56652781 Mating Season Anthology

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“No Place to Run” Copyright © May 2009, Regina Paul
“Flights of Fancy” Copyright © May 2009, Dahlia Rose
“Midnight Shift” Copyright © May 2009, Brenda Steele
“A Hare’s Breadth” Copyright © May 2009, Dorian Wallace

Cover art by Amira Press © May 2009

Amira Press, LLC
Baltimore, MD 21216

ISBN: 978-1-935348-36-8

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used
fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any

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No Place to Run

Regina Paul

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Chapter One

Lin Chen stared out at the ever-increasing blizzard wondering where she could possibly find shelter
in this flat, treeless land. Snow was almost unheard of in her native Taiwan, although she could
remember seeing a snow flurry or two when visiting her relatives in the mountains, but that was
years ago and was nothing like what she was seeing now.

Everything around her was covered in a white blanket, and strong winds were catching what was
falling from the sky and blowing it at an angle, giving the appearance of a curtain at an open window
being blown to the side to give the occasional glimpse of what was outside it.

I have to find shelter. Ancestors, I need shelter. Please help me find some. The words were whispered only in
the quiet of her mind, but she knew from experience once she thought the words, help would come.

Lin slowed her car to a crawl trying to see through the blowing snow if there was a house, a
business, anywhere that she might ask for shelter. Suddenly the wheel wrenched sharply to the right,
causing the car’s back end to fishtail for a second on the icy road before she again regained control.
Were those lights?

Creeping forward, her foot barely touching the gas pedal, not even knowing if she was on a road,
although it seemed to be one, Lin moved closer and closer to what she was now convinced were

Finally, a sign with rotating, round lights came into view. “Prairie Knights Casino and Resort,” Lin
read out loud to herself and sighed with relief. She had seen a sign advertising this casino earlier, and
she knew from what it said that it was run by one of the local American Indian tribes.

Lin pushed strands of long, inky black hair out of the way and carefully pulled into the parking lot.
Visibility was still just about nil, but because of the storm, the lot wasn't that full, and she was able to
find a parking space near the front door once she located it.

She switched off the ignition and shivered. I’m thousands of miles from home. There is no way he can find me,
she thought to herself, but she was well aware that her ex-husband was looking for her. Her cousin
had left a voice mail on her cell phone telling her he had visited their small village looking for her.
But I was already long gone by that time.

Lin tightened the belt on her stylish coat and pulled the collar up so that it curled around her lower
face. She dropped the keys into her purse, reached for the door handle, turned it, and then shoved
the door open.

A blast of icy wind hit her square in the face, and she pulled the collar tighter around her face, shut
the door, and set the alarm before heading for the glass doors she could see several feet ahead of
her. The heels of her boots slid on the slick surface of the snow-covered asphalt, and she would
have fallen down if a strong hand hadn’t gripped her elbow.

“Easy there,” a mellow voice murmured.

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Lin startled, nearly knocking them both off balance again when she heard a male voice speaking to
her. Fear coated the blood that ran through her veins. Although she knew that not all men were
violent, five years with an abuser, a man she had thought she could trust, had changed her. It took
everything she had not to jerk away from the gentle grasp.

As though sensing her fear, the man let go and moved back. “Are you all right, miss?” he asked, and
Lin realized she’d been standing there trembling in his grasp for a moment longer than she had

“I am fine. Thank you for your assistance.” Her voice wobbled with the stilted words as she bowed
her head slightly in his direction. English had never been easy for her, but she was glad now that her
grandfather had insisted that she learn it. She could not even imagine the nightmare of trying to
traverse America with no understanding of the language. Most Americans, while they seemed
pleasant enough, sometimes didn’t have any patience for those who did not speak or understand
their language.

“You’re welcome,” the man replied easily.

When Lin finally looked up at her rescuer, all she could see were two eyes, as black as onyx, framed
by silky black lashes, staring out from the hood of his dark blue ski parka. He had a scarf wrapped
around the lower half of his face, and he’d tucked his hands into his pockets.

“Let’s go inside where it’s warm,” he finally said after letting her look her fill.

Lin nodded and began heading in the direction of the lights again. The man shortened the strides of
his long legs to match hers. He just wants to make sure I don’t fall, she told herself nervously.

The man was tall and big-boned, she could tell. Her head wouldn’t even reach his shoulder were she
to stand close to him. A chill raced down her spine as she thought of how easy it would be for such
a large man to hurt a woman. She would have no chance against him if he were to decide he wanted
something from her she was unwilling to give. Unconsciously, she began walking faster, putting as
much distance between them as she could. Before she could even reach the door, waves of heat
flashed through her body, and her chest tightened to the point that it felt as though she couldn’t
breathe. Her thoughts became a jumble, and she realized belatedly that the meeting with the stranger
had triggered a panic attack. Seeing a bench, Lin sat down and closed her eyes and began breathing
deeply and slowly, in and out. Bai is not here. The man that helped me is not Bai. In all likelihood, he is a good
man. Bai was sick, insane, and he’s not here now. Just keep breathing, and you’ll be fine.

The man’s scent tickled her nose, and she lifted her head to find those black eyes level with hers.
The man had crouched down in front of her. “You’re safe here. The one you’re running from won’t
find you, I promise.”

Lin felt her eyes widen at the man’s words. “How . . .” she started to say before shutting her mouth
so hard that her teeth clacked loudly.

“Your grandfather is a tall, slender man with gray hair that he wears longer than most people, other
than your own, are comfortable with. He has blue eyes that are the color of lapis, and he’s missing a
tooth on the far left front side. You can see the hole where it was when he smiles.”

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Lin’s breath caught at the accurate description. There was only one way this man could know what
her grandfather looked like.

“You are like him,” she whispered, astounded at her seemingly good luck.

The man simply shrugged, then tugged the scarf down so that she could see his whole face. Brown
lips with a tinge of pink stretched wide over even white teeth in a gentle smile. “Ready to go inside

“Yes. It is cold out here.” Lin shivered and then stood up quickly as the man lifted to his tall height
and stepped back from her as though understanding that if he crowded her, he could trigger another

Even as the words left her lips, suspicion crowded her brain. What if Bai has already been here and talked
to this man? What if it’s a trick? What if he told him what Grandfather looks like?

The only thing that kept her moving was concentrating on her breathing. If she could remember to
breathe, she could think her way out of this dilemma she found herself in.

The man held the door for her, waiting patiently, and Lin nervously stepped past him. It’s a public
place. He won’t try anything here.
The casino was nearly empty. Only a few hardcore gamblers sat at
some of the slot machines, feeding coins in and hoping for that big win. Most of them were Indians,
but there were a few fair-skinned people sitting at machines. The card tables were deserted, as was
the roulette wheel.

“Hey, Kyle! Good to see you, man!” someone called out to her rescuer, and Lin flinched at the loud
voice, belatedly coming back to reality.

“Hey, Bobby. How’s it going?” The two men bumped fists, and at the gesture, Lin began carefully
sidling away, their exuberance making her nervous. Dread began to coat her belly like spoiled food.
Although their talk and body language suggested they were friends, she had seen her ex-husband
behave in such ways with his friends as well. Their jovial behavior did not mean they would not turn
on her at any second.

Lin took two more steps backward and began to turn, completely prepared to get lost in what little
crowd there was. She instinctively sought the exit signs and overlooked the restroom signs, knowing
from experience that they would be of little help if someone was bent on harming her.

She heard the whispered words, “Who’s the babe, Kyle?” Her eyes widened in terror, and her breath
came hard and fast. Just as she would have turned to run, Kyle’s next words stopped her.

“Knock it off, Bobby. Can’t you see she’s terrified?” At the harsh words, some semblance of sanity
returned, and Lin struggled to calm her breathing again. She pulled the tatters of her dignity around
her like a shroud and asked quietly, “Is there a restaurant or some other place that I can wait for the
storm to end?”

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“Sure, just go through there.” Kyle pointed at a hallway. “It’s on your left. They have wonderful
tea,” he added quietly.

Lin nodded. “Thank you, Kyle,” she said in softly accented English before turning to go. She could
really use a cup of tea about now.

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Chapter Two

Kyle Little Eagle watched the woman he had been dreaming about for six months walk away from
him, her hips swaying gently. If she was five feet tall, he’d eat his parka! How any man could batter
someone so tiny was beyond his comprehension. If that bastard has the balls to show up here . . . Fury
coursed through his brain at the thought as it had been doing for months, ricocheting off his
synapses like a little silver ball in a pinball machine.

“Sorry, man,” Bobby said quietly. “I didn’t realize.”

Kyle took a deep breath and calmed himself while the anger simmered deep inside. “Don’t worry
about it, kid. You couldn’t have known.” He patted the younger man on the shoulder, then slung his
arm around him. “So did you get lucky?” he asked, teasingly referring to a conversation they’d had
the previous week when Bobby was telling him all about his latest girlfriend and how that weekend
was their first night together.

“Now, Kyle, you know I don’t kiss and tell.” Bobby grinned widely, and Kyle shook his head trying
to remember what it had been like to be so young, where all one could think about was if you could
get to third base with the prettiest girl in school.

“Ah, high school, I remember it well.” Kyle gave him a quick squeeze before letting him go. “Just
don’t forget what I told you,” he warned, deadly serious.

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Bobby rolled his eyes. “Safe sex, condoms, and all that. No babies at
seventeen, yadda yadda.”

“You’ll thank me later,” Kyle said, smiling, then waved as he turned to go. Entering the employee
locker room, he stuffed his scarf and gloves into the pockets of his parka. Twisting the knob on his
locker, he entered the combination and pulled it open so he could hang his coat up. He picked up
his name tag from the floor of the locker and clipped it to his black vest before turning to gaze in
the full-length mirror on the wall next to the sinks.

His solemn visage stared back at him. His waist-length ebony hair was braided down his back in one
long braid, and a silver eagle feather dangled from his right ear. Clear black eyes met his in the
mirror and reflected his ambivalent feelings back to him. He knew it was going to be a long night
with the blizzard there, but since he lived close by, he didn’t feel as though it would be fair not to go
into his job. He didn’t need the money, but it also wasn’t his nature to just sit around, so he worked
part-time at the casino and then donated most of the money to local reservation programs set up to
help their troubled teen population. The job had started out as both a way to get out of his house
and to do something else and, over time, had became a great way for him to let his brain percolate
new ideas for books. Now it was second nature, and he enjoyed meeting all the different types of
people who came into the casino.

Kyle turned on the water, dipped a hand into the stream, and then spread some on his hair to
straighten the little wisps that had escaped while he was wearing his hood. After turning to make
sure he’d shut his locker, he finally left the locker room and headed for his table. He doubted
anyone would want to play, but there were a few people sitting in front of slot machines, and it had

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been his experience that sometimes, if someone wasn’t doing well on the slots, they would try one of
the tables to see if they could get their luck to change.

Shoving the door, he entered into the main part of the casino again and glanced down the hallway
he’d pointed out to Lin. She was sitting at a table that allowed a wall to be at her back, and the door
that led into the restaurant from the outside was to her right. That her position was meant to give
her the best possible protection, as well as a quick escape route, was not lost on him. Her coat was
bunched around her shoulders as though to stave off the cold. She pushed long strands of ebony
hair back behind her ear before taking a sip of her tea. Then, as though she knew someone was
observing her, she raised her eyes to meet his. She froze like a deer in headlights when she saw him.
Rather than dropping her gaze, he held it, willing her to understand that he would not harm her. Her
eyes dropped a few seconds later, and she brought the cup back to the pink bow of her mouth.

Kyle sighed inwardly. She’s not going to easily trust anyone. Why did you bring her to me? he asked the Spirits.
No answer came but the certainty that they had indeed brought her to him.

“Oh, hey, Kyle. Glad you’re here. We’ve got a couple of live ones over there.” His boss came up to
him, pointed at his table, and Kyle saw a younger couple sitting there. They each held drinks in their
hands, and the woman laughed loudly and playfully shoved her partner while nearly falling from the
stool. He knew they were drunk. Great, just what I need to top off my afternoon, a couple of drunk wasichus.

Kyle straightened his shoulders and headed toward his table. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d had to
deal with this, and it certainly would not be the last.

“Oh, hey look, sugar, here’s our dealer!” the blonde squeaked before taking a huge gulp of her drink.

Instead of answering her, the man glared at Kyle as though daring him to say something. He
hunched over the table and growlingly said, “Just deal already, will you? We’ve been waiting for a
half hour.”

Kyle stiffened for a moment before he forced his shoulders to relax. As he shuffled the cards, he
couldn’t help glancing back down the hallway where Lin was. At this particular moment, as much as
he wished the Spirits had sent her to someone else, he would have given almost anything to be
sitting at that table with her drinking from another cup of honey-laced hot tea.

“You gonna deal or just stare off into the distance?” the drunk in front of him asked gruffly,
reminding Kyle of a junkyard dog just looking to attack anyone or anything that got in its territory.

Knowing his response was everything, instead of dignifying the rude man’s comments with a verbal
answer, he took his time shuffling.

When the drunk reached out as though to snatch the deck, the woman with him spoke. “Sugar, I
don’t think you’d better do that.”

“Woman, don’t tell me what to do.” He pointed one finger with dirt encrusted under the nail at her.

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“I’m just saying you can’t touch the deck when the dealer’s shuffling is all,” the woman whined, and
Kyle could feel a headache coming on. I’m going to have to go to the sweat lodge every day for a month to clear
this energy.

The energy in the man’s aura, which had been a sickly looking yellow with black spots, suddenly
pulsed an angry red. Even seeing the change as he did, did not allow Kyle enough time to stop what
was about to happen, when, as if in slow motion, the man lurched from the stool he was sitting on
and, with one arm drawn back, slapped his partner hard across the face, leaving a bright red
handprint. Shit!

Before Kyle could intervene, two casino security personnel arrived and grappled with the man to
keep him from charging toward his partner a second time. Short and stout, the man was heavily
muscled all over, and it was obvious that the two security officers were having a difficult time
holding him. A few seconds later, two more men and a female security officer arrived. It took three
of them to subdue the man enough so they could take him away, while the other two security
personnel helped his distraught partner.

“No, wait! Where are they taking my boyfriend?”

“He’s being taken to a holding area until he can be turned over to the police, ma’am,” the female
security officer said in a soft voice.

“What?” Standing up, she tried to follow.

“Ma’am, please sit down.”

“No, I won’t sit down! I won’t press charges. Please, we’ll just leave. We won’t come back here
again.” The woman turned her tear-filled eyes on the other male security officer.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it’s too late for that.” The male security officer’s voice was gentle.

“But I said we’ll leave! We won’t ever come back here, I promise!” The woman wailed and then
began weeping loudly.

Kyle could tell from the damage to her aura that she had most likely been an abuse victim for most
of her life. The chakra at the base of her spine was wide open but clogged with dense dark matter.
What should have been a bright, vibrant red color was dull, and the chakra throbbed like an open
wound rather than pulsing brightly as it would do if she were healthy emotionally.

Worried about the scene and how it might affect Lin, Kyle turned, intending to make sure she was
still in the restaurant sipping from her teacup. Instead, she stood to his left, the bright red of her
sweater glaring as she turned her eyes, bruised with pain and dark memories, to him.

“Will she be all right?” Lin asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

“Why not?”

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“Because you’ve seen more than enough of this, Lin.”

“How do you know what I have seen?” Lin’s words were bitter.

“The same way I know what your grandfather looks like.”

Silence greeted his words. “I thought perhaps I could help, but I can see from her . . .”—Kyle could
see she was struggling for the right word—“light, is that the right word?”

“I know what you mean, but the word we use is aura or energy.”

“Yes, I can see from her aura that talking to her will do no good. She has not yet reached that place
where she is ready for help.”

“No, she hasn’t. Thank you for wanting to help, though.”

“I did nothing.” He felt, more than heard, Lin sigh.

“Maybe not, but you thought to do something, and that counts.”

Lin shrugged. “Perhaps. Do you know of a place that I could stay for a few days? It doesn’t look as
if the snow is going to stop anytime soon.”

“There’s a motel connected to the casino. You have to go through there, and then hang a right
through those glass doors. That will put you in the lobby.” Kyle pointed out the direction to take.

“Thank you.” With one last, sad look at the weeping woman, Lin turned and went back to her table
where her cooling teacup sat.

“Kyle.” Kyle took his attention from the woman who was fast becoming the only thing he could
keep on his mind.


“Who’s the woman?” Ron, another cousin who was also working security but had arrived too late to
be of much help, asked as he came to stand beside him.

“Huh? Oh, that’s Lin.” Kyle turned his attention to his cousin.

“I think she’s a little out of your league, Kyle.” Ron grinned widely, showing off vivid white teeth.

“It’s not like that.”

“Sure seemed to be like that to me. Your aura pulsed pretty hard when you noticed her standing


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“So, I think there’s more there than you’re letting on.”

Kyle met Ron’s shrewd gaze. “It’s not even within the realm of possibility, Ron. She’s walking
wounded. Besides, I think she’s just passing through.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before, Kyle.” Ron wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Twenty bucks
says she ends up staying longer than a couple of days.”

“You know I don’t gamble when it comes to the walking wounded, Ron.”

“You’re no fun, you know that? No fun at all.” Ron pouted, but his eyes twinkled. “I’m still betting
she stays for more than a couple of days. They always do.”

“Maybe,” Kyle allowed. “But even if she does, she’s off-limits. She needs healing, not a man.”

“Maybe she needs both,” Ron suggested, this time more seriously. “I’m not sure what it is about this
one, Kyle, but she’s different.”

“Is that just your opinion, or . . .” Kyle pointed upward and twirled his finger, their secret signal for
when they were talking about the higher powers.

“Both.” Ron slapped his back. “I’d better go and help those guys. Lady looks like she’s about ready
to implode.”

Kyle had completely forgotten about the abused woman and shook his head bemusedly. It had been
a long time since a woman had so consumed his thoughts.

Realizing they were not going to be able to calm the woman down, security had decided to take her
to a separate room to relax and sober up before sending her home. They led her away just as Ron
turned his head and rolled his eyes at Kyle.

Turning, Kyle grabbed a stool sitting beneath his table, perched on it, and waited for another
gambler to wander over. It was going to be a long afternoon.

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Chapter Three

Lin sat down on the bed in her room and looked around. It was nice, but as with most hotel rooms,
it had a sterile quality to it that just wasn’t appealing. The room was decorated in shades of green,
peach, and cream, all very understated. A twenty-inch TV sat on a long set of dresser drawers, the
remote lying next to it, and there were two bedside tables with lamps, both of which Lin had turned
on as soon as she shut and locked the door. She’d also turned the heater on, but even with the warm
air blowing from it, she could do little to still the tremors that wracked her, or still the ice water that
seemed to be flowing through her veins.

She knew it was only a matter of time before Bai would figure out where she had gone and follow.
He had spies everywhere, and though her immediate family could be trusted, there were others,
more distant cousins, she was not as sure of. All it would take was a slip of the tongue by one of her
relatives to the wrong person, and Bai would know where she was. Once that happened, he would
be hot on her trail, and this time she might not survive it.

Lin’s small cell phone began ringing insistently. She reached into her bag for it, and then flipped it
open to see the number. Recognizing the number as the one belonging to her younger brother, she
answered in Takbunuaz, their native tongue.

“Hi, Duyi.”

“Lin, Bai just left.” Duyi’s voice was urgent.

“When did he leave?”

“About thirty minutes ago. He was in a hurry, so we think someone talked.” Duyi’s voice lowered.

Lin’s palms became instantly coated with sweat. “We knew there was a possibility he would bully
someone into telling them. I tried to keep it quiet where I was going, but you know how the village

“Lin, I’m worried about you.” Duyi’s voice cracked before he cleared his throat. “I don’t want him
to hurt you again.”

“I know, Duyi. I don’t want him to either. It’s why I decided to leave. It’s better this way. There is
much more land here, and there are many Chinese immigrants with the same name as me, both of
which will make it more difficult for him to find me.” Her palm slipped on the little cell phone, and
she grappled with it to grip it tighter.

“But you’re so far away,” he whispered.

“I know you wanted to go with me, but you’re only fourteen, Duyi, and you still have a lot to learn
from Grandfather. If you had been older . . .”

“But I could have protected you. You wouldn’t have had to be alone.”

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“You’re a good protector, Duyi. You saved me when Bai would have beat me to death.” Her voice
was tight with the strain. She hadn’t wanted her baby brother to see such violence. “Right now I
need you to stay and look after Grandfather, as well as finish your studies.”

“I know. I don’t have to like it, but I know.” There was a long pregnant pause. “I miss you, Lin.”

“I miss you too, Duyi. But I have to do this. Staying in the village wasn’t working.”

“You know things have gotten bad when you can’t go home.” Duyi said, trying to joke.

“Yeah. Listen, little brother, I need to get unpacked and get some food and then some sleep. I’ve
been driving for hours, and I’m very tired.”

“Remember what Grandfather said. You have to call us every day so we know that you are all right.”

“Of course.” She paused. “I love you, Duyi.”

There was a long pause, as though her brother were surprised. “I love you too, Lin. Be safe.”

“I will. Tell Grandfather I love him.”

“I will. Bye.”


Lin pressed the button to end the call. Tossing the cell phone back in her purse, she wondered idly if
Bai had had it bugged. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time. That was how he had found her the
first time she had tried to run. That time, he had pushed her down some stairs and given her a
concussion and a broken arm.

Lin rubbed the scar on her arm that was her only reminder of the bone that had broken through her
skin. The memory chilled her as it always did anytime she allowed her mind to drift back to three
years ago. He’d been livid with fury, shouting at her.

If only I hadn’t missed the bus to the village. I would be with Grandfather and Duyi now, she had thought.

She had called her grandfather at nine to tell him she would be home the next day. He had warned
her to be careful, but neither of them had thought that Bai would go so far as to bug her cell phone.

I should have known better. He took it away from me in the past because he said I was calling Grandfather and Duyi
too much, that I was running up his bill. I had to wait until he went to work so I could search for it.

The only problem was not only had he bugged the phone, but he had installed surveillance cameras
in their home so he could watch her from whatever location he happened to be in.

Shame sleeted through Lin at the memory in the form of hot, then cold flashes, and nausea. No
room in their home had been considered sacred. He had had secret cameras installed everywhere,
even the bathroom. The plan to escape that had taken months to put together had all been right

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there for him to see. All the phone calls she had made, all the friends and family she had been
secretly reconnecting with, everything. He had known everything, all her plans, at the same time as
when she had made them. He had let her think she was going to escape and then had arrived at her
hotel room in the middle of the night.

“You thought you could escape me, little girl, but I am your husband, and you will never escape
me.” He screamed the words at her as he’d dragged her from the bed by her hair.

She had woken up screaming, the pain in her scalp so intense she had thought she had been shot or
stabbed. Three solid slaps had woken her dazed brain up enough to realize Bai had found her before
she could safely get away.

“Stupid bitch! You are mine! I own you, and best you not forget it again.” At that point, he had
flung her from him, and she’d landed against a wall. She’d hit her head, and that was what had
caused the concussion.

“I won’t go back with you!” She’d still been brave then and had managed to stand up and spit the
words out at him. That was when he’d grabbed her arm and begun dragging her outside, where he’d
then pushed her down the cement steps. Somewhere along the way, her arm had been broken, the
white bone protruding through the skin. She could still hear the resounding crack of the bone
breaking and feel the nearly blinding, grinding pain she’d felt before passing out. She had woken up
in the hospital, where Bai had played the concerned and loving husband. He had convinced the
authorities and the medical staff that she had been sleepwalking and stumbled out of bed in their
hotel room and down the stairs before he could wake up and stop her. They had set her arm and
kept her for two days before releasing her back to Bai’s custody. She hadn’t been able to make a
second attempt until a year later, when he had finally begun allowing her to leave their house to run
errands again.

Her stomach roiled from the memories. Lin stood and picked up her suitcase, laying it on the bed,
then unzipping it. She had only had barely enough time to fill one suitcase and leave. Bai had arrived
only five hours after she had left, according to her grandfather, and she had taken a very circuitous
route to the airport thanks to a relative who had a truck and who knew the back roads better than
anyone. She had been fortunate to make it onto a plane at Kaohsiung International Airport before
Bai could stop her.

Lin took her favorite red dress out and gave it one hard shake to remove as many of the wrinkles as
she could. Judging by the wrinkles that remained, she was going to have to steam it while she took a
shower to get the rest out. It was made of red silk and had dragons embroidered on it in gold silk
thread. The tight mandarin collar helped to emphasize her long, slender neck. That it was in the
Chinese style was not lost on her, but it was still her favorite dress. Despite the fact that atrocities
had been committed against her by someone of Chinese heritage did not mean that all Chinese were
like Bai. Unlike some in her family who were openly hostile to those who were purebred Chinese,
especially those who had arrived after World War II and who carried an air about them that made it
clear they thought they were better than the Bunun, Lin was able to make the distinction between a
good and bad person regardless of their heritage. Besides, her little brother had saved for months to
be able to buy her the dress for her birthday when he had seen her admiring it in a store window.

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Making sure the door was shut and the steam was not escaping into the room, Lin undressed and
slipped into the warm, steam-coated walls of the shower. The water was a little too hot to stand
under, so she bent down and turned the knob, allowing for more cold water to enter the stream.
Stepping beneath the shower, she allowed the water to soak her hair and take away the grime of the
road. It had been two days since she had seen the inside of a shower. She had been so desperate to
get some kind of head start on Bai that she had been afraid to stop much for fear of him catching up
with her. Then, the blizzard in South Dakota had stopped her in her tracks, or had it? She was
beginning to wonder about that, especially after the steering wheel turning of its own volition and
then steering her to the one place she could meet another person of power.

His energy feels safe, but I don’t know if I can trust my senses anymore. Bai appeared safe as well. None of my special
senses picked out that he was so dark. What if this man Kyle is the same way? What if my intuition is no longer

Lin squeezed out some shampoo from the tiny bottle provided by the hotel. The scent of flowers
mixed with the warm, wet air and drifted to her nose, reminding her of her grandmother, who had
often smelled of flowers and who had died when she was very young. Sometimes, it felt as though
she were destined to always be taken from, or have taken from her, those whom she loved.

As she lathered her hair, her mind drifted back to Kyle. He had known her name without her having
to tell him, which under normal circumstances, before she had met Bai, would have made her feel
safe. But Bai, too, had known her name before she told him, and look where that had ended up. She
no longer trusted her gut, her intuition, or her special senses because they had failed her before, and
she felt as though she could never take that chance again. It had nearly cost her, her life.

Her skin chilled beneath the warm spray. Sometimes, it didn’t seem to matter what she did, she was
cold deep down with a chill that sank into her bones that no amount of warmth seemed to be able
to reach. Her sense of safety had been gone for years now, and she knew that even her family had
begun to despair that she would ever get it back.

Bai was never going to just let her go, no matter how much she wanted him to. He would follow
her. Kyle, even as big as he was, would be no match for Bai. Bai had a darkness in him that was so
deep there was almost a stench to it. No matter that he has dreamed of me, I cannot allow him close. Bai would
destroy him, and then where would his own people be?

With these dark thoughts, Lin finished rinsing and stepped from the shower. She wrapped her hair
in a towel and then wrapped another towel around her. Since she didn’t really feel like drying her
hair, she gave a quick thought to just leaving it wet and then putting it up, until she realized her hair
would freeze if she had to go outside. That’s all I need, frozen hair on top of everything else. Taking a deep
breath, she grabbed the hair dryer from its holder, went back to the bed, and sat down. She pulled
the towel from her head, and then after plugging in the dryer, she began drying her hair. Once her
hair was relatively dry, Lin couldn’t resist lying back on the soft queen-size bed. I’ll just close my eyes for
a minute, and then I’ll get dressed and go back down for some dinner.

The warm air blowing on her from the heater, coupled with the soft light casting a few shadows, put
her quickly into a sleep she really needed. It was only the jarring of her cell phone ringing that
disturbed her peaceful and, for once, dreamless, slumber.

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Lin picked up the phone and stared with bleary eyes at the number. It was not one she recognized,
and she hesitated to answer it because of that. The little clock at the top of the screen showed she’d
only slept about forty-five minutes. The phone continued ringing, and she stared at the screen, fear
congealing like lukewarm leftovers in her stomach. It was a number from Taiwan, but that was all
she could tell. While it was possible it was a relative who had recently changed his number, or gotten
a phone, she didn’t feel as though she could chance it. The small phone finally stopped ringing, but
seconds later, the screen indicated there was a voice mail message.

Lin dropped the phone on the bed and stared at it like it was a snake that could strike her at any
moment. Acid churned in her stomach and threatened to bring the tea she’d drunk earlier back up.
She swallowed it down convulsively. I need to listen to that message. If it is Bai or one of his cronies, I need to

It took all her courage to pick up her phone and hit the keys necessary to hear the message, even
though logically she knew it was silly to be afraid of her own phone. There was nothing at first but
static, and then some heavy breathing, before maniacal laughter burst across the surface of her
eardrums. She knew that laugh, knew what it signaled. This was the sixth number she’d had for her
phone because as soon as she changed it, somehow Bai got it and began his threats and intimidation
all over again. A feeling of despair swept over her as the truth of her existence was once again
revealed to her. Most of the time, she could just numb herself up to where she only occasionally felt
the terror and fear such as moments like this. However, this time, even as she attempted to shove
the terror deep inside, the feelings just continued to overwhelm her, and she knew she was quickly
on the way to a severe panic attack. Her breathing sped up. The sensation of hot and then cold and
then hot again flashed through her like Christmas lights with a blinker—on, off, on, off. Her chest
began aching, and it felt as though no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get enough air into
her lungs. Bright splotches of light flashed in front of her eyes, and she couldn’t think for the fear
clouding her mind. The certainty that Bai was going to catch her and this time she wasn’t going to
survive was very real.

The terror lasted for several long minutes, and just at the point when she was gasping for air, certain
she was going to hyperventilate and pass out, some other feeling began crowding out the fear, and
she found she could breathe again.

The feeling was one she had only felt a handful of times in her life, and those had been when
watching her grandfather work to heal one of the villagers from an illness. The calm intelligence
invaded her mind, pushing out the fear and awful panicky sensations until she could breathe again. A
warmth suffused her entire body that was completely different from the panic-driven heat and cold
she’d experienced before, and it stayed with her for long moments, as if to ensure she could breathe
on her own again without help. When she felt utterly calm again, there was a rosy feeling of deep
love that burst through her being before the energy withdrew, leaving her stunned. She had sensed
this energy at other times during healing sessions with her grandfather, but it had never made an
effort to connect with her in such a physical way before. Shaking her head, she stood unsteadily, and
dropping the towel to the bed, she reached into the suitcase for underwear, a slip, and bra. She
found them in a side pocket and put them and a pair of silky black nylons on. Getting the now–
wrinkle-free red dress from the bathroom and putting it on took but a few minutes. She had a pair
of thin black sandals with short, fat heels on them that went well with the dress. There had been a
time when she’d thought nothing of wearing heels that she tottered around on, but those days had

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ended when they had prevented her from getting away from a beating by Bai two years before. She
went into the bathroom and pinned her hair up into a simple twist, then returned to the other room.

The cell phone sat on the bed and again reminded her of a snake. Taking a deep breath, she reached
over, grabbed the phone, and threw it back into her purse. Grabbing the purse’s long handle, she
put it over her shoulder and then grabbed the key card for her room.

I need to be around other people for a while. Maybe that will make it easier for me to sleep later if I wear myself out by
walking around the casino. Maybe I’ll even play a few slot machines.
Another part of her mind wanted to go
to the handsome man who had known her name without asking, but she shoved the memory aside.
As gorgeous as he was, she couldn’t trust him. She couldn’t take the chance of trusting anyone. She
was only going to be here long enough for the blizzard to pass, and then she would be on her way
again. It was the only way it could be.

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Chapter Four

Kyle’s shift ended at seven, but he found himself looking for the pretty woman he had helped earlier
in the day. The chances of him seeing her were slim to none. He knew she was on the run, and
terrified of men besides. He wondered if maybe all the dreams he’d been having for the last several
months had simply been foretelling her coming and nothing more. Maybe it’s just that simple, that I was
supposed to be there to help when she had that panic attack and then when she saw that guy start beating up his
girlfriend. That could be all it means.

A feeling of disquiet and disagreement settled in his mind. Then what? he asked the Spirits that guided
his life silently. The Spirits rarely answered in actual words, and a picture of Lin wearing a gorgeous
red dress embroidered with dragons flashed once onto the skin of his mind. Then. a feeling of
warmth, as though someone was hugging him tight, followed. Just as quickly as the picture and
feelings had come over him, they faded, leaving him to ponder their meaning.

As though in answer to the quick flash of her he’d gotten only moments before, Kyle saw Lin come
through the double doors that led into the hotel lobby wearing the very same red dress he’d seen in
his brief vision. Kyle’s libido kicked up and began talking to him for the first time in a while. Yup, I’ll
have some of that!

As though aware of his perusal, Lin turned her head, and when she saw him, she smiled.

So, that’s what she looks like when she smiles. Have mercy!

Instead of heading wherever she was going, Lin actually walked up to him and, still smiling, asked,
“Are you still working?”

“Huh?” Kyle heard himself and cringed inside. Real swift, Kyle! Great way to let her know you like that

At his blank expression, Lin’s smile widened, and it was as though the sun had come out. “Are you
still working?”

“Uh, no, I just got off.”

“I’m attempting to be brave,” Lin joked. “I decided I would dress up and go have dinner, but the
idea of eating alone really isn’t that appealing to me.”

Is she asking me to join her? A rush of warmth in his solar plexus seemed to be indicating that she was.

“Have you eaten?” she asked into the silence.

“No.” Kyle hesitated. He didn’t want to scare her. She seemed more stable, but he knew from his
experiences with battered women that bravado could come at a very high cost. It could also
disappear as fast as it appeared if the woman suddenly became frightened. “May I join you?” he
asked formally.

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“I was hoping you would. As I mentioned, I don’t like to eat alone. I’m used to meals being noisy
and having lots of people at the table.”

Kyle laughed. “Yeah, me too.” He stopped himself from saying anything about his parents and their
deaths when visiting family in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit.

“You lost someone.”

“You’re very perceptive.” When Lin shrugged but said nothing further, he felt himself wanting to

“I lost both parents when Hurricane Katrina hit back in two thousand five. They were visiting
relatives, and we lost them all. Two aunts, three cousins, and both my parents.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. That must be very hard.” Lin touched his arm before quickly pulling back.

“Thank you. Shall we go?”

At Lin’s nod, he followed her and glanced down her back to her trim, but rounded backside. She
had long, shapely legs covered in expensive black nylons, and small black shoes with a fat, round
heel. She had a wrap of some kind hanging over her lower arms on both sides that was made from
the same material as her dress, and she had put her hair up in one of those French twists women
liked to wear. I liked it better down.

When they entered the restaurant, a young woman with the dark skin of a Native American, but
dark auburn hair and green eyes came toward them. Kyle smiled. He couldn’t help it. He’d known
the woman since they were kids getting into more trouble than they should have been.

“Sue.” He opened his arms for her.

“Hi, Kyle!” she chirped brightly. She hugged him and then reached up to kiss his cheek. “Thanks so
much for that slippery elm that you brought over for Grandmother. She’s feeling much better now
that she got all that stuff up out of her chest.”

“That’s good to hear! I was planning on coming to see her sometime this week just to make sure.”

“She sure wasn’t too happy about the taste or texture, though!” Sue laughed loudly.

“Not many people are,” Kyle commented dryly. “As long as she took it and she’s feeling better,
that’s what matters.”

“She did, and she is, but she’s been saying she’s going to get you for that!”

“I’ll bet.” Kyle grinned widely.

When Lin shifted slightly to his left, Kyle turned to her. “I’m sorry, Lin. This is my friend Sue. We
grew up together.”

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“Hi, Lin. It’s nice to meet you.” Sue held out one hand, and Kyle watched Lin as she smiled and
bowed her head slightly at the same time as she grasped Sue’s hand.

“It is nice to meet you as well.”

When Sue turned her perceptive green eyes on him before releasing Lin’s hand, he shook his head

“So, do you two want some menus?”

“That would be great, Sue. Thank you.” Kyle gave her a grateful glance for not asking the questions
he could see in her eyes.

“Sure, be right back. Just pick a table wherever you’d like. We’re so slow here tonight that there’s no
point in seating anyone.”

When Sue had left, Lin said hesitantly, “She is so . . . bright.”

“She’s always been that way. A real little scrapper when we were kids.” Kyle led her to a secluded
booth in the back.

“A scrapper? I don’t understand.” Lin gave him a puzzled look as she slid into her side of the booth.

“Oh, sorry. I forget about how our slang can be confusing sometimes. She was always getting into
fights defending the weaker kids from the bullies.” He sat and folded his hands in front of him on
the table.

“She is a good person then,” Lin said warmly.

“Yes, she’s a very good person. My grandmother, when she was alive, wanted to train her, but Sue’s
father wouldn’t allow it.”

“You mean spiritual training.”


“Why would her father not allow it?”

“He was a white man and didn’t respect our traditions.” His voice was tinged with bitterness.

“Oh. That is sad.”

“Yes, it is. By the time he was gone, Grandmother had died, and Sue decided she was too old to
start the training, though there were others who would have been happy to take her on.”

“You were trained by your grandfather, weren’t you?”


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“It is much the same here that it is in my village then.”

“I gathered from my dreams that you’re from a tribe indigenous to Taiwan?”

“I am Bunun,” Lin said proudly.

“Until I started having these dreams, I didn’t even know there were tribes on Taiwan.”

“Not many people do. You keep talking about dreams. Is that how you knew what my grandfather
looked like?”

Kyle nodded. “And how I knew your name. So, can you tell me about your tribe?”

Kyle could tell Lin was considering her words carefully. “We used to live in the mountains.”

“Something happened, didn’t it?”

“Yes. The Japanese came in the late eighteen hundreds, and they forced us from the mountains
down into the lowlands where most of us been ever since.”

Sue arrived with their menus, which she placed in front of them before smiling and leaving them to
decide on what to eat.

“That must’ve been difficult for your people.”

“Yes, the Japanese weren’t very tolerant.”

“No, I don’t imagine they were.”

Kyle opened the menu as his mind raced to the little she had told him of her people’s history.
Glancing at the menu, he quickly decided on a steak and baked potato before closing and putting it
down to his left.

Kyle observed Lin as she read the menu. She didn’t look Chinese, really. There was a slight tilt to her
eyes indicating that there might have been an Asian ancestor somewhere, but her skin was a few
shades darker than what one normally thought of a Chinese person having. Her eyes were a light
brown or amber color, and she had high, round cheekbones and an oval face with a delicate bone
structure. Her hair was shoulder length when it was down, and very thick.

As though she were aware of his perusal, Lin finally put down her menu and, meeting his eyes, said,

“I’m just looking at you. You don’t look Chinese, but there’s something there that indicates Asian
ancestry somewhere.”

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“My great-great-great-grandmother was Japanese. Unlike her government, she disagreed with how
the indigenous peoples of Taiwan were being treated. She actually fought her own people at the side
of her husband.”

“Ah, that explains the slight tilt to your eyes. I thought I saw something there,” Kyle teased.

“Yes, my younger brother favors her, actually, from what Grandfather says. There used to be
drawings of her, but they were destroyed in a fire.”

“It’s funny how that happens sometimes, isn’t it? The way the physical appearance of a distant
relative or ancestor will suddenly pop up generations later.”


At the word, Sue reappeared, smiling. “So, do you two know what you want to eat?”

“I’ll have the steak and baked potato. Do you know what you want, Lin?”

“I’m not sure, actually. Is the steak good here?”

“The best.”

“I will have the same as Kyle then, Sue.”

“Sounds good to me. How do you want your steak done?”

“Excuse me?” Lin asked, puzzled by the question.

“She means how do you want it cooked?”

“Uh, I want it cooked. I didn’t think Americans ate raw meat?”

Kyle laughed hard for a minute before he got himself under control. “We do, but some people like
their beef rare, others like it medium, and still others like it nearly burned to a crisp. I usually have
mine done medium-well. That’s thoroughly cooked. I don’t like meat that bleeds.”

As Lin’s eyes widened at his explanation, it was all he could do to keep his mirth under control.

“I know the Japanese like raw fish, but I didn’t realize that Americans might eat nearly raw meat. I
will have mine medium-well also, please.” Lin handed the menu to Sue.

“Very good. Do you want anything to drink?”

“Could I have tea?”

“Sure, what kind? We have several herbal teas and then regular tea. Actually, why don’t I bring you a
selection, and then you can pick out what you want?”

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“That would be wonderful, thank you.”

“Sure, hon. How about you, Kyle?”

“I’ll just have milk.”

“All right, I’ll be right back with your drinks.” With another smile, Sue turned and left, leaving them
alone again.

“These dreams you have, what else did you see?” Lin suddenly asked with an intense stare.

Kyle met her stare and was silent for long moments pondering how much he could share without
making her uncomfortable.

“I saw your village, and your grandfather performing some sort of ceremony. It looked like it was a
sort of healing ritual. When he was done, the old woman he was working on seemed to feel better.
He was singing.”

At his words, he saw Lin smile and then nod. “Yes, he’s one of the main healers in the village. We
use songs to help heal those who are sick. Grandfather was taught many songs by both of his
parents. Since he had no sisters, he was taught both traditions and both sets of songs.”

“That happens here sometimes too. I’ll bet there were those who didn’t agree.”

“Yes, but Grandfather says that his parents told him that sometimes, in order to preserve our
traditions, it is necessary. If his mother hadn’t taught him the songs she carried, then they might
have been lost.”

“Preserving our traditions is important. Sometimes, we have to forge new pathways in order to do

“Yes.” Lin hesitated, about to say something more, when Sue arrived with their drinks. When she
had left again, Kyle could see there was more on Lin’s mind. “There is more. You saw more about

It was Kyle’s turn to hesitate. He wasn’t sure how much he wanted to reveal to her because he had
seen the hell her marriage had been. Finally, he said, “I saw your husband, and I saw how he treated

Lin’s skin turned a sickly white beneath her tan, and he saw her swallow hard. “I had hoped you had
not seen that,” she finally whispered.

Taking a chance, Kyle reached across the table and laid one hand over her trembling one. “It doesn’t
matter, Lin. It was only shown to me so that I’d understand, and I would never tell another.”

“It shames me that I let him do such things to me.” Her voice cracked when she tried to speak

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“No, Lin. The shame is his. Any man that needs to nearly beat a woman to death to feel like a man,
or to feel that he is in control, is not a man at all. He’s an animal.”

“Grandfather tried to warn me, but I thought I was in love.” She laughed a little hysterically before
wiping a tear away with her free hand.

“He fooled you, though, didn’t he? He was the perfect gentleman. He courted you, brought you
gifts, and treated you like a princess.”

“Yes, until our wedding night. That is when I realized that he was not the man I thought I had
married.” She pulled her hand from beneath his, folding both hands in her lap.

Kyle found he didn’t like that, that she had pulled away. He had wanted to continue feeling her soft
skin. She had such a gentle, loving spirit. He could tell that by the purple and royal blue sparking in
her aura, but he could also feel it. When he allowed his gaze to become unfocused, he could also see
the many places where another healer, probably her grandfather, had worked to repair the damage
done to her soul.

Refocusing his eyes, he said, “And as soon as you were able to, you left him.”

“Yes, but he will never willingly let me go. Even though the divorce has been final for over a year
now, he has been harassing my family. I knew I had to leave, draw him away from them.”

Kyle nodded, not sure what else to say when she continued speaking.

“He comes from a very wealthy Han Chinese family,” she said, clarifying. “It took me nearly a year
with lawyers, and never staying in one place for long, and then showing a female judge the pictures
of how I looked after that final beating, before she would grant me a divorce. It almost didn’t
happen because he has spies everywhere and so much money that it is easy for him to buy silence or
whatever else he may want.”

Their food arrived, and Sue, as if sensing the tense atmosphere, set their plates down, smiled
uncertainly, and left without saying anything.

“It smells good,” Lin finally said, breaking the silence that had descended upon the words about her

“Yeah, they make very good food here.” He paused before saying, “Eat, Lin. Everything will be all
right.” He smiled. His heart wanted to do more than say comforting words, but it was way too soon
for that.

He watched as she cut into the steak and took a small bite. Her eyes widened, and she made a sound
of pleasure. At which point, a particular part Kyle’s body decided to take immediate notice and react.
Good thing I’m sitting down, otherwise this could get embarrassing really fast.

Silently telling his body to behave, he took her lead, cut into his own steak, and began eating. They
remained quiet through the rest of the meal, as though by silent agreement. Lin finished first and
pushed her empty plate away. Kyle was glad to see that she had a healthy appetite. The steak hadn’t

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been particularly large, but he’d been worried the topic of their conversation might make it difficult
for her to eat.

When he was finished, he pushed his own plate to the side and then motioned to a hovering Sue.
“Could I have a cup of coffee?”

Sue nodded and brought it a few moments later. “Do you want me to refill your hot water pot?” she
asked Lin.

“Yes, please.”

When Sue had left, silence continued to reign. However, rather than break it, Kyle opted for
allowing the silence. Sometimes, it wasn’t necessary to fill up the space with words. Lin would share
more only if she wanted to, and only if she felt comfortable doing so.

