Kreisel) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia caerulea), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  82. Psilocybe caeruleoannulata Singer ex Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  83. Psilocybe caerulescens Murrill (1923), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  84. Psilocybe caerulescens var. albida R. Heim (1973); Strophariaceae

  85. Psilocybe caerulescens var. caerulescens Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  86. Psilocybe caerulescens var. mazatecorum R. Heim (1957); Strophariaceae

  87. Psilocybe caerulescens var. nigripes R. Heim (1957); Strophariaceae

  88. Psilocybe caerulescens var. ombrophila R. Heim; Strophariaceae

  89. Psilocybe caerulescens var. ombrophila (R. Heim) Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  90. Psilocybe caerulipes Peck; Strophariaceae

  91. Psilocybe caerulipes var. caerulipes Peck; Strophariaceae

  92. Psilocybe caerulipes var. gastonii Singer (1959); Strophariaceae

  93. Psilocybe caesioannulata Singer (1965); Strophariaceae

  94. Psilocybe caespiticia Berk.; Strophariaceae

  95. Psilocybe caespitosa Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  96. Psilocybe californica Earle; Strophariaceae

  97. Psilocybe callosa sensu auct., (= Psilocybe strictipes), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  98. Psilocybe callosa (Fr.) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  99. Psilocybe calongei G. Moreno & Esteve-Rav. (1988); Strophariaceae

  100. Psilocybe camptopoda Peck; Strophariaceae

  101. Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe zapotecorum)

  102. Psilocybe canificans (Cooke) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  103. Psilocybe canobrunnea (Batsch) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  104. Psilocybe canorubra Berk. & Broome; Strophariaceae

  105. Psilocybe capnoides (Fr.) Noordel. (1995), (= Hypholoma capnoides), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  106. Psilocybe carbonaria Singer (1965); Strophariaceae

  107. Psilocybe caribaea Guzmán, T.J. Baroni & Tapia (2003); Strophariaceae

  108. Psilocybe caricicola P.D. Orton (1969), (= Melanotus phillipsii), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  109. Psilocybe castaneicolor Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  110. Psilocybe castaneifolia Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  111. Psilocybe castanella Peck; Strophariaceae

  112. Psilocybe castanella var. castanella Peck; Strophariaceae

  113. Psilocybe castanella var. subhyperella (Singer) Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  114. Psilocybe catervata Massee (1892); Strophariaceae

  115. Psilocybe ceres (Cooke & Massee) Sacc. (1891); Strophariaceae

  116. Psilocybe cernua (Vahl) Quél. (1872), (= Psathyrella cernua), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  117. Psilocybe cernua var. areolata (Klotzsch) Bres. (1931), (= Lacrymaria lacrymabunda), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  118. Psilocybe cernua var. cernua (Vahl) Quél. (1872); Strophariaceae

  119. Psilocybe chaconii Guzmán, Escalona & Ram.-Guill. (2004); Strophariaceae

  120. Psilocybe chiapanensis Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  121. Psilocybe chilensis Singer (1965); Strophariaceae

  122. Psilocybe chionophila Lamoure (1977), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  123. Psilocybe chondroderma (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella chondroderma), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  124. Psilocybe chrysocystidiata Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  125. Psilocybe chuxiongensis T. Ma & K.D. Hyde

  126. Psilocybe citrina Massee; Strophariaceae

  127. Psilocybe clavata Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  128. Psilocybe clivensis (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1887), (= Psathyrella clivensis), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  129. Psilocybe cokeri Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  130. Psilocybe cokeriana A.H. Sm. & Hesler (1946); Strophariaceae

  131. Psilocybe collybioides Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  132. Psilocybe columbiana Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  133. Psilocybe compta (Fr.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  134. Psilocybe comta (Fr.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  135. Psilocybe conissans (Peck) Peck; Strophariaceae

  136. Psilocybe cookei Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  137. Psilocybe coprophila (Bull.) P. Kumm. (1871), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  138. Psilocybe coprophila var. coprophila (Bull.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae

  139. Psilocybe coprophila var. vomitiicola Kill. (1939); Strophariaceae

  140. Psilocybe cordispora R. Heim (1959); Strophariaceae

  141. Psilocybe cordobensis Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  142. Psilocybe corneipes (Fr.) P. Karst., (= Mythicomyces corneipes), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  143. Psilocybe coronilla (Bull.) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia coronilla), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  144. Psilocybe crobula (Fr.) Singer (1962), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  145. Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer (1948), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  146. Psilocybe cubensis var. caerulescens (Pat.) Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  147. Psilocybe cubensis var. cubensis (Earle) Singer (1948); Strophariaceae

