Stormy Glenn Taming a Betas Heart

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Scent of a Mate 5

Taming a Beta’s Heart

Kumiko Hara was a man others feared, a man who spent his life
protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves. When he meets

Trevor Marshall and learns of the horrors the man had been
subjected to his entire life, Kumiko decides to do everything in his
power to make sure the gorgeous man is safe. Discovering that

the man is his mate just makes it all that much easier.

Trevor Marshall spent the majority of his life tucked away from

everyone. He has no concept of social interactions or even how to
act around other shifters. He simply knows that he must follow his

alpha’s words or be punished. When he finds himself mated to a
man that insists his alpha isn’t the true alpha, Trevor doesn’t know

if he can trust his instincts.

Placed in an impossible situation, Trevor has to decide who he
trusts—his father or the stranger that makes him burn with desire.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal,
Length: 28,077 words

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Scent of a Mate 5

Stormy Glenn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Glenn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-991-8

First E-book Publication: June 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Scent of a Mate 5


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Kumiko Hara walked out of the dining room and joined up with

Otto Marshall when he was called for. He didn’t say a word as he
followed his alpha down the stairs to the lower level. Nothing needed
to be said. Otto gave an order, Kumiko followed it. That was the way
of things.

He knew just from the direction the large man was walking that

they were headed to the basement to interrogate their prisoner, the
man that had attacked Otto’s mate. The man was a member of their
pride. His first instinct should have been to protect Patch Mason, not
try and take his life. Kumiko was pretty sure the guy was a traitor to
their pride, working for the former alpha, Aldo Marshall. Questioning
him was kind of a forgone conclusion.

When they reached the heavy metal door that led into the

detention cells, Otto paused and gripped the edge of the doorframe.
“You know what he did,” Otto said to Kumiko. “You know what
information we need.”

Kumiko nodded. He knew. Trevor had a lot to answer for and

Kumiko would get those answers. He had seen the man briefly when
he had him escorted to the detention cells in the basement. He had
seen what he thought was fear on the man’s face, but he hadn’t gotten

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close enough to smell it, so he couldn’t be sure. But he would be
before he left that room.

He could see how difficult this situation was for Otto, a man he

respected above all others. Otto had believed in him when no one else
saw anything but a short Asian man with a bad temper. Kumiko
couldn’t think of much he wouldn’t do for the man.

“I think it’s better if I stay out here and you go in and question

Trevor.” Otto clenched his jaw. “I might kill him.”

Kumiko nodded again. “I’ll take care of it.” He would follow Otto

anywhere, do anything for him.

Otto smiled weakly as he leaned up against the wall. There was a

sense of relief about the alpha as his shoulders relaxed, some of the
tension draining away from his powerful form. “I’ll just wait right

Kumiko smiled back, but his was much more evil and malicious.

“I won’t be long.”

He didn’t know what to expect as he stepped inside the detention

cell. It certainly wasn’t the frightened fragile-looking man huddled in
the corner. The man was shaking so hard he looked like he was in
danger of completely shaking apart all together.

Kumiko dismissed the feelings of sympathy that welled up when

he saw the tears shimmering in Trevor’s coffee-brown eyes. This man
had attacked his alpha’s mate. He deserved whatever punishment he
had coming, even if he did look like a stiff wind would blow him

Kumiko squared his shoulders, refusing to allow the small

shudder that rocked through the skinny man affect him. “My name is
Kumiko Hara.” His voice hardened ruthlessly. “Do you—”

Kumiko froze.
There was a heady scent floating on the air that curled around him

and sank into his soul. With one whiff, Kumiko’s cock grew so hard it
throbbed in pure agony. For a brief moment, his mind blanked, the

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only thought in his head was finding that alluring scent and fucking it
until he passed out.

Kumiko shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He was here to

interrogate a prisoner, not lust after…what exactly was it that he was
lusting after? Kumiko lifted his nose into the air and sniffed again.
His cock jerked, leaking, needing.

His gaze snapped to the little man in the corner. Trevor sat curled

up on the cot, his knees drawn up to his chest. His unruly black hair
hung down over his face, obscuring his eyes, but Kumiko could still
feel the man watching him. His skin prickled as if he was being
assessed. For what, Kumiko didn’t know.

He stepped closer, his head tilting inquisitively when the man

whimpered and pulled his legs closer to his chest, his head dipping
down as if he was trying to make himself a smaller target. It dawned
on Kumiko almost like a sledgehammer upside his head that Trevor
was terrified of him. But not just him, everyone and anyone.

Trevor was just simply terrified.
And considering the sweet smell wrapping around Kumiko’s

senses and sinking into his very soul, that wasn’t a good thing.
Kumiko was pretty damn sure he had just found his mate.

Kumiko sighed at the tenseness bunching between his shoulder

blades. He rubbed the muscles at the back of his neck then walked
over and grabbed the only chair in the room. He flipped it around so
that he could straddle it and settle his arms over the back of it, resting
his chin on his folded arms.

“Trevor, look at me.” His voice was stern, mostly because he

wasn’t sure how to make it not be stern. That was just who he was. He
didn’t even talk to his brothers in a more soothing voice. He was
pretty sure a stern tone of voice was part of his genetic makeup.
“Now, Trevor.”

Trevor’s head lifted, and coffee-brown eyes peered at him through

pitch-black curls. Kumiko winced at the fear and apprehension so
apparent in Trevor’s eyes. No one should ever be that scared, not even

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someone being interrogated. It was almost as if the man was begging
for death with his eyes just so the fear could end.

“Do you know who I am?” It was a silly question since he had

already introduced himself.

Trevor’s long bangs flopped over his forehead when he nodded.

Kumiko swore one of the first things he was going to do was get
Trevor a haircut…but not too short. He still wanted to have enough
hair to grab onto as he fucked those lush lips. Trevor looked like he
had gotten stung by an entire hive of bumble bees. He had the poutiest
lips Kumiko had ever seen. They begged to be wrapped around a
cock—his cock.

Kumiko growled ferociously as he thought about those luscious

lips being wrapped around any cock except his. Trevor let out a small
whimper that sounded like a wounded animal and leapt off the cot,
scurrying to the other side of the room. He dropped down into a
crouch and covered his head with his arms.

Kumiko knew he had hit the nail on the head with his earlier

thought. Trevor was a wounded animal. Something traumatic had
happened to this sad little man, and it had turned him into a skittish
creature that Kumiko knew needed a gentle hand.

With that thought in mind, and because Trevor was his mate and

his mate was the only person on earth that he would change for,
Kumiko lowered his voice when he spoke to Trevor next, using the
most soothing, yet stern, voice he had.

“Trevor, come back over and sit down on the bed. The floor is too

cold for you. You don’t even have any shoes on.” Kumiko stood,
swinging his leg over the chair before walking over to stand just
inches from Trevor. He held out his hand. “Come, koibito.”

“Trevor,” the man whispered as he tilted his head back and looked

up at Kumiko with big liquid eyes. “My name is Trevor.”

“I know.”
Trevor’s slender hands unconsciously twisted together before

reaching out and taking Kumiko’s hand. The moment their skin

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touched, Kumiko knew that they belonged together. His skin tingled,
sending his heart rate soaring.

He heard Trevor inhale sharply as he swung the slim man into his

arms, pushing him up against the wall, pinning him there. Kumiko
moved in close, breathing in deeply as he brushed his nose along the
underside of Trevor’s jaw.

“You smell good, koibito.” He gave Trevor’s body a raking gaze.

“You smell like mine.”

Trevor’s voice was fragile and shaking when he replied, “My

name is Trevor.”

Koibito means lover, partner. It means mate.” Kumiko fisted his

hands in Trevor’s midnight-black curls, pulling the taller man’s head
back until he could see Trevor’s throat move as he swallowed. “It
means you belong to me now.”

Kumiko let his fangs drop and sank them into Trevor’s throat.

Hot, tangy blood flooded his mouth. Trevor’s loud cry echoed in his
ears. When Trevor’s body bucked against him, Kumiko reached down
and pressed his hand over the nice bulge in his pants, squeezing until
Trevor shuddered and slumped. A moment later, a growing wet spot
appeared on the front of Trevor’s jeans.

Kumiko swallowed down the blood he needed to take to ensure

that the mating process between them had started, then withdrew his
fangs, licking the bite mark until no more blood swelled to the
surface. He wanted Trevor marked for all to see. He just didn’t want
him hurt.

Kumiko dropped to his knees and yanked Trevor’s pants to his

ankles. The sight of the man’s cum-covered cock almost made
Kumiko come himself. It was a beautiful sight, all dripping and wet.
Trevor’s cock was just large enough that Kumiko knew he was going
to thoroughly enjoy feeling it pound into his ass when the time came.

Now was not that time.
Now, he needed to claim his mate and insure that the mating

process continued. He was going to tie Trevor to him until there was

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no question that they belonged together. Trevor was the one thing in
this world that belonged to him, and Kumiko would die fighting
before he gave the gorgeous little man up.

Kumiko leaned forward and licked a few drops of cum off of

Trevor’s spent cock. He smiled when he felt the man’s fading erection
jerk against his tongue and start to come back to life. The little catch
in Trevor’s breathing told him that his mate enjoyed having someone
suck on his cock. Kumiko hoped the man felt the same when he felt
Kumiko’s cock in his ass because that’s where it was going to be in
the next ten minutes.

Kumiko pushed Trevor’s shoes off then slid his pants the rest of

the way down his legs and off his feet, tossing them behind him. He
scooped some of the cum off of Trevor’s groin, sliding his fingers
back behind the man’s wet balls. Kumiko’s finger slid into Trevor’s
ass just as he let the man’s cock slid into his mouth. The dual
sensations were either really good or really unexpected.

Trevor keened and went up on his tiptoes. His fingers curled in

Kumiko’s hair. “Please, please, please,” Trevor squeaked even as his
hips thrust forward, driving his cock further into Kumiko’s mouth. “I
can’t. It’s not…Oh god, this…You…Oh! Oh!”

Trevor’s hips started moving more and more, thrusting,

withdrawing, thrusting some more. Trevor didn’t seem to know
whether to push forward and drive his cock deeper into Kumiko’s
mouth, or push back against the fingers invading his ass.

The muscles that clamped down on Kumiko’s fingers when he

added another one almost broke his concentration. He could just
imagine them clamping down on his cock as he pounded into Trevor.
His cocked ached and pressed against his zipper as if in full
agreement with that fantasy.

Kumiko scooped up more of the cum and slid three fingers past

the ring of muscles at Trevor’s tight opening. By the time he could
easily push them in and out, his cock was so hard and so engorged, he
wondered if he should use another finger.

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“Please,” Trevor cried out. “I need…I need…”
Kumiko knew what Trevor needed. He pulled his fingers free and

after pulling his shirt off, used it to wipe his fingers. He stood and
stepped back, watching his mate watch him as he stripped his
remaining clothes off.

Hunger and confusion were at odds in Trevor’s coffee-brown eyes

as if the man wasn’t sure exactly what to feel or even if he should feel
anything. Kumiko could take care of that. His dominant personality
was the perfect foil for Trevor’s more docile manner.

He knew just what to do.
Kumiko dropped his clothes on the floor. Trevor backed up as

Kumiko stalked him across the floor. When the bed hit the back of his
legs, Trevor sat down heavily. Kumiko grinned and followed him
down, crawling up Trevor’s body until the man fell back onto the

His grabbed Trevor’s jaw with his hand and turned his face up to

his, capturing his lips in a long powerful kiss, licking and nibbling
until Trevor opened his mouth. Kumiko pushed his tongue into
Trevor’s mouth, conquering. Claiming. He explored every inch of
Trevor’s mouth, aroused by the sweet taste of him.

He lifted his head and watched Trevor’s coffee-brown eyes as he

pushed Trevor’s legs up and apart, baring his tight puckered hole. “So
perfect,” he whispered as he brushed his fingers over the quivering
entrance, gently pressing them in to make sure Trevor was ready for
him. Kumiko’s eyes nearly crossed when his fingers slid right in.
“Damn, baby.”

He pulled his finger out and grabbed his cock, pressing the head

of his cock against Trevor’s glistening entrance. He wiped as much of
the remaining cum on his dick as he could manage and then slowly
pushed forward until the head of his cock popped past the first ring of

“Trevor,” he moaned as he stilled to allow his mate to grow

accustomed to him. His head fell back as exquisite pleasure grabbed a

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hold of him, digging in deep. Explosive currents of desire rushed
through him, quickening his pulse.

Unable to hold still another moment, Kumiko started moving,

slowly, pushing in inch by inch until he felt his balls brush up against
Trevor’s rounded ass.

As Kumiko pulled out and then thrust back in, the hunger in

Trevor’s eyes began to become overshadowed with fear. Kumiko
could see the pulse in Trevor’s throat beating erratically. He couldn’t
help but wonder just how much experience Trevor had. The man
seemed to enjoy what Kumiko was doing and yet he was afraid of it at
the same time.

“It’s okay, koibito. Just enjoy yourself. I’ll do all of the work.”
Kumiko stretched out over the top of Trevor, keeping the man’s

eyes locked with his. He leaned on one hand while using the other to
pull Trevor’s leg up along his side. It also gave him something to hold
on to.

Trevor’s hands fluttered, coming to rest on Kumiko’s shoulder for

a moment before falling back to his chest. The heady scent of his
mate was slowly turning sour, a smell Kumiko had always associated
with fear.

Kumiko reached up and grabbed Trevor’s hands, pressing them

down onto the mattress on either side of Trevor’s head. It meant he
had to let go of Trevor’s legs, but the sour scent faded so maybe it
was what his mate needed.

Kumiko kept Trevor’s wrists pinned to the bed as he snapped his

hips forward, driving his cock deeper into Trevor’s silken grip. Sweat
trickled down the middle of his back, the heat of lust growing
between them reaching scorching levels.

He knew he would never be the same after this, and he doubted

Trevor would either. Kumiko bit his lip to stifle his outcry of delight
when Trevor pushed back against him, impaling himself on Kumiko’s

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“That’s it, koibito.” God, the man was pure perfection. Kumiko

wasn’t one to question fate, but he truly wondered how he had been
so lucky, especially when Trevor began to make small noises, keening
softly as he moved against Kumiko. It was like his body was too
small to contain the pleasure sweeping through him and he had to
move or explode.

When Trevor arched his neck, pushing his head back into the

mattress, Kumiko’s calm control shattered. He struck, sinking his
teeth far deeper into Trevor’s neck than was normal. His thrusts
became erratic, forceful. He pounded into Trevor until he thought he
might slip in and never come out. He was okay with that. Living
inside of his mate sounded like a right dandy plan to him. Maybe he
would make it his life’s goal, to fuck Trevor until they could never be
separated again.

Extracting his teeth, Kumiko once again licked the mark clean. He

lifted his head just enough to see Trevor’s face. “Come for me, sweet

When Trevor suddenly cried out, his body stiffening with his

release, Kumiko went out of his mind at the glorious sight. He roared
as his orgasm grabbed a hold of him by the balls and threw him into a
well of ecstasy. He thrust into Trevor a few more times as he filled
him with load after load of his seed. The end of his cock swelled,
locking him inside of Trevor, a place Kumiko wasn’t sure he ever
wanted to leave.

He gently licked the bite mark he had left on Trevor’s neck before

closing his eyes and resting his forehead against Trevor’s, trying to
recapture the air that had left his lungs in such a rush. He was pleased
to know that Trevor seemed to be having the same problem breathing
that he did.

Once he had sufficient air in his lungs again, he opened his eyes

and looked deep into Trevor’s beautiful coffee-brown ones. He placed
a quick kiss on his mate’s lips before speaking. “Now, you’re mine.”

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Kumiko’s fingers brushed over the bite mark on Trevor’s neck. “And
everyone will know.”

He couldn’t have been more thrilled at that prospect. He wanted

the world to know he had claimed Trevor. Kumiko frowned when
Trevor whimpered. He didn’t want his mate scared of him. He just
had to remind himself to be gentle.

“Why don’t we get dressed and we can see Otto then go get your

stuff and get you settled upstairs in my rooms.” Kumiko chuckled as
he shrugged. “Well, I guess they would be your rooms now, too.”

The amusement and contentment he had been feeling slid away

when he pulled out of Trevor and the man winced. Maybe a good
soak in the tub should be added to that list.

Kumiko rolled to the side of the bed and stood. He turned to reach

back and help Trevor up, but the man was already moving, crawling
frantically toward the end of the bed, and then off, running to the
corner where he crouched down. His eyes watched every move
Kumiko made with reproach and fear.

Kumiko wasn’t sure what had just happened, but it was obvious

that Trevor had gone from aroused to terrified in just a matter of
moments. He needed to understand why so that he could make Trevor
feel safe.

“Come to me, koibito.” Kumiko held out his hand but didn’t move

closer. Trevor needed to come to him. He probably didn’t look like a
good bet considering he was standing there with his hard dick jutting
out for his body like a homing beacon aimed at Trevor. More than
likely, he looked like a crazed sex freak.

Truthfully, Kumiko couldn’t remember how long it had been

since he had sex. Most men looked at him and saw twink. They
expected him to be a good little bottom boy.

He wasn’t.
True, he enjoyed a good hard dick up is ass just as much as the

next guy, but he had to be directing the show, even if he was the one
being fucked. That didn’t get him a whole lot of second dates.

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“I will not repeat myself, koibito.”
Trevor whimpered, fear alive in his wild eyes.
Kumiko decided to go another route. “I will never harm you,

Trevor. As your mate, it is my honor to protect you, my duty to keep
you safe, even from myself.”

