fck anchor

Anchor Properties

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK = oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKBrowserInfo = oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo ;
var FCKTools = oEditor.FCKTools ;
var FCKRegexLib = oEditor.FCKRegexLib ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

var oFakeImage = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ;
var oAnchor ;

if ( oFakeImage )
if ( oFakeImage.tagName == 'IMG' && oFakeImage.getAttribute('_fckanchor') )
oAnchor = FCK.GetRealElement( oFakeImage ) ;
oFakeImage = null ;

//Search for a real anchor
if ( !oFakeImage )
oAnchor = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ;
if ( oAnchor )
FCK.Selection.SelectNode( oAnchor ) ;

window.onload = function()
// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

if ( oAnchor )
GetE('txtName').value = oAnchor.name ;
oAnchor = null ;

window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function Ok()
var sNewName = GetE('txtName').value ;

// Remove any illegal character in a name attribute:
// A name should start with a letter, but the validator passes anyway.
sNewName = sNewName.replace( /[^\w-_\.:]/g, '_' ) ;

if ( sNewName.length == 0 )
// Remove the anchor if the user leaves the name blank
if ( oAnchor )
// Removes the current anchor from the document using the new command
FCK.Commands.GetCommand( 'AnchorDelete' ).Execute() ;
return true ;

alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgAnchorErrorName ) ;
return false ;

oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

if ( oAnchor ) // Modifying an existent anchor.
ReadjustLinksToAnchor( oAnchor.name, sNewName );

// Buggy explorer, bad bad browser. http://alt-tag.com/blog/archives/2006/02/ie-dom-bugs/
// Instead of just replacing the .name for the existing anchor (in order to preserve the content), we must remove the .name
// and assign .name, although it won't appear until it's specially processed in fckxhtml.js

// We remove the previous name
oAnchor.removeAttribute( 'name' ) ;
// Now we set it, but later we must process it specially
oAnchor.name = sNewName ;

return true ;

// Create a new anchor preserving the current selection
var aNewAnchors = oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( '#' ) ;

if ( aNewAnchors.length == 0 )
// Nothing was selected, so now just create a normal A
aNewAnchors.push( oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'a' ) ) ;
// Remove the fake href
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aNewAnchors.length ; i++ )
aNewAnchors[i].removeAttribute( 'href' ) ;

// More than one anchors may have been created, so interact through all of them (see #220).
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aNewAnchors.length ; i++ )
oAnchor = aNewAnchors[i] ;

// Set the name
oAnchor.name = sNewName ;

// IE does require special processing to show the Anchor's image
// Opera doesn't allow to select empty anchors
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE || FCKBrowserInfo.IsOpera )
if ( oAnchor.innerHTML != '' )
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
oAnchor.className += ' FCK__AnchorC' ;
// Create a fake image for both IE and Opera
var oImg = oEditor.FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__Anchor', oAnchor.cloneNode(true) ) ;
oImg.setAttribute( '_fckanchor', 'true', 0 ) ;

oAnchor.parentNode.insertBefore( oImg, oAnchor ) ;
oAnchor.parentNode.removeChild( oAnchor ) ;


return true ;

// Checks all the links in the current page pointing to the current name and changes them to the new name
function ReadjustLinksToAnchor( sCurrent, sNew )
var oDoc = FCK.EditorDocument ;

var aLinks = oDoc.getElementsByTagName( 'A' ) ;

var sReference = '#' + sCurrent ;
// The url of the document, so we check absolute and partial references.
var sFullReference = oDoc.location.href.replace( /(#.*$)/, '') ;
sFullReference += sReference ;

var oLink ;
var i = aLinks.length - 1 ;
while ( i >= 0 && ( oLink = aLinks[i--] ) )
var sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
if ( sHRef == null )
sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( 'href' , 2 ) || '' ;

if ( sHRef == sReference || sHRef == sFullReference )
oLink.href = '#' + sNew ;
SetAttribute( oLink, '_fcksavedurl', '#' + sNew ) ;

Anchor Name


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Tabela kolorow ANCHOR

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