  148. Psilocybe cubensis var. cyanescens (Murrill) Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  149. Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef. (1946), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  150. Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa Guzmán & Stamets (1980); Strophariaceae

  151. Psilocybe cyanofranciscana nom. prov.

  152. Psilocybe cylindrispora A. Pearson (1950); Strophariaceae

  153. Psilocybe cystidiosa Peck; Strophariaceae

  154. Psilocybe delita (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  155. Psilocybe desertorum Velen. (1921); Strophariaceae

  156. Psilocybe dichroa (Pers.) P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  157. Psilocybe dichroa sensu J.E. Lange (1938), (= Hypholoma subericaeum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  158. Psilocybe dichroa var. dichroa (Pers.) P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  159. Psilocybe dichroa var. tenuior P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  160. Psilocybe dichroma (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  161. Psilocybe discordabilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1895); Strophariaceae

  162. Psilocybe discordans (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  163. Psilocybe dorsipora (Esteve-Rav. & Barrasa) Noordel. (1999); Strophariaceae

  164. Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  165. Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer (1968); Strophariaceae

  166. Psilocybe ecbola (Fr.) Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  167. Psilocybe echinata Cleland (1934); Strophariaceae

  168. Psilocybe egonii Guzmán & T.J. Baroni (2003); Strophariaceae

  169. Psilocybe elongata (Pers.) J.E. Lange (1936), (= Hypholoma elongatum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  170. Psilocybe elongatipes Peck (1875), (= Hypholoma elongatipes), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  171. Psilocybe ericaea (Pers.) Quél. (1873), (= Hypholoma ericaeum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  172. Psilocybe ericaea var. dichroa P. Karst. (1879); Strophariaceae

  173. Psilocybe ericaea var. ericaea (Pers.) Quél. (1873); Strophariaceae

  174. Psilocybe ericaeoides (P.D. Orton) Noordel. (1995), (= Hypholoma ericaeoides), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  175. Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling (1978); Strophariaceae

  176. Psilocybe exerrans (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  177. Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux (1959); Strophariaceae

  178. Psilocybe fagicola var. fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux (1959); Strophariaceae

  179. Psilocybe fagicola var. mesocystidiata Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  180. Psilocybe farinacea Rick ex Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  181. Psilocybe fasciata Hongo (1957); Strophariaceae

  182. Psilocybe fasciculare (Huds.) Kühner (1980), (= Hypholoma fasciculare), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  183. Psilocybe fasciculare var. fasciculare (Huds.) Kühner (1980); Strophariaceae

  184. Psilocybe fasciculare var. pusilla (J.E. Lange) Noordel. (1995), (= Hypholoma fasciculare var. pusillum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  185. Psilocybe fasciculata Hongo; Strophariaceae

  186. Psilocybe fatua (Fr.) Cout. (1934), (= Psathyrella fatua), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  187. Psilocybe fatua f. fatua (Fr.) Cout. (1934); Strophariaceae

  188. Psilocybe fatua f. minor Cout. (1934); Strophariaceae

  189. Psilocybe februaria Singer (1989); Strophariaceae

  190. Psilocybe ferrugineolateritia Voglino; Strophariaceae

  191. Psilocybe fimetaria (P.D. Orton) Watling (1967), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  192. Psilocybe fimicola Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  193. Psilocybe flammuliformis Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  194. Psilocybe floccipes Kill. (1939); Strophariaceae

  195. Psilocybe flocculosa Bas & Noordel. (1996); Strophariaceae

  196. Psilocybe floridana Murrill (1945); Strophariaceae

  197. Psilocybe foenisecii (Pers.) Quél. (1872), (= Panaeolina foenisecii), [RSD]; Bolbitiaceae

  198. Psilocybe fortunata Cooke; Strophariaceae

  199. Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  200. Psilocybe fuliginosa (Murrill) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  201. Psilocybe furtadoana Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  202. Psilocybe fuscifolia Peck; Strophariaceae

  203. Psilocybe fuscofulva Peck; Strophariaceae

  204. Psilocybe galindoi Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  205. Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M.L. Castro (2003)

  206. Psilocybe germanica Gartz (2015)

  207. Psilocybe gigaspora Natarajan & Raman (1983); Strophariaceae

  208. Psilocybe gilletii P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  209. Psilocybe glutinosa Arnolds (1982); Strophariaceae

  210. Psilocybe goniospora (Berk. & Broome) Singer (1962); Strophariaceae

  211. Psilocybe graminicola (P.D. Orton) P.D. Orton (1969), (= Psilocybe subviscida var. velata), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  212. Psilocybe granulata Naveau (1923); Strophariaceae

