ParkCrest View
Love Chronicles
Volume 2
By Author Candace Mumford
A.N.C. Media Publishing
Copyright © 2011 By Candace
Mumford and A.N.C. Media
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and incidents contained within this
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August 2011
First Edition
Parkcrest View
The Love Chronicles Volume 2
Welcome to the ParkCrest View
Apartments. We welcome all new
and potential residents into what
we hope will be a tight knit, caring
community. Management is always
here to help and feel free to knock
on the door of a friendly neighbor
when in need !
ParkCrest View Apartments –
Where neighbors turn into family
and friends.
The ParkView Welcome Wagon
AKA Management
Please spread the word about our
upcoming community mix and
Jazzlyn walked through the isles of
the grocery store picking up a few
things when her cell phone rang.
Jazzlyn answered “ Hello ?” “ Girl
where have you been?” Trevonne
asked “I want to see you! Every
since you hooked up with that fine
ass neighbor of yours I've barely
seen you. Come over tonight! Sher-
ica is coming. We're going to cook
dinner, have some drinks and stuff.
You know a girls night!” Trevonne
said excitedly.
OK I'll come. What time and what
do you want me to bring?” Jazzlyn
asked “ Girl bring some of that
bomb ass macaroni and cheese you
make!” Trevonne said “ I'm so glad
you're coming Jazzlyn. I miss you!”
“ I know me too” I said trying my
best to control my growing anger at
all her fake sincerity. “ But you
know how it is when you meet
someone new. Tyson and I have
been spending a lot of time together
getting to know each other and
everything. You know how it is.”
Jazzlyn said sweetly. “ I know,I
know! I'll give you a pass for a hot
minute but when you come over to-
night I want the scoop on his
ass!”Trevonne said. “ OK I got you.
See you tonight” Jazzlyn said and
hung up.
Yea I got you. You fake ass bitch!
Jazzlyn thought. Since finding out a
month ago how Trevonne had be-
trayed her Jazzlyn had made the de-
cision not to confront her about
it......Just yet. Tyson didn't think it
was a good decision to keep speak-
ing to her and not approach and
handle the situation but we agreed
to disagree about the topic. Besides
it's not like I've spent much time
with anyone but him for the last
month anyways. Darien is still call-
ing me periodically claiming he's
getting his shit together as if I give a
damn. Darien could turn his life
around and become the second
African-American president and I
still would never take his ass back! I
can't believe how good Tyson is. I
know we're still at the getting to
know each other phase but
everything is different with him. We
talk about real things. Life,family
work. Topics that seem basic but
but damn it's nice to ask how was
your day at work, not when are you
going to go back to work! Jazzlyn
thought to herself going through
the isles.
Just as she was turning the corner
someone caught her eye . Is that
Tyson ? Jazzlyn said to herself step-
ping around to get a better look.
Aint this some shit right here!
Jazzlyn thought watching Tyson
walk down the isles with another
woman. A really attractive black
woman with a figure to die for and a
short cropped cut. They were walk-
ing down the isle laughing and
joking. Aint this some shit Jazzlyn
thought to herself. These assholes
are all the same. Jazzlyn thought as
she dropped her basket and walked
out of the store.
Now dammit Darien your time is
up! We had an agreement that you
were going to be here two months
when you moved back in here.
We're into the fourth month . The
gig is up!” Dariens mother Sheila
said. “ I know mom things just seem
to be taking a little longer with my
job search than I thought they
would. These jobs out here aint
trying to pay a brotha nothing!”
Darien said trying his best to look
sincere. He knew damn well his
mom didn't play! Darien knew his
mom as tough as she talked,had a
soft spot for both of her boys. So
whenever he could, he used his ma-
mas boy act to the fullest! Darien
started running other excuses
through his head he could tell her to
extend his stay. Shit I know I'm
complaining about the twin bed but
hell, something is better than noth-
ing. I damn sure need somewhere
steady to stay and aint no way in
hell imma go stay with Trevonne. If
I go lay up over there Jazzlyn will
never take me back.
OK son. Let me keep it real with
you... Like you young folks say. Now
you know me an my old man
Mr.Johnny been together some
years now, since you and your
brother Trenton were teenagers.
You know I didn't go for having no
strange men up around you boys so
I kept my personal life separate
from you boys. Now that both of
you are grown and supposed to be
out of the house. It's mamas turn!
Mr. Johnny and I are making it offi-
cial, we're getting married son! So
I'm breaking the lease on this place
and moving into his house . What I
will not being moving into my new
home with me and my new husband
is a grown ass son who should be
out on his damn own anyways!So
you have two weeks to make
My damn face wanted to fall . Not
because I didn't like Mr. Johnny. I
did. He's always been good to all of
us throughout the years.
Damn...What the fuck imma do
now ? Hell where am I supposed to
lay my goddamn head at ? I did
mange to jump up and give her a
hug. Plastered a smile on my face.
Sounded excited for her and all. My
mom did deserve some happiness.
Our dad wasn't shit. He left my
mom a year after I was born to raise
two kids all on her own. My mom is
a trooper though....Like a lot of
black women, and made it work. So
she deserves her blessings. The
damn blessings are coming at a bad
time for me, but I couldn't knock
moms hustle. I need to really make
some moves now Darien thought to
I think everything looks perfect
Trevonne thought to herself walk-
ing around her apartment.
Trevonne spent all afternoon
straightening up so that everything
looked great for her girls only get
together. It's been a damn month
since Jazzlyn and I have spent any
time together she thought. I guess
once you go white it's all right!
Trevonne thought to herself laugh-
ing. I'm not going to trip on that at
all. Jazzlyn spending so much time
with this neighbor Tyson works two
ways, Trevonne thought. It gives
Jazzlyn all the more time to com-
pletely get over Darien and into
someone new. Which frees me up
to spend more time with Darien
when he does decide to come over
Trevonne thought with a frown.
Every since their argument at Club
Zooms she would have thought he
would have come by more.
Especially since Jazzlyn let him
know beyond a shadow of a doubt
they wouldn't be reconciling. Since
he wasn't waiting on Jazzlyn to run
back, I thought for sure he'd come
around more regardless of the
mean things he'd said to me that
night. I'm tired of trying to babysit
his dick to make sure he's not see-
ing other women like he said he
was. During the past month all
Darien has done was come by more
to get his dick sucked than to hang
out with me. Hell Trevonne
thought, he practically made me
beg him to do it. We've only really
had sex about three times. That has
got to change.
We’re going to work this out some-
how. I honestly don't know why I
want him so much. I know I'm a
fool for even wanting his ass but he
does have some good qualities. We
have fun when he's here, good look-
ing and the sex is off the chain! Aint
no man dicked me down that
good..... Ever! Trevonne thought
.Growing warm between her thighs
just thinking about having sex with
Darien. Darien is the longest rela-
tionship I've ever had Trevonne
thought and I don't want it to end
anytime soon. All relationships go
through ups and downs. We're just
having ours now. Trevonne thought
as she put the finishing touches on
her apartment. Tonight’s going to
be fun she thought.
Tyson his mother and two sisters all
sat in the family room at his moth-
ers house enjoying each others
company. Tyson’s mother Renee
looked with pride at her three chil-
dren “ It's been far too long since
we've all gotten together like this. I
sure hope we can get back on track
with our family time. I miss my ba-
bies all being together” Renee said.
“ I know mama. I'll admit I've been
caught up with this new job. Which
is really going good. It was a nice
move for me to make and I can see
myself being able to do some really
good things there. I had a meeting
with the partners last week and they
told me how impressed the clients
have been with the accounts I've
taken over. So I think I may be here
awhile especially if new opportunit-
ies for advancement come up.”
Also” Tyson said pausing for effect
“ I met this woman “ “WHAT!”
Tyson's mother and sisters said in
unison.” Who is she ? Tell us all
about her !” They asked all chiming
in at once. “ DAANG!” Tyson said.
“Y'all act like I've never had a date
before!” Tyson said laughing. “ Oh
boy please! Hell you never bring
anyone around and when you did”
Nicole said rolling her eyes.” You
brought us crazy ass Kita!” Tyson
held his hands up in protest “ Now
in my defense” Tyson said bursting
out laughing “ I did NOT know Kita
was crazy. I vetted her thor-
oughly...Or so I thought. Hell I
waited eight months before I even
let her meet you guys!” Tyson said
shaking his head at the memory of
his ex- girlfriend of two years Kita .
A year into his relationship with
Kita,Tyson thought for certain,
she'd end up being Mrs. Tyson
James . After a year of a damn near
perfect relationship . Things soon
went to hell in a hand basket. Kita
who started out being a strong,
caring, independent woman a year
into their relationship turned into a
completely different woman when
her mother and sister moved into
town from from out of state. When
Tyson ended the relationship Kita
didn't take it too well especially
when she'd get wind he was even so
much as causally dating anyone
else. At one point Tyson had been
forced to involve the police. Tyson
got up and walked to the kitchen for
a drink to shake the negative
memories off. “ I'll tell you guys all
about her in just a few minutes. You
guys want anything from the
kitchen ? “Tyson asked “ Bring me
an iced tea please !” Tyson’s middle
sister Brianna called from the living
When Tyson got out of everyone’s
earshot he pulled out his cell phone
to give Jazzlyn a call. I haven't
talked to her all day. It'll be nice to
hear her voice. After a few rings
Jazzlyns voice mail came on “ Hey
Jazzlyn it's me Tyson, I've been try-
ing to get up with you all afternoon.
This is my second message. Hope
everything is OK . Maybe we can get
together later on tonight if you
don't already have plans. Talk to
you later “ Tyson said then pushed
You know what ? Jazzlyn thought to
herself. Fuck all their asses ! I've
had enough of always being the nice
friend, the good girlfriend and they
don't appreciate a goddamn thing.
Hell I even stepped on out in the
dating world and his ass is a liar
and a cheat too. They really think
“Oh Jazzlyn is so nice and under-
standing” Fuck that. Jazzlyn said to
herself. I'm about to kill three birds
with one stone and be done with all
their trifling asses. I'm going to
jump this shit off tonight Jazzlyn
thought. Jazzlyn picked up her cell
phone and dialed Dariens number.
After a short conversation with
Darien Jazzlyn paused and looked
at all the calls she'd ignored from
Tyson during the day. She'd played
his voice mails earlier. I just can't
deal with another liar Jazzlyn
thought to herself. I probably was
just feeling vulnerable because of all
this mess with Darien. If I had
thought more about it and not been
around him so much this last
month I wouldn't be so pissed. I
shouldn't have let my guard down
so fast with anyone. Lesson learned
though. It's time for me to let folks
know I'm really not to be messed
with .
Jazzlyn pulled into the the parking
lot at Trevonnes condo and looked
in the mirror to check her makeup.
Perfect Jazzlyn thought, here goes
nothing. Jazzlyn grabbed her baked
mac and cheese from the passenger
seat and headed inside. After two
knocks Trevonne answered the
door. Trevonne let out a small
shriek of excitement “ Get in here
girl ! I'm so glad to see you!”
Trevonne said jumping up and
down . “ Girl you look good! What
the heck are you all dressed up for?
You do know this aint a real party
right ? Just us girls here tonight
Boo! “ Trevonne said. Jazzlyn
handed the pan of mac and cheese
to Trevonne and casually said “ Girl
I know ! You told me about it kinda
late and still wanted to come but I
can only stay about an hour and a
half. I'm going to meet Darien for
drinks and to finally talk “ Jazzlyn
said walking into the living room to
say hello to everyone else.
Trevonne almost dropped the pan
of food when Jazzlyn said that .
What the hell did she just say ?