Sue set the small silver pot, as well as the check, down a few minutes later and then left them alone

He sipped the hot coffee in his cup and allowed his gaze to once again become unfocused.
Something was tingling at the edge of his consciousness as though it were trying to get his attention.
It was so faint that he almost missed it, but then as though watching a film, Kyle saw in his mind’s
eye Lin’s darkened room. She was sound asleep on the bed when, as if from a distance, he heard her
cell phone ring. He watched as she picked it up and looked at the number. Her face went from
confused to terrified in seconds, and she stared at the phone for a long time, as though she expected
it to strike like a snake. Eventually, she played back the message, and he watched as fear crawled
across her features and panic began to take hold. He continued to watch as she battled back another
panic attack.

As the vision faded, he said, “You got a voice mail message that really scared you earlier today.”

Lin looked up at him from stirring honey into her tea. She hesitated for a moment and then said,
“Yes. Bai has found my new phone number.”

“That’s your ex-husband?”

“Yes. I’ve changed my number six times, and he always seems to get it anyway. The number is
unlisted, and this time only my grandfather and my younger brother Duyi have it. I wouldn’t let
them give it to anyone else. I had hoped that with only a few people having it, that the chances of
him getting it would be reduced.” Lin took a sip of tea, closing her eyes as she swallowed. “He must
know someone with my phone company that is willing to give him the number.”

“You mentioned he has a lot of power, that he comes from a wealthy family.”

“Yes, it’s quite possible that he has—how do you say?—pulled some strings?”

Kyle laughed. “Yes, that’s what we would say.” Then he grew serious as something not his own
moved in his mind, guiding him. “He won’t have that kind of power here. Even if he has found you,

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Lin, he won’t be able to just come in here and throw his weight or money around. He might try, but
I doubt he will get very far.”

“Perhaps not, but it is probably best that I leave as soon as the storm has passed. I would not want
to endanger anyone.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and instead, with hunched shoulders, seemed to
be staring a hole through the table as she sipped from her teacup.

There was an urgency from the force inside his mind, and he knew instinctively that such a move for
her would be deadly.

“Will you run forever, Lin?”

She looked up then, her whiskey-colored eyes meeting his onyx ones. “What else can I do?”

“Stay and fight. Sometimes running is necessary, but They don’t feel this is the right course for you.”
Kyle took a drink of his lukewarm coffee and waited for her reaction.


“You know who I mean, Lin. Your people are no different from mine in their understanding and
respect for the Spirits.”

“You speak of things that are best left unspoken,” she replied finally before, as if unable to stop
herself, she asked, “Do they truly speak to you?”

“Sometimes, it’s just with feelings rather than words, although I’ve heard those too. They’re telling
me that running is a bad idea, that you should stay here, at least for now.”

Lin’s eyes became bright and shiny, and she reached into her purse.

“Lin, what’s wrong?”

She pulled out her wallet, opening it and reaching for some cash there.

Kyle put his hand over hers. “My treat. Lin, what’s wrong?”

A tear rolled down her cheek. “I am not worthy,” she whispered simply before she pulled away and,
grabbing her wrap and purse, left at a near run from the restaurant. Damn. I went too fast.

Kyle knew his emotions were becoming entangled. He didn’t want her to stay just in order to help
her. He wanted something more from her, something he was not sure she could give. Why did you
bring her to me? Am I supposed to heal her, or love her?

Healing and romantic love were two things that he had always kept separate in the past, feeling that
it was not fair to expect a woman he was helping to heal to also be involved with him romantically,
but this one young woman was fast getting to both the healer and the man in him without even

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The answer when it came stunned him, as the word “both” resonated in his soul.

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Chapter Five

Tears rolled down Lin’s face. He is too good for me. He is so handsome and so kind. He does not even know me,
and yet, he wants to help me. They speak to him, and want to help me through him, but I could not bear it if
something were to happen to him because of me. Do you understand?
She sent the words winging out to Them.
I couldn’t bear it if he were harmed.

A tentative feeling fluttered in her heart. Comfort and warmth slid past her misery and caused the
tears to fall harder.

Lin had reached the double doors that led into the hotel when she heard him.

“Lin, wait.”

She wiped furiously at her face, not wanting him to know she had been crying.

“I am fine. I will see you later.”

“Lin.” He gently touched her arm, not grabbing or trying to force her, just asking her with his touch
to stop. “At least let me walk you to your room.”

Unable to hold out against this further kindness on his part, she nodded and allowed him to open
the door for her. He dropped his hand, and she found that she missed his touch. It comforted her

Lin could feel him just behind her and heard him call out a hello to the desk clerk. When she
reached the elevator, she pushed the button and attempted to get her emotions under control.

His hand touched her back in comfort. Why is he so kind to me? I don’t deserve this, she agonized.

Lin felt him take a deep breath and then blow it out. The slight breeze ruffled the wisps of hair at
her temples that had managed to break free of the twist she’d put her hair in.

The bell on the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Vibrantly aware of the hand burning a hole
in her dress and warming the skin of her back, she stepped inside the elevator. Without moving his
hand, he stepped in beside her.



“You have always been worthy. It is his voice telling you that you are not. Are you going to listen to
him for the rest of your life?”

“There are things you do not know.” Lin’s voice nearly cracked, but she cleared her throat and was
able to prevent it.

“It doesn’t matter what he did to you or made you do. You are worthy,” he replied.

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“How can you say these things to me?”

“Someone needs to say them. I’ll bet your grandfather and younger brother tried to, but you
wouldn’t let them, would you?”

Kyle’s words opened wounds she would just as soon not have opened. It was too painful. Instead of
answering, she shrugged indifferently.

“You may have gotten away with that with them, but you won’t with me.”

Anger surged in a hot rush, but she battled it down. Who knows what he might do if I lose my temper?
Some part of her violently rejected the thought, but her mind, long trained to distrust all men,
refused to listen to it.

As though he knew his words were upsetting, Lin felt Kyle rub her back in soothing motions. The
door opened on her floor, and she found she was hesitant to move away from his touch in spite of
her anger.

“It’s okay to be angry, you know,” he said, nudging her out of the elevator with a gentle push of his
hand at her back.

Lin turned and stared at him in shock. “How—” she started to say.

Kyle shrugged. “Empathy.”

“You have many gifts,” Lin stated before turning back around and striding down the hall towards
her room. I cannot want his touch. He is a healer. He simply wants to heal me, but no one can heal me. I’m
broken. I should know. Grandfather tried.

Lin felt Kyle behind her. “You’re not broken, Lin,” he said as if he had taken the words from her

“Will you just stop!” she whispered, digging in her purse for the card key.

His large hands settled on her shoulders, and his breath blew past her ear. “I’ve known you a day,
and already I know what you’re thinking or feeling at the same moment you do. Lin, let me show
you that you aren’t broken.”

“What do you mean?”

“Put that down on the floor there. No one will bother it. We’re both right here.” She looked down
as his brown hand moved in front of her and gestured at the purse.

“Why?” Suspicion coated her tone.

She felt Kyle turn her, take the purse from her hands, and drop it to the floor. Lifting one hand, he
tipped her chin, and she found herself staring into those beautiful black orbs that reminded her of

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jet stones. His warm hands encased her face, and then to her astonishment, his face descended
closer to hers. His warm lips brushed her eyelids, temporarily stunning her speechless. The tip of his
tongue teased against her eyelids before his lips moved down to her cheeks, gently kissing each one.
Warmth moved inside her and grew to such a strength that she felt as though she were glowing from
the inside out. The warmth felt so good that she found she didn’t want him to stop. When his lips
lifted and then hovered over hers, his breath brushing her face, she opened her eyes.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, wanting more of this feeling. She felt more than saw his smile before
those lips gently touched hers. The glow inside her intensified and began sliding south to her lower
belly, where it took up residence, and she moaned before she could stop herself.

Afraid he would stop, Lin lifted her hands to hold his wrists. She felt him smile against her lips
before he parted them just a bit, asking if she wanted more.

Very hesitantly, Lin parted her lips. Instead of thrusting hard into her mouth like Bai had always
done, he stroked the insides of her lips first, then her teeth, before waiting to see if she would allow

Unable to help herself, Lin gave another soft moan. This was not the overwhelming, aggressive
sexuality that Bai had always shown toward her. This felt almost decadent, like a treat instead of a
threat, not something she had ever experienced before.

His thumbs stroked her cheekbones, and she parted her lips more, allowing him inside. He waited
one long second before pushing in to stroke her tongue with his. Sinuous heat boiled and bubbled in
her lower belly with the gentle caress.

Lin made a sound of protest when he lifted his head and moved back. “I think that’s enough of that
for now.”

Lin froze as he spoke the words. Ice splashed into and froze the bubbling cauldron in her belly.
“I . . . I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so forward.” She turned and bent down to pick up her bag.
“Thank you for walking me to my door.” She felt around in the bag for her card key.

His hand landed on her back and began stroking in the same soothing manner as before. She
stiffened. She didn’t want his pity.

“Well I’m sure not sorry. That’s about the sweetest kiss I think I’ve ever had.” His husky voice
flowed into her ear.

He doesn’t sound as if he’s angry, Lin thought in wonder and twisted her head to look behind her and up
into his face. “You liked it?”

“He really did a number on you, didn’t he?” The look in his black eyes was so tender and
understanding that Lin gasped. “I more than liked it. In fact, I want to do it again soon.” His hand
stroked her cheek.

“I would truly like that.”

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“Good. Now . . .” He reached into his pocket and pulled a small white business card free. “This has
my cell phone number on it. If Bai calls you again, or if you get scared, I want you to call me. Day or
night, you can call me.” Kyle lifted one of her hands and pressed the card into it until Lin clutched it
in her palm, hardly able to believe that he had given her his number.

When he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek, she couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s better. I’ll be here at two p.m. tomorrow. Maybe we can have dinner again after my shift?”

Nearly speechless with wonder that he was not offended by her actions, she nodded.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Yes, tomorrow.” Happiness bubbled inside her for long moments as she watched him walk back
towards the elevator. As though he knew she was watching, he turned and waved. She lifted her
hand and waved back, a blush stealing across her cheeks before she fumbled the card key from her
bag and into the slot. She pushed the door open and stepped inside before throwing her bag on the
bed and leaning against the closed door. He kissed me, and I liked it. No more slimy kisses. Glee flowed
through her at her own thoughts, and for once, the terror that had been a part of her life for years
seemed very far away.

Lin finally moved away from the door. She went into the bathroom and began removing the pins
from her hair. When she stared into her own reflection, for the first time in a long time, she saw
happiness in her own eyes. Humming, she placed the pins back in the small plastic container that
she used for that purpose before kicking off her shoes and then carefully unzipping her dress in the
back and sliding it off. Leaving the bathroom, she hung the dress up in the tiny closet area and then
sat down on the bed to slide off her stockings.

Suddenly tired to the bone, Lin scooted until she was all the way on the bed and just lay back with
her eyes closed. I should get up and finish undressing for bed. Seconds later her breathing deepened, and
she fell into a nightmare the likes of which she should have been prepared for given the last few

A dark, enclosed place enshrouded Lin, and she scooted until her back was against the wall of the
closet. She could hear men’s voices in the background speaking Mandarin, but she couldn’t discern
what they were saying. Her wrist hurt where it was cuffed to a sturdy metal pipe. She’d been trying
for hours to get free, and she could still feel blood trickling onto the carpeting from where she’d
rubbed her wrist raw trying to see if she could somehow make her hand small enough to fit through
the hole of the cuff.

Ice coated her insides, shiny and cold, as footsteps neared the slatted door of her prison. She
whimpered because, deep down, she sensed that her husband was going to do the very thing he’d
been threatening to do for months. Cigarette smoke drifted through the slats, choking her as she
tried to make herself as small as possible. When the door finally opened, she blinked at the bright
light flooding the dark, cramped space. Lin twisted her head to protect her sanity as much as her

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“Ah, there you are, my wife. I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me again.” A hard slap
threw Lin’s head back and hard into the wall. “I said if you did not behave as a proper Chinese wife
should that I would give you to my friends for their pleasure.”

Lin cried out as her head hit the wall hard and stars burst behind her eyelids. “No, Bai, please!” she
heard herself beg.

Bai slid his key into the lock on the cuff, freeing her, only to grab her upper arm and jerk her to her
feet. “You should have thought of that when you disrespected me.” He growled in her ear before
thrusting her forward first into hands that clutched at her arms greedily, and then to her horror, she
felt two other sets of hands begin touching her breasts and between her thighs as though they had
every right to. She opened her mouth to scream, only to have a gag shoved into it before she could
make a sound.

“Lin, it’s not real.”

A voice whispered into Lin’s consciousness, and she tilted her head to listen. Unlike the voices she
sometimes could hear when helping her grandfather do a healing, this was a single voice, and


“It’s not real. You’re dreaming again. It’s just a nightmare, sweetheart. Snap out of it!”

“But . . . where are you?”

Lin’s eyes darted around the landscape of the room as she tried to ignore the fact that several sets of
hands were pulling her clothes off and mauling her body.

“I’m right here, baby, right with you. This isn’t real. You need to focus on what’s real and leave this behind.”


“Do you trust me?”

Lin hesitated as the men lowered her to the floor, the horror nearly overwhelming her again as she
saw one man unbuckling his belt while the fetid breath of the others washed over her as they held
her bucking body down.

“Yes! Just get me away from here!”

As though in an answer to a long-forgotten prayer, a glowing nimbus appeared to her left. A figure
stepped from inside and then moved forward holding one hand out to her. The light dimmed a bit,
and she was able to make out Kyle’s features.


“Yes, it’s just a nightmare, sweetie. Come with me, and I’ll take you somewhere else.”

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“But they’re holding me down!”

“No, Lin. It’s a dream. You are in control. All you have to do is get up and take my hand.”

Lin struggled for long seconds when suddenly, with a loud pop, she broke free and stepped away
from the scene taking place on the floor. She grasped Kyle’s outstretched hand like the lifeline it was
and turned to stare at the scene playing out on the floor. When she saw her own body writhing in
the grasps of four different men, she gasped.

Warm arms encircled her, just keeping her within their grasp, but not holding her tightly. Instead of
making her feel threatened, they made her feel safe.

“It’s not real.”

“Perhaps not, but it did happen.”

“I know, but you’re no longer that woman, and you don’t need to relive this anymore.”

“It is my penance.”

“For what?”

“Not listening to Grandfather when I should have. He warned me.”

“You said that before, but you need to forgive yourself for making a mistake that any young woman could make.”

“I am not just any young woman.”

“No, you’re not, but you are human. No one is perfect, and beating yourself up by making yourself relive it over and
over isn’t helping anyone, least of all you.”

“Why didn’t I listen?”

“Lin, you have to stop punishing yourself. He targeted you because you were young. I have a suspicion that if anyone
does a thorough background check, they’re going to find you weren’t the only one.”

At that moment, Lin’s spirit turned and looked back at the tableau of horror. The replay was frozen
as though the film were stuck. Something made her look at her ex-husband, whom she found openly
staring at her and Kyle. As she watched, his face twisted and morphed into something else. Blood
spread from the center of his pupils until his eyes were a bright, glowing red.


“Shit! Lin, listen to me, honey. You have to wake up now. You have to wake up.”


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“Baby, you’re sleeping, but this isn’t just a replay like I thought. There’s more going on here than either of us realized.
You have to wake up,

Lin’s own scream woke her up, and she sat up in a frenzied rush just as the red-eyed figure had gone
from a crouch and begun to stand.

“Kyle.” She whimpered his name low in her throat. Too traumatized to go back to sleep, Lin got up
and turned on every light in the hotel room before going back to the bed and wrapping herself up in
the quilted comforter that served as a bedspread.

There was only one word for what she had seen. Demon.

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Chapter Six

The thing walking toward Kyle began to not just stand, but actually grow in height. Its body shifted
into black smoke that wavered in an invisible wind. Not taking his eyes from it, he stepped back into
the dream portal he’d opened and began to close it behind him, but not before he heard maniacal
laughter spin blood-red notes that danced upon the air in his room.

Closing his hand into a fist, the physical action closed the door with a loud zipping sound and
destroyed the red notes. He turned and stared at his physical body sitting naked and cross-legged in
the center of a medicine wheel he’d painted on the floor when he was fifteen and just discovering
his path. Looking up, he saw the bent figure of his grandfather waiting in the doorway.

Glowing figures ringing the wheel parted and allowed him back inside the circle. He slipped his body
back on, the way most people did clothes, and opened his eyes.

Kyle stood in each direction on the wheel and gave thanks for being protected on his dream walk.
Then, picking up his folded clothes from a chair, he began to dress.

“You should go and get her. Bring her here.”

“Yes, Grandfather. That’s where I’m going now.”

“She shouldn’t be alone.”

“No, Grandfather.”

His grandfather huffed out air. “This is very bad.” The older man took a breath before saying,

Kyle looked up from pulling on one boot and waited.

“Be very careful.”

He could barely remember the last time his grandfather had told him to be careful. It had been years
ago, when he was first training in the medicine ways, and he was helping to rid a woman’s home of a
winagi, or ghost, though the English translation wasn’t exact. A winagi wasn’t always necessarily the
spirit of a human. They were often something more, something bad.

Grabbing his parka from a hook by the front door, he swathed himself in its warmth. After covering
his mouth and head with a scarf, he pulled the hood up and then pulled his gloves from his pocket
and put them on as well. Reaching out, he snatched the keys for his truck from the dresser and
stepped past his grandfather, heading for the front door of their small home.

Grandfather is right about her not being alone, but I honestly don’t know if she’ll come with me. What if she won’t?

The snow was still coming down, and what should have been only a ten-minute drive drew out to
thirty-five minutes. He could barely see for the snow swirling outside the windows and the blackness
of night. If not for the few streetlights along the main part of Fort Yates, he would have been

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driving completely blind.

The rotating lights on the sign for the casino finally came into view, and he breathed a sigh of relief
that he had made it there without getting in an accident.

Kyle pulled into the lot and parked close to the doors to the hotel. He turned the key, shutting off
the ignition, and then pulled his scarf back into place for the short walk to the glass doors. He
stepped out into the falling snow.

Snowflakes coated his arms, gloves, and scarf before he arrived at the glass doors. He pulled one
open and stepped inside. The staff had put out a mat for people to wipe their feet on, and he
stomped his feet hard to dislodge the snow from his boots before shoving back his hood and pulling
down the scarf until it lay around his neck.

“You got a late shift tonight, Kyle?” a smiling woman called from the front desk.

Kyle turned, and though he didn’t feel much like smiling, smiled back anyway and said, “Nah, I’m
here to visit a friend.”

The woman’s eyebrows shot into her hair. “Would this be a female friend, by any chance?” she
asked in a sly tone of voice.

“You know better than that, Fran. I never kiss and tell.” Kyle gave her a cheeky grin.

Fran rubbed her hands together. “Oh, goody! Kyle finally has a girlfriend.” Then, putting her hands
on her hips, she gave him a stern look. “It’s about damned time!” she declared.

Fran was a few years older than he was, but like Sue, they had grown up together. She’d been
badgering him to find a girlfriend for some time now, thinking his life was too solitary, that he
needed to go out and have some fun once in a while, and a girlfriend would be just the ticket.

Kyle rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Fran, I believe we’ve had this discussion before.”

Fran held his gaze for several minutes. “It’s that little wounded bird Bobby told my niece Selena
about, isn’t it?”

Damned Indian grapevine! Keeping a secret is damned near impossible, and forget about having a private life.
Everybody always knows everybody else’s business.
Kyle sighed. He had hoped to keep his relationship with
Lin such as it presently was a secret for a while, at least until she grew more comfortable with him.

“Yes. But Fran, I really need you to keep a lid on this. She’s running scared, and I don’t want to take
the chance she’ll run.”

Fran’s gaze turned serious. “You’ve got it, Kyle. Mum’s the word.” She made a zipping motion over
her lips. “I’ll make sure Selena and Bobby know to keep a lid on it too.”

“Good. Thanks.” Relief flowed through Kyle. There was no telling how many people Bobby had
innocently mentioned Lin to, but maybe between him and Fran, they could downplay her presence.

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All he needed was her ex-husband or one of his cronies arriving on the rez and overhearing
someone chatting about Lin.

With a quick wave, Kyle headed towards the elevator. He pushed the Up button and was assaulted
by a vision of Lin sitting huddled on her bed in her room with every light on.

Just as the doors slid open, the cell phone in his pocket rang. Knowing that he’d lose the signal if he
went into the elevator, he stepped back and pulled it from his pocket. The number wasn’t one he
recognized, but he answered it anyway.


“Kyle.” Lin’s voice whispered his name over the line.

“I’m already here, Lin. I was just about to get on the elevator,” he soothed.

“You were there.”

“Yes. Get dressed, baby. I’m taking you home with me.”

He heard her breathing speed up and realized she likely thought the worst. “My grandfather is there
to act as chaperone,” he said, hoping to quiet her fears.

“It’s just that . . .” Her voice was tight with shame.

“It’s all right, Lin. I understand. We’ll take it slow, but you’re not safe here. I need to get you
somewhere I can protect you from him.”

“No one can protect me from him.”

Despair lived in every word she spoke. It seemed she truly believed he couldn’t protect her, but then
she hadn’t known him for very long, so she wasn’t aware of all of his gifts or just what he could do
to help her.

“Get dressed. I’m coming up now. I’m going to hang up, Lin, but I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Can’t you stay on the phone?”

“No, honey. Once I get on the elevator, I’ll lose the signal. I’ll be there in a couple minutes. Don’t
be afraid. Nothing’s going to happen in a few minutes.”

Kyle pressed the button to end the call and then hit the Up button again. This time he had to wait
for the elevator. When it finally arrived five minutes later, a young couple nearly fell out, the woman
giving him a smile of embarrassment as she pushed up the spaghetti strap on her dress and tried to
fix her hair, which had clearly had someone’s hands in it.

Shaking his head, Kyle grinned and got on the elevator and pushed the button for Lin’s floor.

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Getting off the elevator, he strolled toward her door, and then just as he lifted his hand to knock,
the door opened.

“I was watching for you.”

Kyle nodded. “Let’s get your stuff packed. I don’t think you’ll be coming back here.”

At his words, her eyes widened. “I thought . . .”

“You thought you would come back here at some point?”

Lin nodded, and he shook his head. “Lin, this is not something we can afford to second-guess. Your
ex-husband is playing dirty and probably has been from the beginning. I don’t trust him not to try to
get to you as soon as you go back to sleep. At my house, I can set up safeguards for you. Sort of like
a psychic house alarm. I’ll know if he tries something before he can actually get to you.”

“I’m scared.” Kyle knew instinctively she’d been fighting saying the words, that she had been
holding them inside.

Kyle stroked one finger down her cheek and said, “I know. But we know what we’re dealing with
now. From the look of him, he’s been working with the darkness for a very long time, maybe even
most of his life. I’ve only seen something like that one other time, and the woman was white. She’d
been working with what they call black magic for most of her life. You have to get pretty high up to
attract something of that much power as an ally.”

Kyle watched as Lin began putting what little clothing she had unpacked back in her suitcase before
she went into the bathroom to retrieve whatever toiletries and such she had there. She hadn’t
responded to his comment, and he felt weird just standing there, so he walked over and sat in one of
the chairs next to the small table by the room’s one window.

The clock next to the bed read one o’clock, and he knew she couldn’t have been asleep long before
she had been attacked. When he looked again, she was standing next to her bed staring at the open
suitcase and holding a small cosmetics bag in her hands.

Sighing, Kyle got up and reached to take the cosmetics bag from her and put it in the suitcase. Her
body jerked hard when his hands brushed hers, and her amber gaze shot to his, fear filling it before
her dazed eyes recognized him and she relaxed enough to let him take the cosmetics bag.

Kyle closed the suitcase, then looked at her and asked, “Is that everything?”

“Yes. I just need my coat and purse.”

As she went to get her coat, she turned and asked, “You’re sure you can keep him away?”

He wasn’t absolutely sure. They were dealing with some very high-level stuff here, but he was
relatively certain that he could at least protect her enough that she could get some sleep without
having her ex-husband stalking her in her dreams.

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“Yes.” No sense in telling her I have my doubts. These sorts of things are never certain. All you can do is try and
hope for the best.

By the time his mind came back to the room again, she had zipped up her coat and had her bag on
her shoulder. She was just reaching for the handle of her suitcase when he said, “I’ll get it, Lin.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a tremulous smile.

It’s like most of the ground I gained with that kiss was wiped out by her ex attacking her in her dreams. He blew
out a breath and followed her to the door. He had known, despite the almost instant attraction and
affection he felt for her that was quickly turning into more on his end, that she would be hard to
reach. I’d like to get my hands on that bastard and rip his balls off! How any man could do that to a woman is
beyond me.

They reached the elevator, and Lin pushed the button to call it. “I don’t think Grandfather knew
about the demon,” Lin stated, her voice soft and melancholy.

“He may not have. They can be very tricky. I think it thought to warn me away, and that was why it
revealed itself. It may not have felt threatened enough by your grandfather to reveal itself, or it could
have simply been toying with both of you.”

The elevator doors slid open, and Kyle put a gentle hand on Lin’s back to guide her inside.

“All I wanted was for him to just go away, to leave me alone,” she whispered.

Sliding his arm around her shoulder, Kyle pulled her close but kept the embrace loose so she could
break away if she wanted to. “I know, sweetie, but he’s not going to do that. We have to make him
go away.” He dropped a soft kiss to the top of her head.

“I don’t want it to hurt you or your grandfather, or Grandfather and Duyi. What if I just did what he
wanted? Would it leave them alone then?”

God, why am I not surprised she’s thinking of everyone but herself?

“No, Lin. You would endanger everyone even more if you went with him. This thing . . .” He
hesitated, not quite sure how to explain. “. . . feeds on emotional pain and anguish, thrives on death
and destruction. It would try to destroy those close to you or anyone who tries to help you simply to
cause you pain so it could feed from you.”

Lin’s shoulders drooped, and her head lowered. “I just want it to stop,” she whispered.

Squeezing her shoulder, Kyle said, “It’ll stop, baby. We just have to be smart about how we go
about making it stop. First, I’ve got to get you somewhere you’re protected. Then we can talk to my
grandfather about what our options are.”

“He won’t mind my being there, will he?”

Kyle almost laughed out loud. “You’re kidding, right?” he said, grinning at her questioning look as

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she lifted her head.

Her nose scrunched up. “No.”

“Lin, he’ll love you. Trust me. Back in his day—” Kyle shook his head. “Never mind, don’t worry
about it. He’ll love having you there. It will give him someone else to fuss over.”

“He sounds like my grandfather.” Lin gave him a tentative smile.

“Oh, yeah, those two are peas in a pod.”

Lin’s nose wrinkled again in confusion. “Peas in a pod?”

“I can see I’m going to have to teach you American slang. It just means they are very alike in their
personalities. From what I saw on my dream walks, he is very like Grandfather.”

He felt more than saw Lin relax, and as the doors to the elevator opened, she walked at his side with
more confidence, as though the idea that Kyle’s grandfather was like hers was comforting.

The snow was still blowing outside, and Kyle, concerned about her lack of anything to cover her
hair, asked, “Do you have a scarf or something for your hair?”

“Yes, in my pocket.” Lin reached inside, and Kyle took the scarf from her as soon as it cleared her
pocket. He wrapped the scarf around her head and then covered the lower part of her face before
tucking the ends in the back of her coat. “That will help to warm the air you’re breathing.”

Giving Lin one more quick once-over, he pushed open the glass door, only to have the wind slam it
shut on him. “The wind has really kicked up,” he commented and stared through the glass out into
the gloom. “My truck’s close, so we’re just going to have make a run for it. Be careful, though. The
asphalt is icy. I’ll hold on to your arm so you don’t fall, okay?”

At Lin’s nod, Kyle shoved the glass door open and began walking fast toward his truck. He hit the
remote with his thumb and heard the locks click.

When they got to the truck, he threw Lin’s suitcase in the truck bed and opened the door on the
passenger side for Lin to get in. After slamming the door, he sprinted around the truck and got in on
the driver’s side. Then he put the key in the ignition and got the heat going.

“Brr . . . this is the coldest weather I have ever seen. Is it normally like this?”

“In the winter, yes. This is probably the last of the snow, though. In a couple of weeks, it should
warm up, and things will start melting.”

“That is a long time to be so cold,” Lin commented.

“You get used to it.”

“You have lived here your whole life?”

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“Most of it. I did go to California for college. It was nice, but I got tired of all the smog and
crowding. After a while, I felt like I couldn’t breathe there, so I came back home once I got my
degree.” He shrugged. “There’s more space here, more room to breathe. I’m willing to put up with
the cold to have that, and Grandfather is here.”

With the engine warmed up, Kyle gunned it a couple of times just to be sure and then pulled out of
the parking lot and headed back the way he’d come.

“I miss my grandfather and Duyi,” Lin said suddenly, sadness in her voice.

“I know, but you’ll see them soon,” Kyle promised.

When Lin didn’t respond and he heard a sniffle, pain for her lanced his heart. Chased by a madman
who was in cahoots with one of the darkest spirits one could come up against, torn from her family,
her homeland, and forced to trust strangers. Life from her viewpoint must really suck right now.

Wanting to comfort her, he took one hand from the steering wheel and laid it on her thigh. It would
be dangerous to take his eyes from what little bit of the road he could see, and taking one hand from
the steering wheel wasn’t exactly smart, but it was the lesser of two evils.

“Is Duyi your brother?”

“Yes, he is only fourteen. Bai threatened to hurt him. It’s one of the reasons I left Taiwan. I had
hoped he would follow me.”

“Got more than you bargained for, didn’t you?” Kyle shook his head ruefully. He understood her
need to draw the madman away from her family, but the man was mixed up with a very dark entity,
and chances were, unless someone stopped him, he would never leave Lin alone.

Lin sighed, her breath dancing in the air for a moment despite the fact the heater was on. “Yes, I
didn’t know what he was willing to do to keep me from getting away.”

“What were you going to do, Lin? Run forever?”

“If it keeps Grandfather and Duyi safe, then it is a risk I am prepared to take.”

“Isn’t it better to put a stop to it now, if we can?”

“You can try, Kyle, but I’m scared. Maybe he will be too powerful even for you.”

Kyle laughed, and butterflies fluttered their wings in his stomach. She could be right, but I learned a long
time ago that there are some fights you just can’t back down from, and this is one of them. I’ll be damned if I’m going
to let some psycho and his demon buddy terrorize Lin.

When Lin shot him an almost incredulous look when he laughed, it only made him laugh harder.
“I’m not laughing at you, Lin. Just for a second, the whole situation, and then what you just said
about it maybe being too powerful for even me, it just . . . I don’t know, struck my funny bone for a

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“Grandfather would say that laughter is good, that it helps to release the tension.”

Kyle laughed a little harder. “That’s exactly what my grandfather would say. He says I get too serious
about stuff sometimes and laughing is a good release valve. God, if they ever meet, we’re in

Lin sniffled one more time. Then, as if unable to help herself, she giggled and then clapped one
hand over her mouth and stared up at Kyle in the darkness of the cab. He couldn’t take his eyes
from the road except for a second, but the humor dancing there made him smile wider. Well, if I can
get her to smile and giggle a little, that’s a good sign, I think.

He pulled into the gravel drive and saw that his grandfather had left the light over the porch and the
one in the kitchen on for them.

“Are you sure your grandfather won’t mind me being here?”

“Nope, trust me, he’ll love it.”

“All right.”

Kyle shut off the engine. “Don’t forget to wrap your scarf around your lower face, honey. It really is
cold out there.”

When he was sure she was adequately covered, he opened his door, hopped out, and then went
around to her side and opened her door. After she had climbed out, he went and grabbed her
suitcase from the back and headed for the front door. His grandfather had already opened the door
and was holding the screen door open.

When Lin hesitated at the top step, Kyle gave her a little nudge. “C’mon, honey, it’s cold out here.”

He could tell she was nervous, but she went into the house and then stood there as though she
didn’t know where she was supposed to be.

“Grandfather, this is Lin.” Kyle’s eyes met his grandfather’s, and by mutual decision, without a word
being spoken, his grandfather gave a slight nod, and then, smiling at Lin, he said, “Would you like
some tea? Why don’t you come into the kitchen? It’s warmer in there.”

Lin had pulled the scarf from her lower face and smiled at his grandfather. “Why don’t I make it?”
she asked, following him into the kitchen.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. The tension that had been in her body melted at the mention of tea,
and he thanked the Spirits that his grandfather had picked up on the fact that she was nervous and
needed something to distract her.

“Oh, now, surely you’re going to let an old man make you some tea now, aren’t you?”

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He’s already charming her. She’d better look out. By the time Grandfather gets done with her, she’ll be adopted and
calling him Grandpa.
Chuckling to himself, Kyle took her suitcase and put it in his room. She didn’t
know it yet, but she would be sleeping in there for the duration. His body took notice of the
thought, and he took a deep breath, trying to get it to behave. Now was not the time, not yet. They’d
only known each other a short time, but soon. There was something about the delicate Lin that
appealed to his soul. If she had been anyone else, he would have chalked it up to normal attraction
and the need to protect someone weaker than himself, but it was more. A lot more.

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Chapter Seven

One week later

Lin stared out the window at the melting snow. The weather was noticeably warmer, and the icicles
that had been hanging from the trees were dropping and shattering on the rough ground. There
were even a few tufts of green grass peeking through the melting snow in places.

Reaching out one hand, she traced a star in the condensation on the glass window before taking
another sip from the cup of tea she had in front of her. Kyle was at work, and Grandfather had
fallen asleep on the couch watching an old MacGyver rerun.

Lin grinned, happiness sleeting through her at the thought of both Kyle and his grandfather. He’d
warned her the day after they’d arrived that his grandfather would adopt her and have her calling
him Grandpa or Grandfather in no time, and he’d been right. By her second day here, she had taken
to calling him Grandfather quite effortlessly. It had just seemed right somehow.

Her cell phone rang, and she readily picked it up and looked to see the number. Smiling when she
saw it was Duyi, she answered.

“Hi, Duyi.”

“Hi, Lin. I just wanted to see how you were.”

“I’m fine. I’m still at Kyle and his grandfather’s house.”

Lin could hear Duyi breathing, but he didn’t say anything else for a long moment. “You are going to
come home, aren’t you?” Worry was evident in his voice.

“Someday, Duyi. But you know I can’t come home now. It would endanger you and Grandfather.”

“I wish you’d never met him!” Duyi snarled.

“I wish I hadn’t either, but I did, and now . . .”


“Now I have to fix it somehow.”

“I miss you, Lin. I want you to come home.”

“I miss you too, but I can’t come home yet.”

“What if you decide you like it there better than here?” Duyi whispered, his voice hoarse.

“Even if that happened, Duyi, I would still come home to visit.”


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“Grandfather wants to talk to you.”

“All right.”

“How are you, Lin?”

Lin smiled at her grandfather’s gravely voice. “I’m fine, Grandfather. They are treating me very

“Should I be worried? I’ve seen you’ve been adopted.”

“You will always be first in my heart.”


Happiness was like little bubbles effervescing in her veins. “I think there’s enough room in there for
you both,” she said dryly.

“You are no longer afraid.”

“Not like I was, no. I can’t explain it. It’s peaceful here. I haven’t had any nightmares since I got
here. I actually sleep, Grandfather.”

“This is good. Lin, don’t come home. It’s not safe yet.”

The words stunted her good mood somewhat. “I know I have to stay here for now, but you’ll tell
me if you see that it’s safe, won’t you?”

“Your new man should be the one to tell you that.”

Lin’s eyes widened. “Grandfather, he’s not . . . We haven’t . . .”



“You haven’t yet, but he’s a good man, so I’m not worried. I know my granddaughter is in good
hands. He will protect you. He can see some things I cannot.”

Her grandfather’s voice got much lower on the last few words, as though he hadn’t liked admitting

“You taught me we all have different gifts and strengths, Grandfather. Maybe he just has different
strengths than you do.”

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“Maybe.” There was a grumble in his voice.

She heard a door slam and then, looking back out the window, saw Kyle’s truck. “Grandfather, I
have to go. Kyle’s home.”

“Just like that, I’ve already been replaced.” The good-natured grumbling made her feel light. This
was her grandfather as he was when he was happy and not worried about her.

“I love you, Grandfather. I’ll call you in a few days.”

“Be sure you do.”

“I will. I promise. Bye!”

Lin pressed the button to end the call and then hurried out to the living room, where Kyle’s
grandfather was still snoring lightly on the couch. She rushed to open the front door and put one
finger to her lips.

“Shhhhh. Grandfather’s asleep,” she said in a low voice, holding the screen door open for him.

When Kyle nodded and gave her a big smile, she couldn’t help smiling back. He was always so
cheerful. Even though her life was a mess, Kyle didn’t seem to mind. He bent his head, and her lips
parted, tasting his breath before he gave her a hungry but gentle kiss. The casual sexual, yet
affectionate gestures no longer made her nervous, and in fact, they were making her wish he would
try something more. She looked forward to his kisses in the morning, before he went into his office
to work on his book, and when he left for work in the afternoon, and when he returned home in the
evening, and finally before she went to his room to sleep. The only problem was that seemed to be
all he wanted to do, kiss her or give her the occasional hug or touch on her arm or thigh.

While Kyle took off his coat and hung it on the hook by the front door, Lin went back into the
kitchen and made tea for him.

“Are you hungry?” she asked when he came into the kitchen and sat at the table. Lifting the cup to
his nose, he inhaled the orange blossom scent and then, smiling, said, “You’re not a servant here,
Lin. I’ll make something in a little bit.”

“I like to cook for you.” It was true. She did like to cook for Kyle and his grandfather. Contrary to
what she knew Kyle thought, that she was doing it because she felt she owed them something, it
gave her a sense of belonging that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

Kyle looked up and smiled at Lin. “All right, honey, if you want to. I could eat something.”

Smiling widely, Lin opened the refrigerator and took out everything to make almond chicken, one of
her favorite Chinese dishes.

“So, what are we having tonight?”

“Almond chicken.”

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“You’re going to make us fat.”

“Chinese food won’t make you fat. It’s healthy.”


“You don’t believe me?”

“I always believe you, Lin. But I still think you’re going to make us fat. It’s not the food itself, but
the number of times you make food for us during the day.”

Lin shrugged. “You’ll run it off,” she said lightly.

“I will, huh?”

“Well, you know, if you don’t want to run it off, there are other ways to burn calories, more
pleasurable ways.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that, Lin?”

Lin felt her cheeks grow flushed, but she turned and looked him right in the eye. “Yes.”

He held her gaze for long moments, communicating without words. Then he nodded.

Kyle’s grandfather walked in seconds later. “Going to go play bingo later. What’s that you’re making,
sweet girl?”

Lin turned her cheek up for his customary peck. “Almond chicken,” she said, smiling.

“You’re spoiling an old man, you know.”

“That’s what Kyle said, but I like cooking for you. It makes me happy.” She shrugged.

“Well, we can’t have our girl unhappy, now can we, Kyle?”

“No, Grandfather.”

“Soon as I eat, I’m off to play bingo.”

When Lin turned and looked right at him, he said, “You young ones need some alone time.” Then
he waggled his eyebrows at her, and Lin felt her cheeks heat again before turning back to the stove.

Dinner was over before she knew it, and Kyle’s grandfather gave her a quick hug before putting his
coat on and snatching the keys to Kyle’s truck.

“No speeding, old man,” Kyle teased as he opened the front door.

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Lin grinned as Kyle’s grandfather shot him a sour look but didn’t say anything.

“He likes to speed,” Kyle said, grinning. “He had three tickets last summer.”

Lin pictured the old man bent over the steering wheel with his foot pushing down hard on the gas
and laughed. “Yes, I can see that.”

When he came up and pushed her hair behind one ear, he asked, “Lin, are you sure? I don’t want
you doing this out of some need to thank me for helping.”

Lin laid her palms on his chest and felt his warmth through his sweater. “It is not that,” she assured
him. “I want you. It’s more than that you make me feel safe, or that you’re helping me.” She turned
her head away, searching for the right words. “With you I feel desire.”

“You didn’t feel desire with your ex-husband?”

When Kyle touched the side of her face, she turned back to him. “Not like this. This is different.”
She made a sound of frustration. “I don’t know how to explain.”

“It’s all right. You don’t have to explain. Sometimes we just make bad decisions when it comes to
relationships. Feel free to remind me to tell you about a few of mine sometime.”

The way he said it made it sound as if they would be together forever. “I will do that.”

“Come closer, and just let me hold you for a few minutes.” When Kyle put his arms around her this
time, she noticed a difference. She could still get away if she wanted to, but he held her a bit tighter.

“Did you know I’m finding it hard to concentrate on my book, or work, because I can’t stop
thinking about you?”


“Yes, really. Today I was supposed to be shuffling the deck, and a woman walked in that looked like
you from the back, and I actually stopped shuffling. Almost lost a couple of people who wanted to
play blackjack to another dealer I stared at her so long.” Kyle’s laughter ruffled the hair at the top of
Lin’s head.

“I was supposed to have two chapters done today, but every time I would start to write a line, your
face would pop into my head. It’s been driving me nuts!”

“I have to confess I’ve been thinking about you too.”

“That’s good to know. Why didn’t you tell me this before?” he teased.

Lin started to pull back so she could make eye contact, but Kyle held her head to his chest. “Nope,
just stay right there. So, how come you didn’t say anything?”

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“It seemed like all you wanted was to kiss me or hug me. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same,” Lin

When Kyle pushed his hips forward and a very evident erection pressed into her belly, Lin gasped.

“Does that feel like all I want to do is hug and kiss?” he asked.

“Er . . . no. Why didn’t you say something?”

“Lin, you’ve only been here a week. You were very skittish when I first met you. I’m even asking
myself if this is too soon. This is about the fastest I’ve ever even thought of putting the moves on a

“So you are putting your moves on me? I wish you had done so sooner.” Lin laughed out loud. He
always made things fun, and that was one of the reasons her fear had gone away so fast. The other
was that he hadn’t pushed her for anything.

“Baby, I haven’t even begun to put my moves on you, but now that I have your permission . . . I do
have your permission, right?”

“I have said so, have I not?”

“Just making sure.”

When Kyle put his hands on her waist and began walking her backward toward his room, she took
the opportunity to look up into that smiling face. He’s so beautiful. I love all that long black hair, and those
gentle black eyes just make me want to melt into a puddle at his feet.

“Here we are.” She felt more than saw Kyle lift one foot and kick the door closed before reaching
behind him and pushing the button on the knob to lock the door. “I don’t think Grandfather would
come in, but just in case I don’t get out of here before he gets back. I may have to stay in here with
you for a bit if he comes back earlier than we think.”

“I suppose he might consider it disrespectful if you sleep in here with me?” Lin worried her lower
lip with even white teeth. She hadn’t thought about what Kyle’s grandfather might think if he came
back and they were in his bedroom together.

When Kyle pulled her lip from the grip of her teeth, she looked back up at him. “Stop that. I don’t
think he’s going to care, but he’s old-fashioned about some things. We’re going to be discreet about
this, although I’ll be damned if I’ll hide the fact that we’re having a relationship.”

“Is that what this is?”

“It is for me.”

“At some point, I may have to return home to Taiwan.” They both knew she meant if they survived

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“That’s not going to be a problem. I can even go with you if you want me to.”

He is so different from Bai. Bai would never be so genial. He would insist that I stay with him.

“All right, that’s enough thinking for you. It’s time to feel.” His warm hands slid beneath her shirt
and stroked the bare skin of her abdomen, causing that warm, swirling sensation in her belly that
she’d noticed before. She moaned, unable to stop. All it took was his gentle touch, and a fire started
in the pit of her stomach. That had never happened with Bai.

“Lift your arms.” Following his orders, she lifted her arms, and Kyle pulled her T-shirt over her
head. She’d forgone wearing a bra as she often did at home.

“Oh, no bra, I like that!” His large hands covered her small breasts, and when Kyle rotated his
palms, slightly rasping the centers of her nipples, fire shot straight to her groin, and she cried out.

“This is definitely going to be fun. I’m going to eat you up, baby!”

Once those words would have terrified her, but from Kyle, she knew he meant exactly what he said.
There was no double meaning, no threat.

After several minutes of staring into her eyes and gently stimulating her nipples with his palms and
then fingers, Kyle lifted her by the waist and sat her down on his bed. “Let’s get the rest of this off,
shall we?” He untied Lin’s tennis shoes and slipped them and her socks off, and then before she
could say anything else, he had her stand up again and quickly divested her of her jeans and

Lin waited while he stared at her body for what seemed like a long time but which was probably only
a few seconds. “I knew you were going to be beautiful, but oh, baby. God, you’re gorgeous.” His
warm hands holding her waist, Kyle leaned forward and pressed his face against her abdomen,
inhaling deeply. His words, the sound, and his action aroused Lin deeply, and she felt a trickle of
warmth slide inside, along with a jolt of something intense she’d never felt before, but definitely
wanted to feel more of.

When Kyle kissed her abdomen and then smiled up at her, Lin smiled back. “Lay down, honey. I’m
going to get out of these clothes, and then I’ll be right there.”

Lin lay back and watched with something akin to wonder as Kyle undressed, revealing a long, lean,
and naturally tan body. His cock was stiff, and it slapped his belly when he stood up quickly after
pushing his pants down his legs without bothering to sit down.

“You still okay?”

“I’m fine, Kyle. Stop worrying. I feel better with you than I have ever felt with any man.”

When he lay next to her, she got the full impact of that lean brown body pressed up against her. He’s
so warm and big.
Wonder laced the thought as she stroked her small hands down his chest and
abdomen, heading straight for his cock.

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She never made it. Kyle grabbed her hand.

“You don’t want me to touch you?” Maybe I disgust him. There was a part of her that knew that
wasn’t it, but years under Bai’s fists had taught her things that she wished she had never learned.