  213. Psilocybe graveolens Peck; Strophariaceae

  214. Psilocybe griseobadia (Pat.) Zhu L. Yang (2000); Strophariaceae

  215. Psilocybe guatapensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez (1994); Strophariaceae

  216. Psilocybe guilartensis Guzmán, F. Tapia & Nieves-Riv. (1997); Strophariaceae

  217. Psilocybe guzmanii Natarajan & Raman (1983); Strophariaceae

  218. Psilocybe halophila (Pacioni) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia halophila), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  219. Psilocybe hebes (Fr.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  220. Psilocybe heimii Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  221. Psilocybe heliconiae Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez (1994); Strophariaceae

  222. Psilocybe henningsii Jungner{?}; Strophariaceae

  223. Psilocybe hepatochrous (Berk.) M. Lago & M.L. Castro 2004

  224. Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  225. Psilocybe heterosticha (Fr.) Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  226. Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán (2000); Strophariaceae

  227. Psilocybe hoogshagenii R. Heim (1958); Strophariaceae

  228. Psilocybe hoogshagenii var. convexa Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  229. Psilocybe hoogshagenii var. hoogshagenii R. Heim (1958); Strophariaceae

  230. Psilocybe horakii Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  231. Psilocybe horizontalis (Bull.) Vellinga & Noordel. (1995), (= Melanotus horizontalis), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  232. Psilocybe hornemannii (Fr.) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia hornemannii), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  233. Psilocybe hygrophila Fr.; Strophariaceae

  234. Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & E. Horak (1979); Strophariaceae

  235. Psilocybe indica Sathe & J.T. Daniel (1981); Strophariaceae

  236. Psilocybe inquilina (Fr.) Bres. (1931), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  237. Psilocybe inquilina var. crobula (Fr.) Høil. (1978), (= Psilocybe crobula), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  238. Psilocybe inquilina var. inquilina (Fr.) Bres. (1931); Strophariaceae

  239. Psilocybe insiliens (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  240. Psilocybe interjungens (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  241. Psilocybe inuncta (Fr.) Kühner (1980), (= Stropharia inuncta), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  242. Psilocybe inuncta (Fr.) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia inuncta), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  243. Psilocybe iodoformica Pat. (1924); Strophariaceae

  244. Psilocybe iodoformica Pat. (1928); Strophariaceae

  245. Psilocybe isabelae Guzmán (1999); Strophariaceae

  246. Psilocybe isauri Singer (1959); Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe yungensis)

  247. Psilocybe jacobsii Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  248. Psilocybe jaliscana Guzmán (2000); Strophariaceae

  249. Psilocybe jujuyensis Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  250. Psilocybe karalensis sp. nov.

  251. Psilocybe kashmeriensis S.P. Abraham (1995); Strophariaceae

  252. Psilocybe keralensis K.A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán (2002); Strophariaceae

  253. Psilocybe kolya Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae

  254. Psilocybe korra Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae

  255. Psilocybe kramburkicola Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae

  256. Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim (1967); Strophariaceae

  257. Psilocybe laeticolor (F.H. Møller) Noordel. (1995), (= Hypholoma laeticolor), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  258. Psilocybe laetissima Hauskn. & Singer (1986); Strophariaceae

  259. Psilocybe larga Kauffman (1918); Strophariaceae

  260. Psilocybe lateritia (Schaeff.) A.H. Sm. (1948), (= Hypholoma lateritium), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  261. Psilocybe laticystis Guzmán & A.H. Sm. (1978); Strophariaceae

  262. Psilocybe latispora Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  263. Psilocybe lazoi Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  264. Psilocybe leechii A.H. Sm. (1946); Strophariaceae

  265. Psilocybe limicola (Peck) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  266. Psilocybe limophila Peck; Strophariaceae

  267. Psilocybe liniformans Guzmán & Bas (1977); Strophariaceae

  268. Psilocybe liniformans var. americana Guzmán & Stamets (1980); Strophariaceae

  269. Psilocybe liniformans var. liniformans Guzmán & Bas (1977); Strophariaceae

  270. Psilocybe lonchophora (Berk. & Broome) E. Horak (1983); Strophariaceae

  271. Psilocybe longinqua Singer (1960); Strophariaceae

  272. Psilocybe longispora Murrill (1945); Strophariaceae

  273. Psilocybe luteonitens (Vahl) Park.-Rhodes (1951), (= Stropharia luteonitens), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  274. Psilocybe lysiophylla Fr.; Strophariaceae