Trevor slowly pushed to his feet and took a hesitant step toward


“Come, koibito.
Trevor took another step, then another, until they were almost

touching. Kumiko locked his muscles in place to stop himself from
reaching out and grabbing for the frightened man. He dug the
fingernails of his free hand into his palm, holding the other one out to

“You are my mate, Trevor, and I will not be giving you up.” He

needed to be clear about that before Trevor took his hand. Once their
skin touched again, all bets were off. “By the time we leave this room,
everyone, including you, will know that you belong to me.”

Kumiko realized too late that he was pushing a wounded animal

into a corner. Trevor’s eyes filled as he back up until he hit the wall.
He slid down to sit on the floor, big tears spilling down his pale

“I’m a good boy,” Trevor whispered as he fisted his hands in his

hair and began rocking. “I’m a good boy.”

By the fourth time Trevor had repeated his little mantra, Kumiko

saw red. He gave up trying to get Trevor to come to him and stormed
across the room to stand in front of the man. Kumiko grabbed
Trevor’s hands, peeling them out of his hair. Trevor whimpered then
started to struggle. Kumiko couldn’t quite figure out if Trevor was
straining to get away from him or if the man was trying to pull out his

In either case, Kumiko ended up pushing Trevor onto his back,

straddling him and pinning his hands over his head. “That is quite

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enough, Trevor,” Kumiko snapped, unable to keep the stern tone out
of his voice. “You will behave yourself.”

Trevor froze. He didn’t move a muscle. Kumiko wasn’t even sure

he breathed. Trevor’s wide, luminous coffee-brown eyes just stared
up at Kumiko in full-blown terror.

He might have blinked.
Something warm and calming unfurled deep within Kumiko as he

stared down into Trevor’s frightened eyes, something he only ever felt
for his brothers. But the feeling had never been this strong before, this
all-consuming. His heart swelled with an emotion he thought he had
lost long ago. It was an awakening of feelings that left him reeling.
For the first time in forever—maybe even his entire life—Kumiko
Hara didn’t know what to do.

His instincts told him to tread carefully with Trevor until he had

the man’s full trust. And right now, the man couldn’t even look him
full in the face.

“Trevor, do you know who I am?” he asked again, because he was

beginning to wonder if Trevor even knew they were mates. If he
didn’t, it might explain his fear. Mates weren’t supposed to be afraid
of each other.

“Kumiko Hara,” Trevor murmured, but his eyes said something

else. Kumiko just couldn’t place what that something was, and he
didn’t think it as mate.

“Trevor, do you know what a mate is?”
Well, that was a relief. That thought barely crossed Kumiko’s

mind before another took its place. “You know we’re mates, right?”

Trevor’s face flushed a deep rosy color as his eyes darted away.

He swallowed so hard that Kumiko felt it. “Men don’t mate other

Considering what had just occurred between them, that was kind

of a moot point. Still…

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“And where did you hear that bullshit?” Kumiko had a pretty

good idea considering Trevor was part of Otto’s original pride. The
man had probably been spoon-fed bigotry his entire life. “Trevor, we
don’t pick our mates. Fate does. And if fate said my mate is a man,
then my mate is a man.”

A chill black silence surrounded them as Trevor glanced back at

Kumiko. There were a multitude of questions and confusion in
Trevor’s eyes, but he seemed afraid to voice any of them.

Kumiko moved Trevor’s hands so that he could hold both of them

with one hand. He used his other hand to trail his fingers down to side
of Trevor’s face. “Did you like what we did a few minutes ago?” The
flush on Trevor’s face deepened before Kumiko even finished
speaking, giving him his answer without the man even saying a word.
“Did it feel good to have my cock in your tight little ass?”

“Don’t, please. I can’t—I’m not supposed to—” Trevor gulped

then proceeded to pierce Kumiko’s heart when his eyes filled with
tears. Trevor blinked rapidly as to make them go away then firmed his
jaw. “I wasn’t bad. I was a good boy. I didn’t touch.”

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Chapter Two

Trevor’s breath seemed to have solidified in his throat. He could

barely breathe. It had nothing to do with the man straddling him, and
everything to do with him at the same time.

He was mesmerized by Kumiko Hara. The man was only here

temporarily until Alpha Aldo Marshall could return, and he hated the
thought that he might never see the man again. Kumiko smelled better
than anyone Trevor had ever met, like cinnamon and sunshine. He
had the insane urge to wallow in the man’s unique masculine scent
until it covered every inch of his skin. He wouldn’t even bath.

A cold knot formed in his stomach when Kumiko growled, his

upper lip curling back. “Of course you’re a good boy, Trevor.”

But he was a good boy because he had wanted to touch and he

hadn’t, not even when Kumiko touched him.

“I didn’t touch.” Trevor shook his head fiercely. “I didn’t.” No

matter how much he had wanted to. Curling his fingers into Kumiko’s
hair as the man had sucked him off didn’t count. “I was a good boy.”

“Shh, shh, koibito.” The tense lines in Kumiko’s face relaxed

taking away some of Trevor’s fear. He liked it when Kumiko called
him koibito, even though he was pretty sure it didn’t mean lover and
mate like Kumiko said. “Who told you that men don’t mate men?”

“Alpha Aldo.”
“He was wrong.”
“No.” Trevor shook his head. “Alpha Aldo is never wrong.” Well,

to be honest, Trevor thought the alpha was wrong a lot of the time,
but he never voiced his opinion. That wasn’t allowed. And neither

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was losing faith in his alpha. Anyone that even spoke a word of
dissention against the man was severely punished.

Trevor cocked his head as another thought entered his head. “Is

this a test?” It had to be. Alpha Aldo had tested him before.
Sometimes he failed. Sometimes he passed. He prayed he passed this

“A tes—No!” Kumiko snapped as he reared back. “This is not a


Trevor’s nerves tenses immediately when Kumiko shouted. The

silence loomed between them like a heavy mist. Trevor learned early
on never to speak unless spoken to or asked a direct question. He had
a million questions, but he wouldn’t utter a single one unless told to.

The ones he had already asked didn’t count because Kumiko was

talking to him. At least, Trevor prayed they didn’t count. He had
barely recovered from the last time he had disobeyed. He wasn’t
ready to be punished again.

“Trevor, why do you think this is a test?”
That one was easy to answer, although he was surprised Kumiko

didn’t know the answer already. Although, that might be a test in
itself. “Alpha Aldo often tests me to make sure I am following the

“What are the rules you have to follow?”
Trevor took a deep breath and tried to relax. It was kind of hard to

do when Kumiko was straddling him, and the man was naked—
gloriously naked. Trevor didn’t know how much longer he could
control his body’s response to the handsome man. He had years of
experience suppressing the feelings he had for other men. He prayed
he could continue to do it until he passed whatever test Kumiko was
putting him through.

“I am to follow all the rules Alpha Aldo gives me, no questions

asked. I am not allowed to leave my house unless given permission. I
am not allowed to speak with the other members of the pride unless

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given permission. I am not allowed to shift unless given permission. I
am not allowed to—”

“Stop.” A pulse ticked in Kumiko’s jaw. “I get the picture. You’re

basically not allowed to breathe unless Aldo gives his permission.”

“I can breathe,” Trevor insisted. It was probably the one thing he

was allowed to do without permission.

Kumiko made some sort of grunting noise as he released Trevor’s

hands and stood. Trevor brought his hands down, rubbing at the
reddening skin around his wrists. Kumiko’s demeanor darkened as he
watched. When he suddenly reached down and grabbed his wrist and
pulled it to his mouth, licking at the red flesh, Trevor yelped and tried
to pull his hand back.

“No, please, I can’t—” Trevor knew it was too late when

Kumiko’s eyes fell to the cock rising up from Trevor’s groin. Trevor
whimpered. He was unable to prevent his physical response to having
the man’s tongue on his skin. It felt too much like before when
Kumiko had taken him, too much like the pleasure that had swamped
his body until he would have done almost anything to keep feeling it.

Trevor yanked and pulled until Kumiko released him. The second

he was free, he scrambled back until he was pressed against the wall,
pulling his knees up to his chest. He covered his head with his hands,
pressing his lips together as he waited for the blows to start falling.

“Trevor, koibito.” Kumiko’s voice was soft, quiet, almost a

whisper, and so unlike every other time he had heard the man speak
that it was enough to get Trevor to lower his arms and look at the
beta. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Trevor knew that everyone’s definition of hurt was different. He

had learned that by the time he was five years old. He also knew that
people often lied to get what they wanted. He had learned that by the
time he was three.

He didn’t trust the change in Kumiko. Granted, the man had been

calm for the most part, but that could change in a split second. More
than once Trevor had found himself on the ground after being hit

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when Alpha Aldo went from smiling to enraged in the blink of an eye.
The alpha had the shortest temper Trevor had ever seen.

“Trevor, I want you to believe me. As long as I am alive, no one

will ever hurt you again.”

Trevor didn’t realize Kumiko stood so close until the man sat

down next to him. When Kumiko reached for his hand, Trevor didn’t
pull away. He was curious as to where the man was going with his
words. He also liked Kumiko’s touch, as much as he knew he

“Despite what Aldo Marshall told you, fate chose you for me. Just

like he chose Patch and Sam for Otto and Kye and Neumus for
Hugh.” A small grin worked its way across Kumiko’s lips, making
him seem years younger. “Although, I think fate probably just gave
me one mate. I have the impression that you’re going to be all I can

Cold knot formed in Trevor’s stomach as he realized Kumiko was

going to continue to play his little game. He was probably waiting for
Trevor to break and give into the feelings inside of him that were
growing stronger with each passing moment so he could beat the
badness out of him.

Trevor wanted it over with. He hated the games that Alpha Aldo

and his friends and inner circle seemed to enjoy playing so much. If
he was going to be beaten to with an inch of his life, so be it, but he
wished Kumiko would just get it over with.

Just how far was Kumiko willing to go to play his game? Trevor

shored up his courage and spoke, even though he knew it was
forbidden unless given permission. Maybe that would end the game.
“So, if I’m your mate, then why haven’t you demanded that I claim

The claiming had to go both ways for it to be permanent.

Everyone knew that and yet Kumiko had been the only one to give the
mating bite. Surely that meant that Kumiko was playing with him. A

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mate would have demanded it so that the bond between them would
be formed.

“Because you’re afraid of me.”
While that sounded reasonable, Trevor was afraid of everyone.

So, that was out. “You’re a beta.” That was reason enough to be
afraid of Kumiko without having to say anything more.

“And that is just added reason why I you need to know that I

would never hurt you. It is the beta’s job to help protect the pride
from harm, even from within the pride.”

The man was clearly insane.
“As your mate, that duty to protect you is even more important. I

think until we get everything worked out around here it would be best
if you simply stayed at my side at all times unless told otherwise. I
realize that this makes me seem like your former alpha, but I am not. I
merely want to insure that you are safe.”

Trevor didn’t believe a word of it, but if that was what Kumiko

needed to tell himself to make him feel better, then whatever.

“Maybe it is time for you to claim me.”
Trevor felt like his chest would burst. He knew it. Kumiko had

just been playing games with him. Betas didn’t get claimed. No one in
the inner circle did. They needed to be able to breed with other
members of the pride to create more cubs, stronger cubs.

Even though he didn’t believe the man when he said they were

mates, a part of him had hoped it was true. He wanted to belong to
someone. He wanted someone to protect him, to not beat him and
keep others from beating him. He wanted someone to care that he was

When Kumiko stood up and stepped toward him, Trevor quickly

scooted back against the wall. Trevor was an expert at making himself
a smaller target. He kept his eyes pinned on Kumiko. The man was
being way to quiet for Trevor’s liking. Deep silence like this usually
meant someone was gearing up for a fight. And there was no doubt in
Trevor’s mind that he would lose if he tried to take Kumiko Hara on.

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The man might be short in stature, but he was built like a Mack truck,
all sinewy muscles and rough powerful exterior.

God, he was gorgeous.
He was also scary as hell.
Kumiko grabbed Trevor by the arms and lifted him up, walking

Trevor backward until he was pressed into the wall again. His gaze
was direct, searching for something. Trevor didn’t know what.

Trevor shuddered when Kumiko’s nose brushed against the

underside of his jaw. He could hear the man inhaling his scent and the
reaction from Kumiko’s body as that scent filled him. The man’s cock
thickened against his thigh, hardening like a steel pipe.

Trevor gulped.
There was a glint in Kumiko’s vivid green eyes, a predatory look

that told Trevor under no uncertain terms that he was being hunted
even if he didn’t move a muscle. The intensity of that aggressive stare
told Trevor that no matter where he ran, Kumiko would follow.

“It’s time, koibito.”
Kumiko’s hand fisted in Trevor’s hair, guiding Trevor’s face to

the crook of his neck. Trevor groaned as the rich masculine scent that
was uniquely Kumiko’s filled his nostrils, overwhelming him,
inflaming him. He trembled, the need to taste Kumiko riding him
hard, eating away at his resistance until all he could think about was
the taste of Kumiko’s hot blood flowing across his tongue.

“That’s it, koibito,” Kumiko said in a voice that seemed to come

from a long way off. “Take me in.”

Wanting to test Kumiko’s reaction, Trevor extended his fangs and

scraped them along the beta’s hot salty skin.

“God, yes!” Kumiko groaned in a low throaty voice. His hands

tightened on Trevor’s arms almost to the point of bruising. Then,
before Trevor could do more than yelp in surprise, he was lifted up
and impaled, Kumiko’s cock sliding into his ass like the man had
never left.

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“Bite me, Trevor,” Kumiko’s strained demand was uttered with

cool authority. “Claim me, mate.”

Trevor sank his fangs into Kumiko’s giving flesh. It seemed to be

the catalyst that ignited a fire deep within his groin. Each rush of hot,
rich, coppery blood that flowed into his mouth was matched by
Kumiko’s cock slamming into his ass.

When Trevor tried to withdraw his teeth, Kumiko’s hand pressed

his head back in place. “More, koibito. I want our bond to be

Trevor no more could have ignored that command than he could

quell the need inside of him to take more. He tightened his grip on
Kumiko’s shoulders, pressing his fangs deeper into the man’s skin.

“Trevor!” Kumiko shouted.
Trevor’s fangs came out of Kumiko’s skin, and his head slammed

back against the wall as hot lava shot into his ass, filling him until he
felt it leak out and dribble between his ass cheeks. The knot at the end
of Kumiko’s cock extended, latching on to Trevor’s sweet spot,
sending him into a spiral of ecstasy that pulled him down into

Trevor blinked rapidly until he could open his eyes. Since he

could feel Kumiko’s knot still attached, he knew just a moment or two
had passed. Kumiko had slid down to kneel on the floor. He held
Trevor on his lap, the man’s arms wrapped tightly around him.

Trevor was a bit apprehensive as he raised his eyes to look up at

Kumiko. As their eyes met and locked together, the world Trevor had
known mere moments ago—the world he had grown up in—faded
away, replaced by a man that stood inches shorter than him but filled
his entire consciousness. A sudden warmth swept through his entire
body, and then he could feel Kumiko, not only physically but
emotionally and mentally as well.

“See, koibito,” Kumiko whispered as his fingers ghosted over

Trevor’s cheeks. “We are mates.”

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Tears gathered in Trevor’s eyes as he realized that Kumiko had

been speaking the truth. They were mates. They were now bound
together forever, never to be apart. Their souls had merged, becoming

“I’m sorry.” Trevor was a bad bet, and he knew it. He had nothing

to offer Kumiko as a mate. He was broken and probably had been
since the moment he took his first breath. He wasn’t fit to be the mate
of a man of Kumiko’s status and position. He would only embarrass
the strong man.

“You didn’t know.”
“No.” Trevor gulped as he admitted his shame. “I’m sorry you got

stuck with me.” Kumiko didn’t deserve that.

“I’m not.” Kumiko’s broad smile lifted Trevor’s spirits until he

felt like he could float. “I think I got exactly what I wanted.”

Trevor blinked. “What?”
Kumiko chuckled. “You.”
“Me what?”
“God, you’re adorable.”
They both groaned when the knot receded. Kumiko lifted Trevor

off of his lap then stood, still holding Trevor. He carried him to the
small bathroom off to one side of the room. After setting him on the
counter, Kumiko wet a cloth and then began cleaning him. Trevor’s
face blazed when Kumiko washed between his butt cheeks and then
over his balls and cock. He dropped his head in shame when the
gentle treatment caused his cock to harden.

“I’m sorry.” Trevor pressed his lips together to keep from crying.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep from shaming Kumiko. He
couldn’t even control his body’s physical responses for more than a
few minutes.

“I’m not.” Kumiko grinned as he gave Trevor’s cock a couple of

extra strokes. “It’s good to know my mate is aroused by my touch.”

Trevor’s jaw dropped.

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“What?” Kumiko asked, but it seemed like more of a statement.

“Don’t you think mates should be attracted to each other?”

“Well, yes, but—”
Trevor almost flinched when Kumiko grabbed his chin.

“Remember what I said, Trevor. Aldo Marshall was wrong. Men can
be mates. You and I prove that.”

Trevor leaned forward to whisper, afraid someone might overhear

them. “But won’t we get in trouble?”

Kumiko’s dark eyebrows rose. “For being attracted to each


Trevor nodded.
“No, koibito. We’re mates. We’re allowed to be attracted to each

other.” Kumiko’s hands wrapped around Trevor’s length, drawing a
deep groan from him. “This right here is a good thing.”