“Shhhh . . .” Kyle slid his lips against hers, teasing her mouth into opening, and stroked her tongue
with his, spending long minutes eating at her mouth before he lifted his head. “I love your hands on
me, but I don’t want to go off like a rocket, and if you touch me, that is what’s going to happen.”

“Oh.” She hadn’t expected that, but the fact that she had the same effect on him that he had on her
made her feel warm and gooey inside.

He scooted down, and his talented lips slipped onto her nipples. He sucked gently before his tongue
scraped the centers, which caused Lin to make mewling sounds as his actions sent more liquid heat
flowing northward.

Kyle lifted his head slightly. “Like that, hm?”

Almost inarticulate with pleasure, Lin husked, “I like everything you do, Kyle.”

“Let’s see what you think of this then.”

When Kyle’s lips seemed to follow the trail of pleasure down her body and his tongue dipped
playfully into her belly button, a small giggle slipped out. Then, surprising her, his mouth continued
on until it reached her mound. What’s he doing? Bai never did this.

Kyle’s hands held her hips down to keep her still, and when his tongue swiped through the folds
between her thighs and ended with her clit, Lin knew she would have fallen out of the bed if he
hadn’t been. When he did it a second time, the feelings that had been building in her belly slipped
down to her core and began to grow.

“Uhhh . . . Kyle!” Lin cried out as he lapped at her entrance and then penetrated her, stroking her
inner walls over and over.

That was all it took for what had been growing in her core to rush to a blinding crescendo. Lin
screamed as she came for the first time in her life, feelings of hot, wicked pleasure rotating outward
like a pebble dropped in a pond, from her core to every other part of her body.

After one final lick to her sensitive clitoris, she felt him scoot back up her body. His breath fanned
her face. “I do believe we have a winner,” he whispered, kissing her softly.

Lin could taste herself on his lips, and her walls rippled in orgasmic delight. “I think I died,” she
whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

“Shall we see if we can make you die the little death again?”

Lin opened her sleepy eyes. “The little death?”

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“That’s what the French call an orgasm.”

“Oh, is that what that was?”

At his incredulous look, she gave a sort of one-shoulder shrug, or at least as much of one as she
could give with his weight holding her down.

“You’ve never had an orgasm before? Not even by yourself?”

Lin shook her head, her eyes a bit wide at the deadly softness of his tone.

“What a bastard.” The words were said softly, and his eyes held anger for a moment. “Well, we’re
just going to rectify that little problem right now.” Kyle kissed her again, and Lin readily parted her
lips for his tongue, adoring how it so lovingly explored not just her tongue, but the inside of her
cheeks, the back of her teeth and any other soft part he could find. In fact, it made her hot, made
her want to experience that beautiful explosion again.

When Kyle lifted his head, he smiled, his look very tender. “Ready?”

Smiling back, Lin nodded. “I’m ready for whatever you want to give me,” she told him solemnly.

“That’s my girl,” he praised before lifting up on his elbows and adjusting himself until he was at her
entrance. “Here we go, beautiful.” Keeping eye contact with him the whole time, Lin was afraid to
blink for fear that what she saw in his eyes would disappear. She felt his cock head enter, and then,
with a soft grunt, his face tightened, and he moved his hips forward, pushing more of himself into

“You’re so damned tight it feels like wet silk wrapped around me.”

When he finally was in to the hilt, Lin unconsciously tightened on him. This was completely
different from what she had experienced with Bai. It was so much better. When her memories
turned to the time he had given her to his friends, her mind shied away from it.

“You okay, sweetie?” His callused brown hand stroked her face, and Lin realized she had drifted
away into memories that were best forgotten. She refocused on Kyle.

“Yes. Just bad memories.”

“Listen, that’s never going to happen again, okay? I promise.” Even lodged inside her, and she knew
he had to be wanting to come, he still put her feelings first. A tear slipped down her cheek.

“How can you want me after what they did to me?”

His hands cupped her face, and his serious black eyes stared down into hers. “Baby, what they did,
they did to your body. It was a violation, and it should never have happened. It in no way makes me
think less of you.”

“It doesn’t?” Lin’s tears made her voice squeak.

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“Not even a little bit.”

Something broke inside her, and she threw her arms around Kyle’s neck. “I love you, Kyle. I love
you.” She sobbed.

Kyle shifted to the side, still staying within her body as though he instinctively understood she
needed the connection.

“Shhh . . . sweetie, your tears are breaking my heart. I love you too. That bastard’s never getting his
hands on you again, I promise.” He surrounded her with his arms and legs, holding her tightly to his
much larger frame. The smooth chest beneath her cheek was wet with her tears as she cried out the
misery of the last six years.

When the storm within her finally subsided, she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She hiccoughed.

His warm hands stroked her back, and he dropped a kiss to her head. “Nothing to be sorry for,
honey. You’ve had a lot to deal with over the last few years.”

“I couldn’t cry. He would beat me if I cried,” she whispered into his chest.

“God, baby. No wonder you just let go at the first good thing that happened to you.” Kyle kissed
everywhere he could reach, and Lin lifted her face like a flower to the sun. She felt his lips sip up the
remnants of her tears before his lips covered hers in a tender but very erotic kiss.

When he lifted his head, he raised one eyebrow as if to ask if she was ready to resume their
lovemaking. Giving him a tearful smile, she nodded, and he gently rolled her onto her back. His hips
pulled back, and he shafted her carefully, his face tight with pleasure, fully aware of his size and

His pubic bone hit her clitoris with every gentle shove, and a tingle started up in her belly that
quickly became a conflagration in her deepest core. This time, she was prepared for the buildup. The
rush of hot fluid bathing her walls set off a second and third explosion deep inside. Then, the ripples
went deeper and farther, and it was long seconds before she finally came back down from the
pinnacle he’d driven her to.

Lin lay there boneless next to Kyle, who lay with her side cuddled to his front since he’d slipped off
to the left seconds before. “Am I still alive?” she asked, keeping her eyes closed.

“I don’t know. I’m still taking stock to see if my own body is here.”

“That was so good. I want to do it again and again.”

“I think I can live with that.”

“I’m sleepy,” she mumbled.

“Go to sleep, sweetheart. If you wake and I’m not here, just call out. I won’t be far.”

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“Mmmmmm . . .” Snuggling in closer, Lin drifted off with Kyle’s scent surrounding and protecting

Deep in a dreamless sleep an hour later, something shifted and flexed its claws in the darkness of her
mind. Lin stilled in the inky blackness. This is too much like my nightmares.

Suddenly, out of the darkness, huge claws grabbed her by the shoulders, digging in deeply, and Lin
felt blood pour down the front of her body as she screamed, “Kyle!”

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Chapter Eight

Kyle felt Lin stiffen just before he heard her scream his name from the realm of dreams, and he
jerked awake, immediately sitting up as terror ran through him.

She was limp beside him and barely breathing. As he went to try to shake her awake, huge bloody
claw marks bloomed on both shoulders, and blood poured forth like a fountain.

Slapping both hands to the gaping wounds on either side, he yelled, “Grandfather!”

“I’m here, Kyle.” How he’d gotten past the lock, Kyle wasn’t sure, but he was glad he was there.

Lin jerked as other gouges appeared on her body, more blood spilling.

For once in his life, Kyle was at a complete loss of words, and fear unlike any he had ever known
took over his rational mind.

“Kyle!” His grandfather snapped, actually snapped, at him.

He turned his wide eyes to his grandfather, fear turning to anger. “What do we do?”

“I will heal her wounds. Prepare yourself to dream walk. You will need to take her from him.”

He watched as his grandfather laid gentle hands on Lin’s torn flesh. Singing a healing song softly just
beneath his breath, Kyle’s grandfather glowed with strengthening power. For just a moment, Kyle’s
vision changed, and he saw the glowing figures of ancestors long passed over the rainbow bridge, as
well as figures that appeared only as oblong-shaped orbs, signifying they were not human and never
had been. Most astonishing was a buck bathed in golden light with a huge rack, nudging Lin with his
black nose as though to say, “Wake up. Wake up now. We are here.”

As fast as the wounds would heal, new ones would be ripped open, and this spurred Kyle into
lighting sage sitting in an abalone shell on his dresser. Breathing deeply of the acerbic smoke, he
wafted it over himself and everything in the room before, with a quick prayer, he settled down in the
middle of the medicine wheel, the abalone shell on a fireproof dish in front of him.

Calming his jangling nerves so he could focus and open a dream portal was something else entirely.
Concentrating on his breathing, breathing in deeply, and then out, and then in and out for several
seconds brought the clarity necessary for him to slip from his body and open the portal.

On the other side was a deep, stygian darkness from which the sound of harsh breathing could be
heard. Something crouched inside waiting, and the fact that he could not see or hear Lin worried

Worried, and knowing he could not face what was inside alone, he reached out in prayer. Seconds
later he heard the cry of an eagle. Looking up into what was now a blue sky, he saw it circling above
him. Seeing the familiar ally calmed him a bit, and he raised one arm, waiting for the graceful spirit
to land on it.

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Strong wings stirred the air around his head, blowing his long hair to the side, as the graceful spirit
landed on his arm, grasping gently with its talons.

“I will distract the evil one. You get the girl.”

“Okay, is there anything else I need to know?”

“Be careful, waåbdi hdeßka. This one is tricky

“How tricky?”

“He will try to use your weakness for the girl against you. You must not believe everything you see in this place. Much
of it is lies.”

“Great. All right, ready?”

“We fly!”

With his spirit ally’s words ringing in Kyle’s mind, he leaped through the opening allowing the now
brightly glowing spirit to light his way. What he saw took his breath away. They were in a cave. He
could actually hear water trickling down stone walls. First, Lin’s pale feet were revealed, then her
torso, where blood and spirit light bled from her body. As more of her was revealed, he saw the dark
figure of her ex-husband sucking from the wounds on her shoulders and neck. Superimposed over
him was the black energy of the demon feeding on her life’s spirit.

His ally let out a long cry before heading with grasping talons straight for the demon’s glowing red
eyes. This was the distraction his ally had spoken of, and it worked. The demon roared and, using
Bai’s spirit body, which it had melded with, dropped Lin’s spirit body to the floor of the cave. While
his ally raked the demon and Bai’s head with razor-sharp claws, scoring hits that oozed what
resembled yellow, encrusted pus, Kyle dove for Lin’s spirit body. Just as he picked her up and was
about to head for the dream portal, an unearthly howl lit the air, and the smell of burning things,
sulfur and death, enshrouded him.

“She is mine!” Bai screamed, the demon’s power lending his spirit body incredible vocalization.

Kyle set Lin down as close to the portal as he could and turned. What met his eyes was a sight he
thought never to see. Bai and the demon were completely merged, and the demon stared out from
Bai’s eyes. He grew and grew until he was towering over Kyle and Lin. His ally continued to try to
distract him, but a huge hand reached out and swatted at the eagle spirit like a person swatting a fly.

Kyle’s mind went momentarily blank before an idea began to coalesce in his mind. He knew he had
only a matter of seconds before Bai and the demon took Lin from him and his ally, and possibly
killed him. He began to fashion a weapon in his mind, a spear like the ones his ancestors had carried
when hunting buffalo. The blade would be sharp and made of clear quartz rather than obsidian. The
handle would be made from strong cedar. He concentrated on building the spear, on what it would
feel like in his hand, of how it would feel when he threw it.

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Finally, he could feel the spear in his hand, and when he looked at the clear quartz tip, it glowed with
the light from all colors of the rainbow, and spirit power not his own radiated from it.

“Now, waåbdi hdeßka, before it attacks!” His ally spoke through their special connection, calling him by
his spirit name, Spotted Eagle.

Kyle drew back his arm, balancing the spear carefully, and aimed for Bai’s heart, for only in killing
Bai’s spirit body could he both banish the demon and prevent Bai from ever hurting Lin again. With
a loud war cry his ancestors would have been proud of, he let loose the spear. He watched as it flew
threw the air as though guided by something other than his will. A second later, the clear quartz tip
pierced deep, and Bai and the demon gave a combined roar of disbelief. The demon separated from
Bai and began to shrink smaller and smaller until it was the same size as Bai would normally be. His
ally dove and drove its talons deep into the inky blackness that was the demon. The demon writhed
in agony, growing smaller and smaller until it literally winked out of sight.

Kyle turned to Bai, who had fallen to his knees with his hands pressed to the spear sticking out of
his chest. He looked up, giving Kyle a look of supreme hatred. “She is mine,” he gasped out, his voice

Kyle shook his head. “She was never yours, Bai. You don’t own a woman like that, a woman with gifts. You
tried to destroy her because of who and what she is. The Spirits brought her to me for protection, and now she is free of
you forever.”

He watched as Bai fought the power of the spirit spear he’d been pierced with. He gave a gasping
breath and then disappeared as though he’d never been there. The spirit spear dropped with a clatter
to the stone floor. It began glowing brightly until the light was more than even Kyle’s spirit eyes
could stand, and he turned away. When the light died and he looked back, the spear was gone.

Reminded of his mate and her need for care, he turned and picked her up from the stone floor and,
with his ally at his back, stepped back through the portal into his bedroom. His grandfather was
sitting in a chair at Lin’s side, her limp hand in his. He’d covered her up until only her bare shoulders
and face were showing.

Kyle’s spirit body carried Lin’s to her physical body, and when they reached the side of the bed, her
spirit body floated out of his arms until it was just above her physical body. Slowly it lowered down
until both spirit and physical body were once again one. There was an instant change in her
breathing. It was stronger, and her chakras, though weak, were pulsing clearly.

Kyle went to his own seated body and lowered himself back into his physical body and stood.

“She needs energy,” Kyle’s grandfather commented.

“I know.” Unconcerned with his nakedness, he went and laid one hand on the top of Lin’s head and
another over her heart. Calling on help from his ally, who still circled the room, as well as the Spirits,
power flowed through him in waves and then into the small, defenseless body that lay on the bed.

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Lin jerked hard. Then her breathing evened out to normal. Her color returned, and the rips and tears
in her aura that had been leaking her vital energy closed and healed as though they had never been.
She went from being in an unconscious state to sleeping deeply.

Kyle slipped to the floor and laid his head down on the bed next to her body and looked up into his
grandfather’s face. “Old man, you weren’t kidding when you said be careful. I’ve never seen
anything like that in my life.”

“He was true evil, and he had been using twisted practices that drew the demon to him until it
became a part of him. Even had he wanted to be free of it, he never would have been. Someone had
to stop him, or together, they would have grown stronger and stronger. She would never have been
free of him.”

His grandfather patted his shoulder. “You did good. Now get dressed and come eat. Your energy is
low after giving her so much. Lin will be fine. She’s just sleeping now.”

Kyle nodded and stood. Once he was dressed, he sat in the chair his grandfather had vacated and
leaned over to brush the hair back from Lin’s face. He placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled.

Yup, it’s official. I’m a goner. I hope she knows she’s marrying me. He laughed at the thought of convincing
her. He would never coerce his angel, but he was certain that with the surety of his love she would
agree. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t about to turn away a gift the Spirits had just dropped
into his lap.

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Three months later

Two old men sat on a carved cedar bench in a field of wildflowers, with the sun beating down
warmly, and watched the wedding of their grandchildren.

“So, do you think he knows?” the man missing one tooth in the front asked his friend.

“I think he suspects.” The other man shrugged.

“You were right. They are the perfect match. I wondered if they wouldn’t suit when you wrote me
of how your grandson had grown into his power. Lin needed someone who would understand her
gifts and abilities, but who wouldn’t push.”

“Yep, that’s my boy.”

The man with the missing tooth rubbed his hands together. “We’re finally going to get some great-

When Kyle’s grandfather laughed, several people turned around and looked at them before turning
back to the ceremony. “Oops.” He grinned at his longtime friend.

“I’m glad the Spirits agreed they would be a good match.”

“As am I, old friend, as am I. We’ve finally united our families as we always knew we were meant

All was silence as they watched Kyle and Lin exchange vows. Lin was dressed in a pale blue tunic
and pants with ribbon work, her long hair loose and held in place by a headband that had small
white balls hanging over her forehead and that danced brightly against her dark hair whenever she
moved her head. Kyle’s black ribbon shirt with red ribbon piping and his black slacks contrasted
nicely with Lin’s regalia.

Both old men smiled at the clasping of their grandchildren’s hands as the medicine woman married
them with the pipe.

Golden Spirit figures ringed the couple, and a spirit eagle flew with two physical eagles above them
crying out into the silence. All was once again well, at least for the time being.

The End

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Flights of Fancy

Dahlia Rose

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Chapter One

“Fancy, these lipcakes are simply to die for,” Sara gushed before she bit into the decadent, moist

“You say that about anything I make,” a voice called from behind the bakery door.

Tate knew her name was Sara because she always hung around his landlady and they had been best
friends since they were four. Lipcakes. He grinned at the name, but they were actually cupcakes
shaped and iced with bright red frosting to look like lips. It was spring outside, and the weather had
turned from the cold mountain air that swept down from the Appalachian Mountains into Merry,
North Carolina, to warm air with only a hint of a chill. The trees had already begun to bloom, and
the smell of flowers and newly turned earth filled the air. It was a light and heady feeling that filled
him, and what a better time than to strip the old paint of his landlady’s building and give it a fresh
coat of paint. It was the least he could do for her after she let him rent her upstairs apartment.

His old landlord had been taking his money but not paying the mortgage on the house he was
renting. Tate knew nothing until the sheriff of Merry and an eviction crew came and started packing
his stuff on the front lawn. With nowhere to go and no landlord to . . . ahem . . . murder, Tate had
to find a new place to live. Luckily, he had seen Fancy put out a “For Rent” sign, and he jumped on
it, literally. He had crossed the street from his truck and knocked it over in his hurry to get into her

Tate grinned at the memory as he used the metal paint stripper to peel the ugly old yellow paint of
the three-story house. Tate smiled as he listened to her speak, Fancy McKee, landlady and owner of
Fantasy Flowers and Cakes. The slogan on the sign outside said, “Let your bouquet or dessert say
the naughtiest things.” It was the most totally unique store in small-town Merry and since its
opening had caused a lot of talk among the fifteen hundred residents. Yet, it flourished, and many
who said they wouldn’t be caught dead inside its doors had been there a good many times. How
could they not with Fancy at the helm? To Tate she was the epitome of life—fun, vivacious, and
sexy as hell. Fancy had curves that went on forever and skin the color of warm milk chocolate; had
full lips that were so kissable, especially when she wore her ruby-red lipstick; and her eyes, wide and
shaped like almonds with a soft brown color, could make any man do her bidding. In Tate’s eyes,
she was the perfect woman.

Those eyes were always expressive and filled with fun and laughter. Her bronze-colored curls were
always wild around her face but made the picture perfect. He had spent many nights with her in his
dreams doing some of the naughtiest things with her. But Tate never overstepped that boundary
because she would either accept it with a smile or slap the hell out of him. That was the kind of girl
Fancy was. He also knew that, around town, she was known as something of a man-eater. Fancy
dated a lot. He saw them pick her up and drop her off. He even saw them go upstairs sometimes,
which always had the effect of making him grit his teeth. They never stayed the night, though. By
midnight, they were always heading away from her place and going to their homes, and Tate always
sighed in relief. He wanted Fancy in the worst way, but he did not want to be one of those ones who
had to leave by midnight.

“What do you think of this cake?” Fancy asked.

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Her voice broke his reverie and caused him to peek through the small open window above the front
door of the store. She and Sara were bent over the cake on the counter, so he couldn’t see what it
was, not that he cared anyway. Fancy was looking exceptionally gorgeous today, wearing a red halter-
top dress that showed off the smooth expanse of skin on her back. It was cut above her knees, and
Lord knows he wanted to lick her calves. Tate knew he shouldn’t eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help it
when it came to Fancy.

“It looks awesome. What’s it for?” Sara asked.

“Bachelor party tomorrow night. The guys wanted something they could bite into.” Fancy grinned,
and both women began to giggle.

“I know something you should bite into,” Sara said conspiratorially.

“And what would that be?” Fancy asked.

“Your tenant upstairs, Mr. Tate Hildebrandt.”

Tate grinned when he heard his name mentioned. All thoughts of the paint stripping went from his
brain, and now, he listened intently to the conversation going on in the store.

“Ah, Tate, a fine specimen of yummy goodness, but no, I shall not delve into that dessert,” Fancy
told her friend.

“Well, I think you should. Have you seen that man’s arms? I saw him on the ladder when I walked
in. Those buns”—Sara rolled her eyes—“honey, you couldn’t bake anything better.”

Both women began to laugh, and Tate couldn’t help but grin. Yummy goodness. It was good to know
his body was appreciated. It was even better that Fancy was the one showing the appreciation.

“You’re right, the man fiiine, but he’s my tenant. I think that is some kind of sexual harassment or
something.” Fancy made a sexy sound in her throat, and it caused Tate’s body to respond instantly.
“But God knows, if I had the chance, I’d lick him like a grape Popsicle on a summer day.”

Tate heard her words, and he conjured up the sexy mental images it created. So much so that he did
not look at where he was putting his foot to come down the ladder. Next thing he knew, he was
falling through the air. Oh shit! he thought, and with a helpless cry, he hit the soft grass next to the
concrete walkway. The breath left his body with a whoosh, and little yellow stars swam before his
eyes. He vaguely heard the tinkling bell of the store’s door opening, and the two women who were
talking rushed out to see if he was okay.

“Jeez, Tate, are you okay? Do we need to call nine-one-one?” Fancy asked urgently.

“He looks funny, and he keeps blinking. I think we should call the ambulance.” Sara’s voice held

Tate waved his hand to say no while he was still trying to catch his breath and tried to sit up. A
searing pain in his back kept him from doing that, and he groaned softly.

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“Sara, go inside and call nine-one-one and get them over here,” Fancy ordered. “Tate, don’t you
dare move until the ambulance gets here. God knows if you have any internal injuries or hurt your

Tate opened his eyes, and when the stars left, Fancy came into full view. She stood over him with a
worried expression on her face and holding a very large cake in her hands. Tate’s eyes widened when
he saw the shape and decoration of the cake, which happened to be a giant replica of the female
anatomy. A small smile mixed with the grimace on his face.

“Why, Miss Fancy, a man can only eat so much, no matter how good it is,” he teased.

Fancy grinned and looked at her cake before giving him the full stare of those chocolate brown eyes.
“Somehow Tate, I think you would be able to manage it just fine.”

* * * *

After handing off the cake to Sara and begging her to lock up, Fancy rode in the back of the
ambulance with Tate. She held his hand, hoping to give him some comfort, but noticed how he
rubbed his thumb repetitively over her knuckles. When she did look at him, his dark blue eyes
seemed to smolder in her direction and caused heat to infuse her. Tate Hildebrandt was not a man
who a woman could look away from. His olive complexion showed his Mediterranean heritage—
Fancy assumed he was part Greek—and his dark hair fell in short waves at his neck and dared her
fingers to comb through it. His rugged jawline held short stubble that gave him such a sexy look.
Plus his lean, muscular body was like the statue of David, cut from marble and total perfection.

“You’re staring at me,” Tate said softly.

“You’re holding my hand,” Fancy pointed out. “Are we at a stalemate?”

“For now.”

Fancy could see the possibilities that “for now” could bring. In every image that flashed through her
head, they were both naked on her four-poster canopy bed doing things that made her moist
between her legs.

“Tate, what were you doing up on the ladder anyway?”

“I was keeping my promise to you. Remember in the winter when I moved in, I told you that as
soon as spring came, I would repaint the whole building? Well, I have to scrape the old paint off
before I put the new coat on.”

“Oh gosh, you remembered that!” He melted her heart right then and there as she realized he was
trying to keep a promise to her. Most guys would have said it and forgotten it, but he wanted to
keep his promise. Tate got another point on the good side of her book.

“Well that’s what I was doing when I fell.”

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“What made you fall exactly?” the EMT asked. Fancy almost forgot about him being in the back
with them.

She and the EMT settled their eyes on Tate’s, and Fancy saw the flush rise in his cheek and cover his
entire face. He was blushing! What could be so embarrassing that made him fall?

“I just put my foot the wrong place and lost my balance,” Tate said sourly.

The EMT nodded and went back to his monitors and letting the hospital know how far away they
were. Fancy kept looking at Tate, who kept avoiding her gaze, and the blush in his cheeks was not
going away. It finally dawned on her exactly why he fell.

Fancy leaned over and poked Tate in his chest before she whispered in his ear furiously, “You were

“I was not!” Tate responded, outraged.

“Yeah, you were. That’s why you fell. And to think I felt sorry for you!”

“Hey, it’s not my fault the window was open over the door and I could hear your conversation.”

“Well, you know, no one expected to have a guy on a ladder outside that window snooping. I would
have closed it. You probably weren’t even scraping any paint!”

“I was doing you a favor, remember? Two seconds ago, you thought it was sweet,” Tate reminded
her. “And I’m really hurt here!”

“Oh, don’t pull the pity card now, you . . . you . . . eavesdropper!”

“Now you’re just being mean,” Tate replied. “You’re just mad because I heard that you want to lick
me like a grape.”

Fancy clapped her hand over Tate’s mouth and gave the EMT a sidelong glance. He sat there
writing something, but anyone could tell he was curious about the conversation going on.

“We do not have to go there,” she spat out.

“Yeah, well, I don’t want to be blamed for trying to be a good tenant.” Tate looked pained.

Fancy didn’t know if she should believe him or if he was just hamming it up for sympathy. She’d let
it go for now, or at least until they know exactly what his condition was. Lord knows she didn’t want
to be in the hospital and find out he broke his back trying to paint her building. She would forever
feel responsible if that was the case.

The ambulance stopped in front of Merry’s only hospital. Before the end of the day, everyone in
town would know that she was in there with her tenant. They already whispered about her and her
sexy shop. Next thing you know, it would be around town that Tate was hurt because of their sexual
exploits and bedroom romps. Sara would tell her in a few days, and she would, of course, die

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laughing. She hoped that the townsfolk imaginations would be better than last time, and handcuffs
would be involved.

The EMTs wheeled Tate inside with Fancy at their heels. They put him behind one of the curtains,
and from there it was chaos with people coming in and out—nurses drawing blood, technicians
taking him for x-rays, and little candy stripers trying to brighten his day, or maybe theirs. Fancy
found it hard to tell. But every woman who came in succumbed to his charms. Soon, they were
asking if he needed water or juice or a heating pad for his back. The girl who drew his blood
practically kissed his boo-boos, and all Tate did was relish the attention.

“How are you doing, Mr. Hildebrandt?” One of the nurses came in to check on him. She fluffed his
pillow and managed to stroke his hair away from his forehead.

“I’m feeling better, but my back is still little achy,” Tate admitted. When the nurse made a
sympathetic sound, Fancy rolled her eyes.

“Well, the doctor is on his way back with your x-rays and results,” the nurse replied before she
walked out from behind the curtain. She turned and gave Fancy a direct stare. “I’m sure whoever
caused this will have no problem helping taking care of you.”

“Oh no, she didn’t just give me that look,” Fancy muttered under her breath. She watched the
nurse’s back as she sashayed away, and with each step, her blood boiled until she got up and began
to walk in the direction that the nurse just took.

“Uh, Fancy, where are you going?” Tate asked.

“To have a talk with Ms. Nurse-Wants-To-Get-In-Your-Pants out there. Who in the hell does she
think she is?”

“Nurse wants to?”

“Oh, she practically bent over and gave you some of her goodies, and instead of coming out and
telling you she was interested, she chose to throw me under the bus. Uh-uh, not this chickie. I will
tell her where she can put her who-is-responsible-to-help-take-care-of-you.” Fancy was on a roll,
and she saw Tate’s smile begin to form on his lips. She put her hands on her hips. “Oh, if that smile
crosses your face, Tate Hildebrandt, I will smack it off. You are lying there enjoying the attention
from these fluff bunnies . . .”

“Fluff bunnies?” Tate sputtered with laughter.

“Yes, I said it, fluff bunnies, and you are enjoying it. Are you the type of man that needs women to
fawn all over you, Tate? Because if you are, I surely misjudged you,” Fancy announced. With Fancy
glaring at him while Tate tried unsuccessfully to hide his laughter, the doctor came in from behind
the curtain without them knowing.

“Um, excuse me, is everything okay?”

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Fancy sighed, and Tate smothered his laughter while she rolled her eyes. “Everything is fine, Doctor.
What’s the verdict?”

“The verdict is that Mr. Hildebrandt has strained his back, and he will have to wear a back brace for
a week,” the doctor explained. He began to write on a little notepad, and when he ripped it off, he
handed it to Fancy. “Fill this prescription for him, and he needs someone to care of him for a few

Tate took the prescription from Fancy’s fingers and stared at it suspiciously. “What is this I have to

“Muscle relaxers to help your back and pain medication to help with any discomfort you might have.
That’s why I need you to have someone looking after you for a few days. The two mixed together
can cause an interesting effect.” The doctor looked at Tate. “Is there anyone who can stay with

“Not close by . . . I can just wing it, Doc. How bad can the pills be?” Tate took on a forlorn look. “I
can just sit in my apartment alone and hope for the best.”

“Oh, please,” Fancy muttered as she pasted a bright smile on her face. “I am his landlord. I can
make sure he is okay, Dr. Fields. He’ll be fine.”

Dr. Fields nodded his head approvingly. “Good to know. I’ll get him his discharge papers so he can
go home. Hey, aren’t you that lady that runs the cake shop over on Denver Street?”

Fancy tuned her business smile on the doctor. “Why, yes, I am. Have you been in my store?”

“Not yet. A buddy told me about it. I’m having a bachelor party for him, so I have to come in to see
your cakes . . . and stuff.”

Fancy caught the innuendo but held her tongue. She got a lot of that because of her job and paid it
no mind. She knew she couldn’t be offended because, hey, she ran an erotic cake store. It came with
the job.

“You come on in anytime you like, Dr. Fields. I’ll make sure to give you a good discount for taking
care of Tate.” Fancy beamed a winning smile at him again before he turned and walked away.

“He’s a prick,” Tate grumbled.

“Why would he be a prick, Tate?”

“Well, trying to hit on you at work, for one, plus making that suggestion like you’d take him up on it
because you make cakes shaped like women’s boobs.”

Fancy leaned over him and purred, “Tate, I make much more than boobs. You should come in
sometime and see my specialties.”

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Fancy smiled as Tate cleared his throat. “You don’t have to take care of me, you know. I’m a big
boy. I can handle it.”

“Yes, I do,” Fancy said firmly. “You fell off my ladder stripping paint from my building, so you are
my responsibility until you get back on your feet.”

“I’ll be the model patient.” Tate held up his fingers to her with a smile. “Scouts’ honor.”

“Somehow I doubt you were a Scout, Tate.” Fancy smiled in return. It could turn out to be an
interesting development when it came to taking care of her sexy tenant. Who knew what kind of
recipe for fun she could come up with?

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Chapter Two

Fancy opened the door of her apartment and flicked the switch on the wall to flood the room with
light. Since they left for the hospital that afternoon, hours had passed, and it was now early evening.
Fancy felt her tummy growl in hunger as she helped Tate slowly into her apartment.

“Nice place,” Tate commented.

“Thanks, I like it.” Fancy walked slowly over to her couch and let Tate slip comfortably into the soft
cream cushions.

Fancy knew her two-bedroom apartment mirrored Tate’s in layout, but that was it. She had been at
his apartment once when she took the plumber there to fix a leak that was dripping into her
bathroom. While Tate’s apartment held more of a put-together mismatched look, Fancy loved the
order and color scheme she picked out for her own home. Rich creams and browns and burgundy
filled her apartment. The curtains hung and wafted as a cool breeze drifted in from a half-open
window. Tate gave a soft sigh of relief and leaned his head back against the sofa. Fancy felt instant
sympathy when she noticed the lines of pain etched around his mouth. Poor thing, I should try to make
him more comfortable.

“Do you need me to get a few things from your place?” Fancy asked gently. “Are you hungry?”

“I guess, since you are being nice enough to let me stay here instead of going upstairs. I’ll need some
pajamas, a few pairs of sweats, socks . . .”

“You mean your usual clothes unless you are actually going out somewhere,” Fancy teased. It was
more than once she’d seen him come down the stairs in only sweatpants and bare feet, even on the
coldest winter days. “I’ll get some dinner on and run upstairs really quick to get you some stuff.
We’ll eat and get you settled into bed.”

“Thanks, Fancy.” Tate grabbed her hand as she passed by the chair and stopped her in her tracks.
An electric charge tingled along her palm and into her body. His dark blue eyes bore into hers and
held her captive. “I mean it, Fancy. I really appreciate you letting me stay here.”

“I’ll find some way to exact payment.” Fancy pulled her hand away reluctantly, not wanting to break
the contact but knowing she had to. “I’ll get us something to eat.”

Fancy went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and began pulling things out for dinner.
She had made a ham salad for lunch. She and Sara never got to eat it, so ham salad sandwiches and
homemade fries it was going to be. She put the fries in the oven and came back out of the two-way
door to the living room. Tate had kicked off his shoes and stretched out on her sofa with his hand
covering his eyes.

“You should take your pain pill after we eat,” Fancy commented. “Gimme your keys, and I’ll go get
your things.”

Tate gingerly fished his keys from his pocket and dangled them out to her. “I should take the pill
now. I think what they gave me in the ER is wearing off.”

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Fancy shook her head. “Uh, I don’t think so. Those are pretty strong. You need to eat something
before you take them. If not, you’ll be dancing on my ceiling. A lovely thought, and it would be
good for pictures, but no.”

Tate grinned. “I’ll take your word for it and wait like a good boy.”

Fancy patted the soft, dark curls on his head. “Yes, be a good boy while I’m gone.”

When the door closed behind her, she ran up the short flight of stairs quickly to Tate’s apartment.
The door unlocked with a soft click, and she stepped inside his sanctuary. Curiosity overruled being
quick as she looked around. Pictures of his family sat on the mantelpiece of the small fireplace.
Fancy went over to the bookshelf and bent down to look at the titles. Some of their titles mirrored
each other, and that made her smile. There was more to Tate than just being a house painter. It was
just like how the townspeople of Merry saw her. They loved to look at the exterior and did not even
try sometimes to see the layers beneath.

That’s why most of her dates didn’t last long. They saw Fancy, the girl who made erotic cakes, and
somehow that made them think they would automatically get into her pants. Dates usually ended
with her showing them the door, and if she saw them in public, they would nudge their friends as if
they had gotten to sample her wares. None of them did, but she never said anything. Let them
believe what they wanted. She knew the truth. Fancy wondered if Tate would want to see what was
inside her as well as what was on the outside. Don’t go there, Fance, she scolded herself. She surely did
not need the added stress of her tenant walking around town talking about her as well.

She moved quickly to gather a few things for him, his toothbrush, electric shaver, and aftershave
from the bathroom, before she headed to his bedroom to gather some clothes. It was easy for her to
find what he needed since that was what he seemed to own the most. From the top drawer, she
pulled out a few pairs of boxer briefs that had her grinning at the audacious colors—purple,
fluorescent green, and some unusual shades of blue and red. Fancy laughed out loud. It seemed that
under the sexy painter exterior, there was a bit of a kinky, flamboyant freak. She moved some more
underwear, and something caught her attention. A picture turned facedown and hidden beneath his
unmentionables piqued her curiosity, and before she knew it, her hands were taking the picture to
look at it.

A woman with long, dark tresses caught her attention. The smile on her face as she looked at Tate,
who stood next to her, showed love. The way his hand cupped her cheek in the picture showed the
same affection from him. Who was she, and where was she now? Fancy wondered how a couple who
looked so much in love was not together. There was definitely more to Tate than met the eyes.
Fancy put the picture back carefully, as if her just moving it disturbed the couple held frozen in time
on its paper. She closed the drawers and made her way back to the living room, making sure to turn
off the lights and lock up before heading back downstairs.

Opening her apartment door, the smell of the home fries filled the air. Fancy dropped the bag on
the coffee table. “I got you your stuff. Smells good in here.”

“I was just going to crawl across the floor and try to get in the oven if you didn’t hurry up,” Tate
teased. “Thanks for getting my clothes.

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“Hmmmm, like these?” She opened the bag, held up a pair of purple boxer briefs, and was rewarded
with a flush on his cheeks.

“My sister’s version of a joke, I swear. My underwear does not usually look like I live in Greenwich
Village in New York.”

“Hey, they have an awesome Halloween parade,” Fancy called out as she crossed the room and
headed for the kitchen.

She turned off the oven and prepared them each a plate of dinner, making thick sandwiches and tall
glasses of sweet iced tea. Taking the drinks in hand, she took them out first and put them on the
coffee table before returning with two heaping plates of food.

“Oh, you are a goddess!” Tate sighed and rubbed his hands together before taking the plate from
her. She sat down and watched as he took the first big bite from his sandwich. He closed his eyes
and sighed with pleasure. “This is freaking amazing.”

“I’m glad you like my goddess cooking skill,” Fancy teased. She turned the television to the news
and began to eat her dinner. They ate in companionable silence while the newscasters related the
news. Looking over at Tate, she saw he had gone through the sandwich and was almost done with
the fries. “Do you want me to get you another?”

“Nope, I am stuffed, and that was great. Thank you again.”

“You have to stop thanking me, Tate. It’s okay.”

“I’ll make it up to you when I am back on my feet, I promise. Dinner wherever you want,” Tate

Fancy got up and took his plate, stacking it on hers. “Sure you want to do that? In this town, you’ll
be a notch on my bedpost.”

“I’ll take my chances. I don’t really care who says what,” Tate retorted. “That’s why small towns can
be so infuriating.”

“You get accustomed to it after a while,” Fancy said nonchalantly. She quickly took the dishes into
the kitchen. She opened his pills and handed him one of each before she sat back in her comfortable
recliner. “I knew what I was getting into when I moved here and started the bakery.”

“Care to tell me why you started the bakery here in the first place?” Tate asked before he popped the
pills into his mouth and swallowed them down with some iced tea.

Fancy sat back with a grin. “It started out as a joke with Sara when I lived in New York. She had
moved back to Merry, and I told her about my plans to open the bakery, and we both knew it would
be a dime a dozen in the city. So she said, ‘You should move back home to Merry and open it here.
Give this town something to talk about.’” Fancy wrapped her arms around her knees and smiled at

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the memory. “I thought about it all night, and the idea just stuck with me until I decided to do it. I
bought this building and did exactly that, set this town on its ear.”

“It must have been hard. I remember seeing reports about it in the paper.”

“Oh, I jumped through hoops to get my license and zoning. The mayor’s wife made it a mission to
get me derailed. And it took a whole lot of crap, which ended with me threatening to sue them and
bring the national news up here. But in the end, they had to give me what I asked for, and you know
what? The mayor’s wife calls and orders cakes here all the time to suit her little lunch club and their
fancy tea parties.” Fancy grinned at Tate. “She would never walk in here, but she’ll call and get them

Tate smiled back at her in return. “So you deliver them to her house on the hill, huh?”

“Yup, in my big ol’ cake van and in a big box that says ‘Fantasy’ on the side. Nothing discreet about
me when it comes to her. Let the neighbors know you ordered cakes from the bane of your

“Good for you,” Tate announced. “But it doesn’t explain why they think you are a man-eater in this

Fancy waggled her finger at him. “Ahhh, that’s another story, courtesy of the mayor’s son. He took
me out on a date and tried to get his sweaty paws all over me. He had a dose of my pepper spray,
and when I threatened to call the cops, his parents came to talk it over, so to speak. I agreed not to
press charges, and he, in turn, told every one of his cronies how he had me. His mother, in turn, said
I broke his heart like the city girl I had become. So now every guy in this damn town decided that
they must conquer the unconquerable me.”

“You don’t seem too bothered by it.”

“And why should I be? I developed a tough skin in New York, and it helps my business. Women
come in to see what I have that causes the guys around them to chase me. Some even buy stuff to
impress their husbands, while guys come in to order my stuff for their bachelor parties or whatever.
While they are here, they’ll hit on me and expect they can be the one to get under my dress. I flirt
back, they pay, they leave, everyone is happy.”

Tate eyed her critically. “That’s a callous attitude to have, isn’t it?”

Fancy felt her anger rise at that question. She sat forward and flared at the man who would be in her
home for the next week. “Why is it callous? Should I walk around here trying to get these people not
to think the worst of me? Join the church club and change who I am to fit in? Fuck no! I know who
I am. I know who I’ve let into my bed. It isn’t any of these closet whores who want to cheat on their
wives or pretend to be pillars of the community while trying to grope my ass. I sell cakes—that’s
it—not my body on the back table. I’m Fancy McKee, entrepreneur, the best baker this town has
ever seen, lover for the right person, hell on wheels for the wrong ones. I won’t change who I am
for anyone. I outgrew this town when I left it, and now I’m back, it sure as hell is going have to
grow to accept me or not!”

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By the time Fancy finished her little speech, she was on her feet. In her heart, she was tired of
having to explain herself to everyone. She held it together under every snide barb or double-edged
compliment. For some reason, when Tate questioned her, it brought it all to the surface. Why
should she care what he thought? But she did care what he thought, and that alone made her upset.
She didn’t want anyone getting close enough to see how much she kept beneath the surface.

“I’m sorry, Fancy.” Tate’s soft voice came to her. “I know you aren’t like what people think.”

“How do you know, Tate, hmm? How can you know for sure that I’m not whoring around like they

“Because anyone whoring around would not just tell me off. And, second, from the day you let me
sign that lease on sight, I knew you were an upstanding kinda girl.” He smiled to appease her and
gave her a boyish look that caused her heart to flutter just a bit.

“Come on, I’ll help you to bed.” Fancy walked over and helped him out of the sofa. She braced him
under his shoulders so that he could use her for support, and they walked slowly to her second

“I laid out some sweats and a T-shirt on the bed for you . . .” Fancy’s voice trailed off as she moved
from under his arms and turned to face him. His eyes bored into her, and she felt the flash fire of
heat deep in the pit of her stomach.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you saying I’m sorry?” Fancy could hear the breathless tone to her voice and vaguely
wondered what it was about him that caused the erratic flutter.

“Because I am going to kiss you now, and you might slap the taste out of my mouth after.” Tate’s
reply was a low and sexy purr.

Fancy opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, Tate took her lips in a kiss. Fancy made a
muffled sound of pleasure before letting her hands slide up to his neck and burying them in the hair
at the nape. His tongue did delicious things in her mouth that made her wet at her core. He nibbled
at her lips and tempted her to do the same to him. Fancy gladly obliged, letting her tongue leisurely
explore his mouth, and was rewarded with a groan of appreciation from Tate. He tasted of the iced
tea he just drank and a something else that was only his. Fancy reveled in the feel of his lips against
hers and how he kneaded her hips as his passion rose.

It had to stop, Fancy knew. She could see herself lying across the bed with him between her legs, his
hard cock pulsing inside her. That thought was the one that caused her to pull away. She knew how
close she was to succumbing to her instinct, and she wanted to be sure before she let that intimate
connection be formed.

“Um, I think . . . I think I should go to bed.” Fancy forced her lips to form the words.

“Yeah, I need to lie down. Those pills seem to be to kicking in.”

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“And here I was thinking it was me,” Fancy teased. “Do you need help getting undressed for the

“Honey, please go to bed, because if you stay here to help me undress, I’ll be back in the hospital
with worse injuries.” Tate grinned. His smile went away when he rubbed his thumb across her
swollen lips. “I want you, Fancy, but I am going to take this slow.”

“How slow?”

“Very, very slow, Fancy. This has to be something we both want, and I’m not going to be a notch
on your bedpost.”

Fancy did not know how to reply to his statement. It felt as if it had a double meaning. Did he mean
he wanted more than a good time? Did he want to stick around? She felt cornered all of a sudden
and needed to be out of the bedroom with him fast so she could think.

“Good night, Tate. I’ll see you in the morning.” Fancy didn’t wait for his answer. She left quickly
and quietly closed the door behind her.

Being away from him didn’t stop her from thinking about him. She lay in her own bed later that
night staring at the ceiling and wishing she could go taste his lips again.

“Damn, I’m in trouble,” Fancy muttered. She rolled over in her bed and pulled the covers up to her
neck hoping to block out the aching that Tate created for something more. By the time two in the
morning came around and she still lay in bed wide awake, Fancy decided to take the plunge and give
in to the attraction she had for Tate. She sold fantasies for a living. Why not live one for a change?

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Chapter Three

Fancy’s morning came early, way too early in her opinion. When her eyes popped open and she
glanced at the clock on her bedside table, it blinked back its digital response of six thirty. An ungodly
hour for either man or beast,
she thought and rolled over with a groan hoping that she could catch
another hour or so before she got up to open the bakery. It was Saturday, and her work hours were
ten until six in the evening. But she liked to get in a little early to start some of her favorite cake
batters and have them ready for any impromptu orders that came in on a rush. Sighing, she rolled
out of bed and, stretched, knowing that it was completely useless to try to get back to sleep. Her
body had an internal clock that said, when you’re up, you’re up. Instead, she headed to the bathroom to
take a shower.

The warm drops of water hit her skin, and Fancy sighed in pleasure as she stepped under the hot
spray. She let it course down her skin for a few minutes, letting it relax her muscles and caress her
body before she picked up her body wash and began to lather herself. Her mind wandered in her
relaxed state, and soon, it went to Tate’s face and his crooked smile. The way he kissed her had sent
pleasure from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Soon Tate’s face was replaced by a scene of
something more—his lips caressing her neck, his hands moving down the curve of her thighs before
they came back to pluck at her nipples gently. On their own accord, her hands began to slide down
the smooth expanse of her flat stomach and back up to cup her own breasts.