Meet Darien for drinks ? This shit
can not be happening. What the
hell happened to the damn white
dude ! No wonder Darien hasn't re-
turned any of my phone calls today
Trevonne thought panic setting in. I
don't know what the fuck is going
on but I need to stay calm and
Hey Sherica !” Jazzlyn said leaning
in to give Sherica a hug. “ Girl it's so
good to see you,it seems like forever
since we've all gotten together . “
Nice to meet you” Jazzlyn said as
she smiled and introduced herself
to another female there who was
apparently a guest of Shericas she
was really pretty with long auburn
dreadlocks and gorgeous skin.
Jazzlyn thought to herself “ I'm
Jazzlyn.” “ Nice to meet you
Jazzlyn, I'm Nakita, but you can
just call me Kita everyone does “
Kita said politely. “ Everyone the
food is almost ready to go. Give me
about 10 more minutes OK ? Sher-
ica , girl come help me with
something real quick” Trevonne
What's up sis ? “ Sherica asked
walking into the kitchen “ Sherica I
need you girl ! “ Trevonne said pan-
ic in her voice .” I fucked up bad
and now I don't know what to do! “
Trevonne said on the verge of
tears.” Aww shit ! Don't tell me your
ass is pregnant! Who the daddy girl
? "Sherica asked “ Sherica girl the
way I feel right now I almost wish I
was ! “ Trevonne said pacing the
kitchen floor . OK now you're scar-
ing me Tre, what the hell is going
on ? “ Sherica asked her voice full of
concern . “ Sherica I've been sleep-
ing with Darien . Now Jazzlyn just
said she's about to go meet him for
drinks and to talk about their rela-
tionship ! I'm in love with him
Sherica! What do I do ?” Trevonne
asked starting to tear up.
You know what Trevonne you on
some real dumb shit right now !”
Sherica said “ Now I love you like a
little sister.....My DUMB little sister.
You know I don't get down with no
low down, okie doke shit like this !
Which is exactly why your brother
and I fell out! How the fuck you
gonna do some dirty shit like that to
your best friend ? The shit is fucked
up. Now I met her through you and
Jazzlyn has always been cool with
me. You know Jazzlyn and I are just
as tight as you and I. So stop while
you're ahead because I don't want
any part of your bullshit! Right
about now what I need YOU to do
...Is shut your damn mouth and
don't say a word more about this
shit you've gotten yourself into ! I
do NOT want you pulling my name
into some bullshit ! So sis what I
suggest you do for now, is get your
act together and get your ass out
here and entertain your guests!”
Sherica said crossing her arms and
looking at Trevonne like she'd lost
her damn mind.
Damn Tre, I thought you were a
better woman and friend than that.
I'm so disappointed in you. You
know I still love you but wrong is
wrong now. Get yourself together
and we'll talk about this later. I
honestly don't want to know much
about this whole mess. You knew
Darien wasn't shit when he was
with Jazz! “ Sherica said shaking
her head.
Is the food ready ?” Jazzlyn called
from the living room . “ Almost
done ! “ Trevonne said.
Jazzlyn laughed to herself thinking
about how shocked Trevonne
looked when she told her she was
going to meet Darien for drinks.
That's exactly what her trifling ass
gets she thought to herself smil-
ing."OK ladies ! Y'all come and fix
yourself a plate because you know
you don't get waited on around
these parts” Trevonne said man-
aging a laugh. Everyone crowded
into the kitchen fixing plates and
laughing and talking. Once every-
one had a drink in hand they all sat
in the living room talking . “ So
what's the man situation with
everyone? You know on ladies night
we have to round table about the
men!” Jazzlyn said. “ Well girl you
go! Last I knew you and Darien had
called it quits, now you two are
meeting for drinks? Trevonne
Jazzlyn wiped her hands with her
napkin and took a sip of her Mo-
scato. “ Girl you know how it is.
Darien has his ways but for the last
four years outside of this break
we've had.....He's been my man. I
mean when I got to thinking about
all the drama on the singles scene, I
said to myself why not at least try to
work things out with the person I've
been in love with instead of going
all out trying to find someone new?
I know you you can feel me on that
one...Right Trevonne? I don't even
have to tell you about our relation-
ship woes. You're my bestie and
have been here every step of the
way. Plus I aint gonna lie. This
whole celibacy thing is so not the
business. I may have to end that
little run tonight!” Jazzlyn said
laughing along with the other
Well girl what happened to that
fine ass white dude from your
building? Hell he's had you on lock
down for a month now. I thought
you really meant it when you said it
was over with Darien” Trevonne
asked trying to sound sincere.
Well now I wont lie and say he
wasn't a nice distraction Tre....But
Darien and I have four years togeth-
er and that's kinda hard to walk
away from. So I mean I'm not say-
ing we'll absolutely get together
right away. Who knows girl it may
just be a steady sex thing , if we do
something though, I’ll keep you
posted.” Jazzlyn said smiling.
What about you girl ? When are
you going to fall in love and settle
down?” Jazzlyn asked sweetly.
Shit I'm not even looking right
now. Most of these men out here
are no good anyway! I'd rather just
stay by myself” Trevonne said
Stay by yourself? Who are you try-
ing to fool? It's me your talking to. I
know your hot ass like to stay with a
man up in that bed back there”
Jazzlyn said pointing towards
Trevonnes bedroom. “ What are you
trying to say Jazzlyn?”Trevonne
said starting to get pissed. “ I aint
trying to say shit Tre....I'm saying it.
Let's keep it funky. We're amongst
friends here. Well except Kita and if
she's cool with Sherica she's cool by
me . You know damn well you stay
with a dick on reserve....Even when
the dick don't belong to you! So
who you fucking heffa?” Jazzlyn
asked leaning in laughing.
Sherica sat with her fork mid air
wanting to burst out laughing. Even
though she loved Trevonne like a
little sister she was prone to doing
shady shit,like sleeping with men
she knew were in relationships .
That's my girl but hell...What she
want me to say? Real is real. Sherica
though as took another bite of
Jazzlyns mac and cheese .
I don't know what the hell is going
on here, but something aint right!
Kita thought to herself taking a sip
of her rum and coke. “ Well ahem..I
will agree with you on one point
Trevonne sometimes these men out
here on the dating scene aint worth
a damn! The bad thing for me is , I
messed up a relationship with a
good man because I didn't have it
together.....Along with a few other
things. To be honest I'm still in love
with him. Right now I'm in the pro-
cess of trying to iron out a few is-
sues I had going on at the time and
I have high hopes that once I do, we
can get back together. I know what
we had is real so I'm not going to
give up on us.” Kita said
That's cool Kita well I mean if it's
something you could possibly work
out, you’re already going in the
right direction. As long as both
parties are willing. I wish you luck
in this love game sis!”Jazzlyn said “
Darien and I were together four
years prior to our break up and I
truly believe..That in this day and
time you should look at all options
before you just call it quits. On that
note ladies I'm going to head on
out. I'm going to meet up with
Darien so we can have our little
heart to heart”Jazzlyn said walking
into the kitchen to throw away her
paper plates and cup. Afterward
Jazzlyn freshened up in the bath-
room before leaving. As she was
coming out of the bathroom
Trevonne was leaving her bed-
room.” Hey girl I'm on my way out
gimme a hug!” Jazzlyn said and she
hugged Trevonne.....Rolling her
eyes at the same time. I don't know
how long I'll be out tonight but do
you want to meet up at Cool Beans
for lunch? So we can catch up just
you and I? Let me know OK, we'll
just play it by ear. I'm out though.
You know how Darien is he's
already blowing my phone up.”
Jazzlyn said.
Second Time Around ?
Jazzlyn walked into the lounge and
saw Darien sitting at the bar. Here
goes absolutely fucking nothing she
thought to herself as she walked up
to him.” Hey Darien” Jazzlyn said
smiling and thinking to herself what
the fuck am I doing here with this
joke? “ Hey Baby!” Darien said
smiling and leaning in for a kiss.
Jazzlyn quickly inched away and hit
him with an air kiss.” Let's go to a
booth so we can talk. You look
beautiful as always “ Darien said
looking Jazzlyn up in down. Damn
he thought aint nothing like a
chocolate sista in all white. Jazzlyn
knows I love it when she wears her
hair in a twist out . I know she got
all dressed up for me. That's
So Darien you've been calling me
for awhile. Here we are. I'm finally
ready to speak .Keep in mind, if
you're not going to come at me with
complete honesty I'm going to get
my ass up from this booth. Do you
understand ?” Jazzlyn asked. “ I un-
derstand Jazz. I'll admit when we
first broke up I was like fuck it. This
time apart though has really made
me think about some of the things
you said. I realize I have some
things I could have done to make
our relationship better and I'm will-
ing to do whatever it takes.” Darien
Darien have you ever cheated on
me?” Jazzlyn asked “What! Why
would you think that? You know I
love you.”Darien said “ Darien can
you just answer the question
without all that extra stuff ? I have
it on very good authority that you
cheated on me while we were to-
gether. I don't give a damn about
what you've been doing while we
were apart, but while we were to-
gether and I was giving my all to
you, all day everyday,were you
cheating on me?” Jazzlyn asked .
Darien stared at Jazzlyn going over
his mind how to answer the ques-
tion. I know damn well Trevonne
aint told her shit because for one
she wouldn't risk losing me fucking
with her ass or Jazzlyns friendship.”
Jazz I don't know who the hell
you're getting your information
from, but they need to stay the fuck
out of my business. As long as we've
been together I aint never cheated
on you and that's my word!” Darien
See that right there is the problem
Darien. When it comes to me, just
how solid is your word ? Like I said,
I heard it on very good authority
that you did cheat. I feel like if we're
going to try to salvage any part of
our relationship we need to start
anew. On the up and up.” Jazzlyn
said . This negro is dumb as hell she
thought to herself looking at him
running the lies he could tell her
through his head. He's too dumb to
realize the authority I heard from is
him! He's so pathetic it's almost
funny. Here I am wasting my time
and I can barely concentrate be-
cause I'm so fucking mad at Tyson
right now! Let me wind this shit up
and get my ass home.
OK Darien I see we’re not making
any progress here. So I'm done.”
Jazzlyn said standing up to leave.”
Wait a minute Jazzlyn....You finally
met up with me only to ask if I
cheated on you? You expect me to
cop to some shit I didn't do? Then
you think if I did admit some shit I
didn't do.....I'm supposed to believe
you'd forgive me for the shit? . I'm a
lot of things Jazz but I aint never
been crazy.” Darien said. “ Like I
told you before I aint never cheated
on you. I put that on
everything!”Darien said.
OK then Darien. It was nice seeing
you.” Jazzlyn said walking away.
Jazzlyn wait...Damn!” Darien said
frustration in his voice.
Another time Darien.” Jazzlyn
called over her shoulder as she
walked out.
Jazzlyn walked down the corridor
to her apartment and paused in
front of Tyson’s door. You know
what fuck that, she thought to her-
self . I may as well start calling
everyone out on their bullshit.
Tyson came to me with his “ Oh I
don't lie. I'm honest” bullshit and
turned out to be a nothing but a liar
as well! Since I have to live right
next to him I may as well clear the
air Jazzlyn thought knocking on
Tyson's door.
Well damn!” Tyson said opening
the door.” I thought I was going to
have to send a search party after
you.” Tyson said “ Come in.” “ Hey
Tyson.” Jazzlyn said “ I got your
messages today but I had a lot going
on.”Jazzlyn said. My GOD this man
looks good she thought...Why the
hell does he have to be no good too?
“ It's cool I understand. I'm glad
you came by though I wanted to see
you. Tyson said smiling. “ This aint
your first time here Jazzlyn “ Tyson
said laughing “ Why are standing at
the door ? Come in and make your-
self comfortable.” Tyson said
walking into his living room.
Jazzlyn followed him saying “ Well
Tyson I really didn't plan on staying
very long I just wanted to ask you
about something” Jazzlyn said
crossing her arms.
Tyson turned around and looked at
Jazzlyn. It was clear she had
something on her mind. Damn she
looks good he thought. I've seen
this look one too many times
though .My mom,sisters and a few
ex's got this look on lock! She has
an attitude about something, some-
body has pissed her off. I know I
haven't done anything so maybe she
just needs to vent he thought.