  275. Psilocybe macquariensis (Singer) E. Horak (1982); Strophariaceae

  276. Psilocybe magica Svrček (1989), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  277. Psilocybe magnivelaris (Peck) Høil. (1991); Strophariaceae

  278. Psilocybe magnivelaris (Peck) Noordel. (1995); Strophariaceae

  279. Psilocybe mairei Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  280. Psilocybe makarorae P.R. Johnst. & P.K. Buchanan (1995); Strophariaceae

  281. Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  282. Psilocybe marginata (Pers.) Noordel. (1995), (= Galerina marginata), [RSD]; Cortinariaceae

  283. Psilocybe marthae Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  284. Psilocybe maxima Velen. (1921); Strophariaceae

  285. Psilocybe melanosperma (Bull.) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia melanosperma), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  286. Psilocybe merdaria (Fr.) Ricken (1912), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  287. Psilocybe merdaria f. macrospora (F.H. Møller) Singer & M.M. Moser (1965); Strophariaceae

  288. Psilocybe merdaria f. merdaria (Fr.) Ricken (1912); Strophariaceae

  289. Psilocybe merdaria var. macrospora (F.H. Møller) Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  290. Psilocybe merdaria var. merdaria (Fr.) Ricken (1912); Strophariaceae

  291. Psilocybe merdicola Huijsman (1961), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  292. Psilocybe meridensis Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  293. Psilocybe mescaleroensis Guzmán, Walstad, E. Gándara & Ram.-Guill.

  294. Psilocybe mesophylla Guzmán, J.Q. Jacobs & Escalona (2004); Strophariaceae

  295. Psilocybe mesospora Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  296. Psilocybe mexicana R. Heim (1957), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  297. Psilocybe microcystidiata Guzmán & Bononi (1984); Strophariaceae

  298. Psilocybe micropora Noordel. & Verduin (1999); Strophariaceae

  299. Psilocybe microsporum Speg.; Strophariaceae

  300. Psilocybe mixaeensis R. Heim (1958); Strophariaceae

  301. Psilocybe modesta (Peck) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  302. Psilocybe moelleri Guzmán (1978), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  303. Psilocybe montana (Pers.) P. Kumm. (1871), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  304. Psilocybe montana f. montana (Pers.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae

  305. Psilocybe montana f. plana Arnolds (1982); Strophariaceae

  306. Psilocybe montana var. macrospora Noordel. & Verduin (1999); Strophariaceae

  307. Psilocybe montana var. montana (Pers.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae

  308. Psilocybe moseri Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  309. Psilocybe muliercula Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe wassonii)

  310. Psilocybe murcida (Fr.) P. Karst. (1879), (= Psathyrella murcida), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  311. Psilocybe musci Cleland & Cheel (1918); Strophariaceae

  312. Psilocybe muscorum (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser (1967), (= Psilocybe inquilina), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  313. Psilocybe mutabilis P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  314. Psilocybe mutans McKnight (1971); Strophariaceae

  315. Psilocybe naematoliformis Guzmán (1979); Strophariaceae

  316. Psilocybe natarajanii Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  317. Psilocybe nemophila (Fr.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  318. Psilocybe neocaledonica Guzmán & E. Horak (1979); Strophariaceae

  319. Psilocybe neocaledonicum Guzmán & Horak

  320. Psilocybe neoxalapensis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Halling (2009)

  321. Psilocybe nigrella Peck; Strophariaceae

  322. Psilocybe nothofagensis Guzmán & E. Horak (1979); Strophariaceae

  323. Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  324. Psilocybe nuciseda (Fr.) Massee (1902); Strophariaceae

  325. Psilocybe oaxacana Guzmán, Escalona & J.Q. Jacobs (2004); Strophariaceae

  326. Psilocybe obscura Peck; Strophariaceae

  327. Psilocybe obtusissima Kauffman & A.H. Sm. (1933); Strophariaceae

  328. Psilocybe ochraeceps Kauffman (1925); Strophariaceae

  329. Psilocybe ochreata (Berk. & Broome) E. Horak (1983); Strophariaceae

  330. Psilocybe oedipus Massee (1899); Strophariaceae

  331. Psilocybe olivaceotincta Kauffman (1925); Strophariaceae

  332. Psilocybe omiumsanctorum Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  333. Psilocybe oregonensis Guzmán (2000); Strophariaceae

  334. Psilocybe orizabensis Murrill; Strophariaceae

  335. Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata Guzmán et Gaines

  336. Psilocybe pallidispora (Murrill) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  337. Psilocybe palmigena (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  338. Psilocybe panaeoliformis Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  339. Psilocybe papuana Guzmán & E. Horak (1979); Strophariaceae