Kumiko’s words went against everything Trevor had ever been

taught since the day he could understand concepts in the world. It
went against everything that had ever been beaten into him time and
time again. And yet, Trevor was positive that Kumiko was telling the

“I was punished if I touched myself,” Trevor said aimlessly as he

watched Kumiko run a wet washcloth over his own body, wiping
away any sign that they had been intimate. “Alpha Aldo said sex was
merely for procreation and since I would never have a mate, I could
never have sex, so I shouldn’t even think about it. I had to learn to
control the badness inside of me.”

Kumiko’s hand stilled at his collarbone. Trevor licked his dry lips

as he watched a drop of water trickledown Kumiko’s chest. He
wondered if he could get Kumiko to stand naked in a sprinkler. That
had to be hot, all that water dripping off his hard muscular body…

Trevor’s head snapped up. “Yes.”
“Why did Aldo say you weren’t going to have a mate?”

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“I’m an omega and omegas don’t get mates because we might

procreate and pass on our bad genetics and create another omega.”
Trevor swallowed his sudden bout of fear when Kumiko just stared at
him, a tic pulsing in his jaw. “I’m sorry.” Although he wasn’t quite
sure what he was sorry for. It just felt like the thing to say.

“Do you realize how wonderful it is that you’re an omega?”
Trevor’s lips twitched then spread as he started to laugh. “You’re


“I’m perfectly serious, Trevor.”
Whatever amusement Trevor had been feeling faded away just as

quickly as it had arrived at Kumiko’s stern tone of voice. His eyes
rounded as he stared at Kumiko’s clenched jaw. “I’m sorry,” he said
quickly, hoping to defuse the man’s anger.

“Trevor, you have got to stop apologizing. You have nothing to be

sorry for. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Trevor dipped his head. He was so confused. Kumiko seemed to

get angry every time he apologized, and Trevor just didn’t understand
that. Kumiko was the beta of their pride, even if the position was
temporary. He was still a member of the inner circle. His word was
still law until Alpha Aldo came back and replaced him.

Trevor inhaled sharply, all the blood draining from his face. Sheer

terror ripped through him, stealing his ability to draw any more air
into his lungs.

“Trevor?” Kumiko’s tone was hard and sharp as if he had honed

in on the apprehension in Trevor’s expression. He grabbed Trevor and
shook him until he inhaled. “What’s wrong?”

“Alpha Aldo. He’s going to make me go back to the house. He

won’t let me stay with you.”

“He doesn’t have a choice, Trevor. It’s against our laws for

anyone to interfere in a mating.”

Trevor started shaking his head in denial. “He won’t care.”

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“You don’t understand,” Trevor insisted. He was starting to get

the idea that Kumiko had never even met Aldo Marshall. No man that
had would think the alpha wouldn’t get his way in the end. He always
did. “Alpha Aldo is—”

Trevor’s gaze snapped up to the ceiling just as Kumiko’s did

when a loud noise came from upstairs, so loud that it made the floor

“Well, that can’t be good.” Kumiko tossed the washcloth on the

counter then reached for Trevor, lifting him down from the counter.
“Get dressed, koibito. We need to go see what that was.”

Trevor ran into the other room and grabbed his pants. He

grimaced at the cold feel to the front of his slacks as he pulled them
up his legs and zipped them up. At first opportunity, he needed to go
back to his house and change. Cold dry cum chafed.

Trevor barely had time to pull his shirt on before Kumiko grabbed

his wrist and yanked him out of the room. He heard yelling before
they even reached the top of the stairs.

“What in the hell is going on here? Who is out there?”
Trevor shivered at the shouted words. It wasn’t the words that

scared him. It was the voice shouting those words. It was way too
close to the sound of Alpha Aldo’s voice for his liking. It was a sound
that gave him nightmares.

“We’ve got a big problem,” a brown-haired stranger said. Trevor

vaguely remembered the man from before. He had arrived with Otto’s
mate. The man was leaning his back against the front door, trying to
keep it closed. Someone from the outside was obviously trying to get

“We might have a bigger problem than you think.” Kumiko’s

fingers were wrapped firmly around Trevor’s wrist like he had no
intention of ever letting go. Trevor was okay with that. It made him
feel safer being anchored to the powerful beta.

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“What is he doing up here?” Otto shouted as he swung around.

The anger in the alpha’s eyes frightened Trevor as nothing else had.
He half stepped behind Kumiko, wondering if he had time to escape
before he died. “He should be locked up.” Otto curled back his lip
when Trevor glanced up at him. “Or dead.”

Kumiko stiffened, standing to his full height of five feet eight.

Trevor bent his knees, trying to hide behind him. It was a cowardly
move, but Trevor never claimed to be brave, not when faced with a
pissed-off alpha.

Otto frowned. “Kumiko?”
“He’s my mate, Otto.”
Otto’s eyebrows shot up. “Trevor?” he choked out. “The same

Trevor that tried to kidnap my mate?” Otto’s hands clenched as slow-
burning rage ignited in his eyes. “The same Trevor that assaulted
Patch and tried to kill him?”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt him,” Trevor insisted in a quiet, reserved

voice as he buried his face between Kumiko’s shoulder blades. “I was
simply trying to get him away from the alpha.”

“He’s my mate!” Otto snapped.
“Not you.” Trevor swallowed as he peeked around Kumiko’s arm.

“Your father.”

The alpha’s hand clenched as he stepped forward. “And you felt

the need to punch him and knock him out to do that?”

“I didn’t knock him out,” Trevor insisted. He would never touch

Otto’s mate in that manner. Not even he was that stupid—despite
other people’s opinions.

“No, he’s right.” Patch grabbed Otto’s arm. “He’s not the man

that hit me.”

Otto turned to stare down at his mate. “He’s not?”
“No.” Patch shook his head as he waved his hand back toward

Trevor. “I’ve never seen this man before in my life.”

“Then who in the hell knocked you over the head?”
“Your father.”

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Otto’s jaw dropped. The look of surprise on the alpha’s face was

probably one Trevor would never forget. He just didn’t understand
how Otto couldn’t know his father had attacked his mate. Alpha Aldo
was insane, and he hated Patch with a hatred that rivaled even what
Trevor felt for Alpha Aldo.

“And I think he’s really pissed that he didn’t get me,” Patch said.
“Why do you say that?” Otto asked.
Sam rolled his eyes as if the answer should have been obvious to

everyone. “He’s trying to break the fucking door down!”

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Chapter Three

Kumiko kept his fingers wrapped around Trevor’s wrist as he

pulled his mate along behind him to the hidden room upstairs that
Otto had told him about. He wasn’t about to let Trevor out of his
sight, not now knowing that Aldo Marshall was back.

He knew he should be worried about the rest of the pride, but all

he could think about was alpha asshole getting his grubby hands on
Trevor. And that wasn’t going to happen, not as long as there was a
breath left in Kumiko’s body. Trevor was his now, his to protect.

He had just stepped inside the hidden room when he heard a noise

behind him. Pushing Trevor back, Kumiko put himself between his
mate and whoever was coming in. He couldn’t keep the big shit-
eating grin off his face when Sam yanked the door open and then
jumped back, shrieking like a little girl.

Sam pressed his hand against his chest. “Don’t do that!”
“Do what?” Kumiko blinked innocently then totally messed it up

by smirking. Sometimes these guys were so easy to rile.

“Do you work for Satan or something?”
“No.” Kumiko’s grin grew wider, more chilling. “Hell wouldn’t

have me. They were too afraid I’d try to take over.”

Sam turned to glare at Otto when the man started laughing. “What

are you laughing at? I’m pretty damn sure he’s a plant for the enemy
to bring us down from the inside.”

Kumiko’s amusement at Sam’s girly squeal disappeared in a

blink, replaced by a deep-seated rage that almost blurred Kumiko’s
vision. He grabbed Sam by the throat and slammed him into the wall,

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razor sharp claws extending from his fingertips, sinking into Sam’s

“Do not ever accuse me of betraying my pride or my alpha.”
Sam slowly nodded. “I’m sorry, Kumiko. I didn’t mean what I

said. I was just spouting off at the mouth because you scared me when
you jumped out of the closet.”

Kumiko fought to control his anger. His tiger was close to the

surface, wanting blood, wanting revenge for the words cast down on
him. He could practically taste it on his tongue. He had spent too
many years learning to fight, to protect his brothers, and he didn’t
know any other way. That did not make him a traitor.

Kumiko released Sam just as quickly as he had grabbed him and

walked over to grab Trevor’s hand again. “You do scream like a girl.
You might have actually confused Alpha Asshole with that scream.”

“Alpha Asshole?” Sam asked as he rubbed his throat, eyeing

Kumiko with a hint of apprehension in his eyes. But there was also a
growing respect, and that soothed Kumiko’s tiger as nothing else
could. He didn’t care much if people liked him, but he would have
respect, even if it was a respectful fear.

Kumiko shrugged. “I had to call him something, and I refuse to

believe that he is Otto’s father. No man that did what he did to his
sons deserves that title.”

His father wasn’t much better, banishing him and his brothers

because they were not the fierce-looking men his father felt they
should have been. At some point in his life, the man might learn that
size did not matter when it came to bloodshed, but it would probably
come at someone else’s expense. It was doubtful that his father would
ever come to that conclusion until it bit him in the ass—literally.

“So, can we go now, or do we all just sit around and wait for

Alpha Asshole to break in?” Sam asked.

Kumiko chuckled when Sam used the new nickname. He liked

that. He glanced at Otto. Otto glanced at Kumiko. Then both men
turned toward Sam and nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”

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Kumiko walked to one wall of the small hidden room and slid

down to sit on the floor. He yanked on Trevor’s hand, chuckling
softly when the man yelped and practically fell into him.

Trevor was taller than him by a few inches, but the slight build to

the man’s body made him seem almost delicate against Kumiko’s
more powerful build. He lifted Trevor up, which really wasn’t that
hard considering how little the man weighed, and arranged him how
he wanted between his thighs.

Something clenched deep inside Kumiko’s chest when Trevor

snuggled right in to his chest. He tucked his head beneath Kumiko’s
chin, his hand resting on Kumiko’s chest. And then he sighed and his
entire body relaxed as if he had found the safest place in the world to
be and he never wanted to be anywhere else.

In that moment, Kumiko knew he would give anything to make

sure Trevor always felt that way with him. No man or alpha or shifter
was ever going to take the sweet little man away from him. And he’d
kill anyone that tried.

Kumiko threaded his fingers through Trevor’s dark curls and

gently pet him. He purred just low enough that Trevor would hear it
and feel it in the deep rumble of Kumiko’s chest. There was
something soothing about holding Trevor in his arms, of just sitting
and cuddling the little man to him. Even stroking his fingers through
Trevor’s hair made Kumiko feel more relaxed than he had in years.

Calm washed over him, and he felt like everything was right in the

world. He couldn’t remember the last time he relaxed, or even felt
like he could loosen up. There always seemed to be danger, conflict,
some sort of threat that he had to be on constant guard against. Even
taking a few minutes to sit and cuddle someone was a foreign concept
for him.

He didn’t cuddle.
Although, from the way Trevor was snuggled against him, it was

starting to look like that might have changed. Trevor seemed so
content that Kumiko didn’t have the heart to break it to the man that

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he had never done something like this before. Of course, he would
prefer that Trevor never know that. His mate always needed to see
him in a positive light, even if that light was dingy and gray.

Kumiko glanced up when he heard Otto’s sharp inhale. His

eyebrows rose when Patch swung a leg over Otto’s legs and sat down
on his lap. The pheromones coming off the two men were so hot that
Kumiko wondered why the paint didn’t peel off the walls.

“I’ve waited long enough, Otto,” Patch said. “It’s time for you to

claim me.”

“I…you…Patch!” Otto’s coffee-brown eyes were wide and

rounded. “Now might not be the best time.”

“Now is the perfect time,” Patch replied.
Well, crap.
When Patch jerked his shirt over his head and tossed it aside,

Kumiko knew it was time for him and Trevor to make a getaway
while they still could. He lifted Trevor up in his arms and stood,
carrying his mate back toward the closet. He seriously doubted
anyone even knew he had left the room. They were too wrapped up in
Otto finally claiming his mate.

Kumiko had known Otto for several months, but he trusted the

alpha like he trusted no other. He respected Otto. Despite the
circumstances that made him the alpha of his pride, Otto was good at
it. And Kumiko was honored to be asked by the man to be his beta.

The heartache Otto had suffered at being unable to claim his mate

for so long had taken its toll on the man, darkening his soul. Kumiko
was elated that Otto was finally going to be able to claim Patch, and
hopefully his other mate Sam as well. The alpha deserved to be
happy. He deserved some sort of reward for the horrible things that
had happened to him living under Alpha Asshole’s rule of terror.

Kumiko closed the door to the secret room behind him, and

Trevor then made sure the door to the other room was locked. He
didn’t want any surprise visitors.

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Kumiko slid down the wall again but this time, instead of settling

Trevor between his legs, he pulled the man’s leg over his so that
Trevor was straddling his legs. The feeling of Trevor’s pert little ass
pressing down on his groin was almost more than he could take. He
growled and grabbed Trevor’s hips, pulling the man down as he thrust

“Oh, Trevor,” he groaned. “You feel so good against me.”
“Yeah,” Trevor panted.
His cock hardened so quickly at Trevor’s breathless response, his

head swam from lack of blood. And just that fast, Kumiko knew he
needed to be inside his mate again, and soon.

Like now.
“Take off your clothes, koibito.”
The primal side of Kumiko growled in satisfaction when Trevor

stood without hesitation and began undressing. He knew he had a
dominant personality. He always had. He liked being in charge, or at
least being directly under the man in charge. He certainly didn’t like
taking orders from anyone except his alpha. For his mate to accept his
demands without protest satisfied him in ways he couldn’t remember
ever being satisfied.

It also made him even more determined than ever to make sure

that everyone knew Trevor belonged to him. Kumiko knew he was a
lucky bastard. Trevor was like an unpolished diamond, a precious
treasure that unbelievably had not been discovered before now.

Kumiko licked his lips as he watched Trevor strip. The man’s

awkward movements were all that much sexier because Trevor wasn’t
trying to put on a show for him. He was just being him, all clumsy
fingers and flushed face.

He was absolutely adorable.
When Trevor’s last article of clothing dropped to the floor, the

man stood there in front of Kumiko, his hands covering his groin,
trying to hide the hard cock jutting out from his body. Kumiko
couldn’t have that. He grabbed Trevor by the hips and pulled until

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Trevor stumbled forward, his hands coming up to brace himself on
Kumiko’s shoulders, baring the hard cock Kumiko wanted to get his
hands—and mouth—on.

“Never be ashamed of how you feel when we’re together,

Trevor.” Kumiko watched Trevor’s eyelids flutter as he wrapped his
fingers around the man’s erection. “Remember what I said before?
Mates are supposed to be attracted to each other.”

“I know, but—” Trevor’s blush deepened, spreading until even the

tips of his ears were red. “Every time I smell you, this happens.”
Trevor waved his hand at his hard cock. “And I can’t make it go

Kumiko grinned. “You’re not supposed to make it go away,

koibito. I am.” With his words, Kumiko leaned forward and
enveloped the entire length of Trevor’s cock down his throat until the
head nudged the back of his throat.

He swallowed.
The man’s high keen of pleasure was music to Kumiko’s ears.

Trevor went up on his tiptoes, his entire body going bowstring tight.
Kumiko watched the entire scene with a sense of awe. He didn’t even
mind when Trevor’s fingers curled into his hair and tugged—mostly
because he knew he was pleasuring his mate to the point Trevor was
losing control and forgetting his worry about being aroused by his
mate. He was simply aroused.

Kumiko stroked the thick shaft as he ran his tongue up and down

the length to taste the salty crown. The musk exploded in his mouth.
The feel of Trevor’s cock slipping down his throat was indescribable.

Kumiko licked the underside of Trevor’s shaft, sucked and

moaned around the taste of pre-cum that had spilled from the tiny slit
at the tip. He took Trevor deeper, flattening his tongue as he slid the
cock to the back of his throat and then took the heated flesh down his

Kumiko eagerly licked at the erection as he moved his head back

and let Trevor’s shaft slip from his throat. He palmed Trevor’s balls

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before moving his head forward again. Pre-cum leaked down his
throat as Trevor’s legs began to quiver.

Trevor tossed his head back and cried out his release. Spurts shot

to the back of Kumiko’s throat. Trevor jerked and shuddered as
Kumiko drank him down, licking a long path up Trevor’s softening
cock before he pulled back, the softening shaft popping free. Kumiko
caught Trevor as his legs collapsed, lowering the naked man to the

Kumiko was hard, primed, and couldn’t stop himself when he

wrapped a hand around his own aching cock. He sat up, kneeling over
the top of his mate. He finally had Trevor where he wanted him, and
Kumiko planned on finishing this.

He tightened his fist around his shaft and began stroking from root

to tip. He ran his thumb over the moist head, smearing the pre-cum
around and squeezing lightly. He bit his lip as his pumped his hand to
the rhythm his hips were setting. Kumiko’s hand pumped so fast he
was afraid he would have friction burns come morning.

It didn’t take long before his balls were pulling up tight. A web of

arousal spun around him as he squeezed his shaft, his thumb caressing
over the leaking head. He growled when he felt a tingle shooting up
his spine. Kumiko roared as hot ropes of cum shot out, splattering all
over Trevor’s chest, marking his mate with his seed and his scent.
Panting heavily, he dropped to the floor.