All right then. Do you want to sit
down or you're just going to stand”
Tyson asked. “ I'm fine standing.
Tyson with everything you know I
went through last month with
Trevonne and Darien why would
you lie to me too?” Jazzlyn asked .
“You made a big point of telling me
all about how straight up you are
and what a stand up man you are
and here it is I find out your ass is a
liar too. “ Jazzlyn said getting angri-
er by the second. “ I mean I know I
haven't known you very long but I
really thought you were better than
Hold up now. First of all Jazzlyn. I
don't know what the hell you're
even talking about. When you de-
cide to knock on this door right
here” Tyson said pointing to his
front door “And to come in my
place accusing me of what.... I don't
know. You need to explain yourself
a little better. What the hell is
wrong with you ?” “ Tyson you're
gonna stand in my damn face and
lie? Straight face and all. Hell I saw
you! You know what ? Fuck this you
muthafuckas are all the same. Liars
and cheats. I don't even know why
the hell I thought you might be dif-
ferent. Maybe the one thing Darien
did tell the truth about is you. I'll
bet your ass does go around trying
to fuck every black woman you see!”
Jazzlyn turned to leave.
Oh no you don't ! Turn your ass
around and deal with me man to
woman. You aint gonna storm your
way into my place, call yourself
cussing me out and then leave. That
aint the way this goes "Tyson said
laughing. “ Your laughing ? See
what I mean immature ass little
boys. All of you.” Jazzlyn said.
No baby. I'm very mature. That's
the problem with you right there.
First off Jazzlyn I don't have to lie
you. Yes we've been seeing each
other the last month but we don't
have shit in stone. So whatever I
want to do regarding any woman
I'm free to do. Just as you are. Two
you didn't see me do shit....Because
I haven't done anything. If I was
seeing other women I'm not the
type of man who would do it behind
your back. Your ass standing there
quick to throw dirt on my character
but you the one wasted four years of
your life with a man who wasn't shit
! Let's keep it real baby. Dude
wasn't shit before you found out he
was fucking your best friend. From
the day we started speaking when I
carried that gang of groceries in the
house for you......Mind you when
his ass was sitting up in your place
doing what ? Playing play-station ?
No job ? No place ? Let me remind
you Jazzlyn, I aint never had to lay
my head at your place or ask you for
a dime. Another thing. I aint fucked
your best friend. Matter of fact I
don't do lushes so she could never
get none of this any damn way. So
before you start with all your accus-
ations you better be making them to
the right one “ Tyson said angrily. “
It's real funny you can walk your ass
in here accusing me of shit Jazzlyn
but you've yet to confront the
people that have actually done
something to you. Get your priorit-
ies straight. Don't you ever compare
me to your ex-man. Are you losing
your mind right now ?” Tyson
Tyson you talking a lot of shit but
the truth is I saw you.” Jazzlyn said
pointing her finger at him. “ No
doubt about it I saw you with an-
other woman today! So you can
stand here all righteous talking all
that shit right now. But it doesn't
mean shit when I caught you”
Jazzlyn said wanting to cry.” I just
hate I trusted you and I'm angry
with you because you knew what
was going on with me and I feel you
took advantage of my situation."
Jazzlyn you keep saying you “ saw”
me...What did you see me doing ?”
Tyson asked. “ I saw you today at
Quigglys Market . Walking your ass
around the store with the sista with
the short cut and the big booty! You
two looked friendly as hell to me.
I'm not up for the bullshit games
Tyson from you or anyone!” Jazzlyn
Quigglys Market ? Today?” Tyson
asked. “Yes today Tyson don't stand
here playing games with me”
Jazzlyn said “ You can't deny it , be-
cause I saw you with my own two
Tyson walked to his bar and picked
up his cell phone and made a call. “
Yea, I need you to come over here
real quick. Thanks I'll see you in a
few.” Tyson turned back to Jazzlyn “
You know what anyone else coming
at me like this I would have let the
shit go. But the whole way you just
came at me? I'm letting you know
off the top. You were dead wrong
coming at me the way you just did .
I am going to ask you to give me a
chance to defend myself . There's
something about your ass I like …...
A lot. So just sit your ass down and
we're going to clear this up in just a
few minutes.” Tyson said.
Tyson I really don't see the point. I
mean you may think I'm tripping
because we've only been dealing
with one another a short time but
seeing you with another woman,
when for the last month every time
I'm around you I felt like I may had
finally met someone special that
shit hurts” Jazzlyn said shaking her
head “ I saw you with her today and
look at me....I got mad and flipped.
I even went over to Trevonnes to-
night and made her believe I was
going to take Darien back. I know
she's over there scared as hell I
might be fucking him right now.
Then I went out and met Darien for
drinks and he really thought I may
take him back. I even asked him
point blank if he ever cheated on
me. Which of course he never ad-
mitted. Then you . People just ex-
pect me to believe them over my
own damn eyes!” Jazzlyn said. “
I'm going to be done with all your
asses because you have me acting
out of my character. Before I do
that and stoop to all of your level I'll
remove everyone of you from my
Jazzlyn I know right now you think
I'm trying to bring some extra
drama to your life but I'm not”
Tyson said. They both heard the
knock on the door “ Hold on just a
second” Tyson said going to answer
the door. “ Damn I'm glad you were
home Brianna!” Tyson said “ Well
shit I was on my way out to get my
drink on at the club when you called
sounding all serious. What the hell
is going on over here? Please don't
tell me imma have to put my foot up
Kitas crazy ass because I will do it.
Your ass better have my bail money
ready too!” Brianna said.
Laughing low Tyson said “ You'll
see in a second” They walked back
down the hall into the living room
where Jazzlyn was sitting on the
couch. When she saw the same fe-
male she'd seen Tyson with at the
store earlier in the day. “ Oh hell no
!” Jazzlyn stood up saying. “ I know
you didn't call your woman over
here! It is not that goddamn seri-
ous. Tyson I don't know what kind
of women you're used to dealing
with, but I don't play these type of
silly ass games. No disrespect to you
sista ….You can have his ass. You're
calling women over here like you
got a damn harem and we're about
to have a fuckin menage a trios. You
asked to explain yourself and I was
going to let you, but your ass has
gone too far now. You are not all
that Tyson” Jazzlyn said throwing
her purse over her shoulder and
heading for the door .
Ummph! I guess so!” Brianna said
“ You sure she aint on that last ones
level Tyson?” Brianna asked already
figuring out somewhat why Tyson
had called her over. “ Excuse me?
Honey you do not know me so I
would suggest you keep your com-
ments towards me as respectful as
I've kept mine towards you. That
can change in a minute if you want
to take it there. “ Jazzlyn said.
Jazzlyn meet Brianna. Brianna
meet Jazzlyn. My sister Brianna”
Tyson said. “ Your sister? “ Jazzlyn
said looking back and forth. “ Tyson
I was born at night but it wasn't last
night OK ?” I'm going to leave you
two right here with your foolishness
OK? I do not have time for this.”
Jazzlyn said. “ Isn't this who you
saw me at the store with ? By the
way Bri....Jazzlyn said you have a
big booty. “ Tyson said laughing . “
Don't hate “ Brianna said looking at
Jazzlyn “ Hell you got me over here
interrupting my evening out. I hope
old girl is worth it. Mama was talk-
ing mess when you left today too
because you didn't take any food
with you. I should put a foot up
your ass too while I'm here, because
your own sister can't get invited
over on a good day. But I guess
when you gotta prove the family ties
to these newbies you can call me
over then can't you!” Brianna said. “
Close your mouth Boo. My brother
is not a liar. I'm his sister,not a wo-
man he's creeping on you with. So
now that' we've solved this little
mystery. Can I hit the club now?
Brianna asked looking back and
forth at Tyson and Jazzlyn. “ You
are pretty though. I can see why my
brother told us about you today at
lunch. I'm gonna also give you a few
points for digging in his ass when
you thought he was out with anoth-
er woman” Brianna said laughing
and heading towards the door. “
Bye you two!”
Bye Bri, thanks for coming by.
Love you” Tyson said. “ Love you to
baby brother.” Brianna called back
before she shut the door.
So are you ready to talk to me now
instead of throwing accusations and
you don't even know what you're
talking about ?” Tyson asked look-
ing at Jazzlyn who looked
Better Than Nothing
Hey Darien. I'm glad you came by”
Trevonne said “ Do you want a
drink?” “ Hell no I don't want no
damn drink. I just met with Jazz a
while ago and she was asking me
did I ever cheat on her. What the
fuck did you tell her Tre? Jazz aint
never questioned me like this about
cheating on her now all of a sudden
she talking about she got it on good
“ authority” I 'm cheating?” Darien
said “ So who the fuck could be
telling her some shit like that but
your ass.....Look at me when I'm
fucking talking to you!” Darien said
Look I don't know what's going on!
Today was the first time I've even
seen Jazzlyn in a month. She
showed up here tonight all dressed
up and said after she left she was
going to meet you for drinks and to
talk about maybe working on your
relationship. Other than that I don't
know shit. Better yet , this is going
to be the last time I even let you ask
me anything about Jazzlyn. I'm sick
of this. I've been sitting over here all
night feeling like the biggest fool
ever messing with your ass because
basically I know beyond a shadow
of a doubt Jazzlyn can be with you
anytime she wants too. All she has
to do is say she'll take you back and
your ass will go running . Jazzlyn
don't even want your ass no more.
Jazzlyn aint perfect! You running
behind her ass and for the last year
she been cheating on your ass
anyways! With a white man at
that!” Trevonne said.
The reason I even messed with you
Darien is because I knew what
Jazzlyn was doing and I thought
you were too good for her to be do-
ing you like that. I'm here treating
you like a king and all you can ever
think about is Jazzlyn” Trevonne
Stop lying Tre. Jazz wasn't cheat-
ing on me. I would have known.”
Darien said. “ How would you have
known?” Trevonne asked. All those
times you were out with your boys?
Why do you think it was so easy for
her to finally let you go. Let me tell
you something about women in
case you didn't know.....Women
that are used to being in a relation-
ship don't leave to be single. They
leave because they have the next re-
lationship set up and ready to go.
Now please leave Darien. You have
hurt me enough when all I've done
is love you. Go see if Jazzlyn is will-
ing to leave that white man for you.
I doubt she is after all she's told me
about the way they get down.”
Trevonne said.
Darien stared at Trevonne a few
seconds and walked out the door.
Trevonne locked the door and let
out a deep sigh. Shit! I hoped those
lies worked to bring him to me. A
girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
Darien was not letting Jazzlyn go so
he needed a little push Trevonne
thought smiling to herself.
It Aint Over
I can't believe this shit ! Darien
thought jumping into his SUV.
Jazzlyns been going behind my
back for a year with some white
dude? No wonder she was taking
her time getting back to me! Mak-
ing a fool of me behind my back
with some white dude? Laid up and
fucking some white man behind my
back? I don't give a fuck what I do.
Jazzlyn is a woman and should have
been conducting herself better than
that. I put that bitch on a fucking
pedestal ! The entire time she's rid-
ing white dick behind my back. Got
me out here looking like a fool? Aint
no telling who all knew about this
shit and she got me out here look-
ing stupid as hell. This shit aint
over. I know I aint been perfect. I've
cheated on her with a couple white
girls too. But still Jazzlyn is my
queen. I can forgive her anything.
This white boy though? We gotta
fuckin problem.
Jazzlyn looked at Tyson not really
knowing what to say. “ I really think
you need to explain this to me.”
Jazzlyn said. “ No what I think
needs to happen before we do any-
thing is you need to apologize to
me. I don't see us having a conver-
sation about anything until we get
that out of the way” Tyson said. “
Tyson how was I supposed to know
you have an African-American sis-
ter?” Jazzlyn asked “ You weren't
supposed to Jazzlyn. Nor did you
need to know. I'm trying to be your
business right now not my family.