  340. Psilocybe papyracea (Pers.) J.E. Lange (1936), (= Psathyrella cernua), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  341. Psilocybe particularis (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  342. Psilocybe parviducta (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1895); Strophariaceae

  343. Psilocybe paulensis (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  344. Psilocybe paupera Singer (1955); Strophariaceae

  345. Psilocybe pegleriana Guzmán (2000); Strophariaceae

  346. Psilocybe peladae Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  347. Psilocybe pelliculosa (A.H. Sm.) Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  348. Psilocybe percevalii (Berk. & Broome) P.D. Orton (1969), (= Stropharia percevalii), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  349. Psilocybe pericystis Singer (1989); Strophariaceae

  350. Psilocybe pertinax (Fr.) P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  351. Psilocybe peruviana Singer (1960); Strophariaceae

  352. Psilocybe phillipsii (Berk. & Broome) Vellinga & Noordel. (1995), (= Melanotus phillipsii), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  353. Psilocybe phillipsii f. megaspora Vellinga (1999); Strophariaceae

  354. Psilocybe phillipsii f. phillipsii (Berk. & Broome) Vellinga & Noordel. (1995); Strophariaceae

  355. Psilocybe phyllogena (Peck) Peck (1912), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  356. Psilocybe physaloides (Bull.) Quél. (1872), (= Psilocybe montana), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  357. Psilocybe physaloides var. physaloides (Bull.) Quél. (1872); Strophariaceae

  358. Psilocybe physaloides var. substerilis J.E. Lange (1936); Strophariaceae

  359. Psilocybe pileocystidiata Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. (2004); Strophariaceae

  360. Psilocybe pintonii Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  361. Psilocybe plana Rick (1930); Strophariaceae

  362. Psilocybe pleurocystidiosa Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  363. Psilocybe plutonia (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  364. Psilocybe polycephala H.K.G. Paul; Strophariaceae

  365. Psilocybe polytrichi (Fr.) Sacc. (1948), (= Hypholoma polytrichi), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  366. Psilocybe polytrichophila (Peck) Pomerl. (1980); Strophariaceae

  367. Psilocybe portoricensis Guzmán, Nieves-Riv. & F. Tapia (1997); Strophariaceae

  368. Psilocybe praetervisa Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  369. Psilocybe pratensis P.D. Orton (1969), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  370. Psilocybe pseudoaztecorum Natarajan & Raman (1985); Strophariaceae

  371. Psilocybe pseudobullacea (Petch) Pegler (1977), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  372. Psilocybe pseudocyanea (Desm.) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia pseudocyanea), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  373. Psilocybe pseudocyanea f. ochrocyanea (Bon) Noordel. (1999); Strophariaceae

  374. Psilocybe pseudocyanea f. pseudocyanea (Desm.) Noordel. (1995); Strophariaceae

  375. Psilocybe pteridophytorum Singer (1960); Strophariaceae

  376. Psilocybe puberula Bas & Noordel. (1996); Strophariaceae

  377. Psilocybe pulicosa Mont.; Strophariaceae

  378. Psilocybe pyrispora (Murrill) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  379. Psilocybe quebecensis Ola'h & R. Heim (1967), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  380. Psilocybe radicosum (J.E. Lange) Noordel. (1995), (= Hypholoma radicosum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  381. Psilocybe ramulosa (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  382. Psilocybe recognita (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1895); Strophariaceae

  383. Psilocybe rhododendronensis Stamets nom. prov.

  384. Psilocybe rhodophaea Mont.; Strophariaceae

  385. Psilocybe rhombispora (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1895), (= Psilocybe phyllogena), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  386. Psilocybe rhomboidospora (G.F. Atk.) A.H. Sm. (1983); Strophariaceae

  387. Psilocybe rostrata (Petch) Pegler (1986); Strophariaceae

  388. Psilocybe rufa Bres.; Strophariaceae

  389. Psilocybe rugosa Velen. (1921); Strophariaceae

  390. Psilocybe rugosoannulata (Farl. ex Murrill) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia rugosoannulata), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  391. Psilocybe rzedowskii Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  392. Psilocybe sabulosa Peck; Strophariaceae

  393. Psilocybe samoensis Henn. (1896); Strophariaceae

  394. Psilocybe samuiensis Guzmán, Band.-Muñoz & J.W. Allen (1993); Strophariaceae

  395. Psilocybe sanctorum Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  396. Psilocybe sarcocephala (Fr.) Gillet (1878), (= Psathyrella sarcocephala), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  397. Psilocybe sarcocephala var. cookei Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  398. Psilocybe sarcocephala var. sarcocephala (Fr.) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  399. Psilocybe sardoa Guzmán & Contu (2002); Strophariaceae