Spanning his hand over Trevor’s back, he brought the man closer

and lowered his head, kissing his mate until his toes curled. It was
tender, full of passion, and more intimate that what they had just

Kumiko closed his eyes and buried his face in Trevor’s neck,

breathing in his mate’s scent, letting it surround him. Nothing on earth
smelled as good as Trevor, all sweet and tangy, thick. It was like an
orgasm on a whiff of air.

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“There is nothing in this world as sweet as you, koibito.” At

Trevor’s soft giggle, Kumiko lifted his head and opened his eyes,
staring down into Trevor’s amused face. “What is so funny?”

Trevor’s coffee-brown eyes danced with merriment. “Men aren’t


“I beg to differ, mate.” Kumiko licked a long line up the side of

Trevor’s face. A beautiful sound filled the air as Trevor broke out into
peals of laughter. He wiggled around like he was trying to escape but
didn’t want to get too far away. Kumiko winked at him. “You taste
very sweet.”

* * * *

Kumiko blinked when Patch pointed to him and Sam. He had

been back in the room just long enough to have a short conversation
with Otto about their situation. Patch seemed to want to add his two

“I need the two of you to sneak out of here,” Patch said. “Sam,

you know what Aldo looks like. I need you to go find out if he’s still
out there. And, Kumiko, I need you to go track Boone and his
enforcers down.”

Sam nodded and left. It wasn’t so easy for Kumiko. He chafed at

taking orders from Patch. The man might have been the alpha’s mate.
He wasn’t a warrior. But in all reality though, the man actually had a
pretty good plan. Leaving Trevor was a whole lot harder than taking
orders from someone other than his alpha, and Kumiko never thought
he’d admit that, not even to himself.

“Oh, um…” Kumiko glanced at the man standing next to him.

Worry shortened his breath. “I can’t leave Trevor alone.”

Patch glanced at Trevor. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
That just wasn’t good enough. Kumiko needed to know that there

would be someone there with Trevor’s best interests in mind,
someone that would protect Trevor until Kumiko came back.

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Patch quickly held up a hand to stop Kumiko. “I promise that I

will protect Trevor with my life.”

“Please,” Kumiko said as he remembered the anger others had felt

when they first saw Trevor. If anyone spoke a bad word to Trevor, he
was afraid the man would go back into his dark lonely hole, and
Trevor was just starting to come out of it. “Don’t—”

“He’ll be fine, Kumiko. I swear it.”
Kumiko pressed his lips together as he glanced at his mate. He

stared for a moment, then finally nodded and held out the hand
clasped in his. “Stay with Patch, Trevor. Do exactly what he says and
don’t leave his side for any reason.” He reached up to stroke the face
of his taller mate. “I’ll be back soon, koibito. I promise.”

Trevor nodded and stepped over to stand beside Patch. It took

everything in Kumiko to turn and walk out of the room. He had a job
to do, and he wouldn’t be able to do it if Trevor remained at his side.
He would be too worried something might happen to the slight man.
But having Trevor out of his sight was almost as bad.

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Chapter Four

The second Kumiko disappeared from sight, Trevor felt like his

entire world had walked away with the beta. His chest ached with a
crushing weight. He collapsed at Patch’s feet, crying silently. A large
shudder racked his thin frame when Patch’s fingers threaded through
his hair. It reminded him a little bit of Kumiko, but not enough to
make him feel better. Nothing would make him feel better until
Kumiko came back.

He leaned against Patch’s leg, but the tears stopped falling down

his cheeks. He seemed to need the stronger touch of his mate more
than he needed to breathe.

“You’ll be okay, Trevor,” Patch said softly. “Kumiko will be back

for you soon.”

Trevor prayed Patch was right. Now that he had found Kumiko,

he was terrified for the stronger man to leave his sight. In the few
hours he had known Kumiko, the man had opened up a world to
Trevor that he wanted more than anything.

Trevor jumped at the rap of knuckles on the hidden door. He

glanced over in time to see Otto open the closet door and Sam walk
in. Trevor sat up straighter, trying to see around Sam, looking for
Kumiko. When the door closed behind Sam, Trevor felt like the wind
had been dragged right out of his lungs. He sniffled and leaned into
Patch’s side again.

He couldn’t figure out why Patch was being so nice to him

considering who he was and how they had met. Trevor would have
figured Patch hated him just like everyone else seemed to. Well,
Kumiko didn’t, but Otto and Sam sure seemed to not like him.

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“We’re kind of surrounded,” Sam said. “I counted six men


“There were seven before,” Patch said. “I assume Aldo is the one


Patch rolled his eyes. “Figures.”
Trevor leaned back when Patch started pacing. Thankfully, the

man never moved more than a step away from him. Trevor felt a lot
safer with Patch than he did with Otto or Sam. Besides, Kumiko had
told him to stay by Patch’s side. That was just what he planned on
doing until Kumiko returned. They’d have to peel him away with a
crow bar.

“Otto, do you have any idea how many pride members might

support Aldo?” Sam asked.

“Not really.” There was resignation in Otto’s gesture as he shook

his head. “I haven’t had much of a chance to figure it all out yet. I
know a lot of them left when I took over, and the ones that stayed I
just can’t be sure of. If I had to put a number on it, I’d say at least
seventy-five percent of the pride would follow him to the ends of the

“Most people follow him out of fear,” Trevor said quietly. “They

just want to live their lives in peace and raise their families. Alpha
Aldo terrifies them.”

Patch turned and squatted down next to him, grabbing Trevor’s

hand with his own. “Do you know who supports him and who
doesn’t, Trevor?”

“I’m not supposed to talk about it,” Trevor whispered.
He wasn’t supposed to talk about anything that had to do with

Alpha Aldo or the inner circle. No one was. Bad things happened to
those that did. Some didn’t even live through it. Trevor glanced
between the three people staring at him. He wanted to say something,
but he didn’t want to be one of the people that got taken off by Alpha
Aldo and was never seen again.

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“Trevor,” Otto said in the calmest, gentlest voice Trevor had ever

heard him use, well, besides when he was talking to one of his mates,
“do you know who I am?”

Trevor gulped as he nodded. “Otto.”
“Do you know that Alpha Aldo was removed as alpha of this

pride because he broke a bunch of our laws? The council placed him
in prison for what he did and put me in charge as alpha.”

“But they said…” Trevor’s fear-filled eyes darted up to Sam and

then to Patch before coming back to settle on Otto. “They said you
were just the temporary alpha until Alpha Aldo returned.”

“They lied,” Otto growled.
“Trevor,” Sam said as he slowly approached, “who exactly are


Trevor frowned at Sam. “Everyone,” he replied. “The alpha, the

inner circle, even the other pride members.”

“And they told you that Otto wasn’t the true alpha?”
“Everyone said that Alpha Aldo would be back. And they were

right. He came back.” Having to hide in some hidden room was proof
of that.

“He escaped from prison, Trevor.” Sam glanced from Otto to

Trevor then back to Otto. Something poignant seemed to hang in the
air. “Trevor, is Alpha Aldo your father?”

Trevor dropped his head, his heart beating so fast with fear he was

sure everyone in the room heard it. There were so many things he was
forbidden from talking about, but that was at the very top of the list.
He wasn’t even allowed to address Alpha Aldo by anything other than
alpha. No one said anything about the fact that the alpha had several
sons he didn’t outright acknowledge. They all pretended they knew
nothing about it.

Otto gently reached out and lifted Trevor’s chin. “Trevor, is Aldo

your father?” he asked again.

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Trevor’s face was ash white, his lips trembling as he murmured,

“Yes, but no one is supposed to know. My mother told me before she
died, but she made me swear not to tell anyone.”

Otto’s eyes closed for a brief moment. A single tear rolled down

his cheek before the man’s eyes opened again. “Trevor, do you know
that Aldo is also my father?”

Trevor nodded. Of course he knew that. Everyone knew that.

There was Hugh, Boone, and Simon, and they had all grown up in the
alpha house. Otto, Sawney, Reece, and Tre had grown up in the pride,
never fully acknowledged by Alpha Aldo. Trevor had kind of grown
up on the outside of it all, looking in.

Something softened in Otto’s coffee-brown eyes that looked so

much like Trevor’s. “Do you know that having the same father means
that you and I are brothers?”

Trevor nodded again, only slowly this time.
“And you never said anything?”
Trevor shrugged. What was there to say? Otto should know that

bloodlines didn’t mean anything. Their father had proven that. The
man was sick bastard that derived some sort of pleasure out of playing
games with those he was supposed to protect.

“Trevor, can I ask you something?”
Trevor blinked at him as if just realizing someone else was in the

room with him besides Otto. Trevor nodded up at Sam, watching as
the man smiled at him and moved closer, squatting down next to Otto.

“My name is Sam. I’m Otto’s mate.”
“And mine,” Patch piped in.
Sam chuckled as he nodded. “And Patch’s mate.”
“What do you want to ask me?” Trevor asked, wishing the man

would just get to the point. He already knew who Sam was.

“When we met, you were carrying Patch somewhere. Why?” Sam


Trevor glanced at Patch and then Otto and then back to Sam,

wondering how much he could tell them without getting hit. “I heard

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them talking. They said if they killed Otto’s mate like they should
have the last time, then Otto would be easier to take out.”

Otto growled.
Trevor felt the blood drain from his face as he turned to look at

Patch. He just couldn’t look at Otto anymore. He was afraid if he did,
he would simply fall apart. “I saw what they did to you the first time.
I tried to get there before they did and warn you, but I was too late.”
Tears started dripping down Trevor’s face. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey,” Patch said as he squeezed Trevor’s hand. “You didn’t hurt

me. They did.”

“They hurt me, too.” Trevor shuddered as he whispered those

words, words that he had never spoken to anyone else in fear of his
life. “They found out I tried to warn you, and the alpha beat me so bad
I couldn’t get out of bed for a week.”

Otto growled again.
Trevor’s eyes widened as they snapped to the powerful alpha,

filling with more fear as he jumped back. His chest ached from his
heart pounding so hard.

He wanted Kumiko.
“No, no, he’s not mad at you, Trevor,” Patch said quickly as he

wrapped his arms around Trevor. “He’s upset because someone hurt

Trevor stopped shaking and started frowning. No one had ever

been upset over anything that happened to him. Many thought he
deserved it. Why should Otto be any different? “Why would he be
angry? He doesn’t even know me.”

“Because no one has the right to hurt you,” Otto snapped.
Trevor blinked rapidly. “But I broke a rule when I went to warn


“What rule?”
“I’m not allowed to leave the house.”
“You’re not allowed to leave the house?” Sam asked slowly.
Trevor nodded.

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“What house?”
“My house.” Hadn’t he said that? Trevor wondered if the people

in the room with him were playing with a full deck. They seemed a
little slow on understanding even the most basic of things, like rules
and punishment for breaking those rules. “I only get to go out when
the alpha says.”

Otto started growling again. “Well, I’m the alpha now,” Otto said.

“And I say you can leave your house whenever you want to.”

“Really?” Trevor asked on a broken breath. This was too easy. It

had to be some sort of trick. “What about my mate? Will he let me
leave the house?”

“I think you need to talk to Kumiko about that,” Sam said, “but I

am pretty sure he wouldn’t have an issue with it as long as you asked
him first or took him with you.”

“An issue with what?” Kumiko’s voice came from the doorway.

“And why is everyone hovering around Trevor?”

Trevor whimpered and scrambled to his feet. Kumiko rushed

forward, wrapping his arms around him. The relief he felt when he
saw Kumiko was overwhelming, making his entire body tremble. He
stood motionless in the middle of the room, just breathing Kumiko’s
heady scent in until his heart didn’t feel like it was going to jump out
of his chest anymore.

“Trevor was just explaining to us how his previous alpha, who

also turns out to be his father, wouldn’t allow him out of his house.”
The anger in Otto’s voice was thick, but for the first time, Trevor
didn’t think it was aimed at him. “He was worried that you wouldn’t
allow him outside either. I assured Trevor that that wasn’t the case.”

“No, of course not,” Kumiko replied as he stroked his fingers over

the side of Trevor’s face. “I would never keep Trevor confined
anywhere. I just want to be informed when he goes outside so that I
don’t worry about him. There are a lot of bad people out there, and I
don’t want anything to happen to him.”

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Shocked, Trevor leaned back so he could look down into

Kumiko’s face. Was the man serious? Could he really leave the house
any time he wanted? Trevor wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He
had spent almost his entire life behind the walls of his house. He
didn’t know if he was ready to go out into the world, at least not by

“Look,” Sam said, “we need to figure out what we’re going to do

here. Hugh and his people will be here soon, but I’m not sure it will
be soon enough. We need a plan.”

“Well, unfortunately, I located Boone and the two men he brought

with him.” Kumiko had a glint of respect in his eyes when he glanced
over at Patch. “And you were right. Alpha Asshole’s men have them.”

“That was not what I wanted to hear,” Patch said. “It’s not going

to make this any easier.”

“Make what easier?”
“Getting us the hell out of here.”
“I’m open to suggestions,” Kumiko said.
“How many men are guarding Boone and the others?” Patch


“I counted six,” Kumiko said. “But there are probably more.”
“I’d bet on it,” Sam said. “Aldo Marshall never did anything

without a whole lot of muscle behind him.”

“He likes to have people watch him,” Trevor said. “He thinks it

makes him more powerful.”

Trevor trembled a little, shocked that he was spilling secrets that

he knew would get him killed if Alpha Aldo or anyone in his inner
circle heard him. His fear of something happening to Kumiko because
he didn’t share all he knew was starting to outweigh his fear of what
Alpha Aldo could do to him.

“He rules his pride by instilling fear in those around him, and to

do that, he has to have an audience. Not every member of the pride is
around to see the things he does so he needs others to witness it and
report back about his evil deeds, making the pride afraid to defy him.”

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When everyone just stood there and stared at him, Trevor buried

his face back in Kumiko’s neck. He instantly felt better when
Kumiko’s fingers threaded through his hair. How such a simple touch
could soothe him was a wonder to Trevor. He felt it deep down in the
depths of his soul.

“He has a secret cache of supplies in a bunker about a mile west

of the main alpha house. I suspect that is probably his rendezvous
point for those in the pride that support him.”

“What?” Otto shouted. “Where?”
“It’s under Ms. Margaret’s house.”
Otto’s eyebrows shot up. “That old woman my father has been

fucking for the last thirty years?”

Trevor’s face heated as he nodded. He wasn’t sure he would have

put exactly like that, but it was the truth. Ms. Margaret lorded it over
everyone that she had been the one steady female sharing Alpha
Aldo’s bed for the last thirty years. All the other women came and

“I always kind of wondered why she was never moved into the

alpha house,” Otto said.

Trevor shrugged. “She didn’t complain when he took others to his


“Wait a minute,” Patch said. “I thought Aldo was mated to Hugh’s


“No.” Otto shook his head. “They weren’t true mates. Aldo forced

her to accept him when he took over as alpha. She was the daughter of
the former alpha and she had a pure bloodline. He thought it would
help him take over the pride if he mated with the daughter from the
former alpha’s line. Marsha actually found her true mate in the
Potter’s Creek Pride.”

Trevor blinked in surprise. “She did?”
Otto nodded. “Marsha and her mate started the Potter’s Creek

Pride. They had a son who later found his mate and now they even

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have a few grandchildren. When Hugh, Boone, and Simon arrived
there, it was a surprise to all of them.”

“But a good one?” He could hope.
Otto’s lips curved up. “Oh yeah.
“That’s good.” Trevor nodded. “I don’t remember her very well,

but I do remember that she was very nice. She used to bring me

“Would you like to go visit her when this is all over?” Kumiko

asked. “I’m sure Hugh wouldn’t mind us coming for a visit. I don’t
even have to ask for the customary five-day leave time because Hugh
is mated to my brother Kye. I’m allowed to visit whenever I want to.”

“Do you think Alpha Hugh would allow me to visit, too?” He

wasn’t taking anything for granted, not even the right to call Hugh
anything other than Alpha Hugh.

“You’re my mate, Trevor,” Kumiko answered. “Of course you

can visit.”

“After we get out of this mess, right?”
“Yeah.” Kumiko chuckled, seeming a little less tense. “We just

need to figure out how to outwit an idiot.”

“So, basically,” Otto said, “we need a plan.”
“Give me a few minutes,” Patch said as he started pacing. “I’ll

figure something out.”

Trevor prayed Patch was right. If they didn’t find a way out of

their mess, Alpha Aldo would eventually find a way in and then they
were all doomed.

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Chapter Five

Kumiko sat on the floor once again, cuddling Trevor to his chest

as the man lightly dozed. How Trevor was getting any sleep right now
was beyond him, but Kumiko was glad he was getting some sort of
rest. He had seen the paleness of Trevor’s skin, the sunken eyes, the
slight bruising that Trevor tried to hide from him. He knew Trevor
needed rest and care.

He just wished he could get his mate up to his room where he

could bath him and then tuck him into his bed. Kumiko would spend
the entire night—several nights—just sitting there watching and
making sure Trevor was safe and protected while he slept.

“Patch, stop pacing.”
Kumiko glanced over just as Patch’s head snapped up. “What?”
“Stop pacing, baby,” Otto said. “You’re going to leave marks in

the hardwood floor if you keep that up.” Otto chuckled when Patch
actually glanced down at the floor. He reached out and snaked his
hand around the back of Patch’s neck, pulling him closer until Patch’s
body was flush up against him, and then he leaned down until their
foreheads pressed together. “We need to figure this out together,
Patch. You don’t have to do it all on your own.”

“Oh.” Patch shook his head. “I’ve already figured out a plan. I’m

just not sure how to implement it.”