Your standing there looking at me
like you really have a valid point for
the way you came at me when the
reality is you don't! You knocked
right on my door to not ask me who
she could have been, but to make
accusations.” Tyson said.
I didn't..” Jazzlyn started to say
before Tyson cut her off. “ We aint
standing here talking about what
you didn't do Jazzlyn we're speak-
ing on what you did do. You could
have came at me ten different ways.
The first one could have been
simply saying you saw me at the
store today who was that you were
with ? Damn Jazzlyn I couldn't even
get that from you ? I'm so beyond
insulted right now I don't know how
to feel. Unlike you though I aint
scared to tell you I like you. I like
being around you and that I want
you. Which are the reasons why I
didn't put your ass out when you
walked in here talking all that shit.”
Tyson said “ I'm still waiting on my
apology Jazzlyn” Tyson said looking
into her eyes.
I'm sorry Tyson. Please forgive me.
I'll admit I did snap. Jazzlyn said. “
All for you not just asking me
Jazzlyn. Now look at you....You
standing there looking guilty as hell
but since you took it there tonight
we may as well let it all the way out.
You standing in my face looking
good as hell, but you just came back
from a date with your ex man. So
now who's not to be trusted ?”
Tyson asked. “ What did you do to-
night trying to get back at me for
something I never did ? You need to
tell me what's up right now because
if your the type of woman who
every time you get mad, you're run-
ning after another man and jump-
ing to conclusions we can go our
separate ways now . No disrespect
Jazzlyn but I can't walk around with
my hand over your pussy 24/7 be-
cause you think you know
something and you out doing Lord
knows what.” Tyson said.
Tyson please. I know I messed up
tonight “ Jazzlyn said walking over
to Tyson and touching his arm “
Please believe me when I say I
didn't touch Darien. I put that on
everything I love I didn't touch him.
I had a soda, asked him straight out
if he cheated on me he lied and I
left that was it I swear. Don't base
your whole opinion of me on what I
did tonight “ Jazzlyn said.
All I know is I was in the store I
was happy and I was actually think-
ing about you.”Jazzlyn said “ I
caught a glimpse of you walking
with a woman. I checked to make
sure it was you and I just lost it. It
didn't help your sister is pretty too!
Y'all were walking down the isle
laughing and everything! I got mad
and jealous. Dropped my shit and
walked out of the store.” Jazzlyn
said “ You're still going to explain a
black sister to me, but for right now
can you just forgive me. Hug me
and kiss me like you've done for the
past month because the fact of the
matter is I've been going crazy all
day thinking about not being with
you again.” Jazzlyn said wrapping
her arms around Tyson’s neck and
looking into his eyes. Tyson took
Jazzlyns face in his hands and
leaned down and kissed her,gently
at first then deeper. Kissing her lips
and slipping his tongue into her
mouth wanting to taste every inch
of her body. His hands slid down to
Jazzlyns breasts her nipples already
standing at attention, both of them
unable to tear themselves away
from their kiss yet wanting to ex-
plore each other bodies with no re-
servations. Tyson pulled Jazzlyn
closer her back against the wall.
Tyson’s hands caressed her toned
thighs and slid his hands up until
he held her ass in his hands and her
dress was raised to her waist. His
fingers dipping into her wetness
causing Jazzlyn to moan. Jazzlyn
quickly unbuckled Tyson’s jeans
and slipped her hands inside of his
boxers and wrapped her hands
around what every nerve in her
body was screaming for. Tyson
broke the kiss hovering over Jazzlyn
breathing heavily “ I want to be in-
side you “ Tyson said kissing her
neck “ If you want to stop we need
to to stop now. I'm not trying to just
fuck you Jazzlyn. So if you want to
go further this it. Me. You . No one
else Jazzlyn.” Tyson said kissing her
again.” I feel the same way. No one
else. Just us two.” Jazzlyn said as
Tyson lead her into his bedroom.
Building C of the ParkCrest
Umph! Are pigs flying? “ Trendi
asked opening the door and finding
Darien there.” I know shit must be
real serious to see your ass standing
here! Come on in!” Trendi said
walking into the living room switch-
ing like a runway model. “ Go ahead
“ Trendi said pointing to the love-
seat “ Sit down you wont catch
Look Trenton, I need a favor. You
know I normally wouldn't ask you
for anything but I'm in a bind so I
could use your help.” Darien said
trying to hold in his disgust looking
at his older brother who for the last
five years had been living full time
as a woman and christened himself
with the name “ Trendi” instead of
Trenton the name their mother had
given him.
First of all Darien ,what I suggest
you do before you ask me any-
thing.....Is address me by Trendi
like I told your black ass to do five
years ago! Cuz see Trenton don't
hear shit coming out your mouth.
Trendi on the other hand is all ears
Boo-Boo” Trendi said pointing her
long red and gold nails at Darien.
All right TRENDI! Damn!” Darien
said “ Also you need to watch your
damn tongue! My man is in the bed
sleep......Some folks do get up and
go to work. You wouldn't know
about that right now!” Trendi said
eying Darien up and down.
Look I know Mama already told
you about her and Mr. Johnny get-
ting married and everything. Did
she tell you she's breaking her lease
? So I need to post up here for a
minute until I can get up on my feet
real fast man... I mean woman. I
mean shit you know what the hell I
mean! I know you have an extra
bedroom. So can I use it for a
couple months while I'm getting on
my feet ?” Darien asked.
Get on your feet! What do you
mean get on your feet? Uh-uh! Why
you gotta come over here? Don't
you basically live with Jazzlyn any-
ways right over there in Building A?
Why you need to come over here? I
aint ran into Jazz in a minute don't
tell me your doggish ass done
fucked up a good thing!” Trendi
asked jumping up........."Besides I
use my extra room for my shoes and
wigs!” “ Aww damn Trendi I aint
gonna bother your shoes and wigs!
I'll do my best to not even be here
that much.” Darien said.
Plus Darien let's be real here. I do
not need anyone up in my place
disrespecting me and my lifestyle.
So what about that? Every since I've
come out to everyone I do not hide
who I am .I'm damn sure not going
to hide in my own place. So IF I de-
cide to let you come up in here,
should your ass see and hear some
shit you don't like.... I suggest you
put a smile on your face and shut
the fuck up!” Trendi said.
What do you mean IF ? You know
something. Trendi talk a whole lot
of shit,but Trenton was steady get-
ting his ass whupped not too long
ago and Darien was putting his foot
in Niggas ass about fucking with his
older brother. Wonder what the
fuck woulda happened IF I had
thought about IF I should have
helped your ass out when you were
clearly getting your ass beat and
needed my help? You know what
fuck you Trenton . I aint got to
stand here and beg your faggot ass
for shit. You just remember this shit
the next time you calling me away
from some pussy in the middle of
the night because one of your” men”
jumping on your ass like your last
“man” was doing” Darien said walk-
ing to the door.
You didn't even have to go there
Darien! I'm going to let you come
stay.” Trendi said humbled by the
reminders Darien had just thrown
at her about the fact that though he
really was an asshole, anytime harm
had come her way Darien had al-
ways stepped in to protect her.
Trendi knew a lot of the fights they
had gotten into as young kids had
been due to him. Though he'd just
started living as a woman five years
ago he'd always known he was gay.
Hung around and related more to
girls than boys. Trenton had always
been clearly feminine .So when the
teasing began some of it would be
directed towards Darien since they
were only 18 months apart. Other
kids trying to question Dariens
sexuality as well and asking was he
a” fag” like his brother. Darien
handled it with his fists so the teas-
ing never lasted long. Trendi or
Trenton as he was known back then
wasn't so lucky. Despite hating the
way his brother was Darien always
took up for him if anything got
physical or he heard anyone had
been harassing Trenton.
Go ahead and bring your stuff over
Darien. Clothes only Darien. Seri-
ously I do not have a lot of room
over here. Also I don't give a damn
what kinda hard times you going
through your ass catching two bills
up in this piece ! So what are you
paying ? Electric and cable?. Don't
no one stay for free up in this
muthafucka !” Trendi said. “ OK I'll
be by later with some of my stuff.”
Darien said walking out the door.
A New Day. New Beginnings.
Jazzlyn laid next to Tyson not want-
ing to open her eyes. Once again she
thought this man can turn my
nights from shit to sugar she
thought, a smile crossing her lips. I
don't want to wake up and face the
day. I could stay wrapped up in this
man forever Jazzlyn thought. Is this
what making love is? She wondered
to herself. Darien is the only man
I've ever been with, and now that I
have something to compare him
too. I was definitely missing out on
some things. A connection. How did
I go four years with someone and
not have a connection beyond just
the basic physical ? Jazzlyns mind
wandered to the first moment
Tyson was inside her and he
whispered to her “ You're mine
Jazzlyn. If anyone ask you better let
they ass know this is me now.” and
all I could do is moan yes he felt so
good. Jazzlyn stretched and attemp-
ted to sit up when Tyson pulled her
back to him. “ Where you going?
Stay with me” Tyson said “ It aint
like you have to drive home. You're
five steps away. Plus you feel too
good. In more ways than one”
Tyson said laughing.” I know right
?” Jazzlyn said snuggling back up
with Tyson. “ Now tell me about
your sister...that's a sista?” Jazzlyn
asked. “ Well, my birth mom and
my mom were best friends. My
birth mom died in a car accident
when I was three years old. My
mom already had a custody agree-
ment set up her will done and all
that stuff beforehand. My donor
dad left my mom and I before I was
even one. So that's pretty much it. I
know it seems crazy to a lot of
people but yeah,I'm white. My en-
tire family is black. That's just the
way my life is. So the next time you
see me with a black woman, don't
assume anything is going on....She
might be my cousin!” Tyson said
laughing. “ Seriously she might be. I
also have another sister Nicole and
of course my mom. All beautiful
black women. My dad passed away
four years ago.” Tyson said. “ He
was a great man. I miss him every
day.” Tyson sat up “ Be right back”
he said getting out of the bed and
walking to the bathroom. Jazzlyn
watched him walking “ You have a
beautiful body you. I'm sure you've
heard that before though.” Jazzlyn
said. “ Thank you. So do you. I
know you've heard that before.
Coming over here in that tight,short
white dress to cuss me out “ Tyson
said laughing. “ You should have
told me you had a black sister!”
Jazzlyn yelled throwing a pillow at
him laughing.
Seriously though Jazzlyn, I need to
ask you to do a few things for me.”
Tyson said “ I meant what I said to
you last night. Everything I said to
you before we had sex I meant. I've
known I wanted you since the day I
carried your groceries up. I saw
your man coming and going and
you already know what all went
down, no need to bring it all back
up. Jazzlyn due to you not just ask-
ing me about who you saw me with
you started some mess back up
again” Tyson said.” What do you
mean I started mess back up?”
Jazzlyn asked. “ Jazzlyn you went
out with your ex-boyfriend last
night. I believe you when you say
what went down, but in order for
him to want to meet up with you,
he's still thinking about you. All
month long I've been telling you to
do the right thing. Come clean with
those two that you know about
them but you've been keeping it in-
side and dwelling on it whether you
want to admit that shit or not. Now
that you and me” Tyson said “ Are
going to make a start as we, baby I
need you to step into this free and
clear. You need to let him know
there is no possibility of you two
ever being together again. As for
your friend you need to let her
know you've found out and make a
decision on your friendship. What
you did last night over there throw-
ing it in her face that you could have
him if you wanted him is childish. I
know you're better than that. Also
I'm going to go ahead and say....I
know my lady is better than that. I
don't like drama Jazzlyn so just get
it out of the way please.” Tyson said
looking at Jazzlyn who was sitting
there with her arms crossed.