  400. Psilocybe scatigena (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  401. Psilocybe schoeneti Bresinsky (1976); Strophariaceae

  402. Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S.H. Pollock (1979); Strophariaceae

  403. Psilocybe sclerotifera (Speg.) Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  404. Psilocybe scobicola (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1887), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  405. Psilocybe scocholmica Park.-Rhodes (1950); Strophariaceae

  406. Psilocybe sellae Bres. & Mattir.; Strophariaceae

  407. Psilocybe semiangustipleurocystidiata Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & M. Torres (2004); Strophariaceae

  408. Psilocybe semiinconspicua Guzmán & J. M. Trappe

  409. Psilocybe semiglobata (Batsch) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia semiglobata), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  410. Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. (1871), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  411. Psilocybe semilanceata var. caerulescens (Cooke) Sacc. (1887), (= Psilocybe strictipes), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  412. Psilocybe semilanceata var. microspora Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  413. Psilocybe semilanceata var. obtusata Bon (1985); Strophariaceae

  414. Psilocybe semilanceata var. semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae

  415. Psilocybe semistriata sensu Watling p.p. (BFF5), (= Psilocybe chionophila), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  416. Psilocybe semistriata (Peck) Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  417. Psilocybe sempervivae R. Heim & Cailleux (1958); Strophariaceae

  418. Psilocybe senex Peck; Strophariaceae

  419. Psilocybe septembris (Singer) Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  420. Psilocybe septentrionalis (Guzmán) Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  421. Psilocybe serbica M.M. Moser & E. Horak (1969); Strophariaceae

  422. Psilocybe sierrae Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  423. Psilocybe silvatica (Peck) Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  424. Psilocybe simulans P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  425. Psilocybe singerii Guzmán (1979); Strophariaceae

  426. Psilocybe singeriana Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  427. Psilocybe singularis Guzmán, Escalona & J.Q. Jacobs (2004); Strophariaceae

  428. Psilocybe smithiana Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  429. Psilocybe spadicea sensu Lange (Fl. Dan. 4: 80 & pl. 148E), (= Psathyrella sarcocephala); Psathyrellaceae

  430. Psilocybe spadicea sensu J. Lange, (= Psathyrella sarcocephala), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  431. Psilocybe spadicea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. (1871), (= Psathyrella spadicea), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  432. Psilocybe spadicea var. polycephala (Paulet) P. Karst. (1879); Strophariaceae

  433. Psilocybe spadicea var. spadicea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. (1871); Strophariaceae

  434. Psilocybe spadiceogrisea (Schaeff.) Boud. (1911), (= Psathyrella spadiceogrisea), [RSD]; Psathyrellaceae

  435. Psilocybe sphagnicola A.H. Sm. (1946); Strophariaceae

  436. Psilocybe squalens (Fr.) P. Karst. (1887); Strophariaceae

  437. Psilocybe squamosa (Pers.) P.D. Orton (1969), (= Stropharia squamosa), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  438. Psilocybe squamosa var. squamosa (Pers.) P.D. Orton (1969); Strophariaceae

  439. Psilocybe squamosa var. thrausta (Schulzer ex Kalchbr.) Guzmán (1983), (= Stropharia thrausta), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  440. Psilocybe squamulosa (Massee) Noordel. (1995), (= Stropharia squamulosa), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  441. Psilocybe squarrosipes Singer (1960); Strophariaceae

  442. Psilocybe stagnina (Fr.) M. Lange (1957), (= Phaeogalera stagnina), [RSD]; Cortinariaceae

  443. Psilocybe stereicola Cleland (1927); Strophariaceae

  444. Psilocybe strictipes Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958), [RSD]; Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe callosa)

  445. Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & J. Ott (1977), [RSD]; Strophariaceae (a.k.a. Psilocybe pugetensis)

  446. Psilocybe subacutipilea Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez (1994); Strophariaceae

  447. Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhn., [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  448. Psilocybe subaeruginascens var. septentrionalis Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  449. Psilocybe subaeruginascens var. subaeruginascens Höhn.; Strophariaceae

  450. Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland (1927); Strophariaceae

  451. Psilocybe subagraria G.F. Atk.; Strophariaceae

  452. Psilocybe subalnetorum Guzmán & E. Horak (1978); Strophariaceae

  453. Psilocybe subammophila Cleland (1927); Strophariaceae

  454. Psilocybe subanellariiformis Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  455. Psilocybe subborealis Guzmán & A.H. Sm. (1978); Strophariaceae