A soft moan escaped her lips as pleasure settled deep within her. This was not something that
happened often, but Tate made her remember the wants of her body. She craved the touch of a
man’s hands, but not just any man’s. She wanted Tate’s hands on her body. Fancy slipped her hands
between her thighs, and a soft moan escaped her lips as her fingers settled between the velvet lips of
her sex. She could just imagine Tate’s fingers pressing against the core of her pleasure or his tongue
laving the sensitive bud that hid there. The tiles felt cool against her back as she leaned against them.
She spread her legs wider while she delved into her fantasy and dipped her fingers inside her own
womanly flesh.

Fancy bit her lip when rolls of pleasure took over her senses. She stroked the bud of her clit, and her
body responded with the slick wetness that ran down her fingers. Over and over again she let her
fingers sink into her pussy, and her thumb pressed against her clit until she came under the spray of
the shower. Fancy braced her hands against the tiles and let the water cascade over her head and
body to wash away the remnants of her self-pleasure, but the tingling of need still remained. She
wanted Tate. She always watched him with womanly appreciation but never took the steps to bring
him her way. She couldn’t deny that this man fueled her desire and she wanted to experience his
touch firsthand. A big grin passed over her face, and she reached for the shampoo to lather her hair.
This town called her a man-eater, but there was only one man she wanted to taste.

* * * *

Tate woke up to the smell of bacon and hot coffee that pulled him from his sleep. When the
medication kicked in from last night, he was out like a light. Obviously, Fancy was already up and
making breakfast. Tate grinned, stretched, and winced as pain shot through his back. He almost
forgot that he fell off a ladder yesterday. But he was now looking at it as a blessing after last night’s
kiss. Fancy tasted as delectable as the cakes she created. In that short conversation, he knew more
about her than she thought she gave away. Her anger showed how much the reputation the town

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had pinned on her affected her even though she hid it well. It also showed her determination to
make sure she rose above it and make her store a success.

Tate still had doubts in the back of his mind. He had seen men come and go from her apartment
more than once. Could he handle the reputation she had in Merry? Put that out of your head, Tate, he
scolded himself firmly. He remembered how she took him in when she didn’t have to, the kind way
she always had a smile for him. A small knock broke his thoughts, and he stared at the door when it
opened slowly. Fancy came in holding a tray heavy with food. He barely paid it any attention
because he was looking at the woman who carried it. Today she wore high-top sneakers and a short
pleated skirt that was high above her knees. The skirt showed off the creamy expanse of her sexy
thighs, and a tight white T-shirt that said “Lick me with your best shot” was stretched across her
firm, upturned breasts. Her bronze hair was pulled straight and into a high ponytail. He wanted to
pull her into the bed right there and devour her.

“Good morning, Mr. Hildebrandt. This is your wake-up call.” Fancy used her best receptionist voice
and made him grin. “We have a breakfast tray for you with bacon, eggs, homemade raisin scones
with apple butter, and coffee and juice. I’m heading down to the bakery, so if you can make it to the
living room, I have cable or whatever you need out there. If you need anything, just call downstairs,
and I’ll be up in a jiff.”

Her bright smile sent a warm sensation through his heart. “Am I still asleep? Because no one has
ever made me a breakfast like this, and in bed, mind you.”

“Well enjoy it now because it’s not an everyday thing. Unless Sara is over here, it’s cereal for me.”

“Does that mean I have to eat cold, boring cereal tomorrow?”

“Honey, anything from me is certainly not cold or boring,” Fancy purred.

Tate’s heat level shot up at her words, and he warned, “Fancy, don’t tempt the lion, honey. You
might get more than you bargained for.”

“Promises, promises.” Fancy placed the tray on his lap, and this time it was her who stole a searing
kiss before breakfast. “That’s supposed to hold me over until I can get some more.”

Tate couldn’t form words as she walked out the door. He watched her hips move and sway under
the tiny little skirt she wore. When she bent over and he saw the pink thong that graced her bottom,
he almost choked on the juice he had raised to his lips. Somehow, he didn’t feel like the lion
anymore, but the prey. He dug into his breakfast happily munching on a warm scone and relishing in
the idea of being caught.

* * * *

Business turned out to be busier than she expected. Luckily, Sara was there as backup, and together,
they worked efficiently to fill orders and get flower arrangements ready for customers. Fantasy
Flowers and Cakes had the good fortune to have word-of-mouth advertising, so her orders not only
came from Merry residents but from surrounding towns as well. Springtime was mating season, it

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seemed, because every year at this time she was pretty busy. Bachelor or bachelorette parties,
naughty nightie parties, and so much more—they all came into her store.

“We are jumping today.” Sara beamed. “I might have to leave my job and work for you.”

“Like you’d give up being an exercise instructor.” Fancy was hand-deep in flesh-colored icing
making tiny little man parts for a cake.

“Well, when women are tired of being taught jazz hands and how to kick up the intensity, you can
have me full-time.” Sara grinned. “So how’s your new houseguest doing?”

“He is up there probably enjoying my cable and the big breakfast I made him,” Fancy replied. “He
slept pretty okay, but with the amount of meds in his system, I doubt an earthquake would have
waked him up last night.”

Sara saluted primly. “God bless Vicodin.” That had them both cracking up with laughter.

“So we kissed last night,” Fancy threw out into the conversation. She glanced over and saw that
Sara’s hand stilled on the flower arrangement she was working on.

“Ex-squeeze me?” Sara squeaked. “When were you going to tell me?”

“I just did.”

“Oh, no you don’t, Miss Missy!” Sara stuck the last orchid in the green floral foam and, wiping her
hands, walked over to Fancy. “I want to hear it all. Don’t miss out the juicy details.”

“There are no juicy details, Sara.” Fancy grinned as Sara picked up a tiny icing penis and began
munching on it enthusiastically. “It kinda happened when I was helping him to the bedroom.”

“Did you stay in the bedroom?”

“No, I did not! We just kissed, and I went to my own boudoir.”

“How was it?” Sara asked curiously.

“On a scale of one to ten, he was definitely a fifteen, easy. The man can kiss.” Fancy’s voice took on
a dreamy tone, but she caught herself quickly. “I kissed him this morning too, before I left to come
down here.”

Sara made another squeak in throat. “So does that mean you are going to go for it?”

“I think I might. I just hope he does not turn out to be like these jerks in this damn town. I don’t
need another gossip tree going with me as the fruit.”

Sara patted her hand sympathetically. “Tate is nothing like that. I’m sure of it. Honey, these people
are small-minded. You know that.”

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Fancy knew that Sara tried her best to help her see past the gossip of the town. But she didn’t have
to live with the stares and the whispers. To Fancy, it all became too much sometimes.

“Even though the business is doing well, sometimes I feel as if I should just pick up and head back
east to New York.” Fancy sighed. “What the hell am I doing, Sara?”

“You’re living, Fancy. Are you going to let these people make you into a nun and deny you a chance
at happiness all because of some gossip? Hell no, I won’t let you, so you make sure you take that
bull by the horns and ride him.” Sara giggled. “I mean Tate is the bull.”

“I kinda figured.” Fancy snorted.

The bell over the door gave its happy tinkle as a customer walked in. The amusement of both
women ceased when they saw the sour face of the woman who came inside. Behind her, a tiny
mouse of a woman came in with her, saying nothing and looking down at the floor. Susan Milner’s
face held its usual pinched look while her friend Dolly looked at the floor.

“I’m here to pick up Charlene’s bachelorette cake,” she said without greeting.

“Well, good afternoon to you too, Susan.” Sara slid off the stool and walked behind the counter to
stand next to Fancy. Fancy appreciated her best friend’s show of solidarity.

“I wouldn’t be in this place if Charlene wasn’t so busy.” Susan sniffed. “In my opinion, this place
should be run out of town, and the owner with it.”

“Of course, I’m still standing here,” Fancy said sweetly as she placed the fragile case from the cooler
into the box. “I wonder what I ever did to you, Susan?”

“You think I don’t remember how you were when we were growing up. How you tried to steal my
Biff from under my nose with your slutty skirts?” Susan looked Fancy up and down with disdain
evident on her face. “I see you still dress the same. Now I see why he wants to come in here and buy
things for him and the guys.”

“Hmm, I recall Biff hitting on me after too much beer.” Fancy tapped her fingers on her chin. “And
maybe, sweetie, if you’d wear a short skirt instead of the school matron outfit, he’d park his car in
your garage more often.”

Sara’s laughter sputtered out as Susan’s face tuned a bright shade of red. Dolly kept her face firmly
looking at the floor, but Fancy could see the smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. Susan tried
to retaliate. “Well, I hear Tate Hildebrandt got hurt working on your building. Or was it you he was
trying to scrape clean?”

Fancy leaned her elbows against the glass counter. “Honey, if it was me, he wouldn’t want it clean,
he would want it as dirty as possible. Again, maybe, just maybe, if you dirtied it up for Biff a few
times a week, he wouldn’t spend all of his time in the pool hall thinking about my cakes, so to speak.
That will be forty dollars for Charlene’s cock-and-balls cake, please.”

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Susan, whose face was filled with rage, slammed the money down on the table and dragged the cake
box up off the counter. She began walking to the door, and Fancy could not resist one last barb in
her direction.

“Have a good day, Susan. Make sure you bite a piece of those sweet balls tonight. If you don’t know
how, come back, and I’ll give you a lesson or two.”

The only answer was the slamming of the door and the tinkling of her little bells, which rang

“Oh, that was rich. Did you see her face? And poor Dolly, she was even scared to laugh.” Sara

Fancy sighed again. “That’s what I mean. How can I even go out on a date with Tate with everyone
staring and whispering behind our backs? I am the freaking town pariah.”

“Girl, please, if they whisper, give them something to whisper about. But if you don’t at least give
what you could have with Tate a try, you let them win,” Sara said sympathetically. “Not everyone
feels this way, you know. Bliss loved the cake you did for her party. She and Caim come by here
often enough just to say hey and buy a dozen lipcakes for the hospital. The wedding cake you did
for them was amazing, even though it was not erotic.” She pulled Fancy in a big hug. “Don’t let
them win, sweetie. Don’t let the few destroy what you cold have here in Merry.”

Fancy felt tears prick her eyes. She hugged Sara back. “Okay, I’ll give it a whirl.”

“Good girl. Now let’s go make some more smutty desserts.”

Fancy laughed and began mixing icing with a renewed sense of hope. She was going to give it a
whirl, Merry’s stuck-up housewives be damned. She was going to get hers.

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Chapter Four

The week had passed quickly with Tate recuperating at Fancy’s apartment. He was back in his
apartment, and the relationship between him and Fancy had changed drastically. From the morning
after his injury, when she brought him breakfast and a kiss before heading down to work, she had
given him an open door. Tate had no problem stepping inside because this was what he had
dreamed about from the moment he met her—to be able to date his hot, sexy landlord. Well, date
was not the exact word he would use, but they were seeing each other.

Every time he mentioned going to a movie or out to dinner, she found a way to get around that
suggestion. She’d bring movies upstairs to his place, and she had cooked for him on many a night.
She’d kiss every cognitive thought out of his head, and next thing you know, they’d be making out
on the couch. Even then, when things got too intense, she’d pull back and lay her head on his
shoulder with a soft sigh. He had no problem taking it slow, but many a night he’d go to bed with a
hard-on and an ache for her that could not be denied. He knew she was avoiding the public, and he
had let her take it at her own pace, but he knew that eventually they would have to leave their

Tonight he was doing something for her. She had basically given him an open-door policy when it
came to her apartment, not even locking the door when she left. Most nights she’d come home and
find him on her sofa waiting for her with a glass of wine in his hand. But this time, he was in her
kitchen, cooking her the one dish he knew how to make flawlessly.

“Hey you!” she said, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. “What’cha
cooking there, hmm? I thought I was the cook?

Tate sighed with pleasure. He could imagine the rest of his life with her coming home and doing
this. He turned with a spoon in hand and kissed her full lips. “Hey hey, cake lady. I am making you
my famous beef stroganoff.”

“Ooooh, sounds delish. Have you been hiding secret talents from me, Mr. Hildebrandt?”

“I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeves,” Tate said, suggestively implying more than food.

“Yeah, I bet you do.” Fancy took a grape ice pop from the freezer and jumped onto the counter
next to him. She swung her feet that were wearing black Mary Janes back and forth as she peeled the
paper wrapping off and began to suck on the cool treat. Tate watched her tongue wrap around the
purple icicle, and his cock hardened in his pants.

“Why don’t you go eat that in the living room while I let this cool and finish the salad?” Tate asked,
his voice raw with desire.

“Is this bothering you, Tate?” Fancy asked innocently.

“I wouldn’t call it bothering, more like driving me to the brink of taking you right on the counter.”

“Hmmmm, are you going to do something about it?” Fancy took another long lick of her treat.

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That was the only invitation that Tate needed. He made sure the stove was off and put the spoon
down carefully before stepping between her legs and taking her lips in a kiss. He could taste the
fruity grape of her mouth as she opened it beneath his. His tongue roamed the sweet confines, and
he moaned when she did the same to him. Tate couldn’t have stopped touching her if the entire
building was on fire. His hands slid up her waist to cup the fullness of her breasts though her shirt.

Fancy made a sound of frustration. “Take it off. I want to feel your hands on my skin.”

Tate deftly undid the buttons, and soon he filled his hands with the luscious globes of flesh that
graced her chest. Her nipples hardened under his touch. Fancy leaned to him and began to nibble on
his ear. His body reacted with desire, and his caress traveled down to her thighs, just below where
the hem of her pleated skirt began. Tate felt the soft skin of her inner thighs beckoning him. Did he
dare? This time, Fancy did not protest when he breached the barrier of her skirt and delved under to
intimately touch her. Instead, she spread her legs a little wider. On the smooth surface of the
counter, Tate touched the wet velvet center of the woman who had driven him crazy for months.

“Don’t stop!” Fancy gasped out.

In response, Tate slid two fingers deeply into her pussy. Fancy cried out and pressed herself more
firmly against his hand. His thumb rubbed the sensitive bud of her clit, and her panting breaths told
him she was close to the edge of an orgasm.

“I need . . . Oh, Tate, I need to . . .” Fancy could not even speak.

“Go with it, baby. Let it take you,” Tate murmured before his lips covered hers for a fierce kiss.
Their lips dueled and mated as she came under his touch. Her pussy flowed, coating his fingers with
her essence.

“Aww, honey, I think I better go up to my apartment before I can’t even think to stop myself from
having you.” Tate could hear the desire in his own voice.

Fancy was busy kissing his neck. “I don’t want you to stop, Tate. This feels right. I want you.”

“Baby, we were trying to take it slow.”

Fancy silenced him with another kiss that drove reason from his mind. “Forget slow. I want you
hard, fast, and deep. I want to forget where you end and I begin.”

That was enough for him. Tate picked her up from counter, and Fancy wrapped her legs around him
as he left the kitchen. He bumped into a few things along the way since their kisses had become
frenzied, and he barely made it to the sofa before they were completely immersed in pleasure once

* * * *

Fancy kissed him in return, and her eyes closed at the first contact of their lips. She felt Tate’s arms
wrap around her, and he took the kiss even deeper. His tongue grazed her teeth before he slipped it
into her mouth to taste her. She could drown in his kisses. She loved how he nipped and teased her

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mouth. She pressed herself more intimately against him and could feel the bulge of his arousal
pressing against her body. She wanted his cock inside her until she begged him to stop. Fancy had
never felt desire so deep that it made her wanton and desperate to have completion.

His hand had worked the sash of her pleated skirt loose, and the scrap of material lay under her. She
heard the lace of her thong panties rip under his strong hands, and Fancy’s smile turned to a moan
as his fingers deftly searched out and found her core.

Tate groaned and kissed her again, devouring her mouth while his hand caressed her pussy, which
made her wet and writhe beneath him. He buried his face in the luscious, full globes of her breasts.
He filled his hands with the soft mounds, massaging them with a strong, firm motion, letting her
nipples bead to hardness against his fingers.

“Oh, Tate, just like that. I love how your hands feel on me,” Fancy whispered.

She pulled the shirt off her body in one smooth tug and flung it aside. Tate sank his hands into her
hair. He pulled her head back, exposing her breasts so he could bury his face into her chest, and
took her nipple into his mouth. He sucked and played with one before moving to the other to give it
the same attention. Fancy tried to hold his head in place, but Tate was ravenous in his concentration
on her body. Like a starving man getting his first full meal in a long time, he laved her breasts, and
Fancy burned under his ministration.

“You taste so good, Fancy. I want more you. God, I wish I could immerse myself in you all at
once,” Tate muttered, his breath hot against her skin.

He took her lips again in a hot, hard kiss, melting Fancy and making her restless beneath him. How
can his lips
make me this hot? The question was vague and in the back of her mind. She could feel her
body react to him by the puddle of wetness that pooled between her thighs. Fancy cupped her hand
around the bulge in his pants. Tate shifted and took the rest of his clothes off quickly before
returning to his place over her body. Fancy wrapped her small hand around his cock. She slid her
hand down the smooth shaft over and over again until Tate’s cock pulsed in her hands. His groan of
pleasure told her how much he approved of what she was doing. His hands traveled up the back of
her neck, and he sank his fingers into her hair once again and held her head while he feasted on her
lips, swollen from his kisses. Fancy took the lead from Tate and caressed his muscled chest. She
pressed against him, let her nipples touch the thatch of hair on his chest, and she gasped against his
mouth as pleasure flowed through her. She rubbed against him like a sleek cat asking to be petted
and enjoyed the sensations of flesh touching flesh. Fancy moved like liquid silver from under him to
take control of the lust-filled situation.

She tore her lips away from his and trailed kisses and tiny licks down his body until she reached the
tip of his hard cock. Tate’s head fell back against the soft cushions, and his eyes closed in
anticipation of what she was doing.

“I want to taste you. Can I, please?” Fancy asked with a sexy purr. “Do you want to be my grape

She watched as he swallowed and only nodded. On her knees between his legs, Fancy leaned over
and let her tongue flick out slowly and lick the tip of his rigid length. “Mmmmm, yummy,” she

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purred, and a slow, tortured moan came from Tate, whose hands were fists at his side. She licked
and kissed her way down and then back up his manhood, watching the pleasure cross his face and
his hands clench and unclench against the cushions on the sofa. She took his hard cock in her
mouth, letting her soft lips slide down and up with a gentle sucking motion.

“Oh, Jesus H . . .” His words were said between his teeth.

Fancy took her time pleasing him, exploring his body, and tasting his manly flavor. She knew how to
make him come with her mouth, and she wanted to do it so badly. But the call of having him buried
in the warm confines of her pussy was too much. Next time, Fancy, she promised herself and
continued to torment him until she knew he could no longer bear the sweet sensations running
through his body. She saw it in his face, and the expression of desire made her catch her breath.
Fancy knew he had had enough when he pulled away from her. His body shuddered with pleasure as
she stood in front of him. She loved how his hot gaze followed the line of her body, taking in every
curve and dip of her womanly figure. When she let her fingers travel over the sensitive skin of the
thick velvety lips of her pussy, he pulled her to him roughly. Fancy’s hands gripped his shoulder as
he slipped his fingers inside her again. He pressed them inside her deeply over and over again and
brought her to ecstasy in a matter of seconds. Before she could catch her breath, his cock was inside
her. Their mutual cries of pleasure filled the air.

“You feel so hot around me,” Tate said harshly. As he moved so he was deeper inside her, his blue
gaze captured hers.

Fancy barely had any control over the thread of sanity left from their foreplay. Now in the throes of
passion, she let herself sink into the bliss of just feeling the pleasure they created. She began to move
slowly and watched his eyes darken in pleasure, and she felt his fingers tighten on her hips and dig
into the soft flesh. She lifted his hands to her breasts silently pleading with him to play. He obliged,
caressing the pert, voluptuous globes and sucking on her nipples as she set the pace of their

Her head fell back in pleasure as both sensations assaulted her senses at once. Her hips bucked
against him, and she took him deeper inside herself. “Oh fuck, yes, Tate, I want more. Let me take

“Take it all, baby. You take what you want from me,” he said between clenched teeth.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her against him hard, and Fancy cried out in pleasure. Their pace
picked up, and soon, their moans and cries of ecstasy filled the air.

She felt her body tighten like a vise around his throbbing cock. “Oh yes, baby, I’m going to come.
Tell me I can come for you!”

“Come for me, Fancy. Take that plunge with me,” Tate’s voice growled close to her ear.

The sensations drove Fancy to her orgasm on a shaky cry of pleasure. With her release, Tate let
himself go, pounding inside her until he groaned against her breast and she felt his warm seed spill
in the confines of her body. They fell to the side their bodies still intimately connected while they
tried to catch their breath. She occasionally shook as mini aftershocks flowed through her.

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“That dinner sure sounds good to me right now.” Tate sighed against her hair.

“I am glad I could help you burn a few calories,” she said against his neck with a giggle.

“Honey, if we do this twice a day, Tae Bo has nothing on us,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “No
videos for the consumer market.”

“But why?” Fancy teased. “We could make millions.”

This time, Tate sat up a little and looked into her eyes. “Because, baby, you are all mine and no one

Fancy smiled and stroked his cheek gently before he lay back and pulled her into his arms again. She
could see it in his eyes. He was serious, and that sentiment alone filled her with a sense of security
she had never felt in her life.

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Chapter Five

The weeks went by quickly, and somehow, Tate felt that they should be slowing down so he could
savor everything. The chill had left the air, and spring was in full swing. Every tree had the cherry
blossoms blooming and littering the ground. Every park had the sounds of new life in the air. The
birds, the bees, well, everything said that the winter was over. Even where he lived, he could see the
change. A new relationship had sprung forth from the cold. He and Fancy had settled into a routine
that made him grin like a loon every time he thought about her. He had gone back to work, and
business was booming. Every night, he went home to Fancy, and they spent the time learning more
about each other. She was opening up more and more each day, which made him feel as if there
could be more than just a steady relationship brewing. He could see himself spending forever with

Tate was loading his ladders on his truck after painting Mrs. MacLean’s house a new shade of
yellow. The smell of fresh paint hung in the air. Tate inhaled deeply and looked at his work proudly.
If business kept up like it was, he might have to hire a partner, which was not a bad thing in his

“Well, isn’t it painter man.”

The voice of the mayor’s son made Tate grit his teeth. He pulled up in his white convertible with
two of his friends next to Tate’s truck. Old school memories of growing up with Carson filled Tate
with anger. How many times had he been told not to beat up the boy because his dad was a
prominent member of society? Tate still owed him a beating, and he knew that one day he would get
to deliver it.

“Carson, aren’t you supposed to be somewhere polishing golf shoes or something?” Tate said
casually. He slid another ladder up onto his truck as he spoke.

“Beats slaving outside with gallons of paint. I would hate to be the help.” He looked around to his
friends for their approving grins.

Tate rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you over those high school trivialities yet, Carson? Do you actually
think that your remark does anything to me?”

“No, I don’t. I was just going to ask you how it was living above that hot piece of ass that runs the
dirty cake shop.” Carson grinned. “I hit that a few times, you know.”

Tate feigned interest. “Aren’t you married, Carson? How was it?”

“So what if I’m married? A man needs some extracurricular activities on occasion.” Carson laughed.
“She did things to me she could only learn in New York.” Carson grinned and high-fived his friend
in the passenger seat. “I think I should go back for some more.”

“Hmmm, I’ll have to ask her about no-prick Carson,” Tate said conversationally. He leaned his dirty
jumpsuit against the white convertible on purpose. “Christine down at the diner said that when she
went with you, she had to search for a while to find it.”

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Tate watched Carson’s face turn bright red, and he puttered with anger. “Well, everyone knows that
Fancy McKee is the biggest whore in this town! So I guess my prick was good enough for her!”

That was the last straw for Tate. With speed that caught Carson by surprise, Tate’s hand was around
his throat, and he applied none-too-gentle pressure. The two friends of Carson began to move, but
the quelling glare Tate gave them made them keep their seats.

Tate spoke quietly while cutting off Carson’s way to breathe. “Now let me tell you something,
Carson, and you’ll nod when I am done to let me know you understand. This will be the last time I
hear you malign Fancy’s name in this town. If I hear another rude comment from anyone, or a piece
of gossip that I can trace back to you, I will come up to that big white house that Daddy has and
that you can’t leave. I will pull you out of your bed and beat the crap out of you in front of your
beanpole mother. Is that understood?”

Carson nodded, and Tate squeezed just a bit more to let him know he was serious before he let go
his neck. “Now run along, boys, before you miss your tee time at the club.”

Carson glared at Tate while he put his car in drive and vowed, “This isn’t over, Hildebrandt.”

“Oh, I hope not,” Tate replied casually. He watched the white convertible pull away before he
finished loading his truck to head home.

By the time he got home and ran upstairs to take a shower, the confrontation he had with Carson
was at the back of his mind. But he had come to a conclusion. The time for Fancy hiding their
relationship was over. He wanted to go out tonight and let the residents of Merry see that he was
not ashamed of being with her and she was not ashamed of being herself in this damn town. He
opened her front door and walked inside expecting to see her waiting on the couch or to smell a
mouthwatering concoction coming from the kitchen. Instead he was met with silence.

“Fancy?” Tate called out as he closed the door behind him.

“In the bedroom, Tate. I’m taking care of something!” Fancy called out breathlessly.

He walked over to the door with his curiosity piqued and opened the door. What he saw made his
cock tighten into hardness instantly. The conversation he wanted to have with her was forgotten
when he saw her lying naked on the bed. Her legs were spread, and he could see the glistening
wetness of her pussy as she played with the pink folds.

“Want to join me, Tate? I was waiting for you.” Fancy gasped as her finger slipped into her moist
sex and her hips rose from the pleasure.

“I thought you’d never ask.” As he undressed, Tate looked at Fancy lying on the bed waiting for
him. Her nipples were already beaded hard, and her skin reminded him of some kind of cool,
whipped coffee drink. He planned to taste all of her because he found he could never get enough of
her taste. He sat on the side of the bed and trailed his finger from her lips, down her neck, down the
valley of her breasts, and down her tight stomach. He heard her inhale as his fingers moved lower to
the very core of her that was waiting.

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He touched the womanly juice that he saw earlier and murmured, “You were a bad girl not waiting
for me.”

“You like me bad, remember, baby?” Fancy gasped and writhed under his touch.

He moved her finger slowly over her clit. She gasped out his name and spread her legs farther in
silent plea.

“Do you want me to touch you there, sweetheart?” he asked softly, his finger continuing its
manipulation of her clit.

She nodded, but Tate wanted to hear her say it. He needed to feel the dominant thrill of knowing he
could cause her body to quake. He slid his fingers lower between the folds of her pussy, circling the
entrance of her moist cavern, but not fulfilling the unspoken promise of pleasure. Tate lifted her
hips to bring his digit inside her, but he retreated, going back to circling the sensitive bud as he had

“Say it, Fancy. Tell me what you want,” Tate said in encouragement. She was a woman accustomed
to being in control. She had to be in this town just to survive. He knew this, but he was going to
make sure she gave herself over to him tonight.

She made a sound of frustration in her throat when he dipped slightly inside and continued to tease
her. “Tate, I want your fingers inside me. Please!”

“Good girl,” he whispered. He buried his fingers to the hilt inside her body. It caused him to groan
when he felt her pussy contract around his digits and her hips pumped against his hands. He pushed
deeper, and Fancy cried out in pleasure, her hands clenching the comforter that was on the bed.

“Oh, don’t stop, Tate. I’m going to come hard!” Fancy cried out as she bucked on the bed.

“Yes, baby, come for me. You like how that feels, don’t you?” Tate asked softly.

He watched her tremble, and her legs moved restlessly as she reached for the summit of her
pleasure. He found the spot buried inside her pussy, and he fucked her with his fingers hard until
she cried out, spasmed, and released its nectar against his hand. Her tiny moans of completion were
driving him crazy. He wasn’t done yet. He had to feel her. He craved it like a drowning man would
crave air. Tate lay next to her and pulled her into his arms. Their kiss was fierce and hot. Their
tongues dueled and parried for domination, yet neither won. Her body covered his, and in one
smooth thrust, he filled her with his cock. He was thick, and her pussy sheathed him like a velvet
glove. He cupped the smooth cheeks of her ass and moved her on top of his body. Fancy picked up
the rhythm of his thrust, and it became hers.

“Jesus!” He said the word on a groan as her slick wetness took him deeper, then released him, only
to capture him once more. He arched his neck as she sucked on the sensitive skin there. She took
his turgid length inch by torturous inch and then let her pussy grind against him. Tate raised his head
to take one of her nipples in his mouth while her body moved above him. He was rewarded by her
low cry of pleasure. Their harsh breathing filled the room. He pulled her to him and impaled her on
his steel-hard cock over and over until they both went over the edge into their orgasm that left them

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panting and unable to move. Fancy’s body was pliant on top of his, and when he gently slid her
over, she moaned her protest at being moved.

She looked at him through half-closed lids. “Well, hello, cowboy. How was your day?”

Tate leaned over and kissed her gently. “It was good. I finished Mrs. MacLean’s place, and I have
two more job estimates this week.

“By summer you’ll be busy, busy,” Fancy murmured sleepily.

“What about you? How was your day?”

“The usual. Sara is going start working there part-time, and it’s the usual spring influx since so many
weddings are coming up. They like their naughty cakes.”

“That’s good to know.”

“I’ll take a little nap, and then we can make dinner,” Fancy suggested sleepily.

“I was thinking maybe we can go out tonight,” Tate said hopefully. He felt her stiffen instantly.

“Why should we go out? I bought ingredients to make stuffed shells tonight.”

“Is this how it’s going to be, Fancy, us hiding, going from my apartment to yours and never going
out in this town because of gossip?” Tate asked cautiously.

“No, I just don’t need anyone else in our business.”

“So what happens if we want to get married or something? Do we run off to Vegas and do the deed,
come back and live in here, never letting the world know? Do our kids only go out at night?” Tate
asked, frustrated.

“You think of being married to me and having kids?” Fancy asked with awe in her voice.

“We could. We could be a lot of things, Fancy, but we are on hold because we hide out here from
the world.” Tate sat up and looked at her. “Don’t let simpleminded people stop us from being all we
could be together. Please, Fancy, I am not asking for anything else but dinner and a movie. Okay?”

Fancy stared at him for a few moments before a hesitant smile crossed her face. “Okay, Tate, dinner
and a movie tonight in Merry, but if I have to throw my shoe at anyone or we end up in jail, it’s your

“I’ll take the risk.” Tate’s voice was filled with humor as he bent over to kiss her. He pulled her into
his arms and tickled her until she squealed. “Put on your fancies, Fancy. We are hitting the town!”

* * * *

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Le Fleur was the only kind-of elegant eatery in Merry. Most people when they wanted to go out
went to Fayetteville, which was way bigger than the small towns that surrounded it, for a good time.
But for this occasion, Fancy knew why Tate picked the restaurant. He wanted everyone to know
they were a couple. That didn’t stop her apprehension. The butterflies fluttered in her stomach as
she got dressed in a purple and gold dress with strappy gold heels to match. The nervousness built
to a dull roar when they parked outside of the eatery. And even as Tate took her hand and they
walked the short length of the sidewalk to the door, Fancy felt as if she was about to run in the
opposite direction.

“Smile and breathe, Fance. We’re not going to your death chamber,” Tate whispered in her ear.

Fancy smiled and took a deep breath before Tate pushed open the door. They were assaulted with
the smells of olive oil, garlic bread, and delicious Italian food. The hostess at the front counter
looked up with a smile on her face as they stepped in. The smile grew bigger when she saw Fancy
standing there. Donna Myers, Fancy had known her since childhood, and she even came into the
bakery every now and again to buy cakes or shoot the breeze.

“Fancy, I have not seen you in forever!” Donna came from behind the counter and gave Fancy a big

“You saw me three weeks ago, Donna,” Fancy said dryly and returned the hug.

“In my world, that is forever, and I see you have brought Mr. Handsome with you.” Donna eyed

Tate kissed Fancy’s hand that he held. “I’m her Mr. Handsome, and she was nervous about coming
out tonight.”

Donna hugged Fancy again enthusiastically. “I am so happy for you! Why were you nervous,
sweetie?” Fancy saw a moment of clarity dawn on Donna’s face. “Because of these damn snooty-ass
people in this town? Honey, let me tell you. Before you came home, I was the talk of the town, and I
did not care. Neither did John, and we’ve been married for six years now. Come on. I am giving you
the best booth in the house, and you guys will sit and enjoy dinner out.”

“Thanks, Donna.” Fancy smiled while she and Tate followed her friend into the small restaurant.

Fancy felt the stares as they walked by. She heard the whispers and wondered if they were about her.
She didn’t even know if she would be able to eat with eyes burning into her back. That was why if
anyone asked her out, she would insist on going to Fayetteville for the date. There would be no
stares or whispers there about the woman who owned the erotic cake shop.

“Relax, babe.” Tate took her hand again and kissed her knuckles. “Focus on me, on us, and having a
great time tonight.”

Fancy nodded as the waiter came up and filled their glasses with red wine. She wanted to put the
goblet to her head and down the entire contents of the glass. Instead, she took a few sips and hoped
it would calm her nerves.

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“So what movie are we seeing?” Fancy tried to pick up casual conversation and not pay attention to
anyone around her.

“I thought we’d pick when we got there,” Tate replied. “Any preferences?”

“That new one with Jeffery Dean Morgan playing the fireman would be good,” Fancy said
immediately. “Can you say the man is scrumptious?”

“Oh, that won’t give me a complex.” Tate grinned. “A chick flick that is going to have you drooling
over some superstud.”

“You’re my superstud, baby.” Fancy could feel herself relaxing and getting into the conversation.
“I’ll show you later when we get home.”

“Ah, you give me promises so I will take you to see your fantasy lover.”

“No, I give you promises because you are the only lover I ever think about,” Fancy explained.

That got her a kiss in the middle of the restaurant, and from there the night out only got better. At
least until they were ready to leave. With dinner done, leftovers packaged, and the check paid, she
and Tate were walking out into the guest waiting area to head back to the car. Fancy was surprised it
went so well, and for the first time in a long time, she felt optimistic about her place in the town of
Merry. Until they heard the mayor’s son behind them being his usual self.

“Well, I see you took up where I left off, painter,” Carson said snidely. “You could at least keep your
lips off of her until you got home.”

Fancy felt her heart plunge, but she firmed her shoulder and turned to Carson. “What do you mean
left off? You never had a starting point.”

Tate turned calmly as well, but Fancy could feel the tension in his body. “Jealous, Carson? Where is
your beautiful wife anyway?”

“Oh, she’s around here somewhere. Don’t pretend, Fancy. You know we had some hot times
together. As far as I know, so did a lot of men in Merry.” Carson snickered as the crowd that had
begun to leave began to gather. With a small town juicy gossip in Merry’s only fancy restaurant
meant no one was leaving until it ended.

“For once and for all, I’d like to see a show of hands of those who think they had a chance with me
or got in bed with me, because I’ll dispute you all!” Fancy said hotly. She pointed at Carson.
“Especially you, you snake. I hope you told your wife how many times you hit on me and I set you
in your place.”

“He told me how many times you threw yourself at him.” The voice of Carson’s wife joined the
conversation as she walked up.

Fancy directed her gaze to the thin woman. “And you believed him? He was stroking his ego. I
wouldn’t touch him with gloves on, and you shouldn’t either. You have to wonder. If he said it

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about me, how many women did he hit on who didn’t say no?” Fancy looked around at the crowd
that gathered. “For the last time, I have not slept with any of your men or husbands. I don’t want
them or need them.”

“What do you expect us to believe, Fancy? You were wild when you were growing up, and look at
your business now. An erotic cake shop? We know the kind of girl you are.” A voice spoke up from
the crowd.

“What kind of girl is that?” Tate took up the charge. “A woman who decided not to be a housewife
and take on a cheating husband to survive? A lady who runs her own business and does not have to
beg anyone for a penny? A girl who came back to this pathetic little town and brought some fun into
your lives? How many of you have I seen in her store talking and laughing with her as you buy her
cakes, then walking out to talk behind her back? Every one of you are hypocrites, and you know it.
If you hated who she was so much, her business would’ve failed a long time ago. You like the
gossip, and that is it.”

Carson spoke again. “Well, if she is putting it out to every man, we’ll take it. Did she tell you she was
a whore when she was a teenager, giving it up behind the school? Now, the only difference is she is
a paid whore. I am sure she is getting money for more than cakes.”

Before Fancy could stop him, Tate connected a fist with Carson’s face, and it connected a few more
times before two of the bystanders pulled him off.

Tate looked at Carson lying bleeding on the floor. Coldly, he spoke to his wife, who went down to
her knees next to him. “I think that might be grounds for divorce if he is here crowing about
cheating on you. I will testify in court that he said it to me if you need me to. Take him for all he’s
got. Oh, and, Carson, I promised you if I ever heard you speak about Fancy like that again I’d beat
you senseless. The next time, no one will be around to stop me so quickly.”

Fancy could feel herself begin to shake as they began to walk away. She nodded numbly as Donna
whispered she was sorry. This would be all over town before midnight, and every version of the
story would have a new, different twist. All she wanted to do was keep from being more gossip
fodder for the Sunday tea socials. Going out for one dinner had ensured she would be town gossip
for another few weeks.

“Can we go home, please? I don’t feel like a movie anymore,” Fancy asked quietly as she got into his

“Don’t let them ruin our night, honey. We can still . . .” Tate began.

“No, I want to go home, Tate. Now!” Fancy cried out. She felt tears begin to run down her cheeks.

“To hide away again, to let them win?” Tate shouted and slammed his hand against the steering
wheel. “You stood up for yourself. I stood up for you!”

Fancy whirled on him in the car. “I didn’t need you to stand up for me. All I wanted to do was to
keep my name from out of their mouths! Not you, you wanted to show everyone in Merry you were
hitting the erotic cake girl, and not them! Well, fine, you got your wish, and what did they get? One

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more reason to make me the town slut! Do you know how this is going to spread? Do you know
how twisted it is going to get? No, what do you care? You got to show you’re the big man protecting
the town pariah.”

“It’s not like that, Fancy. I don’t want you to have to be ashamed of who you are!” Tate pleaded.

“Who said I was, Tate?” Fancy retorted. “You assumed that I was so low on self-esteem that I
needed you to take me out into the open and save me? Wrong, buddy. I know who I am, and I
know who they are. I grew up here. You came in right at high school. So don’t do me any favors.
Take me home now!”

Tate started his truck with a furious twist of the key in the ignition. The rest of the drive back to the
apartment was made in stone-dead silence. The truck had barely come to a stop in front of her
building before she was out and heading up the walkway and out of sight. By the time she heard
Tate outside her door, he knocked softly and called her name. Fancy couldn’t respond even if she
had wanted to. Sobs clogged her throat, and she stuffed the corner of a pillow into her mouth to
muffle the sound of her broken-hearted crying. Tate tried a few more times before he said, “Good
night,” and she heard his footsteps go up to his apartment. Nothing will ever change in this town, nothing!

The stigma of being a rebellious teen in Merry would haunt her throughout her life, and Fancy didn’t
think she could handle it. She needed to get away. The panicked thought raced through her head,
and she got up and quickly began to pack. She called Sara to make arrangements for the shop, barely
able to explain what happened, and to ask for a ride to the train station in Fayetteville. Sara protested
all the way until she finally gave in and promised to come and pick her up. It was only when she was
on the final train leaving North Carolina that Fancy allowed herself to breathe. It was a choice she
made in haste, but when it came down to fight or flight, Fancy chose flight.

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Chapter Six

Tate sat at the counter of Fantasy Cakes feeling like the world was steeped in darkness. It had been
two weeks since Fancy left Merry, and she did not even call to say if she was okay. He got up the
morning after the incident at the restaurant and headed downstairs barefoot to knock on her door.
His full intention was to pull her into his arms and let her know he loved her and they could get
through whatever came their way together. Instead, the knock on the door was answered by Sara,
whose face held sadness, and her simple words tore a hole into his heart. “She’s gone.”

From there the only thing he could do was sit and listen to how Sara put his Fancy on a train to
New York. Now all he could think of was Fancy in the Big Apple with all those people, or all those
guys, so to speak, looking at her and trying to date her. He clenched his hands on the counter and
heaved a big sigh.

“You know, you could always go and get her,” Sara said softly from close by. She was fixing a flower
decoration in a crystal vase.

Tate looked up at her. “Why? She left because she let these people chase her away. I didn’t ask her
to leave.”

“You’re a hard-headed fool, and she is just as stubborn,” Sara replied. “I begged her not to go, but
she let the past mix in with the present, and in her mind, she was that same sixteen-year-old girl who
was called trash in this town.”

“Look at you, Sara. You never let them chase you away,” Tate pointed out.

Sara stopped what she was doing and looked directly at Tate. “There’s a big difference between how
I was raised and how Fancy was in this town. My family was thought of as well off and as good
members of society. Fancy’s mom was a dancer two towns over who men paid to see shake her
stuff. Do you think that woman gave a damn what they thought? No. She would stand up in church
and tell them what’s what if anyone said anything to her. So they took it out on Fancy when she was
not around. My mom always told me, ‘Do not judge anyone by what they did.’ Fancy’s mom did
what she had to do so her and her daughter could survive. My mom would make Fancy stay with us
when her mom was gone. But that made all the kids we grew up with call her a charity case, and
because she was my friend, I stood at her side and fought with her.”

“Jesus Christ,” Tate said under his breath. “I didn’t know it was that bad.”

“Like I said, she had a reason to feel the way she did about this town,” Sara said candidly. “Her
mom lives in New York now, and that is probably where she is.”

“Have you talked to her?” Tate asked. “You don’t understand, Sara. I miss her so damn much.”

“Well, that’s obvious. You sit here at this counter for hours every day, like you think the vigil will
bring her back,” Sara said dryly. “Business has not even slowed down. I think it got better, actually.
Since she has been gone, people have been coming in to let me know to tell her not everyone in this
town has put a scarlet letter on her back.”

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“Well, they should’ve told her that when she was here instead of causing her to run off,” Tate said

“Yes, they should have, but now, instead of crying into your milk and eating lipcakes, we have to
come up with a plan to get her back here. After that, we won’t let her leave again.” Sara smiled.

“What do you have in mind?”

Sara leaned forward conspiratorially. “Well, first, it has to start with you finishing what you started
and painting this damn building. Then, second, you are going to go buy the biggest rock in
Fayetteville you can find.”

Tate grinned. “Lucky for me, business has been very good lately.”

Sara smiled back at him and winked. “Lucky for you, Fancy has a devious best friend.”

* * * *

Three days later, the blaring sounds of New York at night filled Fancy’s ears as she walked in
Manhattan. She was on her way back to the train station, where she would take the train back to her
mom’s place in Brooklyn. The past two weeks had gone by in a blur, with only the ache in her heart
as a constant reminder of Tate. Fancy knew she made the wrong choice by leaving. That became
clear after two days in the city, and she felt so heartsick without him. The feeling of loss was almost
too much to bear, and many a time she found herself wanting to run back to Tate’s arms. But where
he was kept her from going back. Merry would never accept her, no matter what, and she refused to
stay in a place where she had to fight for respect.

She stared at the door of her mom’s apartment many a night while hoping that a knock would come
and Tate would be standing there with his bags saying he was going to stay. But how could she
expect him to give up a life and business just for her? Fancy felt like a coward, but after being beaten
down throughout the years in Merry, she lost the will to get back up and face them again and again.

Fancy replayed the conversation she had with her mother when she arrived back in the city. She fell
into her mother’s arms in tears and told her exactly what went on to cause her to come back. Her
mother listened with a frown on her still-smooth face. At fifty-five, Fancy’s mother could still pass
for ten years younger. With skin that could rival any thirty-year-old and a body to match, Fancy
knew her genes were set to be looking fine when she got older. Miriam McKee caressed Fancy’s
head as she lay in her lap. Fancy felt secure because she knew her mom would understand. Miriam
had lived it with her and understood the people of Merry and their hypocritical ways.

Instead, her mother sat up and stared at Fancy as she sat wiping her eyes. The frown on her face
never left, but this time, it was directed at Fancy. The words that she directed to her daughter made
Fancy gasp.

“Since when did I teach you to be ashamed of who you are?”

“Mom, I am not ashamed. I just can’t take their shit anymore,” Fancy protested.

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“Oh no, you are ashamed because you let them chase you out of town like a dog with its tail
between its legs.”

“What about you, Mom? You left,” Fancy retorted.

“For you, baby, not for myself or because of them. I left to give you something better than being
Miriam McKee, the stripper’s daughter.” Miriam stood up then and waved her hands angrily. “If it
wasn’t for you, honey, they couldn’t have chased me out with pitchforks and torches. But I saw how
tore down you were, how each time they picked on you or those boys tried to grope you, it tore
away a piece of your soul. I couldn’t do that to you anymore, so I packed us up and left. When you
went back, I thought you could face those demons. I didn’t think you’d let them shame you into
being something you aren’t.”

“What should I do, Mom?” Fancy cried out, the tears coming once more.

Her mother sat back down and held her close, rocking back and forth to comfort Fancy. “Baby, I’m
not going to tell you to leave. I missed you, but one of these days, you’re going to have to stop
running and fight those demons. If not, you’ll never be whole.”