Don't sit there looking at me like
you have an attitude” Tyson said
yanking the covers off Jazzlyn “
Stop!” Jazzlyn shrieked trying to
pull to grasp the sheets “ No you
stop . If I have my way,I plan to see
you naked a lot. Don't hide yourself
from me. I like every part of your
body” Tyson said his eyes roaming
over every inch of Jazzlyns dark
chocolate curves. Laughing Jazzlyn
said “ There you go again, saying
whatever the hell crosses your
mind! Give me the sheet boy I'm
shy!” Jazzlyn said holding her arm
over her 36 D cup breasts and her
other hand over her most intimate
area. Tyson stood looking over
Jazzlyn “ Looking at you like that's
only making me want you more you
know “ Tyson said in a low voice.” I
can see that “ Jazzlyn said watching
Tyson’s dick springing back to life
,leaning to the left thick and long. “
I thought white guys were supposed
to have small dicks ? “ Jazzlyn
asked with a laugh. “ You need to
stop watching so much bad porn
and listening to your little girl-
friends who probably aint never
dated nor had sex with a white man
in their lives” Tyson said laughing.”
Come here let me taste you again”
Tyson said opening Jazzlyns thighs
and diving head first to kiss
between her thighs.
Liars Paradise
Jazzlyn pulled into the parking lot
of the deli waiting for Darien to ar-
rive. I hope he hurries up Jazzlyn
thought to herself. Jazzlyn decided
with several more prompts from
Tyson that morning to come clean
on what she'd found out was going
on between Trevonne and Darien.
His ass was anxious as hell to meet
up when I called him Jazzlyn
thought. I hope he's not getting any
funny ideas about us working
things out. Jazzlyn looked to her
right and saw Darien pulling up and
got out of the car. “ Hey Darien,
thanks for meeting me” Jazzlyn said
and smiled. “ Yea I'm glad we could
hook up to I was just about to call
you matter of fact.” Darien said. “
Well OK. Go ahead...You can go
first” Jazzlyn offered. “ Nahh imma
let you go” ahead Darien said. “ OK.
Here's the thing Darien, I really just
wanted to talk to you today for
some clarity so that I can really
move on and leave certain things in
the past. Remember a month ago
we were at Club Zooms? Well I
heard you and Trevonnes talking. I
know what you two had been doing
behind my back for a year. I think
it's really messed up what the two of
you did to me and I'm not going to
pretend that it doesn’t hurt because
it does. More with Trevonne than
you because we've been friends but
you as well. Darien when I loved
you I loved you. Totally. I'm not go-
ing to act like it would have ever
been OK for you two to start dating
in my eyes but if at any point you
weren't happy being with me you
could have manned up and ended
things with me.” Jazzlyn said. “Oh I
should have manned up Jazzlyn?
You got a whole lot of nerve trying
to tell me how to be a man when for
months you've been gaping your
fuckin legs open to that white boy! I
ought to slap the shit out of your ass
right where the fuck you stand!
Here for the last four years I been
treating your ass like the black
queen I thought you were and for
months you been on your goddamn
back being some white mans
whore” Darien yelled getting in
Jazzlyns face. “ Typical. Black bitch!
Walking your ass around here like
your something special when you
aint shit apparently!” Darien said. “
What the hell are you talking about
Darien? Don't try to turn this
around and make it seem like I was
doing something behind your back!
Like I've said to you before, I was
faithful to your ass when you didn't
even deserve it! ME Typical ? Your
ass is crazier than I thought you
were! Negro you're the statistic!
Jobless,worthless,living with your
damn mama . Not a pot to piss in
nor a window to throw it out of.”
Jazzlyn said looking at Darien like
he'd lost his mind.
Look at you...You aint even trying
to deny your fucking that white
boy!” Darien spat. “ Darien I don't
have to confirm nor deny shit to
you. Anything I do is my business. I
already know who's over there
pumping your head full of lies.
Trevonnes dumb ass. That's the
only way she could ever attempt to
get you. I've come to know you
don't have much sense Darien.
Though I would have thought you
would known better than to believe
some dumb shit like that. I went
over her house yesterday and told
her I was meeting you and she just
about shit herself. So I would expect
nothing less than for her to try and
lie on me like that. You know what?
Our conversation is done. I just
wanted to let you know and I'm go-
ing to let her ass know too that I
want no parts of the two of you. You
deserve each other. The both of you
put together don't amount to shit
and that's real talk right there.
Trevonne is a whore and so is your
ass. You make the perfect team. “
Jazzlyn said turning to leave. “
Bitch don't you turn your back on
me when I'm talking to your ass!”
Darien said grabbing Jazzlyns arm
roughly “ Jazz I put this on
everything. I'll fuck you and him up
if you were laid up fucking him
while I was loving you! Were you
sleeping with him?” Darien said “
Get off me!” Jazzlyn screamed “ I
don't owe you shit Darien! If I was
that type of woman I swear to God
I'd tell you I was fucking him ,suck-
ing his dick and everything you
could imagine but I wasn't ! You
and Trevonne were the ones doing
wrong . That's on you two. All I
know is this,Trevonne just lost the
best friend she'll ever have and you
lost a damn good woman. Go fuck
over another women crazy enough
to love your ass because this one
right here is over you. I'm done with
the both of you” Jazzlyn said “ OK
Jazz “ Darien said pacing back and
forth I believe you ! I should have
known you wouldn't do anything
like that to me” Darien said running
his hands over his head.” I know I
haven't always been the best but
baby we can work on this! Please! I
know we can make this work. I'm
looking for work right now I have
some really good leads, today I'm
moving out of my moms .So see
Jazz baby I'm trying to change. I
can do right by you. Trevonne aint
shit anyways. Tre aint never been a
good friend to you any damn ways
and has tried to fuck me from day
one. Even before she introduced us
to each other at that Christmas
party. Truth be told she took ad-
vantage of me when we first hooked
up I was drunk. I know that doesn’t
make what I did right but please be-
lieve me Jazz when I say I never
wanted her, I never loved her it was
just sex” Darien said frantically. “
Surely you don't think that's going
to make me feel better about what
you've done? I gave myself to you
fully. You had tailored to you pussy
and you cheated ? If you didn't like
what I was giving you,blame your-
self ! You taught me!” Jazzlyn said
No baby that didn't come out
right. There are just some things
you can do sexually with a woman
like Trevonne that I would never
even want to ask you to do! I loved
making love to you. It's not about
sex. I love being the only man
you've ever been with and I want to
marry you Jazz I was just getting
certain ways out of my system be-
fore we settled down.”Darien said
tears coming to his eyes. “ Jazz I
know right now you don't think
much of me but please don't totally
walk out of my life. Everyone makes
mistakes no one is perfect and I
may not have always shown it but
your the only thing I had in my life
that I really felt was right. My
mama loves you. Trenton...” “
Trendi” Jazzlyn said correcting him
“ Yea Trendi, see that's why they all
love you Jazz shit like that. You
really care about people” Darien
said trying to hold Jazzlyns hand
which she snatched away.
That's the problem right there
Darien” Jazzlyn said shaking her
head. “Everyone in your family had
respect and love for me but the one
person I wanted it from. You. You
weren't loving me. Respecting me
and giving me everything I was giv-
ing you. Then to add insult to it all
you were screwing my best friend. I
know you're not all bad Darien. I'm
not going to stand here like some
bitter ass woman saying you were
never about shit. If I did that, it
wouldn't say much about me and
my judgment would it?”Jazzlyn
asked.” I just wanted to meet with
you to let you know why you'd nev-
er have my love again and why.”
Blast From The Past
Jazzlyn rang Trevonnes door bell
twice. Just as she was about to ring
a third time Trevonne opened the
door.”Hey girl! Sherica thought she
heard the door come on in. We're
back here having a drink girl.
Trevonne said “ Who is we?”
Jazzlyn asked. “ Just Sherica and
her new co- worker friend Kita”
Trevonne answered back. “ Well
you know what, I really just need to
speak to you real fast so if we can go
into your room real fast,this will be
quick and you can get back to your
company.” Jazzlyn said. “ Hey Sher-
ica girl how are you? Nice to see you
again Kita.” Jazzlyn said smiling.” I
wont keep Trevonne but a few
minutes” Jazzlyn said walking to-
wards Trevonnes bedroom with
Trevonne on her heels.
Look I'm going to keep this real
short and sweet Trevonne. You aint
shit. Do you hear me? I know you've
been sleeping with Darien behind
my back and I've known about it for
a month now. Also before you twist
your lips to let a lie fly out I know
you were fucking him for months
before him and I broke up you dirty
bitch.” Jazzlyn held her hand up as
Trevonne tried to interrupt “ I'm
not done whore. Let me let you
know Darien has so very little to do
with this it's not even funny. It's the
simple fact that you would attempt
to go there with me, who has been
like a sister to you since we were
kids. Anything I own I would give it
to you no question Trevonne be-
cause I loved you and if I got it,you
got it. But I don't share my dick.
You're pathetic and I can finally see
that in you now. Where as while
everyone else ran your name
through the dirt I always tried to
see the good in you. Don't ever con-
tact me again .Our friendship or
what I thought was friendship is
over. Like they say, with friends like
you who needs enemies.”Jazzlyn
Jazzlyn please let me ex-
plain!"Trevonne said walking after
Jazzlyn into the hall. “ Explain what
Trevonne? I heard it out of your
own fucking mouth one month ago.
Also just so you know being drunk
and begging for dick is so not a
good look. Bitch you can't explain a
damn thing to me because
everything I need to know I heard
straight out of the both of your
mouths.”Jazzlyn said.
Please Jazzlyn. I know what Dari-
en and I were doing was wrong, but
now that you know why can't we
move on from this? You don't even
want him anymore. You've been
complaining about him for awhile
now and you know you're going to
be in love again in no time at all.
We've been friends too long and like
I said I know I was wrong but I
think with time we can all get past
this.” Trevonne said crying.
Sherica and Kita looked at each oth-
er in shock. Then back and forth to
Jazzlyn and Trevonne as if they
were watching a tennis match. “
Umm...Maybe we should leave so
you two can talk this out”Sherica
said starting to raise up from the
couch. “ Oh no.” Jazzlyn said point-
ing to Sherica.” You two are just
fine. This one right here truly needs
all the friends she can get right now
because she' been down a friend for
the last month and just didn't know
it. Before I leave though I will give
some advice to everyone in the
room. You two ladies, don't ever
leave your man around this one
because she has no concept of loy-
alty,friendship or boundaries.”
You” Jazzlyn said pointing to
Trevonne “ Need to get your head
out of the fucking clouds dumb ass.
Darien don't want your ass!”
Jazzlyn could barely contain her
laughter “ All the pussy you throw
around and no one really wants it
do they? At least not for anything
more than a booty call. All I have to
do is tell Darien I want his ass and
he'd be right here. You don't mean
shit to Darien but a fuck and he's
probably screwing more than you
anyways! I just left him before I
came here. Do you think he cares
about you Trevonne? Darien said
you took advantage of him!That's
how much he thinks of you! He
could have at least said he thought
you were fine! You made is dick
hard so he went for it......That negro
said you took advantage of him. He
still begged for me back. Me bitch.
Not a peep about wanting
Trevonne. Wake up. Don't be a fool
all your life.” Jazzlyn said.
Jazzlyn turned to leave and
stopped.” One more thing. Keep my
name and Tyson’s name out of your
goddamn mouth. That bullshit you
pulled trying to tell Darien I'd been
sleeping with Tyson behind his back
while we were together didn't work
either. You're at an all time low
Trevonne” Jazzlyn said shaking her
head.”One ,you're betraying the
people who loved you. Two, you're
doing it all for some dick that don't
want your ass anyways and three
…...I'm still winning bitch.”
I never said anything about you
and Tyson! I barely even knew his
name” Trevonne said “ Trevonne I
don't give damn about the details.
You know what the hell you said!
The white dude down the
hall,whatever you said. Keep our
names out of your damn mouth.