Kumiko stared at Patch. Why did that not make me feel better?
“Isn’t that the same thing, Patch?”
“Yes and no. We need to get the hell out of here, and the only way

to do that is to go through the men downstairs. We also need to rescue
Boone, and the only way to do that is to go through the men

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downstairs. Basically, we need to go through the men downstairs. I’m
just not sure how to accomplish that.”

The corner of Otto’s mouth tilted up. “You stay with Sam and

help him protect Trevor while Kumiko and I go downstairs and kick

Patch’s face was rather pale when he leaned back and looked up.

“There are six men downstairs, Otto.”

“Yeah.” Otto’s grin grew. “They should have brought more men.”
Kumiko jiggled Trevor to wake him and then rubbed a hand over

his face until the man’s eyelashes began to flutter and open. “Wake
up, koibito,” he whispered just low enough so that Trevor was
probably the only one that heard him. “I have to go with Otto. I need
you to stay here with Patch and Sam again. Can you do that for me?”

Trevor’s wide eyes blinked as he nodded.
“Good boy.” Kumiko wasn’t sure how he felt about the big grin

Trevor gave him at his praise. While he was more dominant and
wanted Trevor to look to him for guidance, he worried that Trevor
was going to equate his words with those of the people that had
abused him. Kumiko would cut off his hands before he raised one to
Trevor in anger.

Kumiko set Trevor on the floor next to him and then stood. He

started pulling his knives out of their hiding spots, checking each of
them. He didn’t like going into battle without always knowing exactly
where his knives were and that they were sharpened to their highest
quality. There was no point in having them if they couldn’t do that job
intended—defending his pride.

While he checked his knives and put them back in their hidden

sheaths, he listened as Otto talked to Sam and Patch. “You will keep
them safe?”

Sam nodded.
“You’re a council emissary, Sam. While I am sure that Patch and

Trevor could fight if needed, they wouldn’t win. You and I both know

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that. As a council emissary, you’ve been trained to fight. You can
help protect them.”

“I can also help you fight,” Sam insisted.
Kumiko grinned evilly when Otto shook his head. Sam and Patch

didn’t know him very well, but if they planned to stick around, they
would. “Kumiko is deadly, and just crazy enough to walk into a room
full of enemy soldiers. Hell, he’ll enjoy it. If we know that our mates
are safe, we can fight without worrying about them.”

Sam’s arms crossed, his expression growing stern. “I don’t like

being left behind, Otto.”

“I’m not leaving you behind, exactly. I’m leaving you with the

most important job.” Otto’s eyes strayed to Patch.

“Okay, I get you,” Sam replied but still shook his finger at Otto.

“But don’t expect to leave me out of all of the excitement all of the

Otto’s lips twitched. “I wouldn’t dream of it, mate.”
“See that you don’t.”
When Kumiko arched an eyebrow at the man, he nodded silently.

Kumiko knew Sam understood what he was asking when the man
walked over to stand next to Trevor. Kumiko smiled as he turned and
pulled Trevor up, drawing the sweet man into his arms.

“You be good for me, koibito. When this is all over, we’re going

to go back to our room and have a long soak in our tub together, just
the two of us.” The delight in Trevor’s eyes was something Kumiko
knew he would be taking with him as he went into battle. “Then we’ll
crawl into bed and cuddle for a week. How does that sound?”

Trevor’s eyes darted to the others in the room. When he looked

back, his face was just starting to flush in the most adorable manner.
Trevor leaned down, his mouth right next to Kumiko’s ear.
“And…and that other stuff? We can do that, too?”

Kumiko almost swallowed his tongue when he realized Trevor

was asking about sex. “Yes, koibito, we can do that, too, just as much
as you want.”

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Kumiko pulled one of his Okinawan octagonal sai out of its

hiding spot on his back and handed it to Trevor. “Keep this on you,
Trevor, and use it if you need to.” He pressed a chaste kiss to Trevor’s
forehead. “Be good, Trevor. I’ll be back for you soon.”

“I’ll be good.”
Kumiko held Trevor to him for a moment more then released him

into Sam’s care, turning and walking away before he could change his
mind. He knew this was the safest place for his mate, but he felt like
he would never see Trevor again.

Finding Trevor had been a dream come true from the moment

they met. Kumiko seriously doubted that the man understood how
much of a treasure he was. Even knowing him for such a small
amount of time, Kumiko knew he would gladly give his life for

And he would destroy anyone that threatened him.
Otto nodded at Kumiko once the door was closed safely behind

them. He stood back and watched Otto strip off his clothes and then
shift, his bones crackling and muscles stretching as he took on his lion

Once he was shifted, Otto padded after Kumiko as they snuck

down the hallway to the landing above the entry way. The men that
Aldo had left in charge of the place were just as lazy now as they had
been when they were a part of the pride. Instead of watching and
being prepared for anything, they sat around lounging in the morning
sun. They didn’t even have anyone on guard duty.

It was almost a shame to attack them.
Kumiko snuck down the stairs and got into position crouched near

the entrance to the great room. He watched Otto leap over the railing,
roaring as loudly as he could. He started heading in the direction of
the footsteps he could hear running toward him, snarling every step of
the way. Just before he reached the entrance to the great room, Otto

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paused, waiting for the enemy to come to him—and the short Asian
man in the corner with the sharp knives.

Kumiko let the first two soldiers through the entrance knowing

Otto would handle them while he engaged the next two. The soldiers
after that were fair game for whoever got to them first.

Kumiko could hear Otto growling, snarling as he tore into the

enemy soldiers, swiping with his claws until his fur ran red with
blood. Kumiko swung his knifes, twirling them this way and that as
he cut into the soldiers fighting him. He tried to disable them at first
but eventually found that he had to kill them just to stay alive.

Kumiko pulled his knife out of the chest of one guy just in time to

see two others making a break for it toward the front door. Kumiko
jumped over the dead body on the floor and went after them. No one
was escaping on his watch.

He reached the front door at the same time Otto did. The alpha

stood there growling, curling his lips back so his rather sharp teeth
gleamed in the morning light. Kumiko smirked as he twirled his sai
around his hands like they were simply sticks instead of deadly

“You’ve been very bad boys,” Kumiko said.
One of the idiots…er… men growled and started to shift. Otto

was on him in a second, clamping his massive jaw down on the man’s
neck as he pinned him to the floor. The man had one choice—submit
or die.

“Now, that was stupid.”
Otto chuffed his agreement.
“So, tell me,” Kumiko continued, “are you going to submit to the

alpha of the Marshall Pride, or are you going to die? Two options,
your choice.” Kumiko rolled his eyes when Otto continued to clamp
his massive jaws around the man’s throat. “Otto, I think you have to
release him in order for him to talk.”

With one last snarl, Otto released the man clamped between his

teeth. The idiot came up swinging, knife in hand. Otto didn’t even

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blink an eye as he calmly bit down and ripped the man’s throat out.
He released the man’s dead body and stepped back. He swiped his
paw over his muzzle, as if disgusted by the taste of the man’s blood.

“And then there was one,” Kumiko mused as he continued to

twirled the sai in his hand. A deep, rumbling growl filled the air when
Kumiko squatted down in front of the last man alive. Otto crept
closer, curling back his upper lip in a threatening manner.

“So, I’m curious,” Kumiko said. “What could ever make you

agree to do something as stupid as attack the home of a council-
sanctioned alpha? Do you have a death wish?”

Eyes filled with hatred—and a healthy dose of fear—glared at

Kumiko before turning on Otto. “He lied to the council and stole the
pride from our true alpha. His life should be forfeit for his betrayal.”

Otto shifted in the blink of an eye. “Are you insane?” Otto’s angry

voice was tinged with disbelief. “I never wanted to be the alpha. Hugh
was supposed to be the alpha. Not me. The council placed me here
because no one else would take the job after Aldo went to prison for
his crimes.”

“He was innocent!” the man insisted.
“He attacked the alpha of another pride while he was a guest in

the man’s territory. That’s a crime punishable by death. He also
invaded the territory of another alpha without permission and
threatened his entire pride, including his mates. That is also a crime
punishable by death. He lied and kept Hugh, Boone, and Simon from
their mother for years.” Otto narrowed his eyes at the man. “And
while that is not a crime punishable by death, it should be.”

“You conspired with them,” the man spat out. “The alpha told us

all about it, how you and your friends plotted to take the pride from
him and turn it into some sort of sanctuary for abominations.”

Otto blanched and then jumped to his feet, racing to the phone by

the door. “Aldo knows about Jude, Hugh,” he said a moment later. “I
don’t know how he knows, but he knows about Jude and the
sanctuary and everything.”

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Kumiko didn’t know what Hugh told him, but Otto slumped

against the wall as he dragged his hand down his face. “Okay, we’ve
eliminated the men here and are just about to cut Boone and the others
loose. Once we get the place secured, I’ll contact you and we can plan
our next move.” Otto smiled. “Yeah, Patch is fine. I left him tucked
safely away with Sam and Trevor.”

Kumiko prayed that was still true. It was eating him up inside not

being able to have eyes on Trevor at that very moment. His stomach
was clenched in a knot so tight that he wondered if he would have a
stomach ache for the rest of his life.

“My mate Sam and Kumiko’s mate Trevor.” Otto stiffened as if

he remembered something important. “Hey, um, about Trevor, he’s a
card carrying member of the ‘sons of the rat bastard’ club.”

Kumiko’s eyebrows rose. The what?
“Yeah,” Otto continued, “and it looks like that was the nicest

thing Aldo ever did for him.” Kumiko didn’t know what Hugh said to
him, but Otto chuckled as he glanced toward him. “Not really. I think
they were made for each other. Speaking of which, I need to go check
on mine. I’ll get back to you.”

Otto hung up the phone then turned and walked back over to stand

next to Kumiko, staring down at the man on his knees. “Aldo and
some of his men attacked Hugh’s place. Stellan Mihos arrived in time
to help fight Aldo off, but my father got away.”

Kumiko’s skin prickled with apprehension as he turned to look at

him. “He will come here.” Kumiko was sure of it.

Otto sighed, like the weight of the world sat on his shoulders. “I


Kumiko reached down and grabbed the idiot by the back of his

collar, yanking him to his feet. “I’ll take this moron downstairs and
lock him up for the council then go free Boone and his men. I think
we’re going to need their help if your father shows up. You go check
on our mates.”

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He would have preferred going to check on Trevor himself, but he

knew he needed to get this asshole locked up and then go rescue
Boone and the others. They were going to need all the help they could
get when Aldo Marshall arrived to take his pride back.

Otto headed upstairs as Kumiko took the shifter downstairs. He

started to put the man in the same cell Trevor had been in when
something perverse came over him. He shoved the man in then waited
until the guy walked over and sat down on the cot.

“I have such fond memories of this room,” Kumiko said. “This is

where I claimed my mate. You remember him, don’t you? Trevor,
Aldo Marshall’s son. He’s the same guy that you all have abused for
the last twenty some odd years.” Kumiko cocked his head as he
regarded the pale-faced man. “Did you know he was an omega when
you beat him, or did you find out later?”

The man’s lips took on a pinched look like he had just bitten into

a lemon. “He is not the alpha’s son.”

“True.” Kumiko nodded. He knew exactly who the guy was

referring to. Kumiko, however, was talking about someone else.
“He’s the alpha’s brother, and Otto couldn’t be happier about that. He
grew up not being able to acknowledge his siblings. Now that he can,
they are all growing very close. But you already know that, don’t
you? That’s why you are holding Boone and the others hostage.”

The man’s jaw dropped for a mere second then quickly snapped

hut as if he was surprised that Kumiko knew that Boone and his
brothers were being held captive.

“Didn’t think we knew about that, did you?” Kumiko leaned his

shoulder against the doorframe, crossing his arms. “When Aldo told
you all of his lies, did he mention that this sanctuary you distain very
much is being set up by a Regal Elder?”

The man started for a moment then snickered. “Regal Elders are


“I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” Kumiko said. “Not only

are Regal Elders not a myth but the man Aldo tried to kill last year,

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Otto’s mate Patch? He’s the twin brother of the Regal Elder. So, what
do you think the man is going to do to you and all the others when he
gets here and discovers what you did to his brother?”

Kumiko knew he had made his point when the man’s face drained

of color. “Well, I’ll just let you think on that,” he said when the guy
didn’t say a word. He started to turn back toward the door. “I’m off to
rescue Boone and his brothers.”

“No, wait.”
Kumiko arched an eyebrow, waiting.
“If I…” The man licked his lips. “If I was to give you information,

do you think the Regal Elder would…maybe not kill me?”

Kumiko sighed as he rubbed his jaw line. “Well, I can’t promise

anything because the man is going to be pretty pissed. But I can
certainly let him know you cooperated, assuming your information is

“It is,” the man insisted. “It is.”
“Okay, I’m listening.”
“Alpha Aldo plans on attacking Hugh’s pride. That thing upstairs,

it was all a diversion.”

“We already know that. Tell me something I don’t know or I’m

out of here.”

“Alpha Aldo is planning another attack. He’s sent a unit of

shifters to Alpha Stellan Mihos’s territory. As Alpha Mihos’s territory
borders ours, Alpha Aldo has been assured by certain members of the
council that he will be allowed to add it to this territory and take it
over if he eliminates Mihos and his mates.”

Kumiko’s jaw clenched. “Okay, that I didn’t know.” And it

opened a huge-ass can of worms. It was obvious that there was a lot
more going on here than Aldo simply taking his pride back. The man
was trying to take over territory that didn’t belong to him, and he was
getting help from people on the council.

“So, you’ll tell the Regal Elder that I helped?” There was so much

desperation in the man’s voice that Kumiko almost felt sorry for him.

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And then he remembered the fear he had seen in Patch’s eyes and
knew the man deserved whatever fate had designed for him.

“I’ll tell him but I’m not sure that is going to excuse what you all

did to Patch.” Kumiko knew nothing the man said would sway him if
it had been his brother abused and tortured, almost beaten to death.
Even thinking about someone getting their hands on Kye or Yuji
made his stomach clench with dread.

“We were just following orders!”
“I’m not sure it will matter.” Kumiko couldn’t stand to be in the

man’s presence a second longer. He turned and walked out, the guy’s
pleas filling his ears until he slammed the cell door closed and headed
up the stairs.

Kumiko understood the need to follow an alpha’s orders. It was

ingrained in shifters from before birth. But he also understood that not
all alphas were meant to lead. There were some that shouldn’t be in
positions of power. Hell, there were some that shouldn’t even be

He had always had the belief that alphas and their inner circle

worked for the benefit of the pride, not the other way around. The
pride members were not there to be slaves to an egomaniac. If an
alpha’s orders went against what was best for the pride, then they
needed to be reported to the council.

Ordering someone to be tortured simply because they were mated

to an alpha’s son was an order that never should have been followed.
What those men had done to Patch they did because they were just as
sick and twisted as Aldo Marshall. They deserved whatever
punishment came their way. Kumiko didn’t have an ounce of
sympathy for any of them, especially since he strongly suspected what
had happened to Patch had also happened to his mate.

Something horrific had happened to Trevor, something more than

him just being relegated to his house for years. Kumiko was
determined to find out what it was and then he was going to make the
people responsible pay dearly for what they had done to his mate.

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If the world thought he was insane before, they were going to be

shocked when he truly lost it. No one abused his mate and lived, at
least not for long. Kumiko planned to draw the torture out. He had
been trained by the best to be a deadly killing machine. He knew how
to make someone suffer and beg for death.

And the people that had hurt Trevor would beg before he ended

their lives. Trevor was the bright spot in Kumiko’s soul, his one good
thing. Kumiko would go to hell before he allowed Trevor to be hurt

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Chapter Six

Kumiko slid through the darkness like fingers through water. He

made barely a sound, a mere whisper that was easily mistaken for a
breeze blowing through the trees. The man that stood around the
SUVs parked just off the road at the end of the driveway never even
looked his way as he crept through the woods.

He stopped at the base of one of the trees, crouching down to

make the smallest possible target. The more time he stayed hidden,
the better chance he had getting closer and being able to rescue the
three men kneeling on the ground with their hands tied behind their

There was a perverse part of him that fully enjoying knowing the

three powerful men had been taken down. When he first met them,
back right after Hugh mated Kye, they had given him a lot of crap.
They had refused to believe a short man could be as powerful as
Kumiko was.

They had quickly learned that Kumiko was probably the most

deadly of them all—and the most insane. Which so totally explained
why he was out in the woods by himself in the middle of the night
trying to rescue their dumb asses.

Kumiko counted the number of men guarding the three prisoners

and smirked He pulled his sais out and started twirling them as he
stood and ran forward, attacking the first man. The guy went down in
a puddle of blood before he even had time to realize he had been

The next two shifters went down just as easily, but by then, the

others had been alerted to Kumiko’s presence. Some shifted. Some

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pulled weapons. Kumiko twirled his sai and stepped carefully, placing
one foot over the other as he made his way around the wide circle
until he stood behind Boone, Reece, and Sawney.

A flick of his blade cut the bindings restraining the three men.

Why the enemy hadn’t kept them apart, Kumiko could only assume
was because they were stupid. Now they faced four men, not one.

“It as rather stupid of you to allow me to free my friends.”
The man directly in front of him just grinned. Kumiko had a

strong urge to wipe that grin right off his face, using one of his blades.

“There are a lot more of us than there are of you.”
Kumiko rolled his eyes. “Is that supposed to scare me?” Kumiko

twirled his blades, moving them around his body in a gesture that
almost made him look like he was dancing. “See? I’m shaking in my

The guy next to the leader of the ragtag group leaned closer to his

superior. “He’s not wearing any boots, Jenson. How could he be
shaking in them?”