That first conversation had played back like a recording in her mind over the days gone by. She
shopped, hung out, and even brought out a laugh or two, but she never was able to put Merry
completely in the back of her mind. Nor could she forget about Tate, who was there. She missed
him so much she physically felt ill. She longed to sleep curved against his back again and listen to his
deep breathing. His smile and the light in his eyes when he saw her left her breathless. She opened
her cell phone many times to call him, but what could she say? Sorry for leaving without telling you. You’re
important, but I just couldn’t face you?
Maybe she could tell him her real feelings and blurt out, I love you.
Nothing seemed right to say, so she just did not call and went to bed wishing he were in her arms.

Fancy unlocked the door to her mother’s apartment and found her sitting on the sofa watching TV.
“Hey, Mom, I thought you had a date or something?”

Her mother looked up and smiled. “It got finished a little early. Marty got called in to work.”

“Okay, which one is Marty? The cab guy?” Fancy sat beside her mother and stuck her hand in the
bowl of popcorn she was eating.

Miriam slapped her hand fondly. “No, Marty is the cop, and I am only seeing him now. We made
the decision.”

“Oh no, my stepdad is going to be one of the fuzz!” Fancy raised her hands in mock horror.

“Funny, funny,” Miriam replied. “It is not that serious . . . yet.”

“Well, when it is, you let me know. I’ll be in charge of the bachelorette party, and I’ll make you an
awesome cake.”

“Oh, speaking of cake, Sara called while you were out. She said she tried your cell, but it went
straight to voice mail.”

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Fancy stuffed a handful of popcorn in her mouth, which muffled her voice when she spoke. “I was
probably in the train. Did she say what she wanted?”

“Your friend got hurt. Tate, I think she said his name was. He fell off a ladder painting and is pretty
banged up. He’s in Merry’s hospital.”

Fancy’s heart stopped when she heard those words. “Tate hurt . . . pretty banged up . . . in the hospital.”
Her stomach lurched, and she instantly began to freak out. “What do you mean, hurt, Mom? Did
Sara say how hurt? Oh my god, I have to go. I need to catch a train or plane. A plane would be
better. It will get me there quicker. I have to pack. Mom, I need a ride to the airport. I have to call
Sara back. Why are you just sitting there, Mom? Say something!”

Miriam eyed her curiously. “Um, seems to me this Tate is more than a friend.”

Fancy was busy trying to pull her suitcase from the closet next to the door. At her mom’s words, her
eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Mom, he is. He is so much more than a friend. I love him, and when he
gets better, I am going to show him how much.”

Miriam slapped the bowl down on the table and moved with speed that matched Fancy’s. “Well why
didn’t you say so? Let’s get you on a plane to Fayetteville and this man named Tate. Seems someone
is going to be getting a bachelorette party way before I do.”

Fancy called Sara on the way to the airport, and she told her how exactly Tate got hurt. Sara would
pick her up from the airport first thing in the morning when the flight touched down. The one-way
ticket cost an arm and a leg to get back to Merry quickly, but Fancy didn’t care. She sat on the plane
fidgeting until it took off and began taking her back in the direction from where she came, back to
Tate, and she only hoped it was not too late to let him know exactly how she felt.

* * * *

Fancy bounced from foot to foot outside the airport of Fayetteville. She kept looking for Sara’s little
convertible coming to pick her up. It was already after ten in the morning, and all she wanted to do
is was to get to the hospital and see Tate. The flight had to be a connecting flight through Chicago,
which was going backwards instead of forward, so she spent all night either waiting for the
connecting flight or to get to Fayetteville. Her mind kept conjuring up pictures of Tate broken and
bloody on the ground and then being put back together in the hospital. All the while, he called for
her to come and be with him. Now she was here, and Sara chose to be late. Fancy finally breathed a
sigh of relief when she saw the red car coming down the asphalt of the arrival zone. She threw her
luggage in the back and hopped into the car before Sara could even get out to help.

“How’s Tate? Have you seen him yet today? Is that why you’re late?” Fancy demanded.

“Well hello to you too,” Sara commented as she put the car in drive. “How am I? How is Fantasy
Cakes since I have been running it? Well, business is up, and I kept it that way just for you.”

“Thanks, Sara.” Fancy sighed. “I am sorry. I’m just so worried about Tate. How are you and the

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“I missed you when you left. I am fine. The bakery is flourishing. Since that night, a lot of people
have come in to say how much they miss you and they were sorry some of Merry’s residents are
such assholes.”

“A few people like who? Caim and Bliss?”

“No, a few people like Mrs. Doherty and Lucy Price, to name a few. Did I mention that Carson’s
wife has filed for divorce and that in the election coming up, Mr. Doherty has decided to run for
mayor?” Sara filled her in on the latest news. “Most of the town is going to be backing the Doherty
campaign, so it seems the Merry White House will have new residents soon.”

“Serves them right,” Fancy murmured. “But I don’t care about them right now. I just want to see

“I’ll take you to him, hun,” Sara said sympathetically.

The drive took forty-five minutes, and instead of going directly to the hospital, Sara took the street
that would lead to her building.

“Why are we going here? I thought we were going to directly to the hospital?” Fancy asked.

“I thought you would want to freshen up after flying and layovers all night.”

“Uh, no, I just want to see Tate.” Fancy felt her irritation begin to rise.

“I understand that, sweetie, but I am sorry to say you kind of look like you have been ridden hard
and put away wet. Plus you kinda don’t smell the freshest.”

“Gee thanks,” Fancy muttered.

“I have to run and put a note in the window of the cake shop anyway. We are getting a bit behind
on sales. Thank God you are home. I am just good for being a helper. Tell you what, you go put the
sign up and let everyone know you’re back, and I’ll run our bags upstairs. I know you keep some
clothes in the back. You can change, and we will go to the hospital,” Sara suggested.

“Fine, fine,” Fancy said impatiently.

They pulled up in front of the building, and Fancy’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Gone was the
peeling paint of her building, and now it was painted a gorgeous dusky rose. The cake sign had been
updated, and even the flowers outside had been replanted. Two new large clay pots held trees on
each side of the doorway, and everything seemed to gleam in the sunlight.

“When did this happen?” Fancy asked in amazement.

“Tate finished it a few days ago,” Sara said with a smile.

“Oh my God! Did he get hurt doing this?”

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Sara didn’t answer that question. “Go inside, honey. Put the sign out and get changed. I’ll be back in
a sec.”

Fancy walked numbly up to the door of her bakery and used the keys on her ring to open its doors.
She stepped inside and saw the fresh new paint on the walls, the countertops gleamed, and now
there was a section where people could actually come in for dessert and coffee.

“When did they have to time to do this?” Fancy wondered out loud.

“When you left me alone and bored. So I had to do something.” Tate’s voice caused her to turn
slowly. There he stood in all his glory, looking as handsome as ever in a Fantasy Cakes apron,
putting a tray on the counter.

“Tate?” she whispered softly and threw herself into his arms. Fancy began to kiss his face and
looked at him to make sure he was not injured like she thought before she started smothering him
with kisses that punctuated her words. “Oh, Sara said you were in the hospital, and she called me
stinky! I rushed here from New York expecting you to be hurt, and here you are making over my . . .

Fancy pulled away from him slowly and took a step back. Her eyes narrowed to slits, and she began
to speak slowly. “You were never hurt, were you? This was all a trick to get me back in Merry.”

Tate had the sense to look ashamed. “Yes, it was all a sham, Fancy, but I did it for the best of

Fancy was seething, and she spoke the words through gritted teeth. “Which are?”

“I missed you so much, and I was moping, like I said. Sara came up with this idea,” Tate explained,
throwing Sara under the bus for the plan they both came up with. “But we love you, sweetheart, and
we wanted you home.”

“So you decided to dream up a fake injury, causing me to lose ten years of my life and probably gave
me crow’s-feet around my eyes from crying all night to get me to come back.” Fancy looked around
for something to throw. The only thing she could find was the trays of lipcakes that were on the

“You look beautiful, baby. Did I mention that you are by far the most gorgeous woman I ever met?”
Tate said hopefully.

Sploosh. The first cake hit his chest and exploded in an array of chocolate and cream.

“Fancy, I love you! Please don’t get that upset!”

Sploosh. Another cake missile hit its target as Fancy threw them one after another. “Do you know
how worried I was? I freaked out. My mother freaked out and almost killed us on the highway!”

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“Darling, I am sorry! But I needed you to come home.” Tate got down on one knee, even though
cakes were flying erratically around him. He pulled a box out of his pocket just as a cake hit him in
the face. “Fancy, I love you. Marry me, and let me be the man that loves you forever.”

Fancy stopped with her hand in midair holding a cake. Her eyes narrowed once again. “What did
you say?”

“I love you, Fancy Grace McKee. I need you in my life like I need my next breath. I have braved
tons of paint fumes to get this place ready for you. And I will spend the rest of my life proving to
you that I am proud of who you are and I always will be.” Tate spoke as he got off his knees and
walked slowly to her until they were face-to-face. “Marry me.”

Fancy looked at the ring he held in cake-covered hands and looked into his eyes. Her breath caught,
and she nodded as he put the ring on her finger.

“Is that nod a yes?” he asked quietly, a grin spreading across his cake-splattered face.

Fancy squealed. “It’s a yes!”

She jumped into Tate’s arms, even though he was covered in the good treats she threw at him
earlier, and the kiss they shared was magical.

“So I take it everything is good and she said yes.” Sara poked her head in the door. “What the hell
happened to the lipcakes? Look at this mess!”

Fancy turned, and the last cake she still held in her hand, she threw. It hit Sara on the side of the
head. Sara stood there with cake dripping down the side of her face and onto her blouse. But her
face still held a big grin.

“That’s for lying to me, and I am going to be accepting applications for a new best friend,” Fancy

“Yeah, sure. How many times have I heard that before?” Sara replied. “I’m going upstairs and
change. You guys carry on and clean up this mess.”

Fancy turned back to Tate, who held her in his arms and licked a bit of cake off her nose. “You
never said you loved me,” Tate said.

“I love you, Tate Hildebrandt, my painter and my soon-to-be husband.” Fancy licked some cake
from his cheek. “No more running, no more hiding, just a new future with you.”

“So I won’t be just another flight of fancy, hmmm?” Tate teased.

“Baby, all flights are grounded permanently because of you,” Fancy whispered.

They shared a tender kiss with hope and love blossoming anew. Springtime had brought April
showers and May flowers. And it had brought Fancy and Tate a new love that would weather any

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The End

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Midnight Shift

Brenda Steele

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Chapter One

Lori painted on the final layer of her volcano red polish to her toes while clutching the phone
between her ear and her shoulder. She rested a heel on the stool she sat on and blew gently.

“Lori, are you doing your toes again?” her friend, Cammie, shouted into the phone. “Damn, you do
them every freakin’ day of the week.”

“Don’t exaggerate, Cam. I do not.” Lori had to laugh. “Okay, three or four times tops, but that’s it.
You know I can’t stand chipped polish, and one was smudged a little. I had no choice.”

“It’s a fetish is what it is,” Cammie told her. “Admit it. You’re into feet. I don’t see you doing your
fingernails like that.”

Lori glanced at her fingers with little interest. “I don’t use color on them.”

A bell dinged at the other end of the building. She glanced up but knew she wouldn’t be able to see
through the bookstore, where she worked, over to the connecting Easy Mart. At three in the
morning, some idiot was shopping. Noting the time had reminded her that it was late and that she
should be in bed. But she had taken this part-time job. She was in it for the long haul.

“I better go, Cam. Someone came in the Easy Mart. It’s likely they won’t find anything edible over
there, and they’ll come over this side to browse.” She yawned. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Try to get
some sleep for a change.”

Her friend blew out a noisy breath. “I doubt it, but I’ll lie here as usual. Talk to you tomorrow.

Lori hung up the phone just as the customer moved to the doorway separating the Easy Mart from
the bookstore. Despite herself, she gasped. Of course, she had expected it to be one of the shifters.
Besides, who else was stupid enough to be up at this time of night browsing through Mr. Tenchow’s
food items? All of it was unappetizing if you asked her.

But this man, or rather shape-shifter, was striking. She hadn’t seen him before. He was tall and
thickly built, solid muscle if she were to guess. He had long sandy brown hair that hung heavy on his
shoulders and honey-colored eyes that made her heart kick up a notch or two. His jeans hung just
right on narrow hips, and his shirt was unbuttoned at the throat to show the slightest peek at a chest
a woman could lose her sanity lying on.

However, despite the male perfection, what put Lori’s back up was the fact that this was no human
and that he was proud to show it. Most of the shape-shifters stayed in humanlike form when among
humans. This man’s short, furry ears twitched amid his hair on the top of his head, and his claws
were extended past his fingertips.

He frowned when he spotted Lori, disapproval clear even in the stiff way he walked when he
crossed the space between them. “Isn’t that unsanitary?”

Her back couldn’t get up any higher. “Excuse me?”

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He nodded toward her foot, still tucked on the edge of her stool. “This is a grocery store.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t get carried away. Tenchow’s Easy Mart is no grocery store. There’s
nothing fresh in there. Besides, the mart is on that side. This is the bookstore, and I put my shoes on
should I have to cross to that side, which is rare.”

He grunted.

“And you’re one to talk. You’re barefooted.”

He glanced toward the bookstore entrance. “I did not see a ‘No Shoes, No Service’ sign.”

Lori dropped her foot, stood, and recapped her polish. “Well, this isn’t my store, is it? I’m not
Tenchow. Now, what can I do for you?”

Instead of speaking, he let his gaze pass down over her body and took in her slender figure from
head to toe. He was tall enough that he could surely see her newly polished toes over the counter.
Lori fidgeted when his gaze rose again. She hated that she was wondering what he thought of her, if
he found her attractive.

Her body wasn’t much to speak of. She had been a little on the thin side all her life, made worse by
the fact that she was just under six feet—not a positive when she had stretched high above all the
boys while coming up in school. At least she had a decent breast size, a C cup, and she had a little bit
of an ass.

She slapped her hands on her hips and dropped her weight to one leg. “Are you finished? I could
turn around if you like?”

“Human.” He said it with distaste.

“Shifter,” she countered. “One with no respect for others.”

His sandy brow rose, but he said nothing. From the look of him, he was the kind of shifter who
believed he was superior to humans and hated having any dealings with them.

A tinkling laugh came from behind him, and a small woman—one of the most beautiful Lori had
ever seen—stepped out from behind the arrogant man. She hooked an arm through his and pursed
her lips. “Don’t mind Chase. He’s all grumpy because his mating season is coming soon. Right about
the time of the spring equinox.”

Chase growled low in his throat. “Do not tell my business, Nichelle.”

Nichelle laughed and stuck out her tongue at him. She was too adorable. Lori wished they would
leave now. Seeing as she was practically glued to his arm, the woman was obviously his mate. But
what the hell did Lori care? She’d never looked twice at a male shifter.

“It’s a little late for mating season for you, isn’t it? Shouldn’t it be coming to a close?”

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His honey eyes narrowed. She’d apparently offended him again.

“You are thinking of the Bengal tiger. I do not follow that animal’s patterns.”

As if he wasn’t an animal. She shrugged. “Sorry. So . . . you wanted?”

“I was looking for something to read.” He unhooked himself from Nichelle with difficulty. Lori bit
down on the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing. He was either too stiff to show affection in
public or Nichelle was not his lover. Lori told herself his love life didn’t interest her either way.

She slipped her feet into her flip-flops and moved around the counter. “Okay, well this is
Tenchow’s, mind you, so we don’t have a lot, but there are some funny comics over on that last row
if you’re interested.” She glanced back at Gloomy. He didn’t respond. “And over in this aisle is
where we keep the books on politics.”

“Anything new?”

“Nope.” She moved on. “Here are some romances.”

She stopped moving and speaking. He was right up on her, that low rumble in his throat sending
shivers over her body. Beside her, he rested a hand on the shelf, and the heat of his breath warmed
her neck. “Your scent,” he whispered.

Mating season. Damn. She should have realized. The man was hornier than usual right now, and she
had assumed it would not be directed her way since she wasn’t his kind. He had a beautiful woman
with him, after all. She had to be a shifter as well, because humans and shifters did not fraternize.

“Um.” Her voice came out in a croak, and she coughed to clear her throat. It didn’t do much good.
“You might like the books in this aisle.” She searched for anything that might break him out of the
lust that had seemed to take control of him. Looking back over her shoulder and tilting her chin
upward, she realized he was taller than she had first thought. He was a good six or seven inches
taller than she, and he was so near with his head tilted downward that their lips were too close to
each other.

Lori grabbed a book, any book, and shoved it into his chest. That was a mistake. The barrier of
hardened muscle made her feel like sagging into that chest and offering her lips to him. This was
ridiculous. She did not under any circumstances date shifters. No human did, and she was not the
type to be the first.

Still, the eyes locked her in place, not allowing her to escape. Is this what the Bengal tigers did to
their prey? No, he said he was not like a regular tiger, but the stripes on his cheeks and the fur on his
cat ears atop his head made him look like one. The eyes. Somebody save me.

Nichelle yanked on his arm. “Get a grip on yourself, Chase. Let’s go. You don’t want a human.”

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The spell was broken. Lori breathed a sigh of relief. She hurried back around the counter. “So will
that be it?” She hoped the tremor still in her voice was all in her imagination. The disapproval on
Nichelle’s face said otherwise.

The two were squared away quickly, and the next time Lori looked at the clock, it was time to pack
up and leave for the night. Her shift ended at four a.m., when the two shops closed. Mr. Tenchow
might desire to cater to the nocturnal shifters in the community, but there were few repeat
customers. Whatever. If her boss wanted to toss away his money on this enterprise, so be it.

At four on the dot, Lori had locked up and was strolling the few blocks to her house in the quiet,
dimly lit streets of the city she had lived in all her life.

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Chapter Two

Chase had escorted Nichelle back to her house and insisted he wanted to be alone tonight. To his
relief, she hadn’t argued too much. He was pretty sure she didn’t give it a second thought that he
might be attracted to the human woman. Nichelle would figure the incident in the store was just
another episode in his increasing struggle to control his sexual desires.

Not that he disagreed with her. What else could it be? He had never looked twice at a human. Some
were attractive. He could determine that objectively, but his entire existence revolved around the
truth that shifters were in every way superior to humans. He would never lower himself to take one
as a lover, much less a mate.

For a moment, he stopped walking and stared down at the book he held. A romance. “What the hell
was she thinking?” He found the nearest trashcan and dumped the book inside.

He had wasted his time at that shop. Even the woman had looked down on it. The selections were
neither current nor interesting. Whatever. It had nothing to do with him. He would find a different
way to assuage his insomnia, another of the symptoms to his coming mating season.

The evening breeze, warm for the end of winter, shifted directions. A scent like jasmine mixed with
a hint of nail polish made his nose twitch. Her scent. What was her name? Did she have a lover?

He told himself to go home, but instead, he was headed back toward the shop. Just as he rounded
the corner, she exited the bookstore and stuck a key in the lock. When she turned in the opposite
direction, Chase followed.

Watching her hips sway in the natural way that women’s bodies moved had his cock hard within a
few minutes. She might be tiny figure-wise, but she had a great shape, curved hips, a round ass, and
he remembered her breasts. What would she look like naked?

He shook his head. No, she wasn’t for him. Maybe Nichelle, if he dared risk their longtime
friendship, or he could hunt for another tiger shifter despite his specific breed being rarer than most.
Fuck! His last lover should not have chosen a permanent mate. He wouldn’t be going through this.

“But then I didn’t want a mate. I just wanted someone in my bed.” He sighed.

The woman stopped and turned. “Why the hell are you following me, shifter?”

Chase stopped as well. She was too damn bold for a human woman. “I’m not.” That was lame.
“You shouldn’t be walking alone at night, someone weak like you.”

She rolled her eyes. “For your information, I’ve been walking this route almost every night for the
last month, and I haven’t had any problems, except with you. Where’s your girlfriend? Surely, you
didn’t leave her to walk home alone.”

He smirked. “Is that your way of trying to find out if I’m with someone? Sorry, I’m not interested.”
He thought she’d burst a blood vessel, she was so angry.

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Without another word, she turned and continued to walk. Chase told himself to ignore her, but his
feet moved forward, led by his nose. She was intoxicating. He fell into step beside her, neither of
them saying anything for a while before he asked, “Do you have a lover or a mate?”

“No. Is there a difference?”

“Yes, a lover shares your bed, satisfying your needs. A mate is permanent and shares everything,
including your heart.”

She frowned. “Why do I get the feeling you just scoffed at what you said, the sharing of the heart
part? You don’t believe in love?”

He didn’t bother to answer. “Your name?”

“Damn, you’re rude. You know that?”

He crossed his arms in front of him. “You’re one to talk. Since we’ve been walking together, you’ve
done nothing but stare at my feet. You find fault with my appearance?” Annoyance rippled over him
as he waited, almost holding his breath for her answer.

“Well, I know we’re nearing spring, but the days and nights still get chilly. Besides that, this is
concrete. How can you possibly walk barefoot outside? It’s unnatural.” The chagrined expression on
her face told him she regretted saying it was unnatural. For humans maybe. He knew several shifters
who never wore shoes. He wasn’t one of them.

“For your information, on the cusp of my mating season, I find it hard to control all of my shifting
ability. As you see”—he pointed to his head—“I cannot pull my ears in. I also can’t control my
claws. The claws on my feet tear apart anything I try to wear, so I go barefoot for a couple weeks.
Normally, I stay inside if I don’t have to work, but I was restless tonight.”

She stopped walking but continued to stare. “Interesting. They’re that sharp?”

“Yes.” He opened his mouth to reveal his teeth, knowing how she would react. “Those and my
teeth. For taking down my prey.”

Taking a step back, she swallowed. “Am-Am I your prey?”

He chuckled for the first time in days. Irritation had seemed to be a permanent part of his
temperament lately. “I don’t eat humans. However, your scent does tease me.” He moved up close
to her like he had done in the store and breathed deep. Her head went back, and he ran the tip of his
nose over her soft skin. Fighting not to stick out his tongue to have a taste, he waited for control to
return or for her to push him away as she’d done before.

“What is your name?”

“Lori,” she said. “You shouldn’t . . . You really shouldn’t . . .”

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Chase raised his head and covered her mouth with his own. So soft and sweet! He delved inside the
warmth with his tongue and ran it slowly around the sides of her mouth. Her small moan sent chills
along his body. The growl that had begun upon meeting her and barely subsided enough for him to
speak since then rose to a feverish pitch. Lori jerked herself away from him and moved to the curb.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” He reached for her, but she shrank from his claws. He sighed and
buried them in his pockets. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Is that supposed to be an apology?”

He grumbled. “You liked it just as I did. Don’t deny it.”

“That may be the case, but we both know this is impossible. That growl scared the pants off me,
and aside from that, shifters and humans don’t mix.”

Chase fought not to pursue her and take her in his arms again. She was right. He didn’t want her. If
it was any other time of the year, he wouldn’t look at her twice. Why did he have to meet her now?
Other women’s scents made his lust increase. Hell, even Nichelle’s, but this woman was making him
forgo common sense.

No! Lori was not any different from any other woman. He’d had episodes before when his desires
threatened to take over. If he stayed at home until he came to a firm decision about Nichelle, then
he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Yes, that was the best course of action.

“I’m going home. I’m tired.” Lori began walking again.

Chase blew out a breath and fell into step beside her. “Where do you live? Nearby?”

“You’ll see when we get there since you’re determined to walk with me.”

She didn’t glance his way but kept her eyes on the sidewalk ahead. On the road, a car drew up
alongside them, moving slowly. Chase let out a small roar, and the human behind the wheel sped

Lori cast him a dark look. “Was that really necessary? You just like scaring people or what? And here
I thought you seemed educated when—”

“And because I am half tiger that cannot be the case? I assure you, I value education. I work as a
professor at Jannock University.” Chase was aware that her back was getting up at the superiority in
his tone, but he continued. “What do you do aside from working at that shop? You’re young, maybe
twenty-four, twenty-five? Do you take classes anywhere?”

She strolled over to him and looked up to his face, and he had to dig his nails into his palms to keep
from reaching for her.

“For your information, I’m twenty-nine. I enjoy working at Tenchow’s place. I intend to work there
for the rest of my life, and no, I don’t take classes. I quit college after a month into it. And you can
act like you’re better than I am all you want, shifter, but your whole body is still aching to fuck me!”

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Her blue eyes lowered, and he figured they focused on the hard-on he could no longer disguise,
proving her point. With those words, she pivoted away from him and continued walking, calling
over her shoulder, “Feel free to get lost.”

Chase stood there like the fool he was, still wanting her but pissed off at his body’s desires.

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Chapter Three

Cammie burst out laughing. “You’re kidding! A nasty shifter? Eww, that’s so gross, like you would
want to have sex with one of them. Did you tell him who you are?”

“Of course not!” Lori grumbled, hating that she felt offended at her friend calling Chase gross. He
was hotter than any man she had ever laid eyes on, even if it would never go anywhere. And it
wouldn’t. The nerve of him acting like she wasn’t worth the time of day because she worked at
Tenchow’s. She didn’t need anything else at the moment. That was her choice, not his or anybody
else’s. She looked down at the cloudy water surrounding her feet in the bath. Manicures and
pedicures were a monthly treat for which she footed the bill for her and Cammie. Maybe she did
have a foot fetish. “Haven’t you seen one of the shifter males that looked good to you? I mean, you
wouldn’t do anything with him, but you enjoyed looking?”

Cammie rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair to flip through her magazine. “No way. They’re
animals. We’d all be better off if they didn’t exist.”

“You said it!” the salon employee working on Cammie’s feet chipped in.

The older woman grinned and waved clawlike nails of her own through the air. The sight of them
reminded Lori of Chase. He couldn’t wear shoes for a while. His feet should have turned her off
with their claws and tinge of colored stripes, but they only added to his aura of danger. She must be
losing her mind to think so. And what was Nichelle to him?

“Earth to Lori,” Cammie called out and snapped her fingers before Lori’s face. Lori blinked, and
Cammie tugged a lock of Lori’s unruly hair. Next stop, hair salon, for sure. Cammie shook her head.
“Listen, a long time ago, before anyone knew anything, shifters and humans were created . . . or
hatched, or whatever.”

Lori groaned. “Is this a history lesson?”

“Shush. We don’t know who came about first or who was supposed to be the dominant species or
what back then. All we know is that the shifters were little more than animals, killing each other off
in senseless battles for territory.”

Snatching up a magazine, Lori tried to look mesmerized by the cover stories. “I may not have done
that well in school, Cammie, but I remember learning all this.”

Cammie plucked the magazine from her fingers and tossed it away. It landed on the table next to
another patron, and the woman looked up to give Cammie a dark look. Cammie stared back,
unmoved. Lori laughed. Her friend had no shame, but then she didn’t have much herself.

“Listen to me,” she demanded. “We put a stop to the fighting. Humans did that. We forced them to
be civilized, and we are the superior race.”

“Tell Chase that,” Lori muttered.


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“Nothing.” Lori sighed. “You sound like my father, Cam. I believe he gave that same speech when
he convinced Congress to pass the law that all shifters must be registered and wear the identifying
bracelet or necklace.”

Cammie nodded. “And you used to believe in those words.”

“Don’t be silly. I still believe it.” Lori heaved a sigh and gave in to her friend’s argument. That was
more conducive to peace of mind. When Cammie got a hold of something, she didn’t let it go. And
Lori did believe that the shifters were still wild and dangerous. Chase had been about to jump her a
few nights ago.

She closed her eyes and sat back. Why couldn’t she get him out of her mind? He had nothing to do
with her. He would find a mate, or at the least someone to hop into bed with, and that would be
that. In fact, he likely wouldn’t enter Tenchow’s bookstore and Easy Mart after realizing what a joke
it was. Better to just wipe the man from her memory.

“Your scent.”

Pressing the heel of one hand to her temple, she willed away the memory of his rough, deep voice in
her ear when he had moved close to her at the bookstore and on the street when he had kissed her
and had explored her mouth with his tongue. Too much.

She waved a hand back and forth in front of her face. The incident was over. She needed to move
on and forget the man. At his admission, he was not one of the nocturnal shifters. He would not be
back to the store. Case closed.

* * * *

Standing with her back to the door, Lori held up her mirror and checked out her new hairdo. She
wasn’t sure she liked it. The stylist had snipped away a good five inches, and her head did feel
lighter, but did the highlights go well with her natural coloring?

“Are you always so vain?”

She stiffened at the voice behind her, knowing it was him. Chase. Shimmers of awareness made
every nerve ending tingle throughout her body at his tone. A man like him shouldn’t be so
appealing. Sighing, she tilted the mirror in the direction his voice had come from, and his serious
expression came into view. Damn.

“What do you want?” She swung around to face him and tucked her mirror beneath the counter.
“Finished reading that book so soon? I’m surprised Tenchow’s has anything that could hold the
interest of someone like you.”

Only after she’d said the words did she realize it sounded like an open invitation to flatter her. Too
bad this wasn’t the kind of man who would go for it.

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“Hm. Fishing for compliments?” He moved closer to the counter. “It was a romance. I threw it

“What?” She glared at him. Tonight he was wearing some kind of free-flowing robe, belted at the
middle. The man was a weirdo. His hair looked like it had grown out since the last time she saw him,
and it had darkened. “What’s up with your hair and clothes?”

Warmth filled her cheeks, and she slapped a hand over her mouth. The silence between them
lengthened for several minutes while Lori waited for him to attack her or insult her like she’d just
done to him. She liked to speak her mind, but this was excessive even for her. She did not go out of
her way to hurt people’s feelings or say things that might do just that.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you,” she mumbled.

His eyes narrowed to slits, although his cheeks had reddened with what she assumed was
embarrassment. “Didn’t you? Had I a lover already, I wouldn’t have to deal with these issues. My
libido would be somewhat calmer until the end of my cycle.”

Lori had thoughts of feminine issues at the word cycle, but didn’t comment.

With speed and grace Lori could only blink at, Chase circumvented the counter and had her pinned
to the wall behind her. The low-pitched growl in his throat was back. He ran his nose along her
neck, and this time, his tongue followed. Her knees dipped at the sensation, and she thought she
might fall, but with his body pressing against hers, she didn’t budge.

Her eyes drifted closed. “You shouldn’t do that.” Her words were breathless, and she tried to keep
in mind that it was just after midnight, around the time when most of the few customers come into
the Easy Mart to shop. They would be able to look through the doorway into the bookstore and
spot her and Chase.

Somehow, despite what she wanted to do, she managed to get her hands between them to his chest,
and she pushed him back an inch or two. He lifted his head, his lips inches from hers. He leaned in
and nibbled her bottom lip. She moaned.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Lori panted, willing herself to push him back, but her hands not obeying. “We can’t do this. You’re
a shifter. I’m human. It’s never happened before.”

He moved his hand to the button on her jeans. A gasp escaped her when two of his claws pinched
together, cutting the thread holding the button in place. He lowered her zipper and tugged her shirt
up. The warmth of his hand on her bare belly made her head spin.


He moaned. “Tell me to stop, Lori. Push me away. Your scent is driving me insane. I want to be
inside you. I want to hear you scream my name as you come.”

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“Don’t put the responsibility on me.” She took hold of his wrist, telling herself she would move his
hand away. Instead, she pushed it toward her pussy, past the band of her panties. His fingertips
grazed her swollen clit. “Just once. No one has to know.”

“Yes,” he muttered against her mouth, “just once. Then I will have enough control to hunt for my
lover. Just this once.”

He moved back a step and parted the two sides of her zipper, then yanked her jeans low on her hips.
All concern of where they were had left Lori’s mind. She thought only of being filled to the brim
with this man, of having him pump into her until she was good and sated.

It had been too long since her last lover. Having sex with Chase just this once couldn’t hurt
anything, could it? After all, he didn’t know who her father was and how strong his political
standings were. Chase had no idea that her father was right now lobbying for tighter laws to restrict
the shifters even more.

Sanity returned with those thoughts. Lori may not outright hate shifters like her father did, but she
believed they were too wild, and that at the slightest provocation, they could lose all control. Wasn’t
this an indication? She was about to have sex in the place where she worked. Anyone could walk by
and see them through the window front.

Wriggling in his hold until Chase understood she wanted him to let her go, Lori forced out a small,
“No. Please stop.”

Chase released her and stepped back. She didn’t meet his gaze, but instead concentrated on pulling
her pants up and zipping them before slipping her shirt down over the open buttonhole.

Staring at the floor, she said, “I’m sorry. I can’t do this with you.” After a few deep breaths, she had
better control of her desire and looked up. “It’s wrong, and I’m not going to get involved with a
shifter.” He stepped closer to her, but she backed up. “Besides, you’re telling me you have so little
control that you’d take a human, someone you consider beneath you?”

His eyes widened, and then he sneered, flashing the sharp points of his canines. “You’re right.
Thanks for reminding me. Almost any shifter woman would do in place of a human.”

She gasped. “Bastard!”

Without another word, he spun away and strolled out of the store.

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Chapter Four

“Professor Monahan.”

Chase turned, recognizing his colleague’s voice. He stuck his hand out to shake the hand of the only
human he respected. “Professor Stevens, I’m wondering if we should cancel the lecture. With the
attack and the unrest between humans and shifters right now . . .”

Stevens scoffed. “This is still a university of learning. We have both humans and shifter students and
a mixed staff. There’s no reason to think that anything will happen. I realize that protests have been
going on at the campuses of the other schools, but not at Jannock.”

Clenching his hands at his sides, Chase nodded. Stevens was being naive if he thought they would
continue as they were. That bear shifter who had attacked the group of human teenagers a few days
ago had set the tensions higher than they already were. Sure, there were criminal humans, thieves
and murderers alike, but the moment a shifter broke the law in such a violent way, all hell broke
loose. Chase had been surprised the authorities hadn’t already demanded they postpone the mixed
group lectures.

He uncurled his fingers and looked at his hands. Cuts laced his palms, but they would heal soon. He
hardly felt the pinch of the lacerations. With the first day of his mating season upon him, he
shouldn’t be out in public without having secured a lover, but he had woken up feeling better than
he had in weeks. “Woken” being the operative word. He had gotten a few hours sleep at last.

Stevens strolled to the podium and called for the audience to settle. While he gave opening remarks
and prepared to introduce him, Chase glanced out over the audience. His excellent eyesight took in
the details of each face. Most of them were human, expected since humans outnumbered shifters
four to one. But he was surprised that so many had come. The last time he had given this lecture on
the anatomy of peace, the audience was much smaller, and more shifters than humans had shown up
for that one.

A waft of jasmine passed his nose, and he stiffened. He scanned the audience a second time, and
this time he spotted her, third row from the back. What the hell was she doing here? Did she want
to torment him? All of the control he thought he had gained evaporated, and he found himself
sucking in deep breaths to keep himself from shifting to a tiger and leaping off the stage to get at

“Damn it,” he growled. “Why is she here?”

He spun away from the audience and stepped behind the curtain. Snapping his fingers, he caught the
attention of one of the teacher’s assistants. The young man stepped up, his face full of whiskers

Chase frowned.

The young man scratched at his thick brown fur. “Sorry, professor. This is not a good time of year
for me.”

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Don’t I know it?

“Never mind that, Collins. I want you to go out into the audience and look for a young woman that
smells of jasmine and nail polish.”

Collins’s eyes widened. “Other descriptions, sir?”

“She’s the only one that smells like that here tonight. Tell her to leave immediately. Tell her
Professor Monahan . . . uh, Chase, does not want her here.”

As Collins walked away to carry out Chase’s order, he realized how stupid it sounded to have that
message delivered to her. One, she wouldn’t listen, and two, it revealed to Collins and whoever else
might be listening that Lori affected him in some way. But it couldn’t be helped. He’d never be able
to give his lecture with her there. Not now. Not during his mating season.

Damn it all!

He was stronger than this, wasn’t he? No, common sense and experience told him to always plan
ahead, to always take into consideration the beast within. Doing so had gotten him to the place he
was now, to being a respected professor at a prestigious university. He could not afford to toss it all
away. He was in a position to influence future leaders who would make decisions that could affect
all shifters. A beautiful human he ached to fuck would not be allowed to ruin it all!

A crash like a door being slammed against the wall jerked him from his thoughts. Stevens made a
startled exclamation into the mic, setting off a screech of sound that brought Chase down to one
knee in pain. Humans began to scream, and Chase jumped up to rush to the stage. The audience was
overrun with wolves and a couple of bears.

“What the hell?” he shouted. “Shifters! Stevens, get out of here. Lock yourself in one of the offices
until the police arrive.”

Chase didn’t wait for an answer from his colleague. He leaped off the stage and landed on all fours
in his tiger form. His clothes had been torn away by his change. He vaulted up the aisle, the thought
of getting to Lori in his mind.

Rough shouts and chants of “Free shifters! No more unfair laws!” ran through the auditorium.
“Idiots,” he growled. This was not the way to conduct a peaceful protest. To give them some credit,
the shifters weren’t attacking, but he was sure that it would take little more than one human to
panic, one unintentional injury, to take this situation from bad to worse.

Chase leaped onto the back of one of the bears and kept moving. He ignored the angry shout of the
shifter behind him and threaded his way between bodies. There she was, standing in her chair with
her pale bare feet, toenails neatly polished red sticking out from her pants legs. He should not be
stiffening at a time like this, but he was.

When he reached her, he put his front paws on her chair and opened his mouth to instruct her to
get on his back. She whacked him with a shoe she held in her hand.

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“Back!” she shouted. “I’m not afraid to use this.”

He blinked at her. What damage could her shoe do? “Stupid human, get on my back. I’ll take you to

Her eyes went wide. “Chase?”

“Get on!” he snapped. “Now!”

A woman, trapped in the row with them, stumbled and fell down. The sharpened pencil she had in
her hand jabbed into her flesh. Chase saw the dot of blood seemingly the same time as he got a
whiff of it. Like the others would when they smelled it, a sense of frenzy came over him. He fought
the ache to attack, to taste the blood. The wolves would be worse. He had to keep it together, but it
was hard to think.

A growl rose in his throat. He dropped his head low and watched the woman scoot backward from
him on the floor. Baring his teeth, he inched closer, his tail swishing in the air behind him.

Without warning, jasmine engulfed him. Lori jumped down from the chair between him and the
woman and jerked his head forward to smash his nose into her stomach. He pulled away with such
force that his claws slid on the bare floor beneath the seats, and Lori landed on top of him.

When his mouth was free, he said, “Are you insane? I could have ripped you to shreds. I might not
have snapped out of it, and bitten you!”

She popped his nose with her shoe again. “But you didn’t. Get me the hell out of here, and her too,
before they attack. I figure the wolves will be worse than you when they get a sniff of her blood.”

He frowned at her for a moment. “Just how do you know so much about animals?”

“Never mind! Let’s go!” She stood up and snatched the woman to her feet.

Having no choice, and it being too awkward to carry them both on his back, Chase forged a path
through the bodies. Instead of guiding them to the front exit, he considered that there might be
more shifters out there and instead led the two women to the hall at the side of the auditorium.
When they had burst through the door, Chase having forced the lock, the other woman took off
running down the hall.

“Wait,” Lori called out, but she didn’t stop and disappeared around the corner. Lori turned back to
him. “Well, come on. We have to get away from this place before the police come, or every shifter
will be arrested or killed if they don’t go quietly.”

Chase found the way to an exit with no one inside or outside. Again, he broke the lock, and soon
they were sprinting along the street. He had to slow down a few times when he almost left her
behind and once for her to slip into her shoes. At a corner with traffic whizzing by and pedestrians
strolling along giving them odd looks, they stopped.

Lori stooped beside him. “Why don’t you change back? You’re more conspicuous this way.”

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He bumped her so that she landed on her ass, legs slightly apart. He licked his lips. “I could if you
don’t mind me naked. But then that would be just as conspicuous, wouldn’t it?”

“Oh.” She swallowed. “Oh, yeah.”

He didn’t miss how her eyes glazed over for a second. If he didn’t miss his guess, this beautiful
woman was imagining him naked. He grew tight reciprocating the thought.

A few more blocks down side streets led them to the small house Chase recognized as Lori’s. She
shuffled up the steps and unlocked the door with him following. Strolling down a short hall inside,
he watched her ass and her hips sway.

Why had she come? She had to know he would be lecturing. They hadn’t parted on good terms. He
had been insulting to her, let her know she wasn’t worthy to be his lover, and yet, there was the
undeniable attraction. At this time, any woman would be attractive to him, but Lori went beyond
that. He almost felt a need to be with her.

In the days he hadn’t seen her, he had learned that a female tiger shifter had moved to a town
twenty-five miles from their city. It would not have been a big deal for him to run over there and set
it up with her for them to be lovers. No doubt she had been hunting for another tiger, but had
waited for him to approach. He hadn’t gone. Although it tormented him not to act on his sexual
desires, he had resisted.

“For you?” he muttered behind Lori.

She glanced over her shoulder as she entered the living room. “Hm?”

Moonlight shimmered in through the open curtains at the window. The light reflected in her blue
eyes. She could almost be one of them, he thought and shook his head. No, she was fully human.
That was an unmistakable scent if ever he had picked up on one.

He padded across the carpet to stand in front of her. With his nose, he bumped her pussy. Her
aroma was heady and made him drunk with desire. He whined and stuck his tongue out to lap at the
material separating him from what he craved.

She tapped his nose. “I don’t fuck animals.”

At first, he sat on his haunches, and then, he stood and transformed. Like before, he couldn’t pull in
his claws or his ears. He was, however, relieved to find he wasn’t furry like he had been the day he
was forced to wear the robe instead of regular clothes. It had irked him when she made fun of him
for it.

“How about like this?” he demanded, confident that, despite the tiger’s skin, his physique would
appeal to her. “I can please you.”

Her eyes were glued to his erect cock. She ran the tip of her tongue over her lips and whined a little
herself. “I think at this point, neither of us has any choice. No one has to know?”

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He nodded. “No one.”

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Chapter Five

Lori couldn’t believe how good he looked. His hair was wild and long but didn’t hide the ears she
had been eager to touch ever since she’d first seen them. The golden eyes held promise of pleasure,
and though the confidence was over the top and should have irritated her, she believed he was right.
He could satisfy her.

His skin stretched taut over hardened muscles. His cock was rigid, long, and thick. With those big
hands, he could probably lift her on him and let her ride to her heart’s content. She should be having
second thoughts, but instead her mouth watered to get a taste of him, to hear that low rumble in his
throat while he licked between her legs.

What was she thinking? “Do you do oral sex?”

“Do you want me to?” he countered.

She crossed the space between them and reached up to stroke his ears. Had she heard a purr? He
clasped her arms and pulled them down, and she looked into his eyes. “Please?”

“It’s an erogenous zone for me. I need the edge off before you do that.”


He curled a nail around one of the buttons of her blouse, but she jumped back.

“Wait, I’ll undress myself this time. I don’t need you cutting the buttons off my favorite blouse.”
Now the nervousness kicked in. He was bigger than her previous lovers. Not excessively so, but still,
and he was wild, an animal. Would he tear her? Would his lust get the better of him, and what if he
was too rough?

She stopped with her blouse opened and her jeans unbuttoned and unzipped. She had already
slipped out of her shoes again, having always preferred to be barefoot from childhood. Anger at her
fear and trembling washed over her.

Chase moved to stand close with his hands on her shoulders. “Why did you think it was okay to
come between me and that woman? And to think it was okay to hit me with your shoe?”

She blinked up at him, her mind gone blank. “Ah, sorry about that. Now that I think about it, it was
stupid. To reprimand a tiger with a flimsy shoe.”

He shook her gently. “No, you knew instinctively I wouldn’t hurt you. And I won’t.” He stroked her
cheek and brushed a thumb over her lips. “I don’t know why I want you in particular so badly.
Maybe in your family’s past there’s a shifter or a latent gene somewhere.”

She frowned and opened her mouth to tell him off. He pressed his lips to hers for a brief kiss.

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“No, don’t. I don’t want to argue. I’d end up leaving, both of us unfulfilled. Lori, I promise I won’t
hurt you. I am aware of how delicate you are, how soft your skin is, how feminine to the very core
you are.”

She melded against him. He pushed the shirt over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Before
she could work her bra loose, he cut the material around the clasp.


“I can’t help it. I need a taste.”

Her knees gave out when his lips curved around her nipple, drew on it, and teased until she was on
the verge of an orgasm. Chase encircled her shoulders with one arm and caught her about the waist
with the other. He lifted her off her feet and walked the two of them over to the couch. All the
while, he didn’t release her nipple.

Pleasure ignited in Lori’s pussy. She squeezed her legs together, but Chase kneed them apart. He
tugged her closer and lifted her. He groaned. “Take these damn pants off before I rip them off you.”

A shudder passed through Lori. His words and intensity frightened her, but turned her on even
more. She wiggled free of the pants and stood before Chase naked. He didn’t pause for an instant
but snatched her into his arms.

He’d obviously changed his mind about the couch. “Bedroom! Where?”

She told him, and he took the stairs three at a time and soon deposited Lori on the bed. When he
followed her down, he pushed her legs apart and found his way to her pussy. She was soaking wet,
but flinched at the thought of his claws entering her.

He read her mind it seemed. “Don’t worry. I can’t risk putting my fingers inside you, but I can
stroke your clit and taste it. Would you like that, Lori?” His voice had dropped low, teasing. She

“Yes, oh yes.”

Chase thumbed her nub and buried his mouth between her thighs. Sucking and licking, he made her
hot. Lori cried out. She tangled her fingers in Chase’s wild hair and brushed his ears. He growled
and pulled her hands away. Now, she was more curious about his reaction when she stroked his

He lifted his head. “When I’m buried inside you, you may stroke them.”