You know who the hell I'm talking
about. Sherica, I know Trevonne is
your sons aunt but please don't hes-
itate to call me anytime just as
you've done in the past OK ? I don't
see any reason as to why our friend-
ship should end. Trust me when I
say I wont be bringing Trevonne up
at all. Kita it was really nice to meet
you. Hopefully we'll run into each
other again under better circum-
stances. Trevonne I don't like bring-
ing other people into any of my is-
sues but I will be letting my family
know what went on between us only
because I know they care for you
and will be asking why you're no
longer around. That's it clean break.
I want nothing more to do with
you.” Jazzlyn said ask she walked
out of the door.
Trevonne stood there crying with
tears running down her face.” Umm
excuse me?” Sherica said. “
Trevonne why are you always the
first one crying when you the one
who is always fucking up and play-
ing yourself? I mean really? You
baffle the hell out of me with that
shit!” Sherica said standing up. “
When you told me the shady shit
you were doing last night I told your
ass you were dead wrong. I'm not
going to say anything different now
that your ass has been found out.
You were dead ass wrong and I
don't think Jazz was wrong at all for
what she said to you. Jazz is better
than me, and has a head on her
shoulders, because I know she
wanted to put her foot straight up
your ass! That sista is a teacher so
she can't have no damn charges on
her about slapping the shit out of
you!” Sherica said. “ So wipe your
face and pick your lip up off the
floor. Time to deal with the con-
sequences of what you did and deal
with it.” Sherica said. “ Kita you
ready to go? Hell I didn't know I
was dropping you down in drama
zone! I wouldn't have brought you
over here with me.” Sherica said
I know! I hope you're OK
Trevonne. I know we all make mis-
takes but can I ask a question? Kita
asked.” You may as well. You've
heard all my business anyways!”
Trevonne said. “ Did she say she's
seeing some white guy named
Tyson?” Kita asked.” Well I really
don't know the entire story of
what's been going on since we really
haven't spoken very much the last
month but she has a fine ass white
man for a neighbor. I was kinda of
tipsy at the club when I met him but
I do remember him helping me.
Real tall with a nice ass body and
those green eyes and dimples?
DAMN!! His ass was fine. Tyson is
his name because when we first got
to Club Zooms he came up to us
with his boy, John?” “ Jevon?” Kita
asked “ Yea! Jevon! He looked good
too shit! Why do you ask ? Do you
know him?” Trevonne asked.
Oh I more than know him. I'm in
love with him.” Kita said turning to
Sherica “ Tyson is my ex boyfriend
I've been telling you about. The one
I messed things up with. I'm trying
to get myself together now so we
can work on getting back together.”
Kita said frustration in her voice. “ I
don't mean any harm when it comes
to your girl Jazzlyn, but Tyson is my
man. Period. No one is getting in
the way of us working things out.
Not even your friend Jazzlyn.” Kita
Hold up a damn minute” Sherica
said.” Does this this Tyson dude
even want to be back together with
you?” “ Sherica please. Tyson is
white, but men are all the same.
They have to be shown what they
need .He needs me and I need him.
Are you ready to leave?” Kita said
walking towards the door.
Sherica looked back and forth
between Trevonne and Kita “ Y'all
already know I don't bite my tongue
for anyone. You two” Sherica said
pointing her finger to the both of
them” Are two delusional ass
bitches. One of y'all strung out on
that white dick and the other one
strung out on the black dick! The
crazy thing is neither one of those
dicks want you! They both evidently
want Jazzlyn!” Sherica said laugh-
ing all the way out of the door.” Oh
fuck you Sherica!” Trevonne said
slamming the door.
I really don't want to lose Jazzlyn
Trevonne thought. Let me just give
her time to calm down and get it out
of her system now that it's all out in
the open. I wonder if I should call
Moving Day
Trendi walked around the house
doing a last minute pick up. I guess
if I said he could stay here, I may as
well let him be relaxed and comfort-
able while he's here. She thought
carrying the last boxes of her shoes
out of the spare bedroom and into
her overcrowded bedroom closet.
Trendi smiled looking at her man
Marcus sprawled across the been
sleeping. Damn I love my homo
thug Marcus! I finally found the one
that accepts me for who I am. Shit.
When he gets up I need to let him
know someone is going to be
crowding our little haven over here
for the next few months but hey
what can you do, it's family? Trendi
heard her cell phone ringing and
picked it up seeing Dariens name
flash across the screen “ Hey little
brother. I have your room all ready
so whenever you're ready to bring
your stuff come on over.” Trendi
said “ OK, Cool. Man the day has
been fucked up! When is the last
time you talked to Jazz?” Darien
Shoot you'd think we'd bump into
each other more but I haven't seen
Jazzlyns pretty black self in a few
months why? I told you all that run-
ning around was going to get you in
trouble sooner or later! Us girls will
only put up with that mess for so
long! Even when it's your first love
like you were to Jazz. She closed
shop on your ass huh ?” Trendi said
wanting to laugh in his ear.” Yeah
for now. She found out I was fuck-
ing Trevonne.” “ WHAT! I never
liked that high yella heffa! Your ass
was dead wrong too. Oh well deal
with it. I've always loved
Jazzlyn......She's like the sister I
never had. I'm going to make it a
point to call her today and see how
she's doing. Plus I want to make
sure she knows....Any bullshit hav-
ing to do with you, makes no differ-
ence with our friendship! Trendi
said. “ Now hurry up and bring your
shit over here and when you get
here don't make a lot of noise either
.My boo Marcus came over here this
morning when he got off work and
is sleeping. Bye!” Trendi said
hanging up the phone.
Tyson stepped off the elevator and
walked down the hall to his office.
Saying hello to people along the
way. Tyson’s assistant walked up
and greeted him “ Good morning
boss man! Looking good as usual !”
Casandra said smiling at him. “ You
do know you're sexually harassing
me right ?” Tyson said laughing. In
the short time he'd been at the
company Cassandra was one person
he didn't mind speaking with and
showing his true self. At times.
Cassandra presented herself to be a
real down to earth person and had
always come through on everything
work related.” Oh please! If I'm har-
assing you, you love it!”Cassandra
said laughing. “ OK, so you have a
meeting at 11am with that grocery
chain wanting to go over their
books because they have some huge
discrepancies and they're up for an
audit. At 2pm you have an overview
meeting with the partners. Though
that meeting is with several other
lead accountants not just you. A
monthly meeting sort of thing.
Other than that here are the re-
mainder of your files for accounts
you're currently working on. I think
that's about it for you today. Keep
in mind two of your accounts have
deadlines this week”Cassandra said
looking over her notes.” Oh! One
other thing” Cassandra said run-
ning out of his office. A minute later
Cassandra walked in with a huge
bouquet of red roses.” Look at
these! Delivered for you about an
hour ago. You must have made
quite an impression on someone!”
Cassandra said handing Tyson the
attached card. Tyson took the card “
Thanks Cassandra. I hope I did.
“Tyson said smiling....”Bye” “ Oh
come on! Who is it?” Cassandra
asked excitedly . “ None of your
business nosy. Close the door on
your way out” Tyson said smiling.
When she left Tyson sat down at his
desk and opened up the card.
Just a small token to let you know
I still love you and want and need
you in my life. You never give up on
true love. So I'll never give up on
you.” Love Always Kita
Shit!” Tyson said aloud. Not this
again he said to himself picking up
the vase and walking to Cassandras
desk. “Here you go. Today is your
lucky day. Something pretty for
your desk. “ Tyson said sitting the
vase down.” Umm OK? Thanks...I
guess.” Cassandra said leaning over
to smell the flowers.
Tyson cell phone rang and he saw
Jazzlyns face light up the screen “
Hey baby, what are you up to?” “
“Hey yourself. I know you didn't do
the walk of shame out of my place
this morning. I didn't even know
you'd left!”Jazzlyn said laughing. “ I
know baby, look everyone aint off
all summer like you. I damn sure
hated to leave you, but I had to
leave and get ready for work. I did
kiss you and rub on your booty
before I left though” Tyson said and
they both laughed. “ I know my
time is winding up fast .
Matter of fact I'm going out today
to buy supplies I need for my class
today. The school doesn’t give you
anything to make your class nice
and have fun activities for the kids.
So it all comes out of pocket and it's
not like they pay teachers much.”
Jazzlyn said. “ I feel you on that
one. My my used to get things for
her kids all the time. Get whatever
you need for your class baby don't
spare anything. I'll give it all back to
you tonight when I see you.” Tyson
said. “ Wait a minute Tyson you
don't have to do that! I'll be OK.” “ I
know you can. I want to do it for
you.” Tyson said.” I'm not trying to
make you feel rushed or anything
but like I said a couple nights ago,
it's me and you. You don't have to
do anything alone unless you want
it like that. If I have it,you got it.
Jazzlyn, another thing. Thanks for
coming clean with Trevonne and
Darien about that whole situation. I
appreciate it a lot. Now by no
means do I think the drama is over
especially with the lies Trevonne
told about us. At least I know we're
straight and old ties to other people
are cut.” Tyson said.” I definitely
understand. You think he's going to
still be tripping?” Jazzlyn asked “
Baby I don't mean no harm but you
are a little trusting!It's not a bad
thing though I like it. Man I've dealt
with some bitter woman before and
it's not fun.” Tyson said. “ Actually
something happened today I need
to talk to you about” Tyson said. “
Tyson don't start no shit this morn-
ing OK ! After I already gave you
the booty.” Jazzlyn said snapping.”
Tell me now before you get home
and I'm not feeling so trusting as
you call it” “ No it's nothing on my
part baby seriously. Tyson said”
When I got to my office a little while
ago I had some flowers delivered to
me. They were from my ex
girlfriend from a year ago. I tell you
no lie,I haven't seen this woman in
a year but time to time she will call.
I don't carry on any conversation
with her beyond telling her to move
on with her life and stop calling me.
It's actually kind of odd she'd send
flowers? She hasn't been that for-
ward since our break up was fresh
so this is kinda weird. I gave the
damn roses to my assistant told her
to enjoy them. That's all. I just
wanted to let you know.” Tyson
OK Tyson. I trust you. Old girl
needs to move on. I like you
Tyson...A lot. I want you around a
long time” Jazzlyn said.” Are we
having dinner together tonight?
Your place or mine?” Jazzlyn asked
Doesn't matter. If you don't want
to cook just order in somewhere or
let me know and I'll pick it up on
my way in from work. I feel like I
need to see you right now. You're on
this phone sounding all sexy.
Bye.”Tyson said laughing “ Or I
wont be able to get any work done
thinking about what I want to do to
you!” “Bye. Have a good day”
Jazzlyn said with a laugh.
Sherica started closing down her
computer and was preparing to
leave for her lunch break when Kita
walked by her cubicle.” Hey Sher-
ica, do you want to grab some lunch
with me ?” “ Thanks for asking Kita
but I already have plans for lunch
today. Maybe another day” Sherica
said standing and picking up her
purse. “ Also I wanted to tell you
Sherica, thanks for being so nice
and introducing me to your friends
and everything. The last year has
been pretty rough for me. Just a lot
of personal drama with my mom
and sister and my break up with
Tyson. It can be hard when you
don't have many female friends.”
Kita said. “ I can definitely under-
stand that Kita, just introduce
yourself to different people. Every-
one here is pretty nice so you wont
have any trouble meeting people.
Someone here always has
something going on. Parties or
meeting at different spots for drinks
after work so just put yourself out
there.” Sherica said. Kita really
needs to keep it moving Sherica
thought to herself. I hope she
doesn't have it her head we're about
to be joined at the hip just because
we got together twice outside of
work? Besides she's showing some
signs her ass aint wrapped tight at
all ! “ OK talk to you later Kita I've
got to run so I can make it back
here on time.” Sherica said. “ Have
a nice lunch Sherica.” Kita said.