“Shut up, Brent,” Jenson shouted.
Kumiko’s jaw dropped. Was the guy that damn dumb? Aldo had

to be scraping the bottom of the barrel if these were the men he was
using as his army of mindless followers. And maybe that right there
explained why he was using them. People with working brain cells
would never follow the insane alpha.

Kumiko made a motion with his hand. “Let’s get this over with. I

have a date with my mate.”

“You mated, Kumiko?” Boone asked. “Congratulations.”
“Yes, his name is Trevor.” Kumiko saw one of the men toward

the back of the group blanch then start backing up. He instantly knew
the guy trying to sneak away was the man he was going after first.

“He’s mine,” Kumiko said as he took off after the man. He swung

his blades, stabbing anyone that tried to get in the way of his
objective. He could hear shouting behind him, the death cries of those

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that had gotten too close to his weapons or were taken down by
Boone and his brothers.

By the time he got through the group of men that had been

holding Boone and his brothers hostage, the man he was after had
taken off into the woods. Kumiko glanced behind him just long
enough to insure that the others had things well in hand then turned
and took off after his prey.

Brent had a good lead on him. Kumiko couldn’t see him. He

actually had to stop and sniff the air, searching for the man’s scent. It
wasn’t exactly that he knew what the man smelled like but more that
no one else should be out in this area at this time of night.

Kumiko’s lips curled into a smile when he smelled a heavy dose

of fear coming from off to his left. He followed the scent right to a
dense thicket of bushes between two large oak trees.

“You’re going to die tonight,” Kumiko said as he twirled his

blades, knowing the man hiding in the bushes could see him even if
Kumiko couldn’t see Brent. “You are only delaying the inevitable.”

Nothing, not even a rustle of leaves. The guy was good. Kumiko

would give him that. But Kumiko wasn’t leaving until he taught Brent
the error of his ways.

“If I was to bring you before my mate, would he tell me that you

were one of the men that have abused him over the years?” Kumiko
already knew the answer, but he wanted the man to know exactly why
he was about to die.

Kumiko thought he was ready for the coming fight. He was angry

and filled with the need to exact revenge on those that had harmed his
sweet little mate. He wasn’t prepared for the man he was after to shift
and jump out of the bushes, attacking him without warning.

Sharp claws dug into his sides as he was taken down to the

ground. Being a shifter didn’t do Kumiko a damn bit of good fighting
off a full-grown lion when he was in human form. The pain was
indescribable, stealing the breath from his lungs.

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For moment, Kumiko’s ability to fight back was hindered by the

agony ripping through his body as the lion’s claws dug deeper into his
flesh. Brent’s fangs were razor sharp, dripping with saliva. Kumiko
narrowly missed having his throat ripped out by them. Bile rose in his
throat as pain radiated out through his body. He choked back a gag
and closed his eyes until his stomach no longer felt like it was trying
to rebel.

Despite his injury, Kumiko refused to submit. He had no idea

where his blades had gone to, having dropped them when the five-
hundred-pound lion attacked him. He shifted fairly quickly for his
kind, but there still wasn’t enough time to fully shift before he would
have his throat ripped out.

He was on his own, man against lion.
The lion snapped at Kumiko, razor sharp teeth trying to get to the

sensitive flesh of his neck. Kumiko used his forearm to hold the
growling shifter back. Thrusting up with his legs, he was able to
surprise the lion and reverse their positions, slamming the lion onto
the ground.

With a leg on each side of the shifter’s squirming body, Kumiko

reached down and gripped Brent’s furry head. With a sharp twist from
Kumiko’s clawed hands, Brent’s neck snapped with a sickening
crunch. A final breath escaped the lion, and it went still as the last
traces of life left his body.

Kumiko threw his head back and roared, his victorious sound

echoing throughout the forest. He had gotten the retribution he
sought, revenged the hurt his mate had suffered. Now he could go
back to his mate with his head held high. He had proven his worth as
a protector.

* * * *

A small smile spread across Trevor’s lips as he watched the easy

banter between Sam and Patch. He hoped he would have the same

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easy relationship with his own mate. God knew he didn’t have a good
relationship with anyone else anywhere. His mother had been the only
one in his life to ever love him. Life had been pretty horrible from the
day he was born, but the moment his mother died it had turned into a
nightmare. It was like the gloves had come off and Alpha Aldo
decided Trevor would be the punching bag for anyone on the pride
with a little aggression to burn off.

Trevor didn’t know if Alpha Aldo knew about the other stuff that

had happened when the man wasn’t looking, but he doubted it, simply
because of the man’s stance on same-sex relationships. Trevor just
couldn’t see Alpha Aldo condoning his inner circle using Trevor as a
punching bag and a sex toy. Beating him half to death was fine.
Touching him sexually was an altogether different matter.

Trevor had been told time and time again that his status as an

omega meant he would never have a mate. The words had pounded
into him just as Alpha Aldo’s fists had. Trevor knew them better than
he knew his own name. Sex wasn’t supposed to be a part of his life.

As brutal as the beatings had been, Trevor preferred them to the

other times he had been cornered by the alpha’s inner circle and sex
had been forced on him. The men under the alpha were almost as
cruel as Aldo Marshall was, and that man terrified Trevor more than
taking on the entire inner circle at the exact same time.

Trevor stifled a gasp when the closet door pushed open and the

one man he never wanted to see again stepped inside. He should have
known it was too easy to escape him. Alpha Aldo knew all, including
the location of the secret hiding spot.

Trevor was terrified. The second the alpha appeared, Trevor

scrambled to the corner of the room, curling his body into the smallest
possible target. He couldn’t even scream out a warning. His throat had
closed up, fear paralyzing him in his spot as he watched Alpha Aldo
slowly slink into the room and up behind Sam, hitting him over the
head with the butt of his gun.

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Sam crashed to the floor like a rock dropped from a second floor

window. Patch screamed as the alpha’s fingers tightened around his
throat until the ocelot’s face began to turn purple.

He whimpered almost silently as he waited to feel those strong

fingers wrap around his throat and squeeze until he couldn’t breathe
anymore. He knew it was coming.

When Otto walked into the room, Trevor felt a moment of relief

until he realized his mate was not with him. A new kind of fear
grabbed a hold of Trevor—fear for his mate. Why wasn’t Kumiko
with Otto? They had left together. They should have come back
together. If something had happened to Kumiko, Trevor would
welcome Alpha Aldo’s hands around his throat.

“Are you okay, Patch?” Otto asked.
“Yes,” he whispered hoarsely.
“Your brother sends his regards.” Otto’s eyes move to Alpha

Aldo. “It seems my father paid Hugh a visit before heading this way.”

Patch’s eyes widened. “Okay?”
“Everyone is fine, Patch. Stellan Mihos and a few of his men

arrived in time to fight off Aldo’s soldiers. When he saw that he was
losing the battle, my father abandoned his men and came here.”

Trevor cringed when Alpha Aldo shouted, “I was not losing the

battle!” Nothing good ever came of that man shouting.

“And what would you call it when you’re not winning?” Otto

countered. “Tell me, Aldo, what did it take for you to abandon your
men? To leave them to the mercy of the Council of Elders?”

“They were doing their duty to their alpha!” Aldo’s voice rose an

octave as he started shouting. His hand had started to tighten around
Patch’s throat. “Unlike you, they were doing what they were ordered
to do.”

“I gave up my mate because you ordered it. I sent him away.”
Trevor knew the shit was about to hit the fan when claws

extended from the ends of Otto’s fingertips. His brother was pissed.

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“You sent men after him after you promised to leave him alone if I
did what you wanted.”

“I promised not to order a hunt for him,” Aldo replied

maliciously, his eyebrow tilting as if daring Otto to argue with him. “I
never promised not to kill him.”

“Oh, that’s right,” Otto said. “I forgot what a rat bastard you were.

I didn’t read the fine print in the agreement we had.”

Trevor’s jaw dropped as he stared at Otto. The man had made an

agreement with Alpha Aldo, and expected the alpha to uphold the
agreement? Was he high?

“You never were the smartest bulb in the box. None of my little

bastards were. They all betrayed me. I had plans in place that would
have given them the strongest pride the shifter world had ever seen,
and you all fucked it away. And for what?”

Trevor knew why the alpha was so upset. He had been forced to

accompany Alpha Aldo on enough occasions to know that the man
was planning to take over every pride in the area. He had some grand
plan of ruling the world—or at least the paranormal world. He was
going to use his sons to do it.

Tears sprouted to Trevor’s eyes at the sound of Patch’s yelp as he

was jerked forward. Alpha Aldo had a particular hatred for Patch. He
would enjoy every cry of pain he dragged out of the man.

“For this? You betrayed me for this?” Aldo shouted as he shook

Patch so hard his teeth rattled. “He’s not even a real lion. He’s a
fucking ocelot.”

“He’s my ocelot!” Otto growled.
“He’s a dead ocelot.”
Alpha Aldo’s claws stared to sink into Patch’s neck, blood

dripping down the ocelot’s neck. At the very same time, Otto roared
and leapt forward.

Trevor watched it all in slow motion. He knew Otto was never

going to reach Patch in time. Alpha Aldo would rip the man’s throat
out before Otto could free him.

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For the first time in memory, Trevor’s hatred overrode his fear of

his father. Patch and Otto had been nothing but kind to him since they
learned who he was and what he had done, or not done. They didn’t
abuse him or make him feel bad. They didn’t even send him back to
the dark lonely hovel of his house. They just accepted him as
Kumiko’s mate and allowed him to stay with Kumiko. They didn’t
deserve what Alpha Aldo had planned for them.

Trevor had to do something.
Trevor didn’t realize he had already decided on a plan of action

until he stood behind Alpha Aldo and watched the sai Kumiko had
given him sink into the man’s back.

Trevor heard Patch scream as he was yanked away from the alpha

and pushed toward Sam. Before he could do more than just stare
down at the body lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, he was
yanked into Otto’s arms, his face pressed again his brother’s wide

“Is he…” Patch whispered from behind him.
“He’s dead, Patch,” Otto said.
“Did he…?” Patch whispered again and then his voice became

stronger. “Thank you, Trevor.” Trevor shuddered as the reality of
what he done started to fill him. “Do you want to go with me and find

Kumiko. His mate was never going to forgive him for this. Trevor

couldn’t control his trembling as he realized he had done the
unthinkable. He had killed not only his father but his alpha. There was
just no coming back from that.

“Should I go get Kumiko?” Patch asked.
“We’ll all go,” Otto said as he swung Trevor up into his arms and

started walking.

Kumiko came running into the room with Boone and Boone’s two

brothers, Sawney and Reece. Kumiko ran over to Otto and Trevor,
holding his arms out for his mate. The moment Otto went to hand him
over, Trevor started struggling. He wiggled and moved like his life

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depended on it. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and yet he didn’t
make a single sound.

“Ssshh, koibito.” Kumiko wrapped his arms around Trevor,

pinning his arms to his side, and then slowly sank down to the floor
with him. “I have you, Trevor. You’re safe.” As gently as he spoke,
rage rode the edge of his words. “Would someone explain to me
exactly what happened to my mate?”

“He saved my life!” Patch said quickly.
Kumiko arched an eyebrow. “He killed Aldo,” Otto added,

drawing complete silence from everyone in the room except one.

“Do you hate me?” Trevor whispered, refusing to take his face out

of Kumiko’s neck, afraid of seeing the man’s hatred after the loving
looks he had received since meeting Kumiko.

“Of course not, koibito,” Kumiko said instantly. “You saved

Patch’s life. You’re a hero.”

“But I killed my father,” he insisted.
Kumiko lifted Trevor up into his arms, cradling him close. Trevor

snuggled in, pressing his face back into the crook of Kumiko’s neck.
The scent of his mate soothed him as nothing else could have.

“You, koibito, did exactly what I told you to do, and I am very

proud of you.”

Trevor blinked rapidly as he lifted his head to look up at his mate.

“Really?” No one had ever been proud of him except his mother.
“Even though I…” Trevor couldn’t say it. Even thinking the words
made his stomach roll.

“I gave you my sai so that you could keep yourself safe, Trevor. I

wouldn’t have given it to you if I didn’t want you to use it.”

“But he was an alpha.”
“No, he wasn’t. He had been removed from his position,


Trevor tried to remember that, but after so many years of

believing that Alpha Aldo could do no wrong merely because he was

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an alpha, it was hard to accept that not only was the man wrong, but
he was no longer an alpha.

“You saved Patch’s life, Trevor. That was very commendable.

Can you imagine how sad Otto and Sam would be if Patch had died?
Or his brother, who is a Regal Elder, by the way. There are so many
people that would have been so sad if Patch had died. You saved them
from that, and I’ll bet they will be very thankful.”

“That’s why I did it,” Trevor whispered. “Patch and Otto have

been so nice to me when they didn’t have to be. I didn’t want Otto to
be sad if something happened to Patch.”

“You did good, Trevor.”
Trevor still didn’t think that let him off the hook. He knew once

the council discovered what he had done, he would be punished. That
was the way things worked. If you killed an alpha, the council killed
you. Trevor didn’t think there were a lot of acceptable excuses.

He clung a little tighter to Kumiko. If he could just get in a few

more hours of precious time with the handsome beta, Trevor wouldn’t
fight when they came for him. He would accept his punishment,
knowing he had been wanted for just a little while.

That would be enough.

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Chapter Seven

When the door opened, Kumiko glanced up from the blueprints he

had been studying with Otto. He tensed until he saw Patch walk in.
His nerves were still strung tight from the fight a few days ago. While
things had seemed to settle for the most part, Kumiko couldn’t help
but feel that the chaos wasn’t over. It just seemed like they had ended
too easily.

Alpha asshole was dead, as were most of his band of thugs. All of

the deaths had been ruled justified by the council, as the men had
been attacking Otto and his pride. Those that had survived were
waiting to be picked up by the council later today. Kumiko didn’t
much care what happened to them as long as they didn’t come back.

Currently, Kumiko was working with Otto to better improve their

defenses. They were in total agreement that their mates could never
be put in that sort of danger again. That meant security improvements
to the house and the surrounding area.

Kumiko was going to do everything within his power to ensure

that nothing like this every happened again. He was going to make the
Marshall Pride one of the strongest ever. Until he could complete his
task, he wasn’t letting his mate out of his sight.

Kumiko was worried about his mate. Trevor was jumpy. When

they were alone, just the two of them, the man couldn’t be a more
loving mate, embracing the more intimate side of their mating with a
delight that made Kumiko wonder just who the experienced one was
between the two of them.

It was only when they were around others that Trevor sank back

into the frightened little man Kumiko had first met in the detention

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cell in the basement. He jumped at every little sound, shrank back
from others, and plastered himself to Kumiko if anyone got too close.

He only ever let the people who lived in the alpha house get near

him. Other than that, he would barely acknowledge anyone else, not
even when directly addressed. He waited for Kumiko to speak for

Patch walked over and sat on the love seat next to Trevor. “Hey,

Trevor, I hear Jude is planning a backyard barbeque later today. Are
you going?”

Trevor glanced toward Kumiko.
“Do you want to go, koibito?
Trevor smiled tentatively, nodding.
Kumiko smiled and nodded. “Then we will go.” He gloried in the

sweet little smile Trevor sent him. He couldn’t help but wonder if the
omega knew just how much he had Kumiko wrapped around his little
finger. One smile and Kumiko as ready to conquer the world. One sad
tear and he was ready kill whoever caused his mate to hurt. He would
do anything for Trevor.

“Come, koibito.” Kumiko stood. “If we’re going to go to that

barbeque, you need a nap first.”

Trevor got to his feet and hurried over to take the hand Kumiko

held out to him, no argument. Kumiko loved that about Trevor. He
didn’t have to fight to be the dominant one between them. Trevor just
submitted to his every word, looking to Kumiko for protection and
care. It gave Kumiko a sense of satisfaction he hadn’t even found
being a beta.

Kumiko pulled Trevor down the hallway with him and then

upstairs to the room they shared. “We still need to head to your place
and get your stuff, bring it here to the alpha house.”

He caught Trevor by the arm when the man stumbled. He didn’t

miss the fact that every time he mentioned going to the house Trevor
had grown up in, the man went into a panic. Kumiko didn’t

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understand why, and Trevor clammed up very time it was brought up.
It was the one thing Trevor defied him over.

“Trevor, what’s wrong?” Kumiko asked as he pulled his mate to a

stop, grabbing him by his shoulders. “Don’t you want to go get your

“I do but—” Trevor’s face pressed against Kumiko’s neck, a mall

shudder shaking the man’s slim frame.

“Trevor? Talk to me, koibito.
“You…you won’t make me stay there?”
Kumiko frowned. “Is that what this is all about, Trevor?”
“I like it here,” Trevor whispered. “People are nice to me here.”
“Trevor, don’t you understand what I mean when I say I want to

go to your house and get your stuff so you can live here in the alpha
house with me?”

Trevor’s head came up. “I can live here with you?” Trevor’s voice

sounded so little, so hopeful, it broke Kumiko’s heart.

“That was the plan.” And Kumiko had assumed all of this time

that Trevor was on board with that plan. Apparently, he needed to
explain things a little better to his mate. “I thought you understood

“But the council,” Trevor said, “will they allow it?”
Kumiko’s head cocked to one side. “Trevor, I’m not sure the

council has anything to say about it. You’re my mate and mates live

“But I’m an omega,” Trevor insisted. “Omegas have to be

separated from others for the good of the pride.”