  456. Psilocybe subbrevipes A.H. Sm. & Hesler (1946); Strophariaceae

  457. Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata P.S. Silva & Guzmán

  458. Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo (1958); Strophariaceae

  459. Psilocybe subcoprophila (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1895), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  460. Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán (1978), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  461. Psilocybe subericaea (Fr.) Sacc. (1887), (= Hypholoma subericaeum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  462. Psilocybe subfimetaria Guzmán & A.H. Sm. (1978); Strophariaceae

  463. Psilocybe subheliconiae Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & M. Torres (2004); Strophariaceae

  464. Psilocybe subhoogshagenii Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill. (2004); Strophariaceae

  465. Psilocybe subhyperella Singer (1973); Strophariaceae

  466. Psilocybe submaculata G.F. Atk.; Strophariaceae

  467. Psilocybe submaritima Contu & Guzmán (2002); Strophariaceae

  468. Psilocybe subpsilocybioides Guzmán, Lodge & S.A. Cantrell (2003); Strophariaceae

  469. Psilocybe subtropicalis Guzmán (1995); Strophariaceae

  470. Psilocybe subuda (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1889); Strophariaceae

  471. Psilocybe subuda Cleland (1934); Strophariaceae

  472. Psilocybe subviridis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  473. Psilocybe subviscida (Peck) Kauffman (1918), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  474. Psilocybe subviscida var. subviscida (Peck) Kauffman (1918); Strophariaceae

  475. Psilocybe subviscida var. velata Noordel. & Verduin (1999), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  476. Psilocybe subyungensis Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  477. Psilocybe subzapotecorum Guzmán (2000); Strophariaceae

  478. Psilocybe sullivantii (Mont.) Sacc.; Strophariaceae

  479. Psilocybe taediosa Kalchbr.; Strophariaceae

  480. Psilocybe taiwanensis Guzmán, G. & Yang Z.L. (2010); Strophariaceae

  481. Psilocybe tampanensis Guzmán & Pollock (1978), [RSD]; Strophariaceae (a.k.a. "prima donna")

  482. Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling (1978); Strophariaceae

  483. Psilocybe tegularis (Schumach.) Gillet (1887); Strophariaceae

  484. Psilocybe testaceofulva (Britzelm.) Sacc. (1887); Strophariaceae

  485. Psilocybe thaizapoteca Guzmán, Karunar. & Ram.-Guill.

  486. Psilocybe thrausta (Schulzer) Bon (1970), (= Stropharia thrausta), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  487. Psilocybe tibetensis Massee; Strophariaceae

  488. Psilocybe togoensis Henn. (1891); Strophariaceae

  489. Psilocybe tomentosa (Murrill) A.H. Sm. (1948); Strophariaceae

  490. Psilocybe toogaadyalis Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae

  491. Psilocybe tortipes Speg.; Strophariaceae

  492. Psilocybe tristis Henn.; Strophariaceae

  493. Psilocybe tropicalis Speg.; Strophariaceae

  494. Psilocybe trufemiae Guzmán & Bononi (1984); Strophariaceae

  495. Psilocybe tuberosa P. Karst.; Strophariaceae

  496. Psilocybe tuberosa (Redhead & Kroeger) Walleyn (1998); Strophariaceae

  497. Psilocybe turficola J. Favre (1939), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  498. Psilocybe tuxtlensis Guzmán (1983); Strophariaceae

  499. Psilocybe uda sensu Cooke, Rea (1922), (= Hypholoma elongatum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  500. Psilocybe uda (Pers.) Gillet (1878), (= Hypholoma udum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  501. Psilocybe uda f. sphagnicola J.E. Lange (1936); Strophariaceae

  502. Psilocybe uda f. uda (Pers.) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  503. Psilocybe uda subsp. elongata (Pers.) Sacc. (1889), (= Hypholoma elongatum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  504. Psilocybe uda subsp. polytrichi Fr.; Strophariaceae

  505. Psilocybe uda subsp. uda (Pers.) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  506. Psilocybe uda var. elongata (Pers.) Gillet (1874), (= Hypholoma elongatum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  507. Psilocybe uda var. polytrichi (Fr.) Gillet (1874), (= Hypholoma polytrichi), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  508. Psilocybe uda var. uda (Pers.) Gillet (1878); Strophariaceae

  509. Psilocybe umbrospora Velen. (1921); Strophariaceae

  510. Psilocybe unicolor Peck; Strophariaceae

  511. Psilocybe uruguayensis Singer ex Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  512. Psilocybe uxpanapensis Guzmán (1979); Strophariaceae