Did Sherica just blow me off ? Kita
wondered to herself. I need to stay
tight with her ass especially since I
know she has ties to what's going on
with Tyson and this new little girl-
friend of his. I'll admit she's pretty
but I don't give a damn about all
that. Kita thought to herself. If I
had never let my mom and sister
move in with us we'd be married by
now. I know it. Kita pulled a picture
of herself and Tyson out of her desk
drawer and looked at Tyson. I won-
der if he liked the flowers I sent him
this morning Kita thought smiling
to herself. Kita placed the picture of
her and Tyson proudly on her desk.
Sherica dialed Jazzlyns cell number.
“ Hey Jazzlyn! I'm just leaving on
my lunch break, are you busy? I
want to talk to you about a couple
things. OK,good. I'll be at Cool
Beans in about ten minutes. Bye”
Sherica said hopping into her car.
Jazzlyn spotted Sherica in a booth
at Cool Beans. “ Hey Sherica, I'm
glad you called nothing is wrong is
there?” Jazzlyn asked.” Girl no, it's
all good! Well besides all this drama
that's been going on with
you,Trevonne and Darien. So you
know me Jazzlyn. I like to keep
things on the up and up. I've known
you for a long time and you're one
of my best friends as well. I just
want it to be clear between us that
just because Trevonne is Issiahs
aunt it doesn't mean she gets a pass
from me. Sherica said.” I really
wanted you to know I had no idea
what Trevonne was up to until our
girls night the other day. You know
you had her fucked up when you
said you were going to meet up with
Darien!” Sherica said laughing.” I
let her know she was dead wrong
for what she was doing. I'm not
making any excuses for her but for a
woman with so much going for her-
self Trevonne has low self esteem. I
think a good therapist is needed in
my opinion.” Sherica said.
I know Sherica,but at this point
right now I can't even think about
dealing with Trevonne on any level.
Girl when I ran up on her and Dari-
en talking they told it all! Trevonne
had been sleeping with Darien for
ten months? There's no coming
back from that Sherica !” Jazzlyn
said holding both her hands up and
waving her ten fingers in the air.
Trevonne acts like just because I
initiated the break up and com-
plained about him I should forgive
her. It's not happening.” Jazzlyn
Well girl I can definitely under-
stand that. You wont hear me trying
to plead Trevonnes case because
she was in definite friendship viola-
tion. Now this is what I really
wanted to hook up with you to
touch on.......Now from what was
said I take it you're dating some
new fine ass white dude right ?”
Sherica asked. Jazzlyn smiled “ Yes
girl. I mean I don't want to give him
too much credit because it's still
new but seriously Sherica this
guy....Tyson's his name is the
straight up business! All areas are
covered with him if you know what
I'm saying ? Jazzlyn said smiling “
You wench you! Girl did you give
him some ass ? Girl how was the
dick ?” Sherica asked leaning in.
Jazzlyn leaned in and
whispered.....Sherica girl the dick
was off the chain! Hell I even told
him “ I thought white guys were
supposed to have small dicks?” “ He
laughed at me and told me to stop
watching bad porn and listening to
my friends who've never even dated
let alone slept with a white man!
Called my ass right on out!” Jazzlyn
said laughing. Sherica was laughing
“ I know girl because hell I was sure
believing it! Hell does he have a
brother? Because these dudes I've
been meeting aint about shit!”
Sherica said taking a bite of her
Cobb salad. “ “Sherica let me tell
you though, I almost messed it all
up between us though! Now you
know I've always dated brothas
right. Tell me how I happened to
find a white man that was raised in
a black family!” Jazzlyn asked. “
What do you mean? He has a lot of
black friends?” Sherica asked. “No.
He's all white....His family is all
black ! His birth mom and his mom
were best friends and his birth mom
was killed in a car accident when he
was three years old. So long story
short he he has always had a black
family” Jazzlyn said “ Oh chile boo!
That's a brotha then!” Sherica said
laughing. Laughing Jazzlyn said “
No he's white . Though I will say
this, every since the day we started
speaking his color was something I
never noticed you know? So it could
be the way he was raised or just him
as a person.” “ Girl please, you
know I don't bite my tongue. Aint
no way you're going to grow up in a
black family eating collard greens,
cornbread,chitlins and everything
else and your ass aint a brotha! He
wasn't born one but he got made in-
to one!” Sherica said Jazzlyn
cracked up laughing “ Sherica you
know your ass is a fool!” Jazzlyn
Now back to what I wanted to talk
to you about. Now you met my co-
worker Kita right? Hell it just so
happens the two times I've met with
her outside of work you've been
there as well. Some things were said
that concern me about her and they
inadvertently may effect you too.”
Sherica said. “ What do you mean? I
don't know that woman.” Jazzlyn
said frowning. “ Well you know
right before you left out you told
Trevonne to keep you and Tyson’s
name out of her mouth? “ Yes”
Jazzlyn said. “Well when you left
out she asked about who your
Tyson could be and was he a white
guy. So Trevonne running her
mouth, said what she knew but
granted it wasn't much since y'all
haven't been speaking. Though I get
the feeling your new Tyson. Is her
old Tyson. Girlfriend made it clear
she is not over him and wants him
back. Matter of fact the entire time
I've known her she's done nothing
but talk about this ex-boyfriend that
she is still in love with and how she
is the one who messed up the rela-
tionship and caused them not to be
together. So hell from the way she's
been going on about old boy I aint
surprised he's the shit! But I want
you to be aware because old girl is
loopy as hell! She got to saying how
she don't mean no harm but our
friend Jazzlyn is not going to stand
in the way of her getting back to-
gether with him. So I really
wanted you to be aware.” Sherica
Damn! So let me ask you this
….Now we've only been seeing each
other a month, has she mentioned
talking to him or seeing him at all ?”
Jazzlyn asked. “ Girl no! That's why
I'm really giving you a heads up be-
cause even before the other night,
when she would speak about him
when we'd grab lunch, I'd straight
up ask her if he was communicating
or talking with her at all for her to
believe they'd work it out and she
will tell you no! This Tyson, if it's
your Tyson gives her no play what-
soever but she believes if she works
on whatever issues broke them up
he'll take her back. The other night
home girl said straight up, he was a
man and they don't know what they
want. I need him and he needs me !
All Kitas beans aint baked so watch
out for her ass. I just want you to be
aware.” Sherica said.
Sherica I more than appreciate the
heads up. I spoke to Tyson this
morning and he told me his ex girl-
friend sent him roses to his job! So I
would imagine she's really getting
wound up now that she's putting
two and two together about him
and I. Tyson and I will talk about it
more tonight. Once again thank you
for letting me know, because she
sound like she's out there bad! Hell
I can't blame her though because he
put it on me something fierce! But
it's time to move on shit. I don't
know what really went down with
them but her time is done.”Jazzlyn
said “ Girl and to think, at our girls
night I was all like go for it! If you
think there's a chance don't let him
go and all that rah-rah mess! That
white man right there, she's going
to have to back up off and let the
shit go! It's
right about now." Jazzlyn said.
Sherica fell out laughing” I know
you didn't go Braxton on me just
now! “ “ I sure did !” Jazzlyn said.”
Now let's set up a time for you to
come over for dinner. I really do
want you to meet Tyson.” “ OK girl
I'm all over it. Just let me know in
advance so I can set up a sitter for
Isaiah.” Sherica said. “ Girl please if
you come over for dinner you can
bring Isaiah with you ! Shoot I'll
have him set up like a king watching
DVDS in my room,while the grown
folks are up front. So how about
y'all come over Saturday ?” Jazzlyn
asked. “ Sounds good to me girl, I'll
see you then. Take care “ Sherica
said getting in her car to head back
to work.
Jazzlyn dialed Tyson’s cell “ Whas-
sup baby ?” Tyson answered. “ Hey
honey. My God our circles our way
too small ! I'm not going to hold you
up with it. We'll talk about it later
but I just found out some real
crazy mess!” Jazzlyn said. “ What is
it? I have a few minutes before I go
in this meeting.” Tyson said. “ No
it's too much for just a few minutes.
We'll talk later. Have a good meet-
ing. I miss you Tyson. Aren't you
feeling sick all of a sudden?”
Jazzlyn asked. Tyson laughed “ Nah
baby I can't be sick today....I do feel
a cold coming on that may keep me
home tomorrow though.” Tyson
said laughing.” See you later. Bye.”
Bonds Never Broken
Trendi!” Jazzlyn shrieked answer-
ing her cell. “ It's so good to hear
from you!” “ Girl I know. Some-
times I can't believe we stay in the
same complex yet never run into
each other!” Trendi said. “ Now you
know a sista like me is calling for a
reason! Now I understand you and
Darien broke up right?” “ Yes girl!
You know you're my honorary sister
in law for life but your brother and I
are history! I'm on to the next one.
Why the hell you whispering?”
Jazzlyn asked. “ Girl I have no
idea!” Trendi said laughing. “ Well I
know how my damn brother is. So I
can’t blame you but when he busted
out and said he was laying up there
with Trevonnes ass I was
UNDONE! I can't believe her tri-
fling ass ! You know I told you from
the jump I didn't care for her ass. I
do hate it happened though because
I know how close you two were.
Now here's the thing. I want to
warn you now.......Girl Darien is
moving in with me for a few
months.” Trendi said.
Really Trendi ? Damn! Why is he
coming there? You're in a different
building but damn that's too close
for comfort.” Jazzlyn said. “ I know
girl I'm sorry. What could I do
though? He is my brother. I
couldn't leave him homeless. Truth
be told I really don't want him here.
You know how disrespectful he is
about my lifestyle but I really had
no choice. Did he tell you our mom
and Mr. Johnny are finally tying the
knot ?”
Trendi I didn't know! I'm so happy
for your mom and Mr.Johnny, I'll
have to call her tonight.” Jazzlyn
said smiling. Jazzlyn had always
loved Trendi and Dariens mother
and often found it hard to believe
Darien was as lazy and unmotivated
as he was given the fact he grew up
with the example of a hard working
woman taking care of her kids in his
life. Though they had very different
family backgrounds Jazzlyn was a
firm believer in the fact that a tradi-
tional nuclear family unit was not
the only way a family could be. They
had a great mother.
Yes girl so they're ready to get on
with their lives finally. My mom is
breaking the lease on her place and
moving into Mr. Johnny’s house.”
Trendi said. “ Well Trendi thank
you so much for giving me the
heads up. Today I seem to be get-
ting warnings about a lot!. You need
to come by sometime though. I
want to introduce you to my new
boyfriend Tyson. I think he's a
keeper girl! That wont make you
uncomfortable will it Trendi ? I do
want to be respectful. Regardless of
anything Darien is your brother.”
Jazzlyn said.
" Chile please! If Darien lost you
due to not being able to keep his
straying dick in his pants that's his
problem not yours. You know a sis-
ta like me keeps it real. He's my
brother and all but you were always
too good for him as far as I was con-
cerned. Darien thinks because he's
good looking he can run through
women with no consequences. So it
was bound to happen in my opin-
ion. I told him many a time not to
mess things up with you. Jazzlyn
you deserve every blessing coming
your way. I'd love to meet your new
boo. Just tell me where and when
and I'm there. Hold up now....Have
you met my new boo Marcus ?”
Trendi asked. “ No girl, OK I see
now we're going to have a real good
time. I already asked Sherica, you
know her right ? To come over for
dinner this Saturday to meet Tyson
so we may as well turn this into a
dinner party. I'll call you with all
the details but free up this coming
Saturday for me girl. We're going to
have a good time!” Jazzlyn said.
Jazzlyn peeped out her door
anxious for Tyson to get home. Just
as she was about to close her door
she spotted Tyson turning the
corner and walking down the hall.”