Lori said nothing. How could she? Her lover had gone back to sucking her clit. He reached beneath
her and pulled her ass cheeks apart to find the hole there. His thumb worked the opening while his
mouth sucked and ate her pussy. She screamed, writhing and losing control. Her climax rose,
stronger than she remembered it being the last time she had used her fingers.


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He growled, licked, and rubbed harder. She lifted her hips up off the bed to meet his hungry mouth.
The sound! The desperate hunger she heard as he ate her. No man had savored her flavor like this.

“Chase, eat me!” she screamed. “I’m coming!”

Calling out his name seemed to encourage him. This was too good, the sensations too strong. Her
head grew light, and the room appeared to tip to the side before leveling out. Lori shut her eyes and
gripped the comforter beneath her. A tremor rocked her, and then she came, screaming and fighting
for control. Chase held on to her, never pausing until she had come three times back-to-back.

When she was sure she had just awakened from an embarrassing faint, Lori opened her eyes. Yes,
she must have blacked out. Chase was positioned above her, looking down into her face with

“Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No. Far from it. Sorry, I’ve never fainted like that before. How embarrassing.”

He smiled. “Well, you are—”

“Don’t you even say it!”

He chuckled, then grew serious. “Do you have protection?”

“I’m on the pill.”

“No, better not take chances. I did have a condom in my wallet, but that’s back at the school.”

She studied his face. Somehow the thought of a shape-shifting tiger amid mating season didn’t fit
the image of ripping open a condom packet.

“I’m not ready for a mate,” he told her simply. “I would never have a child with someone other than
my mate.”

“Said the arrogant professor.” She rolled her eyes, pushed at his chest, and leaned over to her
nightstand drawer. “I have a few. My last lover had delusions about his size. These should fit you.”

Chase grinned. “So I’m bigger.”

“Geez, still a man.”

She watched as he rolled the flexible material onto his cock. A tad too snug. She chewed her lip and
glanced to his ears. Now would be the chance to touch them. That is, if she could remain conscious.

Lori was struck by Chase’s gentle treatment when he placed her on her back and lifted her legs,
although his eyes did look a bit feverish. She had the feeling he was fighting with all his strength to
maintain control. With a female shifter, he must be able to get wild with her, maybe even use his

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claws. The thought of it brought it home that this could never be long-term. They would enjoy it for
this one time, and then Chase could find another tiger.

He placed the head of his cock at her wet opening and pushed. The bulbous head glided through.
Lori bit down to keep from shouting her head off at how good it felt. He was a tight fit, no doubt,
since it had been a good nine months since her last lover. She groaned.

“Am I hurting you?” he rasped out, his eyes slits.

“No. Fuck me, baby,” she demanded.

Chase pushed harder. He drove all the way in and pulled almost all the way out. Lori complained,
but he ignored her. He repeated the slow, tormenting procedure until she gave in to him and could
only enjoy it.

After some time of his slow strokes, Lori remembered his ears. Feeling like a drunk, she struggled to
get her hands moving on a straight line up to his head. The moment she latched on to his ears,
Chase roared.

He dropped her ankles, reached down to grab her beneath her arms, and yanked her up to his chest.
They had gone from the missionary position to Lori on his lap with Chase holding her in place while
he pounded into her pussy. She squeezed his ears, and he pumped harder.

“Lori! Damn it, what are you doing?” His voice was ragged and thick. His eyes closed and head
bowed. The more she rubbed his ears, the more he drove that wondrous cock into her.

Soon she lost the strength to move, but Chase continued to help her to ride him. She came
numerous times, each with her alertness slipping a little. After what felt like hours but probably
wasn’t, Chase tightened his hold further. His breath was heavy and noisy.

He tangled his hands in her hair and drew her head back so he could press his mouth to her neck.
“I’m going to come,” he mumbled. His teeth pierced her skin at the same time a warm rush filled
her pussy. Lori let her arms fall to her sides, and Chase balanced their bodies on one hand when he
sagged over her.

With care, he laid them both down, his body continuing to press against hers. In a haze, Lori
remembered the sensations when Chase came, warmth filling her.

“Chase?” she whispered.

His eyes were closed, and he didn’t move. “Hm?”

“Chase,” she called again.


“The condom broke.”

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Chapter Six

Lori opened her eyes to sunlight and her bedside phone ringing. Through the fog of sleep, she
registered that it was her father. She ignored the call.

The previous night’s activities slid into her mind, not just the out-of-control demonstration at the
school—that was bad enough—but her choice to sleep with Chase afterward. Rolling to her side,
she cried out, “What the hell?”

Her pussy was on fire, and her muscles seemed to have locked in place, refusing to budge more than
an inch or two. Holding still didn’t help the reverberating pain that set her teeth on edge. What in
the world did Chase do? She knew that he had begun to pump like a mad man when she stroked his
ears, but this was ridiculous. She would need to soak in Epsom salt at this rate.

The phone, which had stopped ringing, sounded again. What would her father think of his daughter
having slept with a shape-shifter? The reality of what she had done came home. To her knowledge,
no one, absolutely no human, had mated with a shifter, at least none that had ever been reported on.

“And I am not the pioneer for such a thing!” she said as she stared at the window. So it was better
forgotten. By the looks of things, Chase had left already, she hoped under cover of darkness in his
tiger form and not as a man, stark naked.

In degrees, she made it to a sitting position on the side of the bed and then picked up the phone.
“Yes, Dad?”

“Lori, why didn’t you answer before now?” her father complained.

“Do you really want me to answer that? What’s up?” She and her father were not close, if they had
ever been. He had not been good to her mother in the least. Mental and physical cruelty had been
the norm. When Lori’s mother had come into a small inheritance before her death, she’d willed it
straight to Lori, “So you will never have to depend on him,” her mother had said.

Lori remembered Chase’s previous question to her, about how she knew so much about animals.
While she listened to her father drone on about his political activities, she thought about her favorite
way to get back at him as a child, by learning about various animals and assigning what she had
learned as traits of the shifters. Alvin Tanner hated shifters with a passion. Lori didn’t know why,
but just dropping random information about them set off his temper, and she had reveled in it as
her way of punishing him for hurting her mother.

She shook away the memories and sighed. “Dad, why did you call? I have work.”

“Work?” he spat. “That part-time thing serving shifters is not a job, Lori. Nor do you need to work
with your mother’s inheritance.” She heard the bitterness in his voice.

“Well, I choose to work there for now.”

“It’s a way to get back at me. Look, just let it go.”

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Clamping her jaw, she stood and wobbled about until she made it to the foot of her bed. “I don’t
run my life to irritate you any longer, Dad. That ended when I was thirteen. I’m twenty-nine now. I
carefully manage my mother’s money so I won’t blow it. A part-time job helps me accomplish that
goal. It’s as simple as that.”

His frustration was plain in his tone, but she wasn’t giving an inch. The man made a living of
bullying others, including the important men in office. Lori wasn’t giving him the opportunity of
doing the same with her.

Without warning, her father changed tactics. “There was an attack last night, at that university that
prides itself in having an integrated faculty and student body.”

She stopped in the act of reaching for the bathroom doorknob. “Did anyone get hurt?”

He seemed to hesitate, probably gauging whether to make it seem worse than it had been, not
knowing she’d been there. “No, other than a few bumps and bruises. The point is, someone could
have been.” He grunted. “Lori, come to a dinner with me tomorrow night. There are important
people who would like to meet you.”

“A bookstore clerk?”

“The daughter of a very important man in the political arena.”

“Self-important much?” She shook her head as if he could see it. “I don’t think so. That’s your
playground, not mine. I have no love for the shifters any more than anyone else, but I’m not
passionate about laws regarding them.”

“It’s important to—”

“Not interested. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” She hung up and shuffled into the bathroom. It wasn’t
until she stood beneath the warm spray of the showerhead that she remembered the condom.

Chase had been worried about it. He had told her to get checked out, because a shifter’s sperm were
as aggressive as the people were themselves. But that shouldn’t matter, right? The pill blocked
ovulation from happening.

And what about . . . other things. She groaned. Last night was a mistake, and she would not be able to
go to a doctor to run tests. He would know her lover wasn’t human. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!”

She would just have to trust in the pill and never let Chase near her again.

* * * *

Chase found himself in Tenchow’s Easy Mart the next night, perusing the aisles. He had told
himself he was not looking for Lori, but he had waited until midnight to come, knowing that was
when she started work. However, when he had strolled through the Easy Mart side instead of
through the bookstore entrance, just a glance told him she was not behind the far counter. A
pimply-faced kid who looked no older than sixteen stood there flipping through a magazine.

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Chase was not disappointed. It didn’t matter in the least what she did, and he would soon be leaving
town anyway to find the tiger shifter. Nichelle didn’t know yet.

Spotting a familiar box on one of the shelves, he stopped to examine it closer—condoms for
shifters. This brand was made specifically for his kind, tougher material than the human brand. And
they had a size larger than the one that Lori had given him. He considered it and picked up two

A feminine body landed on his back, the soft breasts a giveaway. “What are you up to, Chase?”
Nichelle purred around his arm. “Oh, condoms.” She grinned and reached in front of him to grab
hold of his cock. He grew tight in her hand.


“Well, it looks like you’re getting all geared up. I wanted to let you know I’m ready.” Her cheeks
pinked. “Although I smell her on you. You thought you could wash the scent away?”

He disengaged her hand and turned to face her. “For your information, I carried her on my back
from the school auditorium during that demonstration. Another human was with us as well. I
couldn’t help but get the scent on me.”

She pursed her lips. “I don’t remember you ever being so helpful with them.”

“I’ve never been in a position where I needed to. Now, do not question me. I do not owe you any
explanation about what I do.” He knew his voice had taken on the haughty tone he reserved for
lesser beings, and rarely had he turned it on Nichelle.

She took a step back. “I apologize.” She grew quiet a moment and then spoke. “I suppose, since you
didn’t say anything to me, but you’re buying condoms, you’ve found another lover.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve picked up the scent of a tiger shifter. I’m going to meet her. I don’t want to do
anything to jeopardize our friendship, Nichelle. You do understand that?” He tried to will her to
agree, to not make a fuss. Pretty sure she wouldn’t be hurt since she didn’t actually love him, he
waited for her answer.

Nichelle waved her hand and spun away. “Whatever, Chase. I have half a dozen men begging me to
be their lover during their mating season, and a few all year-round. I like you best, so I kept my
schedule open. No big deal.”

Chase relaxed. “Good. I’ll talk to you in a few weeks, okay? I will take you to lunch.”

She didn’t answer but disappeared through the doorway. The shadow out on the street was that of
his friend in her animal form. It was gone in a streak. Chase took his items to the counter and paid
for them. When he was out on the street again, he considered visiting Stevens. The man had assured
him he was okay after the incident, and classes had been postponed for the time being, but Chase
wanted to discuss the matter further. From what Stevens had told him, the board was discussing

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whether now was the time to reconsider their effort to integrate shifters and humans. Chase’s only
desire was to teach. He didn’t care overly much about who the audience was. Well, not completely.

He turned south and trekked along, barefoot as usual. Glancing down at his feet, he remembered
how Lori had stared. Most of the human staff and students at the university turned their heads from
what made him half tiger, but Lori seemed to be intrigued. Had it been his imagination, or did she
like examining his skin?

His feet looked the same as a human’s except for the clawlike nails and the slight discoloration,
evident of a tiger’s pigmentation. Nichelle had said they were sexy, and so had a few other lovers he
had in the past. He shrugged. Why in hell was he considering what a human thought about his feet?

Hearing voices ahead, he stopped. The breeze had blown in the opposite direction, so he didn’t at
first pick up familiar scents, but when it shifted, he caught jasmine and her particular scent.

Glancing around for a place to take cover while being able to follow the scent, he had the idea to
take to higher ground. He ducked into a nearby alley and clamped his teeth down on the handle of
his bag. Finding a foot- and handhold in the mortar between the bricks of a building, he began his
ascent to the rooftop.

At the top, he paused once again to remove his clothing and tuck it inside his bag. When he had
done that, he shifted to his tiger form, grasped the bag between his teeth, and padded silently to the
opposite end of the roof. Over the side, he spotted her a half a block away, strolling arm in arm with
a man.

Chase followed, battling his basest instincts to rip the man to shreds and drag Lori back to his house
whether she wanted to come or not. Swallowing his desire, he leaped across the narrow expanse
between buildings so he could continue to follow the couple. At a quiet street corner where the
more prominent citizens lived, they stopped.

“So what made you call me, Lori?” the man asked her. “The last time I talked to you, you were very
clear about what you wanted, and I wasn’t it.”

Chase sensed Lori’s agitation at the man’s words. So she wasn’t entirely happy to be with him. Did
that mean she wouldn’t sleep with him tonight? From her eager participation in their escapades a
couple nights ago, Chase was sure she had a huge appetite for sex, maybe even rivaling his own, if
that were possible.

“To be honest, my father and my best friend backed me into this damn dinner party, and I felt
better bringing a date. Don’t read anything more than that into it. Cam’ll be there to keep me some
company, and since you’ve always had a love of politics, you should fit in with this bunch. They’re
the movers and shakers in the government. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.”

The man moved his hand to Lori’s ass. Chase’s jaw tightened.

“And what about after?” her date asked.


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Chase growled. The two stiffened and searched the area around them. Chase ducked back out of
sight in case they happened to look up. He waited until he heard them walking again, and then
followed from housetop to housetop. Telling himself that Lori was none of his concern anymore did
nothing. That guy wasn’t getting her.

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Chapter Seven

Sitting on a darkened porch watching the gaiety inside the house was not Chase’s idea of a good
time. His tail swished back and forth behind him in his agitation, and his voice was a low rumble in
his chest. For the fifth time, he’d counted, Lori twirled by in the arms of the idiot whose hands were
too free with her body.

Chase licked his lips at the sight of her creamy skin, the curve of her hips and ass. A slit in the side
of her dress that extended almost to her waist had him light-headed with each peek at her long legs.
She wore spike-heeled slingbacks and moved as if she were born in them.

After a while, he’d had enough. He would change and demand she come with him. He shifted and
stepped toward the French doors, but stopped. The people inside would panic if a man walked in on
them stark naked, but he had left his bag on the roof. There was no other option but to retrieve it.

Before he could move, Lori’s date’s voice reached him. “Let’s go out for some air.”

The doorknob turned. Chase leaped behind him to the porch’s railing, balanced for a second, and
then did a backflip into the bushes. In near silence, he landed on his feet in a crouch. They hadn’t
spotted him.

“I know what you’re up to, you know?” Lori laughed. “You want to get me out here alone.”

The guy took her into his arms. “Tell me you haven’t been brushing that sweet body against me all
night. It’s been a battle not to go ahead and stick my hand inside your dress and grab your ass. It
can’t be legal to have it dip so low in the back. Your crack was showing.”

She laughed again. “An illusion. You’re so horny, you were seeing things.”

“And you aren’t horny?” He kissed her ear. “Come on, Lori. You know you want me back in your
bed. You haven’t had a lover as good as me.”

Lori’s words came back to Chase’s mind in that instant, about the former lover who was overly
confident in his equipment. Chase cracked his knuckles, his claws scraping his palms. “Come here to
me,” he uttered in an angry whisper.

The two people on the porch gasped and turned toward him. Lori looked right at him, but he was
sure she couldn’t see his form in the shadows. She had recognized his voice, of that he had no
doubt. She gripped the railing, and her lips parted, but she said nothing. When her date questioned
her, she didn’t respond.

“I could have sworn . . .” He shook his head. “Must have been my imagination. Come on. It’s a little
chilly tonight. The weather is warm one minute, then cold the next. Let’s go inside.”

Lori didn’t move. Her eyes were still trained on Chase. “Give me a minute.”

“One minute,” he told her. He tried to kiss her lips, but she turned her head. He settled for her
cheek and reentered the house.

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Lori searched the bushes. “You’re out there, aren’t you, Professor?”

“What happened to Chase?” He stepped into the light and was gratified that she gasped when she
saw him naked. “I recall you crying out my name most of the night as you reached orgasm after

“And I recall my pussy feeling like someone had set fire to it the next morning. What we did was a
onetime deal, Professor. You shouldn’t be here. These people—not one of them are supporters of
your kind.”

“No?” He peered over her shoulder, although he had seen all of their faces. His only interest tonight
was her. She stepped between him and the people inside, and he wondered if there was someone she
didn’t want him to see. The woman she had chatted with most of the night? No. Someone else.
“Then come with me now, back to my place.”

“Did you hear what I said? We’re not doing it again. That’s it. And where the hell are your clothes?”

He smirked. “On the roof. Does me being naked bother you?”

“Not in the least, but it’s inappropriate. Anyone could come out here and see you.”

“Okay, I will go.”

She sighed with her relief, but when she turned to go back inside, he dropped the bomb.

“I’ll go right after you give me a good-night kiss. If you don’t, I’ll follow you inside, just as I am.”
Her expression was priceless. The pallor of her skin heightened to deep pink, although he thought
she would have gone pale. Either way, she wasn’t boring. “Well, what will it be?”

“You wouldn’t do that. You’re a professor, and even knowing you for the short time I have, I can
tell you’re too stuffy to do something so reckless. It would ruin your reputation.” Chase wasn’t sure
if she realized what she was doing, but the fingers of one hand had inched beneath the material of
her dress where the slit lay. The dress flitted back off her thigh. The soft black fabric settling
between her legs reminded him of what heaven it had been to lie there, to feast there.

“You don’t know the extremes I’ll go to in my present state.” He pretended to consider his options,
resting his forefinger a moment across his lips. “I suppose I could seek out the tiger shifter whose
scent I’ve been picking up of late. She, I’m sure, wouldn’t turn me away from her bed. But then I
had only settled on a kiss from you. Nothing more.”

“All right!” Lori snapped. She stomped to the end of the porch where the steps lay and descended
them. In a few seconds, she stood before him. Chase tried not to snatch her to him. She glared into
his face, fighting a different battle, one to keep from dragging her nails along his cheek if he didn’t
miss his guess at the reason her fingers curled so close to his face. “You are the most—”

“I’m sure I can guess what you’re about to say.” He pulled her into his arms and let his hands drift
to the place her date had longed to go. Chase had no shame in running his fingers inside her dress to

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cup her ass. He drew her up to his hard-on and pressed against her hips while seeking out her

Her lips parted, and Chase pushed his tongue between them to tease the soft warmth inside. Damn,
she tasted good, even better than a few nights ago. Either that or he was hornier having had her for
one night. He didn’t want to walk away as he said he would. He wanted to strip her down right there
and take her.

After a few kisses, he leaned back a little to trace feather caresses with his mouth along her jawline
to her earlobe, down her neck, and into her cleavage. He half expected her to push him away, but
she arched into him and clasped her hands together behind his head. Her moans sent shivers over
his body.

When she pushed at his chest, he paused and looked down into her face. Her shaky breaths and
deep rose lips tempted him.

“We shouldn’t be doing this here.” She panted.

“Your place or mine?”

She shook her head. “I can’t just leave, Chase.” Reason seemed to be returning, to his
disappointment. She wriggled free of his hold and stepped back to straighten her clothing and her
hair. “I meant what I said. Tuesday night was the one and only time we have sex.”

He clenched his fists. He had thought mentioning the other woman would push her into accepting
him as her lover, that she would give in to keep him from sleeping with someone else. Maybe he was
the only one of the two of them feeling out of control. The knowledge ticked him off.

“I had the sense that you were trying to hide someone in there from me.” When she stiffened, he
knew he was right. “Who was it? The woman with the red hair?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Cam? Of course not. She’s my best friend. And you’re mistaken. There’s no
one special in there, that is, no one that would interest you. I have to go.”

“Lori? Honey?”

Honey? Chase had been still mostly in the shadows. He had heard the man coming an instant before
he called out to Lori, and Chase had stepped back farther to keep from being spotted. But why did
this man call her “honey”? It sounded too familiar, unlike the endearments older people called
anyone younger than themselves.

Chase glanced at Lori, who hadn’t moved a muscle. So that was it. This man was the one she didn’t
want him to see. Chase didn’t follow humans too closely. However, Stevens did. If the man was
influential or in the public eye in any way, Stevens would know who he was. Having committed the
man’s face to memory, Chase stepped deeper into the trees.

“This isn’t over, Lori. I will have you again. It’s what you and I both want, and I do enjoy a good

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Chapter Eight

Lori screwed up her third toe for the fourth time and screeched before she tossed the nail polish,
along with the used cotton balls, into the trash. She slumped on her stool and rested her head on the
counter in front of her.

“Damn, stupid idiot! Asshole!” Scouring her mind for more insults to describe Chase, she squeezed
her eyes shut and willed the longing inside her to go away.


“What!” she screamed and then calmed herself. “Oh, sorry.” She plastered on a smile. “May I help

The customer looked doubtful, but he rested his books in front of Lori anyway. She rang the items
up and sent him on his way. After the door clicked closed behind him, she glanced at the clock. A
good twenty minutes after midnight. Wonderful. She considered calling Tenchow and telling him
she was sick and needed to go home early. As he had done before, he would probably tell her to
close up early.

In the act of reaching for the phone, she stopped. Unlike her, the guy running the Easy Mart needed
this job. He had said it was his second in order to cover all the expenses of having a family to
support. Another sigh escaped her. Damn.

Shuffling around the store, placing new books in their proper position on the shelves, Lori thought
of her boss. He was human, but his conjoined shops primarily served shifters. There were those who
called him a shifter-lover, meant in the most derogatory way.

But what of her? She had never really doubted the rightness of her father’s actions, influencing those
with the power to pass shifter-tracking laws. Even now, with all the division between the two
factions, she felt it was a necessary move. Many of the shifters were civilized only because they had
been forced to be. And Chase didn’t seem less so. In fact, it had been the feral nature beneath the
cultured professor facade that had drawn her to him. Now, having been intimate with him, having
talked to him, how could she not view his kind as real people who had inalienable rights just as the
humans did?

When the time came for her to lock up for the night, Lori did so, still deep in thought. She allowed
the echo of her clicking heels as she strolled toward home to calm her racing mind. Yet, she could
not ignore examining her reasons for working in this area in the first place. If she was so indifferent
to begin with, why Tenchow’s, why in the shifter district?

“Because as much as I pretend,” she muttered to herself, “I have always been intrigued by shifters.
I’ve always longed to get closer. Maybe to sample the forbidden fruit. . . . Then why the hell did you
turn Chase down, idiot?”

A growl nearby stopped her. At first, she assumed it was Chase following her like he had done on
the few previous occasions she had encountered him, but no, this growl was more malevolent. She
searched the shadows around her, pausing in her inspection when it seemed that the space up ahead,

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between two parked cars, was darker than it should be. The street light above had dimmed, about to
blow out, and although there was an occasional car that passed the intersection two blocks ahead,
there was no one around here.

“W-Who’s there?” Lori called.

Rude laughter was the reply, followed by another growl. Lori reached inside her purse for the pepper
spray she kept there, only to remember that she had dumped everything out earlier looking for a
second bottle of nail polish. She remembered her pepper spray had rolled off the counter to land on
the floor. A customer had distracted her at that moment, and she had never retrieved it. Her chest
tightened, making it difficult to draw each breath.

“Um, listen, whoever’s there, I don’t want any trouble. I’ve walked home this way almost every night
for the past couple of months. I work at Tenchow’s.”

“Funny, I’ve never smelled you. I would remember a sweet scent like that, good enough to eat.”

Lori shoved the contents of her purse around. She had to have something, a weapon, a metal nail
file. Her fingers skimmed a book of matches, a tampon, and her near-empty address book. She was
in serious trouble.

The man seemed to decide that she had nothing to defend herself with, and he stood up from his
hiding place. Lori’s throat went dry, and her heart hammered so hard in her chest, it hurt. The guy
was big, one and a half times Chase’s shoulder breadth and height, and Chase had nothing to be
ashamed of in the body department as it was.

Lori took a step back. “Oh, goodness. Chase, help me. Where are you?” she whispered.

“Is that your boyfriend you’re calling for?” The man laughed. “Hope he doesn’t mind sharing,
letting me get a small taste. My decision not to leave town for a while is your loss, baby. Come

He lunged, but Lori took hold of a trashcan and dumped it in his way. The huge man toppled over
while Lori ran back the way she had come. If she could reach the store, she could lock herself inside
and call for help. Her attacker was faster than she thought. He leaped to his feet, grabbed hold of
her ponytail, and snapped her head back. She screamed and kicked. Too bad she didn’t nurture her
fingernails, because they did nothing to tear into the tough skin the man had. His beefy arm
wrapped around her neck, and he hauled her to his body. The swats she made at his chokehold were
a joke.

“Let me go,” she rasped out. He tightened his grip. Lori floundered, her feet now off the ground
and her shoes having slipped from her feet. Spots formed before her eyes. Surprised to find she still
had her purse after all this, she searched its depths a second time to find a pen. Not hesitating for a
second, she pulled it out and jammed it with all her might into the man’s arm.

Air rushed into her lungs when he howled and dropped her on the ground. Lori shuffled to her
hands and knees while shaking her head to clear it. When she could get her balance, she shoved off
and ran full speed down the street.

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“Come back here!”

She pushed herself harder and came to a corner, which she darted around. The alcove of a
storefront afforded her a hideout while she yanked her cell phone out of her purse. Two buttons
into 911, the phone went flying out of her hand to smash on the ground. The man stood over her
with his hand raised. Lori scooted as far back as she could, searching for a way to escape.

“Chase, please!” she shouted.

The tiger’s roar, which she now recognized to be Chase’s, preceded his hand slamming down on the
back of her attacker’s head. He had come. She couldn’t believe it, but here he was tussling on the
ground with the man who had attacked her. The two men fought not like human men, with punches
thrown, but with claws and the brute force needed to throw each other into cars and against

Chase might be the smaller of the two, but he was lighter on his feet. He sprang with the grace of a
feline and leaped out of reach of the other man’s claws on several occasions before landing on the
man’s chest or back to counterattack.

At the dented cars and smashed windshields resulting from the fight, car alarms had gone off. Soon
other shifters would come, maybe some that would fight against Chase. Lori prayed he would end it

As if he had read her mind, with one final blow, Chase dropped his opponent on the ground,
unconscious. He spun to face Lori, his eyes wild and angry. A gash marred his cheek, and his once-
white shirt was covered in blood. Lori shivered, hoping the smell of blood hadn’t set him off to
attack her.

Chase didn’t approach her at all. There were no tender words. He uttered, “Let’s go,” and turned to
walk down the street. Too afraid to go back and find her shoes, Lori followed him on bare feet.

* * * *

Lori stumbled over Chase’s prone body in his entryway and landed on his back. “Chase! Are you

He didn’t respond. She slid off him and flipped him to his back. The blood on his shirt was thicker.
He must have a cut somewhere. She tore open his shirt to find the wound. “Oh no. Come on,
Chase. Stay with me. I’ll call an ambulance. It’s going to be all right.”

When she would have stood, he caught her hand, but his eyes remained closed. “Don’t. If you call
them, they will report it to the authorities. We’ll both be in trouble, me and the guy I fought.”

She huffed. “He deserved it!”

“Maybe he did, but he was like me.”

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“No! Not like you. He—”

“Damn it, Lori. Stop.” With growls of pain, Chase forced himself to sit up, and then he crawled to
the couch in the living room. Lori followed, not knowing what help she could be if he wouldn’t
accept medical assistance.

“What can I do?”

He took his time answering. “There’s a first aid kit in the hall closet. Also, there are what look like
giant Ziploc bags. I need one.”

She wondered what he would do with that and why he had it in the first place, but said nothing.
When she returned with the requested items, she found out what the bag was for. Chase stripped
and stuffed his clothes inside the bag. He sealed it and set it aside.

“That wore me out.” He panted. “Can you help tend to the cuts?”

“Cuts! They’re gashes. Chase, you need a doctor.”

For the first time, his expression turned gentle when he looked at her. “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.
This isn’t the first time.” He didn’t have to say so, but she had the feeling it went without saying that
this wouldn’t be the last. The giant baggie, she realized, was to seal in the scent of blood. Either
Chase or his fellow shifters could lose it with such a strong scent left untended.

Lori sat down beside him and cleaned the cuts on his face and side the best she could. When she
was finished, she opened the baggie again and included the used bandages. Staring at her hands, she
wondered what they were going to do or where they were going to go from here.

“Chase, what do you mean that you and that man are the same?”

“Shifters, that’s all.” He laid an arm across his eyes. “We’re wild. We’ll always be that way. That we
have some human DNA in us makes us able to reason, but it doesn’t take away the animal instinct. I
forgot that for a while living as I do, the dignified professor.”

“I disagree!”

He moved his arm enough to look at her.

“You’re not the same. You cared enough to save me. You were controlled enough to ignore the
blood to lead me back here, and even now you haven’t hurt me. Truth is, even among humans there
are good and bad. Some are murderers or thieves. And there are others who are good. The same
goes for shifters.”

He frowned. “What do you know about it, hm?”

She leaned down to kiss his bare chest, to caress his face on the unhurt side. “I know I want to be
with you.” She felt him start, surprised at her admission. “The guy at the dinner party was an old

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lover. I went there with the intention of bringing him back to my place. I was horny as hell after you
and I were together. But when he touched me, it didn’t feel right.”

Chase put a hand up, and Lori laced her fingers with his. He stroked her skin with his thumb. “Well,
I knew that.”


He chuckled. “I wasn’t going to allow him to have you. I would have seduced you if I had to, but
you weren’t going to jump into bed with another man.”

“You followed me!” She punched his chest, and he winced. She refused to have any sympathy for
him. “You have no shame. And what makes you think I was going to succumb to your seduction

“I smell your desire.” Her eyes went wide at that, but she said nothing, and he went on. “From the
second I walked in the door at that bookstore and our eyes met, I smelled it. That’s why I couldn’t
think straight when I was behind you. Your scent was doing things to my head. Trust me, it’s more
powerful than any scent of blood.”

“Oh.” Lori considered what he didn’t know about her, and what she still didn’t know about shifters.
She wasn’t naive enough to think that he was offering anything other than a few sexual escapades.
And if they were caught, the ramifications might be more than either of them could handle. “So
where are we going from here?”

“To my bed. Of course. Right now.”

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Chapter Nine

Chase lay at Lori’s side staring down into her beautiful face. He had been optimistic thinking he
would fight like he did and jump into bed with her right after. By the time they had struggled up to
his bedroom, he was spent, and he’d landed face-first on the mattress and didn’t open his eyes again
until sunup.

Now, though, in the morning light, when his strength had returned and his wounds had healed
some, he knew he wasn’t going to let her up until they had satisfied both of their desires. Sometime
during the night, she had slipped out of her clothes. She reclined in a crimson bra-and-panty set that
had him rock hard in seconds, and her rich auburn hair was wild and tangled all over her head. He
brushed a few strands from her face.

Enjoying the view, he let his gaze lower to her breasts, and he reached out one finger to push aside
the material of her bra. A puckered nipple drew his attention. He leaned down and traced the bud
with the tip of his tongue, then sucked it between his lips. Lori moaned. When Chase leaned back,
she was watching him.

“Morning.” She stretched.

He couldn’t help himself. He pinched the clasp and let her luscious breasts free. While she finished
her stretch, he had both her breasts in his palms.

“Goodness, can a woman wake up?”

“I’ve waited an hour for you to wake up.” He guided her hand to his cock. “I need service.”

She laughed. “Well it seems any woman will do.”

“You’re here.”

Her growl was a good imitation of his. “In that case, I’m out of here.” She threw the covers off her
legs and slipped to the edge of the bed. Chase followed, wrapped an arm around her waist, and
hauled her back to his chest.

“I can’t permit that.”

“So if I said no . . .”

“I would convince you,” he whispered while nuzzling her neck. When she grumbled, Chase gave in,
knowing what she wanted him to say. “You are the only one that could satisfy my particular need.
No woman has satisfied me like you did the last time we were together.” He spoke the truth. Lori
was indeed special, but he wasn’t ready to take her as a mate, not in their society. Secret lovers would
have to be enough.

Chase caught her chin and turned it so that he could kiss her. His chest tightened. Love? No, that
couldn’t be. But the thought of losing her had been more than he could bear. This was just a trick of
his mating season. It would pass.

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He ran his hand down over her belly to cup her pussy. She opened her legs to accommodate him,
and Chase explored farther. She was so wet that his fingers slid inside her with ease. So warm, his
cock twitched, and he shuddered in need.

“Before we do this, Chase,” she began, hesitant, “you should know.”


“Who my father is.”

He smiled and began to stroke his fingers in and out of her. Her eyes drifted closed, and she rested
her head on his shoulder. He ignored her pitiful moans of protest. “I already know who he is. The
man who was a huge part in getting that shifter law passed, the one who is, at present, trying to get
stiffer bills regarding shifters on the table.”

Chase pulled his fingers from Lori’s core and lifted her to place her on her back on the bed. He
raised her legs and sat between them admiring her pussy. Already her juices were flowing from his
touch. His mouth watered to eat her. She would like that. She’d come in a heartbeat, but her brow
was still furrowed with worry.

“Anyone who looks into his eyes sees the deep hatred he has for my kind, and ultimately, I think he
will be a detriment to us. But the current law of registering and monitoring is useful for the fools
that ignore the dangers, who don’t take precautions like that guy who attacked you tonight. I see the
reasoning behind making sure he hibernates during the winter and is outside the city when it’s time
for him to hunt at the beginning of spring.”

Her beautiful mouth formed an O that tempted Chase to kiss her. He gave in to the temptation,
then leaned back. “Don’t worry. He’ll be someone to go up against later. I don’t doubt that. But that
day isn’t today, and he isn’t you. I would never give you up just for him.”

“Thank you. You’re . . . something.” She stared into his eyes, and Chase almost believed she loved
him, but it was too soon, and they didn’t know each other that well. He dismissed it when her
expression changed to her normal smart-ass smirk. “Well, will you satisfy me, or do I need to find
that other guy?”

Chase tapped her ass in the smallest of spanks. She yelped, and he didn’t miss how her pussy
clenched. So, she liked to be spanked? He would keep that in mind. The next few weeks were going
to be heaven if he had anything to say about it. Thoughts of the female tiger shifter slipped from his
mind as he massaged the backs of Lori’s thighs and then scooted down the bed until his mouth was
in position. He dipped his tongue into her cream and lapped from the base of her pussy to her clit.
Lori’s hips came up off the bed, and Chase held her down with one palm on her lower belly.

“Easy, baby. Does that feel good?”

She moaned. “Yes. Don’t stop, Chase.”

He flicked at her clit with the tip of his tongue and drew back. “What do you want me to do?”

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“You know what!”

“Tell me.” He pushed a single finger into her sweetness and pulled out before sucking her cream
from his hand. Not repeating the process, he waited for her response. “Tell me what you want,

“Eat me.”

“No, tell me specifically what you want me to do.”

He heard her frustration at being teased when she spoke. “I want you to suck my clit hard into your
mouth. Do it until it feels too good, so that I faint. Wet one of your fingers and stick it in my ass.”

He chuckled. “You’re a very naughty girl, Lori. If you promise to please your professor after this, I
will do as you ask. But if you don’t obey me, I will have to spank you later.”

Just as he predicted, the threat of a spanking heightened her desire. But Chase didn’t intend to make
her wait long. He wet a finger, and at the same time that he clamped down on her swollen little clit,
he pushed the finger into her ass. Lori shouted his name. She thrashed about and tangled her fingers
in the sheets, but he held her down and sucked hard like she wanted it.

He worked his finger in and out of her tight rear imagining what it would be like to get his cock
there. His orgasm felt like it was about to burst forth just watching her come, but he held on to the
last vestiges of his control to bring her to climax upon climax. When Lori’s juices descended her
channel, Chase released her clit to eat to his heart’s content. She was tangy and good. He’d been
intimate with plenty of women, but not one was this hot, this good. Not one of them drove him out
of his mind to have her, had turned his head so much that he was not single-minded about teaching
as usual.

When he could hold back no longer, Chase sat up, grasped Lori by the hips, and yanked her body
down closer to him. He fought not to be rough with her and remembered just before entry to get a
condom out. The packet couldn’t be torn fast enough. He covered himself and thrust into his lover.

Lori’s muscles clamped down. She hooked her legs around his hips and reached for his ears. The
moment she touched him, his vision blurred into a haze of drunken lust. He pushed deep into her,
his cock burrowing as far up her pussy as could fit. He threw his head back, gripped her waist
tighter, pulled back, and ground in again.

“Lori! You’re so tight, so good. I can’t help myself.”

Her response was a small mewl. He prayed he wasn’t hurting her, but he couldn’t stop. He braced a
hand on the bed and reached beneath her to lift her up to his thrusts. Tension built in his groin, and
he pumped harder and faster. Twice Lori went still, and he figured she had fainted and come to. He
wasn’t used to such a delicate woman, but because of it, she was more appealing, more feminine,
and softer than any woman he had ever encountered. That and her scent made him her slave.

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His orgasm took him by surprise. One minute, it had been building, and the next, a shudder rocked
his body, and he could only growl out and call her name as his come shot forth. A desire to snatch
off the condom and fill her pussy with his warmth went through him, but he resisted. This was
enough for now.

When the sensations passed, he dropped to Lori’s side and snuggled against her, but she wriggled
free. “Chase, you’re bleeding. You shouldn’t have done it so roughly in your condition.” He didn’t
answer as she checked the bandage on his side. She would learn soon enough. Her gasp didn’t
surprise him. “Your wound. It’s almost closed.”

He peeked up at her through slitted eyes. “I thought you knew all there was to know about my

She rolled her eyes while she changed the bandage. “No, I found it entertaining to learn all I could
about animals when I was a child, then to tell my father that those characteristics of this or that one
must surely be the same with the shifters. He used to get so mad and tell my mother to control me,
to stop letting me read so much.”

Chase laughed. “So that’s why you knew about the Bengal tiger. Probably wrong about most of your
assumptions, though.”

She smacked his shoulder. “Loser.” She sighed. “I fainted. Twice.”

“I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“I know, but I don’t want you to think I’m weak. I only wanted the sensation to be that intense.”

“I don’t think you’re weak. You held your own with that guy last night. I’m proud of you for that.
Most human women would not have lasted as long as you did. You kept your wits about you.”

She smirked and cocked her head to the side. “You love me, don’t you?”

He stared.

“Admit it.” She tapped his nose.

“You have no respect, do you?” He shook his head. “Is this what I can expect from you going
forward?” He pretended to reconsider her as a lover. In truth, his heart was pounding at how bold
she was, how unorthodox. In many ways, Lori was as wild as some shifters, and maybe that’s what
had drawn him to her in the first place.


The look of worry on her face at his distracted thoughts bothered him. He caught her to his chest
and guided her head to his shoulder. “Yes, I guess you’re right. I do love you, Lori. We can’t get
married or have kids. We can’t let anyone know about us, but it would make me complete if you
would consider being my mate. Then again, maybe I’m being selfish.”

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She pulled up from his embrace and moved to sit up on top of him. “Selfish or not, I love you, too.
There’s no accounting for who you fall in love with. There’s so much we don’t know about each
other, and more complications for us to be involved. But I’m willing to give it a go if you are.” She
tapped her lips in thought for second. “I guess if we’re going to see each other, we should try to
have less drama in our lives too. First, the school, and then last night.”

Chase burst out laughing. “Like we planned that. Hm, but now that you mention it, I want you to
quit your job. It’s dangerous working at Tenchow’s. Let him hire a shifter.”

He thought she would get angry, but he was mistaken. Her delicate eyebrow rose, and she pursed
her lips. “I don’t think I will quit. Now, you mentioned that if I didn’t obey you, you’d spank me.”

He stared at her. She climbed off him and turned around, flashing a very shapely ass in his face.
Chase’s cock hardened in response. This woman was perfect in every way!

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Chapter Ten

Lori had been spanked once, by a lover who had then moved overseas with his company. It had
been one of the most amazing feelings. She was, by nature, independent, never letting a man tell her
what to do. But the act of giving up control to another, the stinging on her ass, a man’s strong
fingers connecting with her flesh, and his commands . . . all of it drove her over the edge. She could
climax being spanked, but she had never felt comfortable asking for it. Until Chase.

“Chase, spank me.” She glanced back at him and wiggled her hips. He seemed mesmerized by her,
and she caught sight of his cock lengthening again. He liked the thought as much as she did. But
then Chase was already an alpha type. Outside the bedroom, the man would no doubt try to tell her
what she would do with her life and tick her off, but that could wait. What she wanted was to be
taken over his knee.

Her lover slid to the edge of the bed and patted his lap. “Come here.”

She hesitated, and he reached out, encircled her wrist, and pulled her into position. Now that she
was there, she wasn’t so sure. What if it wasn’t as good as she remembered? What if Chase was too
rough and he left bruises? Would he stop if she told him she didn’t like it?

All doubt fled from her mind when his hand came down on her ass cheeks. She cried out at the
sting, and her pussy clenched. With the first impact, she was transported to the edge of climaxing,
but she bit down to hold on. More. She craved much more. Chase’s hand came down again, and she
whimpered his name.

“You want me to stop, Lori?”

She bit her lip. Tears filled her eyes. His hand came down a third time, and she came. Chase spanked
her again, but this time he slid his hand down between her cheeks to reach her pussy. His fingers slid
up her channel, and he worked her until she came a second time.

Not missing a beat, he placed her on the bed facedown, paused to put on a new condom, and then
plunged inside her. Her ass ached after the spanking, but Chase pumping deep inside her was too
good to beg him to stop. He flattened his palms on either side of her, leaned back, and ground deep.
She arched her back, pushing her ass against him. He moaned, coming and shaking, and then sank
down on top of her.

“That was amazing,” he muttered against her ear. “I wanted to spank you longer, but you came

“I couldn’t help it. You’re the perfect lover.”

“My head will swell.”

“It’s already pretty big.”

He laughed. “You’re asking for it.”

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For a long time, they cuddled together, and then, Lori drifted off to sleep while thinking for the first
time that her life was more than satisfying.

* * * *

Lori opened her eyes and stretched. It took a few seconds of glancing around the room to
remember where she was. Over the last few weeks, she and Chase had slept at first one house, then
the other. Today, she realized they were at her house.

She stood up and crossed to the window. Down in the street, people were coming and going, most
headed out to work, she guessed. A compact little Bug, a bright shade of lilac with yellow flowers
blooming at each fender, sat at the curb in front of Lori’s house. She froze. That was Cam’s vehicle.

At the same time that the realization hit, the knob of Lori’s bedroom door turned. Her heart
thundered in her chest, and she spun to face the bed. Chase lay splayed out, naked except for a scrap
of cover across his ass. While his mating season was on the way out, and he could hide all
appearance of being a shifter now, he did not hide it during their intimacy because Lori loved
hanging on to his furry ears while he took her. And with the ears, naturally, came the striped,
colored skin.

Lori opened her mouth to shout a warning, whether to Chase or to Cam, she wasn’t sure. The door
swung open at the same time that Chase sniffed twice and muttered, “Smells like a visitor.”

He sat up, groggy from one of their all-nighters, and looked into Cam’s shocked eyes. Lori couldn’t
move. She just stood there, just as naked as her lover and wondering how the hell they were going to
get out of this with a good enough explanation.

“Lori.” Cam’s gaze swung from Lori to Chase and back again. “I came here to surprise you and
demand to know what was keeping you from returning my calls and hanging out with me when you
swore that you did not have a new lover. I could not have imagined this, ever.”

Lori stood mute. Chase dragged the covers over his goods and stood up. “Do you always invade
people’s homes without knocking?” He knotted the sheet around his chest and marched toward the
bathroom. “I’m taking a shower. Lori, get rid of her and join me.”


Cam crossed her arms. “Rude, insensitive, wild, and dominating, yet you wanted to get involved with
one of them? I can’t believe you’re doing this, Lori. He’s an animal. It disgusts me. He’s not
human!” She ended her tirade shouting.

Finding that the ability to move had returned, Lori walked to the bed, sat down, and slid into the
jeans she had discarded the night before. Not until she had also pulled a T-shirt over her head did
she speak. “I don’t expect you to understand, Cam, but I love him, and he loves me.”

“Love?” Cam’s word was a shriek.

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Lori whirled to face her friend. “Yes, love. I love him with all my heart. We know we can’t get
married or have kids.” She ran a hand through her hair and reflected on the earlier scare when the
condom broke, not being able to get checked out by a doctor. But since then she’d had her period.
Things would be okay as long as they continued to be responsible.

“You’re damn right you can’t have kids!” Cam shouted. “You can’t be involved at all.”

“That’s our decision, not yours! I’m sorry you don’t agree, that you think he’s an animal, but we’re
together.” Lori crossed the floor to reach out to Cam, but her friend backed up. Lori gasped. “If you
care about me, you’ll accept things as they are, that I’m with Chase. There’s not going to be anyone
else for either of us. He’s made me his mate.”

Cam cringed. “It’s not me who has decided you two shouldn’t be together. Society has and. more
importantly, the government.”

The bathroom door opened, and Chase stood in the doorway with wet, tousled hair and a towel
around his waist. This time when Cam looked at him, she didn’t appear to miss how sexy he was.
Even amid being found out and her friend’s reaction, Lori found her body responding to the sight
of her lover. She didn’t want to stand here arguing. She wanted to be in Chase’s arms.

Cam turned away from him, her expression of revulsion settled back into place. “If you weren’t so
busy these last few weeks, you would have known the progress that has been made on the new bill.
In fact, you’d know that several new laws have been passed, one of them being that no shifter and
human can be sexually involved, or both will be charged for it and sent to prison. The maximum
sentence for that is ten years.”

“What?” Lori’s voice came out hoarse.