Kumiko released Trevor’s shoulders simply because he was

enraged and didn’t want to accidently hurt his mate as his claws
extended. He had never heard such a piece of crap before in his life,
but Trevor seemed to think it was gospel.

“Trevor, who told you that the pride needed to be protected from


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Trevor’s eyes dropped. The man seemed to be really interested in

the end of his thumbnail. His slim shoulders shook as he shrugged
nonchalantly like he hadn’t just made such a huge announcement.
“It’s just always been that way.”

Kumiko wanted to question the wisdom of the jackass that had

told Trevor such lies, but he already knew the guy was dumb as dirt.
Aldo, and men like him, were complete idiots. Kumiko would have
said that men like that should have been ended before they could
procreate and create more idiots, except he knew Aldo Marshall’s
sons and the joke was on him. Every one of his sons had turned out to
be a man of measure, trustworthy and honest and intelligent.

They were nothing like their father.
“No, koibito, that’s not the way it’s always been. Omegas are the

glue that holds a pride together. They make the alpha easier to talk to
and act as the go-between for the pride. They create a feeling of peace
and calm wherever they go. They help their pride when they are
feeling bad, making them happy with the simple touch of a hand.
They calm the pride and act as mediators between members. They
keep people from feeling aggression.”

The more that Kumiko spoke, the more Trevor’s eyes rounded. It

was almost as if Trevor had never been told how very special he was.
He thought that being an omega was a curse instead of the joy that it

“When a pride discovers that they have an omega in their midst,

that omega is usually the most protected of all the members of the
pride. They are special.” Kumiko tucked a strand of dark hair back
behind Trevor’s ear. “You are very special.” Kumiko wished Trevor
understood just how special he was. “You’re right up there with the
Regal Elder, Trevor.”

“Then why?” Trevor whispered. Bitterness spilled over into

Trevor’s voice. His eyes were bordered with tears. “Was it just me?
Did I do something to make them lock me away like that? Was I so
very bad?”

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Just stab me right now. Kumiko felt like the biggest heel in the

world for making Trevor doubt himself—again. “No, Trevor. You
didn’t do anything wrong. I think that this had nothing to do with you
and everything to do with Aldo Marshall.”

“I don’t understand.”
Kumiko didn’t really either, but he was starting to form an idea of

what he thought had happened. He was probably totally off base

“I think Aldo was keeping you to himself because you were an

omega. You helped keep those around him docile.”

“That doesn’t explain why he kept me prisoner in my own home”
“Remember what I said about omegas, about how special they


Trevor rubbed the back of his hand over his eyes then nodded,

giving Kumiko his full attention. “I remember.”

“The Council of Elders is supposed to keep track of omegas so

that they can make sure they are being treated right. With all of the
shit that Aldo had going on, I’m sure that he didn’t want too much
scrutiny. He probably never reported you being an omega and kept
you locked up so that no one else would find out as well. It would
give him attention he didn’t want.”

“But I remember meeting one of the elders.”
Kumiko’s eyebrows rose. “You’ve met one of the elders?”
He caught a glint of pain in Trevor’s eyes as he glanced away,

giving the smallest of nods. “So, basically you’re saying I was born in
the wrong place, wrong time?”

“Sorry, koibito, but I am.”
“Well, that sucks,” Trevor said in a low voice, taut with anger. It

was a sound not normally associated with Trevor. He just didn’t get

Kumiko couldn’t control his burst of laughter. He pulled Trevor to

him, tucking the man’s head into the crook of his neck, a place he
knew Trevor liked to be.

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“I’m sorry, koibito. I wish it was different, but it’s just not.

Sometimes parents can be just as bad as the monster under the bed.”

Trevor stilled then slowly leaned back. “There’s a monster under

the bed?”

* * * *

Trevor’s stomach knotted with each step he took closer to the

house he had grown up in. Home should be a place of solace, a safe
haven, a place where he should be healthy and happy. Trevor knew
that, and for the most part while his mother was alive, it had been. She
had stood between him and Alpha Aldo on more than one occasion.

Now, the two-bedroom structure scared the daylights out of him.

He would prefer to face the entire inner circle of any pride rather than
step foot inside his house again. And yet he couldn’t seem to stop
himself from walking right up the walkway to the front porch.

When he just stood there at the bottom of the steps, Kumiko

stopped and turned to him. “Trevor?”

“I want to go back to the house.” Trevor licked his dry lips as he

stared at the house. He hadn’t been inside since he rescued Patch.
Every instinct Trevor had was screaming at him to run now and get
away while he could. “Please. I don’t want to be here.”

Kumiko stepped down off of the porch, his eyebrows flickering

with concern. “What’s wrong, koibito? Talk to me.”

Trevor shook his head as he turned and glanced back at the house.

The pale-green faded curtains that had seen too much sunlight hung in
the windows. The white whicker chairs his mother had loved so much
sat on the front porch right in front of the large bay window. Nothing
was out of place, not even the empty flower pots by the front door. It
looked just like it had the day Trevor left, when he had some grand
plan of saving Patch since he hadn’t been able to save him the first

And yet, something was different. Something had changed.

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Maybe he had changed?
Trevor shook his head again. “Please, take me back to the house.”
Kumiko stared for a moment then wrapped an arm around

Trevor’s shoulders. Trevor leaned into his mate, feeling lips press
against his head.

“Okay, koibito, we’ll go home.”
The relief that flooded Trevor as he was turned and escorted back

down the walkway made his legs tremble so much it was hard to
walk. He couldn’t believe that Kumiko gave into his plea so easily, or
even that he gave in at all. That was not Trevor’s usual experience.

He didn’t often ask for things. Too many times the things he

wanted were used against him. He had learned to just keep his mouth
shut and go without. It was simply easier.

Kumiko seemed to be different. He seemed to really care about

what Trevor wanted. He cared about Trevor.

Trevor stopped and turned to look at his mate. He grabbed

Kumiko’s hand and brought it to his cheek, pressing a kiss into the
palm. “Thank you.”

Kumiko started to smile, but then his expression stilled and grew

serious, his head tilting as he stared at Trevor. “For what, koibito?”

“For listening to me.” Trevor swallowed hard as he glanced back

toward his house. “For not making me go in there.”

Kumiko brought his other hand up, cradling Trevor’s face.

“Trevor, there might be times when you have to do something for
safety reasons, but other than that I would never make you do
anything you don’t want to do.”

Trevor took a deep breath then adjusted a smile on his lips. “You

really don’t know how much that means to me.”

Trevor doubted he would ever be able to convey to Kumiko how

much this new life he was being offered meant. There were just no
words to adequately describe the relief and pure joy Trevor felt at
being given that freedom. Someone that had never been subjugated to

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the hell Trevor lived through most of his life would just never
understand how precious freedom actually was.

Kumiko’s lips curved, his hands pulling Trevor closer until their

lips brushed together. “I have a good idea, koibito.

Trevor jerked and spun when he heard yelling. The sight of so

many people running toward them sent a shiver of fear down his spin
that froze him in place. His heart thudded then clenched painfully
then thudded again.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you, Trevor.”
Trevor wanted to believe Kumiko, but there were a lot of men

running toward them and none of them looked happy. He glanced
over his shoulder toward his house. Maybe they could hide there?
Was there enough time to reach the two-story structure before they
were attacked? The same cold chill Trevor had felt before came back
with a vengeance. He really didn’t want to go back into his house if
he didn’t have to.

Trevor turned back around when he felt the tension leave his

mate’s body. “Kumiko?”

“It’s okay, Trevor.” Kumiko smiled as he patted Trevor’s arm.

“It’s just Otto.”

It wasn’t just Otto coming toward them, though. Trevor counted at

least five men running down the street. Old fears rattled him, seeping
deeper and deeper into him until he was consumed. He took a step
back then grabbed Kumiko’s arm and tried to pull him back as well.

They had to get to safety.
“Kumiko, please.” Trevor knew he sounded whiney, but he

couldn’t help it. Nothing good ever came from a group of men
hurrying toward him. “We need to go.”

Kumiko spun and grabbed Trevor’s face again. “Trevor, do you

trust me?”

“Yes,” Trevor answered without hesitation. Kumiko was the only

person on the face of the earth that he did trust.

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“Then trust me now.” Kumiko dropped his hands from Trevor’s

face and stepped back. “Trust me to protect you, koibito.

With tears of fear blinding his eyes and choking his voice, Trevor

nodded and took the hand Kumiko held out to him. He had to trust
Kumiko. If he couldn’t trust his mate, then what reason did he have
for breathing?

Trevor kept a tight grip on his mate’s hand as they turned and

started walking toward the men headed toward them. Otto was
shouting something, but Trevor couldn’t quite make it out. The other
men with Otto—Trevor recognized two of them as his brothers
Sawney and Simon—were shouting as well, all of them waving their
arms and pointing.

They were pointing to something behind Trevor and Kumiko.
Trevor turned. He saw a flash of something bright blue and didn’t

even think to consider his next move. Using every bit of strength he
had—which admittedly was not much—Trevor shoved Kumiko away
from him and out of the line of attack.

The body that slammed into him took him to the hard ground with

such force that every bone in his body felt like it had shattered. His
screams were silent as something sharp and painful dug into his sides.
Trevor couldn’t even draw in enough air into his lungs to breath.

He heard a loud roaring noise in his ears, so loud that he

wondered why his ears didn’t start bleeding. The body pinning him
down to the cement lifted off of Trevor just as suddenly as it had
landed on him. Trevor screamed at the sudden different in pressure on
his gut. He almost wished it was back. The pain was unbearable.

“Hold on, koibito.” Kumiko’s face suddenly appeared over the top

of him, and then the pressure was back. Strangely enough, the pain
faded until Trevor could breathe again, just not much.

He frowned as he looked up at his mate. “Do–don’t cry.” Kumiko

should never have tears in his beautiful green eyes. “Kumiko, do–

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“Ssshh, koibito, no talking.” Tears slowly found their way down

Kumiko’s cheeks when he glanced down at Trevor’s chest, and that
did not make Trevor feel any better. The man’s face was bleak with
sorrow. “Just be still, Trevor. You’ve been hurt.”

Trevor stared at Kumiko, just knowing that the man had to be

joking with him, and it was a very bad joke. “I feel fine,” Trevor aid
but he wasn’t sure that was true. He didn’t actually feel anything.

Maybe cold.
Trevor’s teeth began to chatter.
“Someone get me a blanket,” Kumiko shouted without even

looking away. What might have been a minute or even ten minutes
later, a pale-blue blanket appeared. Kumiko grabbed it and shook it
out with one hand, spreading it over Trevor. The other hand continued
to apply pressure to Trevor’s stomach. “Better, koibito?”

“No–not r–r–really.” He still felt chilled to the bone. He couldn’t

actually remember ever being this cold, and there had been some
winters he thought he might freeze to death. Alpha Aldo often liked to
turn the heat or electricity off when he was punishing someone,
especially in the middle of the winter.

“The truck is here,” someone called out. Otto moved into Trevor’s

line of sight. His smile was wobbly. “Hey, little bro, how are you

“Yeah?” Trevor saw the anxiety in Otto’s eyes before the alpha

lifted them to look at Kumiko. “Jude is here. Let’s get Trevor up to
the house and let him take a look. There might be something he can

Teas continued to stream down Kumiko’s face as he nodded. If he

was so injured, Trevor couldn’t figure out why he didn’t feel any pain
when Kumiko lifted him up and started carrying him. He did feel a
little warmer pressed up against Kumiko’s body.

That was something.

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Time seemed to pass very slowly. Trevor knew at some point that

they were in the back of a pickup truck because he heard the engine
and the sky above him swayed. When the swaying stopped, the
ceiling of the mansion appeared overhead.

“Someone needs to clean the chandelier,” he remarked as he was

carried inside.

“What?” Kumiko frowned as he stared down at him.
Trevor looked pointedly at the crystal chandelier hanging from the

middle of the foyer. “The chandelier, it needs to be cleaned. It has

Kumiko glanced up.
“Kumiko, get him to the guestroom.”
“Right.” Kumiko shook his head and started moving again.
“I’m warmer now,” Trevor said as he tried to get the pained

expression off of his mate’s face.

“Yeah?” A look of tired sadness and resignation passed over

Kumiko’s features. Kumiko seemed so upset that Trevor didn’t have
the heart to tell him he couldn’t feel anything—at all. “That’s good.”

Yeah. Good.

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Chapter Eight

Kumiko pushed his hands through his hair until the tie holding his

braid in place came loose. He tossed the thin piece of leather on the
floor and shook his head until his hair flew around his face. He stared
out the window into the darkness as he tugged on the ends.

It had been over three hours and there was no improvement in

Trevor’s condition. Not even the powers of the Regal Elder had
helped, although the man’s healing abilities were able to stop the
bleeding caused by the attack.

Still, Trevor had lost too much blood before Jude could get to

him, the damage too great for his body to heal. Even now, his ragged
attempts at breathing could be heard through the poignant silence that
hung in the air.

Trevor was still alive, but just barely. The shifter that had attacked

them had gone in for the kill, ripping gouging wounds in Trevor’s
side and back. Bones had been broken, vital organs shredded.
Trevor’s pale pink skin had been ripped apart like he was attacked by
a chainsaw.

Kumiko turned when the bedroom door opened and Otto walked

in. He watched the pained expression that darkened Otto’s face when
his eyes went to the injured man on the bed. Otto paused at the bottom
of the bed and just stared at Trevor for the longest time.

When the man finally turned, he had tears trickling down his

cheeks. That the man wasn’t afraid to show his sorrow for his brother
said a lot about him. Kumiko could read the anguish in the man’s eyes
and knew why it was there. “You didn’t fail him, Otto.”

“I did,” Otto replied. “We all did.”

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“No.” Kumiko had been wrestling with the very same guilt. If he

had been paying more attention, Trevor wouldn’t have been hurt.
Trevor had been scared. He had sensed that something was wrong. He
had begged to come back to the mansion. Kumiko had ignored the
tiny voice in his head that said something wasn’t right and chalked it
up to Trevor’s timid nature.

He had been wrong.
“We’re supposed to protect those that cannot protect themselves.”

Otto’s fists clenched as he stared at Trevor again. “You didn’t see
what I saw, Kumiko. Trevor spent his entire life inside that house and
I never even knew.”

“That’s not your fault, Otto. It’s Aldo’s. He’s the one that did


“But I should have seen something.”
“Oh, get over yourself already, alpha.” Kumiko crossed his arms.

He was tired of this shit. Aldo Marshall had caused more harm than
anyone Kumiko had ever met before in his life, even more than his
own father. And that said a lot. His father was a complete ass.

Otto’s eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me!” Kumiko snapped. “Get over your fucking self.

You are not god. You are a man, a simple man. You can’t conceive of
the horror others do because you have honor. Your problems with
Patch proved that. And if you knew what was going on with Trevor,
you damn sure wouldn’t have left him in your father’s clutches.”

Otto’s shoulders slumped. He turned and leaned back against the

nearest wall as if the fight had drained right out of him. “He’s my
brother, and he’s dying before I even got the chance to know anything
about him.”

“He’s not dying,” Kumiko insisted even though he knew he was

wrong. Trevor had passed out ages ago. Everyone knew that the
likelihood of him waking was slim to none, and yet Kumiko couldn’t
admit defeat. He wouldn’t give his mate up. “He won’t leave me.”

Otto was silent.

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“He’s an omega, you know,” Kumiko said as he turned to watch

Trevor’s chest rise and fall as his mate fought for every breath.
“That’s why your father was hiding him from everyone. He wanted to
keep Trevor all to himself.”

“That’s what the elder said before he died.”
Kumiko’s gaze snapped to Otto. “The man that attacked Trevor

was an elder?”

Otto nodded.
“Trevor mentioned having met one before with your father. I got

the impression that Aldo kept Trevor hidden, but there were a few
people that knew about him, including someone on the council.”

“That makes sense,” Otto replied. “After Trevor told us that Aldo

was planning an attack on Stellan Mihos’s pride and that one of the
elders on the council had promised him the territory if he took Stellan
and his mates out, I contacted Simon. I also had to tell him our father

“I’ll bet that was an interesting conversation.”
Otto shrugged. “I think Simon was just happy that he didn’t have

to be afraid anymore. Elder Hamilton has been keeping him pretty
safe, but there was always a chance Aldo would have found a way to
get to him.”

“Your father was such a dick.”
“I won’t argue with you there.” Otto pushed away from the wall

and walked over to sit in a chair not too far from the bed. “After I
talked to Simon and told him what was going on, he started doing a
little investigating. He learned who my father was in contact with and
came to warn us. I don’t think he realized what was going on until he
learned that Trevor had been held hostage in his house most of his

“What did he say?”
“He just knew Trevor was in danger. The elder had been seen with

your father before he attacked here, and Simon knew that the man was

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up to something when he was unaccounted for. We were coming to
warn you when we saw the man sneaking out of Trevor’s house.”

“He was waiting for us,” Kumiko said when he put the clues

together. “But why? Why go after Trevor?” Kumiko could understand
the man going after him or Otto, maybe even Patch. But Trevor?

“All omegas have to be registered with the council for their own

protection. You know that.”

Kumiko nodded. “If Trevor had been registered, none of this

would have ever happened.”

“Which is exactly why the elder attacked him. Trevor could

identify him.”

Kumiko frowned. “So?” That wasn’t reason enough to attack

someone, especially an omega.