Please tell me you aren't looking out
your door waiting for me like a
stalker.”Tyson said laughing and
dropping his briefcase.” Yea boy I
missed you and I have so many
things to tell you! It's been a crazy
day!” “ Tell me about it, kiss me
first though” Tyson said leaning
down and kissing her lips,her
cheeks and her neck.” I thought
about you all day” Tyson said. “ You
make me happy Tyson. You better
keep making me happy and I'm go-
ing to do my best to make you
happy..” Jazzlyn said kissing him
Hello Mrs. Wu” Jazzlyn said to a
neighbor passing in the hall. Mrs.
Wu nodded her head looking at
Tyson and Jazzlyn. “ Hmm. Wonder
what her problem is? I usually can't
get her to stop talking.” Jazzlyn
said.” Baby, you may as well get
used to it dealing with me. Some
people are like do you, some people
aren't going to like seeing us togeth-
er at all. You crossed the color line
woman I'm gonna have to school
you on a few things.” Tyson said
laughing. “ OK let's get out this
damn hallway......I might wanna do
some things to you to” Tyson said
winking “ Where are we going, my
place or yours?” “ Go change baby
and come to my place I have dinner
ready. Also let me tell you this,
we're going to initiate a date night.
Maybe two a week because you liv-
ing this close to me....A sista does
like to be taken out you know.”
Jazzlyn said with her hands on her
I got you “ Tyson said laughing. “
I'll be over in a little bit.
Tyson and Jazzlyn sat eating dinner
and digesting more than the food.”
Baby if you say the Kita you met has
auburn colored dreadlocks it's my
ex girlfriend Kita . Damn you right
this place is too goddamn small.
You done? “ Tyson said standing to
take his plate to the kitchen. “ Yes
I'm done but the dishes can wait. I
think you need to let me know
what's up with this lady.” Jazzlyn
said. “ OK” Tyson said sitting down.
“ Long story short. Kita and I dated
seriously two years. I was deeply in
love with her. One year into dating
her I pretty much knew I'd found
my wife “ Tyson said. “ Then a year
after us being together it all
changed. Keep in mind her only
family, her mom and younger sis-
ter, lived out of state and I'd just
talked to them on the phone but
everything was cool we got along.
Well shit fell apart when her mom
and her moms boyfriend broke up
and put them out. So they decided
to move here. Well how about they
get here, Kita never told them I was
white so they were shocked as hell
to see a white dude, then she just
started cutting up!” Tyson said. “
What do you mean?” Jazzlyn asked.
Kita started stealing money out of
my account .She would act like she
was helping her mom and sister get
on their feet but how you taking my
money to help them get on their
feet and they still living with you?
Jazzlyn feel me when I say this.....I
didn't even care about the money. I
make plenty of money and if I love
you, to the point I feel like I want
you to be my wife ? If your family
is in need and I can help they got it.
It was the funky attitude and dis-
respect that came along with it. Kita
started staying out late clubbing
with her sister at the club, dressing
like a hooker all type of shit. I aint
even gonna touch they way our
families got along.....Which was not
at all.” Tyson said “ Even
throughout all that I loved her so I
wasn't going anywhere. Until she
made me feel like she was out with
her sister meeting and fucking oth-
er men. It was a wrap then. I can't
say she actually was. But I'm not go-
ing to deal with anyone that makes
me even have to wonder about if
she's giving another man what I feel
is mine. I don't play around with
that. So she had to go. Simple as
that. I moved in with my man Jevon
for awhile until I moved in over
here.” Tyson said.
She's tried all along to get back to-
gether and plead her case, but I
don't step backward. Period. It was
rough for awhile with her acting
crazy out in public if she saw me
with another woman. One time I
even had a restraining order. After
that she seemed to calm down.
Even though after the order expired
she started calling occasionally. All
I need you to know about Kita is
that anything she has in her head
about the two of us is all in her
head. Kita is persistent and spoiled
which I found out later. My advice
would be to avoid her .Especially if
she's still carrying on like we just
broke up. We've been totally done a
solid year. I never did no back and
forth with her, slept with her after I
left none of that.” Tyson said.
OK. I just wanted to know what I
was dealing with here.” Jazzlyn
said. “ So I already told you I talked
to Dariens sister who stays in build-
ing C. So I guess for a minute we're
both going to be walking around
avoiding our ex's.....Good thing I
think you're worth it.” Jazzlyn said
leaning over for a kiss.
Now the last thing is this. I want to
give a dinner party!” Jazzlyn said. “
Why?” Tyson asked giving her the
side eye. “ This will be a good way
for everyone to meet each other.
Seriously Tyson with Trevonne and
I no longer speaking a lot is
changed for me with my friends. So
if they're reaching out to me and re-
fusing to take sides, I want to make
it as easy as possible. Especially
with Trendi, we're really close. We
don't see each other as much as I'd
like but she's the type of friend you
can go months without seeing but
when you do see or talk to her you
feel like you saw them yesterday.”
Jazzlyn said. “ Look Jazzlyn I've
heard all kinda names during my
life. Who the hell names their kid
trendy?” Tyson said laughing.
Well here's the thing about that.
Dariens sister Trendi,is really his
brother Trenton. Jazzlyn said
quickly. “ Huh? What do you
mean...Dude looks like a lady all
day everyday?” Tyson said laughing.
Don't make fun Tyson!” Jazzlyn
said swatting Tyson.” Your right
though. 24/7 365. Trendi ass is fly
as hell though you'll see.” Jazzlyn
said.” At any rate, I'd like you to ask
your two sisters to come, they can
bring a date if they'd like. I'm still
feeling stupid about your sister Bri-
anna. It wasn't necessary to tell her
I said she had a big ass you know!”
Jazzlyn said still embarrassed about
the impression she'd surely made
on Tyson’s sister.
Don't worry about it” Tyson said.”
My family is going to like you be-
cause I like you and when I love you
they'll love you too.”
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ParkCrest View
The Love Chronicles
Volume 3
Sneak Peek!
Party Time
Jazzlyn! These folks are going to
start rolling up any minute now,
you sure you don't want me to help
you with anything last minute?”
Tyson called out. “ No. Everything
should be ready to go.”Jazzlyn said.
Tyson leaned into Jazzlyns bed-
room watching her getting dressed.
“ You look beautiful” Tyson said
smiling.” First Lady Obama aint got
nothing on you baby” Tyson said
laughing “ Hush boy! Jazzlyn said
laughing along.” Oh damn get the
door someones is here,I'm not quite
Tyson opened the door and looked
at the woman standing before him.
Tall and slender with what ap-
peared to be a shoulder length
blonde wig on. Tyson had to smile
to keep from laughing “ Hello you
must be Trendi” Tyson said “
OOOH Honey! You must be “ If shit
don't work out with this homo thug
negro I'm dealing with I need to get
me a white man just like you!”
Trendi said looking Tyson up and
down. “ Baby! Trendi is here.
Trendi I thought you were bringing
a date?" Tyson asked “Marcus will
be over here soon. Shoot I like to be
in on things from the jump! I hate
being late.” Trendi said “ Jazzlyn
bitch you sure know how to find
you a good looking man. You sure
you aint mixed ?” Trendi asked.
Laughing Tyson said “I'm very sure.
Can I fix you a drink Trendi?”
Outside in the parking lot Sherica
had just circled around for the
second time and finally found a
parking spot. Out of nowhere a blue
Mercedes pulled in and took the
spot. Out jumped a good looking 6'2
caramel skinned cutie who had the
nerve to wave.
Sherica quickly gave him the finger
and shouted “ ASSHOLE” out of her
car window. After another drive
around the parking lot Sherica
found a spot and parked. As nice as
these apartments are you would
think they had better parking! Sher-
ica thought walking into Jazzlyns
building and jumping on the elevat-
or. Sherica knocked on the door. A
minute later the door was opened
by the same guy in the parking lot
who had taken her spot. “ Asshole
you know you cut me off in the
parking lot you punk bitch!” Sherica
said pushing her way past him and
into Jazzlyns apartment.
Thanks for reading and I hope you
enjoyed your book!
Candace Mumford at
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Sneak Peek!
Hey Girl It's OK To Swallow
Midnite Love
Volume 2
of the
Love Den Diaries
Available at Amazon.Com and
other online etailers
Chapter Three – Do I Really
Have to Return The Favor?
I’m gonna start this chapter out by
saying that you know you are wrong
for even asking that question. If
you have ever had a sexual relationship with
someone who was a selfish lover then you
know all too
well how frustrating it can be watching the
other person get off over and over while you
lay there
wondering what the hell is going on. For
those of you who don’t what a selfish lover is,
it’s someone
who only thinks of themselves when it comes
to sex. Not surprisingly this trait usually car-
ries over to
other parts of the relationship as well. The
selfish lover will make sure they “get theirs”
meaning they
are going to get off at any cost. If you don’t
“get yours” oh well it’s just too bad. This type
of lover will
want you to go down on them but refuse to
return the favor. Or they will outright refuse
sex altogether
just because THEY aren’t in the mood. Some
will even go as far as using sex as a weapon
to “punish” if
they feel like their partner has wronged
them. And just as sex is used as a weapon,
oral sex runs a close
second. There are people who will in fact go
down on their lover, but only a special occa-
sion, if they
want something, or if they need to use it as
part of a makeup session after a fight. You
guessed it. It’s
straight up manipulation and control for
some. For others it’s a matter of them just
being a spoiled brat
and use to getting their own way. Their lov-
ers pleas for them to satisfy them go ignored
until someone
cheats, calls it quits, or continues on but re-
mains bitter. For many years women have
used sex as a way
of getting whatever they want from a man.
Even if this meant costing them their mar-
riage. It’s no
wonder the men are turning the tables when
is comes to withholding. One of our calls on
Chattin with
Candace and Midnite titled My Man Is Ra-
tioning The Dick remains our number one
most downloaded
shows. I must put a disclaimer out there now
that states: withholding has been typically
done by
women when it comes to sex, however there
are passive aggressive men who use the “I
have a
headache” excuse more than women for
something as simple as they were angry be-
cause they didn’t
want to make the trip to the mall. And yes
ladies I know many of you complain that
YOU are the ones
not receiving oral pleasure. Several of you
have said that you have stopped taking care
of your man in
that department because as I started before
he was a selfish lover or he didn’t know what
he was doing
when he got down there. I can’t express this
enough, PLEASE take the time to learn what
YOUR lover
likes in the bedroom. This goes for men and
women. The moves that made your ex hus-
scream to the rooftop may barely get a moan
from your current lover. And as I stated in
Chapter Two,
if your partner outright refuses to try and
make the necessary changes to improve your
sex life you
might want to consider counseling if you are
married or moving on if you are not.
Chapter Four – Become A Dick
Sucking Diva
5. Don’t Fake it!: If you really
don’t want to give your man a blow
job it WILL SHOW! One of the
biggest complains that most men have when
it comes to receiving oral sex is that fact that
his lady in
not into it. Imagine a guy going down on you
and he squirmed the entire time he was
down there. What
if he made facial express that showed he
didn’t like what he tasted or smelled; or if he
acted like the
whole act of licking the kitty completely
grossed him out? This would not leave you
feeling very
desirable. And I have news for you ladies;
don’t think that just because you are doing a
lousy job that he
will stop wanting oral sex. He may have got-
ten to the point to where he doesn’t ask YOU
for it, but that
doesn’t mean he still doesn’t crave it. Men
are no different than women in this area, in
the fact they
want to feel wanted and desired just like you
6.Get Me Bodied!: Rub his dick
on your body. Nothing turns a man
on more than feeling a nice pair of
tits wrapped around his boner. If your guy is
into titty fucking you can lie on your back
and give him
both the pleasure of sucking him off while he
slides his penis between your breast. If he’s
into feet you
could start by teasing him with your toes
stroking his shaft. You can also assume the
girl on top
position and use tip of his dick to caress the
insides of your thighs, finally letting it touch
Miss Kitty.
DO NOT let it slide in! You only want him to
feel how warm and wet you are for him,then
it’s back to
giving head. The whole idea is to tease and