Chase paled, and he rushed over to Lori’s laptop and powered it up. Lori and Cam waited in silence
while he scoured the Internet. After scanning the page he brought up, he sank into her chair and
dropped his face into his hands. “Damn it!”

Cam’s cruelty hadn’t come to an end. “I thought the law was silly because no person in their right
mind would sleep with a shifter.” As if shifters were not people.” She smirked. “And you know who
was the ringleader of that rush to get such a law passed, don’t you? Your father. So you see, Lori,
this thing you two have is over.”

Tears welled in Lori’s eyes. She stared at the floor hugging herself.

“I want to know one thing,” Chase said. “You’re supposedly Lori’s friend. She told me you two have
been since you were both young children. Do you plan on turning us in?”

Lori and Cam both gasped. Lori looked up at her friend and waited for an answer, her stomach
doing somersaults.

“I’m not going to tell, if you end it now.” She moved closer to Lori and then hugged her. “Sweetie,
you have been lonely, although you tried to pretend you weren’t. I realize that. Let him go. It’s not
right.” She leaned back to look into Lori’s eyes. “Eventually, if you don’t, you’ll be found out. And I

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think that your father would never allow you to be put in jail, but what about him? He’d be sure the
shifter is killed for touching you.”

Lori shook off Cam’s arms. “You’re under the impression that my father gives a shit about me. He
doesn’t. The same way he drove my mother into an early grave, he’d let me rot in jail. He hates the
shifters more than any human.” Lori strolled over to the door and stood beside it with her hand on
the knob. “Since you’ve said you won’t tell on us, I’d like you to leave so I can discuss this with

Cam blinked. “You’re choosing him over me, aren’t you? We’ve been like sisters. . . . There’s just a
matter of time before they figure out a way to track the shifter’s mating habits, Lori, just like any
other animal! Remember that!” Cam stormed by her and ran down the hall and down the stairs. A
few beats after, the front door opened and slammed shut.

Lori shuffled back to the bed and would have sunk onto it, but Chase stopped her. “Baby, come
here.” She looked up to see he had his arms stretched out to her. She hesitated and then went to
him. He pulled her down on his lap, and Lori wrapped her arms around his neck. She cried for a
long time, her mouth pressed into his neck.

“Chase, what are we going to do?” she sobbed. “I think I might be . . . I think I might be lost
without you, although you probably think I’m being dramatic.”

“No, I don’t think that.” He stroked her back and rocked her. She was surprised to hear a tremor in
his voice as well. “I think I agree. It’s not physically possible for me to give you up. As my mate, you
would always draw me to wherever you are. At mating season, I would lose it and kill anyone who
came between us if I couldn’t get to you. It would be more dangerous for us to split at this point. I
should have . . . considered that before I pursued you. Damn it!”

Lori lifted her head. “Oh no. You’re not exaggerating. Would you actually lose control? Wouldn’t it
be like before? You’d be very horny, but able to manage enough to continue working, right?”

He shook his head. “Afraid not. Something else inside me kicks in when I select a mate. It’s the
same with most of us. We might decide to walk away from each other to be safe, but I would never
be able to stay apart from you long. I would hunt for you. If there were another male interested in
you, I would challenge him and eventually kill him. In a way, your friend is right. I’m an animal.
Rational thought tells me I cannot do that and should respect your wishes should you choose to
leave me, but my kind mates for life. Remember? We discussed it.”

She nodded. “Yes, and I was open to being your mate. I still am. I love you. But this is too much. I
don’t want you killed or put in jail. Cam’s also right that my father wouldn’t let me be put in prison
if he could help it, but only to save his own damn face. What are we going to do? This new law can
be dangerous if there are others who end up mating across the species like us. I’ll bet Congress did
not take this into consideration.”

Chase put her off his lap and stood up. He paced to the window, twitched the curtain aside, and
looked out. “I’m concerned about any others who might find themselves in our place.” He glanced
back at her. “Funny, I had no love of humans before you. But my first priority is to make sure

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you’re safe and that some idiot doesn’t try to take you from me. I think it would hurt you if I killed
your father.”

Lori went still. He said it in such a matter-of-fact way, like he was discussing the weather. It did
stand to reason that her father would try to break them up if he found out. From what Chase said,
he wouldn’t hesitate to kill until he reached her. Since that was the case, their society’s problems
were only beginning.

“Well, I’ll follow you wherever you go then,” she told him.

“Then it’s settled.” He turned and kissed her lips. “Get cleaned up and packed. We leave tonight.”

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Chapter Eleven

Chase frowned at the bag of chips Lori offered him and shook his head. “I would never put that
garbage in my body.” She laughed in response. He reached out to surf through several radio
channels, looking for news that interested him. The scent of nail polish made his nose burn. “Lori!
Open the window. That stuff reeks.”

“You sure are grumpy!” she snapped. “We’ve been on the road for five minutes, and you’re already
being a bear.”

“We’re not on a pleasure vacation.”

“What’s that got to do with me polishing my toes or chomping on snacks?”

“Do you suppose this will be easy? The sooner you let that stuff go, the better. We may even have to
live in the wild for some time.”

“The wild!”

He ignored her outburst. “There are no potato chips out there. Nor is there nail polish.” He glanced
down toward his feet. While it felt good to wear shoes again, he could live fine for a long time
without them. But Lori was a different story. She was a city girl, and they would have to go deep
into territory untrammeled by humans to ensure not being caught. Her sweet body was too soft.
“I’m sorry about this, but it can’t be helped.”

Her face fell. She capped her polish and rolled her bag of chips up before stuffing the two into an
oversized shoulder bag. Chase reached across the space between them and took her hand. He
squeezed it, hoping she knew how much he loved her.

“It’s okay.” She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. When she brushed her cheek over his
skin, he hardened. His desires were less frenzied now that mating season was behind him, but that
didn’t mean he stopped wanting Lori. Her curvy body called to him night and day, but he was
careful not to wear her out, to give her time to heal. He freed his hand long enough to adjust his
pants, and he focused on the dark road ahead of him.

Her hand settled in his lap and ran along his cock. So much for giving her a break. Chase pulled the
car to the side of the road and flipped the radio up loud so that the song playing would echo into the
quiet night.

“You know that touching me that way makes me excited.”

She shrugged. “I know, but I’m stressed, and I need a reliever.”

His heart thumped harder when he just looked at her. He watched for a second as she opened her
door and climbed out. Her skirt was too short. The movement made it flap up and showed off her
red thong panties. Chase licked his lips. He stepped out of the car and followed her to the side.
When he had guided her to face the car and rest her hands on the hood, he moved behind her.

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Running his tongue along her neck up to her ear, he pressed against her ass. “Do you want it back

She moaned. “Anywhere you want to fill me. I’m yours.”

He snatched open his pants and shoved his boxers down to pull out his cock. He was tight and
extended to his full length. A flick of her skirt revealed her round ass to him. He smacked it once.
She cried out and whimpered. Her juices ran down to his fingers while he explored, and he coated
them by pushing up into her. She rose up on her bare toes.

“Your body drives me insane, Lori,” he groaned. “I need to be inside you right now.”

“Yes, do it!” She arched her back.

He spread her folds and eased into her pussy. How many times had he taken her, and yet she was
still tight. He panted, struggling to catch his breath and keep control. All he wanted to do was shoot
his load inside her, but he held on to it.

When he withdrew, she complained, but he replaced his cock with his fingers. This time, he used
one finger to tease, then sought entrance to her ass. She squirmed. Grasping her waist, he held her
still so he could push in. Her muscles spasmed. He pushed in and out, and then added a second
finger and a third. By that time, she was shouting, her voice echoing beyond the trees on either side
of the road.

Chase withdrew his fingers and then pushed the head of his cock to her hole. Her body gave in to
him, and he sank inside. His knees banged the cold metal of the car’s bumper, and he waited for his
head to clear enough to pump. The sensation of being inside the woman he loved sapped his
strength every time he first entered her. His control would flee for a while, and Lori understood that
about him. She whispered her love to him while she waited.

A tingle began in his head, and his ears popped out of his hair. The claws on his fingertips grew, and
he heard the splitting of his shoes as his claws there cut the material. Damn, he’d forgotten about

Chase brought his hands down on either side of Lori and growled. “Brace yourself, baby!” He
clawed at the car hood as he pumped into her, picking up speed with each thrust. The slap of their
bodies coming together, coupled with his grunts and her moans, served only to heighten his
pleasure. He pushed harder and faster, fighting not to be too rough, but craving to lose himself
inside her.

“It feels so good!” she shouted. “Don’t stop. Harder.”

“No, I’ll hurt you.” He gasped.


He did, and she screamed. He knew when she came, her muscles quivering, and she sagged down to
the car. Chase leaned out and caught her, using his arm to protect her from the cold surface. But he

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followed with his body, gyrating his hips to slide into her. He didn’t ever want to stop. He didn’t
want to come yet, preferring the sensations to build and build, until he couldn’t distinguish between
himself and her in his mind.

Too soon, his climax capped, and his come burst forth. He drew in ragged breaths and kept up his
fast pace for a while afterward. Lori had ceased moving and had gone quiet. He withdrew, and a
groan was torn from her.

Ignoring the cold, he switched their places and sat down with her cradled in his arms. “Did I hurt

“No.” She didn’t open her eyes. He had worn her out. He rested his cheek on her forehead and sat
quiet for a few moments. The music on the radio stopped, and a man came on at the same time
Chase picked up the scent of humans.

“This just in. . . . The police have set up a roadblock at all exits out of the city. It’s been reported that lobbyist Alvin
Tanner’s daughter has been kidnapped by a shifter. We haven’t confirmed it yet, but I’m being told that Tanner’s
daughter might have been having an affair with this the shifter. At this time, the governor has issued a command for
martial law. All humans and shifters should be off the streets. Anyone caught outside before sunrise will be arrested. .
. .”

Chase tightened his hold on Lori and didn’t move for a moment. From here on, it would be harder
for them. Lori shook in his arms, and he felt her tears on his neck. Her friend had betrayed her,
probably after learning they had run.

“Are you with me, Lori?” he whispered.

She sniffled. “Without question.”

He set her down on her side of the car, and while she fixed her clothing and put her shoes on, he
gathered only the essentials. Without regrets, he slung a bag on his back and took Lori’s hand. Silent,
but resolved, they headed into the trees. Chase had no idea what they would face in the future,
whether they would be running all their lives, but he did know he would always keep Lori with him,
and he would protect her. Then maybe one day society would change, and they could come back to
the city as husband and wife. He could only hope for that time.

The End

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A Hare’s Breadth

Dorian Wallace

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Chapter One


Robin woke to the sound of two laughing and screaming eight-year-olds outside. She recognized her
sister Elnie and cousin Duncan running around at dark o’clock in the morning from her bedroom
on the second floor. Her eyes refused to cooperate and open, but she could tell from the chill
outside her safe haven of blankets and quilts that it was before sunrise. She rolled over onto her
back and heard an ear-piercing screech followed by giggling that ebbed and flowed.

“Well, I guess that means going back to sleep is not going to happen.” She slipped one leg out, let
her toes touch the floor, and then quickly retreated under the covers. “Jeezy creezy, that’s freezing.”
Over the winters of her life, Robin had mastered the art of getting changed before getting out of
bed. She had laid out her clothes over the chair next to the bed the night before so she reached over
to pull them into the warmth and waited about ten minutes while trying to keep them distanced
from her in the meantime. As soon as she was sure the threat of an icy zipper or freezing buttons
was at bay, she slipped her nightclothes off and her day clothes on.

“That’s better. I guess I’d better get breakfast started and those two in before they break something
or each other.” She heard a loud bang followed by a thud. “Crap, too late.” Duncan’s crying set
Robin’s teeth on edge as she made her way down to the kitchen. She flinched at the impact of the
back door slamming into the wall as he crashed through it. “Can’t a girl get a cup of tea before
having to deal with you two?” She tried to rub the sleep out her eyes.

“It’s not fair! She said she wouldn’t use it this time!” He let out a few sobs to his older cousin as she
stepped off the last stair.

“Slow down, Duncan.” Robin handed him a dish towel that was hanging on the banister “Wipe
yourself up.”

“She threw a snowball and then whacked it hard with her tail. We were in the front yard too,” he
said while mopping his face.

Robin turned on her guilty-faced sister as she reluctantly followed Duncan. “Elnie! What have I told
you about not shifting in plain sight, especially if you’re only going to do it half-assed?”

“Robin! I’ll not have that kind of language in my house and in front of the children.”

Moira startled Robin, who wasn’t expecting her mother to be awake, but she was already turned
from the stove and had Duncan’s ears covered, almost whacking him with the pan she was holding.

Robin made to protest, but all she could say was, “Sorry, Mum,” and she quickly changed the
subject. “What are you doing up already? I was just coming down to fix breakfast.”

“This one”—she tugged on Duncan’s ear—“was knocking on the back door for your sister to come
play at six this morning.” The kettle started to whistle. “All right, food’s almost done. Elnie, you
apologize to yer cousin, and we’ll talk about it later. Now, off wit the both of you to get out of those
wet clothes. You can clean the snow off the floor before you wash up. Robin, please set the table.”

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“Yes, Mum. Oh, I’m going into town to meet Kelly for lunch. Are you needing anything? It’s still
okay that I take the day off today, right?”

“I think we’re good for just noo, but ta. I told ya, dear, you can have the weekend off because I’m
going to need your help around here. I’m closing the shop up anyway.” Robin got a passing rub on
the arm as she handed her the platter for the pancakes. “You make sure Kelly and her family is
coming for Imbolc.”

Right on cue, her friend’s number was on the caller ID. “Hi Kelly.” Robin set the platter on the
counter and pointed at the phone. Her mother nodded.

“So? Have you dumped the loser yet?” Kelly was never the kind of girl to beat around the bush. She
didn’t approve of many of the men that her friend dated, least of all the current one, and Robin
knew it.

Robin was not looking forward to today. She had been trying to make it work with Steve for the
past three months, but he just didn’t fit into her life. He was turning out to be a bit of a pig, which
helped along her task of cutting him loose, but it was never easy.

“No, I haven’t. I just got up, for cripe’s sake. He’s not a complete loser. He’s just too uptight for
me.” Robin cradled the cell between her ear and shoulder as she set out the dishes and silverware.

“Too uptight is an understatement! The man tried to change your wardrobe, your hairstyle, and the
books you read, all under the guise of being worldly. He likes to think he knows better than
everyone else. You’re too good for him.”

“Okay, calm down there, Kimosabe. I don’t know about being too good for him, just not the right
fit. I’m definitely not willing to put up with him trying to put me in a box. Better men than him have
tried to change me. He just needs a younger woman who’s going to stroke his ego and buy into his
knight-in-shining-armor routine.”

“True. Well, go put that frog back in the pond.”

Robin dropped the phone while laughing at her. “Sorry, you almost landed in the pancake batter.”

“Nice. Speaking of food, are we still on for lunch?”

“Of course, I’ll meet you at one. Let me run before I drop you in the syrup. I still need to finish
breakfast before I set Steve back into the wild.”

“All right, I’ll talk to you soon. Same meeting place, oh, and if I run across any delusional eighteen-
year-olds, I’ll get a number for him.”

“You’re terrible, and you know I love ya for it.”

“I know. I love you too. Bye.”

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Robin saw her mother watching her, and she felt a lecture was coming. “Another? Girl, when are
you going to let someone in?” Shaking her head, she looked back to the stove.

“Mum, not now. We can talk about this tonight.” Moira stopped when the two troublemakers came
stomping and cackling their way back into the kitchen. “At least they made up.” She looked toward
the door to find the two of them with shifted ears, Elnie with cat ears and Duncan with those of a
horse. Robin sighed and shook her head because at least it was just the ears this time.

“Mum, you have to talk with her. She can’t stay a cat for the rest of her life. At least Duncan is
civilized.” She paused when she saw that he was sporting a tail too as he walked past her to sit down.
“Most of the time anyway.” She furrowed her brows at the back of his head.

“Leave her be. She’ll grow out of it.” She waved her hand dismissively to Robin as she plated the
bacon and eggs.

“But she and Duncan are always mucking about. Mum, I’ve heard people whispering. It’s not
normal for a cat and a horse to be cavorting on the outskirts of town. Mrs. Sullivan was telling the
butcher yesterday that she swore they were laughing at each other!” She took the platter of pancakes
from the counter and brought them to the table.

“Oh, all right, I’ll speak with them about being more careful later. However, I don’t think a talk is
going to reel in a pair of unruly eight-year-olds completely.” Moira just shook her head, smiled, and
spied her youngest daughter, almost intact, sitting at the kitchen table. Elnie was still sporting the
ears, tail, and whiskers of her cat form. “Now, young lady, is that any way to show for breakfast?
You’ll get egg and syrup stuck to yer face, so you just retract those this instant. And you”—she
pointed at Duncan—“if that tail so much as touches the table, you’ll no be sitting at it anymore.”

Robin walked back to the kitchen table and pursed her lips at the state of her little sister. “I wish
Mum wouldn’t give in to you. Yer spoiled.”

“I am simply an extrovert and am expressing myself. Quit being a snob.” Elnie stuck her nose
dramatically in the air, pursed her lips, and closed her eyes.

Robin just rolled her eyes and set Elnie’s plate in front of her and got smacked in the side with a
giant tail for her troubles. “Ya wee shite, I’ll get you later.”

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Chapter Two

Free Time

Robin put her car in park behind Kelly’s car in front of Boots. Her friend was leaning against the
side of her car, smoking a cigarette, and looking like a fire-breathing Yeti in what Robin guessed was
supposed to be a jacket.

Kelly barely waited for her to get out of the car when she rushed over. “First, where would ye like ta
eat? Second, tell us everything.” They started walking, feet crunching in the melting snow.

“Let’s go to Rancho Pancho. I’m in the mood for a spinach quesadilla. A drink might be in order as
well. We’re going shopping after lunch, right? So I’ll have time to walk it off. I’ll tell you all about it
when we get there.” Robin let out a sigh and then raised an eyebrow. “What the bloody hell are you
wearing? It looks like an albino yak.”

“Oh, thanks a lot, love. My mum gave it to us fer Christmas.” She stuck out her bottom lip at Robin.
“I rather like it, makes us look like we should be in Vogue.” Kelly sucked in her cheeks and gave her
best model’s pose, at which Robin snickered. “Of course we’re going shopping! How often is it that
we have a day to ourselves?” She looked at her friend and stamped out her cigarette. “So, seriously,
it sounds like things didn’t go too well.”

“Not at all, but it’s over with.” She was starting to drift back to the scene between herself and Steve.
He had cried like she had never seen a man cry before. She was shocked but almost flattered that it
appeared as if she meant that much to him. He soon showed his true colors, though, when he let her
know that his friends would make fun of him if he was dumped by a girl like her. That was the end
of her empathy for Steve, and she walked out on him.

The sounds of a fiddle, mandolin, and accordion caught her ears and shifted her back to the real
world. They had passed through the Overgate Tunnel and were coming up to High Street, where the
foreign melody was getting a bit louder. “Do you hear that?”

“Yeah, it’s probably just some street performers in City Square. There’s always someone playing
there. Why?”

“It’s beautiful,” she said wistfully.

“Yeah, it’s nice,” Kelly rebutted dismissively and quickly hopped on to something else. “Oh, did I
tell you what Julie Craig got caught doing?”

Robin slowed her pace a bit and came to a full stop when they were across the street from what
looked like a band of exotic gypsies, four of them in all. Kelly’s voice faded into the background as
Robin stood on the edge of the sidewalk and closed her eyes. She was entranced by the
Mediterranean music. It moved through her and vibrated her soul. The small group of what she
assumed to be family, two men, a boy, and an older woman, were starkly different from her brethren
surrounding them. People were occasionally dropping coins or paper into an open guitar case. She
stood fixed on them until a group of teenage girls stopped right in front of her, blocking her view.

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“Excuse me.” She could barely hear herself, let alone the music, over the cackling and screeching.
She decided to move around them and slipped off the curb, tweaking her ankle.

Robin had just narrowly missed being hit by a bus thanks to the quick actions of the man who had
been playing the fiddle just moments before she closed her eyes. “What happened?”

The handsome stranger was still halfway lying on top of her. “The autolinea, she almost hit you,

“Um, I’m sorry, but what?” She wasn’t sure what he was talking about. As soon as she looked up at
him, she was already getting lost in his eyes. They were so dark, reminding her of pools of black ink
reflecting her face back to her. His skin was a slight hue of gold, unlike her pallid complexion. She
caught the scent of spices emanating from him, and the combination of that plus his weight shifting
between her legs made her heart pound a bit harder. His long black hair draped to one side and
tickled her cheek. He seemed to linger longer than he should. She caught the slight flare of his
nostrils, as if he were catching her scent. All of this combined cemented the vision of an escaped
animal wandering streets that were not his own. He had a hunger in his eyes that excited her more
than she thought it should have, and she blushed at what was going through her mind. He smiled at
her, which made her face feel even hotter.

“Hey, you there, get off her! What the hell are ya doing?” Kelly’s words snapped Robin out of her
trance. She looked toward her friend, who was pushing through the crowd. “Are you all right?”

The stranger got off of Robin and then extended a hand to help her up. “It’s okay, Kelly. Calm
down. I’m fine. I actually think I owe my life to this gentleman, whose name I did not get.” But
Kelly was smacking his hand away from her and moving in front of her.

“Oh, I am sorry to have scared you. My name is Vincenzo Esposito.” He was quite tall when he was
standing, but made a deep bow with the introduction. “My family and I are traveling all de way
froma Italy to bring our music to your fine country.” He grabbed Kelly’s hand and kissed it first,
which sent her into a giggle fit, making her let go of Robin’s arm. “What a lovely friend you have,
miss.” When he took Robin’s hand, he kissed it in a way that was straddling a marriage proposal and
being obscene. Her heart raced and made a pounding sound in her ears. She hadn’t noticed that the
music had stopped until the older woman with the group came over waving her arms and yelling,
occasionally clutching her chest.

He looked worried. “This is my mama, Amelia. She is concerned how you are feeling.” He
towered over his mother, who couldn’t have been more than four feet nine. Amelia looked warily
at her and then fussed at Vincenzo in Italian. He had his head down looking at her and kept
saying, “Sì, Mamma,” trying to calm her.

Robin decided to stop his public embarrassment and answer the woman’s question. “I am okay,
thanks to your son’s bravery. I am deeply indebted to you and your family.” She extended her hand.
“I’m Robin McGuire, and this is my friend Kelly Lamb.”

Amelia’s demeanor changed toward Robin almost instantly. “Oh, he is a good boy, raised well, and I
thank you. We hava to go now. You look where you go, okay?” She smiled and pushed Robin’s hair

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out of her face, then immediately shot a look of disgust to her son, mumbled something foreign to
him, and crossed the street again when the traffic cleared. He raised his hands and shoulders into a
shrug, then looked back to Robin.

“I must go. I’m sorry about my mamma. She worry a lot. Please be safe.” Vincenzo kissed her hand
again and, as quickly as he could, resumed his place with the small family of musicians.

She reluctantly limped after Kelly to the restaurant, brushing herself off as she walked. “I suddenly
feel like having Italian.” If her friend heard, she didn’t let on. Robin kept looking back to where he
was standing, playing that sweet music again, until she couldn’t see him anymore. A few times he
was looking at her too. She rushed through lunch barely paying attention to her friend’s one-sided
conversation. Robin was anxious to get back to City Square. She was more than a little disappointed
that the little gypsy family was gone. She had been hoping for another glimpse of her rescuer or a
chance to give him her phone number.

“It doesn’t matter how long you stare. He’s not going to appear.” Kelly laughed.

Robin could have sworn he did, though. She could almost make out his silhouette, and it moved a
bit. “Did you see that?” It was too late. Her friend was already headed up the Wellgate Shopping
Plaza. She looked from Kelly back to the spot where she had seen the specter, but it was gone. After
a moment, she ran to catch up with her friend, who had stopped in front of a shoe shop.

“Oh, those are so cute. Do you see those pink ones? I have to go in and get them.” She looked over
at Robin, who was staring into the window but not really looking at anything. “Are you all right?
You look pale.”

“Yeah, I just saw . . . Well, I’m not sure what I saw or if my mind is just playing tricks on me. I
probably shouldn’t have had that margarita.”

“Um, okay. So are you coming in with me to try on some cute pumps or not?”

“Yes.” Robin followed her into the store.

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Chapter Three

A Gilded Cage

Elnie was in the yard stalking squirrels and birds when Robin pulled up. She shook her head at what
appeared to most as a cat hunting prey and said, “Dinner is in a few hours, and we have the family
coming over tonight, so please make sure that you’re cleaned up and look like a proper lady when
you sit down.” She didn’t wait for a response, lest there be a row as usual. She headed for the
kitchen to see if anything needed to be straightened up or cleaned. It was spotless, so she moved on
to the living room and found her mother dusting and offered to give her a hand, but was shooed
away. She headed upstairs to her bedroom. She tossed her coat on the chair and grabbed her MP3
player before flopping on the bed and tuning to her Elbow playlist. “Switching Off” was first
because it was her favorite.

The music carried her away and back to the sidewalk, back to him. She could still feel his strong
arms around her as he caught her from the grips of that Tayside bus. His lips had a perfect bow in
them, the kind that you see in museums on marble statues. She wondered what those lips would feel

“You, the only sense the world has ever made,”
rang so true in her ears.

She imagined what he looked like under those clothes. Did he have hair on his chest, or was he
smooth? Would his long hair fall in her face when they made love, like it had when they stood on
the sidewalk? She could feel desire rising, a yearning for him that she had felt with no other man in
her life. Her chest panged with longing, and her hands were about to slip inside her pants to at least
relieve part of what she was feeling when her sister burst through the door, making it hit the wall.

“Look what I found!” exclaimed Elnie.

Robin’s heart jumped, and her skin went cold at being startled. “He was just sitting in the tree! The
wee minki didn’t even hear me creep up on him.” Elnie held out the cage that she put her “captured
birds” in, this being only the second one she had caught. The first had been injured, so it didn’t
really count. There sat a huge raven, almost looking ashamed that he had been caught. “He says he
wants to sleep in your room tonight.” She let out a little giggle as she looked at the bird and it
cocked its head at her and squawked.

“What? I don’t need a bird in my—”

“He won’t take up much room.” She placed the cage on Robin’s dresser, then quickly walked out.

“Elnie! What the hell am I gonna do with this?” It was too late. Her sister was out of the room and
running down the stairs before she could stop her. The raven let out a weird sound as she turned
toward it. “Poor thing, you should have been a bit quicker.” The bird clacked its beak and grabbed a
bar on the cage. “I know, little one. As soon as she’s asleep tonight, I’ll let you out.” The raven put
its head up to the bars, and Robin scratched its head. “You’re a sweet thing, aren’t you? I’ll be back
for you later.”

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She left the bird on the dresser and went to discuss the Imbolc ceremony with her mother. There
were only two more holidays until the big Beltane ritual. She hoped this year she would have
someone special to bring, but it was hard enough to find other Pagans in the area, let alone someone
who was a shifter. The family had started to arrive, and her mother was still putting things away.

“Let me help you with that.” She took a small pile of books and walked over to the bookshelf. “You
really should have let me help before, Mum.”

“I know, I know. Thank you for taking those for me.” She looked exhausted, put a smile on as she
headed toward the kitchen, but she stopped short. “Oh, Robin, would you mind taking that basket
of stuff upstairs please?”

“Of course, Mum. I’ll be back down in a bit.”

When she came back down, everyone was crammed in the living room, and Elnie and Duncan were
already clamoring to be this year’s hedgehog. “You were it last time, and they wound up having to
chase you. I promise to be a good hedgehog and come out when I’m supposed to.” Duncan held up
his hand and closed his eyes as if he were being sworn onto the witness stand.

“Sorry to you both, but I think it’s time for Heather to take a turn, as she is old enough now.” Moira
gave them both a look of firmness that set them both silent.

Heather was usually a shy, quiet child, but she let out a little squeak and quickly covered the huge
smile on her face. She was the second youngest in the family at six years old and took great delight
in being chosen over her older cousins, who thought they were too mature to play with her.

Robin decided to defuse the situation before little tempers started to flare. “Okay, ladies, time to
make the corn dollies. We don’t want Brigid to skip our house tonight, do we?”

There was unison of “Nooooooo.”

“All right then, let’s get to work.”

Duncan trailed behind them and stood in the doorway. “Robin?”

“Yes, dear?”

“Can I make one too this year, even though I’m not a girl?” he asked timidly.

“I don’t see why not.” Robin extended a hand to him in invitation, and he ran to the table to sit. He
had had a rough day, and she thought the poor kid deserved a break. Duncan came running over
and sat right by Elnie.

The kids made a mess of the corn husks, sticks, and glue. By the time they were done with their craft
and back in the front room, the family was almost done deciding who was bringing what and the
roles everyone would play in the ceremony. The little ones went over to place their corn dolls in
Brigid’s bed, Robin set a bit of soda bread on the sill, and Moira was smoothing the ashes in the
hearth while the adults finished business.

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Uncle Barney said to Kelly, “You can do the fog thing that you did last year, right?” He didn’t give
her a chance to answer before he continued. “I’m hungry. It’s time to eat.”

“I would be honored, Uncle Barney.” Kelly wasn’t blood-related, but she was family and frequently
referred to Robin’s family like hers.

After dinner, Kelly and Robin sat on the back porch drinking wine and chatting about the next
night’s circle and about how much cleaning they were going to have to do afterward. “I’m really
flattered that your uncle appreciates the fact that I can bring cover the goings-on,” Kelly proudly

“Well, you’re the only one of us that can control the weather. It’s a rare talent, and we’re happy that
you’re part of the family. It was hard to hide all of our ceremonies before you figured out how to
pull in fog,” Robin said to her friend in answer, but she faded right back to her thoughts of

For the next twenty minutes, the conversation consisted of Kelly talking and Robin occasionally
grunting between sentences where she thought a response was due. She vaguely caught what Kelly
was talking about amid scenes of this dark stranger making love to her. She sipped her wine, closed
her eyes, and remembered the weight of him and how good he felt between her legs. The scent of
him still lingered, a mixture of exotic spices and musk. His eyes were like black mirrors that she
could see herself reflected in. Her skin chilled, and her stomach churned with the excitement of
something new on the horizon. Feelings for a man she barely knew stirred inside and thrilled her.

“Um, are you listening to me?” Kelly had actually stamped her foot at Robin and shook her out of
her daydream.

“Huh? Oh, sorry, love. I didn’t mean to drift off on you.” Robin flushed because she knew what was
coming next.

“You were fantasizing about him, weren’t ya?” Kelly raised an eyebrow at Robin.

“Well . . .” She paused for a moment before admitting, “Yes. I can’t seem to stop thinking about
Vincenzo.” At that moment, she heard another voice calling his name. She and Kelly exchanged a
look of surprise, and it came again. “What was that?” They quickly moved to the front yard and
found Moira trying to talk to a tiny woman. Robin recognized her in an instant. “Mrs. Esposito. Is
everything all right?”

“You!” She pointed her finger at Robin and came rushing toward her. “Wheresa my son?”

Robin was taken aback. “I . . . I haven’t seen him since this afternoon.”

“Well, he tell me he come to see you, and he no come home!” One hand was on her hip and the
other waggling an accusatory finger in Robin’s confused face.

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“I’m really sorry, but I haven’t seen him, madam.” In truth, she wished she had. “Wait a minute. Did
you say he was coming to see me? I didn’t tell him where I live, Mrs. Esposito, so I don’t think he
was coming to see me.”

Amelia clutched her chest, waved her hands in the air, and started crying. Moira wrapped her arms
around the desperate woman. “There, there, I’m sure he’s all right, love. We’ll split up and help you
look for him.” Everyone was looking like they were at a loss as to what to do.

Elnie, who had been watching the whole scene from the doorway, timidly spoke up. “I know where
he is. I’ll be right back.” Five minutes later, she came down holding the caged raven.

Robin was confused. “She’s looking for her son, Elnie. That’s not funny!” Her patience was already
running thin with her sister, but this almost sent her over the edge.

“I’m not joking, Robin, I swear,” she pleaded, only to be interrupted by Vincenzo’s brother, who
came running up to his mother saying something in Italian. While the two were conversing, Elnie
made her way over to Robin. “It’s him. I talked to him. He told me he came to see you. His name is
Vincenzo. I thought it would be funny to let him visit you in your room. I didn’t mean any harm.”
She started to cry and walked over to Amelia, put the cage on the ground, and opened it. The bird
flew out, landed on the woman’s shoulder, and then squawked loudly at Elnie.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have played a trick on you.” She bawled and hid her face in Moira’s apron.

The raven transformed back into Vincenzo, and everyone stared in amazement. “It is okay, Elnie. I
forgive you. No more cages, though, okay?” He bent down and tousled her hair.

“Okay.” She looked down and scuffed her shoe on the ground.

Robin’s eyes went wide with shock and joy. He’s a shifter.

Amelia launched herself at her child. “I ama so happy you okay. I think they take you.” She looked
around quickly, as if just remembering that there was a crowd of strangers surrounding them, then
pulled him to the side and spoke in her native tongue.

Uncle Barney was the first to speak up. “So, I guess we have family from afar.” He had the biggest
grin Robin had ever seen. In fact, she didn’t know if she had ever truly seen him smile. In a moment,
he was sporting a huge rack of antlers. “You will all stay with me tonight and join us in our
celebration tomorrow night.” Once Uncle Barney had made up his mind about something, there
wasn’t much use in arguing with him, but the Esposito family didn’t put up much of a fight.

The youngest boy said, “That’s better than a tent,” and got smacked in the back of his head by his
brother Salvatore.

Robin and Vincenzo kept exchanging glances, and she tried to get closer to him, but his mother and
her uncle were already setting plans in motion to bring their things over to his place. He was pulled
away before she had a chance to talk to him.

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Robin hardly slept that night. She kept talking herself out of sneaking out of the house and over to
her uncle’s. She was having a full-blown argument out loud with herself at two in the morning as to
why she should stay put. “There is nothing nonchalant at this hour of the night in any situation,
Robin, let alone visiting a man you barely know. You can see him tomorrow, and that’s all there is to
it!” She went to get back under the covers sure of the fact that she had convinced herself. “I wonder
if he’s up too.” She was back to pacing. “There seemed to be a certain look. I don’t know. It could
just be wishful thinking. This is madness. I should be sleeping, not dwelling on a situation that may
or may not be real. It’s just I’ve never met another shifter outside of my bloodline.” She finally
relinquished the verbal battle, slipped beneath her blanket, and tried to think of everything but him
until she drifted off.

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Chapter Four

Disappearing Act

Robin looked down at the ground and saw the lights of the city. She dipped toward the street, then
soared into Balgay Cemetery. Transforming back into herself, she landed on her father’s headstone
and hopped down. She couldn’t make out the words of his epitaph because they kept dancing and
swirling together as if someone had thrown a pebble in water. She looked toward Dundee in all its
beauty. “You sure have a beautiful view from here.”

“Aye. I have the best view in the place.” Her father appeared before her.

“Well, it’s not like you hadn’t told us from the time I was young enough to remember where you
wanted to be buried.” She smiled and walked toward him with her arms open. “Hi, Da.”

“Hi, darlin’.” He embraced Robin and pulled her tight. “How are ya, lass?”

“I’m actually doing pretty well. I think I’ve met someone.” She rested her head between his chest
and shoulder. “He’s a shifter, Da. I’ve never met another shifter outside of our family.”

“Ah, I see. The Italian lad?” He rested his cheek on top of her head, but she pulled back.

“How did you know?” She gave him a surprised look.

“Do you no think I watch over my girls?” He gave her a loving, protective look and stroked her hair.

“We miss ya, Da, so much. Things just haven’t been the same without you.” She started to cry.

“I know, girl, but I am very proud of how you’ve carried on without me and taken care of yer mum
and sister.”

She heard a faint knocking and looked around. “Those church bells sound weird.” The knocking
came again, and her father stared to fade, as did the rest of the scene. Everything went black, and
her body jerked.

“Come on, lazy bones, let’s get a move on. There’s a lot to do today.” Moira was no-nonsense when
it came to holidays. Robin wiped at her damp eyes and was up out of bed lest she feel the wrath of
her mom’s harried disposition.

“I’m up, I’m up.” It took her a few minutes to come to herself and let the memory of the graveyard
go. She remembered she was going to see him today, grabbed her clothes, and ran for the shower.
The door was locked, and the shower was running when she got to it. “Damn.” She knocked.
“Elnie, don’t take too long in there, and don’t use up all of the hot water!”

“I took my shower earlier,” Elnie said as she was coming down the hall.

“What? Who’s in the shower then?” She was confused.

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Her sister smirked and said sarcastically, “Oh, I don’t know.” Within a split second, she was sporting
a raven’s beak, and then she realigned her own face and stuck out her tongue. She continued walking
backward and then twirled around before she reached the landing.

Robin sucked wind. “Oh my god!” The shower turned off, and she panicked. “He can’t see me like
this!” Clothes still in hand, she raced for the downstairs bathroom almost knocking down her sister,
who was now leaning out the window halfway down the steps.

“Oi! Watch it, you,” Elnie said crossly.

“Sorry, love.” She waved an apologetic hand at her before she continued pounding down the rest of
the stairs. She skidded down the hall and stopped in front of the bathroom door. “Good, it’s

Now that she was behind a closed door, she couldn’t stop grinning. He was upstairs, naked in her
house, and she could only imagine what the beads of water looked like running down his olive skin.
The vision of his long hair plastered to his back made her shudder and her stomach lurch. She
stripped and redressed faster than she ever had in her life. Robin reached for her brush and realized
it wasn’t there. Neither was her toothbrush. “Crap.” There was a pen lying on the sink, so she ran
her fingers through her long, sandy hair and used the pen as a hair stick. A quick wash of the face
and a makeshift gargle, and she was done. She took a deep breath, one last inspection, and then tried
to calmly walk to the kitchen. Her heart was beating so hard beneath her chest she swore everyone
in the house could hear it.

“I invited the Espositos and Uncle Barney for breakfast.” Her mother smiled at her. “Pasqual and
Duncan are in the backyard playing. They seem to have taken to each other quite well.” She pointed
toward the backyard.

Robin looked out the kitchen window to see two boys playing leapfrog with real frog legs. “It’s a
good thing no one else can see this but family. Wait, why isn’t Elnie out there with them?”

“I think someone is a bit jealous of Duncan’s newfound buddy, but she says it’s because frogs are
gross.” Moira made a “yeah, right” face.

“Ah, poor thing, she’s used to having Duncan all to herself. I’ll try to be a bit nicer to her today. I’ll
not make any promises, though, if she whacks me with that tail again.”

“It might be nice. And you, just be patient. She’ll grow out of it. I remember a certain someone
having a fascination with mermaids. For months my salt would go missing and the bathtub was
almost constantly occupied.” Moira went to hug her daughter but was interrupted by a brief knock
at the door and then her brother-in-law announcing himself and guest.

“Good morning, Uncle Barney. Good morning, Mrs. Esposito.” Robin tried to hold a moderate,
gracious smile but was still afraid she would see right through it. They both returned the greeting,
and Robin went to take over the cooking for her mother. “You should tend to your guests. I’ll finish
this up.”

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“It’s okay. I have it.” Robin gave her a look of pleading, and she relented. “If you insist, it makes less
work for me. That doesn’t mean you get out of making the soda bread loaves for tonight, though.”

“Of course not. You know I love making it.” Truth was, Robin had to have something to occupy
her, make the morning more normal. She had never had her nerves come this unhinged over a man
in her life, and it made her uneasy. Before she could finish her sentence, Vincenzo came into the
kitchen with his hair still damp. She dropped the spatula that she was using for the scrambled eggs
when she saw him in the door frame. The elders at the table stopped their conversation and looked
over at her.

“Sorry.” She turned red, picked the utensil off the floor, and moved to wash it off when one of the
sausages popped in the pan and seared the tender part of her wrist as she was exchanging smiles
with Vincenzo. “Ouch!” she grabbed at it and felt stupid.

Vincenzo hurried to the freezer, pulled out a piece of ice, and brought it to Robin. “Let me see.” He
gently took her wrist and inspected the now-blistering skin. His touch made her skin feel like it was
moving liquid, and she was sure he saw the goose bumps. “It doesn’t look too bad”—he placed the
ice on the red spot—“but this will make it feel a bit better. You should be more careful.”

“I only seem to be clumsy around you.” She blushed and smiled, then motioned that she had to turn
the sausage. He smiled back and went to take a seat at the table but bumped his shin in the process.
“You should be more careful.” She winked at him and turned around quickly, shocked at her own

Robin finished making breakfast, put everything in platters, and placed them on the table. “I’m
going to call the boys in.” She looked back as she was crossing the threshold and saw him staring at

“Okay. Thank you,” said Moira in between a bite of sausage.

She saw Elnie curled up with a book sitting in her father’s old chair as she headed for the back door.
“Pasqual, Duncan, it’s time for breakfast. Come in and wash your hands.” She walked over to Elnie.
“You, too, go wash your hands please.” She was surprised that her sister did nothing more than
mark her place in the book and stand up. She was about to ask if everything was all right when the
boys came charging through the door giggling.

Pasqual walked over to Elnie. “I found these for you.” He handed her a small bouquet of snowdrop

Elnie’s face lit up. “Thank you.” She took a quick sniff, kissed him on the cheek, and then ran to the

Duncan’s eyes went wide, and he drew Pasqual a dirty look. It quickly changed to shock as Pasqual
became transparent. “Wow! How are you doing that?”

“Doing what?” He seemed confused.

“Going all invisible, like.” Duncan seemed fascinated as his new friend became more solid again.

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“Can’t you do that too?”

“No. But I can do this.” Duncan shifted into a holly bush and then back.

“Wow. I can’t do that.” Pasqual’s eyes were wide with wonder.

“What else can you do?” Duncan asked excitedly.

“Boys, why don’t you discuss this after breakfast? Go wash your hands in the kitchen sink.” Seeing
Pasqual go transparent brought back the thought of her seeing Vincenzo still in the square.

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Chapter Five


Robin was thankful that it was fairly warm and there were only a few patches of snow left. They had
all set up a part of the altar. Her Uncle Michael was serving as High Priest, and her older cousin
Elizabeth was serving as High Priestess. She saw that the group was lining up for the circle. “It’s
time to begin.” Her mother motioned to the kids to get in line. “Heather, go take your place,

Heather went over to the makeshift hedgehog hole, transformed, and tucked herself into it. She
chirped a bit, which to anyone else was just an animal making noise, but as shifters, they knew she
was laughing. Robin looked over at the Esposito family and saw them smiling in Heather’s direction
as they all filed into the circle. They were blessed with a bit of oil on their foreheads and greeted
with welcome. They were placed male, female, and Robin was neither next to Vincenzo, nor could
she see him.

Uncle Michael started. “Today is Imbolc, the day of midwinter. The cold has begun to fade away,
and the days grow longer. This is a time in which the earth is quickening, like the womb of Brigid,
birthing the fire after the darkness.” He waited for a moment and looked toward the little hedgehog.
“Heather, that’s your cue,” he whispered over to her. The crowd let out a little laugh.

Heather poked her nose out, sniffed around, and then moved like she was going to go back into the
hole. Everyone drew a breath and then let it out when they saw she was heading for the circle. “It’s
spring,” she announced in her tiny voice.

Elizabeth lit the candle. “Bright blessings to all at this midwinter. Brigid will return with the sacred
flame, watching over hearth and home. This is a time of rebirth and fertility, and as the earth grows
full of life, may you find abundance on your own path. Imbolc is the season of awakening, of new
life, and a time to celebrate the nurturing and warmth of Brigid.”

Uncle Michael raised a cup of milk to the sky, offering a sip to Brigid, then passed the cup around
the circle. Each person took a sip. They passed it to the next, saying, “May you never thirst, and may
Brigid give her blessings to you this season.”

Then, Elizabeth took her place at the altar and blessed the oatcakes, made an offering to Brigid, and
passed around the plate. Everyone fed a bit to the person next to them, saying, “May you never
hunger, and may Brigid's love and light nurture your path.” When the plate made its way back to
her, she invited everyone to come and light their candle from the one on the altar. “Come, and allow
the warmth of Brigid's hearth embrace you. Allow the light of her flame to guide you and allow her
gracious blessings protect you.”

She sat on a blanket with Kelly after the ceremony was over, talking and watching Vincenzo and
Salvatore playing with the kids. “That’s cute. Look at them shifting into ponies so the girls can ride.”

“I tell ya what’s cute is Sal’s ass.” Kelly had been staring at him from the moment she showed up. “I
hate to say it, but I’m glad you almost got hit by that bus.”

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“Thanks a lot! Love you too.” She feigned shock and pain at her friend’s remark. “I wouldn’t kick
either of them out of my bed, but I’m sure you know which one I would rather have in there.”

The brothers made their way over to them exhausted from being children’s entertainment. Robin
offered them some bread, cheese, and a glass of honey mead, which they happily accepted. They all
sat munching and drinking. After a lag of silence, Robin asked, “So how did you and your family
travel here?”

Vincenzo answered, “We came by boat.” He took a big bite of bread with cheese. It didn’t seem as if
he wanted to talk about it. She noticed the tension in his forehead, jaw, and shoulders.

Salvatore spoke up, though. “We had to board as birds this time because Pasqual got snared in a trap
the last time we traveled as rats.” He laughed but quickly stopped at the look of horror on his
brother’s face.

Kelly said, “I would travel for free too, but I can’t shift. I have other powers, though. Sal, would you
like to go see if the fairies are out of hibernation yet? There’s usually a few out and about this time
of year.”