  513. Psilocybe valdiviensis Singer (1969); Strophariaceae

  514. Psilocybe vanhoeffenii Henn.; Strophariaceae

  515. Psilocybe velifera (J. Favre) Singer (1986), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  516. Psilocybe venenata (S. Imai) Imazeki & Hongo (1957); Strophariaceae

  517. Psilocybe venezuelana Dennis (1961); Strophariaceae

  518. Psilocybe verae-crucis Guzmán & Pérez Ortiz{?} (1978); Strophariaceae

  519. Psilocybe vernalis Velen. (1921); Strophariaceae

  520. Psilocybe vialis Murrill (1923); Strophariaceae

  521. Psilocybe vicina Fr.; Strophariaceae

  522. Psilocybe villarrealiae Guzmán (=Psilocybe villarrealii Guzmán)

  523. Psilocybe virescens (Cooke & Massee) Massee (1892); Strophariaceae

  524. Psilocybe weraroa Borov., Oborník & Noordel. (2011); Strophariaceae

  525. Psilocybe washingtonensis A.H. Sm. (1946); Strophariaceae

  526. Psilocybe wassonii R. Heim (1958); Strophariaceae

  527. Psilocybe wassoniorum Guzmán & S.H. Pollock (1979); Strophariaceae

  528. Psilocybe wayanadensis K.A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán (2002); Strophariaceae

  529. Psilocybe weilii Stamets (1996); Strophariaceae

  530. Psilocybe weilii Guzmán, Stamets & F. Tapia (1997); Strophariaceae

  531. Psilocybe weldenii Guzmán (1979); Strophariaceae

  532. Psilocybe wrightii Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae

  533. Psilocybe xalapensis Guzmán & A. López (1979); Strophariaceae

  534. Psilocybe xanthocephala (P.D. Orton) Noordel. (1995), (= Hypholoma xanthocephalum), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  535. Psilocybe xeroderma Huijsman (1961); Strophariaceae

  536. Psilocybe yungensis Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  537. Psilocybe yungensis var. diconica Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  538. Psilocybe yungensis var. yungensis Singer & A.H. Sm. (1958); Strophariaceae

  539. Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T.J. Baroni & Lodge (2003); Strophariaceae

  540. Psilocybe zapotecocaribaea Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & T.J. Baroni (2003); Strophariaceae

  541. Psilocybe zapotecorum R. Heim (1957), [RSD]; Strophariaceae

  542. Psilocybe zapotecorum var. ramulosa Guzmán & Bononi (1984); Strophariaceae

  543. Psilocybe zapotecorum var. zapotecorum R. Heim (1957); Strophariaceae

  544. Psilocybe zonalis Velen. (1921); Strophariaceae

  545. Psilocybe zoncuantlensis Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. (1999); Strophariaceae

Nowo odkryte lub inne brakujące w powyższej (oryginalnej) liście:

  1. Psilocybe allenii Borovička J., Rockefeller A., Werner P.G. (2012); Strophariaceae

  2. Psilocybe alutacea W. S. Chang and A. K. Mills.

  3. Psilocybe chuxiongensis T. Ma & K.D. Hyde

  4. Psilocybe cyanofranciscana nom. prov.

  5. Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M.L. Castro (2003)

  6. Psilocybe germanica Gartz (2015)

  7. Psilocybe hepatochrous (Berk.) M. Lago & M.L. Castro 2004

  8. Psilocybe karalensis sp. nov.

  9. Psilocybe mescaleroensis Guzmán, Walstad, E. Gándara & Ram.-Guill.

  10. Psilocybe moravica Borov. (2003); Strophariaceae

  11. Psilocybe neocaledonicum Guzmán & Horak

  12. Psilocybe neoxalapensis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Halling (2009)

  13. Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata Guzmán et Gaines

  14. Psilocybe rhododendronensis Stamets nom. prov.

  15. Psilocybe semiinconspicua Guzmán & J. M. Trappe

  16. Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata P.S. Silva & Guzmán

  17. Psilocybe taiwanensis Guzmán, G. & Yang Z.L. (2010); Strophariaceae

  18. Psilocybe thaizapoteca Guzmán, Karunar. & Ram.-Guill.

  19. Psilocybe villarrealiae Guzmán (=Psilocybe villarrealii Guzmán)

  20. Psilocybe weraroa Borov., Oborník & Noordel. (2011); Strophariaceae


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lista gatunki naczyniowe na cw terenowe rangi AO
Lista grzybów (2), LEŚNICTWO SGGW, MATERIAŁY LEŚNICTWO SGGW, Fitopatologia
Dendrologia lista gatunków, Inżynieria Ekologiczna

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