“The elder knew the law about registering omegas and he knew

about Trevor but did nothing about it. That right there could have
gotten him removed from his position. I think he was hoping if he
eliminated Trevor, then he wouldn’t have been found out.”

“God, I wish people would leave my mate alone. There is so much

in this world that he has never experienced.” Kumiko drew in a
breath. “Do you know he’s never even had a bubble bath?”

Kumiko smiled as he looked at Trevor. “He’s the sweetest man I

have ever met. I don’t know how he turned out the way he did when
his life was such shit, but I’ll be forever grateful that he did.”

And Kumiko refused to lose that.
He swallowed hard and blinked back his tears as he walked over

and sat in the chair next to the bed. He grabbed Trevor’s frail hand,
holding it between his hands, gently rubbing his thumb over the pale

“Come back to me, koibito.” Kumiko’s voice broke as he

whispered. “I need you.” He licked his dry lips and admitted his
deepest emotions, something he didn’t share often, if ever. “I love
you, Trevor. You can’t leave me here like this.”

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Kumiko breathed in shallow, quick gasps as he dropped his head

down pressing his forehead against Trevor’s hand. “Please, koibito.
You woke me up. You can’t abandon me now.”

“Wha—” Kumiko’s head snapped up when Trevor’s hand was

ripped out of his. For the briefest of moment, Kumiko felt his muscles
tense as he readied himself to attack whoever took his mate away
from him.

And then the bed jerked and the most heart-wrenching scream he

had ever heard in his life ripped through the air. Kumiko jumped
back, his eyes widening. For a moment, he just stood there and stared
at the figure on the bed jerking and spasming. Trevor seemed to be
having some sort of seizure.

“Hold him down,” Otto shouted as he ran for the door. “I’ll get


Kumiko started to lunge toward the bed with the intention of

holding Trevor down when he saw the first tuff of fur sprout up along
Trevor’s arm. It thickened as he moved up his arm to his shoulder.

Bones cracked and stretched, mending then breaking again. His

muscles contracted and then expanded. Hair pushed its way through
Trevor’s skin until he was covered in a light layering of tan fur. His
jaw elongated, both sets of canines burst through his upper and lower
gums. His ears grew into points. A long tail grew out of his tailbone.
Fingers and toes morphed into razor sharp claws as his hands and feet
changed into paws.

Through it all, Trevor screamed like his skin was being flayed

from his body with a rusty knife. The sound tore at Kumiko’s soul,
ripping it to shreds.

The sudden silence was worse.
The biggest fucking lion Kumiko had ever seen in his life flicked

out a tongue and licked him from chin to forehead. The lion’s nose
twitched before he pinned Kumiko with a predatory expression.

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Oh shit.
“Now, Trevor, keep calm.”
Trevor made a noise that sounded like a growl. The deep

vibrations sent a shudder throughout Kumiko’s body. Vivid coffee-
brown eyes looked at Kumiko like he was prey, ready to be devoured.

The sound of someone skidding to a halt then gasping took the

lion’s attention off of Kumiko and put it on the men standing in the
doorway. The lion roared a warning, tossing his mane around.

“Is that Trevor?” Otto asked.
“Yep.” Kumiko slowly nodded, not wanting to make any quick

movements. He didn’t want to spook Trevor.

“He’s huge.”
“Yeah, so let’s not piss him off.” Kumiko didn’t like the way that

Trevor was looking at the men in the doorway. The way he licked his
lips and bared his teeth couldn’t be good. “Why don’t you all just give
us a few minutes alone, hmm?”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Kumiko?” Otto asked.
He wasn’t, but he nodded anyway. “Trevor would never hurt me.”
“If you’re sure…” Otto backed out of the room, pushing the

others behind him. He nodded once he stepped outside the room then
pulled the door closed.

The almost silent snick of the door closing seemed to relieve

Trevor more than it did Kumiko. The big lion rolled to his side, his
large head flopping down onto the mattress next to Kumiko.

He purred.
“Hey, Trevor, you look really impressive in this form, but I’d like

to see you in your human form. Can you shift for me?” Kumiko
needed to see if Trevor was okay.

And he prayed that Trevor could shift back to human form. If

staying in his lion form was the only way Kumiko could keep his
mate alive, he’d deal with it. He would shift and they could be in
animal form for the rest of their days, as long as they were together.

That was all that mattered.

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“Please, Trevor.” Kumiko reached down and dug his fingers into

Trevor’s thick rich fur. It was soft but not as soft as Trevor’s human
skin. “I need to hold you, koibito. I need to know that you’re all

Trevor rubbed his big head against Kumiko’s stomach. Kumiko

knew it was a scent thing. The lion wanted everyone to know that
Kumiko belonged to him. Kumiko didn’t protest because he would
have done the very same thing.

Still…“Trevor, please.”
Kumiko jumped back when the lion began to contort, his body

shifting and reshaping itself, fur receding as he became human once

Deep coffee-brown eyes blinked up at Kumiko as if seeing him

for the very first time. “Kumiko.”

A cry of relief broke from Kumiko’s lips. “Hey, koibito.”

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Chapter Nine

Kumiko would never admit it to anyone that he loved soaking in a

bubble bath, but he could think of very few things that he enjoyed
more. Finding out that Trevor enjoyed them just as much was almost
as good as the bubble bath itself.

He scooped up a handful of bubbles and blew them at the man

lounging at the other end of the tub. Trevor’s lyrical laughter filled the
bathroom. And that was something that was better than a bubble bath.
Kumiko couldn’t think of anything he wouldn’t do to hear such a
sweet sound come from his mate as often as possible.

“Hand me that bottle of body wash and I’ll scrub your feet.”

Trevor’s eyebrow arched as if he wasn’t sure he had heard Kumiko
right and he was waiting to be sure. Kumiko pointed. “The blue
bottle, koibito.

Trevor reached to the small shelf behind him and grabbed the blue

bottle. He stopped for a moment to look at the label then handed it
over. Kumiko smiled and grabbed a washcloth, pouring soap out onto
the terrycloth material. He watched Trevor’s eyes roll back as he
scrubbed the washcloth over the heel of his foot, gently massaging it.

“Do you like that, koibito?”
Kumiko broke into a wide, open smile at the way Trevor groaned

that one word, turning it into a sensual sound that was pure sex.
Kumiko was always in a state of arousal around Trevor, his cock
unable to decide whether to go soft all the way or harden up in

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Taming a Beta's Heart


Kumiko watched Trevor’s entire body go shoestring taut as he

rubbed his thumb between the man’s toes. Something akin to curiosity
rolled through him. Kumiko sucked Trevor’s big toe into his mouth,
swirling his tongue around it.

Trevor’s hands slapped to the edge of the tub as his entire body

arching up into the air. The longest, sexiest groan Kumiko had ever
heard in his life came out of Trevor’s mouth. Kumiko just sat there
and stared, his cock throbbing with lust, his mouth hanging open.

His mate had a foot fetish.
The moment Trevor settled back down, Kumiko sucked the man’s

toe back into his mouth. He lavished the little round digit with his
tongue, sucking and licking it as he watched his gorgeous little mate
fell apart right before his eyes. Every time Trevor arched into the air,
the head of his dick poked up through the bubbles covering the
surface of the water until Trevor froze and ropes of cum shot up out
of his cock.

It was the most glorious sight Kumiko had ever seen.
Kumiko continued to suck on Trevor’s big toe for a few more

minutes, watching as the man slumped back against the tub. Trevor’s
chest rose and fell at such a rapid pace, Kumiko almost grew worried.
Finally, Kumiko lowered Trevor’s foot, but he continued to gently rub
the arch of his foot, the top, pushing his fingers between Trevor’s

“Do you like that, koibito?” He realized he had asked that

question not more than ten minutes ago, but he had to ask again, even
if he was pretty sure he knew the answer. It showed on Trevor’s
beautifully flushed face.

“Yeah,” Trevor panted heavily, “that was…” He lifted his head to

meet Kumiko’s eyes, slowly shaking it from side to side. “I don’t
know what that was.”

Kumiko grinned. Trevor’s mere presence gave him joy. Knowing

he could bring his mate such bliss brought him a sense of peace and
satisfaction that he had never felt before.

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“That was your mate loving on you,” Kumiko said as he lowered

Trevor’s foot back into the water and grabbed the edges of the tub to
push himself up. “And I’m going to keep doing it until you’re sick of

Trevor’s breath stuttered in his throat, but delight danced in his

eyes. His happy look was tinged with a hint of disbelief. “I don’t think
I could ever get sick of you loving me.”

A knot rose in Kumiko’s throat as he stared at Trevor, something

passing between them that was more than lust, more than the passion
that seemed to consume them both. Kumiko couldn’t deny the
evidence any longer. He was falling for his mate at an alarming rate,
and he couldn’t be happier about that.

His eyes dropped to the claw marks on both sides of Trevor’s

ribcage. They had healed, but even though he was a shifter, the scars
had never faded away. They were a constant reminder of just how
close he had come to losing the most precious thing in his life.

“Good,” Kumiko said, “because I think I’m going to love you for

a very long time, maybe even forever.”

Trevor blinked rapidly. “Forever?”
Kumiko chuckled at the astonishment on Trevor’s face. “Yes,

Trevor, I suspect I am going to love you forever.”

“I know I will.”
Kumiko’s heart almost leapt right out of his chest. “Will what,


“I know I will love you forever.”
Kumiko didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Trevor had just

given him his fondest wish. The man could ask anything in the world
of him and Kumiko would do it. He would lay the world at Trevor’s
feet if his mate wanted it.

He crawled to his knees, pushing Trevor’s legs up as he moved

between them. Trevor held out his arms, and Kumiko gratefully
settled into them. Trevor’s breath mingled with the steam from the
bath water as it rose up and dampened Kumiko’s face.

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“Hey, koibito.” Trevor’s hair was wet on the ends as if he had

dipped them down into the water. Kumiko pushed it back from
Trevor’s face, smiling at the way his mate’s face flushed when their
bodies rubbed against each other. “Remember what I said, Trevor.
The desire you feel is a good thing.”

Trevor’s lips curved up as he nodded. “I remember.”
“Then don’t be embarrassed by how you feel.” Kumiko reached

down between them and grabbed Trevor’s sensitive cock. “This is a
good thing, Trevor, a very good thing.”

Kumiko pushed back until he was kneeling before his mate and

then grabbed his hand and brought it to his hard cock. He wrapped
Trevor’s fingers around him, jerking at the exquisite sensation. “I get
hard every time I’m around you. Every time I smell you or see you,
taste you. Everything about you arouses me, Trevor, everything.”

Trevor’s breathing hitched again, his fingers tightening as his eyes

dropped to watch. “Yeah?”

God, Trevor had no idea how much he was teasing Kumiko,

tantalizing him. Kumiko scooted up closer, holding on to the edge of
the tub as Trevor’s fingers stroked his length. And even with the
incredibly arousing sensations rolling through his body from the
simple touch of Trevor’s hand, the wonder on the man’s face was
even more arousing.

“Tighten your fingers, Trevor, just a little more.” Kumiko’s eyes

nearly rolled back in his head as Trevor did as he directed. There was
no way that Trevor had any clue how pleasurable his strokes were. It
took every ounce of control he had to keep from thrusting his hips
forward. “Oh yeah, just like that, koibito.”

Still, when Trevor’s hand tightened even more, Kumiko’s hips

jerked. Trevor’s eyes snapped up to him, all movement stopping. “It’s
okay, Trevor.” He smiled so that Trevor knew he spoke the truth, and
then gestured with his hand. “Roll over onto your knees and rest
against the back of the tub.”

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An adorable but confused frown moved over Trevor’s face, but he

did as Kumiko had directed. Kumiko couldn’t contain himself when
Trevor got on his knees and the man’s gorgeous little ass poked up
above the bubbles. He stroked his hands over the perfect rounded
globes, pushing them together and then pulling them apart until he
could see the pink rosette they hid.

“So perfect,” he mused absently as he slid his thumbs over the

puckered hole, groaning when the tight entrance quivered and pulsed
as if begging for Kumiko’s touch.

Kumiko reached over and grabbed the waterproof lube out of the

basket on the shelf above the tub, thankful he liked to jack off in the
tub and kept a bottle always at the ready. He poured a liberal amount
of the slick on his fingers and then dribbled even more between
Trevor’s butt cheeks before putting the bottle back on the shelf.

Trevor cried out and shot forward when Kumiko stroked his

fingers down the crack of his ass. He shot Kumiko a worried look
over his shoulder when water splashed over the edge of the tub. “I’m

Kumiko breathed in deeply and then smiled. “It’s okay, Trevor.

It’s just a little water. We’ll clean it up later.” Kumiko’s smile
widened when Trevor nodded. “Now grab the edge of the tub.”

Kumiko kept his hand on Trevor’s hip as he repeated his gesture,

stroking his fingers down between Trevor’s butt cheeks. Trevor
jerked a little but settled quickly, even pushing back and angling his
ass up. Kumiko was pretty damn sure the man had no idea he was
even doing it.

Kumiko rubbed his fingers up and down the small crease, pressing

the tips of his fingers against Trevor’s taut entrance every time he
passed over it. Eventually, the tight ring of muscles loosened enough
for him to easily slid two fingers in up to the knuckle.

Trevor’s lustful wail was music to Kumiko’s ears. He doubted

there had ever been such an arousing sound ever made, at least not
that he had heard. Well, the deep groan that came out of Trevor’s

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Taming a Beta's Heart


mouth when Kumiko started moving his fingers might have been a
close second.

“So perfect,” Kumiko crooned as he thrust his fingers in and out

of Trevor’s ass, stretching him, searching for that special little spot
that would send Trevor to the moon. Kumiko turned his fingers,
pushing three of them in.

Kumiko grinned as Trevor’s body went stiff then slammed back

against him. He noted the spot that had elicited that wonderful sound,
and the next time he pushed in, he aimed right for it. His reward was
Trevor’s loud cry as the man bucked, his body almost shaking apart.

“There you go, koibito.” Kumiko continued to push his fingers in

and out of Trevor’s ass as the man rode out his orgasm. He wanted his
mate to get every bit of pleasure he could out of the things Kumiko
did to him. Trevor deserved to experience some pleasure in his life.

Kumiko was just the man lucky enough to give it to him.
Once Trevor’s body started to slump again, Kumiko carefully

withdrew his fingers and reached for the lube again. He poured more
slick into his hand and liberally coated his cock before placing the
bottle back on the shelf.

“Are you ready for me?”
Trevor nodded, but he didn’t look like he had the energy to lift his

head. Kumiko chuckled until the head of his cock pressed against
Trevor’s opening, and then he groaned as he slowly slid into his
mate’s tight grip.

“God, Trevor.” Kumiko clamped his jaw together as he tried to

keep from driving into Trevor’s ass. Each inch that he sank into the
silken warmth ripped away just a little bit more of his control. By the
time he bottomed out and felt his balls press up against Trevor,
Kumiko was hanging on by a thread. The feeling of Trevor’s tight
heat wrapped around his hard cock was pure ecstasy.

He gripped Trevor’s hips as he began moving, thrusting harder

and faster each time. His mind a haze of passion, Kumiko hammered

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himself into Trevor. Grabbing Trevor’s legs with his hands, he
wrapped them around his waist and held them there as he rocked his
hips against him. Kumiko thrust into Trevor as deep as he could go
before pulling out until just the tip remained, then thrust forward once

He pinned Trevor beneath him and sank his teeth into the skin

between his neck and collarbone. At the same time, he began rapidly
pounding with his hips, sucking with his mouth.

“Kumiko?” Trevor cried out.
Kumiko licked the bite mark closed and leaned up to gently kiss

his mate on the nape of the neck. “It’s okay, koibito, just let it happen.
I’ve got you.”

Trevor’s hand’s clenched on the edge of the tub as he raised his

ass to meet Kumiko’s thrusts over and over again, his eyes rolled back
and his head arched.

Kumiko growled deeply again as he felt Trevor’s inner muscles

tighten around him, the silken channel clamping down on his cock.
The smell of his mate’s arousal and astonishment, knowing he had
brought pleasure to the little beauty was more than Kumiko could

With one mighty thrust he reared back and roared out Trevor’s

name as he came deep inside him. His back arched up as the knot at
the end of his cock extended to lock him into place, filling Trevor
with his seed.

He had never experienced a knot before Trevor became his mate,

but as his orgasm continued with each pulse of his cock, he was
eternally grateful for it. It was something only to be shared with one’s
mate, reinforcing his knowledge that Trevor was his.

Kumiko nestled his head in Trevor’s hair as he tried to control his

rapid breathing. Once he felt he could breathe normally again, and
strength returned to his arms, he leaned up to look at Trevor.

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“Time to get out, koibito, before you prune,” Kumiko murmured

quietly as he pulled free and gently turned Trevor in his arms. The
sleepy contented look on his mate’s face brought him almost as much
pleasure as being inside of Trevor did.

Trevor wasn’t much help when Kumiko pulled them out of the

tub, but he was able to stand there as Kumiko dried him off. His steps
were a little wobbly as Kumiko led him back to the bedroom and
tucked him up in bed before climbing in behind him.

“Sleep, koibito,” Kumiko murmured quietly as he pulled the

blankets up over the both of them. He tucked Trevor’s head under his
chin and gently stroked his back and hair. The sleepy contented look
that had been on Trevor’s face made so much sense to him.

Kumiko couldn’t think of another place in the world he would

rather be. He was content right where he was. His mate had tamed a
beta and given him forever.





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Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots

is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first
sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand

and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man
for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You
can find her website at

For all titles by Stormy Glenn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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