“I would love to.” He didn’t hesitate and was up before she was.

“See you two later,” Kelly called over her shoulder.

“I think someone has a crush on your brother.” Robin smiled and took another sip of mead.

“My brother is a good man, but he also has a big mouth sometimes.” He raised his eyebrows

“It’s no big deal. If I didn’t have so many responsibilities here, I would probably be traveling like
that too.” She really did long to travel.

“No,” he said sharply, which surprised her, “we are not thieves, and we do not travel that way
because we want to. We have to. It cannot be known where we are traveling to or from.” His jaw
clenched, and he looked away.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or your family.” Robin was on the verge of tears at the
thought of hurting him. “Are you guys okay? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

He moved in closer to Robin. “I should not have spoken to you so unkindly. There is much going
on that keeps us moving, but it is not something I can tell you about. I am sorry.” He reached for
her hand and looked her in the eyes. “Your family has been so kind to us, and we are so happy to be

“It’s okay.” She was searching for the right words to say, but they wouldn’t come. Robin, out of
character, launched herself at Vincenzo and was kissing him hard before she could stop. He kissed
her right back. Someone yelling for them in the background stopped them.

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“There you are.” Moira came up to the blanket. “We’re about to wrap up and head back. We old
fogies are going to take Mrs. Esposito out for the night, and Auntie Ann is going to watch the kids.
Collin is going to take care of the ceremony supplies, so you have the night off this year. Why don’t
you and Kelly take the boys out and show them the town?”

Robin got a huge grin. “A night off, really? It sounds brilliant to me, Mum, thank you.” She got up
and hugged her.

“Ah, you deserve it. You’ve been helping me almost nonstop all week. You go have fun.” She
turned and walked back.

Robin looked back at Vincenzo. “So, what do you say? Are you up for a night out?”

He gave her a quick kiss. “Let’s go,” he said and started packing up the food.

“If you can finish that up, I’ll go find our partners in crime for the evening and we can go.” She
looked back at him and then started calling out to Kelly loud enough to give her friend fair warning
of her approach.

“What?” Kelly popped her head out of the woods looking a bit disheveled and pissed off.

Robin covered her mouth to keep from laughing. “Are you doing what I think you’re doing in

“It’s none of your damn business.” She couldn’t finish her sentence with a straight face and started
laughing. “Oh, just fuck off, you!” She went to head back to Salvatore.

“Wait, wait, I have a proposition for you guys.” She relayed what her mother had told her, and Kelly
immediately reached into the trees, grabbed Salvatore, and then grabbed Robin on the way back to
the blanket. “So, where should we go?” Robin asked

“Let’s take them to The Globe for a few pints. I heard they’re doing a special screening of a movie
called The Inheritance tonight,” Kelly offered on the way to the car.

“Hmm, I didn’t realize they show movies there,” Robin replied.

“They usually don’t, but Mandy Barrow is the producer’s cousin, so she asked her boss if they could
do a movie night. You remember her from school, right?”

“Oh yeah, Mandy, she was the Nick Cave fanatic. Sweet girl. It’ll be nice to see her again. Sound
good to you boys?” She looked to each of them.

“Anywhere you wish to take us we will go. A pint means a beer, right?” Salvatore asked hopefully.

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Chapter Six


Robin was the designated driver, and she was glad she didn’t have that little buzz of confession
serum in her system. It was kind of late, and she hoped that the house would still be empty because
she wanted to continue that kiss she and Vincenzo had started earlier. There had been a bit of
snogging in the pub, but she wanted full access to him.

Vincenzo asked, “Are all the people on your street your family?”

“Yes and no. Most of them are family, but the rest are of the magical persuasion in one form or
another. It’s definitely not your typical neighborhood.”

“That’s good, though. You are surrounded by others like yourself.” He sounded sad.

“You could be surrounded by the same thing. All of you can, if you want.” She was hoping for a
response, but he remained quiet the rest of the drive. She remembered the conversation they had
earlier about their travels and feared he would have to leave again. He was here now, and she
intended to enjoy every moment with him that she could. They pulled in the driveway and noticed
the glow from the TV in the front room. So much for having the place to ourselves tonight. Disappointed,
Robin let out a sigh and motioned to the house. Even before they got out of the car, Kelly had
invited Salvatore to her place, and they bid Robin and Vincenzo farewell for the night as they were
closing the door.

They resumed their make-out session. “Would you think me too bold if I asked to come in?”
Vincenzo pressed his forehead to hers and moved his hands from the small of her back to her ass.

“I want to invite you in so badly, but as you can see, my mum is—” She got an idea. “Wait a
minute.” A smile spread across her face. “You’re a shifter too.” She thought for a moment before
making the suggestion to him. “I’ve never done this before, but you go back to my uncle’s, and I’ll
go in the house. We’ll both pretend we’re going to bed, wait about half an hour, then you can sneak
out and come to my window. Mine is the top left in the back of the house. I’ll leave it open for you.”
She looked at him and hoped he didn’t think she was the bold one.

He took only a moment to respond. He gave her a quick kiss and said, “I’ll meet you there,” and
then he took off running for his temporary home.

“So I guess that’s a yes?” Robin called after him and saw him turn around, give a thumbs-up, and
motioned for her to go in the house. She giggled and then ran for the door while he was still
watching. In her excitement, she nearly let the doorknob slip out of her hand, and it would have
slammed against the wall, but she stopped it in time. She took a deep breath and tried to calm
herself as she walked into the living room. “Hi, Mum, I’m home. How was your night?”

Her mother was heavy-lidded when she turned to Robin. “Oh, hi, dear, I must have dozed off. We
all went to The Fairmuir and had a grand time. Did you kids have fun?” She sleepily smiled at her.

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She yawned. “It was lovely. We headed to The Globe for a few rounds and a film. It was really a
good picture, filmed just over in the Isle of Skye. I bought a copy so you can watch it later if you’d

“I’ll watch it soon then, but for now”—she groaned as she stood up and out of her chair—“I’m off
to bed. I’ll see you in the morning, poppet.” Moira hugged and kissed Robin.

“Same for me, I’m tired.” She gave a stretch and another yawn to make it convincing, then made her
way up the stairs as her mother clicked off the television. She made a side trip to the bathroom and
washed her face, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. She did a quick check to make sure she
was smoothly shaven and then hurried into her room to get changed. Robin almost fell over trying
to strip her clothes off, and then opened her closet to look for a sexy nighty after unlocking her
window. She only had three, and they were a bit dusty from hanging there unused for so long. “Blue,
that’s a good color, and not too much dust.” She blew it off and took a quick sniff to make sure it
didn’t smell old. “Not too bad, I’ll just try to freshen it up a bit.” She slipped it over her head and
then gave a few sprays of her grapefruit-and-peppermint cologne.

“That smells nice,” Vincenzo said from behind her.

Robin felt like her heart lodged in her throat. “Oh my god!” She turned to face him. “You scared the
hell out of me.”

“I’m sorry. I should have tried to warn you first.” He walked over and put his hands on her

“It’s quite all right. So you like my perfume? I made it myself.” She did her bashful pose. “That
didn’t take you long to get over here.”

“Everybody was asleep when I got to de place, so I don’t wait. I want to see you as soon as
possible.” He smiled.

“You are just too damn adorable.” She stood on her tiptoes to meet his lips, but he met her halfway
with a hungry kiss. They pressed hard, pawing at each other, with guttural growls and moans. He
lifted her up, wrapped her legs around his hips, and pushed them forward as he let his tongue travel
further into her mouth. Robin let out an “mmmm” when she felt his cock nestled lengthwise in
between her lips. She felt his weight shifting like he was walking, and he laid her on the bed. He kept
his left hand around her back and unloosed his pants with his right, not breaking their kiss. He
slipped them off and let them fall to the floor and turned her so she wasn’t hanging off the bed and
lay on top of her.

She pulled back from him and reached under her pillow. “Sorry to kill the mood a bit,” she said,
then pulled out a condom and handed it to him.

“Of course.” He kneeled up and opened the package while she took off her lingerie and panties.

When she saw that he was finished putting it on, she pulled him back down on top of her and
started kissing him again, lightly sucking on his tongue. She felt his hands all over her body as if he
were trying to feel everything at once. It wasn’t with the awkwardness of a teenage boy, but that of a

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man aching for her. One of his hands moved down to touch where she had been dying to feel any
part his anatomy be since the moment she met him. He explored her mound with gentle fingers,
keeping outside at first and then parting her open to reveal the wetness that he had created. He
moaned, which made her automatically shift her hips up toward him. He let his middle finger slide
into her hole and feel around, then moved in and out a quick pace. She tried to reach for his penis to
reciprocate, but he was too tall. She let her hands wander over him, feeling his every muscle and taut
skin. He has hair on his chest, she thought to herself as she moved past it and up to his neck.

He shifted his weight on top of her and gently pushed himself inside of her until their pelvic bones
met. She leaned her head back and let out a pleasurable sigh that she tried her best to keep as quiet
as possible because she wanted no interruptions from other members in the house. He pushed
gently the first few times and became faster, more rhythmic, and she met him at every thrust. She
swore she felt him grow a little with each movement until he pushed deep and held it. He shuddered
and tensed and then relaxed.

“I am sorry.” He released the breath he was holding. “It has been a long time for me.”

“It was magnificent. Don’t worry about that. We’ll just have to keep at it to make it last longer.”
They both let out a laugh and then caught themselves from being too loud.

They lay there until they could see the sky turning cobalt and had to part.

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Chapter Seven


Robin, Kelly, Moira, Duncan, Elnie, Pasqual, and Heather spent most of the day hard-boiling eggs
and dyeing them. “Is it time yet?” Elnie bounced up and down as the hour of Equinox approached.

“Almost, just be patient, sweetie. Give it another twenty minutes,” Kelly said.

There was unison of “Awwww” from the children. Moira turned her eyes at them, which silenced
the room immediately.

She then started a conversation with Robin and Kelly. “So? How are the boys? Are you all still
getting on all right?”

“I couldn’t be happier, Mrs. McGuire, thank you.” Kelly beamed at her second mother.

Robin looked at her friend’s goofy grin. “The boys are just fine, Mum. It’s actually nice to have a
boyfriend that I can truly be myself around for once.” She handed her a clean egg to dip in the blue

“You and Mrs. Esposito seem to be getting on good as well.”

“Oh, I love having Amelia around. Having a friend that doesn’t know all the family secrets but
knows you for who you are is brilliant, I tell ya.” She was waggling her hand with the egg in it at
them. “We went to the park the other day and were swimming about as swans. It was so much fun. I
haven’t done something like that in years.”

Robin and Kelly exchanged looks of surprise and then burst out laughing. “Are you serious, Mum?
You two were mucking about like Elnie and Duncan, in public no less?”

“Well, yes. But let me tell you, it’s the most fun I’ve had in years, and I’ll no have you judging me.”
Moira was getting quite huffy and indignant, waving her finger at the girls. “I can see why those two
muck about as they do. It’s liberating.”

“We’re not judging you, Mum. I actually think it’s pretty cute, the two of you playing in the park like
bairns.” Robin smiled at her mother.

“Ack, go on.”

Robin decided to turn her attention back to the kids and not embarrass her mother any further.
“Here ya go.” She handed an egg to Pasqual and Heather. There were only two left, and she handed
those to Duncan and Elnie. “After you guys are done, we’ll take the other four eggs outside, so don’t
make them too dark.”

There was another unison of “Yes’s” from the children.

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She took a bowl from the cabinet and then grabbed four uncooked eggs out of the refrigerator. “Do
you guys think it will work this year?”

“Of course,” Heather piped up. “They did it last year.”

“Yes, they did. Let’s see if we can hit the right time again.” Robin held the bowl in one hand and
stroked Heather’s hair with the other. She looked at her watch. “Finish up, you guys. We have two
minutes to get out there and get these set up.”

They all scrambled and put their eggs in their holders and then fought for who was going to wash
their hands first. “Calm down. Hey, calm down. Pasqual, you take the kitchen. Heather, take the
downstairs bathroom. Elnie and Duncan can take turns in the upstairs bathroom. Now go. I’ll meet
you outside.”

Kelly said to her as they were walking through the front door, “It doesn’t take much to make them
happy, does it?”

“No, they’re children. It didn’t take much for us either when we were their age.” Robin sat on the
sidewalk with her friend and sat the bowl in her lap. She looked up to see Vincenzo and Salvatore
coming toward them. “Hi, guys.”

They both said hi at the same time, but Salvatore asked, “What are you ladies doing sitting on the
sidewalk? Do you not have chairs?”

“Silly. It’s almost the exact time of Equinox, and the kids want to balance eggs on the sidewalk.”
The kids came piling out of the door as she spoke. “Aw, would ya look at that?” She pointed at
Pasqual holding Heather’s hand and helping her down the stairs. “Isn’t that cute?”

“All right, are you kids ready?” All four of them cheered and held their hands out. Robin placed an
egg in each eager paw. “Elnie, you show Pasqual how to do it, and I’ll count it down.” They placed
their eggs wide-side down and held on until she motioned for them to let go. Every egg stood
upright on its own.

“Wow. That is amazing,” Vincenzo said as he inspected the row of miniature Humpty Dumpties

A few minutes later, all four started to wobble, and Robin swore that her boyfriend was more
disappointed than the children were. “It’s time to go get ready for circle, Duncan. Could you walk
Heather home?”

“Sure.” He turned to his little cousin and offered his hand to her.

She put the eggs back in the bowl. “Nice, they only cracked one this year.” Kelly held out her hand
for it. “Oh, thanks. Just stick the bowl in the icebox, please. I’ll toss them out later.” Before her foot
fell on the first step, she felt someone tugging on her shirt. She turned around expecting to see who
had done it, but there was no one there.

“Want to have a practice session?” Vincenzo whispered into her ear and then kissed her neck.

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Robin took a quick glance around to make sure nobody could see her. “You don’t have to ask me
twice.” She felt for his arm and then pulled him around the side of the house and into the shed. He
started to rematerialize, and she said, “Don’t, I think it’s kind of fun this way.”

“You are a naughty girl, no?” He moved from her mouth, to her neck, and then her right nipple. He
kneaded her breast and sucked hard.

It was a strange sensation being able to see it being mouthed that way without seeing the mouth
itself. It turned her on and made her pussy tingle. She went to grab the back of his hair, but he had
already moved. “Where’d you go? I am loving this. I want more.” She could feel him close to her,
his body heat hitting her in waves.

“You never know where I am going to strike.” He gave a boyish laugh. He then kissed her shoulder,
pulled back, and then licked on her thigh. He backed up, and she didn’t know where to move or
how to reach for him.

A wave of unexpected pleasure washed over her as he went for gold and pushed his face in hard
between her legs. She had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming out. With the other hand, she
grabbed the ledge of the table she was leaning against.

“Oh God, I want you in me now.” He met her want and pushed his shaft deep inside, lifting her to
line up with him. She grabbed at and clung to him, clutching to his ass as she met every thrust by
rocking. That tingle climbed up her legs and then burst into the strongest spasms she had ever had
climaxing. It felt like a tiny firework show, like her vagina was rejoicing having just had the perfect

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Chapter Eight

Up the Hill

The next few months, Robin and Vincenzo were almost inseparable, only apart when he had to play
in the square and she had to work the family’s herb shop. They continued their nightly visits,
sneaking into her room and trying not to wake anyone with their lovemaking. Robin would set the
alarm for just before everyone else was supposed to get up so they could sleep in each other’s arms.
They almost got caught one morning when Moira knocked on the door, and Vincenzo had to do a
quick disappearing act, and Robin had to bend her legs to hide his form under the quilt.

“Robin, it’s time to get—” She paused. Robin was sure her mother knew, but she coughed like she
had swallowed the wrong way. “Up. Sorry, child.” She coughed again. “I forgot about the order of
teas we have set for this afternoon, so I need your help.”

“Sure thing, Mum.” She tried to settle her breathing and even her voice as she spoke. “I’ll be down
in a little bit. Just let me pop in the shower.”

“No worries, we’ve got half an hour to be ready and out. I’ll have breakfast on the table for you.”
She coughed a few more times as she walked out, closing the door.

“Thanks, Mum,” Robin called after her. She listened for the footfalls to subside. “Jeezy creezy, that
was close.” She turned to Vincenzo, who was visible again. “You’d better get back to your place
before the other one shows up.”

From that day on, Robin double-checked pending orders, but it was the week before Beltane, and
Kelly suggested they take their guys for a picnic on Law Hill. They walked from Clepington Road,
which took them a good hour and a half minus the goofing off on the way.

“Can’t we just stop for a pint? I think my legs are going to fall off,” whined Kelly. “Someone tell me
why I suggested this again?”

“Don’t be such a bairn. We’re almost there.” Robin shook her head and kept going.

Salvatore pretend trotted around Kelly and joked, “Would you like a horsey ride, little girl?”

“As a matter of fact, I would.” She stopped and looked at him expectantly with her arms folded.
Robin saw his eyes darting around at all the people surrounding them and back to Kelly. She let him
off the hook. “I’m kidding, ya git. We cannae do that here, but I may take ya up on that ride later.”
And she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

They all started laughing except for Vincenzo, who had been quiet all morning. Robin dropped back
until he caught up with her. He looked lost in thought and kept his hands jammed in his pockets.

“You all right, love? You’ve been on another planet all day.” She looked at him, concerned.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I’m just tired today.” He offered her a quick closed-mouthed smile, and then
he looked away again.

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She didn’t push, and they walked quietly the rest of the way. Her mind was racing. Have I done
something wrong? Maybe he’s lost interest and doesn’t know how to tell me. Oh, please don’t let this relationship fail
too. I finally found someone that I love, that made me believe in soul mates. Please don’t let me be wrong.

It was a long walk and about to get even harder once they reached the bottom of the stairs to the
monument. Robin put on a brave face despite the giant pit in her stomach. “You guys ready?”

“No,” said Kelly sarcastically.

“Sure you are.” Salvatore pinched her ass and said, “I’ll race you.” Off they went.

Vincenzo took the basket from Robin, then offered her his free hand and a genuine smile, which
lightened her mood considerably. “Thank you.” She smiled back and fought off tears of relief.

“Can you still see those two?” he asked.

“No, they’re either at the top or stopped off in the bushes along the way.” She chuckled.

He laughed too. “I’ll vote for de second choice.”

Kelly and Salvatore were still chasing each other around when they reached the last step, but he
soon tackled her friend to the ground. They were both rolling around in the grass kissing.

“I’m gonna tell yer mother on you, young lady. Who do you think you are cavorting around like a
tart in public?” Robin gave her best voice of faux matronly authority.

“Shut up, you, or I’ll tell your mother you and Vincenzo weren’t just hiding eggs on Ostara.” And she
stuck her tongue out.

“Oh, ya wee bitch, you wouldn’t dare. Now get over here and help us set the picnic out.” She lightly
smacked her friend in the arm, and they set to work. Robin laid out the blanket while Kelly got the
plates. “What are those two up to?” Robin noticed Vincenzo and Salvatore discussing something
over to the side.

“Couldn’t tell ya.” She kept working on the task at hand, pulling out food.

Robin reached for the wine and glasses. “He’s been acting weird today. Has Salvatore said anything
to you?”

“Like I said, couldn’t tell ya.” She quickly looked up at the brothers and motioned them over, but
didn’t look at Robin. “All right, boys, time to eat.” She grabbed the wine and uncorked it. “Hand us
those glasses, would ya?” Robin obliged, and Kelly handed one to each of them after she poured.

“To us.” Salvatore raised his glass high in the air. “Cento anni di salute e felicità.” Vincenzo smiled and
raised his glass, but the girls were confused.

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Vincenzo explained to them, “He says, one hundred years of health and happiness,” and he clinked
his glass against each of theirs.

“That’s sweet, darling. Thank you.” Kelly leaned over and gave Salvatore a quick kiss. They
both looked to Vincenzo, and Robin followed suit.

He was turning beet red, and beads of sweat formed at his hairline. Before she could ask if he was all
right, he cleared his throat. “I have a toast as well.” He took a deep breath and turned to her.
“Robin, lo sposerete?”

They were all looking at her with an anticipatory look. “I’m sorry, but what?” She felt they expected
her to know what he had just said.

He made it clear in a moment when he rose to one knee and pulled out of his pocket what he had
been fidgeting with. Before her was an antique platinum diamond ring. “Robin, will you marry me?”

She drew a breath and held it for a moment. Her hands covered her mouth, and tears blurred out
her vision. “Yes, yes, yes!” She launched at him, and they went tumbling to the ground.

She kissed him for a good five minutes before Kelly said something. “Let the poor lad up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just so happy.” She wiped her eyes. “So that’s why you were so quiet today. I
actually thought you were going to break up with me.” The memory of that fear made her tears fall
even harder.

Vincenzo was considerably more relaxed. “I didn’t know how to talk to you without giving away de
secret. I did not mean to worry you, amore.” He grabbed a tissue to hand to her and then offered
her the ring.

“It’s beautiful, Vincenzo. Thank you so much.” It sparkled in the afternoon sun.

He held his chest up with pride. “It was my mamma’s ring. She want me to give it you when I asked
you to be my wife.”

“Oh my god, I’m so touched by that. I’ll wear it as proudly as I will wear your last name. I’ll make
sure I thank your mother too. I am very honored.”

Kelly grabbed her hand. “Let us see. He wouldn’t let me see it before you did.” She was beaming at
her friend. “Oh, it’s lovely, Robin. I am so happy for you.” She hugged her friend tight and then
grabbed the ring again. She could see a pang of jealousy mixed with genuine joy in her friend’s eyes.

Robin looked to Vincenzo, who was exchanging looks with his brother. Salvatore spoke up. “I
would like to make another toast.” They all grabbed their glasses, and he filled them again. “To my
brother and his future wife.” Cheers echoed through the quartet. “And also to my future wife.” He
looked at Kelly, whose mouth had fallen open. “If she will graciously accept my marriage proposal.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring made of gold.

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“Yes!” She nearly screamed the word at him.

After the excitement of the afternoon, the boys suggested they head home instead of stopping by
for a drink on the way back. They got to the bottom of the stairs and took a taxi home instead of
walking. “We don’t want to be too tired to celebrate later, if you know what I mean.” Kelly giggled.

“I know what you mean. I’ve been thinking about it all day.” Robin winked as she sat down in the
car. The two of them started chattering about their impending weddings, whether they should do a
double ceremony, what their mothers were going to say, the fact that they would now have the same
name. “Oh, we’re really going to be sisters now,” Robin said, and it sent both of them into squeals.

“Look what you started.” Salvatore elbowed his brother in the ribs.

“We’re almost there, and they’ll be showing the rings off, so our ears won’t hurt so much anymore.”
Vincenzo poked his brother right back.

“Oh, you two stop. This was all your fault anyway. You give a girl a ring and expect her not to be,
well, a girl about it? I don’t think so.” Kelly stuck her tongue out at the two of them.

Salvatore laughed and then noticed they were stopping. “That was fast,” he said as they pulled up to
Robin’s place.

“It’s a lot longer when you’re walking, Sal,” said Kelly.

Elnie came running up to the taxi. “Hi, everyone. Did you have a nice picnic? Did you bring me
back any flowers? Mum wants to talk to you guys about something, all of you,” she stressed.

“Whoa, take a breath there, kiddo.” Robin held her hand up for her sister to stop. “We’ll be right

“I’m going to make this quick because I want to go tell my mum, okay?” Kelly urged her friends into
the house.

They all walked through the door and were about to make a turn into the kitchen, where Moira
usually was, when they heard, “Surprise!” The whole family was there, including Kelly’s mother. It
took a while, but Robin finally made her way through the wave of congratulations and over to her
future mother-in-law.

Before she could say anything, Amelia grabbed her face. “Ima so happy you gonna be my daughter.”
She cried and kissed Robin on both cheeks. “You a good girl. You make sure you feed my boy

“Thank you, Mrs. Esposito—” She was stopped.

“You call me Mamma now.” Amelia wagged her finger at Robin.

“Thank you, Mamma, for entrusting me with your ring and the heart of your son.”

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She started crying again. “You makea my son so happy. I never see him this happy before. They
both belong to you now. And you, Kelly, I have two girls now.” She grabbed her face and kissed
her, getting Kelly’s face a little more wet than Robin’s.

The party went on into the night until Moira pulled her daughter to the side and handed her a hotel
room key. “There is a room reserved for you at The Shaftesbury Hotel. Tonight, you don’t have to
sneak him into your room.” She raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“You knew? Oh, I’m so embarrassed.” Robin covered her face. She couldn’t believe that her mother
had known this whole time and was afraid of what she thought of her cavorting around under her
own roof.

“Don’t be, dear.” She nudged Robin. “What do you think your father and I did before we got

“Did Gran ever know?” She was shocked.

“I’m sure she figured it out. She never said anything, though. In our day, couples didn’t live together
before getting married, but I’m not too old to remember what you’re feeling. Don’t you give it a
second thought. You just go and enjoy yourselves tonight.”

“Thanks, Mum.” She hugged her mother and then went to find Vincenzo. She ran into Kelly while
looking for him, and they both held up a key each and giggled. “Need a lift?”

“Just let me go grab my fiancé.” She giggled again. “I love the sound of that. I’ll meet you at the car
in a few.”

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Chapter Nine

Run Rabbit Run

Elnie was picking flowers when she heard something unfamiliar in the woods. Too heavy on the feet
to be deer, walking on all fours, she guessed there were three of them. She shifted into a hare to get
their scent, and for better camouflage, and went to investigate. A bear and two wolves, but these
weren’t just animals. These were men, and they smelled bad. Oh no, she thought. They must have
found the Espositos, and they were headed right for the houses. She had to do something quick.
They were about twenty yards away.

She ran onto the path, and they stopped briefly, looked at her, and then continued coming forward.
She almost panicked and ran, but remembered what was at stake and how attached she had become
to the Espositos. She couldn’t let these brutes attack without warning. She had to get their attention
and divert them. She shifted into a llama so they would see her, and they did. All three stopped and
looked at her, then snarled their teeth and charged full-on. She shifted back to a hare so she could
run in between the trees and shrubs better. Besides, she knew this area like the back of her hand.
She had been chasing animals through here all her life.

“This one smells female. It must be the mother,” she heard one of the wolves say as they were
closing in quick. Her heart was pounding hard beneath her narrow chest as she zigged and zagged
through the leaves and under roots, and almost got caught in one. They cornered her in a hollow
tree, the bear demanding something in Italian.

She shifted into a snake and slithered out a hole in the back. Elnie tried not to make a sound, but
she crossed a small twig, and it cracked. She saw them all turn, and she used one of her abilities that
she rarely used—she shifted into a small tree. One came right up to her and sniffed her. She wished
right then that she had the ghost-shifting ability of her Pasqual.

“She must have rubbed this tree. It still smells like her,” the bear said. “This way.”

They were heading the way she had led them. She had to act quickly. She transformed into a
bluebird and flew off in the direction they were, just in case they knew it was her. Once sure she was
far enough from them, she circled back toward her house as an owl to warn the family.

Elnie did a tuck roll as she landed in her uncle’s backyard. Pasqual saw her and went running. “Are
we playing a new game?”

“No. They’re here.” She was out of breath. “We have to tell your family now. Where are they?”

“Mamma is in the house. She’ll know where the boys are.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her into
the house fast, hurting her shoulder. His mother was in the kitchen having a cup of tea. “Mamma,
Mamma!” He paused and looked around. “The Ardelinos have figured out where we are.”

It took Mrs. Esposito a moment to react, but when she did, she jumped up, knocking her teacup
over. “Salvatore is with Kelly. Pasqual, you go get him. They are in de park. Vincenzo is at you
house witha you sister. You go get him, please. No one else, though, child, you understand?” Elnie
nodded her head. “I have to get our stuff. Hurry, you two.”

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She took off out the front door and toward home, running on pure adrenalin. She stopped and tried
to catch her breath a bit when she got in her house. Robin and Vincenzo were cuddled on the couch
watching television. Her heart broke for her sister in that moment as she remembered Amelia’s
warning. She tried to sound like her normal self. “Thought I would find you here.” They both
looked at her and smiled. “Your mum sent me to get ya. She needs you home for a wee bit.”

“Aw, now?” Robin protested.

Vincenzo kissed her and stood up. “I’ll be back shortly. Keep my spot for me.”

“All right, don’t be too long. I love you.” She puckered up for one more kiss.

He laughed and bent down to give her another. “I love you too.” He followed Elnie out the door.

Once outside, she told him what was really going on. “They know you’re here. I saw them in the
woods. They were coming this way, but I had them chase me in the other direction.”

“Oh no.” He took off for Uncle Barney’s with Elnie keeping pretty good pace. Salvatore was
coming in the back door, and they both headed upstairs while Elnie stayed in the kitchen with her

“How long will you have to go away for?” Elnie asked Pasqual sadly.

“I don’t know. We don’t usually come back to a place when we have to leave it.” She could see the
sorrow and fear in his eyes, and it made her cry.

“I don’t want you to go.” She threw her arms around him and sobbed.

Elnie felt a hand on her shoulder, and she let go of her friend. Vincenzo kneeled in front of her and
grabbed her other shoulder. “I am so sorry we have to go, little sister, but if we don’t, it will leave all
of your family in danger. We have come to love you all as our own and cannot thank you enough for
your kindness.”

“Pasqual says you cannae come back. Please, please come back. I’ll let you know when they’re gone.
I’ll send a message to you.” She was playing with his hair trying somehow to keep him there.

“They would just follow us back here, and we would have to leave again. There is no way we can
stay. We have to go now before they can smell us out.” He hugged her tight. “You can’t say anything
to Robin because she will try to follow, and I can’t”—he choked back tears—“I can’t live if she is

Elnie wiped the tear from his cheek. “She won’t understand, you know.”

“I know. I would rather her hate me than be dead.” He kissed her forehead. “We have to go, poco

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They headed for the back door to travel through the woods, and she yelled, “No! That’s where they
are traveling. You should travel by bus.” She hugged all of them and said, “I’ll miss you.”

“We’ll miss you too.” Amelia rubbed Elnie’s hair and had to put her hand to her mouth to keep
from crying out loud.

They reached the front door and transformed into a German-looking family with blonde hair.
Pasqual had red. She stood on the sidewalk and watched them cross to the bus stop. A few minutes
later, they boarded, and Elnie was waving good-bye to them for maybe the last time. She took flight
and tried to follow as far as she could, and once they got to the Tay Road Bridge, she stopped. She
flew to the top of the Olympia Leisure Centre and cried.

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Chapter Ten

Come Away with Me

Robin stood in the open field. It was almost Midsummer, but now that Vincenzo was gone, she
didn’t have the will to fulfill her duties. She was wearing the white dress she had picked for the
Beltane ceremony and what was supposed to be her wedding day. Her mother had to take it in a bit
from all the weight she had lost. She could still hear her mum’s worried sentiment echoing in her

“Now, Robin, I know you’ve been through a lot, and my heart aches for you, bairn. Just the same way you pulled me
through and needed me when your daddy passed away, I need you, and I’m here for you, darling. I know how much
your heart hurts.”

She wondered if she had the right to feel so much pain. Yes, she loved Vincenzo beyond reproach,
but she hadn’t known him anywhere near the thirty years her parents had spent together. Still, she
didn’t want to go on without him and stood there contemplating how she could.

His scent crossed her nose, his voice faint in the air. She jumped and took off for the woods,
running full pace. She could hear Kelly, who was a few yards away, call after her. She ran faster,
dodging trees to keep anyone from following her tracks. She shifted into a deer midstride to help her
move faster and smoother toward what was drawing her . . . to him. Her speed almost caused her to
catch her leg on an uprooted tree. She paused when she saw a tall figure in the distance and then
recognized him. Shifting back to herself, she ran as fast as she could to his outstretched arms.

“Vincenzo!” He stood silent, waiting for her. She hugged him, then pulled back and smacked him
across the face. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Robin, I have missed you. My heart broke when I had to leave.” His eyes filled with tears as he
took her in his arms. “I had to leave. I am so sorry. But I had to come back and explain.”

“I’ve missed you too, so much.” She fell to her knees before him and cried uncontrollably. “Why?
Why did you leave?”

He sank and lifted her chin and kissed her softly, then embraced her. “I don’t want to part from you
again. I am so sorry for having to put you through that pain, but I had no choice. They would have
killed you and your family.”

“Who? Who would have killed us?” She was frightened.

“They are called the Ardelino Family, and they have been after something in my mother’s possession
for many generations. We have to protect it, and as long as someone with the blood has it, the
forces cannot be unleashed.” A tear slid from his eye.

“Forces? What do you have to protect?” She touched his face and searched his eyes for answers.

“Poveglia Island. I cannot say too much, but know that what is on that island, must stay there.” He
clenched his jaw and grabbed her hands, looking like he was fighting from breaking down. “Robin,

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amante, I have to keep moving with my family. I am not sure when or if I can return safely.” He
kept looking around as if in a panic. “We shouldn’t have come here now, but I had to tell you I love
you and didn’t want to leave. I never got to say good-bye. I could not bear it if you had thought I
just left you.”

“No. You just came back. We were going to get married. You can’t leave.” She stood with all of the
strength left in her and started to pace. “I’ll come with you, then, and we’ll all protect it together. We
can come back for visits and move the rest of the time.”

“No, Robin, you have to stay and keep your family safe. I will not have our last meeting be an

“What do you mean, last meeting? I can’t accept that. There is no arguing to it. I won’t accept it. I’m
going with you whether you like it or not.” She put her hands on her hips trying to convince both
herself and him that she would not budge.

“Robin, my love, I have to go, because they were close to us. I love you. If there is any way I can
come back, I will. I promise you. Right now there is too much danger.” He took her face in his
hands and kissed her, then turned to run.

She moved to follow, but he returned to invisibility, and she was left there. She fell to her knees and
felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces. Her mind searched for answers. How could he leave me? If
he knew there was a chance that he would have to go, why did he propose to me? It’s not right to let someone fall in
love with you if you know you’re going to have to be on the run and not take that person with you. All that time and
he didn’t tell me, just to come back and reopen the wound?
She was so hurt, furious, and in love all at once
that she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know if she should cry or break something, so she just didn’t
move, except to look up.

The sky was bright with stars, a waxing moon, and thin, wispy clouds moving fast across them.
Robin wanted to be among those stars. They held promise and escape. She crouched and shifted to
her raven form. She flew higher and higher, feeling her muscles burn as she extended and folded her
radiant wings. The air became thin, and she could taste the atmosphere. Ice was starting to crystallize
on her feathers. She didn’t care. She was chasing constellations, and nothing but death could stop
her. The higher she flew, the more she gasped for air. Her throat burned cold, and her chest was
tight. She teetered in and out of consciousness, her vision becoming fuzzy. That drunk and wobbly
feeling overtook her as everything started to go dark. She couldn’t climb any higher and tumbled
toward the terrain below.

She knew she was falling, but she didn’t care. She was with him. She remembered touching that
sweet face and embracing him with all of her strength all of those nights spent as one in her room.

“You have to wake, come back to yourself,” she heard Vincenzo call to her.

“What do you care? You left me, and I don’t want to wake to a life that you’re not in.” It was as if
he were still standing right there.

“All will be answered in time, I promise you. Now wake and fly straight, love.”

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With that, she opened her eyes. “Vincenzo?” She felt a tug, then a searing pain in her wing. She was
caught by a passing hawk. “No. Let go of me.” The hawk gripped her tighter, so she shifted just her
face and yelled at in hopes of scaring it into loosening its grip.

The hawk shifted his face right back at her and said, “Where are they?”

She screamed and, just before passing out, heard Vincenzo calling out, “Robin! No!

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Chapter Eleven


Vincenzo panicked and took flight, trying to save the love of his life. This is my entire fault. I shouldn’t
have left the way I did.
He caught up and then backed off. If he drops Robin, she’ll die. I can’t let him see me.

He followed the now-winged Ardelino holding his beloved in his arms to a tent not too far from
where Elnie had first seen them. Vincenzo perched himself on a tree out of sight and watched as the
largest male looked her over. Robin was still out cold as he brushed her hair away from her face.

“You’re sure dis is her?” He looked down at his brother with a wary eye.

“Yes, Thomas. I saw them together when I was following him. She is a shifter, too, brother!”

“What?” Thomas took a step back as if the younger male had just slapped him.

“Look.” He showed him the blood trickling from Robin’s arm. “After Vincenzo left her again, she
took flight as a raven. She was going very high and must have lost her breath. I caught her on the
way down, but she when she came to, she started to struggle, so I am afraid I cut her.”

“Put her in the cage, and we’ll decide what to do in the morning. Bandage her up before she comes
to. We don’t know what else she can change into.”

As soon as they were making enough noise to cover his departure undetected, Vincenzo headed
back to his family. “How could I have been so stupid? We should not have come back here. Now
everyone’s lives are in danger.” He landed in Kelly’s backyard and saw her and Salvatore embracing.
“They’ve found us, and they have Robin.”

“What?” Kelly screeched. “What are we going to do? We have to help her.”

Salvatore moved toward his brother. “We must go now, before they do anything to her.”

“I’m afraid we’re going to need everyone’s help with this. There were three of them, and they’ve
been watching since the day we left. We should not have come back.” He put his hand to his eyes.

“Vincenzo, if they have been watching, then they have been planning this. It is better that we are
here. They did not see you, yes?”

“No, I made sure they did not. You are right. This was most likely what they wanted. They will send
one to give us the message tomorrow, so we must strike tonight. It is time to end this feud. It is time
for us to stop running and start living.” He pounded his fist with a new determination. “Kelly, I
need you to gather who you can. Sal, go get Mamma and Pasqual, and bring them to Moira’s house.
I am going to tell her what has happened.”

Kelly and Salvatore gave each other a quick kiss and set about their tasks. Vincenzo reached Robin’s
door, took a deep sigh, and knocked.

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Chapter Twelve


Robin’s eyes opened, and she tried to focus. For a moment, she thought she was home until
unfamiliar voices rang in her ears. She didn’t move for fear of drawing attention to herself, and she
surveyed what she could. Bars, pillows, a pole, two men, a fire, and what smelled like burning coffee.
The men were speaking in Italian, and she tried to slowly move herself around to get a better look,
but the twinge of pain in her arm made her stop. She held her hand to the bandaged wound, and the
events of before she passed out came flooding back. Shit. She wasn’t sure if she could shift with a
wound, but she tried shifting into a vine and through the bars. Robin was partially out when one of
the men grabbed her.

“Oh no, bambino, we’ll not have any of that tonight.” He waggled one of his fat fingers and tsked at
her. “You be a good girl, and stay where you at. Once you boyfriend give us what we want, you free
to go. If he don’t, maybe then you and I have a little fun, no?”

“Sod off, ya fat jobby! What the hell do you want from them anyway? Leave them alone!” She
managed to loose her good arm from his grip and was now hissing through the bars at him. He
came back at her with the face of a bear and a loud growl that made her fall backward on her butt.
She was terrified still as he moved back and let out a hearty laugh and the second man joined in.
“Shut up!” she shouted angrily and then buried her head in her arms, now curled around her
upturned knees. How the hell was she going to get out of this? She sobbed into her arms.

“Miss? Miss? You should eat something to keep your strength up.” Robin looked up to see the
thinner of the two brothers holding out a bowl of dark-looking soup with pasta and beans.

“Right, how do I know you haven’t poisoned that?” She narrowed her eyes at him and pursed her
lips. “What the hell is that anyway?”

“It’s just pasta fagioli. I have some bread to go with it if you would like.” He looked more
apprehensive than she thought a kidnapper should look.

“Pasta fa-what? Never mind, I’m starving. I’ll take it. I guess if you were going to kill me, you would
have already done it.” She took the bowl, and he reached for a plate of bread from a table nearby. In
between spoonfuls she asked him, “What is your name?”

“Andino. My older brother, Thomas, is the bear, the one that scared you. My younger brother,
Aloysius, is outside standing guard. I am sorry that we have had to do this to you and that your arm
was hurt. How is it feeling?” He had soulful eyes and seemed regretful, as if he was trapped in the
same situation that she was.

“It’s as well as it can be under the circumstances. Why am I here? What is it that you want from me?
What do you want from the Espositos?”

“I cannot tell you that. I should not be talking to you as I am. My brother will be angry if he sees.”
He looked over his shoulder nervously as he took a bite of bread.

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“Listen, you seem like you don’t want to be here any more than I do. How’s about you let me out of
here, and you can tell them I escaped while you weren’t looking.” She was trying to be as cajoling yet
casual as possible. He seemed like a sweet guy placed in the wrong family.

He lowered his voice to a whisper. “You don’t understand, miss. My brother will kill me if you
escape. He will not care how it happened, he will kill me.” She could see the fear in his face, and
there was a commotion outside. The clanging of metal could be heard between the shouts and
screams. Andino jumped to his feet and went to run, but paused, “You stay here, miss. Please, don’t
leave.” He ran through the opening in the tent.

The noise grew louder and surrounded the outside of the tent. Someone was thrown against the
canvas a few feet from where her cage was, and a moment later a sword pierced and sliced through
the tent and into the cage narrowly missing her flesh. She let out an involuntary scream.


More clanging metal could be heard.

“I’m coming.”

The fighting subsided, and her family started filing into the disheveled tent.

“Oh my god, what have they done to you?” Kelly came running over to the cage and frantically
pulled at the door. “Hang on, I’ll get the key.”

“This one has it.” Vincenzo had a badly beaten Andino by the scruff of the neck and was dragging
him over with Salvatore’s help.

“Vincenzo. You came back.” She rattled against her imprisonment at seeing him standing there. He
let go of his grip on Andino after he reached in his pocket for the key.

“I’m so sorry I put you in danger.” He unlocked the door, and she flew into his arms.

“Please don’t ever leave me again.” She clung to him for dear life, not caring if it made her appear
weak. “I can’t”—she choked on her tears—“I can’t live without you.”

“I promise to never leave your side. No more running, it’s over.” He encircled her tightly and
moved toward the exit. Once outside he spotted Moira kneeling on the ground, holding his mother.
“Mamma!” He rushed over and joined the two women in the grass. “Mamma, are you all right?
What happened?”

She seemed a bit groggy. “De big one, he knock me over. I don’t remember any more.” Her eyes
went wide, and she clutched at her neck, feeling for something, sitting upright. “No, no, no.
Vincenzo, it’s gone!” She tried to jump to her feet but wobbled back down as he put his hand under
her arm.

“What does that mean? What’s gone?” Robin searched his face and then looked back to her future

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“The talisman.” He lowered his head. “I fear all might be lost. If the blood that vile holds is spilled
on the soil of Poveglia, we are all in mortal danger.” His face was ashen, and his eyes darted around,
searching for an answer. He turned and saw his brother still supporting the wounded Ardelino and
marched back into the tent. “Sal, bring the boy here,” he called over his shoulder as he passed him.

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Chapter Thirteen


Kelly knocked lightly on Robin’s open door. “Are you almost ready?”

“I’m almost done, but I’m not sure I’m ready.” She zipped up the top of her bag and reached for her
toiletries laid out next to it on the bed. She turned and sat with her toothbrush in one hand and her
deodorant in the other. “What are we doing, Kel? Do we really know what we’re getting ourselves
into? I love him more than life itself, but I’m so scared we’ll never see home again. Don’t get me
wrong, I’m not giving up this chance, and I’m certainly not going to let them face this alone. It’s
just . . .”

“It’s just that we’ve never been past the borders of Scotland,” Kelly interrupted. “I’m scared too, but
I’m not going back to being without the man I love if I have a chance to go with him.” She stood
up. “Finish packing yer shit, and let’s go. Italy is waiting for us, girl.”

“It’s what else is waiting for us that I’m scared of.” She put the rest of her things in the front
pockets of her luggage and slung it over her shoulder. The two friends joined the rest of the family
downstairs to bid their tearful good-byes and start their journey. They were bringing Andino, who
was still a bit puffy and cut up, as guide to find the rest of his family.

Moira grabbed on to Vincenzo’s hand. “You take good care of my girl.” She teared up and paused.
“Our girl. You take good care of our girl, you hear me?” She hugged him quickly and backed away.

“I promise I will guard her with my life and bring her home as soon as we can.” He looked around
at everyone. “We must go. Time is running out.”

Robin grabbed his hand and gave one last look at her family. She couldn’t see Elnie until she looked
up at her sister’s window. Her sister pressed her hand up against the glass, and Robin blew her a

The End

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About the Authors

Regina Paul lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband of nineteen years and cannot
imagine living anywhere else. She is a full-time author who writes Web content articles in addition to
fiction. When she is not writing, she enjoys reading, creating Native American beadwork, 3-D
artwork, and watercolors.

Dahlia Rose is the best-selling author of contemporary and paranormal romance with a hint of
Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on a Caribbean island and currently lives in Charlotte,
North Carolina, with her four kids, whom she affectionately nicknamed “The Children of the
Corn,” and her biggest supporter and longtime love. She has a love of erotica, dark fantasy, sci-fi,
and the things that go bump in the night. Books and writing are her biggest passions, and she hopes
to open your imagination to the unknown between the pages of her books.

Brenda Steele enjoys writing erotic romance in the fantasy, paranormal and science fiction sub-
genres. Visit her online at www.brendasteele.webs.com, www.myspace.com/brendasteele and

Dorian Wallace is the proud mother of two boys, wife of a wonderful man and an avid lover of all
things paranormal. She grew up in Southern California and moved to North Carolina at twenty-one
years of age. When she’s not writing, reading, or chasing kids, you can find her with friends and
family relaxing.


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